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Name of class: Art Exploration Length of class: 45 min.

Learning Goals:
-Use a variety of methods to reproduce basic sensory qualities and expressive features (DOK 1-3) -Produce individual or group works of art that incorporate various multidisciplinary key concepts, issues and themes to solve visual problems (DOK 3-4) -Communicate ideas visually through multiple modalities (DOK 3-4)

Learning Objectives:
1) After a short introduction and modeling of the project based on artist collaboration and the use of multiples to make a cohesive whole, I give each student a small 1x2 in. rectangle cut from a larger poster of a famous Abstract Expressionist work of art. From this, each student will then translate their rectangle onto a larger 12x24 in. piece of paper using paint (they will paint what they see and practice color technique as they mix colors to match their square). 2) Students will hang their 12x24 in. pieces together within their groups to recreate the original work of art. Students will be graded based on their individual work (based on rubric provided).

Resources/Materials Needed:
-Posters of Artwork (6 specific works cut to 1x2 in. sections) -Colored Paper (12x24 in.) -Paint -Paint Brushes -Rubric

1) I will conduct informal assessment of student understanding and interest as I introduce the assignment and talk about artist collaboration (looking for eye contact and engagement). 2) I will walk around and observe student workanswering any question that they may have.

3) I will grade (count points) based on the rubric with the list of expectations that I introduced with the assignment.

Learning Plan:
1) I will start the class by reviewing what students have already been taught (previous class) about the Abstract Expressionist era and introduce the assignment as it relates to artist collaboration and use of multiples to make a cohesive and model an example. 2) I will have students begin their painting (should be able to finish by the end of class) participate in group activities that allow advanced students to grow as they teach/help struggling students 3) I will be monitoring the classroom at all times and walking from group to group, ensuring that questions are answered and students stay on task. 4) I will provide examples of the work that students are recreating and give background on the artists and the concepts of the artworks. 5) This lesson will be the foundation for student created artwork using collaboration and the idea of multiples to make a cohesive whole and inspired by the Abstract Expressionist era.

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