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Project Management Proposal Excerpts

Project Charter
Project Name: Eco-Slice Project Manager: Brie Geraci Owners Project Number: 1 Start Date: 1/13/14 Teresa Frith, Brie Geraci, Tony Gianneschi, Tamboura Horton, Josh Ibach, Erin McMenamin Prioritization: Urgent Scheduled Finish Date: 2/24/14 Version: 1

Revolutionize the food industry with eco-solutions and charitable donations that reduce waste, empower consumers, and improve communities.

Problem Definition
Over the last few years, people are becoming more conscious of the fact that healthy and organic foods are better for them than fat-laden, greasy fast-food selections. Our objective from conception is to devote resources to providing customers an alternative in the fast-food industry that provides them with a source of healthy, eco-friendly food choices. Our proposal presents a plan of action to develop this restaurant and present it to the public in a Grand Opening ceremony.

Eco-Slice is a newly established comfort-food, eco-friendly business that will revolutionize the quick-food industry through charitable donations that reduce waste, empower consumers, and improve communities. Through daily operations, customers support and empower eco-activities while making healthier personal diet choices. This project will deliver a Grand Opening event to raise awareness and attract support from the local community including local markets, farms, charities, sponsors, special interest groups, and a customer base. This project will need to complete the following tasks: Contract suppliers for food and supplies that are eco- and health- oriented Select charity food banks, farms, and gardening societies to schedule pickup for routine donations Select an organization for waste management Network for future sponsorships Purchase advertising and eco-marketing materials, then distribute locally Create games, activities, and gift bags for event Book a DJ Determine special setup and need for items like chairs, tables, etc. Written Training plan Research Marketing and Distribution Plan Develop customer surveys to embed as a QSR code on the pizza boxes Project close out: Financial close out report, Post Project Analysis All legal documents reviewed by lawyer (legal team) and approved Suppliers are chosen based on the price of goods, environmental practices, delivery reputation, and the variety of healthy products. Charities are selected based on need, credibility, established non-profit reputation, and ability to make routine pickups. The project start date will be January 13, 2014, and all tasks and deliverables must be completed for the Grand Opening date of February 24, 2014.

Project Management Proposal Excerpts

Goal Definition
Reduce food waste through donations to food banks and by composting byproducts Introduce healthy food and drink choices with Non-GMO ingredients in a stagnant quick-food market Variety of menu options for food sensitivities, Vegan, Vegetarian, Raw, and Paleo diet types Stimulate eco-economy with green packaging and marketing materials Strengthen network in local community with organic merchants, farmers, gardeners, schools, charities, and special interest groups Secure sponsorships from eco-suppliers, charities, and special interest groups Build reliable brand awareness before branching into a chain operation Introduce healthy ingredients as solutions for diet conversion without sacrificing taste of comfort foods Make healthy choices the easy choices Develop reliable brand awareness

Tasks Needed to Complete Goal

Contract suppliers for food and supplies that are eco- and health- oriented Select charities and food banks to schedule pickup for routine donations Select an organization for waste management and composting Purchase advertising and eco-marketing materials, then distribute locally
Network for future sponsorships Create games, activities, and gift bags for event Book a DJ Determine special setup and need for items like chairs, tables, etc.

Goals that address Mission Provide great tasting food while revolutionizing the food industry with Eco-friendly products that empower the consumer, provide charitable donations, and improve communities by reducing waste. The major focus of this project is to establish eco-friendly business networks and practices with suppliers, vendors, and charities. Goals that address self-sustainment With Eco-Slice up and running we anticipate an increase in new customers which will provide an increase in: o o o o o Revenue New eco-friendly Contracts Brand Awareness Expansion Sustainable cyclic waste management

Open the prototype of a healthy, multi-option menu establishment in a limited-choice quick-food industry per schedule Retain a good carbon footprint All objectives and deliverables achieved within budget of $300,000 200 customers at Grand Opening Advertising distributed to target areas

Project Management Proposal Excerpts Charity, school, and local community network built Develop brand awareness Negotiate contracts for timely arrival of supplies Secure sponsorships for and from eco-suppliers, charities, and special interest groups Project Assumptions Budget is $300,000 Store hours are 10:00am-12:00pm Supplies arrive on time Advertising reaches demographics Excellent, high-traffic location The customers will like the recipes and design Decisions made in timely manner Resources and staff available when required Project Constraints Lack of consumer interest Fixed timeline anchored by advertising Poor selection of advertising for demographic Supplies arriving late delaying interdependent tasks Recruitment of staff Training staff to educate the common consumer new to Non-GMO, organic, sustainable food sources Potential costs for retraining staff

Acceptance Criteria
Open the prototype of a healthy, multi-option food in a limited-choice, quick-food industry per schedule Retain a good carbon footprint All objectives and deliverables achieved within budget of $300,000 Secure contracts with vendors for supplies to arrive on time per weekly schedule 200 customers at Grand Opening Advertising distributed to target areas Charity, school, and local community network built Develop reliable brand awareness

Total Budget for Project
Salary for Six Investors Hourly Rate Four Part Time Employees Event Preparation including DJ, Prizes and Fees Advertising including Radio, Newspaper, Website Design, Business Cards and Banners Supplies including Tableware, Kitchen and Equipment Food and Beverages

$60,000 $5,800 $30,000 $26,000 $40,000 $10,000

Total Project Cost


Project Management Proposal Excerpts

This project is a one-time effort with an expected duration of 33 days with 486.2 hours designated for resources.

Shop Eco-suppliers for food sources Shop Waste Management companies Research Compost Network Research Charity Network for food pickups Research special diet groups for advertising and future sponsorship Research culinary schools for intern program Choose advertising channels (i.e. Facebook, Internet, TV, Radio, Newspapers, Billboards) Research target market (i.e. college kids, vegans, health conscious individuals, pick age group, etc.) Written Training plan Research Marketing and Distribution Plan Develop customer surveys to embed as a QR code on the pizza boxes Project close out: Financial close out report, Post Project Analysis All legal documents reviewed by lawyer (legal team) and approved

Contact potential eco-friendly suppliers Contact local food banks and charities Contact and negotiate storage, waste and recycling pickup Produce marketing strategy Plan Grand Opening- In house planner- Budgeted for within payroll Decide and implement marketing strategy Design marketing materials Send marketing materials to print Finalize agreements with eco-friendly suppliers Finalize agreements with local food banks and charities Book DJ Distribute marketing fliers, materials, and network locally Distribute marketing fliers, materials, and network locally Distribute marketing fliers, materials, and network locally Distribute marketing fliers, materials, and network locally Distribute marketing fliers, materials, and network locally Prepare gift bags, games, activities Design Employee Training Manual Deliveries from all suppliers Employee training (menu taste test, equipment, operation, Employee training customer service, etc) Grand Opening building preparations Grand Opening

$1,500 $1,500 $2,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $800 $19,000 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 $1,780 $1,780 $1,780 $1,780 $1,780 $1,500 $1,200 $0 $1,732 $1,732 $0 $0

Due Date
1/15/14 1/15/14 1/16/14 1/17/14 1/30/14 1/15/14 1/30/14 1/31/14 2/4/14 1/16/14 1/15/14 2/4/14 2/5/14 2/6/14 2/9/14 2/10/14 2/12/14 2/20/14 1/14/14 2/19/14 2/20/14 2/22/14 2/22/14



Project Management Proposal Excerpts Technical Requirements Expand community awareness through networking Pizza is boxed in eco-friendly products to lower carbon footprint All Marketing Materials are Eco-Friendly All Supplies and Janitorial Materials are Eco-Friendly Must use local products to make positive impact on community Ensure that donated food program follows food and safety laws Provide queue lines for opening day, to deal with large volume of customers Limits and Exclusions This is the prototype for future chain expansion Located in a metro area Easily accessible by commuters from the local bus and train ports Offers dine-in, take out, and delivery options Seating for up to 50 people, plus handicapped accommodations for two, six-person families An additional banquet room for private parties and business meetings This beginning metro location will not have a drive-through Locations will use any and all eco-friendly resources to run daily operations, not limited to utilities, food and packaging

Reporting Structure of Team Members

The Project Manager is responsible for all aspects of the project. All project concerns will be brought to the attention of the Project Manager. The Executive Review Committee will coordinate with the Project Manager to execute any major scope changes and control contingencies through risk assessments. The Executive Review Committee conducts project inspections and audits to assure work in progress and completed, tasks meet quality standards, are on schedule, and within budget. If problems arise in any of these areas the Executive Review Committee and Project Manager will facilitate necessary action outlined in the project plan. The Project Team is responsible for operations assigned to them outlined in the matrix below. The final approval of the project is through the Board of Directors who will determine the level of success at completion. Decision Making and Concern Levels Matrix Level One Two

Project Completion Major Scope Changes Risk Assessment Successes and Failures Project Changes Scope Deviations Communication Plan Changes

Responsible Party
Project Manager: Brie Geraci, Board of Directors Executive Review Committee: Brie Geraci, Josh Ibach, Erin McMenamin


Project Manager: Brie Geraci Project Team Managers: Brie Geraci, Teresa Frith, Erin McMenamin, Josh Ibach, Tony Gianneschi, Tamboura Horton


Work Packages and Related Activities

Project Management Proposal Excerpts

Contingency Plans for Two Highest Risks (Plan B)

First Highest Risk: The first highest risk is late arrival of supplies, which would back-track preparations for the test menu, including operational training for new employees. Worries regarding suppliers reliability with timely shipments are best remedied by including guarantees in contracts with suppliers to otherwise incur monetary penalties for untimely shipments. The best contingency plan is to have an emergency supply list for all food material substitutions that may be a one-time cost. Plan a travel map of locations for pickup to reduce travel time. Include a list of local farms, and grocers with the same quality expectations. Another option is to order the food supplies ahead of proposed schedule, and possibly freeze some items. Quality tests should be performed to validate quality after thaw-out. Second Highest Risk: The second highest risk is event cancellation due to bad weather. In this event, marketing costs will be lost and possible supply costs, depending on the down-time. Introduction may run into full-swing operations, which may bombard employees with questions. The best contingency plan is to set up an information booth to acquaint consumers with new concepts, and explain menu options to avoid heavy waits at the ordering counter. Employees staffed at the Info Desk will encourage promotion of a rescheduled Grand Opening party for later in the month. Advertisements by word of mouth through visiting customers, and posting fliers for large group areas like schools and gyms avoid costly advertising expenditures.

Guidelines for Meetings

Weekly Project Meetings are the most crucial guides for tracking our milestone schedule and evaluating our progress, setbacks, possible detours, and outcomes. Seven meetings are scheduled, at one per week, throughout the project life cycle. Each departments Manager will bring updated information on progress, setbacks, completion of tasks, and resource status to each meeting. Upon close of each weekly meeting, information is gathered by Josh Ibach, and progress reports are created by Brie Geraci, as follows: Overall progress on critical path regarding task completion Expenditure Report: Actual Cost (AC) vs Planned Value (PV) Resource Status Report: Estimated at Completion (EAC) Setbacks: Any encounters requiring rescheduling affecting dependencies, or future mishaps These reports are then presented to stakeholders within two business days.

Meeting Criteria
Meeting Agenda Meeting Agenda is to be circulated two business days prior to the scheduled meeting. The Agenda must name each topics presenter, along with the time allotted for speaking on the subject. The first entry on the agenda must include a review of any action items that occurred in the last meeting. Minutes from Meetings Minutes from all meetings will be disseminated within one business day after the meeting. Minutes from all meetings shall contain the status of all agenda items, as well as listing any new action items and a Parking Lot list.

Project Management Proposal Excerpts Action Items Action Items shall be logged in the meeting minutes, as well as in the meeting agenda; containing the name of the owner and the action item. All meetings shall begin by going over the status of old action items, followed by a discussion of new action items. Responsibilities of Meeting Chair Person The meeting Chair Person is accountable for passing out the meeting agenda and meeting minutes, as well as being the meeting facilitator. He or she ensures all meetings begin and end as scheduled and that every presenter follows their allowed times. The Chair Person is also responsible for writing the minutes based on notes received from the Minutes Taker. Minutes Taker The Minutes Taker is accountable for the documentation of all that goes on in the meeting, as well as keeping a Parking Lot item list. At the end of the meeting, he or she is required to give a copy of their notes to the Chair Person. Time Keeper The Time Keeper is accountable for assisting the Chair Person in making sure presenters follow time limits as listed in agenda of the meeting. The Time Keeper informs presenters when their time is almost up by holding up fingers to show the amount of minutes left for the presenter to speak. Parking Lot List A Parking Lot list is used by the Chair Person to keep track of and defer any items not on the agenda for the meeting, but that may be worth talking about at a future meeting. A parking lot list shall name an owner for those items so someone is held accountable for making sure it is followed up on. A copy of the Parking Lot list shall be added to the minutes of the meeting. (Piscopo, 2013)

Performance Measurement and Control Approach

Audit Process and Timetable
Unscheduled Audits The reviewing committee will perform unannounced audits of all project costs, as well as the schedule, and execute audits of the project site via observation and on-site inspections of all of the work being completed. The audits will comprise individual unannounced meetings with each of the project team members to figure out the state of team dynamics. The purpose of these audits are to review project performance, quality of work, and cost, to prevent or adjust for task and budget conflicts as well as perform quality inspections throughout task work. Team make up can vary, but will have the general structure of a project team leader and project team member(s). The team will conduct periodic on-site inspections without issuing prior notice. Deliverable Audits Audits will be planned to occur on the completion date for all of the projects deliverables. As soon as these audits are finished, and there has been an assurance that all customers are satisfied, the signoff contract for the deliverables will be signed by all parties.

Project Management Proposal Excerpts Team Phase Audits An audit will be done by all of the parties involved at the conclusion of each phase of work. A team walkthrough will be done, along with an examination of all of the budget and scheduling reports, to decide if the project work meets all required quality standards. Should it be decided that any changes are required, the project team will decide the party responsible for completing these changes, as well as the schedule to complete them and the resulting costs. As soon as any required changes are made, the project will be re-inspected until it conforms to everyones satisfaction that the quality requirement has been met. The team make up can vary, but will have the general structure of an audit team leader and audit team member(s). Team audits will follow at the completion of each phase by all involved parties. The purpose is to assess project performance and quality to determine if project work is on schedule and meets quality standard. Team members will conduct quality control walkthrough inspections and note any discrepancies. The team will inform all necessary parties in writing of items listed, what measures should take place to remedy the situation, as well as scheduling and cost for rework determined by the team. After completion of rework the team will conduct another audit to determine if all work is in compliance. Until all parties are satisfied rework meets quality standards this process will continue. Final Audit The final required audit will be performed by a reviewing committee, accompanied by a third party project consultant. As soon as it is completed, the audit team will provide the findings and/or any resulting recommendations to an Executive Committee for evaluation of the projects success. The audit will examine all of the parts that apply to qualitative and measureable performance processes, and will also analyze team communications and their motivation levels. The audit team shall also produce a lessons learned report and enclose it into the final audit package. The auditors shall go over the project with the project manager and discuss all of the parts of the project, including costs, schedule presentations and the amount of cohesiveness each project team maintained. They will also review the existing communication plan in place to decide if its content is concrete and informational for the targeted audience.

Customer Review
Once all required audits have been concluded and the Executive Committee has provided its conclusions, the Board of Directors shall perform a review to decide if the project was finished successfully. Together with the Executive Committees findings, the Board will measure the delivered products quality results via a customer visitor survey being passed out during the Grand Opening ceremony. This will compare the customers reaction to the store design inside and outside, as well as any exhibited content. This Board will also determine and rate the quality of the management by comparing the project stipulations which were defined in the scope of work for the project to decide if they meet both customer and project expectations. Findings shall be presented to Executive Management, Stakeholders, and shared with the Marketing department for future endeavors.

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