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One Industry. One ERP. One Focus.

ERP Software Exclusively for Metal Stamping

Production Scheduling Datasheet

The Shop Edge Scheduling Engine
A production system should provide the information you need to make your production environment run as efficiently as possible. Flexibility is

Ke y Fe at u re s :
Shop Edge Sched-

central to the ShopEdge SCHEDULING ENGINE. This inherent production flexibility allows you to control/adjust your production schedule to meet your ever changing business reality.

uling Engine Benefits

Optimize Schedul-

Achieving Optimal Scheduling Efficiency

As a production planner, you need to adjust your production plan frequently. Changing customer demand, material shortages, die, tooling and plant equipment issues are problems faced daily by most manufacturing operations. All of this detail is visible on the scheduling engine screen to support your desire to make the best decision.

ing with Tooling Integration

Real Visibility

Leads to Real Productivity

The Shop Edge Scheduling EDGE

Potential production bottlenecks are highlighted in several intuitive production screens for quick response and easy schedule manipulation. Your planned build quantities can be easily changed on the fly, removed, reprioritized higher or lower in the priority list or reinserted into your schedule. As changes to the production schedule are made, they are immediately reflected on terminals used by work center operators, plant team leaders, and material planners ensuring smooth transitions and an informed shop floor.

Today more than ever you need to give your company an EDGE...

P a g e

Key Shop Edge Scheduling Engine Benefits Include:

The ability to coordinate scheduling in a complex manufac-

turing process using multiple variables such as tooling, change over time, production run volumes, shipping lead times, on-hand inventory etc.
Your own variables and your own data is used to drive opti-

mal scheduling across the plant and to maintain peak efficiency

A responsive alerting mechanism that minimizes production delays by allowing you to respond

before production is interrupted

The ability to easily modify key production requirements on the fly so you can effectively

reprioritize production runs

Instantaneous updates are provided to all production work centers thus coordinating all

operational activity in a timely manner to the shop floor

Synchronize your production requirements with your tooling capacity to insure that you have

the correct tooling available for harmonized production

Align your overall schedule with your capacity and with your available inventory to streamline

With optimized scheduling you have the power to reach and maintain peak efficiency and

Data driven business practices allow you to analyze your own performance and to consistently

work to improve OEE

Incorporating critical parts and inventory components in your scheduling permits you to elimi-

nate logistical interruptions

A flexible scheduling engine allows you to adapt to real life production issues and maintain

smooth operations
Analysis of key production metrics supports your drive to peak OEE

P r o d u c t i o n

S c h e d u l i n g

D a t a s h e e t

Today more than ever you need to give your company an EDGE...

P a g e

The Scheduling Horsepower You Need

With the ShopEdge advanced Scheduling Engine you have the ability to combine finite capacity scheduling, the multivariable scheduling engine can consider your actual production capacity in conjunction with your actual demand. It utilizes the real life constraints that you face and then provides you with the optimum strategy. The resulting data driven scheduling supports your decisions and you have the flexibility of scheduling in make-to-order or in batch size quantity. Advanced Scheduling takes into consideration multiple out parts at any operation and populates the schedule accordingly to maintain inventory levels and complete orders for all parts.

Optimize Scheduling with Tooling Synchronization

Improve your operational efficiencies with our integrated Tooling & Maintenance module enabling you to manage tooling issues before they affect your schedule. Easily and quickly generate realistic schedules that consider tooling problems, material availability, and last minute order changes.

One Industry. One ERP. One Focus.

Phone: 1.877.417.1212 E-mail: please visit For additional media materials

Real Visibility that Enables Real Productivity and Profitability

Production Efficiency and Key Measurable tracking can help you optimize your work flow and improve operational efficiencies. With press load analysis and work center availability by shift you can improve your facilities Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE).

P r o d u c t i o n

S c h e d u l i n g

D a t a s h e e t

Today more than ever you need to give your company an EDGE...

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