Infograph Essay

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Jacob Blazier English 255

Defense Essay When creating an infographic design, it helps the viewer understand the concepts of your purpose retaining to the topic in a visual and meaningful way ! created my design as a way to e"press to readers the situations concerning elderly drivers today and offer solutions to avoid future problems !n this paper, my design will e"plain how facts and e"amples will get my points across clearly By providing brief facts and some statistics, ! feel that my infographic will be easier to understand visually and have a positive outcome of beneficial information to readers #rganization is $ey to any effective infographic %he way ! organized my infographic was by relevancy to the audience and showing some statistics that could be understood and ma$e people aware of an ongoing dilemma for a lot of states With the readings ! provided that included& news articles, doctor's opinions, and simple statistics, ! believe that my point and solutions will relate to the audience, without bashing and being offensive to some With my infograph mainly focusing on small points to e"press my solution, images weren't a priority role in the design (owever clip art and !nternet based pictures from news articles were used as a semi comic relief and referred to as, )silly, or abstract* by )+isual ,hetoric& -ses of !mages* to $eep the audience aware and real life pictures from accidents that occurred do to an unprepared senior citizen ./tolley0 1ictures are easy for the reader to comprehend what's going on and not be strictly focused with colors and

words %he clip art ! used was cropped and sized to fit a normal size page and not to massive to distract the readers and sidetrac$ them from my persuasion !mages $eep readers focused and entertained while still learning new information to educate them on any given topic While trying to decide on what $ind of color ! should use to represent my infographic, ! went with a predominant gray bac$ground to set the tone of an ongoing debate, and each bubble2te"t bo" was filled with a lighter gray to $eep the color scheme presentable to the reader and feed of a )neutral* vibe .1epper0 White colored font seemed to be the easiest to read in the combinations of all the other colors (owever, in some cases where ! used statistics in the opening te"t bubble on my infograph to account for deaths occurred do to the elder drivers, ! used a blac$ bac$ground, which according to the article, )%he 1sychology of 3olor,* blac$ )symbolizes death* and white font to counter the sadden mood portrayed by death of these people %he information in my infograph was the main points that bac$ed up my topic Whether they were news articles giving e"amples of similar cases or statistics including different age groups involved in the same field of debate 4dding in the reasons why older drivers should be retested will get my point across and allows the viewers to get my concept without dragging on too much /ome information that ! opted out of including was opinionated responses that didn't e"plain the argument as well as planned for it Within the te"t bo"es, ! used Blair5d!%3 %% for ma6ority of my bo"es because the font was already loud, an attention grabber, and not as dull as the usual %imes 7ew ,oman or 3alabria fonts !n the article from 1urdue #wl, )-sing 8onts With 1urpose*, my font was listed under the /ans9serif category and labeled as )easier to read* and has good )visual conte"t* .1epper0 4fter testing out the different fonts, it was easy to depict which ones

seemed to be more boring and which ones were less effective towards readers !nfographic genre seems to be more beneficial to readers when dealing with a debatable persuasion While the typical argument is mainly written out in essay format or verbally announced, ! feel infographics can be relatable by any aged reader interested in a persuasive topic that concerns them 1athos and logical appeals were successful when describing points on an infographic While using articles that involve potential readers, ! believe we can use infographics in a way that can be 6ust as, if not more beneficial to the audience as a descriptive essay would be (owever, when ! see infographics ! thin$ of less professional writers because how they present the audience with pictures and less information to describe, what could be, an important topic that may need more immediate attention 3reative writers who are e"pressing their articles, or possibly even another debate would place well in the infographic genre Because this genre re:uires a smaller amount of information than a formal essay, it'll wor$ well with those authors who have straight to the point facts and information that can ma$e a bigger impact then a ;<<9word summary !'d li$e to see infographics become a much larger genre, and more authors and writers participate in creating infographics for the readers

Wor$s 3ited 1epper, 5ar$, 7ic$ (urm, and 4llen Brizee =Welcome to the 1urdue #W> = Purdue OWL #W> at 1urdue, 2<<; Web ?? 4pr 2<?@ /tolley, Aarl )+isual ,hetoric& -se of !mages * Purdue OWL. #W> at 1urdue, n d Web 2B 4pr 2<?@ =%he 1sychology #f 3olor 9 !mgur = Imgur 36olliffe com, <2 5ar 2<?; Web <B 4pr 2<?@

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