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!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.

1,78 9 :;<<

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1he method exp|a|ned |n th|s e-book was thorough|y
tested and tweaked to be work|ng. A|| r|ghts
reserved. ou may NC1 share, red|str|bute or
otherw|se render th|s gu|de ava||ab|e to the genera|
pub||c |n any shape or form. Any |nfr|ngement of th|s
copyr|ght w||| be prosecuted to the fu||est
perm|ss|b|e extent of |oca| and nat|ona| |aws. 8ottom
line: Youre finally getting someth|ng that rea||y
works, so prof|t from th|s opportun|ty to make
obscene amounts of money and dont ruin it for
yourself by doing this. DONT BE A THIEF OF YOUR
CWN WALLL1. ou pa|d for th|s so why shou|d others
get th|s |nformat|on for free?

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

1. Introduct|on
2. 1he exp|o|t and how |t works
3. kequ|rements
4. now to make accounts
S. now to |ose money
6. I|na| words

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1hose of you that know me w||| a|ready know that I
dont fill my courses with fluff. I get straight to the
po|nt and g|ve you everyth|ng you need to be
successfu| and make r|d|cu|ous amounts of money
right from the start. I dont waste entire pages
bragg|ng about noth|ng and f||||ng ent|re ||nes and
paragraphs w|th use|ess words. 1h|s method w|||
exp|a|n how you can make A1 LLAS1 405 per hour by
doing a trick which will not get saturated if you dont
share |t w|th peop|e and do |t 24]7. I do th|s method
||ke 1-3 t|mes a week and on|y max 3 hours a day. It
|s your cho|ce |f you want to st|ck to the same p|an as
I have or you can a|so choose to make your own p|an.
Ive been running this for nearly 3 months now and
wont stop anytime soon as its quite profitable and
since this cant get saturated (un|ess S00 peop|e do
this per day) Ive dec|ded to se|| |t |n a gu|de so I can
actua||y he|p a few ser|ous peop|e out, and the fact

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

st||| rema|ns that |f you take act|on on what I w|||
discuss in this guide then quite simply youll never be
|n need of re|y|ng on any new method or course
aga|n, I guarantee |t! I started test|ng th|s w|th a
fr|end about 3 months ago and we have made over
10005 a|ready! ou can eas||y make more or |ess
because you can choose how many t|mes you want
to do th|s method.
1. ou must be 18+ to LLGALL cash-out. nowever,
you can get your adu|t fr|end to do |t for you.
2. 1h|s |s NC1 an auto-p||ot method. nowever, |f you
fo||ow my steps, you w||| eas||y do |t.
3. ou must not be from USA to cash-out. As
ment|oned above, you can get an adu|t fr|end to
cash-out for you.

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I|rst of a||, you do NC1 need any know|edge |n poker
to perform th|s method.
1he method I am about to show has never been used
by anyone. Many peop|e do not know how to do th|s
or didnt even come up with this smart idea.
What we are go|ng to do |s gett|ng free money from
free accounts and gather|ng |n 1 ma|n account, then
s|mp|y cash|ng out. 1h|s sounds s|mp|e but |t shou|d
be done carefu||y to prevent gett|ng your account
banned or suspended. 1h|s |s how |t goes:
1. Make an account to get the free bonus.
2. Lose the money to a sub account.
3. Lose the money to your ma|n account.
4. Cash-out.
1he program we are go|ng to use |s 888poker. It has a
dea| for everyone who [o|ns the f|rst t|me.

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1hey offer 58 to p|ay w|th. 1he bad part is. You cant
cash th|s out. 1h|s |s qu|te obv|ous because, why
wou|d they g|ve you free 58 and |et you cash |t out
r|ght away?
1o prevent you cash|ng out the 58 they are us|ng a
method wh|ch |s ca||ed wager|ng. Many on||ne
cas|nos offer s|gn-up bonuses to new p|ayers mak|ng
the|r f|rst depos|t, and often on subsequent p|ay as
we||. 1hese bonuses are a form of market|ng that
may |ncur a cost (potent|a||y [ust|f|ab|e |n order to
attract a new p|ayer who may return and depos|t
many more t|mes), s|nce the cas|no |s essent|a||y
g|v|ng away money, |n return for a comm|tment from
the p|ayer to wager a certa|n m|n|mum amount,
usua||y a mu|t|p|e of the depos|t and]or bonus
cred|ted to the p|ayer's account. S|nce a|| cas|no
games have a house edge, the wager|ng
requ|rements ensure that the p|ayer cannot s|mp|y
wa|k away w|th the cas|no's money, and |ndeed |f the
wager|ng requ|rements are suff|c|ent|y h|gh, he may

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

|n fact have a negat|ve expectat|on, exact|y as |f he
had depos|ted w|thout any bonus.
Cas|nos may choose to restr|ct certa|n games from
fu|f||||ng the wager|ng requ|rements, e|ther to restr|ct
p|ayers from p|ay|ng |ow-edge games, or to restr|ct
'r|sk-free' p|ay (bett|ng for |nstance both red and
b|ack on rou|ette, thereby comp|et|ng the wager|ng
requ|rement w|th a guaranteed prof|t, after the
bonus |s taken |nto account.
1h|s |s why we w||| |ose the money to a sub account
and after that to a ma|n account so there |s no need
to wager the money anymore.

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There arent any important requirements, but I will
||st them:

1. A |eg|t 888poker account, made us|ng LLGI1
|nformat|on, to cash-out.
2. A sub account.
3. A work|ng VN (mu|t|p|e I addresses, such as
nMA) or prox|es.

I recommend nMA as |t has mu|t|p|e I addresses
and many countr|es. I use |t and |t was the on|y
one that worked for me. It rea||y |s worth the
purchase. 1o buy |t, v|s|t th|s ||nk.

4. 888poker software |nsta||ed. ou can f|nd |t
S. An a|ternat|ve web browser: Chrome or I|refox.

Thats everything you need to follow the method.

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

This may sound hard, but in fact, its the eas|est part.
Set your VN or your proxy up, then open your
a|ternat|ve browser. C|ear the cook|es us|ng the too|s
or opt|ons menu.
Nav|gate to th|s ||nk.
ou w||| get someth|ng ||ke th|s:

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

I||| |n the form w|th fake |nformat|on. kemember to
use a va||d e-ma|| address as you must va||date |t
before gett|ng your 58 bonus.
ou can use |nstant e-ma|| addresses serv|ces such as

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

S|gn |n to your e-ma|| and va||date |t:

ou w||| be d|rected to a page wh|ch te||s you that
you have rece|ved your bonus.
Congratu|at|ons! ou have [ust made your f|rst 58.
And that |s a|| you have to do! 1h|s takes on|y about S
m|nutes, and the more you do th|s, the faster |t w|||
go. 8ut next t|me you do this, they wont send you an

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

e-ma|| because they know you have a|ready rece|ved
your bonus. So what do we do know?
We shou|d use prox|es or AID VNs such as nMA.
A|so, we need to c|ear your browser cook|es as they
p|ant ones on your computer.
Thats easy to do and if youre stuck, follow an online
So, to summar|ze everyth|ng:
1. Set your VN or proxy up. (use a new proxy
every t|me!)
2. Create a new account.
3. Va||date your e-ma||.
4. C|ose everyth|ng.
S. C|ear your cook|es.
6. Start over.

1h|s |s a|so a short chapter because th|s |s very

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

So how do you |ose the money? 1h|s |s a s|mp|e
method and I w||| exp|a|n |t |n steps. (ou need 2
accounts for th|s w|th fake |nfo)

1. Get your fr|end (Cr yourse|f w|th another
computer) on||ne and |og on |nto 888poker. G|ve
that fr|end one of your made accounts.

2. Choose a room w|th 50.0S]50.10 and w|th 0

3. Io|n the room together and start p|ay|ng.

4. 1he p|ayer that |s go|ng to |ose the money has to
ra|se to 57.99 so |t has 50.01 rema|n|ng. (8-7.99 =
0.01). 1h|s w||| g|ve your fr|end or your other
account the opportun|ty to ra|se to 58 and you
shou|d fo|d |mmed|ate|y no matter what k|nd of
hand you are p|ay|ng. 1h|s w||| g|ve you or your
fr|end 57.99 and you w||| |eave the tab|e w|th
50.01. And that |s a||. kepeat th|s w||| a|| your
made accounts to your fr|ends account.
B+5$"/ %+"', &+ ,+>7 %-$" -66+>"&9

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

1h|s part |s a b|t tougher than the |ast chapter. ou
cant just lose like 10 times $8 to your account and
cash |t out. Why not?
8ecause 888poker mon|tors the behav|or of peop|e |f
they request to cash-out.
1h|s means that |f you dumped ||ke 580 to your ma|n
account they w||| f|nd out you [ust dumped money
and they w||| ban your account.
I|rst, you need to |og onto your ma|n 888poker
account. And, you shou|d |et your fr|end |og onto
your sub account wh|ch has the money.
1he ma|n account shou|d have at |east 30 of the
amount you are p|ann|ng to |ose.
1h|s |s to prevent poss|b|e account ban|shment.
01-%2#'9 If you are p|ann|ng to |ose 580 from your
fake account to your ma|n account, |t wou|d be smart
|f your ma|n account has 540 so |t w||| be easy to |ose
the money.

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

I w||| now exp|a|n |n steps how you are go|ng to |ose
the money on a SAIL way to your ma|n account.
1. ou, on the ma|n account, |og onto 888poker and
start p|ay|ng at a tab|e w|th 6 seats. Io|d a|most
every hand and on|y p|ay |f you have rea| good cards
||ke AA-kk-A-AI-Ak-A10 or a h|gh pocket pa|r.
2. After 1S m|nutes your fr|end comes on the fake
account to the same tab|e. (1he 1S m|nutes wa|t |s to
make sure that |t looks like you dont know your
fr|end etc.).
3. Now a ||tt|e b|t of pat|ence |s needed. Wa|t t||| you
both get a decent hand and try to ra|se the b|g b||nd
a few t|mes to scare p|ayers away. If you both have
decent hands and on|y you two are rema|n|ng |t |s
t|me to do the dump. NLVLk go a|| |n before the |ast
card |s p|aced on the tab|e because you st||| m|ght
w|n w|th the worse hand. If |t |s sure after S cards
that your ma|n account has the better hand, |t |s t|me
to |ose ch|ps. ou choose |f you want to go a|| |n or
[ust ra|se a few do||ars.

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Aga|n, be pat|ent and wa|t t||| you both get a decent
hand to p|ay w|th so |t doesnt look like you are
p|ay|ng together at a||. If one of you gets a good
hand, p|ay aga|nst others too so |t rea||y |ooks ||ke
you are just playing poker. Just dont bet a lot of
money aga|nst others because you m|ght |ose the
hand (Lven w|th AA) and that wou|d be a waste.
1. If you are done dumping the money, dont leave
the tab|e at the same t|me!
2. Let the ma|n account p|ay ||ke S more hands
then |eave the tab|e!

Now that youre done reading this guide, I want
you to start p|ann|ng r|ght now what you are go|ng

!"#$ &'()*)+,- *.',/ *01)'2 ,34(.)+ 5)+6 4.1,78 9 :;<<

to be sett|ng up for th|s method to work the r|ght
way and how youre going to do it depending on
your s|tuat|on and you shou|d start do|ng th|s as
soon as poss|b|e!

ou now have the method. nowever, tak|ng up
action is upon you. So follow Nikes slogan and

If you have any quest|ons at a|| or need he|p on
anyth|ng, you have my persona| contact for a
reason. Im here to make sure you get most out of
this guide. So dont hold anything back and f|re
those quest|ons away!

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