The False Promise

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Key Points

begun by former Apple executive Mitch Mandich, attracted millions of dollars in private

money plus commitments for up to $156 million in grants and loans from the U. . government !he plan "as to build a large biofuels plant in operton, #a. $ach day the facility "ould convert 1,%%% tons of "ood chips and "aste from #eorgia&s vast pulp and paper industry into '(),%%% gallons of ethanol. *ange +uels is not the only biofuels company to fall short. ,ilion in #oshen, ,alif., $thanex $nergy in -asehor, .an., and others have gotten out of the business of ma/ing biofuels from plant matter because it is too expensive. no biofuel that can compete on price and performance "ith gasoline is yet on the hori0on !his failure is particularly discouraging because only a fe" years ago biofuels seemed li/e an ideal solution to t"o big U. . problems1 dependence on oil and climate change. !errorism and soaring oil prices had made Middle $astern oil a particular liability, and rising average global temperatures underscored 2i3uid fuels could also be harvested from algae, "hich more efficiently turn "ater, ,4' and sunlight into fats that can be converted into hydrocarbons or, more effective still, from genetically engineered microorganisms that could directly excrete hydrocarbons *ecent experience suggests that the scientific or industrial improvements needed to solve the challenges to ma/ing advanced biofuels practical may be extremely difficult to attain 5umans have spent the past 6,%%% years refining techni3ues for exploiting en0ymes and yeast to ferment sugars derived from corn /ernels, sugarcane or other plants into ethanol Unfortunately, corn ethanol is not very energy7efficient and is therefore not carbon7 neutral

Authors Summary
!he author is telling us at the beginning of the article ho" "e can use biofuels as an alternate choice for fossil fuels. !hen "e tells us the negatives of using biofuels, then "hat "e as humans can do to prevent biofuel use and conserve our fossil fuel use. !he author "as really trying to tell us not to convert to biofuel as an alternate energy source because "ere using the crops "e 8ust planted for fuel. !here "ould be a lot of famine if "e do this and our population can afford to have a shortage in food especially since every other resource is already d"indling.

9 believe that "e shouldn&t use biofuels it&s not a very rene"able source. :es. All "e have to plant some more and there you go but if "e use half of our food source for fuel and the other half for or population, the other half of the population "ill suffer famine and things li/e that and our population "ill slo"ly start to reduce one after another. -iofuels isn&t a good "ay alternate for fossil fuels, even though biofuel&s don&t really produce that much ,4' it&s hard to say that biofuels is better than fossil fuels if you loo/ at the long term causes of using biofuels.

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