S Kushners Resume

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University of Rhode Island: 50 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02 ! )" !* 0!+,-2 sam.el/0.shner1my2.ri2ed.

Permanent Residence: 2" #wl $rive, %haron, &', 020(" )" !* " ,+0"20 sam.el20.shner1comcast2net


Education UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND, Kingston, RI Kinesiology &a5or: 67ercise %cience with Physical 8hera3y concentration 9P' 20!2+20!,: :2 673ected grad.ation: &ay 20!, %e3tem4er 200-+C.rrent

SHARON HIGH SCHOOL, %haron, &' )Ran0ed th in &'* %e3tem4er 2005+;.ne 200///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Objecti e #4tain Physical 8hera3y 'ide 3osition .3on grad.ation )&ay, 20!,*2 's noted 4elow, I have 3revio.sly com3leted 4oth in3atient and o.t3atient internshi3s in 3hysical thera3y and an o.t3atient internshi3 in athletic training2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !aid "o#$ and Inte#n%&i' E('e#ience )ASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOS!TIAL, <oston, &' Physical Therapy Intern/Aide Surgical Intensive Care Unit &em4er of s.rgical team in 8ra.ma ! level teaching hos3ital %.33ort 3hysical thera3ists in all as3ects of assigned 3atient care incl.ding research and review of 3atient charts, setting .3 and maintaining e=.i3ment, and 3roviding 3hysical thera3y treatment LE!RE !HYSICAL THERA!Y, >orth Providence, RI Physical Therapy Intern #4served a n.m4er of 3hysical thera3ists administer treatment and e7ercise 3rescri3tion for 3atients ranging in age from 5+ 5 years old Interacted with 3atients 4efore, d.ring and after treatment? learned a4o.t their 3artic.lar in5.ry, lifestyle and 3rogress Provided general dynamic warm+.3 and stretching to 3atients .nder 3rofessional s.3ervision !RE)IER ATHLETE TRAINING, &ansfield, &' Athletic Training Intern Instr.cted and demonstrated 3ro3er cardiovasc.lar end.rance e7ercises as well as a33ro3riate strength resistance training for 0ids ranging from ages to !( *AR LOUIE, @o74oro.gh, &' Barback Aor0 with 4artenders to maintain 4ar incl.ding ta0ing inventory, stoc0ing li=.or and 0ee3ing wor0 areas clean COAST GUARD HOUSE, >arragansett, RI Barback Aor0ed with 4artenders to serve c.stomers in landmar0 oceanfront Rhode Island instit.tion S!RING VALLEY COUNTRY CLU*, %haron, &' Lifeguard
Com3leted , days of lifeg.ard certification )swimBwritten e7am* incl.ding CPR Res3onsi4le for maintaining 3ool cleanliness, ma0ing s.re mem4ers a4ide 4y cl.4 3ool r.les, and foc.sing on swimmers at all times to ens.re their safety and ha33iness

;an2 20!,+3resent

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;.ne+'.g.st 20!!

)ASS !RE)IER COURTS, @o74oro, &' Sc reb ard and Sc reb k Record the score in a 4oo0 and r.n the score4oard for yo.th ''U, town and recreational 4as0et4all games Clean the co.rt following the concl.sion of the last game assigned

;.ne 200-+20!0

CA)! )ASSA!OAG, %haron, &' Ca!p C unsel r Res3onsi4le for 0nowing the wherea4o.ts of assigned cam3ers at all times, instr.cting them thro.gh the Cs3ort of the wee0,D swimming with them at the la0e, and ens.ring their ha33iness and growth

;.ne+'.g.st 20!0

CA)! *AUERCREST, 'mes4.ry, &' ;.ne+'.g.st 200"vernight Ca!p C unsel r #ne of three co.nselors res3onsi4le for !: seventh grade 4oys for the s.mmer wee0s Res3onsi4ilities incl.ded wa0ing the 0ids .3 in the morning, ma0ing s.re they 3erformed daily chores s.ch as cleaning the 4.n0, and teachingBleading vario.s s3orts and activities Provided daily re3orts on s3ecific daily assignments s.ch as refereeing a game or covering another 4.n0 'ccom3anied cam3ers to meals, made s.re they cleaned .3, and ens.red the 0ids remained ha33y and entertained 4efore I 3.t them to 4ed at the end of the day ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Vo+untee#,E(t#acu##icu+a# Acti itie% UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND &em4er )wal0+on* of Earsity $iv2 I University of Rhode Island @oot4all team )20!!+20!2* &em4er of Earsity Cl.4 R.g4y 8eam )200-+20!2* &em4er of Earsity Cl.4 Lacrosse 8eam )@all, 200-* Intram.ral <as0et4all, @lag @oot4all, Indoor %occer )200-+3resent* Fa4itat for F.manity, Providence, RI )winter 4rea0, 20!0+!!* &ains3ring Fo.se, <roc0ton, &' )s3ring 4rea0, 20!0* SHARON HIGH SCHOOL &em4er of Earsity <as0et4all )Ca3tain*, %occer, and Lacrosse teams ), years* SOFT"ARE E-!ERTISE Proficient in &icrosoft Aord, PowerPoint, and 67cel

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