Lesson Plan

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Melissa Hidalgo

May 1, 2014

I. You Make The Call This lesson will give the students a chance to think about their future at a young age and get creative with it. Itll give them a chance to have a futuristic conversation with their older self and they get to decide who that would be. Itll get them thinking about goals theyd like to set for themselves for the future. II. Grade Level: 4th III. Lesson #2 IV. Enduring Understanding: The point of this activity is to get them thinking about goals. I think that its good to get them thinking at a young age about what they want to be when they grow up. V. Key Concepts: - Goals help shape your future - Goals will help you focus on the important things - Goals give you self-confidence and enthusiasm when accomplished VI. Essential Question: - Why do goals help you shape your future? - When do goals help you focus on the important things? - How do goals give you self-confidence when accomplished? VII. Lesson Objective: The students will follow the instructions given to them through Webquest to create their image digitally using a template. After the lesson and activity, the students will have a an idea about the future and start thinking about what they enjoy doing and what they would like to do when they grow up. VIII. Art Content: Technological skills and techniques will be used to communicate their ideas onto their image. IX. Resources & Materials for Teacher: Computer (access to internet) Printer Digital Camera/Phone Camera www.weebly.com http://pixlr.com/editor/ (skype template below)

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgigaom2.files.wordpress .com%2F2013%2F04%2Fskype-in-browsere1367326913140.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgigaom.com%2F2013%2F08% 2F29%2Fhappy-10th-birthday-skype-you-changed-everything-too-bad-you-didntchangemicrosoft%2F&h=764&w=1144&tbnid=qEIy8_dW3EewoM%3A&zoom=1&docid=Li qnbn6MeG2OpM&ei=xEtgU7D4Luqy2gXVrIDQBg&tbm=isch&ved=0CGUQMygRMB E&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=895&page=1&start=0&ndsp=30 X. Resources and Materials for Students Students will need computers (or if ipads are available) Paper to sketch out their ideas first (coloring pencils and pencils) XI. Instructions and its Sequencing Day One: 1: Introduction/Motivation: Ask students to think what if technology gave you the opportunity to talk to your future self. What would you say? Better yet, how would you look like? 2: Purpose/Objective: I want to get students thinking about their future 3: Instruction: I will demonstrate the class the webquest Ive created for them to use during this lesson 4: Guided Practice: I will get them to thinking of what they want to be when they grow up by asking them questions and giving them examples of possibilities or them to choose 5: Independent Practice: Each student will do a sketch on paper of what theyll eventually put on the computer the next day. Then, when they are finished, they will turn it in to me and I will take a picture of them that will be used with their final project 6: Closure: I will tell students to keep thinking of imagery they can add to their self-portrait that they can add to the next day when we try it on the computers 7: Formative Evaluation: Make sure the students images reflect their identity and that they had thoroughly thought about it 8: Classroom Management Procedures: Keep an eye on the kids, make sure they are staying on task and working safely with the supplies 9: Adaptations with Students With Special Needs: Pay more attention to those kids Day Two:

1: Introduction/Motivation: Ask students to line up to go to the computer lab because they are about to have a conversation with their future self! 2: Purpose/Objective: Have students continue the same objective and give them a chance to turn a sketch into a digital drawing (because it goes with the futuristic theme) 3: Instruction: I will demonstrate the class how to individually get to the Webquest page 4: Guided Practice: I will get the started by doing the activity step by step with them 5: Independent Practice: Each student will turn their sketches that they made the day before to digital art using the photo editor provided for them. When they are finished, they will print their final product, and I will hand them their portrait picture for them to add on. 6: Closure: The students will demonstrate to the class individually their desire and what they plan to do to reach their goal 7: Formative Evaluation: I will have a rubric to grade their final project with 8: Classroom Management Procedures: Keep an eye on the kids, make sure they are staying on task and working safely with the supplies 9: Adaptations with Students With Special Needs: Pay more attention to those kids XIV: Resources and References: See materials for teachers NATIONAL ART STANDARDS 1. Content Standard: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes Achievement Standard: Students a. know the differences between materials, techniques, and processes b. describe how different materials, techniques, and processes cause different responses c. use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories d. use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner 5. Content Standard: Reflecting upon and *assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others

Achievement Standard: Students a. understand there are various purposes for creating works of visual art b. describe how peoples experiences influence the development of specific artworks c. understand there are different responses to specific artworks TEKS:

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