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Project Management Tables Project Objective Cost Defined Conditions for Risk Management Analysis Relative or Numerical Scales

Very o! " #
Cost increase will be insignificant Insignificant schedule slippage

o! " $
< 20 % cost increase < 20 % slippage

Moderate " %
21-50% cost increase 21-50% slippage

&ig' " (
51-75% cost increase 51-75% slippage

Very &ig' " )

> 76% cost increase > 76% slippage



Insignificant scope decrease

inor changes in scope

oderate a!ount of scope reduction necessar"

a#or areas of scope affected$ %ro#ect still acceptable a#or (ualit" degradation$ )ith unacceptable (ualit"

%ro#ect &nd$ 'oo !uch scope reduction$


Change in (ualit" barel" noticeable

inor loss of (ualit"

oderate (ualit" reduction$

%ro#ect &nd$ *ualit" reduction is too significant$

Risk Assessment Table (using above Scoring Matrix) Risk

+udden %ower ,utage /ela" in +uppl" 0rri1al 3ac4 of Consu!er 0wareness 'raining Issues %oor *ualit" of +upplies 5 6ot 7p to &8pectations :igher Cost than &8pected due to &co-;riendl" &8ternal :ire Co!plications </=>5 &!ergenc" ?ac4up 3ocal 3aw @estrictions ,1ersaturation in the ;ood ar4et ;ailed ar4eting5 %oor 'urnout Insufficient 3abor %ool *otal Average

Probability -0% 50% .0% 20% 20% 20% 20% 25% 25% 20% 15% %(-

. 2 2 2 2 . 2 . 1 5 2

5 5 1 2 2 1 . 2 1 2 .

5 . 1 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 2

. . 1 2 . . 2 2 2 2 2

Risk Score
.$. 2$2 2$9 2$9 2$7 2$. 2$. 1$1$. %.%

Risk Response Matrix

;or each ris4 the pre-deter!ined action will be ta4en to pre1ent an" further disruption to the pro#ect schedule$ 'his table is a briefing on contingenc" plans with the two highest ris4 probabilities detailed in the following section$

Project Management Tables

Risk /vent

<0cceptA @educeA +hareA 'ransfer>

Contingency Plan
<%lan ?>


Res+onsible Person

'raining issues Insufficient labor pool &8ternal hire co!plications </=Cs>5 e!ergenc" bac4up +udden power outage ;ailed !ar4eting5 poor turnout

+hare 0ccept

3oo4 for online training )iden search area

251951. - 252151. 151251. -151551.



)or4force anagers B ar4eting /epart!ent &1ent Coordinator


0lternate entertain!ent @eschedule Erand ,pening obile announce!ents Create a uni(ue and appetiFing !enu to attract co!petitors consu!ersA !ar4eting researchA couponing

252151. D 252251.

'ransfer +hare

252251. 252251.

&1ent Coordinator Co!!unications B ar4eting /epart!ent

,1ersaturation in area food !ar4et



Co!!unications B ar4eting /epart!ent

3ocal law restrictions


&1aluate pro#ect plan and !a4e ad#ust!ents accordingl" Include guarantees fro! suppliers in contract of on-ti!e deli1er" or suffer !onetar" penalties Include pre-inspection dates of supplies in contract before deli1er" 6egotiate set prices with 1endors to 4eep co!pan" cost consistent and at a !ini!u! Incorporate e!plo"ees as part of !ar4eting pro!otions5 offer dail" specials to entice new custo!ers


Co!!unications /epart!ent B @esource anager

/ela" in suppl" arri1al


251-51. D 251951.

+uppl" anager B /istribution Coordinator

%oor (ualit" of supplies5 not up to e8pectations :igher cost than e8pected due to being eco-friendl" 3ac4 of consu!er awareness5 push awa" non-eco-aware custo!ers


251651. D 251951.

+uppl" anager B /istribution Coordinator


151251. D 151551.

+uppl" anager B /istribution Coordinator



Co!!unicationsA ar4eting /epart!entA B )or4force anager

Priority Matrix




*ime Sc'edule for Solutions

Project Management Tables

Priority #
a#or i!pactG

Hice %resident or abo1e 6o later than four hours

Priority $

/e1astating proble!s %ossible loss of profits 3oss in scheduled acti1ities

ediu! proble!sG

Priority %

%ro#ect +ponsor

)ithin 2. hours

3oss of profits 3oss in scheduled acti1ities %ro#ect anager )ithin .- hours

inor proble!sG

Priority (

+cheduling issuesA but not cause a loss of profits %ro#ect anager )or4 goes on and an" reco!!endations shall be sub!itted through the appropriate pro#ect change control procedures

Inconse(uential proble!sG

/oes not cause lossA but still could be a better answer to the proble!

WBS 'as4 6a!e +tart ;inish

&co-+lice Erand ,pening %lan

@esearch products and ser1ices @esearch and contact food suppliers @esearch and contact pac4ing suppliers @esearch and contact waste !anage!ent contractor @esearch and contact !ar4eting co!pan" @esearch and contact /=s @esearch and contact charities 5 food ban4s

Mon #0#%0#(
on 151251. on 151251. on 151251. )ed 151551. )ed 151551. ;ri 151751. ;ri 151751.

Mon $0$(0#(
'hu 252051. )ed 151551. )ed 151551. ;ri 151751. ;ri 151751. ;ri 151751. on 152051.

%lan Erand ,pening

In-house planner proposal &1aluate proposal ;inaliFe opening da" plan

*ue #0$10#(
'ue 152-51. +at 25151. on 25251.

Mon $0%0#(
'hu 152051. +at 25151. on 25251.

+upplier +election
Create suppl" list &1aluate bids

Sat $0#0#(
+at 25151. +at 25151.

Sun $0$0#(
+at 25151. +at 25151.

Project Management Tables

0ward contract on 25251. on 25251.

Charit" +election
Create charit" list &1aluate bids 0ward contract

*ue $0(0#(
'ue 25.51. 'ue 25.51. )ed 25551.

*'u $020#(
'ue 25.51. 'ue 25.51. )ed 25551.

ar4eting %lan
&1aluate bids 0ward contract /istribute !ar4eting !aterials

*'u #0%30#(
'hu 152051. ;ri 152151. on 251051.

Mon $0#30#(
'hu 152051. ;ri 152151. on 251051.

Inter1iew /=s &1aluate bids 0ward contract

Mon $0%0#(
on 25251. on 25251. 'ue 25.51.

*ue $0(0#(
on 25251. on 25251. 'ue 25.51.

Eift ?ags
Create ite! list ?u" !aterials %repare gift bags

Mon $0#30#(
'ue 251151. 'ue 251151. )ed 251251.

4ed $0#$0#(
'ue 251151. 'ue 251151. )ed 251251.

,pening /a" %reparations

usic5/= /istribute gift bags anage staff 'a4e orders %repare orders *ueue line super1ision anage 1endors @un infor!ation table Clean up

*ue $0#10#(
'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'hu 252051. ;ri 252151.

5ri $0$#0#(
'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'ue 251-51. 'hu 252051. ;ri 252151.

%ost %ro#ect &1aluation

Eather custo!er sur1e"s @e1iew custo!er sur1e"s &1aluate pro#ect success

Sun $0$%0#(
on 252.51. on 252.51. 'ue 252551.

Mon $0$(0#(
on 252.51. on 252.51. 'ue 252551.

Project Management Tables %ro#ect eeting

%ro#ect %ro#ect %ro#ect %ro#ect %ro#ect %ro#ect eeting 1 eeting 2 eeting 2 eeting . eeting 5 eeting 6

5ri #0#60#(
on 151251. on 152051. on 152751. on 25251. on 251051. on 251751.

Mon $0$(0#(
on 151251. on 152051. on 152751. on 25251. on 251051. on 251751.


eeting 7

on 252.51.

on 252.51.

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