Satanic Ritual Abuse - The Evidence Surfaces by Daniel Ryder

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1Satanic Ritual Abuse: The Evidence Surfaces YOU DONT HAVE TO !AY "E #A$%&ARDS''' SATAN($ R(TUA!

A#USE: THE EV(DEN$E SUR)A$ES Daniel R*der+ $$D$+ !S& The f,ll,-in. l*rics are fr,/ a s,n. ab,ut Satanic ritual abuse ,ff 0,an #ae1s latest albu/+ la* "e #ac2-ards' (ncidentall*+ its the lead s,n.' 3Y,u d,nt have t, 4la* /e bac2-ards T, .et the /eanin. ,f /* verse' Y,u d,nt have t, die and ., t, hell T, feel the devils curse'3 (t5s n,t ,nl* the 3devils curse3 surviv,rs ,f Satanic ritual abuse have been feelin. ,f late' The* have als, been feelin. the curse ,f a 4r,n,unced s,cietal bac2lash' (n s,/e circles n,-+ the st,ries ,f s,/e ,f the /,st hein,us abuse i/a.inable 6 se7ual abuse+ brain-ashin.+ t,rture+ /urder8sacrifice 6 are bein. labeled as 34atentl* false'3 Thera4ists are bein. accused ,f 4lantin. these /e/,ries' And+ f,r instance+ the )#( has c,/e ,ut debun2in. the 4hen,/en,n+ sa*in.+ une9uiv,call*+ there is n, tan.ible evidence ,r.ani1ed Satanic ritual abuse e7ists at all' H,-ever+ /* research sh,-s it d,es e7ist' And indicati,ns are -e are ,nl* seein. the ti4 ,f the iceber. ,f a s,cial 4hen,/en,n that+ -hen t,tall* e74,sed+ -ill r,c2 the c,re ,f s,cietal beliefs' ),r the last f,ur *ears+ ( have crises6cr,ssed the c,untr* intervie-in. cult researchers+ ritual cri/e,rs+ tas2 f,rce /e/bers+ thera4ists+ investi.ative re4,rters+ cult surviv,rs'''as 4art ,f an in6de4th investi.ati,n ,n the issue ,f Satanic ritual abuse' And+ the research has *ielded s,/e e7tre/el* e*e6,4enin. thin.s' The /,st e*e6,4enin. hasnt been the /utilated bac2-,,ds re/ains ,f a cult victi/s b,d* in "assachusetts' (t -asnt the bl,,d* 4enta.ra/ carved int, a cult victi/s c,r4se in San )rancisc,' The /,st e*e6,4enin.+ has been a -idel* cited !a- Enf,rce/ent ers4ective re4,rt ,ut ,f the )#(s #ehavi,ral Science $enter in :uantic,+ Vir.inia' The re4,rt -as -ritten b* su4ervis,r* s4ecial a.ent %enneth !annin.' (t has .,ne ,ut t, laenf,rce/ent a.encies ar,und the c,untr*; and has been cited c,nsistentl* thr,u.h,ut the /edia the last several *ears' The re4,rt states+ in re.ards t, 3,r.ani1ed3 Satanic ritual abuse h,/icide <that is+ t-, ,r /,re Satanic cult /e/bers c,ns4irin. t, c,//it /urder=: 3The la- enf,rce/ent 4ers4ective cant i.n,re the lac2 ,f 4h*sical evidence <n, b,dies+ ,r even hairs+ fibers+ ,r fluids left b* vi,lent /urders'3 N, b,dies> The f,ll,-in. is an e7cer4t fr,/ a "arch 1?+ 1@A1+ U ( article: 3)itchbur.+ "ass' 66 The alle.ed leader ,f a devil -,rshi4 cult -as f,und .uilt* ,f first de.ree

/urder )rida* in the ritual 2illin. ,f a *,un. )all River+ "ass' 4r,stitute last *ear' $arl Dre-+ BC+ st,,d 4ale and e74ressi,nless as the verdict -as ann,unced' He -as i//ediatel* sentenced t, life i/4ris,n/ent b* su4eri,r c,urt Dud.e )rancis &' %eatin.'''"iss "arsden -as alle.edl* 2illed+ /utilated and beheaded b* Dre- and t-, ,thers in a bl,,d6s,a2ed ti/e ritual in a -,,ded area because she -anted t, leave the cult'3 (n 1@@?+ H,use #ill 1CA@ -as intr,duced in the "assachusetts !e.islature' (t is a bill 4r,hibitin. 3$ertain Ritualistic Acts'3 S,/e ,f these acts include: ritual /utilati,n+ dis/e/ber/ent+ t,rture+ the sacrifice ,f ani/als+ hu/ans'''<A si/ilar bill -as 4assed in (dah, in 1@@E=' Als,+ in the 1@@? Av,n #,,2s release: Raisin. Hell+ auth,r8investi.ative re4,rter "ichael Ne-t,n -rites+ 3&hile s,/e cult a4,l,.ists /a* be f,r.iven their i.n,rance ,f current events+ <)#(= A.ent !annin. 66 -ith access t, nati,n-ide 4,lice files 66 sh,uld 2n,- better' As this v,lu/e a/4l* de/,nstrates+ cult related 2illers stand c,nvicted ,f /urder in B? states and at least nine f,rei.n c,untries' Nu/er,us ,ther ,ccultists are n,- servin. ti/e f,r 4racticin. their 3faith3 thr,u.h acts ,f ars,n+ ra4e+ assault+ cruelt* t, ani/als+ and si/ilar cri/es'3 The ,r.ani1ati,n+ !,,2in. U4+ f,unded initiall* as a nati,n-ide su44,rt8referral 4r,.ra/ f,r incest surviv,rs+ serves a44r,7i/atel* 1F+EEE 4e,4le a *ear+ GEH ,f -h,/ n,- are re4,rtin. the* are dealin. -ith ritualistic ,r cult related abuse' Acc,rdin. t, a s4,2es4ers,n f,r 0USTUS Unli/ited in Denver+ a n,n64r,fit referral and res,urce center+ the* are currentl* receivin. /,re than I+EEE Satanic ritual abuse related calls a *ear' <&hats /,re+ the* are als, hearin. fr,/ all ,ver the -,rld: Australia+ Ne- Jealand+ The Netherlands+ Ker/an*+ (srael+ $anada'''= Kiven the tan.ible evidence n,- surfacin.+ and .iven the v,lu/e ,f 4e,4le re4,rtin. Satanic cult related abuse+ it -,uld see/ curi,us the )#( -,uld c,/e ,ut -ith such a definitive stance atte/4tin. t, discredit the increasin. 4hen,/en,n' Of c,urse+ then a.ain+ it -as the sa/e )#( that f,r /,re than the first half ,f this centur* c,nsistentl* said there -as n, evidence -hats,ever ,f an,ther t*4e ,f 3,r.ani1ed3 cri/inal activit*' That is 66 "afia related cri/e' Actuall*+ Satanic cults are s,/e-hat si/ilar t, "afia cri/e fa/ilies' There is+ f,r instance+ e7tre/e secrec* thr,u.h c,de ,f silence 4r,.ra//in.' This is usuall* initiated -ith the si.nin. ,f a 3bl,,d3 c,ntract' &endell A/stut1+ auth,r ,f Satanis/ in A/erica+ said these c,ntracts are .enerall* si.ned in the initiates ,-n bl,,d' The c,ntract+ said A/stut1+ usuall* de/ands life6l,n. ,bedience' And brea2in. it /eans death' And that5s e7actl* -hat it /eant f,r the f,ur $alif,rnia Satanic cult defect,rs ,ne fateful in 1@@E' The defect,rs -ere trac2ed t, an a4art/ent ,n+ ,f all 4laces+ El/ Street in the s/all t,-n ,f Salida' The defect,rs -ere beaten and stabbed' )inall*+ the* -ere deca4itated' &hat -as left behind rivaled the carna.e ,f the Tate6!a#ianca cri/e scene' The trail led bac2 t, five Satanic cult /e/bers+ and the st,r* t, unf,ld'''

The five -h, -ere indicted -ere 4art ,f a FF6/e/ber Satanic cult that -as ,4eratin. ,ut ,f a c,/4,und in Salida' $ult /e/bers stretched acr,ss a three6c,unt* are+ -ith a nu/ber ,f the/ h,led6u4 in a Salida c,/4,und <h,/es and trailers=+ s,/e-hat si/ilar t, &ac,s #ranch Davidian c,/4le7' E7ce4t f,r ,ne thin.: &hat -as .,in. ,n in the Salida c,/4,und f,r the /,st 4art /ade -hat -as .,in. ,n in &ac, see/ li2e a Disne* 4r,ducti,n' Rand* $ern*+ Direct,r ,f the N,rthern $ha4ter ,f $alif,rnias Ritual $ri/e (,rs Ass,ciati,n+ had f,ll,-ed the cult cl,sel*' And after the indict/ents+ he intervie-ed several ,f the cult /e/bers and revie-ed e7tensive diaries the*d 2e4t' He said the cult -,rshi44ed Satan+ f,ll,-ed the teachin.s ,f ren,-ned Satanist Aleister $r,-le*+ en.a.ed in se7ual abuse+ ritual t,rture includin. electric sh,c2+ child abuse+ /urder'''(n ,ther -,rds+ /an* ,f the sa/e thin.s Satanic ritual abuse surviv,rs have been c,nsistentl* re4,rtin.' $ern* als, said it -as re4,rted cult /e/bers -ere fr,/ all -al2s ,f life' This even included a dentist+ a /inister+ and a -,/an enr,lled in a la- enf,rce/ent class at a l,cal c,//unit* c,lle.e' <Satanic cult /e/bers arent+ b* an* /eans+ al-a*s tatt,,ed teen bi2ers -h, have listened t, ,ne t,, /an* "etallica albu/s+ Often+ Satanic ritual abuse surviv,rs re4,rt their cult 4er4etrat,rs are res4ected /e/bers ,f the c,//unit*: d,ct,rs+ la- enf,rce/ent ,fficials+ TA /e/bers+ little lea.ue c,aches'''This all+ a44arentl*+ is 4art ,f the facade'= One ,f the "at,/,r,s cult /e/bers res4,nsible f,r s,/e ,f the 1? .risl* /urder8sacrifices in "e7ic, a fe- *ears bac2+ -as /aD,rin. in la- enf,rce/ent at Te7as S,uth/,st $,lle.e at the ti/e she -as arrested' 3The $alif,rnia cult -as a ver* secretive+ cl,se62nit+ s,4histicated .r,u4+3 said $ern*' The Satanic cult -as run under the ir,n fist ,f charis/atic leader+ hi.h 4riest+ Kerald $ru1' And+ as David %,resh had d,ne in &ac,+ $ru1 used slee4 de4rivati,n+ brain-ashin.+ t,rture'''t, 2ee4 /e/bers in line' At a trial in Oa2land in Dece/ber+ 1@@B+ cult e74ert and 4s*ch,l,.ist+ Daniel K,ldstine+ -,uld characteri1e $ru1 as 3evil and sadistic'3 The Dur* th, s, t,,' $ru1 and t-, ,ther cult /e/bers -ere sentenced t, death f,r the /urders' T-, ,ther cult /e/bers .,t life' 3N,- lets 4r,Dect this BE t, BF *ears d,-n the r,ad+3 $ern* c,ntinued' 3Sa* s,/e,ne -al2s int, a 4,lice de4art/ent ,r thera4ists ,ffice and sa*s+ L(/ startin. t, have /e/,ries that /* dad -as a leader ,f this Satanic cult in $alif,rnia' And the* -,uld brain-ash 4e,4le+ t,rture the/ -ith electric sh,c2+ se7uall* abuse /e+ sacrifice ani/als+ 2ill 4e,4le''' 3 $ern* -,ndered if that -,uld all be 4assed ,ff as a 3false /e/,r*'3 Nati,nall* s*ndicated c,lu/nist ",ll* (vins / -ell have 4assed it ,ff as Dust that' (n a "a*+ 1@@G+ c,lu/n+ "s' (vins -r,te: 3'''s,cial -,r2ers -h, deal -ith child abuse have ab,ut the 4e,4le -h, c,/e u4 -ith 4atentl* false rec,vered /e/,ries ,f Satanic ritual abuse'3

",ni2a #eerle see/ed t, be n,b,d*s 3false rec,vered /e/,r*'3 The f,ll,-in. is a )ebruar* 1A+ 1@@B+ Ne-sda* article e7cer4t: Ne- Y,r2 66 "e/bers ,f a cult here 2illed ballerina ",ni2a #eerle in Au.ust+ 1@A@+ and then dis/e/bered her and fed her flesh t, the h,/eless as 4art ,f a Satanic ritual+ la- enf,rce/ent s,urces said *esterda* after arrestin. a cult /e/ber in c,nnecti,n -ith the sla*in.' 3The 4ublic isnt .eneratin. en,u.h /,/entu/ t, .et 4,lice /,bili1ed ar,und this <Satanic ritual abuse= issue at this 4,int+3 e74lained A2r,n+ Ohi, ,lice $a4tain 0err* ),*s' And 0,hn Hunt+ Sher/an+ Te7as ritual cri/e,r sa*s that 3because ,f the )#( re4,rt+ the sti./a ar,und Satanis/ and ,ther fact,rs have /ade it hard t, .et internal 4,lice de4art/ent su44,rt in f,ll,-in. u4 ,n the ritual as4ects ,f a cri/e'3 Hunt and ),*s b,th said the* believe the Satanic ritual abuse is 9uite -ides4read 66 and e7tre/el*,us' (t definitel* 4r,ved,us f,r an alc,h,lic drifter 2n,-n ,nl* as 0,hn D,e N,' CE+ -h,se b,d* -as f,und in San )rancisc,' Acc,rdin. t, a "a* C+ 1@AA+ San )rancisc, $hr,nicle article: 3The victi/ had a 4enta.ra/ carved int, his chest+ lash /ar2s acr,ss his butt,c2s+ a stab -,und t, his nec2+ -a7 in his e*e and hair+ and a sliced li4' The na2ed b,d* -as virtuall* drained ,f bl,,d'3 $liff,rd St' 0,se4h+ GC+ -as eventuall* c,nvicted and sentenced t, ?G *ears t, life f,r the 2illin.' (n his b,,2+ Raisin. Hell+ "ichael Ne-t,n -rites -hen 4,lice ca/e t, St' 0,se4hs a4art/ent nine da*s after the b,d* -as f,und+ the* f,und St' 0,se4h dressed in a blac2 r,be+ c,/4ani,n "ichael #,r2+ BC+ stri44ed t, the -aist+ his face daubed -ith c,s/etics+ and an,ther /an+ Ed-ard S4ela+ BC+ 4assed ,ut fr,/ dru.s' (n the /iddle ,f the r,,/ -as a 1@6*ear ,ld /an+ -h, -as la*in. ,n the fl,,r+ handcuffed and surr,unded b* candles' Acc,rdin. t, the San )rancisc, $hr,nicle: 3(,rs said that St' 0,se4h a44eared t, be 4art ,f a Satanic cult that inv,lved /en ,f /eans in San )rancisc,s .a* c,//unit*'3 A.ain+ 0,hn D,e N,' CEs /utilated b,d* -as real' (t -as n,b,d*s false /e/,r*' A ter/ 4,4ular culture has latched ,nt, ti.htl* in the last c,u4le ,f *ears is the ver* clinical s,undin.+ false /e/,r* s*ndr,/e' (t is a ter/ c,ined b* the hiladel4hia+ enns*lvania based )alse "e/,r* S*ndr,/e ),undati,n <)"S)=+ -hich is an adv,cac* .r,u4 f,r 4e,4le -h,se children have accused the/ ,f either se7ual abuse and8,r Satanic ritual abuse' Des4ite its scientific s,undin. title+ there is actuall* n, such thin. as a clinicall* ac2n,-led.ed cate.,r* f,r 3false /e/,r* s*ndr,/e+3 re4,rts 0udith Her/an+ an ass,ciate clinical 4r,fess,r ,f s*chiatr* at Harvard "edical Sch,,l+ and auth,r ,f the b,,2+ Trau/a and Rec,ver*' 3The ver* na/e )"S) is 4reDudicial and /isleadin.+3 said Dr' Her/an' 3There is n, such s*ndr,/e+ and

-e have n, evidence re4,rted /e/,ries are false' &e ,nl* 2n,- the* are dis4uted'3 "an* 4r,fessi,nals dealin. -ith Satanic ritual abuse believe -e are seein. the be.innin.s ,f a 4hen,/en,n that / -ell /ushr,,/ int, sta..erin. 4r,4,rti,ns' And the* dra- a 4arallel t, the a/a1in. ev,luti,n ,f the se7ual abuse field' 3As recentl* as the 1@IEs+3 said Her/an+ 3ra4e -as c,nsidered rare+ and incest -as re.arded as a universal tab,,' !ess than t-ent* *ears a.,+ f,r e7a/4le+ the $,/4rehensive Te7tb,,2 ,f s*chiatr* esti/ated the 4revalence ,f all f,r/s ,f incest at ,ne case 4er /illi,n 4,4ulati,n' And 4,4ular and 4r,fessi,nal literature Mas in the case -ith SRA surviv,rs n,-N r,utinel* 9uesti,ned the character ,f victi/s+ and dis4ara.ed the credibilit* ,f -,/en -h, /ade clai/s ,f assault' T,da*+ h,-ever+ -ides4read se7ual abuse8incest has been e7tensivel* d,cu/ented'3 (n the case ,f false /e/,r* alle.ati,ns+ 4erha4s -e sh,uld be s4endin. a bit /,re ti/e actuall* 9uesti,nin. the character ,f s,/e ,f th,se accusin. the 3alle.ed3 victi/s ,f c,nfabulati,n' And 4erha4s -e sh,uld start at the )alse "e/,r* S*ndr,/e ),undati,n itself' The f,ll,-in. is an e7cer4t fr,/ a )ebruar* B@+ 1@@B+ )"S) Ne-sletter -here the ,r.ani1ati,n clai/s it is: 3'''n,t in the business ,f re4resentin. 4ed,4hiles'''&e are a .,,d6l,,2in. bunch ,f 4e,4le: .ra*in. hair+ -ell6dressed+ health*+ s/ilin.'''0ust ab,ut ever* 4ers,n is s,/e,ne *,u -,uld li2el* find interestin. and -ant t, c,unt as a friend'3 0,an #ae15s s,n. .,es ,n: !et the Theres a 4,4 ,f s2in And a sudden rush ,f scarlet Theres a little b,* ridin. ,n a .,ats head And a little .irl 4la*in. the harl,t (ts a sacrifice in an e/4t* church S-eet little bab* R,se''' A )all 1@A@ $leveland lain Dealer article e7cer4t reads: Three N,r-al2 area residents char.ed -ith ,4enin. t-, .raves+ beheadin. the c,r4ses and stealin. the s2ulls+ -ere 4art ,f a cult that had recentl* .,tten instructi,ns ,n h,- t, sacrifice babies t, Satan+ N,r-al2 4,lice said *esterda*' 3&ere ta2in. this ver* seri,usl*+3 he M ,lice $hief Kar* De-altN said'3 "a*be s,ciet* sh,uld ta2e the 4,lice chief5s lead+ in a l,t ,f different areas re.ardin. this 4r,ble/' ),r ,ne+ /an* *,uth are b,/barded -ith Satanic s*/b,ls+ i/ l*rics'''One area -here it is 4r,babl* the /,st 4revalent is in the heav*8blac2 /etal /usic scene' ),r instance+ the heav* /etal band Ven,/ sin.s:

3$andles .l,-in.+ altars burn Vir.ins death is needed ther Sacrifice t, !ucifer /* /aster #rin. the chalice+ raise the 2nife &elc,/e t, /* sacrifice'''3 0ust a 4assin. 4hase 2ids ., thr,u.h> 0ust l*rics> "a* F+ 1@@? 66 Three *ear ,ld b,*s -ere ridin. their bi2es d,-n a c,untr* r,ad in &est "e/4his+ Ar2ansas' Suddenl* the* -ere f,rced ,ff the r,ad and h,rribl* 2illed' One ,f the sus4ects accused in the /urders+ 0essie !l,*d "is2ell*+ 0r'+ 1I acc,rdin. t, -ire service re4,rts+ t,ld 4,lice that the /urders -ere tied t, a teen Satanic cult sacrifice' 3"is2ell* said the children -ere lured int, a -,,ded are ,f &est "e/4his 2n,-n as R,bin H,,d ar2+ ch,2ed until the* -ere unc,nsci,us+ then brutali1ed in vari,us -a*s 66 includin. ra4e'''3 Acc,rdin. t, a "arch A+ 1@@G article ,n the trial a44earin. in the &est "e/4his The $,//ercial A44eal: 3A -itness last -ee2 t,ld hi/ #ald-in <,ne ,f the accused= t,ld hi/ he suc2ed the bl,,d fr,/ ,ne victi/ after he /utilated hi/'3 Diaries indicated the Satanic cult in Salida+ $alif,rnia+ f,ll,-ed the teachin.s ,f ren,-ned Satanist Aleister $r,-le*' (n his b,,2+ "a.ic2 in The,r* and ractice+ $r,-le* -r,te+ 3The bl,,d is the life'''an* livin. thin. is the st,reh,use ,f ener.*'''at the death ,f the ani/al this ener.* is liberated suddenl*' The ani/al sh,uld theref,re be 2illed -ithin the $ircle+ ,r Trian.le+ s, that its ener.* cann,t esca4e'''),r the hi.hest s4iritual -,r2in. ,ne /ust acc,rdin.l* ch,,se that victi/ -hich the .reatest and 4urest f,rce' A /ale child ,f 4erfect inn,cence is the /,st satisfact,r* and suitable victi/'3 There5s a .,,d bet that seven *ear ,ld Yvand, $aetan,+ li2e /,st seven *ear ,lds+ -as livin. a life in 34erfect inn,cence3 in the s/all t,-n ,f Kuaratuba+ #ra1il' This /a* -ell have been the 4reci4itatin. fact,r in his death' Acc,rdin. t, a 0ul* BA+ 1@@B+ $able Ne-s Net-,r2 <$NN= re4,rt8transcri4t+ Yvand, -as f,und in a shall,- .rave' His ar/s and le.s had been dis/e/bered+ his internal ,r.ans cut ,ut' Ritual i/4le/ents used durin. the cere/,n* -ere als, f,und near the b,d*' (,r 0,se ",scic )avetti said 4,lice believed the /a*,rs -ife and dau.hter -ere inv,lved -ith a Satanic cult+ and that the -ife had 4aid five cult /e/bers t, sacrifice Yvand, t, Satan 66 in return f,r the /a*,r havin. a .,,d 4,litical *ear' 3The st,ries <ab,ut different as4ects ,f cult rituals= are ver* /uch the sa/e+ -hether its s,/e,ne re4,rtin. ab,ut a cere/,n* in "elb,urne+ Australia+ Ver/,nt+ Utah'''3 said Dr' 0udianne Densen6Kerber' 3This leads /e t, believe+ n,t ,nl* are the cults all ,ver+ but because ,f the si/ilarities+ /an* are als, net-,r2ed'3 Dr' Densen6Kerber is a Ne- Y,r2 s*chiatrist -h, has treated a nu/ber ,f SRA surviv,rs since 1@AE' She als, has a la- de.ree+ and is the f,under ,f A$T < r,tect A/ericas $hildren T,da*='

Are A/erican children in because ,f these Satanic cults> &ell+ the s/all t,-n in #ra1il / 4r,vide s,/e clues' #esides the death ,f I6*ear ,ld Yvand, in 0ul*+ 1E ,ther children had c,/e u4 /issin. in Kuarutuba since 0anuar* ,f that *ear' Acc,rdin. t, #rand,n ere1+ initial Devel,4/ent Direct,r ,f the Nati,nal "issin. $hildrens $enter+ based in H,ust,n+ Te7as+ there are currentl* s,/e GEEE+EEE abducti,ns a *ear in the United States ,f -hich+ said ere1+ al/,st FEH ,f the children are never f,und' ere1 added that /an* ,f these cases are n,t ade9uatel* trac2ed' (n his b,,2+ The )ran2lin $,ver6u4: $hild Abuse+ Satanis/ and "urder in Nebras2a+ auth,r and f,r/er Nebras2a State Senat,r 0,hn De$a/4 intervie-ed BA *ear veteran )#( a.ent Ted Kunders,n' Since his retire/ent fr,/ the )#(+ Kunders,n has been activel* investi.atin. re4,rts ,f Satanic ritual abuse' De$a/4 -rites: 3Evidence fr,/ Kunders,ns investi.ati,ns has c,nvinced hi/ tens ,f th,usands ,f children ,r *,un. 4e,4le disa44ear fr,/ their h,/es each *ear+ and that /an* ,f the/ are ritualisticall* sacrificed'''n,b,d* 2n,-s the true fi.ure because the )#( d,esnt 2ee4 c,unt' Kunders,n ,bserves+ LThe )#( has an accurate c,unt ,n the nu/ber ,f aut,/,biles st,len ever* *ear' (t 2n,-s the nu/ber ,f h,/icides+ ra4es+ and r,bberies+ but the )#( has n, idea ,f the nu/ber ,f children -h, disa44ear ever* *ear' The* si/4l* d, n,t as2 f,r the statistics' Kunders,n .,es ,nt, sa* he believes the* d,nt as2 f,r the statistics+ si/4l*+ because the* d,nt -ant t, see the/' 3The* -,uld be c,nfr,nted -ith an instant 4ublic ,utcr* f,r acti,n+ because the fi.ures -,uld sh,- a /aD,r s,cial 4r,ble/ that -,uld de/and acti,n'3 And its n,t Dust the tra.ed* ,f the /issin. children that c,/e u4 dead as a result ,f this sava.e cult abuse 66 there are /an* children that are 3-al2in. -,unded'3 a/ela Huds,n+ !$S&+ a child thera4ist -ith a c,unt* health ,ut4atient de4art/ent in n,rthern $alif,rnia t, identif* the s*/4t,/s ,f SRA in several children -h, had been referred t, her in 1@AF' &hat -as t, f,ll,- -as a /,st fri.htenin. 4hen,/en,n' Thr,u.h,ut the re/ainder ,f 1@AF and int, 1@AC+ t-ent*6f,ur children+ all fr,/ the sa/e da* care center+ all e7hibitin. var*in. de.rees ,f ritual abuse s*/4t,/s+ -ere br, t, her b* c,ncerned 4arents' <&hat -as even /,re a/a1in.+ said Huds,n+ -as that the cases ca/e t, her individuall*+ -ith,ut the 4arents initiall* tal2in. a/,n. each ,ther'= S,/e ,f the s*/4t,/s included fre9uent terr,rs+ s-eats+ e7tre/e se4arati,n an7iet*+ unc,ntr,lled v,/itin.+ ?+G+ and F *ear ,lds actin. ,ut se7uall* in bi1arre+ sadistic /anners'''all indicat,rs ,f si.nificant trau/a' As Huds,n c,ntinued t, -,r2 -ith the children+ the Satanic ritual abuse st,ries started t, surface: the children re4,rted bein. l,c2ed in buried f,r sh,rt 4eri,ds in c,ffins+ inDected -ith dru.s+ defecated and urinated ,n+ se7uall* abused+ f,rced t, -atch ani/al and hu/an sacrifice''' Huds,n t,,2 the inf,r/ati,n t, auth,rities+ but the District Att,rne*s ,ffice decided n,t t,

4r,secute' A disa44,inted Huds,n said she attributes the decisi,n t, the lac2 ,f 4h*sical evidence+ and the children bein. 4erceived as t,, *,un.+ and als, c,nsidered t,, e/,ti,nall* trau/ati1ed f,r the st,ries t, a44ear credible t, a Dur*' H,-ever+ several *ears later+ a Dur* in Austin+ Te7as+ did find childrens st,ries ,f se7ual and Satanic ritual abuse credible en,u.h t, 4ut )rans Da* $are direct,rs+ )ran and Dan %eller+ in 4ris,n f,r e7tended sentences' <The %ellers arent eli.ible f,r 4ar,le until BEEG'= As -ith the case in $alif,rnia+ the children tal2ed ,f e7tre/e f,r/s ,f abuse: bein. threatened -ith .uns+ bein. buried alive+ f,rced t, /a2e 4,rn,.ra4hic /,vies+ -atch an infant sacrifice''' (n additi,n+ /* research has als, turned u4 si/ilar da* care and sch,,l SRA cases in )l,rida+ several /,re in $alif,rnia+ "assachusetts+ Ne- 0erse*+ and in $hristchurch+ Ne- Jealand' The l,n.est trial in A/erican hist,r*+ $alif,rnias "c"artin Da* Sch,,l case+ -as ,ne ,f the first da* care center cases t, clai/ Satanic ritual abuse' There -ere s,/e FEE se4arate re4,rts filed at the "anhattan #each ,lice De4art/ent in c,nnecti,n -ith the case' The childrens st,ries /atched th,se ,f ,ther cases cited' H,-ever+ there -as an additi,nal c,/4,nent t, the "c"artin case' The children c,nsistentl* tal2ed ,f bein. abused in an under.r,und tunnel bel,the da* care center' A hi.hl* 9ualified archae,l,.ist+ hired b* the childrens fa/ilies+ tal2ed ab,ut a series ,f -hat he sa*s -ere hi.hl* 9uesti,nable incidents in the search f,r the elusive tunnels' Arche,l,.ist Kar* Stic2le+ h'D'+ has -,r2ed e7tensivel* in the United States and in Eur,4e+ includin. headin. the lar.est under-ater arche,l,.ical s,nar surve* ever c,nducted in Eur,4e' (n additi,n+ he has been a c,nsultant t, !ucas )il/s in the devel,4/ent ,f the (ndiana 0,nes /,vie series' He has als, been 4r,fess,r ,f Arche,l,.* at the Universit* ,f $alif,rnia at !,n. #each' Stic2le said initiall* a 4rivate,r -ent t, the da* care center site and did s,/e 4reli/inar* inf,r/al' (t is re4,rted+ said Stic2le+ that this,r f,und s,/e rabbit b,nes in the s,il' <The children tal2ed ab,ut rabbits bein. sacrificed'= H,-ever+ the da* bef,re he -as t, testif*+ the 4rivate,r -as f,und dead fr,/ a .un sh,t -,und' (t -as deter/ined t, be a suicide' #ut Stic2le said that deter/inati,n -as 9uesti,ned b* /,re than a fe- 4e,4le+ .iven the ti/in.' Eventuall*+ said Stic2le+ the 4r,secuti,n hired an arche,l,.ical fir/ that du. seven 4its clustered ,utside ,f the buildin.' <This -as curi,us+ said Stic2le+ because the children -ere re4,rtin. the abuse had .,ne ,n in tunnels bel,- the buildin.'= Stic2le said a re/,te sensin. device -as als, used at the ti/e+ but it -as re4,rted that n, tunnels -ere f,und' That -as 1@AF' The lac2 ,f a tunnel da/a.ed the credibilit* ,f the childrens st,ries tre/end,usl*' Stic2les fir/ -as hired b* the 4arents in 1@@E' Usin. a s,4histicated .r,und 4enetratin. radar+ Stic2le said a tunnel -as f,und+ -here s,/e ,f the children had t,ld his staff it -,uld be' H,-ever+ even th,u.h evidence ,f the tunnel -as f,und in "a* ,f 1@@E+ -hile the trial -as still in 4r,.ress 66 the evidence -as never intr,duced in c,urt+ said Stic2le'

3)indin. such a tunnel -as hi.hl* relevant <t, the case=+3 said Stic2le' 3#ecause it <4ri,r lac2 ,f 4h*sical evidence ,f a tunnel= -as a /aD,r thin. used t, discredit the children'3 The accused "c"artin Da* $are $enter staff -ere eventuall* ac9uitted' H,-ever+ s,/e ,f the "c"artin 4arents havent 9uit fi.htin.' A t-, hundred 4a.e re4,rt ,n the tunnel findin.s has recentl* been released b* the 4arents+ in an ,n.,in. eff,rt t, 2ee4 the case bef,re the 4ublic' As -ith these children+ it is bec,/in. /,re and /,re a44arent that there are /an* adult SRA -al2in. -,unded as -ell' As a result ,f the trau/a+ these are 4e,4le ,ften afflicted -ith thin.s li2e severe 4aran,ia+ schi1,4hrenia+ /ulti4le 4ers,nalities' The* are 4e,4le al/,st ,ff the scales in ter/s ,f addicti,ns8c,/4ulsi,ns+ de4ressi,n+ self6/utilatin. behavi,r''' H,-ever+ an advancin. thera4eutic field has devel,4ed hi.hl* s,4histicated techni9ues t, hel4 surviv,rs' And the 4r,.n,sis f,r rec,ver* is ,ften .,,d' (n additi,n+ 4arts ,f s,ciet* are als, rall*in. ar,und these surviv,rs' The $,unt* $,//issi,n f,r &,/en has a Ritual Abuse Tas2 ),rce in !,s An.eles; there is a state6-ide "innes,ta A-areness ,f Ritual Abuse .r,u4; 0ireh+ head9uartered in Arlin.t,n+ Te7as+ is a nati,nal 4r,.ra/ t, create safe6h,uses f,r cult surviv,rs brea2in. a-a*; The (nternati,nal $,uncil ,n $ultis/ and Ritual Trau/a+ in Richards,n+ Te7as+ ; and a nu/ber ,f cult surviv,r res,urce and referral ,r.ani1ati,ns; ritual abuse t-elve6ste4 4r,.ra/s are ev,lvin.' As /uch as -e d,nt -ant t, believe it as a s,ciet* 66 Satanic ritual abuse is a realit*' And+ as -as d,ne b* the 4arents in the "c"artin Da* $are $enter case+ -e need t, be r,llin. u4 ,ur sleeves and dee4er t, .et at the -h,le truth' "a* BF+ 1@@G -as desi.nated Nati,nal "issin. $hildrens Da*' Th,se 4,stcards that c,/e t, ,ur h,/es s, ver* ,ften d,nt re4resent an*b,d*s 3false /e/,ries'3 Th,se are real children+ -ith real fates' Daniel R*der+ $$D$+ !S&+ an investi.ative D,urnalist and a c,unsel,r+ is the auth,r ,f #rea2in. the $ircle ,f Satanic Ritual Abuse' The ab,ve article is based ,n /aterial fr,/ "r' R*ders ne-est b,,2+ $,ver6u4 ,f the $entur* <Satanic Ritual $ri/e and $,ns4irac*=' $,ver6U4 ,f the $entur* : Satanic Ritual $ri/e O &,rld $,ns4irac* b* Daniel R*der

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