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FORM 4 2013
WEEK THEME LEARNING OUTCOMES DOMAIN SPECIFICATIONS LANGUAGE CONTENT *('MM'( $anguage forms and functions S+),- S.S!/M 0o%el sounds 1i1 1i:1 $evel vi. Making a decision regarding an action to be taken based on agreement of all members of a group. vii. (ead topics of current interest and exchange ideas. 0+2'3)$'(. (efer to %ord list -ictionary skills ACTIVITIES

12 2 1 2013 11 1 2013 People Social Issues

Students should be able to: 1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by a. taking part in conversations and discussions. d. exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest. 1. !ake part in social interaction by a. carrying out a variety of language functions. b. discussing plans and arrangements in solving problems " making decisions.

1.& Interpersonal

$evel 1 i. !alking about oneself to others, sharing information about each other that is of interest to both parties.

4riting " talking about diary

%riting and online 5ournal

2omparing " contrasting diary

%riting and online 5ournal Problem solving and decision making. (eading a variety of texts. 6eep a 5ournal of daily experiences Scanning for details by ticking true or false statements. 7inding meaning of %ords using contextual clues.

. Process information by a. skimming " scanning for specific information " ideas.

.& Informational

Processing texts read by $evel 1 ii. Skimming for gist. iii. Scanning for details. vi. )sing the dictionary to find the meanings of %ords.

L!"#$%"&$#' P(#) 1* I+ ",# M!-." (/ H%$-.,!0

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by e. reciting poems %ith feeling and expression.

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 i. (eciting poems %ith feelings and expressions and %ith the correct pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm.

!alking about disasters and difficulties in life. (eading the poem aloud. (elating the situation in the poem to real life. Identify emotions related to





SPECIFICATIONS $evel ix. !alking about ho% events, characters and the poem remind one of events in real life. $evel # xi. !alking about the message the poet is trying to put across in his1her poem. xiii. )nderstanding some of the figurative language of the text. $evel # vi. 2omposing simple poems.


ACTIVITIES the poem. 2ompleting %orksheet9s: ; e.g. !reasure hunt, 4ord explosion 2omposing a poem.

#. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by c. composing simple poems.

3*4 14 1 2013 21 1 2013

Students should be able to: 1.1 Make friends " keep friendship by a. taking part in conversations " discussions. 1.# exchanging ideas and opinions on friendship People .# Present information by : e. expanding notes " outlines. f. composing, revising, editing drafts8 " checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation " grammar. i. using appropriate format, conventions.

1.& Interpersonal

$evel 1 iii. (elating personal experiences. $evel # v. Making a narrative essay

*('MM'( 1. $anguage forms " functions S+),- S.S!/M 1.& 2onsonants 1%1 1v1

$evel iv. /xpanding notes " outlines. $evel # viii. 'pplying process %riting skills. .& Informational

0+2'3)$'(. (efer to %ord list

-iscussion on social customs of Malaysia ethnic group /xchanging ideas. *roup presentation on social customs of Malaysia ethnic group (ole playing ,arrative essay on social customs of Malaysia ethnic group8 %rite an article providing tips, advice and instructions : apply process %riting skills Problem solving

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by e. reciting poems %ith feeling and expression. L!"#$%"&$#' #.& $evel 1 i. (eciting poems %ith feelings and

!alking about disasters and difficulties in life.


THEME P(#) 1* I+ ",# M!-." (/ H%$-.,!0

LEARNING OUTCOMES #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by c. composing simple poems.

DOMAIN 'esthetic

SPECIFICATIONS expressions and %ith the correct pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm. $evel ix. !alking about ho% events, characters and the poem remind one of events in real life. $evel # xi. !alking about the message the poet is trying to put across in his1her poem. xiii. )nderstanding some of the figurative language of the text. $evel # vi. 2omposing simple poems.


ACTIVITIES (eading the poem aloud. (elating the situation in the poem to real life. Identify emotions related to the poem. 2ompleting %orksheet9s: ; e.g. !reasure hunt, 4ord explosion 2omposing a poem.

Students should be able to: 1. !ake part in social interaction by b. making decisions . .1 +btain information by a. reading materials in print. 1*6 /nvironment 22 1 2013 2 2 2013 . Process information by a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. f. dra%ing conclusions. 1.& Interpersonal

$evel vi. Making a decision regarding an action to be taken based on agreement of all members of a group. $evels 1, " # i. (eading silently and aloud. Processing texts listened to by: $evel. 1 ii. ,oting important details. $evel iv. Identifying main ideas " 5otting do%n key %ords " phrases. Processing texts read by $evel 1 iii. Scanning for details. $evel # xiv. -ra%ing conclusions

*('MM'( !he simple past tense S+),- S.S!/M Sentence stress and intonation

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by c. explaining the message the %riter is trying to convey and discussing ho% this relates to one<s life.

.& Informational

0+2'3)$'(. (efer to %ord list -ictionary skills

-esigning a machine that %ill help to improve the =uality of life of the aged 1 disabled1 ne% inventions. Persuade someone to do buy a product 1 the ne% invention Present information in a cluster diagram (ead a maga>ine article : identify main ideas Summari>e: identify main ideas 4rite a maga>ine article: expand notes and outline (eading for details, making inferences, moving beyond the text.



LEARNING OUTCOMES d. understanding other people<s cultures, traditions, customs and beliefs. #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by b. retelling the poem and presenting it in another genre. Students should be able to: 1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by a. taking part in conversations and discussions. .1 +btain information for different purposes by a. reading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the Internet. . Process information by a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. b. dra%ing conclusions.





L!"#$%"&$#' P(#) 2 H# H%- S&3, 4&!#" E5#.

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 i. (eciting poems %ith feelings and expressions and %ith the correct pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm. ii. 7inding out the meaning of unfamiliar %ords by using contextual clues and the dictionary.

-escribing 1 completing

(eading the poem 9chain

reading: and describing the mood. 0ocabulary games e.g. unscrambling %ords, bingo, (e%riting the poem in other forms e.g. prose, haiku -iscussing criteria for future spouse. 2ompleting %orksheet9s:.

$evel # iv. 4riting the poem in another genre.

7*2 11 2 2013 22 3 2013 0alue People

$evel 1 ii. (esponding to =uestions politely by giving the re=uired information. 1.& Interpersonal Processing text read by: $evel 1 Scanning for details. $evel vii. Identifying main ideas. $evel # xiv. -ra%ing conclusions. *('MM'( !he Present Perfect !ense !he Simple Past !ense S+),- S.S!/M Stress on four? syllable %ords 0+2'3)$'(. (efer to %ord list (ead an intervie%: identify details8 understand context clues Summari>e: reduce the length of a text in a summary %riting 4rite an intervie%: apply process %riting skills $isten to an informal talk: note important details Present information in a %eb diagram

.& Informational Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by c. explaining the message the %riter is trying to



LEARNING OUTCOMES convey and discussing ho% this relates to one<s life. d. understanding other people<s cultures, traditions, customs and beliefs.





L!"#$%"&$#' P(#) 2 H# H%- S&3, 4&!#" E5#.

#. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by b. retelling the poem and presenting it in another genre.

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 i. (eciting poems %ith feelings and expressions and %ith the correct pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm. ii. 7inding out the meaning of unfamiliar %ords by using contextual clues and the dictionary.

-escribing 1 completing

(eading the poem 9chain

reading: and describing the mood. 0ocabulary games e.g. unscrambling %ords, bingo, (e%riting the poem in other forms e.g. prose, haiku -iscussing criteria for future spouse. 2ompleting %orksheet9s:.

$evel # iv. 4riting the poem in another genre.

6 7 11 21 2 2013 11 3 2013

@ealth Social Issues

Students should be able to: 1.# Make friends and keep friendships by a. taking part in conversations and discussions. d. exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest. . Process information by a. skimming and scanning for specific information.

1.& Interpersonal

$evel 1 i. !alking about oneself to others, sharing information about each other that is of interest to both parties. ii. (esponding to =uestions politely by giving the re=uired information.

*('MM'( *erunds *erunds after prepositions Infinitives S+),- S.S!/M @omophones

.& Informational

Processing texts listened to by $evel 1 ii. ,oting important details. $evel

0+2'3)$'(. (efer to %ord list -ictionary skills

$isten to an informal talk: note important details (ead a fact sheet about -o%n<s Syndrome: scan for details Present information in a %eb diagram (eading for details and making inferences. Identify main ideas Summarise: linking the main ideas 4rite a fact sheet on a



LEARNING OUTCOMES b. /xtracting main ideas and details. f. -ra%ing conclusions.


SPECIFICATIONS iv. Identifying main ideas " 5otting do%n key %ords " phrases. Processing texts read by $evel 1 ii. Skimming for gist and stating %hat the text is about. iii. Scanning for details. $evel vii. Identifying main ideas in a simple text.


ACTIVITIES common illness: expand outline

L!"#$%"&$#' S,($" S"($5 * 48#$"5&!(0

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by b. recogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and setting. c. explaining the message the %riter is trying to convey and discussing ho% this relates to one<s life. #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. -ramati>ing texts and role?playing characters.

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 iii. (etelling the story in one<s o%n %ords. $evel iv. ,arrating se=uence of events. i. -escribing characters and %riting simple descriptions. ii. Making predictions as to %hat might have happen next in the story.

(eplying to 'untie 'gony letter. -escribing pictures of setting. Matching difficult vocabulary %ith meanings. 'ns%ering =uestions about plot based on pictures. 2ompleting character grid. Identifying themes and moral values. 'ns%ering follo%?up =uestions.

$evel # x. !alking about the theme in a story. $evel 1 ii. (ole?playing characters.

UPP1 9 4 3 2013*2 3 2013:

12 7 13 12 3 2013 1 4 2013

Science " !echnology

Students should be able to: .1 +btain information for different purposes by a. listening to spoken

1.& Interpersonal

$evels 1, ii.

"# $istening to and understanding a variety of texts.

*('MM'( Passive construction $ogical connectors Se=uence

Identifying pictures that have

incorporated science " technology. Make en=uiries about a



LEARNING OUTCOMES texts. c. reading materials in print. . . Process information by a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. b. extracting main ideas and details. d. presenting information in non?linear forms.


SPECIFICATIONS ii. (eading silently and aloud %ith understanding a variety of texts.

LANGUAGE CONTENT connectors S+),- S.S!/M 2onsonant clusters 1sl1 1kl1

ACTIVITIES product, choose a product and order a product 4rite an informal talk : expand notes

Informational $evel 1 ii. 2onverting information into tables, graphs " diagrams. 0+2'3)$'(. !he prefix Apre<

(eading short texts and

transferring information onto a chart. 'ns%ering =uestions on short texts. $istening " completing a table. $istening " picking out specific %ords. (eading an article " transferring information onto a flo% chart. Scanning for information. Preparing a graphic organi>er.

L!"#$%"&$#' S,($" S"($5 48#$"5&!(0

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by b. recogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and setting. ii. explaining the message the %riter is trying to convey and discussing ho% this relates to one<s life.

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 ii. %ords. $evel ii.

(etelling the story in one<s o%n

,arrating se=uence of events. iii. -escribing characters and %riting simple descriptions. iv. Making predictions as to %hat might have happen next in the story. $evel # x. !alking about the theme in a story. $evel 1 ii. (ole?playing characters.

(eplying to 'untie 'gony letter. -escribing pictures of setting. Matching difficult vocabulary %ith meanings. 'ns%ering =uestions about plot based on pictures. 2ompleting character grid. Identifying themes and moral values. 'ns%ering follo%?up =uestions.

#. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. -ramati>ing texts and



LEARNING OUTCOMES role?playing characters.





SCHOOL HOLIDA; 9 23 3 2013*31 3 2013:

14 * 11 2 4 2013 16 4 2013

0alue People

1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by c. exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest. 1. !ake part in social interaction by a. carrying out a variety of language functions. .# Present information by b. explaining. f. composing, revising " editing drafts8 " checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation " grammar.

1.& Interpersonal

$evel 1 i. Sharing information about each other that is of interest to both parties. $evel 1 i. -isagreeing politely. ii. +ffering advice. iii. /xpressing concern. iv. Persuading someone to do something.

*('MM'( Sub5ect?verb agreement 'd5ectives and nouns S+),- S.S!/M 4ords from foreign languages

2ompleting a conversation. (ole play in sho%ing acts of kindness $istening " completing a table. 4rite a simple narrative: apply process %riting skills

.& Informational

$evel # viii. 'pply process %riting skills.

L!"#$%"&$#' S,($" S"($5 * T,# F$&!"3%<# S0#3!%=

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by a. understanding and telling in one<s o%n %ords the story heard and read, giving one<s opinion of the text. c. explaining the message the %riter is trying to convey and discussing

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 iii. (etelling the story in one<s o%n %ords. $evel iv. ,arrating se=uence of events. v. -escribing characters and %riting simple descriptions. $evel # vi. !alking about the theme in a story.

Predicting plot of the story. !ell the plot of the story %ith
the help of pictures.

(earranging se=uence of

Buoting texts in order to

describe characters.

-ecoding messages on
themes and moral values.




LEARNING OUTCOMES ho% this #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. -ramati>ing texts and role?playing characters.





$evel 1 ii. (ole?playing characters.

Bui> 7orum ; 2areer opportunities

for %omen

2omprehension =uestions -ebate Preparing brochure

*('MM'( Punctuation ; colon, hyphen, brackets (evision ; Present perfect " simple past tenses S+),- S.S!/M 2onsonant sounds 1kr1 1br1 1fl1 1bl1

16 * 17 22 4 2013 3 1 2013

Social Issues

Students should be able to: .1 +btain information for different purposes by a. listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and vie%ing television documentaries. b. reading materials in print such as reports and articles. Students should be able to: .# Present information by g. summari>ing information. h. reading aloud %ritten materials such as reports clearly " fluently.

.& Informational

$evels 1, " # i. $istening to and understanding a variety of texts. $evels " # vi. 'rranging the information into a structure.

$istening to a forum. /xchange ideas on ho% society

can help the elderly.

-esign a card and %rite a letter

to express concern and to comfort 4rite an informal letter expressing concern: apply process %riting skills 7ind meanings of %ords. Identifying main ideas and supporting details. 4riting a summary.

Processing text read by: $evel vii. Identifying main ideas. .& Informational Process text read by $evel v. Summari>ing and paraphrasing the main ideas. $evel # viii. 'pplying process %riting skills. #.& 'esthetic $evel 1 iii.

L!"#$%"&$#' S,($" S"($5 * T,# F$&!"3%<# S0#3!%=

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by a. understanding and telling in one<s o%n %ords the story heard and read, giving one<s opinion of the text. c. explaining the message

(etelling the story in one<s o%n %ords.

Predicting plot of the story. !ell the plot of the story %ith
the help of pictures.

iv. $evel iv. ,arrating se=uence of events. vii. -escribing characters and %riting simple descriptions.

(earranging se=uence of

Buoting texts in order to

describe characters.

-ecoding messages on
themes and moral values.



LEARNING OUTCOMES the %riter is trying to convey and discussing ho% this #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. -ramati>ing texts and role?playing characters.


SPECIFICATIONS $evel # viii. !alking about the theme in a story. $evel 1 ii. (ole?playing characters.



2harade Bui> 7orum ; 2areer opportunities

for %omen

2omprehension =uestions -ebate Preparing brochure


MID ;EAR E>AMINATION 96 1 2013 24 1 2013: MID ;EAR HOLIDA; 921 1 2013 6 6 2013: DISCUSSION OF MID ;EAR E>AMINATION 910 6 2013*14 6 2013:
Sharing experiences on

20 21

22 23 17 6 2013 22 6 2013

Social Issues

1.1 Make friends " keep friendships by b. talking about personal experiences. 1. !ake part in social interaction by d. solving problems.

1.& Interpersonal

$evel iii. (elating personal experiences. $evel 1 ii. +ffering advice. $evel # viii. Suggest %ays to solve a problem.

*('MM'( Punctuation ; colon, hyphen, brackets (evision ; Present perfect and simple past tenses S+),- S.S!/M 2onsonant sounds 1kr1 1br1 1fl1 1bl1

(elating experiences "

completing a table.

(eading " interpreting non?

linear texts. *ive feedback about a service Make a complaint about a service: respond to a complaint

.1 +btain information by c. reading materials in print e.g. reports. . Process information by d. presenting information in non?linear forms.

.& Informational

$evels 1, " # ii. (eading silently " aloud %ith understanding. $evel ix. (eading " interpreting non?linear texts. $evel 1 i. 2onverting information into tables, graphs " diagrams.








L!"#$%"&$#' D$%)% * G&=0 %+- G%.0

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by b. recogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and setting. c. explaining the message the %riter is trying to convey and discussing ho% this relates to one<s life. #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. 2omposing simple poems. Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by a. understanding and telling in one<s o%n %ords the drama heard and read, giving one<s opinion of the text.

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 iii. (etelling the story in one<s o%n %ords. $evel iv. ,arrating se=uence of events ix. -escribing characters and %riting simple descriptions. $evel # x. !alking about the theme in a story.

$evel # vi. 2omposing simple poems. $evel 1 ii. 7inding out the meaning of unfamiliar %ords by using contextual clues and the dictionary. $evel vii. !alking about values in the drama and %hether they are meaningful to one<s life. $evel # xi. !alking about the message the dramatist is trying to put across in his1her drama and %riting a simple paragraph on it. xii. )nderstanding some of the figurative language of the text.

Pre and 4hile (eading: 4arm ups Predicting story. !elling the plot of the story %ith the help of pictures. (earranging se=uence of events. Identifying ma5or plot points of a story. Identifying changes in the characters< personality. 2ompleting %orksheet9s: to identify themes and moral values. 4ord ma>e 4riting a poem based on the story. Post reading -eciding on a cast for drama. 2omposing song. !0 ne%s reporting. 2ross%ord Pu>>le. (elating the situation in the poem to real life. 2orrecting errors in sentences. 'ns%ering comprehension =uestions.

UPP2 91 7 2013*1 7 2013:






LANGUAGE CONTENT *('MM'( Prepositions of direction Prepositions of purpose S+),- S.S!/M 2onsonant sounds 1s1 1>em1 1sp1


21 * 26 2 7 2013 16 7 2013

/nvironment Science " !echnology

1.1 Make friends " keep friendships by b. talking about personal experiences. .# Present information to different audiences by a. %riting recounts, descriptions, explanations, and, reports. i. using appropriate format, conventions and grammar %hen presenting information.

1.& Informational

$evel 1 iii. (elating personal experiences.

Sharing experiences. 2ompleting a table. 4riting ; an article 1a letter of

complaint 1 summary 1 a descriptive composition. Make recommendations and suggest %ays to solve a problem on %ater conservations 4rite a brochure for a %ater campaign: apply process %riting skills

.& Informational

$evel iv. /xpanding notes and outlines. $evel # viii. 'pplying process %riting skills.

L!"#$%"&$#' D$%)% * G&=0 %+- G%.0

Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by b. recogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and setting. c. explaining the message the %riter is trying to convey and discussing ho% this relates to one<s life. #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. 2omposing simple poems.

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 iii. (etelling the story in one<s o%n %ords. $evel iv. ,arrating se=uence of events x. -escribing characters and %riting simple descriptions. $evel # x. !alking about the theme in a story.

$evel # vi. 2omposing simple poems. $evel 1 ii. 7inding out the meaning of unfamiliar %ords by using contextual clues and the dictionary.

Pre and 4hile (eading: 4arm ups Predicting story. !elling the plot of the story %ith the help of pictures. (earranging se=uence of events. Identifying ma5or plot points of a story. Identifying changes in the characters< personality. 2ompleting %orksheet9s: to identify themes and moral values. 4ord ma>e 4riting a poem based on the story.






LANGUAGE CONTENT *('MM'( Prepositions of time Prepositions of association


27 * 22 22 7 2013 2 2 2013

Science " !echnology

Students should be able to: .#. Present information by b. explaining. c. composing, revising and editing drafts8 and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar. i. using appropriate format, conventions and grammar %hen presenting information. Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by b. recogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and setting. c. explaining the message the %riter is trying to convey and discussing ho% this relates to one<s life. #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. 2omposing simple poems.

.& Informational

$evel # viii. 'pplying process %riting skills.

2ompleting a =ui>. (ole playing on intervie%

session 1 talk sho% 1 forum 1 etc. -iscussing on the importance of science and technology presently. 4rite a report: present reports %ith the aid of graphs from intervie%s 8 apply process %riting skills

L!"#$%"&$#' D$%)% * G&=0 %+- G%.0

#.& 'esthetic

$evel 1 iii. (etelling the story in one<s o%n %ords. $evel iv. ,arrating se=uence of events xi. -escribing characters and %riting simple descriptions. $evel # x. !alking about the theme in a story.

$evel # vi. 2omposing simple poems. $evel 1 ii. 7inding out the meaning of unfamiliar %ords by using contextual clues and the dictionary.

Pre and 4hile (eading: 4arm ups Predicting story. !elling the plot of the story %ith the help of pictures. (earranging se=uence of events. Identifying ma5or plot points of a story. Identifying changes in the characters< personality. 2ompleting %orksheet9s: to identify themes and moral values. 4ord ma>e 4riting a poem based on the story.






LANGUAGE CONTENT *('MM'( !he Past Perfect !ense 'dverbs of degree ; thoroughly, completely, nearly S+),- S.S!/M Sentence stress in statements " =uestions 0+2'3)$'(. 'ntonyms


26 7 31 1 2 2013 23 2 2013

/nvironment People

1.1 Make friends " keep friendships by d. exchanging ideas, information " opinions on topics of interest. .# Present information by e. expanding notes " outlines. f. composing, revising " editing drafts8 " checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation " grammar. i. using appropriate format, conventions " grammar %hen presenting information.

1.& Interpersonal

$evel 1 iii. (elating personal experiences.

.& Informational

$evel iv. /xpanding notes " outlines. $evel # viii. 'pply process %riting skills.

$isten to a conversation: state %hat the text is about8 note important details (ead a regular column in the ne%spaper: scan for details 'greeing or disagreeing %ith opinions. Initiating " keeping a discussion going. 4riting ; a descriptive essay1 summary 1 one<s opinion

L!"#$%"&$#' D$%)% * G&=0 %+- G%.0

#. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. 2omposing simple poems. Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by a. understanding and telling in one<s o%n %ords the drama heard and read, giving one<s opinion of the text.

#.& 'esthetic

$evel # vi. 2omposing simple poems. $evel 1 ii. 7inding out the meaning of unfamiliar %ords by using contextual clues and the dictionary. $evel vii. !alking about values in the drama and %hether they are meaningful to one<s life. $evel # xi. !alking about the message the dramatist is trying to put across in his1her drama and %riting a simple paragraph on it. xii. )nderstanding some of the figurative language of the text.

Post reading -eciding on a cast for drama. 2omposing song. !0 ne%s reporting. 2ross%ord Pu>>le. (elating the situation in the poem to real life. 2orrecting errors in sentences. 'ns%ering comprehension =uestions.









SECOND MID TERM BREAK 97 2 2013*12 2 2013:

0alues People Students should be able to: .1 +btain information for different purposes by a. listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and vie%ing television documentaries. b. reading materials in print such as reports and articles. Students should be able to: .# Present information by g. summari>ing information. h. reading aloud %ritten materials such as reports clearly " fluently. .& Informational $evels 1, " # i. $istening to and understanding a variety of texts. $evels " # vi. 'rranging the information into a structure. *('MM'( 2on5unctions ; AeitherCor<, AneitherCnor< 2on5unctions ; Aalthough<, Aho%ever< S+),- S.S!/M 2ontractions Ad and Am Silent Ag< 1n1, Silent Al< 1m1, 1lm1, 1r1 sounds .& Informational Processing text read by: $evel vii. Identifying main ideas. Process text read by $evel v. Summari>ing and paraphrasing the main ideas. $evel # viii. 'pplying process %riting skills. L!"#$%"&$#' D$%)% * G&=0 %+- G%.0 #. /xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by a. 2omposing simple poems. Students should be able to: #.1 $isten to, read, vie% and respond to literary %orks by a. understanding and #.& 'esthetic $evel # vi. 2omposing simple poems. $evel 1 ii. 7inding out the meaning of unfamiliar %ords by using contextual clues and the dictionary. $evel vii. !alking about values in the drama and %hether they are meaningful to Post reading -eciding on a cast for drama. 2omposing song. !0 ne%s reporting. 2ross%ord Pu>>le. (elating the situation in the poem to real life. 2orrecting errors in sentences. 'ns%ering comprehension 0+2'3)$'(. Synonyms $istening and completing charts Stating true or false statements 'ns%ering true or false statements Make a complaint about service and respond to a complaint 4rite a regular column for a ne%spaper: apply process %riting

32 33 26 2 2013 6 6 2013



LEARNING OUTCOMES telling in one<s o%n %ords the drama heard and read, giving one<s opinion of the text.


SPECIFICATIONS one<s life. $evel # xi. !alking about the message the dramatist is trying to put across in his1her drama and %riting a simple paragraph on it. xii. )nderstanding some of the figurative language of the text.


ACTIVITIES =uestions.

34 31 6 6 2013 20 6 2013

0alues People

1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by d. exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest. 1. !ake part in social interaction by b. carrying out a variety of language functions. .# Present information by c. explaining. f. composing, revising " editing drafts8 " checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation " grammar.

1.& Interpersonal

$evel 1 i. Sharing information about each other that is of interest to both parties. $evel 1 i. -isagreeing politely. ii. +ffering advice. iii. /xpressing concern. iv. Persuading someone to do something.

*('MM'( !ypes of sentences: Simple, 2ompound " 2omplex Sentences S+),- S.S!/M 4ords from foreign languages

2ompleting a conversation. /xchanging ideas 9 example8 ho% sports promote international peace and harmony, etc: (oles play using cue cards. $istening " completing a table. 4riting a composition ; description

.& Informational

$evel # viii. 'pply process %riting skills.

36 37 23 6 2013 * 4 10 2013

Science " !echnology

1 Make friends and keep friendships by e. exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest. 1. !ake part in social interaction by c. carrying out a variety of language functions.

.& Informational

$evel 1 i. Sharing information about each other that is of interest to both parties. $evel 1 i. -isagreeing politely. ii. +ffering advice. iii. /xpressing concern. iv. Persuading someone to do something.

*('MM'( 'dverb @as " @ad -ictionary and !hesaurus skills.

-ra% conclusions 4rite a descriptive account:

apply process %riting skills 9 example +ur 4orld in the 7uture,etc:



LEARNING OUTCOMES .# Present information by d. explaining. f. composing, revising " editing drafts8 " checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation " grammar.


SPECIFICATIONS $evel # viii. 'pply process %riting skills.



32 * 36

FINAL ;EAR E>AMINATION 97 10 2013*30 10 2013: DISCUSSION OF FINAL ;EAR E>AMINATION PAPERS 94 11 2013*2 11 2013: SCHOOL HOLIDA; 916 11 2013*1 1 2013:

40 41

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