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I must design a storage tank that need coil for heating.

it is a nonhelical coil inside a tank and using steam as fluid coil. what can calculate the overal heat transfer coffe for this coil? there is no mixer for the tank. You need to refer the following book:

"Process Heat Transfer" by D. Q, Kern

Refer page 720 to 722 of chapter 20 of this book. It provides the guiding equations for heat transfer coefficients for coils for both agitated and non-agitated vessels. Hope this helps. You can use the usual calculation formula for the overall heat transfer coefficient thats found in any heat transfer book, The inside film coefficient for steam will be in the 2000 t0 2500 BTU/hr-ft^2-F. It will be non-controlling and have little effect, For outside the coil, use a natural convection coefficient like the one found in Churchill and Chu, Int. J Heat Mass Transfer, 18,1975.

Thank you gentlemen, here is my conclusion:

For our IFS 380 tank (30C pour point/60C flash point), We'll use steam coils in order to keep the temperature at 55C. For insulation, rockwool will be used on shell plates (roof excluded) covered by metal jacketing.

One more question:

Where insulation is required, 25 mm (1 in) is the minimum thickness for practical installation

I attend to design a storge tank for HFO with a capacity of 1000 m3, what is the best reference that i can depend on?

and i will be glad if you supply me with any information about the design requirments


Your question is not clear. Are you looking for mechanical design of the tank or are you looking to provide dimensions for the tank?

If you are looking for dimensions then it is a simple case of geometry of a cylinder with the bottom portion being a flat plate meaning that the volume of a cylinder be calculated as:

V = pi*D2*L / 4

where: V = volume of the cylindrical tank, m3 D = inside dia. of the tank, m L = length of the tank, m

You need to select a diameter and a length such that the tank capacity is more than 1000 m3 to accomodate for vapor space above the liquid level. Some guidelines could be as follows:

Free-board = 20% which means: total tank capacity = nominal tank capacity / 0.8 where your nominal capacity is 1000 m3 & total capacity includes the vapor space above the liquid level

L/D (length to diameter ratio) = 0.6 to 0.8

By randomly selecting a tank diameter and performing a few trial-and-error calculations based on the above guidelines for L/D ratio and free-board you will have the dimensions for your 1000 m3 HFO tank.

Hope this is what you are looking for since mechanical design of storage tanks is done by mechanical (static) engineers and not by chemical engineers.

Having read previous useful suggestions, following additional notes can be also useful. See also http://www.cheresour...n-storage-tank/. Tank heat losses to ambient equals heat supply by steam in the steady state (design allows for margins, heat losses to ambient depend much on air velocity, not only on temperature). 1. Heavy fuel oil tanks may need heating of their content to be pumpable. Viscosity limit for centrifugal pumps may reportedly be about 3000 cSt , however maximum viscosity in suction lines can be assumed as more or less 220 cSt for API 650 tanks within dikes. So e.g. No 6 fuel oil (bunkers C) needs heating. http://www.engineeri...ils-d_1143.html. 2. There are cases when fuel oil is only locally heated in tank around suction connection. This will be neglected here. Impression is that this is applicable for tanks of capacity bigger than 1000 m3. Advice welcomed. 3. Consequently tank latera walls should be insulated and fuel oil lines heat traced. Steam coils are commonly applied for heating, despite the risk of roll over (see below) in case of leakage into the oil. For instance, if coil gets holes, steam will locally condensate into the tank and heat its content. Over here fuel oil daily tanks for boilers (30-40 m3) were externally "heat traced" to avoid this risk (once a ceiling blew up), but this steam pipe "winding" is not practical for 1000 m3 tanks. At any case steam heated tanks are generally acceptable as standard practice, take care of the measures / precautions adopted for the coil in design and applied in construction (e.g. "generous" corrosion allowance, extent of inspected coil radiographies, robust construction, frequent inspection after start up). 4. Usually two steam coils are installed near tank bottom; one operating, the other standby. 5. Since fuel oil contains a small amount of water, it must not approach water boiling point, which would cause boil over. According to local practice, fuel oil temperature should not be higher than 93 oC. A steam cut off vave should automatically stop steam supply, as soon as fuel oil measured temperature approaches this limit. 5. Representative fuel oil temperature is hard to obtain in a fuel oil tank, even of 1000 m3. Four probes of ~ 1.0 m depth from wall could be located along a tank perimeter, at a height lower than tank low low

liquid level (LLLL). Vertical multi-measuring proble (for level indication, etc) can also include temperature indication along tank height. Instrument Dept could help on this matter. 6. If fuel oil needs to be heated above its flash point (or close to it, withing (say) 4 oC) , inert gas blanketing has to be applied. 7. If fuel oil is heated below flash point, no blanketing is necessary. However heating steam temperature had better be below 200 oC, to avoid fuel autoignition in case that liquid level is low enough to emerge heating coils from liquid (http://www.engineeri...ures-d_171.html). If this is not practically possible, intall low level alarm (LLA) and low level cut off (LLLS), to stop steam supply before the coils are emerged. 8. Hope above is useful, comments / additions welcomed. A relevant design practice would give additional information.

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