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Week of: May 5th-9th Monday

Lunch count, attendance, work calendar, ath war u!"

Troy Partin Tuesday

Lunch count, attendance, work calendar, ath war u!"

Lunch count, attendance, work calendar, ath war u!"

Lunch count, attendance, work calendar, ath war u!" ath war

Lunch count, attendance, work calendar, u!" #olle$e

of %daho

Rt 5: Measurement Systems Obj: Evidence Dimensional Measurement Systems Psb, Psc, Psd, and Pse RT: 8 Geometric Figures Psa Act: Rotational Model Practice 1. om!lementary and Su!!lementary Angles " lass #lo$% "Teac&er% 2. Dra$ing angle measures $it& and $it&out !rotractors"Teac&er% . Problem Solving $it& 'inding t&e missing angles !. (oogle Eart& ")ines o' symmetry 5. &tt!:**+mat&!age,com*-.MS (eometryangles,&tml ". Assess. 2# minute rotations Rt 5: Measurement Systems Obj: Evidence (eometry Psa, Psb, and Psc, Rt ": $imensiona% Measurement Act: Rotational Model Practice &. #inding Angles RT/ Psc, Psd "Teac&er% 8. #inding !erimeter and area using class'lo$ "Teac&er% Psa RT0 '. (oogle Eart& "!erimeter and area% 1#. Symmetry RT0 Psc Rt 5: Measurement Systems Obj: Evidence (eometry Psa, Psb, and Psc, Rt ": $imensiona% Measurement Act: Rotational Model Practice 1!. #inding Angles RT/ Psc, Psd "Teac&er% 15. #inding !erimeter and area using class'lo$ "Teac&er% Psa RT0 1". (oogle Eart& "!erimeter and area% 1&. Symmetry RT0 Psc Rt 5: Measurement Systems Obj: Act: Assess.


9:15 MAP Testing


11. &tt!:**+mat&!age,com*-.MS
(eometryangles,&tml 12. lassi'y 1 dimensional s&a!es RT0 Psb 1 . Problem Solving $it& Area and Perimeter or rectangle and s2uares RT/ Psa Assess. 2# minute rotations

18. &tt!:**+mat&!age,com*-.MS
(eometryangles,&tml lassi'y 1 dimensional s&a!es RT0 Psb 2#. Problem Solving $it& Area and Perimeter or rectangle and s2uares RT/ Psa Assess. 2# minute rotations ()#)** 1'. Reading DA Obj" *tudents will -uild on .oca-ulary knowled$e in wordly wise or e/tended acti.ities in readin$ Act. Wordly Wise Lesson 10 Parts, ,, 1, and # due" 1e$in discussin$ Parts +, and ) +ue Monday" Assess. Accordion Folding $ang"age RT % Objecti!e: P*a4 +e onstrate co and of the con.entions of standard )n$lish $ra ar and usa$e when writin$ or s!eakin$" Acti!it&: +iscuss !refi/es in lan$ua$e and what each !refi/ eans" 3ow does it chan$e the word eanin$5 Assessment: T6


()#)** Reading DA Obj" *tudents will -uild on .oca-ulary knowled$e in wordly wise or e/tended acti.ities in readin$ Act. Parts + and ) +ue" +iscuss Assess. TO

()#)** Reading DA Obj" *tudents will -uild on .oca-ulary knowled$e in wordly wise or e/tended acti.ities in readin$ Act. *tudents will -uild on WWL 10 +iscuss !arts ,, 1, # due Thursday Assess.TO Reading DA Obj" *tudents will -uild on .oca-ulary knowled$e in wordly wise or e/tended acti.ities in readin$ Act. #ontinue workin$ on 2onFiction te/t feature -oard $a e" +ue ne/t Thursday" Assess. Comic Strips

()#)** Reading DA Obj" *tudents will show their understandin$ of WWL 10 words" Act. *tudents will continue workin$ on their 2on-Fiction te/t features due Thursday" Assess. TO



Make Rende !o"s Cra#ts

3ealth Li-rary

Music P")"

$ang"age RT % Objecti!e: P*a4 Write o!inion !ieces on to!ics or te/ts, su!!ortin$ a !oint of .iew with reasons and infor ation"


#o !uter



10:18 - 10:55




7*ee curriculu for s!ecific details Acti!it&: Talk a-out !ersuasi.e writin$" *tudents will -e$in !ersuasi.e writin$ !iece" 1 !ara$ra!h" Assessment: T6 Lunch



Rea(ing RT ")& Objecti*e: Reading om!re&ension * story vocabulary Acti*ity: Discuss 'li! c&art over $ee3ly story vocabulary and ste!s to &el! dra$ conclusions 'rom a story, 4Paul 5unyan and babe t&e 5lue 67,8 Assessment: T6

1:#5+2:## Rea(ing RT ")& Objecti*e: 5uilding Reading om!re&ension and s3ills t&roug& multi!le sub+ects Acti*ity: enters: 1% Finish centers from last week Research / opinion draft/ Gold mine / SRA kit RT11 Presentation o, -no.. 1% PowerPoint presentations completed for animal project ready to present on Friday. Allow time for students practice using the white board when completed. RT5 G%oba% /ers/ecti*es 0ist. 9% !plain how groups of people from "arious parts of the world ha"e contributed to #daho$s cultural heritage and impacted the state$s history. Grachic organi%er for impact and challenges &hp. ' les. ( / chp. )* pg **(+*(( Mat' DA Obj" Math inter.ention" 9sin$ .arious strate$ies to sol.e athe atical e:uations" 9sin$ ulti!lication, di.ision, addition, and su-traction to sol.e ultiste! !ro-le s" Act. Pro-le$ ulti ste! !ro-le s" What do we need to know to -e a-le to sol.e !ro-le s" *u!er *leuths Assess. TO ()#)** Science RT* Adaptations Objecti!e: %dentify two an- ade chan$es that effect the local ecosyste Acti!it&: #reate a fli! chart of !ossi-le an ade chan$es which effect ecosyste s" ,ssi$n different

1:#5+2:## Rea(ing RT ")& Objecti*e: 5uilding Reading om!re&ension and s3ills t&roug& multi!le sub+ects Acti*ity: enters: 1% Finish centers from last week Research / opinion draft/ Gold mine / SRA kit RT11 Presentation o, -no.. 1% PowerPoint presentations completed for animal project ready to present on Friday. Allow time for students practice using the white board when completed. RT5 G%oba% /ers/ecti*es 0ist. 9% !plain how groups of people from "arious parts of the world ha"e contributed to #daho$s cultural heritage and impacted the state$s history. Grachic organi%er for impact and challenges &hp. ' les. ( / chp. )* pg **(+*(( Mat' DA Obj" Math inter.ention" 9sin$ .arious strate$ies to sol.e athe atical e:uations" 9sin$ ulti!lication, di.ision, addition, and su-traction to sol.e ultiste! !ro-le s" Act. Pro-le$ ulti ste! !ro-le s" What do we need to know to -e a-le to sol.e !ro-le s" *u!er *leuths Assess. TO ()#)** Science RT* Adaptations Objecti!e: %dentify two an- ade chan$es that effect the local ecosyste Acti!it&: #reate a fli! chart of !ossi-le an ade chan$es which effect ecosyste s" ,ssi$n different

1:#5+2:## Rea(ing RT ")& Objecti*e: 5uilding Reading om!re&ension and s3ills t&roug& multi!le sub+ects Acti*ity: enters: 1% Finish centers from last week Research / opinion draft/ Gold mine / SRA kit RT11 Presentation o, -no.. 1% PowerPoint presentations completed for animal project ready to present on Friday. Allow time for students practice using the white board when completed. RT5 G%oba% /ers/ecti*es 0ist. 9% !plain how groups of people from "arious parts of the world ha"e contributed to #daho$s cultural heritage and impacted the state$s history. Grachic organi%er for impact and challenges &hp. ' les. ( / chp. )* pg **(+*(( Mat' DA Obj" Math inter.ention" 9sin$ .arious strate$ies to sol.e athe atical e:uations" 9sin$ ulti!lication, di.ision, addition, and su-traction to sol.e ultiste! !ro-le s" Act. Pro-le$ ulti ste! !ro-le s" What do we need to know to -e a-le to sol.e !ro-le s" *u!er *leuths Assess. TO 2o Math %nter.ention ()#)** Science RT+ , RT* -!idence creation Objecti!e: #reate a odel of a food we- in an ecosyste la-elin$ !roducers, consu ers and deco !osers L, <oal &"0

Objecti*e: Reading om!re&ension * story vocabulary Acti*ity: Read $ee3ly story and com!lete reading com!re&ension 2ui:, Assessment: S;<. Students $ill com!lete <arcourt online assessment on netboo3s,

1:'5 -0:00

Rea(ing RT ")& Objecti*e: Reading om!re&ension * story vocabulary Acti*ity: Discuss 'li! c&art over $ee3ly story vocabulary and ste!s to &el! dra$ conclusions 'rom a story, 4. <ave <eard o' a )and8 Read story toget&er, Assessment: T6

Objecti*e: &ec3 'or student understanding o' $ee3ly $ordy study $ords, Acti*ity: Dictate $ee3ly $ord study list to c&ec3 student understandings o' $ee3ly $ord study !attern, Assessment: S;<. Evidence Students $ill be $or3ing individually on $ee3ly story 2ui: on Mat' DA Obj" Math inter.ention" 9sin$ .arious strate$ies to sol.e athe atical e:uations" 9sin$ ulti!lication, di.ision, addition, and su-traction to sol.e ultiste! !ro-le s" Act. Pro-le$ ulti ste! !ro-le s" What do we need to know to -e a-le to sol.e !ro-le s" *u!er *leuths Assess. TO ()#)** .istor& RT% /lobal 0erspecti!es Objecti!e: &"(T5"P*a )/!lain how $rou!s of !eo!le fro .arious !arts of the world ha.e contri-uted to %daho=s cultural herita$e and i !acted the state=s history Acti!it&: %n s all $rou!s discuss


Mat' DA Obj" Math inter.ention" 9sin$ .arious strate$ies to sol.e athe atical e:uations" 9sin$ ulti!lication, di.ision, addition, and su-traction to sol.e ultiste! !ro-le s" Act. Pro-le$ ulti ste! !ro-le s" What do we need to know to -e a-le to sol.e !ro-le s" *u!er *leuths Assess. TO ()#)** (ord St"d& RT ) Objecti!e: P*d4 ;now and a!!ly $rade-le.el !honics and word analysis skills" Acti!it&: +iscuss weekly s!ellin$ !atterns and locate words which ay fit into their !atterns" *end ho e

0:'00:&5 0:&5':15


word sort for ho ework" List 1: >d> >id> and >t> List 0: $h and !h <reen: -al ?ial -ic Assessment: T6 Science RT+ S"r!i!al Objecti!e: Predict what i$ht ha!!en within an ecosyste if different links were re o.ed fro the food we- and e/!lain why in ter s of !ro-a-ility Acti!it&: <i.e students a co !leted food we- and discuss what ay ha!!en if a link was re o.ed fro the food we-" Assessment: T6
#lean u! to $o ho e

$rou!s !ossi-le ecosyste s and ha.e the desi$n a fli! chart to !resent to class on the different ty!es of an ade chan$es to that ecosyste " Assessment: $rou! created fli!chart Science RT* Adaptations Objecti!e: %dentify two an- ade chan$es that effect the local ecosyste Acti!it&: #reate a fli! chart of !ossi-le an ade chan$es which effect ecosyste s" ,ssi$n different $rou!s !ossi-le ecosyste s and ha.e the desi$n a fli! chart to !resent to class on the different ty!es of an ade chan$es to that ecosyste " Assessment: $rou! created fli!chart
#lean u! to $o ho e

$rou!s !ossi-le ecosyste s and ha.e the desi$n a fli! chart to !resent to class on the different ty!es of an ade chan$es to that ecosyste " Assessment: $rou! created fli!chart Science RT* Adaptations Objecti!e: %dentify two an- ade chan$es that effect the local ecosyste Acti!it&: #reate a fli! chart of !ossi-le an ade chan$es which effect ecosyste s" ,ssi$n different $rou!s !ossi-le ecosyste s and ha.e the desi$n a fli! chart to !resent to class on the different ty!es of an ade chan$es to that ecosyste " Assessment: $rou! created fli!chart
#lean u! to $o ho e

Acti!it&: #o !lete e.idence !a$e for creatin$ a food we- and then discussin$ what could ha!!en within this ecosyste " Assessment: T6 Science RT+ , RT* -!idence creation Objecti!e: #reate a odel of a food we- in an ecosyste la-elin$ !roducers, consu ers and deco !osers L, <oal &"0 Acti!it&: #o !lete e.idence !a$e for creatin$ a food we- and then discussin$ what could ha!!en within this ecosyste " Assessment: T6
#lean u! to $o ho e

which $rou!s ca e to %daho and what i !acts they ade on %daho Assessment: T6

.istor& RT% /lobal 0erspecti!es Objecti!e: &"(T5"P*- %dentify the challen$es e/!erienced -y !eo!le fro .arious cultural, racial, and reli$ious $rou!s that settled in %daho fro .arious !arts of the world Acti!it&: %n s all $rou!s discuss which $rou!s ca e to %daho and what challen$es they faced Assessment: T6
#lean u! to $o ho e

':&0':50 ':50&:10

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1us +uty

1us +uty

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