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Asist. Univ. Drd. Corina Popescu





#. UNIT # CRE$ RO%ES AND ROUTINES!!!!...& ". UNIT " T'PES O( VESSE%S!!!!!!!!!!1) *. UNIT * THE MAIN PARTS O( A SHIP!!!!!..1* +. UNIT + CAR O AND ITS HAND%IN !!!!!..1, ,. UNIT , STEERIN

A COURSE!!!!!!!!!1-


-. UNIT - SHIP CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!## .. UNIT . SEAMANSHIP!!!!!!..!!!!!!..#, 1).UNIT 1) NAVI ATION!!!!!.!!!!!!!.") 11. UNIT 11 MAINTENANCE!!!!!!!!!!! "* 1#. UNIT 1# SA(ET' A/OARD!!!!!!!!!!."& 1". UNIT 1" RADIO COMMUNICATIONS!!!!!..*1 1*. VH( PROCEDURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.*+

Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. Nowadays, most merchant ships are built to carry cargo, but a few still carry passengers. Merchant vessels can operate in the following three basic ways. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. iners can be classed as either deep!sea liners or short!sea liners. The former carry mainly containeri"ed cargo across the oceans of the world# the latter carry containeri"ed or conventional cargo on shorter routes. $erries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or wee%ly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from &urope to North America and to the $ar &ast. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year. Merchant ships also operate as tramps. These vessels do not sail on regular routes or %eep to a fixed timetable, but are employed where there is cargo for them to carry. Tramps can be classed as deep!sea tramps or short!sea tramps. A number are classed as coasters. These ply on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports. The traditional tramp cargoes are dry bul% cargoes, but some are designed to carry general cargoes. A large number of merchant ships operate as speciali"ed vessels. These are designed to carry a particular type of cargo. There are several types of speciali"ed vessel. The most common are oil tan%ers. They are owned by the ma'or oil companies or by independent operators. Two other types of li(uid bul% carrier of growing importance are chemical carriers and li(uefied natural gas ) N*+ carriers. Use 0our i1a2ination to tr0 to ans3er t4ese 5uestions6 ,hy do only a few merchant ships carry passengers nowadays,hy do passenger liners operate as cruise ships for part of the year,hy are tramps mainly designed to carry dry bul% cargoes,hat other types of speciali"ed vessel can you thin% ofRAMMAR

7A8 9uanti:iers Quantifiers, or amount words, indicate the approximate uantity or amount of the noun they ualify or represent! "tudy the table below which gives the most commonly used uantifiers! AmountCountablesUncountablesa total amountallallan almost total amountmostmosta large amountmany a lot (of) a large number (of)much a lot (of) a large amount (of)a small amountsome several a fewsome a littlea very small amountfewlittlezero amount no noneno none

Stud0 t4e :o;;o3in2 points and e<a1p;es6 .. All, most, many, much, some, several, )a few, )a+ ittle, can be used without a noun to avoid repetition e.g. All liners carry passengers or cargo. All follow regular routes. Some cargo is carried in holds. Some is carried on dec%. )Note/ Much is normally used in only negative and interrogative sentences. e.g. 0e had not much money so he wal%ed into town. 1s there much cargo to be unloaded-+ 2. ,hen a large number, a large amount and a lot are followed by a noun, of must be used e.g. A large number of merchant ships carry bul% cargo.

#xercise $! Complete the table below to show which uantifiers can be used with the countable noun %passengers% and the uncountable noun %money%! &wo have been done for you! 'f the noun cannot be used with a particular uantifier, you must leave a blan( space! QuantifierCountable nounUncountable nounseveral no a lot of few much a large number of a little all many money


3. No and none are used as follows/ e.g. No tan%ers can carry passengers. None should discharge oil into the sea. 4. There is a positive5negative contrast between a little and little and between a few and few. Study the difference in meaning in these sentence pairs/ There was a little time before the ship sailed, so he stayed ashore longer. There was little time before the ship sailed, so he went on board immediately. A few people were sitting on dec%, because the sun was shining.

QuantifierCountable nounUncoun table nouna large amount of a few some most little

E<ercise ;. 6hoose a suitable (uantifier and either 7passengers7 or 7money7 to complete these sentences/ travel by cargo liner.

is needed to operate a shipping fleet. en'oy being at sea when it is rough. are allowed down in the engine room. on board ship should be %ept in a safe place. 7/8 %o2ica; connectives Structures can be lin%ed in a number of ways. 8ne way is by using connecting words such as and, or, but. Study how they are used in these examples/ .. And is a general purpose lin% 9assenger liners carry passengers. 9assenger liners carry cargo. )a+ : )b+ 9assenger liners carry passengers and cargo. 0ere it means they carry both and suggests at the same time. 2. 8r adds an alternative 6argo liners are designed to carry containeri"ed cargoes. 6argo liners are designed to carry conventional cargoes. )a+ : )b+ 6argo liners are designed to carry containeri"ed or conventional cargoes. 1f and were used here it would suggest 7at the same time7. 3. ;ut suggests contrast or the addition of something unexpected Merchant ships are classified by type and trade. ,arships are classified by type and si"e. )a+ : )b+ Merchant ships are classified by type and trade, but warships are classified by type and si"e.

E<ercise 1. <oin the following groups of sentences using and, or, but, as appropriate/ )a+ )b+ )c+ )d+ )e+ )f+ A cadet can train as a =ec% 8fficer. A cadet can train as an &ngineer 8fficer. The ship was old. The ship was in good condition. 9assenger liners carry passengers. 9assenger liners carry some cargo. Tan%ers usually operate as speciali"ed vessels. Tan%ers sometimes operate as tramps. Merchant ships are designed to carry li(uid cargo. Merchant ships are designed to carry dry cargo. ,arships are designed for speed. ,arships are designed for maneuverability.

Sometimes the lin%ing of two structures can be made more complete by putting a word before the connecting word. This tells us to expect an addition or an alternative a little later. Study these samples.

.. Additions/ both . .. and# not only .. . but also Some ferries carry both passengers and cars. Some ferries carry not only passengers but also cars. 2. Alternatives/ either ... or# neither... nor )negative+ Merchant ships are designed to carry either li(uid or dry cargo. The sailor had neither money nor his passport. E<ercise ;. >ewrite these sentences using the above pairs of connecting words as appropriate in as many ways as possible, but %eeping the original meaning/ )a+ 0e failed the practical exam and the written exam. )b+ A cadet can train as a =ec% or an &ngineer 8fficer. )c+ The crew saved the ship and the cargo. They had no food and no water for two days. Some ferries carry passengers and vehicles. Merchant ships operate as tramps or liners.

Unit # Cre3 ro;es and routines

The man in charge of a ship is the Master. 0e is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the safety of the crew. 0e must be well (ualified and an experienced navigator. Although his correct title is the Master, he is addressed as 76aptain7. The organi"ation of the crew of a cargo ship is changing, but it is still customary to find =ec%, &ngine, 6atering and >adio =epartments in ships of a reasonable si"e. &ach department is made up of a varied number of officers, petty officers and ratings. The 6hief 8fficer, or $irst Mate as he is often called, is the Master7s chief officer and head of the =ec% =epartment. 0e is assisted by a Second 8fficer )Mate+, a Third 8fficer )Mate+, and sometimes a $ourth 8fficer )Mate+. Several companies employ a $irst 8fficer as well as a 6hief 8fficer. The =ec% =epartment also includes a ;oatswain );osun+ and a 6arpenter, both petty officers, and a number of ratings. These are made up of Able Seamen )A;+, 8rdinary Seamen )8S+ and a middle grade %nown as &fficient =ec% 0ands )&=0+. There are other grades of seamen. 8n some ships Navigating 6adets are carried for training purposes. The 6hief &ngineer is head of the &ngine =epartment. 0e is assisted by a Second, Third, $ourth and sometimes $ifth &ngineer. An &lectrical 8fficer may also be

carried. The engine room petty officers are the Store%eeper and =on%eyman. 8n tan%ers there is also a 9umpman. 0e is also a petty officer. The engine room ratings are $iremen and *reasers. There may also be &ngineer 6adets. The 6atering =epartment is under the 6hief Steward. 1t is divided into a saloon and galley section. The former is headed by the Second Steward, the latter by the Ship7s 6oo%. They are both usually petty officers. They are assisted by several stewards and coo%s, and by a number of 'unior ratings. The >adio =epartment often consists of only one man/ the >adio 8fficer. 8n ships where continuous radio watches are %ept there may be three radio officers/ a 6hief, Second and Third. RAMMAR 7A8 (unction A person7s function, or what he does, can be expressed in terms of his responsibility. Study these examples/ The Master is responsible for the safety of the ship. The safety of the ship is the responsibility of the Master. Note t4e addition 4ere6 The Master is responsible to the company for the safety of the ship.

E<ercise 1. in% the following )do not change their order+, using whichever pattern above is appropriate/ 6hief 8fficer ! Master ! the =ec% =epartment. Third 8fficer !the life! saving e(uipment. The sounding of tan%s and bilges ! 6arpenter. >adio 8fficer ! radio 6ommunications. 6hief Steward ! Master ! the 6atering =epartment. The preparation of food !Ship7s 6oo%. 6hief &ngineer ! the efficient running of his department. The loading and unloading of oil ! 9umpman. The function of a thing, or what it is used for, can be expressed in a number of ways/ ;y using the phrase/ The function of... is to... e.g. The function of a crane is to lift heavy ob'ects. ;y using the verb to use : for !ing e.g. A crane is used for lifting heavy ob'ects.

;y using a verb expressing the function. e.g. A crane lifts heavy ob'ects. ;y using a prepositional phrase introduced by with e.g. ,e lift heavy ob'ects with a crane. 7/8 Ti1e re;aters Si1u;taneous ti1e ,hen we want to show that one event ta%es place at the same time as another we can lin% these events using when, while and as. $4en and 34i;e When tells us what time two simultaneous actions happen. 1t also implies that the two events are completed, unless otherwise stated. e.g. ,hen the ship is launched, the crowds cheer. While tells us that one action is happening at the same time as another. 1t is often used with continuous tenses. e.g. ,hile the men were preparing for the launch, the people started to arrive. E<ercise 1. $ill in the blan%s with when or while as appropriate/ )a+ the 6aptain steps on board, he is saluted. )b+ the main engine is being installed, the auxiliary machinery is fitted. )c+6onstant chec%s are made, the ship is being built. )d+ the surveyor inspects the lifeboats, he examines their e(uipment as well. )e+ the cargo holds are being lined, the derric%s are assembled. )f+=ifferent types of paint are used, the ship is painted.

Reduced 34en and 34i;e c;auses 6lauses introduced by when and while can be reduced in the same way as clauses beginning with after and before, that is, if the sub'ect of the main clause is the same as the sub'ect of the time clause. e.g. ,hile the ship is being built, she is constantly being tested. ,hile being built, the ship is constantly being tested. E<ercise #. >educe the following sentences, if it is possible to do so/ ,hen the ship undergoes speed trials, she produces her maximum speed. ,hile the main engine is being installed, the auxiliary machinery is fitted. ,hile the engines are running, they are carefully chec%ed. ,hen the surveyor inspects the lifeboats, he examines their e(uipment as well. ,hen a ship is tested, many people watch her progress. ,hile the ship covers the mile distance, she %eeps a straight course. As ,hen two actions are closely connected, as can be used instead of while e.g. As the ship was leaving the harbour, she hit the 'etty.

As is often used when the action in the time clause is the cause of the action in the main clause. e.g. As the sun rose, the s%y became lighter. )Note/ 6lauses introduced by as cannot be reduced.+


Merchant ships can be classified according to what they carry. Most are designed to carry cargo, but a few still carry passengers. 6argo ships can be divided into two basic types. 8ne type carries dry cargo, the other carries li(uid cargo# however, an 8;8 ship is designed to carry both. A traditional dry cargo ship is the multi!dec% vessel. 0er holds are divided hori"ontally by one or two 7tween dec%s, because these ma%e stowage of individual pac%ages easier. =ry bul% cargo is carried in bul% carriers. These do not have 7tween dec%s as cargo is carried loose. The most modern type of dry cargo carrier is the container ship. They carry containers of standard dimensions, conse(uently stowage is easier. $ruit, meat and dairy produce are carried in refrigerated ships. 8il tan%ers are the most common type of li(uid cargo carrier. They are often very large, because huge (uantities of oil need to be transported and one large vessel is more economical to operate than two smaller ones. Two other types of li(uid bul% carrier of growing importance are the li(uefied natural gas ) N*+ carrier and the chemical carrier, although chemicals can also be carried in drums in general cargo ships. 1n comparison with cargo vessels, passenger ships are fewer in number and type. The traditional

passenger ship is the passenger liner# however, many carry cargo as well. Nowadays their number has been greatly reduced, because of competition from air transport. Another type of passenger vessel is the cruise ship. These are similar in appearance to passenger liners. The most common type of passenger vessel is the ferry. Many of them are also designed to carry vehicles, therefore these have doors at the stern or bows. Use 0our i1a2ination and =no3;ed2e to ans3er t4ese 5uestions6 ,hy are 8;8 ships designed to carry both li(uid and dry cargo0ow do 7tween dec%s help stowage of cargo,hy is it more economical to run one large tan%er than two smaller ones,hy do general cargo ships sometimes carry chemicals,hy do passenger liners also carry cargo-

Artic;es The, a, an, zero article Nouns in &nglish can be preceded by the definite article )the+ or by the indefinite article )a, an+ or by no article at all. The definite article )the+ is used when the noun )singular or plural, countable or uncountable+ being referred ip5has a particular rather than a general reference, that is, when we can identify what is being referred to.

0ere are three situations when we can identify what is being referred to/ ..,hen the noun has been mentioned already e.g. 6olliers are designed to carry coal. The coal is carried in bul%. 2. ,hen words following the noun define which particular one it is e.g. Ships of all types use this port# the ship over there is an N* carrier. )Note/ The phrase 7over there7 tells us which ship is being referred to, but 7of all types7 does not.+ 3. ,hen there is only one of the noun in the world, or only one in the context being referred to. e.g. the sun, the e(uator )with reference to the earth+ the bridge, the 6aptain )with reference to a ship+ This (uality of uni(ueness is also present with superlatives e.g. the largest ship, the most important port. The indefinite article )a, an+ is used in front of singular nouns when they are used as countable nouns and when the reference is general rather than particular, that is, when we do not say which example of the noun is being referred to/

e.g. There is a ship in the port. ,hen the noun is plural, or when the noun is used as an uncountable noun, no article is used. e.g. There were cadets on board. There was oil floating on the water. ,hen we refer to a class of ob'ects rather than to examples of that class, the distinction between definite and indefinite use disappears, and there are three possible ways of referring to countable nouns/ e.g. The container ship is designed to carry containers. A container ship is designed to carry containers. 6ontainer ships are designed to carry containers. )0ere all three sentences mean/ All container ships are designed to carry containers.+ but there is only one way of referring to uncountable nouns/ e.g. 8il is carried in tan%ers. E<ercise 1. ,rite out the paragraph below using a, an, the or no article as appropriate/ largest type of cargo ship is tan%er tan%ers are designed to carry li(uid cargo such as oil cargo is pumped directly into holds by powerful pumps holds are constructed as tan%s tan%s are sub!divided into central tan%, two wing tan%s and expansion tan% expansion tan% allows oil to expand in hot weather bridge superstructure and engine room are situated aft to leave more room for cargo bridge is connected to forecastle by catwal%. tan%ers which are over ?@@,@@@ dwts are %nown as ultra large crude carriers )A 66s+.

E<ercise #. Add these words and phrases in turn to the basic sentence in the appropriate place. 9ut in the only where necessary. Study the examples. ;asic sentence/ Ships have crossed the Atlantic. Addition/ many Many ships have crossed the Atlantic. Addition/ which we saw yesterday. The ships which we saw yesterday have crossed the Atlantic. Now add these in turn/ of all types which arrived today largest loading in the port merchant most %o2ica; connectives 0ere are some more connecting words for 'oining statements/ because, therefore, however. Study how they are used in these examples/ .. ;ecause gives the reason or cause

Multi!dec% vessels have 7tween dec%s. 7Tween dec%s help stowage. )a+ : )b+ Multi!dec% vessels have7 tween dec%s because these help stowage. 2. Therefore expresses conse(uence or result Ships are designed for many purposes. Their type and si"e vary considerably. )a+ : )b+ Ships are designed for many purposes, therefore their type and si"e vary considerably. 3. 0owever introduces a (ualification or concession 9assenger liners carry passengers. Some carry a large amount of cargo as well. )a+ : )b+ 9assenger liners carry passengers# however, some carry a large amount of cargo as well. E<ercise 1. Now 'oin these pairs of sentences using because, therefore, however, as appropriate/ Multi!dec% vessels usually carry general cargo. Some carry containers as well. 9assenger liners have high superstructures. They need a large number of dec%s. Many ferries are designed to carry vehicles. They have doors at the bows or stern. 6argo ships are usually designed to carry dry or li(uid cargo. 8;8 )oil, bul% ore+ ships are designed to carry both. ;ul% carriers carry large (uantities of loose cargo. They have large unobstructed holds. 9assenger liners often operate as cruise ships for part of the year. There is not always enough business for them on liner routes. 0ere are some more connecting words/ although, conse(uently, as. Study the examples and decide if they introduce a clause of ).+ reason or cause, )2+ conse(uence or result, )3+ (ualification or concession. 6argo liners sail on fixed routes and %eep to a timetable, conse(uently some are designed to carry a few passengers. ;ul% carriers do not usually carry derric%s as loading and unloading is done by special cranes. Although tan%ers sail on fixed routes, they do not carry passengers. 'our ans3ers s4ou;d 4ave >een6 conse(uence or result reason or cause (ualification or concession E<ercise #. >ewrite the sentences in &xercise . above using as, conse(uently, although, as appropriate.


The main structure of a ship is the hull. ,ithin the hull are the 7tween dec%s or platforms on which the cargo rests. The uppermost platform or the upper dec%, covers the holds in which cargo is stowed. 1t is loaded and discharged either by cranes on the (uay or by the ship7s derric%s. =erric%s are operated by winches. The derric%s are fitted to masts which stand on the upper dec%. The cargo passes into or out of the holds through cargo hatches. At sea, the ship is controlled from the bridge by the captain and navigating officers. The front part of a ship is called the bow and the rear part the stern. Near the bridge is the funnel. Smo%e and gases pass through the funnel from the engine. The engine is fitted near the bottom of the ship in the engine room. The engine drives the propeller at the stern of the ship. The anchors and cables and the windlass are located in the bow of the ship. The right side of a ship facing the bow is called the starboard side and the other side is the port side. The beam is the greatest width of the ship. The draught is the depth of the ship7s bottom or %eel below the water surface. The captain and officers are accommodated in cabins. These are located in the middle part of the ship near the bridge. The other members of the crew live in cabins. They are usually in the rear part of the ship.

1. Are t4e :o;;o3in2 state1ents true or :a;se? The upper dec% covers the holds in which cargo is stowed. 6argo is loaded and discharged by the ship7s derric%s. 6argo passes through cargo holds. The smo%e from the engine passes through the funnel. The right side of a ship facing the bow is called port and the other side is starboard. The greatest width of the ship is the draught. The captain7s cabin is in the middle part of the ship. At the bow of the ships are the anchors and cables. #. Rearran2e t4e :o;;o3in2 2roups o: 3ords to :or1 1eanin2:u; sentences. a, of, ship, is, the, structure, the, main, hull. ship, officers, control, from, bridge, the, navigating, the, captain, the, and. the, drives, the, ship, propeller, the, engine, of. bow, a. starboard, facing, side, ship, right, of, the. is. the. water, the, is, surface, ship7s, below, %eel, the.


ive >rie: ans3ers to t4e :o;;o3in2 5uestions6

,hat is a hull,here is the cargo stowed0ow is the cargo loaded and discharged,hat is the front part of a ship called,hat is the rear part of a ship called,hat drives the propeller,here are the anchors and cables located,hat is the greatest width of a ship,here are the captain and officers accommodated*. As= 5uestions to 34ic4 t4e under;ined 3ords are t4e ans3ers. &xample/ The funnel is near the bridge. ,here is the funnelThe engine is fitted near the bottom of the ship. The anchors and cables and windlass are located in the bow of the ship. The captain and officers are accommodated in cabins in the middle part of the ship. 6argo is stowed in holds. +. Stud0 t4e :o;;o3in2 pairs o: sentences care:u;;0.

.. )i+ The captain and the navigating officers control the ship from the bridge, )ii+ The ship is controlled from the bridge by the captain and the navigating officers. 2. )i+ The shipbuilders fit the engine near the bottom of the ship. )ii+ The engine is fitted near the bottom of the ship )by the shipbuilders+. Sometimes expressions such as 7by the shipbuilders7 can be left out because the main interest is the place of the engine. Now complete the following sentences using the verbs in brac%ets in the form of )ii+ above. 6argo and either by cranes or by the ship7s derric%s, )load, discharge+. =erric%s by winches, )operate+ The captain and officers in cabins near the bridge, )accommodate+ The front part of a ship the bow and the rear part of a ship the stern, )call+ The anchor and cables and windlass in the bow of the ship, )locate+ =erric%s to masts which stand on the upper dec%, )fit+


The carriage of cargo by sea is the principal reason for the existence of ships. The officer in charge of the loading, stowage, and safe delivery of cargo is the first mate. ;efore the cargo arrives at the (uay or Bship7s sideB, he will have had information about the cargo to be loaded. Mixed cargo, such as bags of cement, crates of machinery, boxes of electrical e(uipment, motor car tyres, and crates of cotton goods, is %nown as general cargo. 6argo which is not in crates, boxes, bundles or bags, such as coal, iron ore and grain, is %nown as bul% cargo. The first mate draws up a cargo plan based on the information he has received of the cargo to be loaded. 1t is important that, if the ship is to discharge at more than one port, the cargo for the first port of discharge is stowed in the upper part of the hold. 1n other words, cargo which is to be discharged at the first discharging port should be loaded last. The first mate considers the stability of the ship when cargo is loaded. The ship must not be too stiff nor too tender to ensure that she will be safe in rough seas. The cargo must be securely stowed in the holds so that there is no possibility of the cargo shifting. Any movement of cargo in the ship might affect the ship7s stability and sea! worthiness. The handling of cargo into and out of the ship7s holds re(uires great s%ill. 1t

is the wor% of the stevedores The stevedores wor% in gangs. &ach gang is under the charge of a gang foreman. 0e usually stands on dec% at the hatch when cargo is being discharged. ,hen loading cargo the gang foreman usually supervises in the ship7s hold. The gang member who stands on dec% near the hatch to advise the crane driver or winchman is called the hatchwayman. The winchmen operate the winches on board the ship. The cargo is chec%ed as it is loaded by a tallyman, and if it is necessary to measure the volumes of the separate items of cargo, this is done by a chec%er. ,hen loading general cargo as many as eight stevedores wor% in the hold and six on the (uay! side or in the lighter alongside the ship. E<ercises 1. Are t4e :o;;o3in2 state1ents :a;se or true? The principal reason for the existence of ships is the carriage of passengers. The Second 8fficer is in charge of loading, stowage and delivery of cargo. Anbagged or uncrated cargo is %nown as bul% cargo. 6argo to be discharged at the final discharging port should be loaded last. 6argo shifting in the holds does not affect the ship7s stability. A gang foreman is in charge of a gang. ,inches!on board a ship are operated by the hatchwaymen. Tallymen chec% cargo as it is loaded.

#. Re@arran2e t4e :o;;o3in2 2roups o: 3ords to :or1 1eanin2:u; sentences6 chec%s, is, the, loaded, chec%er, it. cargo, as, the. the, advises, hatchwayman, near, crane!driver, hatch, the. winchmen, winches, board, ship, the, on, operate, the. first, the, mate, in, of, loading, is, cha'fge, stowage, and, safe, cargo, of, delivery. stevedores, cargo, and, handle, out, holds, into, of, the, ship7s, the. ". ive >rie: ans3ers to t4e :o;;o3in2 5uestions6

,ho is in charge of the safe delivery of cargo*ive examples of mixed cargo. ,hat is bul% cargo,hich cargo is stowed first,hy must the cargo be securely stowed in the holds,hat is the wor% of the stevedores,hat is the wor% of a gang foreman,ho measures the volumes of cargo-


8rders to the helmsman, who steers the ship, are given by the officer of the watch. The officer orders the helmsman to turn the wheel )or helm+ to port or starboard and to steady the ship on the new compass course. 1t is stated as a compass point or in three!figure notation in degrees. The helmsman repeats all orders given to him so that the officer %nows that his orders have been understood. ,hen the helmsman has completed his turn at the wheel, he states clearly the course to be steered to the relieving helmsman. 0e also repeats the course to the officer of the watch when reporting that he has been relieved. ,hen the ship is on voyage, the wind and waves, as well as the action of the propeller, tend to cause the direction in which the ship is heading to change. The helmsman, therefore, must counter the swing of the ship by applying the rudder in the reverse direction of that of the swing of the ship. The art of steering a ship re(uires the helmsman to %eep a very close watch on the compass and to turn the wheel as soon as the compass indicates that the ship is turning off course. An experienced helmsman is able to anticipate how the ship behaves. 0e is, therefore, able to %eep the ship on a straight course, and so save time on voyage. Most ships are e(uipped with gyrocompasses. A gyrocompass is an electromechanical instrument. ;ut every ship is e(uipped with a magnetic compass the action of which is dependent upon the magnetism of the earth. The rudder fitted at the stern of the ship is

turned by a steering engine. 1t is operated by the helmsman whenever he turns the wheel. 1f the steering engine fails, it is necessary to use an emergency steering system with which every ship must be e(uipped. E<ercises 1. Are t4e :o;;o3in2 state1ents :a;se or true? The officer of the watch gives orders to the helmsman. The helmsman does not repeat each order given to him. ,hen relieved, the helmsman reports the course to the officer of the watch. The wind, waves, and the action of the propeller do not affect the ship7s direction. The helmsman is re(uired to turn the wheel as soon as the compass indicates that the ship is turning off course. A magnetic compass is an electro!mechanical instrument. The rudder is fitted at the stern of the ship. &very ship must be e(uipped with an emergency steering system. #. Rearran2e t4e :o;;o3in2 2roups o: 3ords to :or1 1eanin2:u; sentences. is, mechanical, a, instrument, an, electro gyrocompass. emergency, is, ship, every, steering, an, with, system, e(uipped. three, in. course, is, compass, notation, degrees, in. stated, figure. by, the, watch, of. orders, to. the, one, helmsman, are, the. given, officer. duty, to, very, compass, on, the, close, is. it. the. of. watch, %eep, helmsman, the. ". ive >rie: ans3ers to t4e :o;;o3in2 5uestions6

,ho steers the ship ,hat does the action of the magnetic compass depend uponMention two of the factors that cause the direction of the ship to change. To whom does the helmsman repeat the orders he receives,hat does a helmsman do when he completes his turn at the wheel ,hat turns the rudder of a ship,hat will happen if the steering engine fails0ow does a helmsman counter the swing of a ship-


There are three main methods of communication between ships and the shore. These are/ >adio signals which may be passed using radio!telegraphy or radio! telephone. >adio!telegraphy uses Morse 6ode signals. >adio!telephony uses Cery 0igh $re(uency )C0$+ radio and allows spo%en messages to be passed. =aylight or night! time flashing e(uipment )such as Aldis amps+ in which signals are sent in plain language using the Morse 6ode. $lag signalling in which coded messages using hoists of flags are passed. ;esides these methods sound signals may be used by the ship7s whistle or siren, or by bells or gongs. Semaphore signalling uses hand flags. >oc%ets and flares are used for distress and certain other circumstances. oud hailer uses voice which is amplified. Messages are most commonly passed in plain language. ,hen they are so passed between ships of different flags, the &nglish language )the language of the sea+ is almost always used. There is. however, an 1nternational 6ode of Signals available in seven languages. This 6ode, printed in two volumes, gives visual coded signals in Colume 8ne and radio!telegraphy signals in Colume Two. ;y means of the 71nternational 6ode of Signals7 seamen who do not understand each other7s language may communicate with each other. E<ercises

1. Are t4e :o;;o3in2 state1ents :a;se or true? >adio!telephony is used to pass messages between ships and the shore. Spo%en messages can be passed by means of C0$. ;y day, signals!of Morse 6ode cannot be sent. $lag signalling is used to pass messages between ships. >oc%ets and flares are used as distress signals. The &nglish language is the language of the sea. The 1nternational 6ode of Signals is available in six languages. Seamen who do not understand each other can communicate by using Signals. #. Rearran2e t4e :o;;o3in2 2roups o: sentences to :or1 1eanin2:u; sentences. voice, hailers, loud, amplify. used, and, in, flares, are, distress, roc%ets. telephone, are, spo%en, by, radio, passed, messages. each, to, the, use, signals, seamen. 1nternational, communicate, other, 6ode, with, of. ". ive >rie: ans3ers to t4e :o;;o3in2 5uestions6

0ow can seamen who do not understand each other7s language communicate,hat language is used at sea0ow many methods of communication are there between ships and the shore,hat %ind of fre(uency is used in radio!telephonyMention two of the sound signals used at sea. 0ow is sound amplified,hat do you call the method of using hand flags,hat do the two volumes of The 1nternational 6ode of Signals contain*. As= 5uestions to 34ic4 t4e under;ined 3ords are t4e ans3ers. The Aldis lamp is used by night to send signals. Messages are most commonly passed in plain language. The &nglish language is used by ships of different flags. The 1nternational 6ode of Signals is in seven languages. >oc%ets and flares are used for distress. +. O>serve t4e position o: t4e under;ined 3ords in t4e :o;;o3in2 sentences6 &nglish is always used at sea. 0e never travels by sea. She is usually on time. Put t4e 3ords >et3een >rac=ets in t4e correct position in eac4 o: t4e :o;;o3in2 sentences6 0ave you been on board a tan%er- )ever+ 1 have used the Morse 6ode, )never+ 0e sends messages by telegraph, )usually+ 9ower!driven vessels give way to sailing ships, )sometimes+

The captain is on the bridge, )often+ Dou can avoid collisions at sea. )hardly+ This ship calls at Southampton, )rarely+


Ships cost a lot of money to build. A general cargo vessel costs several million pounds and a giant tan%er can cost over E4@ million pounds. 8ne reason for this is the high cost of steel and other materials used in shipbuilding. 4Another reason is the high cost of labour. A modern shipyard is designed for building ships as cheaply and (uic%ly as possible. Many of the old processes have disappeared or been combined into one fully mechani"ed process. Machines are now used instead of them. Today, ships can be built in about sixteen months and costs can be %ept to a minimum. ,ho designs ships- Ships are designed by naval architects. The largest ship! ping companies have their own naval architects. 1n &urope and <apan, shipyards employ naval architects to design a ship for a customer, or offer basic designs which can be varied to suit the customer7s needs. Shipowners may also go to independent firms of shipping consultants and as% their naval architects to design a ship for them. ,hen shipowners decide to order a new ship, they tell the naval architect the cargo they want the ship to carry. They also tell him what routes the ship will ply and the desired speed. They put limits on the ship7s dimensions and on the price that they are prepared to pay. The ship must also comply with the rules of the classification society

and international regulations. &conomic, engineering and safety factors all govern the design of a ship. RAMMAR 7A8 Passives Study these pairs of sentences/ Naval architects design ships. Active Ships are designed by naval architects. 9assive Men built the tan%er in six months. Active The tan%er was built in six months. 9assive $irst, 1 measured the piece of metal. Active $irst, the piece of metal was measured. 9assive 1n each pair of sentences the meaning is similar, but the ob'ect in the active sentence has become the sub'ect in the passive one. The passive has a number of uses in &nglish/ 1t allows the ob'ect of a sentence to be moved to the sub'ect position. 0ere it becomes the main focus. 1n example ., the active sentence would probably be used in a paragraph on naval architects, the passive version in one about ships. Naval architects now becomes the agent introduced with by. 1t also allows the writer to avoid a sub'ect li%e men in example 2. Men does not add any useful information and therefore can be left out of the passive version. The point of the sentence is not who built the tan%er, but how long it too% to build. The passive also allows us to write in an impersonal style. This is useful in more scientific &nglish, particularly for writing reports of experiments. oo% at example 3. The passive not only ma%es it more ob'ective, but also ma%es the reader focus on the action rather than the person doing the action. The person is unimportant here. The passive is formed by/ To be )in the re(uired tense+ : past participle )of the main verb+ E<ercise 1. #xampl es) (a) arebuilt(simple present)(b) are beingbuilt(present continuous)(c) wasbuilt(past simple)(d) willbebuilt(future)(e) canbebuilt(can) (f) mustbebuilt(must)(g) beingbuilt(present participle)(h) tobebuilt(infinitive) &he pattern is the same for all tenses (a, b, c, d, etc), for modals (e, f, etc!) and for gerund (g) and infinitive (h) forms! oo% again at the example pairs of sentences and then rewrite these sentences in the passive form/ Nowadays they ma%e ships of steel. The Fueen will launch the tan%er tomorrow.

They are painting the huli. The >oyal Navy has ordered two new warships. They used to build ships of wood. Dou can 'oin two pieces of metal together by welding. Next, we weighed the piece of metal. 9eople must prepare the plates properly. They had to repair the bows. E<ercise #. >ewrite this paragraph putting most of the verbs into the passive to ma%e it sound more formal/ ,hen we fit out a ship, we complete her. ,e put in the engines, if we have not already installed them. ,e finish off the superstructure and construct the accommodation for the crew. 1n addition, men erect masts and derric%s and put various items of dec% machinery in place. 8utside companies usually do the electrical wor%, plumbing and any woodwor%. Someone must also buy the furniture and fittiiGgs for all the saloons and cabins.

7/8 Ti1e re;aters 7i8 Se5uence ,hen we want to show that processes or events happen one after the other, we use se(uence words or time clauses. Se5uence 3ords Some common se(uence words are/ first, then, next, after that, afterwards, later, eventually, finally. These are usually put at the beginning of the process or event that they introduce/ e.g. $irst, 1 went to college .... Then, 1 went to sea.. .. These events may be described in a series of sentences, or they may be lin%ed by a semi!colon )#+, or the connective and. &xcept for first and finally they may be used in any order. E<ercise 1. Study the sentences below which show the se(uence of events in the building of a ship. ,rite them out in a paragraph using the above se(uence words to introduce each stage in a sentence. .st ! The plans are completed by the naval architects. 2nd ! The plans are approved by the classification society. 3rd ! The parts of the ship are prepared. 4th ! The parts of the ship are put together.

?th ! The ship is launched. Hth ! The ship is fitted out and completed. 7th ! The ship goes for sea trials. Ith ! The ship is handed over to her new owners. #. Ti1e c;auses

Time clauses can begin with after and before. Study these examples, which show how the first two sentences in the above description can be 'oined together using time clauses/

After the plans are completed by the naval architects, they are approved by the classification society. ;efore the plans are approved by the classification society, they are completed by the naval architects. This time we are 'oining the first two sentences to form one sentence# the plans in the time clause becomes they in the main clause. E<ercise #. Asing the events in the previous exercise, complete these sentences/ )a+ After the parts of the ship are prepared, )b+ , she is fitted out and completed. )c+ ,she goes for sea trials. ". Reduced ti1e c;auses ,hen the sub'ect of the time clause is the same as the sub'ect of the main clause, the time clause can be reduced in the following way/ After the plans are completed by the naval architects, they are approved by the t classification society. After being completed by the naval architects, the plans are approved by the classification society. E<ercise ". >educe the sentences that you have completed in &xercise 2 so that they are li%e the example above.

There are a number of effects to be considered when handling a ship at sea or in narrow waters. These include the axial thrust and the transverse thrust of the propeller, the effect of the rudder on the water and the effects of the wind and tide. The effects of the propeller and rudder can be controlled. The effects of the wind and tide cannot, but their forces can be used. The axial thrust of the propeller is the force wor%ing in a fore and aft direction. This force causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern. ;ecause of her shape, a ship will move ahead through the water more easily than going astern. The transverse thrust is the sideways force of the propeller as it rotates. The transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water is not strong enough to counteract the opposite effect of the lower blades. ower blades exert more sideways thrust than upper blades >eaction cants stern to starboard right!handed propellers this cants the ship7s stern to starboard and her bow to port, when the ship is going ahead. The effect is small and can be corrected by the rudder. ,hen the engines are put astern, the effect is the opposite and the stern cants to port. This effect is stronger and cannot easily be corrected. Cessels with left!handed propellers behave in the opposite way. The rudder depends for its effect on the deflection of a stream of water. The stream is produced by the ship7s movement through the water and by the axial flow of water from Ghe propeller. ,hen the rudder is put to starboard, the stream of water is deflected to starboard. This cants the stern to port and the ship7s head turns to starboard. ,hen the rudder is put to port the effect is the opposite. ,hen the engine is put astern the effect of the rudder is unpredictable. The effect of the wind hitting a ship sideways on depends on the area presented to the wind before or aft of her pivoting point. Ships with their main superstructure amidships will turn away from the wind )see $igure 4+. Ships with the main superstructure aft, such as tan%ers, will turn towards the wind. A beam wind will also cause a ship to ma%e leeway. That is, she will be blown sideways off her course away from the wind as she moves forward through the water. 6urrent and tide also affect a ship. The current will carry the ship with it, or slow it down when the ship is traveling against the current. The tide will lift the ship and lower it. 1t will also carry it in its direction and cause the ship to turn when anchored or moored.

RAMMAR 7A8 Artic;es )ii+ The, "ero article with geographical names Study the lists below of when and when not to use the definite article )the+ with geographical names and terms/ 1. enera;;0 t4e is not used 3it4 na1es o:

6ontinents Asia, &urope, South America )except/ The Arctic, The Antarctic+ 6ountries *reece, Juwait )exceptions include/ The Netherlands, The ebanon+ 1slands ,hen thought of as one island/ <apan, 6uba, 0awaii 6ities Alexandria, An%ara, New Dor%, ondon Towns =over, ;righton, 6alais )except/ The 0ague+ Mountains Mount &verest, Mont ;lanc, ;en Nevis )exceptions include/ The <ungfrau, The Tiger+ a%es a%e Michigan, a%e 6omo, och Ness ;ays >aleigh ;ay, *alway ;ay )except when/ The ;ay of...+ )Note/ Although there are exceptions, the is not used with the above except when referred to in the following way/ The 6ity of ondon, The ;ay of ;iscay. 6ountries with the were once thought of as areas )see below+ rather than countries. They often have two names e.g. The Netherlands ! 0olland, The Argentine ! Argentina.+ #. enera;;0 t4e is used 3it4 t4e na1es o:

6ountries when abbreviated/ the ASA, the ASS>, the AA&, the AJ Areas of countries/ the North &ast# of cities/ the ,est &nd =eserts when large/ the Sahara, the Jalahari *roups of islands The 9hilippines, The 6anaries >anges of mountains The Alps, the 0imalayas, the >oc%ies 8ceans5seas The 9acific, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea 6hannels5straits The &nglish 6hannel, the Straits of *ibraltar *ulfs The 9ersian *ulf5the Arabian *ulf, the *ulf of 8man &stuaries The Ama"on &stuary, the Nile =elta 6urrents The Agulhas 6urrent, the North Atlantic =rift >ivers5canals The Nile, the &uphrates, the Sue" 6anal

E<ercise 1. oo% through a good world atlas and find other examples of the names of continents, countries, etc. Note if the article )the+ is used or not. 6an you find any exceptions to the above patterns of useE<ercise #. ,rite a short description of your own country based as far as possible on the description below/ Scotland is part of ;ritain. Along with &ngland, ,ales and Northern 1reland, it ma%es up the AJ. There are many off!shore islands. These include S%ye and Arran in the west and the 8r%neys in the north. The largest range of mountains is the *rampians and the highest mountain is ;en Nevis. The capital is &dinburgh, but *lasgow has the largest population. 7/8 Ti1e re;aters )iii+ After, when, while, on, during, until 0ere are some more ways of introducing time clauses. .. ,hen one event immediately follows another when can be used instead of after e.g. After a ship arrives in port, port officials go aboard. ,hen a ship arrives in port, port officials go aboard. 2. ,hen the sub'ect is the same in both clauses when can often be rewritten with on : noun5!ing e.g. ,hen the customs men arrive on board, they go to the 6aptain7s cabin. KL 8n arriving on board, the customs men go to the 6aptain7s cabin. e.g. ,hen the cargo was unloaded, it was put into the warehouse. 8n being unloaded, the cargo was put into the warehouse. 3. ,hen one event happens at the same time as another, when5while can sometimes be replaced by du ring : noun e.g. ,hile a ship is being launched, tugs stand by ready to help. =uring the launching of a ship, tugs stand by ready to help. 4. ,hen we want to show the limit of an action, we use until e.g. The 6hief 8fficer stayed on watch until @I@@. 1f we are referring to the time the action began, we must put the verb in the main clause in the negative. e.g. The 6hief 8fficer did not go on watch until @4@@.

E<ercise 1. >ewrite the following sentences using the words in brac%ets. After a ship is completed, she undergoes speed trials. ),hen+ ,hile a ship is being constructed, she is continually being examined. )=uring+ 0e went to sea when he was eighteen years old. )Antil+ After the passengers arrive on board, they are shown to their cabins. )8n+ ,hile a cadet is being trained, he is paid by his company. )=uring+ The passengers went below when the sun went in. )Antil+ ,hen the hull was inspected, it was found to be damaged. )8n+ ,hen a vessel undergoes speed trials, her maximum speed is measured. )=uring+ The pilot disembar%ed when the ship was clear of the harbour. )Antil+


1n addition to the traditional methods of navigation a number of sophisticated electronic devices have been developed to help the navigators. These include the % echo sounder, radar and various types of radio navigation e(uipment. The echo sounder sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the sea!bed, from which it is reflected. The time ta%en to receive the reflected signal is a measure of the depth of water under the ship. The received pulse is displayed on a chart by a pen recorder so that the navigator can sound of the bottom over which the vessel is passing. A similar device is the sonar system, which uses high fre(uency sound signals. 1n sonar the sound signal can be sent ahead or sideways. The time for the echo to be sent bac% from an ob'ect, such as an underwater roc%, is a measure of the ob'ect7s distance from the ship. The sonar system can also be used to measure the speed of the ship over the seabed. 1t is now common for ships, including trawlers, tugs and ferries, to be fitted with radar to help them navigate near land. 0igh!fre(uency radio beams are sent out and received by a rotating radar scanner on the ship. These signals are then converted into images on a screen. The ship is shown in the centre of the screen and nearby ships are shown in relation to it. 8n the screen moving ob'ects leave a short trail to indicate their direction and speed. ;ut radar is only an aid to navigation. 1t is the correct interpretation of the picture on the screen which ensures the safe passage of the ship. Nearly all seagoing vessels are fitted with radio for transmitting and receiving signals. 8ne of the mosG common methods of chec%ing a vessel7s position is by using the system which the operator finds the direction but the system is often not very accurate. 1f &(uipment such as the =ecca Navigator, the 8mega Navigator and oran, use synchroni"ed signals received from specific shore stations to establish position. This may be done either by comparing the time of arrival of a certain signal from three or more stations, or by comparing the difference in phase of radio waves. They all wor% on the same principle. Signals received from a pair of stations place the ship on a curved line of position. 0owever along this line the received signals from the two stations would seem the same. Signals received from another pair of stations define a second line of position- The ship7s position is where the two lines cross. The position is displayed on a chart and on dials. The accuracy of this system is usually within half a mile. Since the late .MH@s it has been possible to navigate by satellite. Signals from satellites are received by a dish!shaped aerial on the ship. As the satellite approaches or goes away from the ship, the character of the signal received changes- This change depends on where the ship is in relation to the orbiting satellite/ ;ecause the position of the satellite is %nown with very high accuracy the ship7s position can also be fixed. This system gives an accuracy of better than one tenth of a mile in all weathers, all over the world. The introduction of satellites has led to fully automatic navigation in the open sea for modern ships.

The ultimate in navigation may eventually be in a dual system combining satellites with inertial navigation. 1n inertial navigation, sensors measure the ship7s speed and direction, and compute the changing position from these readings. This system is entirely internal and independent of any external references such as landmar%s, the sun, stars, radio or radar transmission. The e(uipment only needs to %now the exact location of the starting point. Asing this system, which is extremely accurate, a ship can be on course and %ept on it despite current, winds and alterations in engine power. 1nertial navigation is used in warships. 7A8 Prepositions o: p;ace 7ii8 Study how the following prepositions are used to describe destination/ .. To5from ! used with reference to a point To !!! They too% the ferry to 6alais. !!! from The F&11 sailed from Southampton.

2. 8nto5off used with reference to a line or surface 8nto The case fell onto the dec%. off The launch too% off the pilot.

3. 1nto5out of ! used with reference to an area or volume into !( out of N( The cargo was lowered into the hold. The cargo was lifted out of the hold. Now study how these are used to describe direction/ 4. Towards5away from ! express motion with reference to a directional path towards :O O PQ away from The ship was driven towards the roc%s. The wood drifted away from the shore. ?. up5down R express motion with reference to a vertical axis. Ap The sailor climbed up the mast. H. 5 down The flag was hauled down.

Across5along! express motion with reference to a hori"ontal axis or plane SS 5 across B7 along The dinghy tac%ed across the bay. They sailed along the coast.

Now study how these are used to describe passage/ 7. over under The people wal%ed over the bridge. The barge sailed under the bridge. I. behind in front of The plane passed behind the lighthouse. The gulls flew in front of the lighthouse. M. )a+round through The diver swam round the shoal. The diver swam through the shoal. .@. byT past The sailors rowed past5by the buoy. E<ercise 1. >ead this description of a voyage made by the MC =iomede. Then write similar descriptions of the other two voyages outlined below. Ase the appropriate prepositions and the definite article )the+ where necessary# 8n H April, .M7M the general cargo vessel, the MC =iomede, left the port of New 8rleans in the ASA for 0awaii in the 0awaiian 1slands. She steamed across the *ulf of Mexico, through the Ducatan 6hannel and along the north coast of <amaica, calling at Jingston. Then she sailed through the 9anama 6anal and across the 9acific 8cean to 0awaii. .@5M5I@!bul% oii carrier!SS &nterprise!Nagasa%i!<apan!Jharg 1sland ! *ulf ! east coast of 6hina ! Taiwan Straits ! South 6hina Sea !Singapore ! Straits of Malacca ! 1ndian 8cean ! Jharg 1sland. .H5H5I@!passenger liner!MC 8ne5U ! Southampton ! AJ ! Naples !1taly ! &nglish 6hannel ! ;ay of ;iscay ! west coast of 9ortugal ! isbon ! Straits of *ibraltar ! Mediterranean Sea ! Naples. 7/8 Re;ative c;auses 7ii8 .. >educed relative clauses This is possible/ ,hen the defining relative clause contains a verb in the passive e.g. A ship which was built in that yard san% yesterday. KL A ship built in that yard san% yesterday. ,hen the defining relative clause contains a verb in a continuous tense e.g. A ship which is carrying explosives flies a red flag. A ship carrying explosives flies a red flag. ,hen the defining relative clause begins/ which has5have e.g. Cessels which have 7tween dec%s are suitable for general cargo.

Cessels having 7tween dec%s are suitable for general cargo. or Cessels with 7tween dec%s are suitable for general cargo. ,hen a defining relative clause contains a verb in the simple present. e.g. =rums which contain chemicals are sometimes stowed on dec%. KL =rums containing chemicals are sometimes stowed on dec%. E<ercise 1. Reduce t4e :o;;o3in2 re;ative c;auses i: t4e0 can >e reduced6 Ships which use the 9anama 6anal pay canal dues. >ope which is made of nylon does not rot. An officer who has a Master7s 6ertificate can hope to become the maVter of his own ship one day. Some boats are built of fibre glass, which is a type of plastic. A sailor who is wor%ing aloft should wear a safety harness. Steel which contains more than @.7 per cent of carbon has a high tensile strength. 6argoes which have a low stowage factor are usually put at the bottom of the hold. A material which can be shaped by hammering or rolling is said to be malleable. Ships which are classed by loyds have to undergo strict tests. The sailors who were sitting at the bac% of the coach were hurt in the accident. #. Re;ative c;auses 3it4 prepositions Study how these two sentences are 'oined together# 6ontainers are large cases of standard dimensions. 6argo is pac%ed in these. )a+ : )b+ 6ontainers are large cases of standard dimensions in which cargo is pac%ed. )Note/ 1n spo%en &nglish the preposition is usually put at the end.+ E<ercise #. <oin the following pairs of sentences together in the same way by ma%ing the second sentence a relative clause/ 6opper and tin are non!ferrous metals. ;ron"e is made from copper and tin. 9allets are pieces of cargo!handling e(uipment. 6rates and cases are stac%ed on pallets. The windlass is found on the forecastle. The anchors are raised and lowered by the windlass. Centilators are positioned over the cargo holds. Air flows through these. 0atchways are covered by hatch covers. Tarpaulins are then spread over the hatch covers. A sextant is a navigating instrument. ,ith a sextant a =ec% 8fficer ta%es observations of the sun. Speed trials ta%e place when the ship is out at sea. =uring speed trials the ship7s maximum speed is measured. The National Anion of Seamen is an organi"ation which loo%s after the interests of seamen.

Much of the wor% of the =ec% =epartment on board a ship concerns the mainten! ance of the ship and her fittings. This is the responsibility of the 6hief 8fficer. 0e and the men in his charge must protect the ship from the damaging effects of salt water, changes in temperature and the action of waves. The principal material used in building a ship is mild steel, and steel of different types is used for ma%ing most fittings and e(uipment. Anfortunately, steel under!goes a chemical change %nown as rusting when in contact with air, water or salt solutions. This causes the metal to deteriorate rapidly, unless some form of protection is given. To try and prevent this corrosion, the metal is coated with cement wash, bitumen and paint. 6ement wash is a mixture of cement powder and fresh water. 1t is used in freshwater tan%s and double bottom tan%s. ;itumen is used in bilges and pea% tan%s. 1t is also used on metal dec%s before they are sheathed with wood. 0owever, the principal protective coating is paint. There are many types of paint available nowadays in a wide variety of colours and it is no longer necessary for the ;oatswain to mix his own. 9aints are stowed in the paint loc%er, which is usually situated under the forecastle head. The most common %inds of paint found on board ship are as follows/ metal primers, which are applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust and to act as a %ey to the next coat# undercoats, which are used over the primer before the top coat# top coats, which provide a hard!wearing surface and give the re(uired colour# heat!resistant paints for radiators and pipes and for the ship7s funnel# non!slip paints for use on weather dec%s and other suitable surfaces such as companion!ways# and varnishes to give a clear protective coat to woodwor%. $or painting, the surface of a ship7s hull is divided into three distinct areas/ the topside, boot!topping and bottom. Topside paint is supplied in the company7s colours or in light grey, if the vessel is a warship. 1t is applied to the area of the ship7s hull which is out of the water when the ship is loaded. ;oot!topping is applied to that area of the hull which is out of the water when the ship is in the light condition and under water when the ship is loaded. A ship7s bottom is given a coating of anti!fouling paint. Anti!fouling paints contain toxicants which are poisonous to marine life. The toxicants have to dissolve out of the paint into the surrounding water in order to be effective. ;efore an area can be repainted, proper preparation is essential. The area must be cleaned and washed with a cleaning solution to remove all salt, dirt and oil. The paintwor% must then be rinsed with clean fresh water and all trace of the cleaning solution removed. oose paint and scale is removed with a scraper and any heavy rust with a chipping hammer. $inally, a wire brush should be used on all bare metal to remove the last of the scale, before the first coat of paint is applied.

RAMMAR 7A8 Noun co1pounds 6ompounds are common in technical writing. They provide a way of creating new words to describe new ob'ects and processes. They also permit a very condensed form of writing. 0ere are three forms of noun compound. Noun : noun compounds are formed as follows/ A ship for cargo A for ; becomes a cargo ship ; A Many different %inds of relationship are possible in such noun : noun compounds. Some more are listed below/ A of ; A with5has ; A contains ; A made of 5from ; A in5on5at ; A operated by ; A shaped li%e ; A uses ; A invented by ; e.g. The cover of a cylinder The cylinder cover e.g. ,ater with salt in it KL Salt water e.g. The house contains the wheel The wheelhouse e.g. ,ire made of copper 6opper wire e.g. The plate at the bac% The bac% plate e.g. A pump operated by hand KL A hand pump e.g. A nut shaped li%e a butterfly A butterfly nut e.g. A turbine driven by steam KL A steam turbine e.g. 6alipers invented by Cernier KL Cernier calipers E<ercise 1. Tr0 and identi:0 t4e re;ations4ips in t4e :o;;o3in2 co1pounds6 a needle valve carbon steel a petrol tan% a wire rope corner bolts a foot pump floor plates a Mac*regor hatch a diesel engine a container ship

#. Present particip;e A noun co1pounds are :or1ed as :o;;o3s6 valves which regulate water which cools regulating valves cooling water 9ast participle : noun compounds are formed as follows/ bolts which have been fitted KL fitted bolts iron which has been cast air which has been compressed oil which is used for lubricating ropes which are used for mooring a 'oint which has been riveted a surface which has been machined oil which has been heated air which is used for scavenging a 'oint which has been welded rags which are used for cleaning 7/8 Purpose ;in=s 9urpose for doing something can be expressed in several ways. .. ;y using the infinitive e.g. 0e went to college to study engineering. 2. ;y using so as e.g. 0e wor%ed hard so as to pass his exams. The ship doc%ed in order to ta%e on fuel. 0e ran so as not to be late. 3.;y using so that )can5could :infinitive W will5would. shall5should+ )This is used when the person to whom the purpose refers is mentioned.+ e.g. The captain loo%ed through his binoculars so that he could see more clearly. 0e ran so that he would not be late. E<ercise 1. Use 0our i1a2ination to co1p;ete t4ese sentences to s4o3 t4e purpose :or t4e action6 Ships carry lifeboats &ngines must be regularly serviced 0e opened the wind o w Safety valves are fitted Ships are ta%en on sea trials *oggles should be worn .... 0e set his alarm cloc% ,arships are painted grey ..

KL cast iron


7A8 Co;;ision Re2u;ations 1.&& 7e<tracts8 >ead through the following extracts, which have been ta%en from the 6ollision >egulations .M77 as laid down by The 1ntergovernmental Maritime 6onsultative 8rgani"ation )1M68+. The >egulations are in four parts embodying thirty!eight >ules and four annexes. 9art );+ covers steering and sailing rules. Section 11. 6onduct of vessels in sight of one another >A & .. Application >ules in this Section apply to vessels in sight of one another. >A & .3 8verta%ing Notwithstanding anything contained in the >ules of this Section any vessel overta%ing any other shall %eep out of the way of the vessel being overta%en. A vessel shall be deemed to be overta%ing when coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22.? degrees abaft her beam, that is, in such a position with reference to the vessel she is overta%ing, that at night she would be able to see only the stern light of that vessel but neither of her sidelights. ,hen a vessel is in any doubt as to whether she is overta%ing another, she shall assume that this is the case and act accordingly. Any subse(uent alteration of the bearing between the two vessels shall not ma%e the overta%ing vessel a crossing vessel within the meaning of these >ules or relieve her of the duty of %eeping clear of the overta%en vessel until she is finally past and clear. >ule .4 0ead!on situation )a+ ,hen two power!driven vessels are meeting on reciprocaX or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve ris% of collision each shall alter her course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port side of the other. Wb+ Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly ahead and by night she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line and5or both sidelights and by day she observes the corresponding aspect of the other vessel. )c+ ,hen a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly. >ule .? 6rossing situation ,hen two power!driven vessels are crossing so as to involve ris% of collision, the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side shall %eep out of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel. >ule .H Action by give!way vessel. &very vessel which is directed to %eep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible, ta%e early and substantial action to %eep well clear.

>ule.7 Action by stand!on vessel/ )a+ )i+ ,here one of two vessels is to %eep out of the way the other shall %eep her course and speed. )ii+ The latter vessel may however ta%e action to avoid collision by her manoeuvre alone, as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel re(uired to %eep out of the way is not ta%ing appropriate action in compliance with these >ules. ,hen, from any cause, the vessel re(uired to %eep her course and speed finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of the give!way vessel alone, she shall ta%e such action as will best aid to avoid collision. A power!driven vessel which ta%es action in a crossing situation in accordance with sub! paragraph )c+)ii+ of this >ule to avoid collision with another power!driven vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, not alter course to port for a vessel on her own port side. This >ule does not relieve the give!way vessel of her obligation to %eep out of the way. >A & .I >esponsibilities between vessels &xcept where >ules M,.@ and .3 otherwise re(uire/ )a+ A power!driven vessel underway shall %eep out of the way of/ )i+ a vessel not under command# )ii+ a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre# )iii+ a vessel engaged in fishing# )iv+ a sailing vessel. RAMMAR 7A8 O>;i2ation 6ommands in &nglish can be expressed in a number of ways/ .. ;y using the imperative. This has the same form as the infinitive without to e.g. ;e carefulX 6lose the doorX =on7t smo%eX =on7t ma%e a noiseX 2. ;y using must5must not e.g. Dou must be carefulX =oors must be %ept closedX 0atches must not be left uncoveredX 3. ;y using be to : infinitive. This is an indirect form of command often used in official notices e.g. Dou are to answer all the (uestions. 8fficers are to be bac% on board by .I@@. ights are not to be left on unnecessarily. 4. ;y using will. This is used to express a severe command e.g. >egulations will be observed at all times. Dou will not be allowed ashore until further notice. Mild commands in the form of advice and recommendations can be made as follows/ ?. ;y using should5ought to e.g. Dou should read all safety regulations. The wor% ought to be finished by .H3@. should not be left lying about. Strong advice and recommending the wisest course of action can be made as follows/

E<ercise 1. >ead the following advice based on an extract from a safety handboo% for engineer officers. Asing the imperative, ma%e up a notice summari"ing the main points that might be put on the door of an unmanned machinery space. The first is done for you/ A seaman should not enter an unmanned machinery space unless he has been given permission by the officer in charge. ,hile in the space, reports by telephone must be made at regular intervals to the duty =ec% 8fficer. A seaman should only do the tas% which he has been specifically told to do. 1f any 'ob is beyond his unaided capability, he should obtain assistance. The &ngineer 8fficer in charge must be informed by the seaman in person when he leaves the space. The maintenance of ade(uate lighting and clean conditions is essential at all times. Alarm circuits should be tested regularly to the manufacturers7 schedules. At all times, personnel wor%ing in unmanned machinery spaces should be on their guard against the sudden starting of automated machinery. .. =o not enter without permission from the officer in charge. 2. >eport by telephone Now continue. There are about nine orders in all. E<ercise ;. Ase your imagination to respond to these statements. )Ase should5ought to for advice, use had better for ma%ing a stronger recommendation+. 17m spending my leave in 0ong Jong this year.7 7The temperature level is far too low.7 1 thin% he7s stopped breathing.7 71 overslept again this morning.7 78ne of the cadets has a terrible cough and sore throat.7 71 don7t %now how this paint spray gun wor%s.7 1Yve 'ust spilled a can of oil over the floor.7 7The exam starts in two minutes time.7 7My eyesight seems to be getting worse.7 7The weather7s turning bad. 7/8 Conditiona;s There are three basic types of conditional sentence, which are sometimes referred to as real, unreal and impossible conditionals. &ach type is illustrated below/ .. >eal conditions are those which may or may not be fulfilled. 9attern/ if : present )simple, continuous, perfect+, future tense5modal5imperative e.g. 1f 1 pass my exams, 1 shall celebrate. 1f you are wor%ing on board, you should wear the right clothing. 1f you hear the alarm bells ring, muster on dec% immediately. 2. Anreal conditions are those which are not expected to be fulfilled. 9attern/ if : past )simple, continuous+, conditional e.g. 1f the ship was sin%ing, we would launch the lifeboats.

3. 1mpossible conditions are those which are impossible because they are contrary to past fact. 9attern/ if : past perfect )simple, continuous+, conditional perfect e.g. 1f the cargo had arrived, it would have been loaded. )Note/ )a+ Types . and 2 refer to present or future time. Type 3 to a past situation. )b+ The conditional )if+ clause can be put second in all three types.+ E<ercise 1. (ind t4e correct sentences in t4e ri24t 4and co;u1n to 1atc4 t4e sentences on t4e ;e:t. T4en 3rite t4e1 out. 1f the weather is bad, 1f we had a torch, 1f 1 had passed the exam, 1f you touch that wire, 1f 1 saw him again, 1f the car had been cheaper, 1 would recogni"e him. Dou will be electrocuted. we will wor% below dec%. 1 would have bought it. we would be able to see. 1 would have been promoted.


A communication system enables information to be passed from a source, through a medium, to a destination. ;etween a ship and a land station that medium will be radio waves. $rom the land station the medium is usually land line, i.e. the internal telephone and telecommunications system. Messages can be sent in either Morse code or speech. 1f Morse is used, then wireless!telegraphy ),5T+ is used. ,hen speech is used, then radio!telegraphy )>5T+ or C0$ are used. ,ith >5T the receiving operator has to convert the Morse code into plain language. ,hen transmitting a message by >5T or C0$, the 1nternational 9honetic Alphabet must be used to avoid confusion when there are language difficulties. Transmissions from all stations must contain an identity signal by which the station ma%ing the transmission can be recogni"ed. This signal must be used at all times when communicating between stations. Such identification must ta%e the form of 1nternational 6allsigns or other internationally agreed forms of identity. 1n radiotelephony, coast )land+ stations normally identify themselves by using their geographical name, followed by the word >adio, e.g. Nitonradio, Angleseyradio. Ship stations normally identify themselves by the name of the ship, but the 1nternational 6allsign assigned to the ship may be used, for example, when two or more ships bear the same name, or where pronunciation5 language difficulty could occur. The three marine fre(uencies used for =istress, 6all and >eply purposes are/ )a+ ?@@ %h" for telegraphy )Morse+ 2.I2 %h" for telephony )speech+ .?H.I Mh" for telephony )speech+ =uring hours of service all ships and coast stations maintain a listening watch on at least one, if not all, of the above fre(uencies for information regarding messages for individuals, general messages, and distress, urgency and safety messages. The obligation to accept distress calls and messages is absolute for all stations and such messages must be given priority and dealt with immediately. 1n order to increase the safety of life at sea, and over the sea, all stations of the maritime mobile service normally %eeping watch in the authori"ed band between 4@? ! ?3? %h" must, during their hours of service, ensure watch on the 1nternational >adiotelegraph =istress56alling fre(uency ?@@ %h" is %ept for three minutes, twice each hour, at hl? ! hlI and at h4? ! h4I. Those normally %eeping watch in the fre(uency band .H@? ! 2I?@ %h" must, during their hours of service, ensure watch on the 1nternational >adiotelephone =istress56alling fre(uency 2.I2 %h" is %ept for three minutes, twice each hour, at h88 ! h@3 and at h3@ ! h33. These times are referred to as silence periods and must always be observed. =uring these three!minute silence periods all transmissions on these fre(uencies must stop in order that possible wea% signals of a distress call can be heard. Transmissions between the fre(uencies 4I? ! ?.? %h", and between 2.73.? ! 2.M@.? %h", must cease during silence periods, except for distress transmissions. ,here C0$ radiotelephony e(uipment is installed, a continuous listening watch is maintained on the 1nternational =istress56alling fre(uency .?H.I Mh", referred to as 6hannel .H. No silence periods are allocated to this fre(uency. The 6lassification of &missions refers to the different types of transmission. These are symboli"ed as follows )only the more common types are described+/

A1A T& &*>A90D by on5off %eying, un modulated full carrier. A2A T& &*>A90D by on5off %eying, amplitude modulated double side!band full carrier. 02A T& &*>A90D by on5off %eying, amplitude modulated single side!band full carrier. A3& T& &908ND amplitude modulated double sideband full carrier. 03& T& &908ND amplitude modulated single sideband full carrier. >3& T& &908ND amplitude modulated single sideband reduced carrier. <3& T& &908ND amplitude modulated single sideband suppressed carrier. $3& T& &908ND fre(uency modulated carrier. C0$ .?H ! .74 Mh" Marine. Note. . A3& and 03& are not permitted, except on 2.I2 %h" for, and by, distress e(uipment for safety purposes. 03& may be used on 2.I2 %h" for calling purposes, but not on any other fre(uency used for calling purposes. ,hen establishing communication on wor%ing fre(uencies, either >3& or <3& must be used. Short, medium or long range 6ommunications 1n general 7short7 range communication refers to C0$ ).?H ! .74 Mh"+ and the radius of such contact is 3@ ! 4? miles. The main use is Telephony )$3&+. 7Medium7 range communication can refer to M$ Telegraphy ),5T+ in the 4@? !?3? %h", or M$ Telephony )>5T+ in the fre(uency band .H@? ! 4@@@ %h". The radius of contact is roughly between .?@ ! 3@@ miles, depending on local propagation conditions, transmitter power and the aerial system used. 7 ong7 range communication refers to the 0$ band of fre(uencies, 4@@@ ! 2?@@@ %h" for ,5T )A1A only+, and 4@@@ ! 23..@ %h" for >5T)>3& or <3& only+. 7 ong7 range is used for distances exceeding 3@@54@@ miles. 6ertain C0$ channels are designated for particular purposes. These are given in the 1nternational Telecommunication Anion )1TA+ 7 ist of 6oast Stations7. =istress, Safety and 6alling 6hannel .H 1nter ship first choice 6hannel H )8thers listed in C0$ allocation guide+ 9ort operations 6hannel .@ )also .2,.4+ 9ublic correspondence main choices 6hannels24,2?,2H,27,2I 8n!board 6hannels .?,.7 )on low power+ 6oast >adio Stations channels listed in 1TA ist of 6oast >adio Stations or as specified by the 6>S. Note. . 9ort 8perations ! ship movement and 9ilot Services 9ort 8perations channels )found in 7 ist of 6oast Stations7+ are restricted to various port operation services, the movement and safety of ships, and, in emergency, to the safety of persons. No private or public correspondence messages can be passed over these channels. 9ublic 6orrespondence ! any telecommunication which the offices and stations must, by reason of their being at the disposal of the public, accept for transmission. 8n!board 6ommunications These are restricted to 6ommunications on!board the ship itself, mooring5unmooring and cargo operations# or between the ship and its liferafts# or between a group of vessels during towing operations. Fuestions related to handouts tend to as% you to loo% for information in the text. e.g. State the three marine fre(uencies used for =istress, 6all and >eply purposes. *ive the silence periods which must be observed by those %eeping watch in the fre(uency band .H@? ! 2M?@ %h".

RAMMAR 7A8 Messa2e t0pes 1n the Seaspea% >eference Manual, which gives essential &nglish for C0$ use, messages are divided into only seven types based on their function. These seven types are listed below with examples/ Fuestion 1nstruction Advice >e(uest 1nformation ,arning 1ntention e.g. )a+ ,hat is your position)b+ 1s visibility expected to changee.g. )a+ Dou must stay clear of the fairway. )b+ =o not overta%e. e.g. )a+ Advise you pass astern of me. e.g. )a+ 1 re(uire a tug. )b+ 9lease send medical assistance. e.g. )a+ The pilot is waiting now at position .... )b+ My &TA at &ast 9ier is one!six!three!"ero local. e.g. )a+ 1 am manoeuvring with difficulty. e.g. )a+ 1 intend to reduce speed, new speed/ five %nots. Note/ 0ere 1nstruction refers to commands, and Advice to suggestions. A ,arning contains information of critical importance to the safety of the vessel, and an 1ntention indicates immediate operational intentions. E<ercise 1. 1n order to understand a message completely it is necessary to %now its function. See if you can identify the function of these messages by writing/ (uestion, instruction, advice, re(uest, information, warning or intention in the space provided, as appropriate. ;uoy number two!six is unlit. ,hat are my berthing instructionsNo vessels are at the anchorage. *o to berth number eight. ,hat is your draught aftAdvise you %eep your present course. 1 expect to be underway within period/ two hours. 9lease provide fire!fighting assistance. 9ush on my port bow. The vessel ahead of you is stopping.

1n the Seaspea% system a message should always be initiated by a 7message mar%er7, i.e. one of the seven words above denoting message type. This will increase the probability of the message being understood. The system also uses 7reply mar%ers7, which correspond as follows/ (uestion5answer, instruction instruction!received, advice5advice!received, etc. e.g. (uestion/ ,hat is your &TA at the harbour entranceanswer/ My &TA at the harbour entrance is/ time/ one!four!"ero!"ero *MT. ,ith the other mar%ers, the message is (uoted bac% in full after the 7reply mar%er7 with any necessary changes made. e.g. intention/ 1 intend to reduce speed, new speed/ five %nots. intention!received/ Dou intend to reduce speed, new speed/ five %nots.

UNIT 1* VH( procedures

,hen using C0$ ).?H ! .74 Mh"+, call5reply is normally made on 6hannel .H, but other arrangements may be available on other channels. 9rior to ma%ing a call it is first necessary to ensure there is no distress, urgency or safety traffic in progress and that another communication is not being interfered with. A call must not exceed one minute, but may be repeated at three!minute intervals. 0ere are two possible exchanges. The first is an exchange procedure between two ships ta%en from Seaspea%. The second is an exchange procedure between a ship and a coast station using standard procedure. An outline of an inter ship exchange using Seaspea%/ Station 1a=in2 t4e ca;; Station respondin2 to t4e ca;; .. 1niGial call Address. )Name56allsign of station called, said twice+ 1dentification. 7Thisis...7 )Name56allsign of calling station, said twice+ 1ndication of calling C0$channel. 78nC0$channel 78ver.7 2. >esponse to call Address and identification. 78ver.7 3. 1ndication of wor%ing C0$ channel Address and identification. 1ndicate wor%ing C0$channel. 7Switch to C0$channel 78ver.7 4. Agreement of wor%ing C0$ channel Address and identification. Agree wor%ingC0$ channel. 7Agree C0$ channel );oth ships now change to the agreed wor%ing channel.+ ?. Message Address and identification. Message. 78ver.7 H. >esponse to message Address and identification. >espond to message. 78ver.7 7. &nd of transmission Address and identification. >ead bac% response to message 78ut.7

An outline of a ship!to!shore exchange using standard procedure/ Station 1a=in2 t4e ca;; Station respondin2 to t4e ca;; .. 1nitial call Address. )Name5identity of station called, said twice+ 1dentification. )Name5identity of calling station, said twice+ This is...7 >eason for call, giving wor%ing channel. 78ver.7 2. >esponse to call Address and identification. 7>omeo 6hannel... up7 );oth ships now change to the agreed wor%ing channel.+ 3. 1ndication of readability Address and identification. 70ow do you read me-7 78ver.7 4. 1ndication of readability Address and identification. 7>ead you strength ... go ahead.7 78ver.7 ?. Message Address and identification. 7Message begins 7Message ends.7 78ver.7 H. >esponse to message Address and identification. 7>eceived message number 7Nothing for you.7 78ver.7 7. &nd of transmission Address and identification. 7>omeo nothing for you.7 78ut.7 1f a station receives a call, but is uncertain that the call is actually intended for it, it must wait until the call has been repeated and understood. 1n ship!to!shore 6ommunications, except in the cases of distress, urgency or safety, the 6ommunications are controlled by the coast station. 1n ship!to!ship 6ommunications the ship which is calling controls the exchange. 1f a coast station finds it necessary to interrupt, both ships must comply with any instructions given by the shore station.

APP%IED TERMINO%O ' )A+ Terms relating to C0$ 6ommunications Standard phrases Study the table below, which shows some of the standard phrases used in C0$ 6ommunications. These are ta%en from Standard Marine Navigational Cocabulary )1M68+ *a(ing and maintaining contactClarificationCalling!!!*ista(e!&hi s is!!!Correction!+ow do you read, -lease speli!'read!!!(l./)0$ speli!"tand by on 1+2 channel!!!"ay again all before3after!!!"tanding by on 1+2channel!!!'say again all before3after !!!4ver-lease spea( in full!4ut-lease spea( slowly!-lease use "tandard *arine 5avigationalConversation controlsvocabulary!-lease read bac(-lease use 'nternational Code of "ignals!' read bac(-lease use "easpea(!AnnouncernentsChannel s witching*essage for you!"wttch %5ote! 'n "easpea() $ 6 unusable! 7 6 poor, to 1+2channel!!!-ass your 8 6 fair, 9 6 good! /to3Change 6 excellent! message!"tand by on channel!!! and Seaspea% )9ergamon+. C0$ distress, urgency and safety messages Study this diagram which tells you when to use distress, urgency and safety procedure. The procedures here are based on those recommended in Seaspea%. Type of procedure =istress 6all Mayday Situation



To be used when a ship or aircraft is threatened by grave and imminent danger li%ely to involve loss of life, and re(uests immediate assistance. 9an!9an To be used when the message contains urgent information concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft or other vehicle, or the safety of a person. Securite To be used when the message contains an )pronounced important navigational or meteorological Say!cure!e! warning. tay+

E<ercise 1. oo% at these messages and decide whether distress, urgency or safety procedures should be used. )a+ .@@ miles southwest of and send engine bro%en down. >e(uire tug assistance. )b+ $rom 0arbour master $almouth yacht ;elinda overdue on voyage from 6romer to $almouth left 6romer l8th March report any sightings to loyds ondon. )c+ =iving operations in progress at ninian north platform ship movement within a radius of ?@@ metres prohibited until further notice. Ship holed in engine room. Sin%ing. >e(uest immediate assistance. *ale warning southwest gale force winds imminent in sea Areas =over Thames. ?2.3@ North .H.2@,est fire in number two hold ships in vicinity please stand by. The procedure for a distress or urgency transmission is as follows. =istress call )3 times+ 7This is Name of ship )3 times+ =istress call )once+ Name of ship and 6allsign )once+ 9osition Nature of distress Jind of assistance re(uired 78ver. E<ercise #. Now complete these two transmissions, ta%en from the Seaspea% Manual, by selecting the appropriate phrases from the 'umbled list below. )a+ 7 >attler >attler >attler Cega, Seven Cictor AlfaTango 9osition/ latitude/ five!"ero degrees three!"ero minutes North, longitude/ "ero!three! nine degrees two!"ero minutes ,est. 8ver.7

)b+ 79an!9an 9an!9an 9an!9an This is 5 >e(uire tow 5 9an!9an 5 >attler, *olf Zray Zray Zray 5 6ollision with iceberg, sin%ing 5 Mayday Mayday Mayday 5 9osition/ bearing "ero!nine!"ero degrees true, distance one!five miles from >as Sar%an 5 Mayday 5 ost propeller 5 8ver 5Cega Cega Cega 5This is 5 >e(uest immediate assistance. The procedure for a safety transmission is as follows. Safety call )3 times+ .!H. >epeated. 7All ships7)may be repeated+ 7. Safety message. 3. This is...7 Name of station )3 times+ Safety call )once+ Name of station 9hrase indicating content of message to follow. 7Switch to C0$ channel...7 I. 78ver. 1 say again.7 >epeat safety message. 78ut.7 &xercise 3. Dou are Nitonradio and you wish to ma%e a safety message broadcast to all ships that there is a military exercise involving dar%ened ships, submarines and aircraft ta%ing place in sea area =elta from @I@@ hours *MT, March 3rd to 22@@ hours *MT, March 7th. Usin2 t4e a>ove procedure out;ine 3rite out t4e co1p;ete trans1ission.

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