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Complete Denture Try-in Procedure

Comfort: During insertion of denture or application of occluasl and lateral pressure patient should not experience any pain Pressure spots or sharp surfaces should be eliminated to make denture comfortable. Stability: Digital pressure on occlusal surfaces of teeth applied alternately on right and left side should not cause any tilting or rocking. Causes: 1. Fulcrum present due to the unusual displacibility of basal area tissues. 2. Teeth arranged at the crest buccal to the ridge 3. Denture base warped . !cclusal plane too for from the ridge. Retention: Denture should not dislodge when patient" 1. #arries out opening and closing mo$ement of %aw or mo$es

tongue within normal limits& 2. 'ttempts to speak. Causes: 1. Dental arc too narrow posteriorly 2. 'nteriors placed too for forward or proclinated.

3. !ccusal plane too high in mandibular denture. . (axup too bulky. )t is presumed that causes of dislodgment due to the faulty impression of denture base ha$e been eliminated at the stage of %aw relation recordings. *ertical dimension of occlusion to be checked as during stage of recording by reference to +i, *ertical dimension of rest +free way space, +ii, Facial proportion and esthetics +iii, -peech Correction of decreased vertical dimension of occlusion ' well softened roll of wax sheet is placed on the occlusal surfaces of lower denture and sealed. The dentures are placed in the mouth and patient is made to close mouth until mandible reaches the correct $ertical dimension of occlusion. The wax is concealed and the dentures are separated. The $ertical dimension of occlusion is rechecked. The indentations are checked to establish and confirm.

Correction of Increased vertical dimension of occlusion: )f the error is about 2.3 mm. The mandibular teeth are remo$ed from the waxed denture and roll of wax is built up and procedure described for decreased $ertical dimension of occlusion is followed. Centric occlusion: First obser$e the arrangement on articulator and note the relation of posterior teeth and o$erbite and o$er%et of anterior teeth. +a, /ow place the denture in patients mouth and guide the patient to close in centric relation. +b, (hite patient applies gentle biting pressure place tip of wax knife between occlusal surfaces and separate. 0rrors are obser$ed " +a, 't the initial contact of upper and lower arch in centric position before any possible deflection at the mandible away from centric relation position. )n occlusion the mandibular arch appears shifted in relation to maxillary in 1, 1ackward direction. 2, Forward direction.

3, Towards right. , Towards left. 0rror obser$ed surfaces. 1, Posteriorly on both sides +b, on occlusion spaces present between occlusal

2, Posteriorly on right sides 3, Posteriorly on 2eft sides , 'nteriorly Causes of error observed +a, 3aw relation was recorded 1, (hen mandible was anterior to centric relation position 2, (hen mandibular base has shifted from ridge posteriorly. 3, (hen mandibular is directed left or right during centric position. Causes of errors observed +b, Displacements of bases away from basal seat area recording 3awrelation. 1. 4axillary or mandibular or both bases displaced posteriorly.

2. 4axillary or mandibular or both bases displaced anteriorly. 3. 4axillary or mandibular or both bases displaced right or left side.

Correction of errors 5e.recording centric relation for error obser$ed in +a, !btain souahs bite for error obser$ed in +b,

Method of re-recording centric relation : )f $ertical dimension of occlusion is correct. 5emo$e posterior teeth from maxillary and mandibular base

soften the wax. 6uide mandible to centric relation and recheck the centric relation. Method of obtaining souahs bite: First note the premature area of contact Prepare a roll of soften modeling wax. Place it on the occlusal surface of premature contact. 6uide mandible to centric relation. 5emo$e excess wax. 5echeck centric relation by reference to indentations in wax. 5etransfer the relation on articulator esthetics First obser$e patient without dentures +try in, in mouth the following i, -ymmetry of face ii, #ontour in profile 7

iii, Facial proportions i$, 2ip fullness $, Fullness of cheeks /ext place dentures in mouth and ask patient to occlude teeth lightly and check the points mentioned abo$e. (hen lips are part gently and mouths opened slightly obser$e critically the following & 1. 2. 3. . 7. 9. :. ;. <. 'mount of teeth seen below lip line. (idth of arch and buccal corridor. -ymmetry of the dental arch and its midline. Proclination8 tilts and rotation of indi$idual teeth. 5elation of indi$idual teeth to occlusal plane. (idth and length of anterior teeth. 2ocation of gingi$a. -hape of anterior teeth. !$erlap8 spacings and embrasures.

1=. #ontours of marginal gingi$a and papilla. !erification of vertical dimension of occlusion: Factors: 1, Phonetics 2, 0sthetics 3, 'mount of interocclusal distance. , 2ip length in relation to teeth.

7, -tudies of facial dimension and facial expression

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