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Several times ago in the House of Morocco, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Amy are hosting the event with the socialites consisting of entrepreneurs, celebrities, and famous designer. Amy and her colleagues doing tea time party in the evening. Everyone is wearing luxurious silk kaftan, complete with jewelery and equipped with a Middle Eastern style make ups. "This atmosphere seemed we were in a one thousand and one nights fairy tales, said Amy. Amy Atmanto Owner of Royal Kaftan Boutique

Introduction Luxury private house and private lounge in the premium cafe that available for rent in purpose to held private simple events (such as social gathering, prom night, etc.) up to a specific events (such as product launching, business cooperation signing, etc.), now currently booming particularly in various regions of all Jakarta. All of the levels society with a wide range of differentiation interests now prefer to use private place to make his guest feel more calm, relax and felt like own home rather than host it in the public spots such as Hotel, Public Restaurant, Office Building and Hall.

The business idea came right away after the proliferation of the socialite gathering event that held all over in Jakarta. In Indonesia this socialite gathering event we called it Arisan. What is arisan mean? What is the purpose of the arisan? Why arisan should be held in a private place moreover with luxurious and exotic ones?

Arisan is basically a group of people (usually women) who get together and raise money regularly every certain period. Once the money collected, the name will be drawn as a winner is declared. Period gathering round ends when all members have won the lottery. The main motive for the establishment of arisan because the member of arisan shared the same vision, mission, needs, sense of belonging, and most importantly character with the other member of arisan, because arisan performed by its member characteristic so if we divided into economic status, we can have a simple arisan (held by common people) and high end arisan (held by socialite people).

Specifically for arisan organized by socialite classes most of them are held in a special places, where the places must be represent they personality characteristics such as luxurious, exotic and full of glamour. Because of their behaviour, many owners of luxury houses and premium cafe in Jakarta think to rent his houses or parts of his cafe to the third party with proper compensation. Most of the rented houses is no longer used by the original residents because their already has another residence. Especially for the houses, there is a package that you can only rent one room in that house or you can rent the full houses (see Exhibits 1). Right now who want rented house not only come from the socialite class, renters from the retail companies and the social climber who wants to exist also began to look at these luxury places for the purpose of their events.

Overview of Socialite & Social Climber A woman woke up when she heard the sound from alarm call, and then she checked the incoming news from Blackberry Messenger, Twitter and Path. After that she took a shower and got ready to go to the Premium Beauty Salon to indulge herself. Several hour later its time to get dressed with luxurious clothing and bags, later ask the driver to take her to the location of the glamour social event will be held and its time to throw a party until you drop. When seen on the activities carried out by that women definitely you can guess what they are really is, Yess .... she is definitely the socialite lady. That is the phenomenon socialite activities that currently happening in Indonesia. Social gathering Event that was once used as a social activity is now sometimes used as a venue to show off the wealth of the socialites by using high end products and host it in the luxurious private home or cafe that is currently in trend or happening. This phenomenon is not inevitable when seeing the condition of the majority of Indonesian people have a lifestyle to consume something rather than giving something.

Daily life and lifestyle of the socialites that enriched with the luxuries kind of things, later will became the target of a variety of local media to get exposed in the public magazine both in the positive and negative behaviour conducted by the socialites. Thereafter the article that discuss about socialite`s life will become for public consumption. Peoples who read the article about socialite`s lifestyle and gets attracted to this article will be lured to follow their lifestyle. People who gets attracted and want to be like a socialites, after that will become Social Climber. social climber is someone who wants to raise the economic level so it aligned with the socialite and want a lifestyle like the socialite. Unfortunately not all socialite`s lifestyle that exposed in the media can be a role as a good model for the common people. This event which will cause a person to become a social climber in a way that is in harmony or that contrary to the prevailing norms and ethics in society.

Refers to the fact that currently occurs in Indonesia, social climber apparently the most common type today is the social climber who justify any means necessary to gain recognition as the socialite.

As the matter of fact, people right now are more familiar with the Social climber is someone who is actually not a socialite but insistent follow tub socialite lifestyle and those they are willing to do anything as long as it is able to enter the ranks of the upper classes. Very sad indeed to observe this phenomenon. High inversely related to the state of this country (Indonesia). Besides the phenomenon of socialites who live in luxury, there are still many people who are caught in the recesses of poorness and adversity.

To be honest the real meaning of a social climber was not always seen as a negative connotation. Based on way of a person in order to enter the ranks of the upper classes, the actual characteristics of a social climber can be divided into two parts. The first characteristic is a social climber who wants to raise their status by using a performance enhancement as the path to get a better career which it not so easy to do, furthermore we call them as a true social climber. For the example we can take from the current figure of Jakarta's governor "Joko Widodo ', we can see how the previous achievements made by him so far can deliver him as the most influential person in Jakarta. Now the second characteristic is the social climber who is not concerned with an increase in performance as the basis for raising the economic level. They prefer to take the short or easy way as to be a socialite though it controverts with the prevailing norms and ethics in society, furthermore we can call them as a fake social climber. You must still remember the case of Melinda Dee right? Although she has had a great career in bank, the short path she used to get a better economic status makes her career that she has been built all this time wrecked instantly. That is the example between the real of social climber and the fake of social climber. For your information the fake social climber who joining the events with the real socialtes will only make them became uncomfortable and eventually they will talk about you with others in negative perception. From now which possibility the path u want to take for raising your current status economic, become a real social climber that only a few people do now or just a fake social climber just like most people do now ?

The role of social climber to the brands

Social climber is a huge part of marketing. According to Search Engine Watch, all you have to do to start climbing the social media ladder is understand how to use it effectively. The relationship

between a brand and a consumer is key to brand survival. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce found that people ages 20-29 use social media to connect with brands.

Healthcare brands rely on relationships much like other brands do. When social climber users follow or like a brand, they engage in a high level of interaction with that brand. This relationship allows social climber to support sales. Healthcare can use the relationships and trust built by engaging patients. This article also discusses the support human resources receives from an effective social climber effort. HR professionals use social climber to find talented individuals, but healthcare brands can use social climber to advertise their own talent. People like to know they are under the care of the best physician and nurse available. Social climber really shines when it comes to supporting public relations for your healthcare brand. Retail brands advertise sales and contests through social climber to engage users and bring more business. Healthcare can do the same by creating healthcare-friendly contests and prizes. Finally, social climber supports the Big Boss. Social climber sites offer avenues for your brands executives to build their presence. By putting out their own persona, executives can further engage patients through webinars, blogs and other online events.

(Social climber is people that want to increase their social-economic status not only in the right way but also in a way that is considered taboo by norm and ethic in society and their motive is to be a socialite. One indicator that someones economic status has already gone up is they use famous brand stuffs and participate luxury events but still suitable with their capability. ) Refer to the business phenomena in Rented Luxury Houses that nowadays currently quite popular hired by various levels of society in Jakarta. We can make the conclusion that the role of social climbers lifestyle that imitates socialite lifestyle turned out to be the addition of the value of a brand. For example now the Morphosa House located in the Kemang area (known as elite areas the socialita) become very popular among all these good socialite, retail company or social climber, along with the increase value of the brand itself. Currently the rate for booking the Morphosa Houses only for one night is 60million rupiah. Woowww.... Its a fantastic nominal for rented the Merphosa House compared with rented for another building in Bandung that the price is not as high as the famous building in Bandung. This will impact the existence of perception and experience that gives more value with using the property as a media. So social climber is an under-estimated and under-represented medium in niche brands marketing mix a fact borne out by said brands

conspicuous absence from social platforms. Besides the facts quoted above, here are a few things you probably didnt know about social, things that ought to ease your suspicions about the medium


Before we know about the impacts of social climber to Socialites, we have to know first what is Socialites itself. Socialites is a common idiom in our community especially in Indonesia. Well, Socialites definition is those who was born in rich family or as a noble and used their wealth to do social activities. Usually, the Socialites have a power and capability to affect the others to do the same things as they did. The social activities usually had their level based on how capable the socialite gave funds. There are a lot of kinds of social activities such as fundraising by music concert, fashion show, garden party, charity night, etc in five stars hotels and invite social media to capture their social activities. Nowadays, the definition of Socialite is already had a shift in the meaning especially in Indonesia. Socialite person definition become a person who wears the expensive stuffs with famous brand and show off in front of their groups only for self-recognition that they are capable to buy and they are the first person in the community who wears those stuffs. The Socialites people also have their own groups and do gather in routine, the Indonesian people called the gathering as arisan. The main aim of arisan was to preserve communication among family members. Today, women gather in crowded restaurants, wearing top-notch makeup, couture outfits and extravagant salon-made hairdos with perfectly manicured finger nails, colorfully adorned with nail gel, and fingers lavishly adorned with diamond rings, and the gathering now becomes an event for show off. The impacts of social climber to socialite : a. Negative Impacts As we know, social climber in general is a person whos willing to be alike as socialite even though they are not as rich as the socialite. These types of person usually also follow the negative side from socialite definition such as do the gathering like Arisan and use luxuries stuffs and show off in front of their community. Although their stuffs are not as expensive as the socialites (imitation from famous brand), but they also have will to show them off and the need of self-recognition that they are capable to buy the expensive-imitation of the brand that are used by the socialites. As mentioned before that socialite causes the imitation emergences that are exactly resembled from original brand, a social climber for certain use that imitation stuff so that their behavior, life style, makeup way, etc. will likely the real socialite. The negative effect from these phenomenons to socialite is because the meaning of socialite change from the real meaning of the person called as a socialite. The more negative wannabe socialites appear in society, the more followers will appear because they want their status to be higher in society perception too so that we will hardly recognize those who

are the true socialite person (from wealth families) and those who are social climber with connotation side. b. Positive Impacts If the negative impacts of social climber to socialite are those who is imitate the life cycle of socialite, then the positive impacts of social climber to socialites are those who are from middle-class families that want to do social activities as the true meaning of socialite (those who were born in wealthy families and use their wealth to do social activities). These types of social climber mostly form some kind of groups or social foundation that which member could be mix of social climber and also socialites. With the existence of these kind of groups that dont look the social status make the other socialites community more realize about the real meaning and function of becoming socialites that can cause more socialites community will follow the tracks.

Nowadays, the private lounge and luxuries private house that are usually used for party by socialites, now can be booked by social climber that are suitable with their capability. There are variety ways for social climber to increase their social status in society. The only common ways are to use the socialites products and follow their lifestyle. Sometimes their lifestyle that is being imitated by social climber is not completely good. The reason is because their lifestyle especially in Indonesia is identical with the hyper-consumptive behavior that for some social will cause a fatal impact that social climbers expense somehow will be higher than their income.

Social Climber As a Trend

Social Climber As a Potential Market Share Berburu barang barang bermerk, liburan ke daerah eksotik dan menghadiri acara acara bergengsi di tempat tempat mewah adalah hal yang biasa dilakukan oleh golongan social climber. Umumnya dari sebagian golongan social climber yang menganggap dengan memiliki barang dan bergaya hidup yang sama seperti para sosialita, maka mereka merasa sudah seperti kalangan sosialita. Begitu kuatnya pengaruh gaya hidup para sosialita yang selalu didokumentasikan oleh pihak media massa sampai terkadang dapat mempengaruhi golongan masyarakat yang sejujurnya tidak memiliki kemampuan ekonomi untuk mencapai level tersebut. Dilihat dari trend social climber yang terjadi saat ini, keadaan yang terjadi sekarang merupakan kesempatan yang baik bagi pemilik bisnis yang khusus mengakomodasi gaya hidup para social climber tersebut. Rumah mewah yang dulunya hanya berfungsi sebagai rumah tinggal saja, sekarang sudah beralih fungsi menjadi lahan bisnis untuk disewakan kepada pihak ketiga baik itu kalangan socialite, social climber maupun perusahaan retail untuk keperluan kepentingannya masing

masing. Begitu pula dengan pengusaha cafe, saat ini hampir semua cafe di Jakarta wajib hukumnya untuk menyediaakan semacam private room untuk acara acara tertentu. Gaya hidup kaum sosialita yang kerap kali mengundang sensasi, sering menjadi santapan bagi para media massa untuk meliput setiap kegiatannya untuk dijadikan konsumsi bagi para social climber. Apabila sekelompok sosialita mengadakan arisan di tempat yang belum dikenal luas, maka hanya tinggal masalah waktu sampai tempat tersebut akan diperbincangkan dimana mana, karena para social climber yang merupakan follower mereka sudah pasti akan mengikuti jejak mereka dan karena gaya hidupnya yang selalu ingin eksis di sosial media maka secara tidak langsung mereka juga yang akan menambah nilai terhadap brand dari tempat yang belum dikenal luas itu. Bila melihat fenomena gaya hidup khususnya di ibukota saat ini, peranan sosialita ternyata cukup kuat untuk mempengaruhi trend terhadap masyarakat luas dan nilai dari brand yang dipakainya.


Bunga Rampai

Originally Bunga Rampai converted into a restaurant and start leased in 2007. Located at Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro no. 35, Menteng, Central Jakarta, has an area of up to more than 1,000 square meters. While the maximum capacity of 150 people (seated) or 300 people (standing party). For rental rates throughout the building, prepare a budget of about Rp 60 million to Rp 125 million per day. The price depends on the time of the deal price. If you want to rent only one room, Bungai Rampai has six rooms that can be rented separately with a budget of about Rp 1.2 million to 26 million per day.

Rumah Morphosa dan Kemang Timoer

This house has a semi-tropical style and Mediterranean. Located on Jalan Kemang Timur 7, South Jakarta. For the the extent of its own 8,000 square meters. Thus able to accommodate 500 people. For pricing starts from US. $ 7000 or RP. 60 million overnight. Rumah Maroko

Who is not familiar with Morocco house? This house is being subscribed to an international dinner party to show to the embassy. located at Jalan Tasikmalaya no. 9, Central Jakarta, has some room to rent such space Cassablanca, Marakessh, Riyadt, Andalucia, and Quarzazale. For maximum capacity ranging from 50 people to 500 people with rental prices ranging from Rp 10 million and above.

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