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SUNY CORTLAND MOTOR DEVELOPMENT LAB Fall 2013 Lab Three Dr. Madden Anthony Accett!

!ri 4/5/67 Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________ Tasks A. Observation/Reflection. B. Locomotor Tasks. C. Volleying Tasks D. Dance Activities Instructions: For the first task yo! "ill be !sing a version of the T#$D%& 'Test for #ross $otor Develo(ment% )econ* +*ition% Revise*,. This (artic!lar assessment is a checklist that asks yo! to check off "hether the st!*ent has met fo!r (erformance criteria for gallo(ing an* ho((ing. -lease be a"are of safety an* clearly *efine the bo!n*aries for the activity. -ay close attention to ho" the s(ee* of the activity might im(act the .!alitative (erformance of the skills. For the assessment one or t"o of yo!r gro!( members can "ork "ith the chil*ren "hile the other's, can recor* the *ata. Be s!re to collect all re.!ire* *ata 'i.e. first names age gra*e level etc ,. Allo" the chil*ren to /"arm !(0 in some "ay 1 (lay a .!ick tag game before yo! begin this section of the lab. After yo! have recor*e* the *ata yo! can (rovi*e some basic instr!ction on the (erformance of the skills. The volleying checklists are to be *one recor*ing *ata for the same in*ivi*!al for both tasks. Do the balloon first follo"e* by the trainer or ball. 2se the volleying tasks (rovi*e* an* look !( some others to !se as "ell. Look to the internet an* the co!rse te3tbook for relate* activities an* games. -lan for a**itional activities s!ch as tag games etc kee(ing in min* the more variety yo! have the better.

TASK A OBSERVATION/REFLECTION 6. Consi*er the activities/games that yo! have !tili8e* so far *!ring o!r labs. 9ere they a((ro(riate for the st!*ents at :omer/)mith +lementary; 9hy or "hy not; The games "e (laye* at )mith "ere a((ro(riate for the st!*ents that "ere *oing the games beca!se they all "ere in the f!n*amental stage of *evelo(ment for the chil*ren. They involve* elements that "ere in the emerging elementary stage an* the (roficient stage beca!se that is "here the st!*ents are accor*ing to the ho!rglass. 9e *o games that re.!ire coor*ination an* varying ty(es of locomotor mani(!lative an* stability e3ercises for e3am(le the game toss an* go the chil*ren combine* locomotor mani(!lative an* stability skills in a game that co!l* be varie* to each chil*<s in*ivi*!al skill.

&. 9hat might be some limitations to games or activities "hen !sing them in the (rocess of assessing motor skills; #ames or activities that have limitations in terms of assessing are f!ll co!rt games or f!ll%si*e* games that are not *evelo(mentally a((ro(riate for chil*ren in the f!n*amental movement (hase of motor *evelo(ment. By (!shing the f!ll%si*e* games on the chil*ren too .!ickly the st!*ents may not gain the f!ll control of the elements nee*e* to be recreationally com(etent in the games as the a*vance in age an* therefore *iffic!lty.

Task B. - Loco otor Ski!!s

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Locomotor )kills% -art A

Ski!! 6. #allo( Mat$ria!s 2se a clear s(ace Dir$ctions D!ring a game or activity "atch a st!*ent gallo(. Tell the st!*ent to gallo( lea*ing "ith one foot an* then the other. P$r%or anc$ Crit$ria 6. A ste( for"ar* "ith the lea* foot follo"e* by a ste( "ith the trailing foot to a (osition a*=acent to or behin* the lea* foot. &. Brief (erio* "here both feet are off the gro!n*. 4. Arms bent an* lifte* to "aist level. 7. Able to lea* "ith the right an* left foot. &. :o( 2se a clear s(ace D!ring a game or activity "atch a st!*ent ho(. Ask the st!*ent to ho( first on one foot an* then on the other foot. 6. Foot for nons!((ort leg is bent an* carrie* in back of the bo*y. &. ?ons!((ort leg s"ings in (en*!lar fashion to (ro*!ce force. 4. Arms bent at elbo"s an* s"ing for"ar* on take off. 7. Able to ho( on the right an* left foot. Trial 6 > > > > > > > > Trial & > > > > > > > >


>o!r task for this activity is to .!alitatively assess the st!*ent<s ability to (erform the skill of volleying !sing a balloon for the initial assessment an* then s"itching to either a beach ball or volleyball trainer for the secon* assessment. -ocus on!. on on$ c+i!( %or /ot+ ass$ss $nts. For assessment !se the follo"ing criteria for volleying from #allah!e '&CC&,A
A. Dnitial stage. 6. Dnability to correctly =!*ge the (ath of ball/balloon. &. Dnability to get !n*er the ball. 4. Dnability to sim!ltaneo!sly contact the ball "ith both han*s. 7. )la(s at ball from behin*.B. B.+lementary stage. l. Fail!re to vis!ally track ball. &. #ets !n*er ball. 4. )la(s at ball. 7. Action mainly from han*s an* arms. 5. Little lift or follo"%thro!gh "ith legs. E. 2nable to control *irection or inten*e* flight of ball. F. 9rists rela3 an* ball often travels back"ar*. C. $at!re stage. l. #ets !n*er ball. &. #oo* contact "ith fingerti(s. 4. 9rists remain stiff an* arms follo" thro!gh. 7. Ability to control *irection an* inten*e* flight of ball.

Assessment one: Using a balloon O/s$r&ation nu /$r 6 G Initial Stage

& G

Elementary Stage G Mature Stage

Assessment two: Using a beach ball or volleyball trainer Observation nu /$r Initial Stage G Elementary Stage G Mature Stage TAS, T0O 1cont.2 H!estions 6. 9as there a *ifference in *evelo(mental levels of the skill of volleying seen as the res!lt of the e.!i(ment; 9hy or "hy not; $ake s!re to refer to the co!rse te3t book to s!((ort ans"er. Describe the *ifferences. There "as no *ifference beca!se of the e.!i(ment in the *evelo(mental levels of the skill of volleying beca!se of the e.!i(ment. This is beca!se skill *evelo(ment as sho"n in the ho!rglass mo*el is a res!lt of the age of the st!*ent an* not of the e.!i(ment !se*. A st!*ent "ho can volley a balloon in the correct "ay can also volley a trainer ball or a volleyball in the same manner it might be for a shorter time beca!se the *iffic!lty *oes increase as the ball gets heavier an* smaller b!t the skill *oes not rely on the ball it relies on the st!*ent. 6 G & 4 7

&.9hat *o yo! think "o!l* be a *evelo(mentally a((ro(riate (rogression of volleying activities lea*ing to the act!al skill of the overhea* volley in volleyball 'e.g. *isc!ss e.!i(ment an*/or ty(es of c!es/(ointers yo! might !se base* on the gra*e level of st!*ents yo! "orke* "ith *!ring lab,. Base* on the st!*ents that D observe* a goo* (rogression for volleying "o!l* be first to have them hit a balloon !( in the air an* try to kee( it !( !sing t"o han*s so that they can get a feel for the balloon an* ho" it travels in the air an* can =!*ge it in the air. ?e3t the st!*ent sho!l* try to only hit the balloon "ith their han*s above their hea*. The instr!ctor sho!l* then start intro*!cing c!es s!ch as !sing their legs to follo" thro!gh the balloon an* to kee( the balloon !n*er control. After the instr!ctor sho!l* s"itch to a beach ball or a trainer ball an* re(eat the first (rocess of allo"ing the st!*ent a chance to get a feel for the ball in the air an* kee(ing it !n*er some control. Then the instr!ctor sho!l* give the st!*ent the same c!es "hile a**ing the c!es of !sing their fingerti(s to hit the ball an* kee(ing their arms fle3e* before contact an* e3ten*e* after contact. These c!es an* (rocesses sho!l* then be re(eate* "ith reg!lation volleyball.

TAS, C. 1continu$(2 Volleying Activities 9hat follo"s is a list of i*eas/games to !se for the skill of volleying. 2se any of these as long as the activity is safe an* a((ro(riate for yo!r st!*ents. 6.VolleyDribble Dntro*!ce the overhea* volley by sho"ing the motion of *ribbling a basketball. Then reverse the motion so yo! are I*ribblingI overhea*. Remin* st!*ents of the three hints to overhea* volley really "ellA 6, =!st as one !ses the finger (a*s to *ribble yo! also !se the finger (a*s to volleyJ &, yo!r han*s (!sh !( to a high level all the "ay over yo!r hea*J an* 4, yo! sho!l* !se both not =!st one han*. )t!*ents sho!l* take a balloon 'or an a((ro(riate ty(e ball, to (ractice kee(ing the ball !( in their self%s(ace !sing the overhea* volley. 9hile st!*ents are (racticing observe an* offer fee*back base* on the three c!es. VariationsA )t!*ents can (ractice the skill "hile on their knees. % :ave st!*ents (!t one balloon or ball a"ay an* get a (artner. +3(lain they an* their (artner "ill !se the overhea* volley to kee( the balloon 'or beach ball volleyball trainer, !( in the air. They sho!l* co!nt the n!mber of (asses to their (artner. +3(an* 'if a((ro(riate, to a larger gro!( of the st!*ents. &. Volleymania On yo!r signal have st!*ents strike the balloon/ball to"ar*s the ceiling in their o"n s(ace !sing as many *ifferent bo*y (arts as they "ant 'elbo" hea* knee "rist sho!l*er etc.,. 'Only bo*y (art to *isco!rage may be the foot as the kicking motion may be *angero!s an* it is to!gh to get the balloon to the ceiling., Tell them their goal is to hit it !( in s!ch a manner that they sho!l*nKt have to move from their o"n self%s(ace. VariationsA % Call o!t bo*y (arts to !se to kee( the balloon/ball !( 'elbo" hea* knee "rist sho!l*er etc.,. % :ave them (!t together a se.!ence 't"ice "ith back of han* then once "ith knee once "ith elbo" etc,. :ave them make !( their o"n an* then they can sho" it off near en* of activity.

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