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Law & Order



In Ben Town land survey, police rescues sheriff



Two Prominent Bong Citizens Engage in Verbal Jab over Senatorial Support

FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014

BUYING THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014 L$87.00/US$1 L$87.00/US$1 L$87.00/US$1

SELLING L$87.00/US$1 L$88.00/US$1 L$88.00/US$1

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

VOL 8 NO.586


My country - despite being heralded around the world as being on a good transition course to peace - has used the courts as an instrument to stifle the press and trample on free expression. Wade Williams, Newsroom Chief, FrontPageAfrica



Media Issues pg.5


The Small Business Empowerment plan will set aside 25% of all government procurement for Liberian companies, says Axel Addy, Minister of Commerce and Industry
pg 7



pg 8

Page 2 | Frontpage

Friday, May 2, 2014

Corrupt judge Mr. Ansumana S. Kromah, one of the residents of the land in question said he is surprise that despite the glaring fraudulent documents submitted by Mr. Chris toe, whom he said submitted two deeds, one not signed before submitting another, Judge Peter Gbewelenehstill decided in favor of toe. Judge Gbeweleneh is related to Chris Toe, they are from the same place so no wonder why he will take such decision, because the fake deed is here the one that was not signed but submitted to the court and later withdrawn and another signed with hand writing submitted. Chris Toe submitted two deeds to the court, said Kromah. Kromah disclosed that the first deed submitted had no probated day, signature and year but while the case was ongoing, Toe and his lawyers manipulated the court, withdrew the deed and submitted another one which had handwritten day, signature and year quite different from what is done at the Probate Court. Kromah said in 2007 Toe complained him to the Ministry of Justice for Trespassing and the minister invited him to provide evidence but when he brought Madam Ida Morgan to prove that she sold the land to him, Toe did not appear. I went with Ida Morgan to the Ministry but Toe could not appear for three months he could not produce his deed so the ministry told me to go ahead but after some time people came and said they were conducting survey only because Toe bribed them, Kromah explained. He indicated that while deed for Toe was yet to be produced, the survey report for the land was prepared and submitted in October 2013. Said Kromah Chris Toe first told me to join him so that we can fight Kadi Porte to move her from the land and I said no. He told me he has money and will make sure he wins the case so I should join him but I still said no. Kromah, a criminal investigator said he believes that the Supreme Court will do the right thing because according to him some justices at the Supreme Court are aware of the case and know all the facts. One land two deeds? The land case could take the trend of fraudulent documentation as the two parties have deeds with different ownership and details. Documents displayed by Madam Ida Morgan showed that former President Joseph Jenkins Roberts signed granting 15 acres of land to Lewis Minor of Montserrado County. Know all men by presents, that I J.J. Roberts President of the Republic of Liberia of the one part and Lewis Minor of the County Montserrado and Republic of Liberia of the other part Witmesseth, that for an in consideration of the said Lewis Minor having made the lawful improvements upon fifteen acres of land assigned him agreeable to the regulations of the Board of Managers of the American Colonization Society established June 26, 1820, I the said J.J. Roberts for myself and my successors in office have granted and confirmed and hereby give, grant and confirm unto the said Lewis Minor his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns forever all that lot or parcel of land situated lying and being in the settlement of Congo Town and bearing in authentic records of said settlement the N0. 30 bounded as follows: commencing at the Northwestern corner of said property thence running south 32 west 10.6 chains thence running south 58 east 14.14 chains feet parallel with the Atlantic ocean to a point. Thence running north 32 east 10.6 chains to a point. Thence running north 58 west 14.14 chain feet to the point of beginning and containing 15 acres of land, portion of the Mother deed displayed by Ida Morgan stated. The deed belonging to Mrs. Kadi Porte and Lawrence Sneh was provided by Ida Morgan and Solomon Williams, administrator, adminstratress of the estate of the late Lewis Minor. In the administrator deed, copy of which is in the possession of this paper, Ida Morgan and Solomon Williams in March AD 1997 sold to Lawrence Sneh 2.35 lots of land at a point 16 foot south 49 degrees west, from the south eastern corner of Niahson Porte and Kadi Porte parcel of land thence running south 125 degrees west, 163 feet to a point; thence running north 68 degrees west, 150 feet to a point; thence running north 29 degrees east, 2000 feet to a point; thence running south 50 degrees east, 135 feet parallel with a 16 foot alley to the place of commencement and containing (2.3) lots and no-more. In the transfer deed from Susannah A. Brown to Odeleia Toe and J. Chris Toe, III, Madam Brown transferred ownership of one acre of land located in oddest Congo Town. Know all men by presents that I Susannah A. Brown of Monrovia in the County Montserrado and Republic of Liberia for and in consideration of the sum of Four thousand ($4,000) dollars paid to me by OdedeleiaBlamo Toe and J. Chris Toe of the city of Monrovia, the Republic of Liberia (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the said Odeleia Toe and J. Chris Tow, III his/her/their hers and assigns a certain lot or parcel of land with the building (s) there on and all privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging situated in the Oddest Congo Town of Monrovia county of Montserrado N/N portion of and bounded and described as follows: commencing at the South Northern corner of the adjoining land owned K.B. Pra and thence running on Magnetic boarding North 45 East 264 feet to point thence running North 45 West 165 feet parallel with a propose 30 foot street to a point thence running South 45 West 264 feet para with a proposed 30 feet parallel with another proposed 30 foot street to the place of commencement, and containing one (1) acre of land and no more, stated the transfer deed dated 1989 from Susannah A. Brown to Odeleia Toe and J. Chris Tow, III The two deeds have separate locations as it is stated on the deed belonging to Odeleia Toe and J. Chris Tow, III that the land is located in oddest Congo Town while the transfer deed from Ida Morgan and Solomon Williams to Lawrence Sneh indicates that the land is located in Congo Town. Plaintiff complains Judge to Supreme Court In a letter dated March 26, 2014 and addressed to Chief Justice, His Honor Francis S. Korkpor, Mrs. Kadi Porte, plaintiff complained that Mr. Chris Toe from the beginning of the case attached a deed to his answer to the complaint which was not probated but seven years after, another deed made its way to the case file. In 2011, an arbitration board was constituted to conduct an exercise from deeds of the parties on the case file, and submit a report within (30) days. To my surprise, the board without even conducting any survey exercise submitted a report to court (30) months after a survey was allegedly conducted. More besides, Mr. Eastman Quaqua who was recalled as a representative of the plaintiff, signature appeared on this report dated Nov 2013. Interestingly, even though this report is found on the case file, I was never served a copy of this report, stated the Plaintiff letter to the Chief Justice. The plaintiff further notified the Chief Justice that the defendants submitted two deeds the first of which was not signed and later secretly submitted another which was signed. The board of arbitration claimed that the defendant, presented a probated title deed, even though, the deed attached to the answer of Counsellor Howard is not probated. Counselor Rosemary Banks James, and Counselor Emmanuel James, in resistance to my lawyers motion to the court to stay the arbitration proceeding, introduced on the case file a new probated deed, (7) years after pleadings rested. Judge Gbeneweleh has ignored this obvious fraud, denied the motion to stay; and ordered the reading of the fraudulent survey report stated plaintiff. Stated the Plaintiff complaint Mr. Chief Justice, in this light, we are filing a formal complaint against Judge Gbeneweleh, and all the lawyers involved, to show (a) where this new probated deed came from (b) why the surveyors ignored the deed attached to case filled, and ( C) establish whether the conduct herein mention, coupled with the refusal of Judge Gbeneweleh to conduct an investigation after being notified, of fraud, renders the entire survey exercise a fit subject for investigation by the Judicial Service Commission.

Monrovia: da Morgan, in her 90s says she wants to have the opportunity to face former Agriculture Minister Chris Toe whom she said is claiming ownership of a land that legally belongs to her. Displaying a deed singed by Liberias first President Joseph Jenkins Roberts transferring ownership of a parcel of land located in Congo Town to one Lewis Minor, her parents, Madam Morgan said she has documents dating back from 1820 that were issued to her parents and later transferred to her through a letter of administration for what has now turned a disputed land lying in Congo Town. The issue of land ownership is the newest conflict brewing in Liberia and has the propensity to threaten the one decade long peace the country currently enjoys. On a daily basis conflicts arising from tussle over land ownership are taken to court and in some instances, violence ensues between opposing parties resulting in damage of properties and at times injuries. With a judiciary persistently criticized for corruption, having unqualified jury and other legal practitioners, dozens of land cases end up at the Supreme Court of Liberia which is the final arbiter of justice. Land sale has become complicated with land owners sometimes selling one parcel of land to more than one parties and also in some cases, one land end up having more than one owners who in turn sell to separate parties. Others used the long absence of other Liberians from the country due to the prolong civil war to prepare documents giving them ownership to others land. State institutions such as the National Archive, responsible to document deeds and other documents and the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy that monitors licensed surveyors, are all yet to put in place mechanisms that will avoid more than one individuals registering and probating documents for the same land. In the residential Congo Town Community, a suburb of Monrovia, land dispute has been on the increase in recent time-from the Grace Minor vs the Gio Town Community residents case, several other land disputes are reported in Congo Town. Another land conflict is currently before the Court between former Liberias Agriculture Minister J. Chris Toe and two others, Mrs. Kadi Porte and Lawrence Sneh. In an Action of Ejectment filled by Mrs. Kadi Porte and Lawrence Sneh, during the September Term of Court, AD 2007, the plaintiffs pray the court for a judgment ousting, ejecting and evicting the defendant from the subject property in bulk, and an Order of the Court placing plaintiffs in possession and to grant unto Plaintiffs all other relief that the court shall deem just, legal and equitable. Plaintiffs say that despite attending several conferences at the Ministry of Justice, at the instance of the Defendant, concerning title and ownership to the property during which the defendant miserably failed to establish his claim, the Defendant has continued his illegal operations on the Plaintiffs property. All these plaintiff stands ready to prove, the Action of Ejectment against J. Chris Toe stated. Responding to the Action for Ejectment, defendant prays the court to deny and dismiss plaintiffs complaint, including plaintiffs prayer to oust and evict defendant and to grant unto defendant all other relief(s) that is deemed just, legal and equitable in the premises. that as to count three (3) of plaintiffs compliant, defendant says that he has the right to lay claim on his legitimate property as stated by plaintiffs which he has done and will continue to do at all times, but has never ever harassed annoyed, or disturbed the plaintiffs in the quiet use of their property, as stated by plaintiffs. Further defendant says that the Plaintiffs intend to mislead the court in order to gain sympathetic consideration, hence count two and the entire complaint should be dismissed, stated the defendants answer. Judge Peter Gbeneweleh assigned Circuit Judge of 6th Judicial Circuit Court who later presided over the case after taking over from Judge Emery S. Payedismissed the case prompting an appeal by the plaintiff to the Supreme Court of Liberia. I want to face that Toe man With the Supreme Court yet to hear the case, during a FrontPageAfrica interview with residents of the land in question including the lady who said she is the rightful owner of the land, they all expressed shock over the claim of ownership by Mr. Chris Toe. My foot is hurting, I cant walk, ah God what happen, I want to face that your Chris Toe man so that he can show me where get his land, sickness is not good ooh, says Madam Ida Morgan who said she is the rightful owner of the land in question and admitted selling the land to Mrs. Kadi Porte, Lawrence Sneh and others of Congo Town. Madam Morgan said the person who is said to have sold the land to Chris Toe, Susannah A. Brown is not even a family member or someone sharing boundary with the property belonging to the late Lewis Minor. That little girl is dead, and even her sisters are surprise that she will go selling land to somebody that is not for her. She has land in Paynesville so I dont even know how she sold land to somebody in Congo Town, I dont understand what you people are talking about with Susannah and Chris Toe business, Madam Morgan with swollen legs explained. She accused Chris Toe of lying on Susannah because according to her she has never had land in common with Susannah for someone to be claiming that Susannah sold land them. I want to go to that court myself, and carry all my documents, my transfer deed, my letter of administration and everything let me see who is that Chris Toe man, I dont blame him I blame this my foot, mehn I dont even want to talk, she frowned.



Friday, May 2, 2014

Page 3



Adelaide Gardners rants, Liberia Telecommunications Authoritys assault on the media, clearly suggest that those advising President Sirleaf are determined to ensure that she ranks right up there with the likes of Samuel Doe, Charles Taylor and Robert Mugabe.
THE WORLD IS PREPARING to observe another World Press Freedom Day. This year. Theme is Media Freedom for a Better Future: Shaping the Post-2015 Development Agenda. LIBERIA, A SIGNATORY to the Table Mountain Declaration boasts a President, in Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf who has won the Nobel Peace Prize, for her non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work". SIRLEAF SHARED the prize with fellow Leymah Gbowee. Other recipient of the coveted Nobel Prize over the years, include Dr. Martin Luther King, President Barack Obama, Mahatma Ghandi. THE PRESIDENT has also been honored as a recipient of the Friend of the Media in Africa Award from The African Editor's Union. SHORTLY AFTER her election in 2006, Sirleaf was honored by the Hunger Project at a fanfare gala in New York, during which Joan Holmes, founding president of the project, praised the commitment of Sirleaf to the empowerment of women, and to rebuilding her nation following 14 years of devastating civil war. CITING THE ENORMOUS destruction of the war, Ms. Holmes said: "Can you imagine the courage it would take, the vision it would take, and the belief in the goodness and resilience of people it would take to lead a country with this amount of devastation? We have always said that we award the Africa Prize to leaders who exhibit courage, vision and the commitment to the well-being of Africas people. This statement has never been more true than in the case of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf." THIS IS WHY we are particularly concerned over the manner in which President Sirleaf is allowing her so-called friends to wreak havoc on what she took 40 years to build, a political life and the world at her feet. SADLY, THE PRESIDENTS lack of political will is giving reason for the world to lose confidence in her leadership and donors to lose faith and trust in her ability to lead a nation emerging from war. THIS HAS BEEN bolstered by actions and statements by many of the presidents close friends and associates. THE LATEST involves Ms. Adelaide Gardner who used her weekly talk show with Mr. Charles Snetter to take aim at the media and advocate for the government to shut down radio stations in the country. SAID MS. GARDNER: Its time for LTA(the Liberia Telecommunications Authority) to act against illegal operators. Too many doggone radio stations. LTA, I must admit, havent been vigilant. So maybe this is the whole thing. If you(LTA) were really checking on these people to see whose broadcasting and for what reason and information whose supposed to be giving out licenses, all this stuff wouldnt be happening. And why some of them want to start a radio station to do what, to attack the government? Your sit down and let it happen? For what? CONTINUED GARDNER: Im sure they got some kind of guidelines for people opening radio stations and you cant just get on the air and start attacking the government and start talking all that mess there. What you want say, freedom of speech? We got it now in Liberia but I give your two and a half more years, your will see whether your will get it MS. GARDNERS rants against the media from someone considered to be an influential member of the presidents kitchen Cabinet validates the fears many had last week when the LTA announced that it would begin shutting down so-called delinquent radio stations and media institutions. THE LTA inappropriately used the Ministry of Information, Culture Affairs and Tourism(MICAT) weekly press briefing to throw a bummer, threatening to shut down radio and Television stations, it considers illegally operating. "There are some radio stations that are operating without any reference to the LTA whatsoever, they are illegal, and those entities we will shut you down completely," LTA Commissioner of the Licensing, regulations Anthony McCritty warned. MCCRITTY FAILED to name the radio and Television stations the LTA considers illegal and intend to close but one of those frequencies happened to belong to Mr. Henry Costa, host of the Costa Morning Show on FM 102.7 who has been served by the LTA with the blessings of the Ministry of Information. MS. GARDNERS RANTS and the LTAs assault on the media clearly suggest that those advising President Sirleaf are determined to ensure that she ranks right up there with the likes of Samuel Doe, Charles Taylor and Robert Mugabe. IRONICALLY, THE VERY STATION Ms. Gardner is now using to air


If I Knew Then What I Know Now, Would I Have Come To America? Part Two Of Two
Chuks U.C. Ukaoma, Email:
Degrees And Common Sense. Degrees are all good and dandy but explore other options by reading the well-received 2011 article: "Lucrative CareerOpportunities For Nigerians Out Of Work In America" Part One and, especially, PartTwo. One does not have to incur huge cost in time and money to earn degrees to be successful abroad. There are often "less prestigious" vocational skills that would provide greater career opportunities. For example, if you acquire the right skill set, some employers could help you secure your work papers and pay for those degrees while you earn. Work permit is one of the steepest challenges immigrants face. If your employer can help you get it, that will takes a huge load off your shoulders. Keep Eye On Biological Clock: Times flies especially when one is abroad, so keep an eye on the B-Clock if one intends to have children. This is a factor for both the man and woman. Conditions abroad may force one to postpone starting a family to the extent that fertility may become an issue. And if one rushes into having children (to beat the B-Clock) without basic resources, everyone suffers. If the kids are had too late, the parents may pass away or become a burden before the children are old enough to fend for themselves. This is a delicate dance. Children Overseas: Even if you return to Nigeria for good, your children raised abroad may not follow after turning 18. They might visit, if you are lucky and pay for it. Also, retirement overseas is fraught with challenges. Read all about in my RetirementIn Diaspora article. Tailor Your Career To Marketing or Sales. Race relations are improving, still every immigrant (of any race) faces discrimination at some point, some real and some imagined. Let discrimination strengthen you, not derail you. Be a victor, not a victim. One thing that has helped me and others is acquiring marketing skills. Regardless of your profession or interest, learning to sell will boost your success. Another functional aspect of marketing is the correlation between productivity and reward. You can give yourself a pay increase any time you want by producing more. If youre passionate about your profession and you manage your finances well, the sky becomes the limit. Marketing is like exercising, knowing what to do is the easy part; consistently putting that knowledge to practice is what makes or breaks you. Most dreams passionately worked on, do come true. Not Clique. To truly succeed, a sojourner must have a larger goal to give back to society. The sojourner often, in the words of legendary Bob Marley, becomes a Buffalo Soldier: fighting on arrival, fighting for survival. One needs something greater than ones self to stay the course. And when one consistently gives back without fanfare, regardless of how little, one is blessed beyond ones imagination. No wonder the Book says, it is better to give than to receive. There are few greater joys than giving to others, especially those who cannot repay one. Moving can rekindle your internal fire, perhaps, because your back is often against the proverbial wall in diaspora. If making more money is the sole goal, I truly believe if one works at home as hard as one has to work abroad to stay alive, one would do well at home. Success is more than money though! Look around you now and you will see both those who stayed at home and succeeded. Then there are those who stayed and failed. On the other hand, there are those who return from abroad with their pot of gold. While there are those who spent their productive years abroad and have nothing to show than poverty, failing health, back-stab wounds, and wasted lives. The majority of Nigerians abroad are good See full commentary online; people but there is no denying the insidious ills inflicted by a few PHD AS WE CELEBRATE ANOTHER World Press Freedom Day, we hope that the Sirleaf administration and the likes of Ms. Gardner and the LTA will take time to reflect on where Liberia has come. The so-called antigovernment stations today reflect the anger many are feeling because the wealth and resources are not being felt by those languishing at the bottom of the economic ladder. PERHAPS IF the president can exhibit the political will and muster the courage international organizations once believed she possessed, those so-called anti-government and illegal stations and media entities will have nothing to say or write. WE AGREE WITH UNESCO that this years World Press Freedom Day serves as a reminder to governments of the need to respect their commitment to press freedom and is also a day of reflection among media professionals about issues of press freedom and professional ethics. Just as importantly, it is a day of support for media which are targets for the restraint, or abolition, of press freedom. It is also a day of remembrance for those journalists who lost their lives in the exercise of their profession. WE ALSO agree with UNESCO that Freedom of information is a fundamental human right and the touchstone of all the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated. A UN RESOLUTION adopted by the General Assembly on December 14th 1946 was right in declaring that Freedom of information implies the right to gather, transmit and publish news anywhere and everywhere without fetters. As such it is an essential factor in any serious effort to promote the peace and progress of the world. LIBERIA HAS COME so far and been through so much. We must not allow anything, anyone or any repressed forces to take us back down the painful path that led us to war. Tolerance is crucial to Liberias post-war survival. Lack of these virtues and values, is all the recipe one would need to ensure any but a peaceful transition from war to peace, especially in the aftermath of UN peacekeepers from Liberias still fragile soil.

he option to relocate should always be on the table for those seeking a better life in a new place. Relocating can be patriotic. Moving is often a matter of survival both for those who leave and those who remain; I will elaborate later. The ensuing exodus might even force Nigerian leaders to improve the living conditions for all citizens. I wish they will develop the new home industry as espoused in the hyperlinked article. That alone is capable of solving the Nigerias unemployment problem over time. Sincere effort has been made to provide the target audience of this article a balanced view (albeit my opinion) of what to expect abroad. To achieve that, the pros and cons have been purposely entwined to affirm there is no heaven anywhere on earth. This style of writing might confuse some but it's a prudent way to paint the real picture of this peculiar subject. I certainly do not do write to rile anyone. Based on the emails I received since the publication of Part One, the intended audience got the message; others, not so much. The latter few, labeled it unpatriotic, while the former (target audience) felt it was a personal missive of hope, if not, assistance. A reader from Liberian wrote: "Interestingly, the sentiment expressed not only applied to Nigeria, but to all of Africa as well. You put it correctly: It is sad to sit here in other people's country, with all of our talents while our own birthplace disintegrates. I do not know you, but it seems like I have gotten another Nigerian brother." The overly positive responses justify the effort invested in the article. My heart remains in the right place: to provide a glimpse of hope. History is full of examples of people moving when conditions become unbearable where they resided. Examples are the Mexicans, Brazilians, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Irish, Indians, Italians, Germans, Ghanaians, Nigerians, and yes, Americans. Just last year, 3000 Americans renounced their citizenship or permanent residency. The current Texas Governor proudly jets around the other States and nations to entice corporations to relocate to Texas. Texas just lured Toyota Headquarters from California. American cities compete for companies to come to their area. Competition is healthy for all: if the governments want people or companies to come to their area, they must provide basic amenities, such as adequate electricity, roads, security, schools, medical facilities, etc. If Nigerian is serious about copying the American government system, Nigeria must foster civil competition at all levels. Relocating is patriotic. Moving is often a matter of survival both for those who leave and those who remain. Throughout history, funds and skills earned abroad and repatriated home have benefited the local economy. Nigerians abroad should be commended for the staggering remittances over the years. Also, skills acquired abroad by Nigerians gradually can be brought home to help improve Nigeria. The talent pool at home should complement the experiences of Nigerians from abroad to develop our nation. Neither group has all the answers. With all the problems Nigeria has, there is room for everyone to contribute for the good of present and future generations. This article is dedicated to the loved ones of those Nigerians who recently died in the stadium stampede while seeking employment, in the Abuja bombings, and the herendously kidnapped innocent students. We pray for the safe return of these our precious children. The purpose of this two-part article is to inspire you; not just to motivate you to move or stay. Do what is best for you! To reiterate, this article was penned to provide a balanced observation. Moving is not for everyone. If you decide to relocate, consider the following: her rants and anti-media insults, fell prey to acts she is now advocating, under the brutal regime of Charles Taylor. DURING THAT ugly period, several other stations endured similar issues. Star Radio was subject to government pressure. On January 7, 1998, the Taylor government closed Star Radio citing illegal use of frequencies as reason although Star Radio and Radio Monrovia had a time sharing contract. After pressure from foreign governments, Star Radio was able to regain the air waves. In October 1998, the Liberian government withdrew the short wave licenses of Star Radio and Roman Catholic Radio Veritas. Nonetheless, based on a 1999 survey, there were approximately 400,000 people listening to Star Radio FM because of its independent reporting. ON MARCH 15, 2000, the government closed down both Star Radio and Radio Veritas. President Taylor cited "outside influence" and "outside money" as reasons and attacked Star Radios internet news service as being biased against Liberian interests. It is said that Taylor was not only dissatisfied with the existence of independent media but even more dissatisfied with the poor performance of his own media in the ratings. CITING THE CONSTITUTION, the Catholic Church filed a lawsuit against the government it has the right under the constitution to own and operate a shortwave station in the country. Article 15, Sections a, b and c of the Liberian Constitution state: a) Every person shall have the right to freedom of expression, being fully responsible for the abuse thereof this right shall not be curtailed, restricted or enjoined by government save during an emergency declared in accordance with the Constitution. b) The right encompasses the right to hold opinions without interference and the right to acknowledge. It includes freedom of speech and of the press, academic freedom to receive and impact knowledge and information and the right of libraries to make such knowledge available. It includes noninterference with the use of the mail, telephone and telegraph. It likewise includes the right to remain silent. c) In pursuance of this right, there shall be no limitation on the public right to be informed about the government and its functionaries.


Page 4 | Frontpage


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Friday, May 2, 2014


BENJAMEN QUAYE TOP COMMENTER UNIVERSITY OF LIBERIA Why all the foul language from Ms. Gardener? The woman sounds unintelligent and then dresses up her ignorance with condescension. I would think she would respond to the allegation of contract fraud, not how she's living or spends her money. If Ms. Gardener feels she has options, and her current life style is not supported by fleecing the government, let the contract be awarded to the rightful bid winner. I think the LACC and the GAC should launch an investigation into whether the contract was unlawfully awarded to Ms. Gardener. GEORGE KANNEH EMPLOYED TULAY WORKS AT SELF-

The Editor,



he Liberian President (Ellen Johnson Sirleaf) is widely admired and celebrated abroad on claims that she has championed the advocacy of women rights in Liberia, a claim that is challenged throughout her administration as President. One main obstacle that discredits Madam Sirleafs women right advocacy claim, is her past link to a violent rebel movement that slaughtered innocent women and children (Charles Taylors NPFL) in Liberia. Madam Sirleafs association with former rebel leader and President of Liberia (Charles Taylor) has been no doubt. Charles Taylor was recently on trial at The Hague for war crimes, and crimes against humanity in Sierra Leone. Mr. Taylor is currently sentenced to jail in Europe. According to Mr. Taylor, as well as countless Liberians, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was once the International Coordinator for the rebel group (National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL). Mr. Taylor said, Madam Sirleaf raised money for the NPFL to oust former President Samuel Doe from power. The NPFL fearlessly perpetrated horrific atrocities and staged violent spectacles, such that the aftershocks are still felt in Liberia today. Sirleaf has admitted in her memoirs and testimony to Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission that she supported Taylor through the 1980s but claimed not to have known his true intentions. She said that she had been "fooled" by him. To us, Madam Sirleaf was not a child when she supported the NPFL. She knew that the NPFL was not an humanitarian organization, when she lobbied for funds on its behalf. Even though Madam Sirleaf said she did break her ties with Taylor in the 80s, evidence suggests contrary to her statement because in fact she played a more active role in the 90s with the NPFL rebels than she has so far admitted to. And this is why: How could Madam Sirleaf make such a claim when in June 1990, instead of only testifying at a U.S. congressional hearing on US Policy and the Crisis in Liberia as was expected, she actually advocated for the NPFL during the occasion? Madam Sirleaf stated in her advocatory testimony that Charles Taylor NPFL revolt symbolizes a civil war, which encompasses regions of the country where more

than two thirds of the Liberian people live, and the greatest resources are located. See below her exact words to the US Congress: "These people, many of them children, have joined this struggle for freedom, with little more than courage and hope for the future. It is within this context that the uprising represents an opportunity for creative transformation of the Liberian political landscape". Madam Sirleaf knowing full well that the NPFL was involved with the forced enlistment of Child soldiers to oust the Samuel Doe administration, willfully advocated for, as well as contributed thousands of United States dollars to the cause of the NPFL up until June of 1990. Madam Sirleaf now leads an administration plagued by corruption, human rights abuse as well as unwarranted arrests, and political torture of perceived enemies. Nepotism has also flourished while Madam Sirleaf sits at the zenith of leadership in Liberia. Operation We Care for Liberia needs help from the US government in order to prevent the Liberian President from travelling to the US. We want the good people of the United States to know that monies if any, that were donated to Ellen JohnsonSirleafs cause from 1985 to 1991, were used to purchase firearms that killed innocent women and children in Liberia. We want the American public to know that madam Ellen Jonson-Sirleaf is not who she says she is, rather she is a person who has aided and abated Charles Taylors NPFL killings of women and children in Liberia. "The United States has always been a place of refuge and freedom from oppression for millions. We must ensure that those who come here seeking freedom and the rule of law do not have to fear that their persecutor may become their neighbor." - US Immigration Judge John Reid's We ask the United States government not to allow Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf entrance into the United States because her presence in the United States would be a violation of the United States "Child Soldiers Accountability Act of 2008". Bernard Gbayee Goah President, Operation We Care for Liberia (503)-292-2622

This woman has no home training. She is uncivilized and a blight on our Proud Mothers of Liberia. Rude woman. She epitomizes the disdain the President and her people have for Liberians. She has zero respect for us. I used to wonder why would a man like Charles Snetter doing with her on a radio show? I now know the answer, she vocalizes his innate biases and bigotry. Nonsense pe. GEORGE ALONZO KAMARA TOP COMMENTER CEO & FOUNDER AT PRIMECOMPUTERSSTORE.COM if your best friend is proud of appointing criminal lawyer in her government, and then bringing you in to give you one million US dollars contract just to cook fish cup with drink of water fill for the police, and then you turn around and by coming on radio Monrovia to tell the public that you are not ashamed and you are proud of what you are doing? God will punish you and your entire generation for life. Know wonder why those police are also engage in criminal activities, cause they cannot eat good food. So they have to crook some body else out there for it. This president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf isn't ashamed as well, she is also proud of appointing her corrupt friends to steal from the Liberian people. But your days are Numbers, we will make sure that we bring all these criminal empire indeviduals to justice so that they can account for our country resources/money. JOHN GBOMO TOP COMMENTER (SIGNED IN USING HOTMAIL) No offence George and you made some good points, but enough is enough already! Ive had enough with us invoking God into every conceivable mess we find ourselves. Its equivalent to taking Gods name in vain, which scripture speaks against. To think that every man-made mess we find ourselves requires His mighty hand to bring relief is delusional. The problems we are faced with in this country are man-made and therefore will require mans ingenuity to resolve them. Why? Because God has given us that ability as we were inherently made that way. Remember we are made in His image. If this is true then certainly we do possess the intelligence to dig ourselves out of the pit we dug ourselves into to begin with. Why would God rescue us every time we find ourselves in a mess? There are times that we really need God and He steps in for ...the rescue and there are times He does not because He knows we can do it, we just need to find the courage. It is high time we start using His name only when is needed and not when it is expedient! This country went through nearly 15 years of civil conflict with thousands of lives lost, not to mention lost properties in the process, and one would think that lessons were learned. Its been nearly 11 years after the ensue peace following the conflict Liberians have not learned neither have they changed. Our leaders are worse than their predecessors. Theyve forgotten quickly the reasons the country went through a protracted civil conflict. Maybe this is still a teaching moment for the nationBecause we can pray and invoke the name of God all year long Hes not coming to our rescue until we change and awaken that God given spirit within us! Liberians will have to be willing to want a true change for it to come about... DASH S. WILSON TOP COMMENTER WILMINGTON UNIVERSITY Adelaide Gardner sounds no different from the late dangerous, bad tempered, arrogant and notorious Frank Emmanuel Tolbert, who was the oldest brother of president William Richard Tolbert. As we spend our time reading the history of Liberia we take notes on some of these misfits that come to government and with connection to the power that be think they are above the law. Gardner is nothing but a mess. She's calling taxpayers "FOOLS" at the same time using their resources. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf will soon be out of office, these criminals should be brought to justice for corruption.
The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica


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Friday, May 2, 2014

New York-

rontPageAfrica newsroom Chief Wade C. L. Williams said journalists in Liberia suffer a new form of repression mainly from government officials. Speaking at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, Miss Williams who is also a 2012 Dag Hammarskjold Fellow said public officials in Liberia can easily win a libel and defamation case because there are no laws to protect journalists against them.






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They now use the courts to trump up charges relating to libel and defamation with the courts awarding these officials in millions of dollars against journalists, she said. My country - despite being heralded around the world as being on a good transition course to peace - has used the courts as an instrument to stifle the press and trample on free expression. Recalling the closure of her Newspaper and the jailing of its editor Rodney D. Sieh who has made it to the list of Reporters Without Borders 2014 list of World 100 Information Heroes, Williams said in Liberia it is easy to put a journalist in jail for what he/she writes especially against a public official. We reported accusations of corruption against a former government minister that were made by an independent auditor. The minister was dismissed and never charged almost none of the scores whove been dismissed under a corruption cloud from President Johnson Sirleafs government, have ever been charged, she said. The minister then sued us and was awarded a staggering US$1.5 million dollars in damages. We were unable to pay our publisher was thrown in jail and the paper shut down until international pressure forced the government to make a deal. The award winning journalist said that this constant use of laws on sedition, Criminal defamation and insult are a good example that Liberia can become a no-go zone for journalist when the United Nations eventually leaves Liberia in the next few years. Gains made Williams said under the regime of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf there has been the creation of an environment where there can be a free exchange of ideas, but not with hard consequences. We acknowledge the gains made by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in terms of widening the space for the exchange of ideas, but her constant silence on lawsuits filed against journalists and political commentators by members of her family will tarnish an already muddy legacy, she said. It is only with vibrant and unhindered press can there be true development because it is when the media is allowed to propagate the truth unhindered, that people are educated on the dangers of war, disease and poverty. Williams thanked international organizations that helped the paper

during its time of crisis, something that piled up the pressure on the government that eventually led to the dropping of charges and the reopening of the newspapers offices and the setting free of its editor and publisher. Journalists Resolve Strengthened I also want to take this opportunity to thank all international organizations including the Committee to Protect Journalists, New Narratives, International Press Institute, Syracuse University, Amnesty International and others for standing beside my newspaper FrontPage Africa last year when we were shut down and our publisher was sent to jail in retaliation for our reporting on government corruption, she said. Williams said despite the threat to the media in Liberia by the courts, journalists have strengthened their resolve to report the truth. Journalists will continue to be on the side of the people instead of governments because it is by us reminding governments of their responsibility to the governed that we can create a better world for all, she said.

Williams spoke during a panel discussion moderated by Maher Nasser, Director, Outreach Division, Department of Public Information. Other panelists were Yehia Ghanem, International Journalist in Residence at CUNY, Graduate School of Journalism, Delfine Halgand, U.S Representative, Reporters Without Borders and Agnes Callamard, Director Freedom of Expression and Information project. The President of the UN General Assembly John W. Ashe, paid tribute to journalists around difficult the world who continue to work under circumstances. On this World Press Freedom Day, let us take a moment to recognize the courage of journalists the world over, many of whom toil in very difficult environments. We pay tribute to them and the countless individuals across the globe who consistently put their own lives in danger in order to report the news, he said. In the past year, some 92 journalists lost their lives while doing their jobs. And many other members of the media have been attacked, kidnapped, held hostage and subjected to intimidation, harassment and arbitrary imprisonment. We must end impunity, and perpetrators of these acts must and should be brought to justice. He said despite Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights underscoring

the freedom for all to seek, receive and impart information, regardless of borders, many governments have not yet guaranteed full protection for the Press. In December last year, the UN General Assembly adopted, for the first time, a resolution condemning all attacks and violence against journalists and media workers and proclaimed November 2 the International Day to end Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. The Assembly called upon Member States to promote a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without interference. Today, I encourage Member States to make a steadfast commitment to support this call and to foster media freedom. As we continue to set the stage for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, we will see how new and expanding technologies will help shape how data is shared between nations. Efforts to support free and open access to this information for the media and all citizens will be vital. Ashe said that freedom of expression is a basic human right and that a pluralistic and independent Press is essential in helping to support democratic and sustainable societies. Increased public participation in political processes and civic engagement boosts development at all levels and we must strive to allow journalists

to share our important stories, from one community to another, without putting themselves at risk, he said. Journalists under attack UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon speaking at the opening ceremony said Freedom of expression independent media and universal access to knowledge will fortify the UNs efforts to achieve lasting results for people and the planet. He said the fundamental freedom to receive and impart ideas through any media is under assault, every day of the year to the detriment of the world. Indeed, journalists are being singled out for speaking or writing uncomfortable truths kidnapped, detained, beaten and sometimes murdered, he said. Such treatment is completely unacceptable in a world ever more reliant on global news outlets and the journalists who serve them. He told the briefing that last year, 70 journalists were killed; many caught in the cross-fire of armed hostilities and that fourteen more suffered the same fate in 2014. Also last year, 211 journalists were being held in prison. Some 456 journalists have been forced into exile since 2008. And since 1992, well over 1,000 journalists have been killed nearly one per week, he said. These are alarming figures. Behind each statistic stands a man or a woman simply going about their lawful business, the Secretary-General said, stressing that there must be no impunity for those who target journalists for violence, intimidation or distorted uses of legal procedures to disrupt or impede their work. The event was organized by the UN Department of Public Information and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) under the theme Media freedom for a better future: shaping the post-2015 development agenda.

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Friday, May 2, 2014






took it to Central Agriculture Research institute (CARI) to be implemented, and that project is fully functioning with an office. I hope ITC will go to the office and see the work we are doing. The lawmaker disclosed that SME plays a major role in the countrys economy, in that it provides jobs for many and that in the last eight years of the Sirleafs administration, finance has been accessible to SMEs. Representative Francis said she is not saying those words because she is a part of the government, but it is the fact. Liberians have to start tapping into the private sector but you have to make sure to have a vision and then prepare a business plan of what you want to do. If we do not grow that vibrant private sector, poverty will continue in this country, because the largest part of our unemployed population, are the rural inhabitants, She said. Stressing the importance of agriculture, Representative Francis said agriculture is the engine of a countrys economy. Because if you have control of food and water, you are protected, but if not, you are not protected and become vulnerable.




Monrovia: Today the first beneficiaries of the life funds will go to the women who weave thread into country clothes in Lofa. And we are also trying to establish the made in Liberia trade store at Bella Cassa Hotel on the boulevard ,so local businesses can show their products, Says President Sirleaf. Addressing and opening the second Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) conference and Trade Fair, Corporation, President Sirleaf disclosed that she visited LofaCounty and met the rural weaving women who weave threads into country clothes for living. She said the women told her there was a high demand for the product but they dont have the capacity to produce more. With less than four million people, the majority under the age of 25, we can and must create a prosperous society, that grants equal opportunity to all if we are able to achieve peace security and build a better future for the next generation, the Liberian leader declared. She said she considers the event to be a very important event in creating job opportunities for many Liberians. MSE have always been the main drivers of the countrys economy. And Here at home, according to the Commerce Minister, we have over 10,000 small businesses established. The Minister of Commerce is asking for a one year tax moratorium on all SMEs, though we have not reach it to the Finance Minister, but we will look into it. President Sirleaf who during the opening said she believes that MEMEs can be the vehicle to ensure that jobs, income and development are spread throughout the country, indicated that they must be supported and strengthened through coordinated effort. She also took the time to launch several policies including the Liberia national trade policy, the Liberia National Export strategy and the Liberia innovative forum. With the quality of your product, the branding and labeling of your products, is not enough to pull the product in the market, you can get much more when you brand your product the right way, which has to do with innovations Says Ms. Arancha Gonzalez, International Trade Center Executive Director. So if we really want to see this periodical transformed into real market access, we will have to pay more attention to the micro penmanship, she noted. Ms. Arancha Gonzalez, International Trade Center Executive Director, said Liberia has a lot of potential and opportunity to expand trade if the right steps are taken. Commerce Minister Alex M. Addy, said the policy document was developed with the full participation of all the stakeholders and after years of constructive engagement with the sector players to realize the document. The second step is after we leave here is to look at the road map and identify those quick wings within the strategy, and what are those things we can do now with our current budget flexibility and what can we invest in now? After we do that, we move toward implementation, which means bringing in the right technical assistance and matching that support with the sector players and coming up with a clear time line and goals to execute those targeted implementations. Agriculture Minister Florence Chenoweth, who also served as a panelist said access to market starting with the small farmer in Lofa or Bong who started since 2006, is difficult because they cannot get their produce out of the villages, because there is no road access, no transportation. And no two way communications to let people know what they have and where the markets are. Why do we not have the facilities for processing our fruits, fish and other product? Why cant we pick our beautiful oranges from the tree and sell it because it has a little black spot from insects? Because our inserts population has grown so much during the period of twenty four years when we were killing each other and doing nothing to control them. So all of these factors impact market access, but small, small we are getting there.

Monrovia: I know not everybody cannot afford to provide collateral to go to the bank, because when I first started as a business woman, I could not afford to go to the bank, because it was one year with 14-18 percent interest, So I never went to the bank again, says Montserrado District #1 Representative Josephine Francis. Addressing the Small Medium Enterprises panel held at the Monrovia City Hall for entrepreneurs, Representative

Francis, also known as the Master Farmer, because of her farming activities long before entering politics, said in the last five years, with the stimulus package through the Central Bank, given to the Liberia Bank Development and Investment to encourage SME to take loan for eight years, she was able to take a loan. Said Francis: If I tell you today, that all was rosy for me when I started business, I wont be telling you the truth, because it was not easy at all. Francis says with the eight

percent interest from the Bank, I grabbed that opportunity to expand my business, so SMEs can also take advantage of that opportunity as well. I want to encourage other SMEs to keep pressing forward, no matter the difficulties. She thanked the International Trade Center for coming to Liberia five years ago and developed the cassava strategy to local farmers including her, and that the project is presently being implemented. That project was given to the Agriculture Minister who then




court sheriff at the 13th Judicial Circuit Court in Kakata, Margibi County, Thursday survived attack from angry resident of Ben Town, Marshall Highway, Schiefflin Township after he had gone to witness a land survey. Captain Morris Jarkonah told FrontPageAfrica that the situation was terrible and he is thankful to the Police Support Unit (PSU) of the Liberian National Police for protecting his life. They were throwing stones and sticks at me, if it was not the police, my brother than I am dead man, the Sheriff Jarkonah told FrontPageAfrica. Sheriff Jarkonah said acting on a survey notice issued three weeks ago to four parties owning property in the area including the heirs of the late Hon. Samuel B. Cooper-25 acres; the heirs of the late Julia C. Holder-25 acres; Mr. George Barbell Cooper, 25 acres and Mrs. Louise A. nelson-Norman and associated parties-10 acres, he went on the scene of the survey only to meet a group of residents whom he said insisted that the survey should not go ahead. Said Sheriff Jarkonah when I got there he people never want to listen to me they started saying this is the same man who came here the last time again, we will kill him. While talking Representative OP Copper came

and said he wanted to see me, when I to him, he said he did want to talk to me so the citizens started stoning me and the police. God helped me The court worker narrated even with the help of the police it was still very difficult to control the citizens of the area. it was not easy there, the citizens were stoning the police but the police force it and God made it for the survey to go on. In a survey announcement in the possession of Sheriff it is stated the public is hereby notified that land & Housing Development, Inc will coordinate the implementation of a relocation survey of four (4) parcels of land totaling eighty five (85) acres, situated near the village of Ben Town on the Marshall Highway, at Schiefflin Township, Margibi County. The survey announcement furthered The survey will commence on Thursday, may 1, 2014 at 10:00 am, and is estimated to continue for about two weeks. Continued the notice this announcement should claim the attention of surveyor King Walters, the people of Ben Town, The Rafiki Village, the National Housing Authority, the operators of the Rock Quarry, parties claiming ownership to parcels of land with

cornerstones bearing the initials D.M.C, A.G.M, as well as other demarcated parcels situated in the vicinity of the Old Chicken poultry farm building and northwards towards Ben Town and the rock quarry. The issue of land ownership is the newest conflict brewing in Liberia and has the propensity to threaten the one decade long peace the country currently enjoys. On a daily basis conflicts arising from tussle over land ownership are taken to court and in some instances, violence ensues between opposing parties resulting in damage of properties and at times injuries. Land sale has become complicated with land owners sometimes selling one parcel of land to more than one parties and also in some cases, one land end up having more than one owners who in turn sell to separate parties. Others used the long absence of other Liberians from the country due to the prolong civil war to prepare documents giving them ownership to others land. State institutions such as the National Archive, responsible to document deeds and other documents and the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy that monitors licensed surveyors,are all yet to put in place mechanisms that will avoid more than one individuals registering and probating documents for the same land.

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nti-Money Laundering head, Mr. Edwin Harris addresses Staffers from the Banking & Currency Committees Monrovia - There were a total of four key legislative events held by the LIS in the month of April. As all may be aware by now, the bicameral information services Department observes its anniversary each year. In the build-up to the third anniversary the LIS held two events while the other two events were held around the main Day, April 27. The first was the launch of the Departments E-Newsletter and official Facebook Page held on April 7. The second was a program held by the AntiMoney Laundering Organization (CAMTEFIL) primarily for staffers of both Houses of the Banking and Currency Committees, a very educative training session held on 23 April. The main anniversary events included a round-table interactive dialogue on the significance of institutionalizing staff training and professional development at the Legislature, which was held on April 28; and the second event spotlighted the germane issue of Access to Information or if you may, implementation of Liberias Freedom of Information (FOI) Law. This captivating forum was held on 29 April. The LIS observed its anniversary month under the theme: Institutionalizing Staff Training and Professional Development at the Legislature: a key basis for effective service delivery. The Department commenced the observance of its anniversary month with the launch of its E-Newsletter and Facebook page. Three Lawmakers attended the occasion with Senator Geraldine Doe-Sheriff taking the lead. The other two were Representatives Gayah Karmo and Fofi Bimba. The Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Director of the Legislative Budget Office (LBO) were in attendance. Senator Doe-Sheriff officially launched the E-Newsletter by clicking the send key which meant that copy of the newsletter was transmitted to all lawmakers and recipients in the LIS bcc category. Some of those include prominent citizens, leading organizations and media institutions and individuals. Senator Doe-Sheriff at the occasion donated a laptop computer to the LIS and made commitment for donation of additional office supply to the Legislatures bicameral Department. The Center Against Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing in Liberia (CAMTEFIL) in partnership with the Legislative Information Service (LIS) conducted one-day training for staffers of the Banking and Currency Committees of the House and Senate. Also benefitting from the training were Ways & Means Committees' staffers from both Houses, Page 2 of 3 the LIS and the Legislative

VALUE TO LEGISLATIVE WORK LIS Successfully Observe 3rd Anniversary

B. McCarthy Weh, Contributing Writer
professional development. Day-Two of the LIS third anniversary was held on Tuesday April 29 beginning at 11am. The Legislative Information Service and the Independent Information Commission (IIC) jointly held a one-day Awareness Forum on: Building Capacity of Records Management Personnel in the Utilization of FOI Laws and its Implementation. Carter CenterLiberia provided technical support. Keynote speakers were the Commissioner of the IIC, Cllr. Mark Bedor-Wla Freeman and Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner, Project Lead on Access to Information at Carter CenterLiberia. Cllr Freeman spoke on the topic: "The Mandate and Functions of the Information Commission, whereas Cllr. Warner spoke on The Role of the Legislature in Advancing the FOI". Senator Henry W. Yallah, Senate Chair on Information and Broadcasting, and Senator John A. Ballout, Senate Chair on Post and Telecommunications, graced the ceremony and separately presented special remarks. Civil Society organization members, staff of the Legislative Information Service-LIS and members of the public were in attendance. Staffers from other Departments and Lawmakers' offices attended and obtained knowledge from the two venerable counselors. In closing, the Administrator at IIC, Mr. Emmanuel D. Howe emphasized the need for support to the Commission. Many participants termed the various events as successful and quite informative and educative. Director Weh asserted that the Liberias Independent Information Commission head, Cllr. Mark Bedor-Wla Freeman addresses Legislative Staff on the FOI Law and extent of implementations Conclusion Director Weh has thanked the Legislature, particularly the President Pro temp for his moral and participatory role and support. The Departments gratitude also goes to facilitators who conducted training at forums/sessions; to the IIC, CAMTEFIL, Carter CenterLiberia, staff of the Legislative Information Service and all other staff members from departments and sections of the Legislature who identified with the LIS through the entire month of April LIS anniversary month. Director McCarthy Weh during each event during the anniversary period to call on the Leadership Committees of both Houses to provide adequate support to the Legislative Information Service, a Department which serves as the information repository and research resource for the Liberian Legislature.



Friday, May 2, 2014

Budget Office (LBO). The workshop centered on: Acquiring Basic Skills and Knowledge in Anti-Money Laundering & Countering Terrorist Financing. Speakers included: Mr. Edwin Harris who spoke on The Basic Skills and Understanding in the Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing; Mr. Gabriel Bellepea, Deputy Director at Liberias Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) who spoke on the theme: Financial Action Task Force (FAFT) 40 Recommendations; and Mr. McCarthy Weh, Director of the Legislative Information Service (LIS) who presented on Legislative Research Methodology.

The main events of the LIS third anniversary were held on April 28 and 29. On Monday April 28 an interactive dialogue was held under the theme: The Significance of Professionalism and Effective Service Delivery in the Public Sector a look at the Legislature. The dialogue was held amongst senior staff members of the Legislature and a representative of Liberias premium institution responsible for training and capacity building, the Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA). Atty. Harris F. Tarnue, Deputy Director-General for Research and Consultancy represented LIPA. President Pro-tempre Hon. Gbehzongar M.

Findley who delivered the keynote address, underscored the need for institutionalization of staff training and professional development at the Legislature. Deputy Director-General Tarnue of LIPA also echoed similar message. At the event were some of the Chiefs-ofOffice Staff (COS) from various Senators and Representatives' offices. A prepared text was read for Sen. Geraldine Doe-Sheriff by one of her staff as she could not attend due to ill health. The program was highly successful. Pro temp Findley then requested the organizers (LIS) to proffer recommendations to the Legislature for possible action on the institutionalization of staff training and

JG Bull BLDG, Randall Street, Adjancent DITCO Store Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale

Friday, May 2, 2014


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American Underwriters Group INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE Announcement

In keeping with the vehicle and Traffic Law; Title 38, approved May 9, 1972, and published in 1978, the Government of Liberia is pleased to announce the approved rates for Third Party Compulsory Motor Insurance Policy in Liberia. These rates take effect January 2, 1996.
No. 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Category of Vehicles Taxi Transport Pick-Up S/Size-1/2 Ton B/Size 1 Ton Transport Buses S/S-Max 18 Persons M/S-30 Persons B/S-30 Over Persons Transport Truck 10 Tons (10 Tires) 12 Tons (12 Tires) 14-18 Tons (18 Tires) Trailer-22 Tires Private Car (PC + Personal Plate Sedan Jeep Business Car (BC) Sudan Jeep Pick Up PP BP Business Truck (BT) 10-Tons (10 Tires) 12-Tons (10 Tires) 14-18 Tons (18 Tires) Trailer (22 Tires) Business Bus (BB) S/S-Min 6-8 Persons S/S-Max 18 Persons M/S- 30 Persons B/S-30 Over Persons Private Bus (PB) S/S-Max 18 Persons M/S-30 Persons B/S-30 Over Persons Private Truck (PT) Private Motorbike Business Motorbike 335.00 385.00 420.00 575.00 150.00 125.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 250.00 440.00 480.00 520.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 575.00 600.00 640.00 800.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 250.00 300.00 15.00 15.00 175.00 225.00 15.00 15.00 150.00 225.00 15.00 15.00 720.00 750.00 800.00 1,000.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 550.00 600.00 650.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 400.00 425.00 450.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 M/Size- 1 Ton Approved Rates Price US$300.00 $ 15.00 Sticker Price

Monrovia, iberian journalists, under the banner of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), have begun activities for the official observance of this years World Press Freedom Day, to be held in Bopopu, Gbarpolu County. World Press Freedom Day which annually falls on May 3, is a universal observance, which highlights the significance of the free press in a democracy with appropriate programs. The global theme for the 2014 celebration is Reaching New Goals: Free media fortifies the post-2015 Development Agenda, but has been modified in Liberia to note that the Free Press Exposes Poverty & Brings Development. Activities of the celebration include a Reporting Day in Gbarpolu on May 2, 2014, where journalists will cover the county and highlight development concerns for dissemination in the national and international media. The intent of this reporting day is to ensure that our celebration with the people of Gbarpolu highlights issues affecting their lives so that appropriate authorities can take decisions to address them, PUL President K Abdullai Kamara said. These reports will be discussed along with the locals and county officials during an indoor program marking the main observance on May 3 in the Bopolu Administrative Building. A grand parade in the city will precede the official indoor program to be graced by at least 300 journalists, citizens and government officials among others. The United Nations General Assembly declared May 3 as World Press Freedom Day to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression enshrined under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Meanwhile, the PUL is calling on all journalists to get their T-Shirts at the Unions Headquarters on Clay Street. Journalists going to Gbarpolu are advised to gather at the PUL Headquarters at 12:30PM for final departure.

Please ask Pearl 0886 578 981/ Lucinda 0886 514 623 / 0777 514 623 / AB 0886 529 776

Friday, May 2, 2014


Two Prominent Bong Citizens Engage in Verbal Jab over Senatorial Support






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Selma Lomax,

Gbarnga, Bong County ormer Bong County Senator, Franklin Siakor, has come under attack over statements made against the lawmaker of electoral District #2, Prince K. Moye. It would be recalled that Siakor, who had declared his intention to contest the Bong County senatorial race this October, appeared on Radio Gbarnga two weeks ago and declared that he would ensure Rep. Moye doesnt get reelected if he (Moye) doesnt support his senatorial ambition. Siakor said: If Moye doesnt support me I will ensure he doesnt get re-elected in 2017. Rebuking the former senator, Rep. Moye said he was taking aback that a man who professes to be an independent minded character would want to corrupt his mind politically. The lawmaker argued that Siakors statement to him to support his senatorial bid or miss out on re-election is unsolicited, unacceptable and unconstitutional stating that he is not a bag boy for Siakor. Siakor should understand that I am not his bag boy for him to impose his will on me. I am a sitting lawmaker and should deserve all the necessary courtesy as was shown to him during his tenure as senator of the county, Rep. Moye said. The lawmaker also took a dig at the senators political life indicating that Siakor is noted for relegating his political life and said he would not be surprised if he chooses to contest against him 2017. Siakor should wait for me in 2017 to contest as Representative because he is noted for relegating his political ambition. At one point in time he wanted to become president and another time Vice president; so I will not be surprised if he contests 2017 against me, the lawmaker said. In a rather indirect jibe at the former senator, the lawmaker, who was honored Sunday at the Grace Baptist Church along with Siakor, showered praises on his wife, Madam Nancy Moye, for their more than fifteen years of togetherness indicating that they have always resolved petit domestic conflict unlike those who doesnt forgive their wife. I would love to delicate this honor to my wife Madam Nancy Moye as we celebrate our ten years of togetherness. We dont look like some people who break up because of petit things where the man will seek domicile elsewhere and the woman elsewhere. We have held together as team despite our relative ages, he said. The lawmaker described Siakors statement as premature, which reveals him


Rep. Prince Moye

They noted that as citizens, they are not prepared to shy away from taking a stand against people like Siakor who because of their personal ambitions fail to be humble and show respect to his lawmaker. The citizens maintained that they strongly condemned the shameful action by the former senator for giving such an ill conceived advice to a very prominent District 2 son whose unblemished record in the service of the district and the county is worthy of very high commendation, just as they pointed out that Siakor must also be made to realize that the office of the lawmaker should not be brought to ridicule by any one, especially those who occupied it before. Consequently, we are through this medium calling on all those who wish to seek any political office in Bong County, to be cautious and humble with their language in the pursuit of same because as our elders say the word of mouth is like an egg if it falls and breaks, it cannot be put together again, Steve Kennedy told Super Bongese via mobile phone. As citizens of District #2, we expect the former senator to project a high standard of decorum and a temperament that is not directed by negative human emotions or impulses. We expect that verbal outbursts that can otherwise be classified as private discussions should not be subjected to unnecessary cheap radio talk-show. We expect that exlawmaker including aspirants for the senatorial election should conduct themselves with some level of dignity and not desecrate their past offices to the extent that people are asking how the individual managed to become a senator in the first place.

Former Bong County Senator, Franklin Siakor

as an unintelligent aspirant that lacks depth and content in the conduct of human affairs. Rep.Moye argued that Siakor during his appearance on Radio Gbarnga did not at any point state what he plans to do for the people of Bong County if he becomes senator again, adding that rather he concentrated on making utterances with the sole aim of pulling down his political life. The District #2 lawmaker further said that it is not in the character of an average Bong County man or woman to use uncouth language to address issues relating to their seniors and benefactors, adding that it is also not within the ethics of their native District. This is meant to educate Franklin Siakor that his ill motivated advise is totally unacceptable and not in the character of a true Bong County son or daughter to show this level of disrespect to a senior under the pretence of advising him. This I believe is all in a bid to pull down a number of politically elected leaders of the county. Bong residents slammed Siakor jibe Many residents of the county who phoned on community radio stations in the county said they are concerned and worried that Franklin Siakor, whom they believe has a copy of the constitution of the country, can give such an unsolicited advice to the lawmaker without citing the section where it is stated that a person can influence the decisions of the voters. They vowed that they are prepared to support Moye in 2017 than to support Siakor who has chosen to dance naked in public in the name of seeking political office after he gifted his senatorial seat to Henry Yallah to contest as Vice Presidential candidate to Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine.

resident Sirleaf rallied her ministers and lawmakers to make into law the Government of Liberias Small Business Empowerment Actwhich requires the government to procure at least 25% of goods and services locallyat the opening of this years Micro Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) Conference held at Monrovia City Hall. If made law, thousands of Liberian rice farmers, traders and processors stand to benefit. Every year, the Government of Liberia purchases 70,000 bagsor 3,500 metric tonsof paddy rice for government employees. The USAID Food and Enterprise Development (FED) Program supports rice farmers and processors who play a critical role in producing and processing increasing rice volumes to meet the governments requirement. The Small Business Empowerment plan will set aside 25% of all government procurement for Liberian companies, Axel Addy, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, explained in the opening ceremony. We will purchase locally grown rice for the employees Christmas package. The Government of Liberia provides two 50kg bags of rice for every employee, once in July and again in December. This years MSME Conference spotlights agriculture and agribusiness, which contributes an estimated 60% to the nations GDP, and is the sector with the most jobs. Liberia is blessed with water and soil. This is a call to action for Liberians to produce and process agriculture products for local consumption and export, President Sirleaf said. Lets take the rice from the swamp to the market, and the cassava from the root to the processed product. Liberian farms are entrepreneurs with a strong potential to go beyond a subsistence level. Under the Feed the Future initiative, the US government is helping to develop not just farmers but a better business climate, agro input suppliers, processors, traders, cold chain and warehousing and other critical players in the value chains, said US Ambassador Deborah Malac in her opening remarks. Agriculture is an untapped opportunity, and Liberia has all the natural resources to give its farmers a competitive advantage, Minister Addy said. The USAID FED Program for Liberia aims to reduce hunger and promote food security for Liberians through increased agricultural productivity and profitability in rice, cassava, vegetable and goat value chains. It is implemented in six counties: Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Grand Bassa, Margibi and Montserrado. The United States as the largest donor and closest ally is supporting the Liberian priorities to build sustainable local capacity, make a difference in peoples lives, and move towards a shared vision of self-sufficiency and prosperity. For more information please visit. USAID FED is Africas largest project under President Barack Obamas Feed the Future Initiative, which promotes a move away from subsistence and increasing food security by working with public and private bodies, including the Government of Liberia, the private sector, local NGOs and other key stakeholders.

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nited States Secretary of StateJohn Kerry arrived in Addis Ababa today on the first stop of a visit to east and central Africa. As his trip began, he responded by email to questions from AllAfrica:



Friday, May 2, 2014

What lies behind your decision to visit each of these countries at this time? The progress being made across the African continent these days is extraordinary. Africa is home to eight of the 10 fastest-growing economies in the world. There are more democratic governments than ever before. Best of all, each day more Africans are seeing these many benefits reflected in their daily lives. I'm visiting the continent to celebrate that progress and help advance it further, because there is always more to do. I'm here to encourage further democratic development, promote human rights, advance peace and security, and engage with civil society groups and young people. I've also come to promote trade, and celebrate PEPFAR and all it's done to combat the scourge of HIV/AIDS across the continent. In Ethiopia I will co-convene the Fourth Session of the USAU High-Level Dialogue. I will meet with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom to discuss peace, democracy, and the importance our lasting bilateral relationship. In Kinshasa, I will meet with President Joseph Kabila and discuss the government's progress in ending conflict and supporting those Congolese suffering from the violence. We will also discuss the DRC's continued democratization and its long-term stability. And in Luanda, I will engage with President Jos Eduardo dos Santos on Angola's leadership in the region and encourage the President's continued personal engagement in the Great Lakes peace process. I will also discuss bilateral policy and trade issues with Foreign Minister Chikoti. In Ethiopia, eight journalists are in prison for terms ranging from five to 18 years for offences under anti-terrorism laws. We understand Woubshet Taye is suffering kidney infections, and reports in the last few days suggest that Reeyot Alemu is being denied adequate medical attention after breast surgery. What can the U.S. do to alleviate their plight and secure their release? This is an issue I feel very passionately about. A free and unfettered press is fundamental to any functioning democracy. That's true in the United States, and it's true across Africa. First, I will urge the Government of Ethiopia to fully adhere to its constitutional guarantees afforded to all its citizens. When I am in Addis Ababa, I also plan to reiterate my longstanding concern about the abridgement of the freedom of the press and the freedom of expression with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn. Given that Ambassador [Samantha] Power [the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations] has implicitly criticized both sides in the current conflict in South Sudan, and in particular that she has said the government in Juba should stop interfering with the UN's mission there, is it appropriate that you should be visiting the country now? After 30 years of support for their right to self-determination, we are gravely concerned about the deteriorating situation in South Sudan. The ongoing conflict threatens the gains made since I stood in Juba as the nation earned its independence three years ago. Those responsible for targeted killings of civilians based on ethnicity and nationality must be held accountable. Recent acts of ethnic violence by those aligned with Riek Machar are particularly horrific. Such events are a betrayal of the trust the South Sudanese people put in their leaders. Both President Kiir and Riek Machar must make clear that these attacks are unacceptable, bring the perpetrators of violence on both sides to justice, and honor the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement they signed in January. The cycle of violence that has plagued South Sudan for too long must come to an end. Finally, I have great hopes for the talks led by the East African International Authority on Development, but it remains to be said that those who threaten or obstruct the peace, stability, and security of South Sudan will be at risk of U.S. sanctions. We are actively considering those now, unless we see a change on the ground. What is the Administration's assessment of the current prospects for real peace in the eastern DR Congo in the wake of the Kampala Accords? The United States fully supports the Peace, Security, and Cooperation Framework Agreement signed by the DRC, Rwanda, and neighboring governments last year. It is the best mechanism for resolving the root causes of conflict in the DRC and the Great Lakes region. Last July, I appointed Senator Russ Feingold as my Special Envoy

for the Great Lakes Region and the DRC. Russ has traveled to the region nine times and met with all levels of government in the DRC and its neighbors to support the Framework peace process. He has told me about meeting with local leaders, civil society, and women's groups to listen to their concerns, to encourage their participation in the peace process, and to support their efforts to effect change in their countries. I am optimistic about what he's reported back, but there is still much to be done. Achieving lasting peace in eastern DRC will also require expanding economic opportunities through improved alternative livelihoods, empowering local communities, particularly women, and increasing conflict-free trade of natural resources. The U.S. is helping to accomplish these goals by supporting the implementation of security sector reforms, consolidating state authority, and strengthening government institutions. Are you satisfied with the role Rwanda is now playing beyond its borders in the Great Lakes Region? One of the clearest ways for Rwanda to accomplish its goal of being a regional leader is through cooperation with the DRC, because a lasting peace in the Great Lakes Region is the obvious next step for improving the stability of theregion. That's why we're encouraging Rwanda to work with the DRC and Uganda to ensure that all M23 ex-combatants are permanently disbanded, that those who are Congolese are turned over to the DRC to complete the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration process, and that those responsible for war crimes or crimes against humanity are held accountable. Fostering lasting regional stability is key to Rwanda's emergence. If Rwanda leads on issues of peace and security now, it can lead on other issues like economic security moving forward. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index ranks Angola at 153rd place of 177 countries. Some years ago American banks took action targetting the Angolan government out of concern at corruption. Is the Administration concerned at the level of corruption in Angola? What can it do about it? Corruption not only saps a government's resources, but it denies everyday people the services they deserve. I firmly believe that a free and open society is also one that will prosper economically. We will always support these ideals and principles in our bilateral relationships around the globe. That's why we are monitoring the situation in Angola closely. We've been quick to highlight our concerns with the Angolan government and in the international community. But the United States also welcomes Angola's leadership in Africa and world affairs. We are particularly encouraged by Angola's leadership in the Great Lakes Region and with the Kimberley Process. We also applaud Angola's efforts in resolving its own humanitarian crisis, including repatriating and reintegrating some 500,000 refugees and millions more internally displaced persons since the end of its civil war in 2002. The White House Summit on Africa in August promises to be the signature Africa event of the Administration. Several African

leaders have expressed concern that they will be "talked to" by President Obama but will not be "listened to". Will there be opportunities for the President to hear African leaders express their views, in separate meetings, or regional groups? Listening is vital to any relationship, international or otherwise. This summit is being held for precisely that reason. The President is inviting African leaders to Washington in order to broaden and deepen our partnerships across the continent a continent he made a priority for his presidency. The administration is committed to the ongoing dialogue between our country and the leaders of Africa. And it will be exactly that a dialogue. This summit will be like those the United States regularly holds with the leaders of other regions, like the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit, the Summit of the Americas, and the NATO and U.S.-E.U. summits. It will reinforce our commitment to our relationship with Africa's countries and its people, and will allow us to continue to advance our common agenda of promoting opportunity, democracy, and peace. But this dialogue doesn't stop with heads of state. Just one week prior to the summit, 500 young African leaders will be in Washington to discuss the U.S.-African relationships as part of President Obama's Young African Leaders Initiative, or YALI. I can't wait to hear their ideas about the future of a peaceful and prosperous Africa.

In January, the National Security Council Press office said President Obama would invite all African heads of state or government "except those that are not in good standing with the United States or are suspended from the African Union." Morocco is invited, even though it is not a member of the African Union, while the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic - which IS an AU member, is not. Morocco withdrew from the AU after the SADR was accepted to membership, and the United States does not recognize the SADR as a country, nor does the UN, which is trying to mediate the long-running conflict between the two parties. What is the United States position on Morocco's annexation of Western Sahara? We invited Morocco to the summit because we recognize and value Morocco's role in Africa. That was underscored for me by King Mohammed VI's visit to Washington last November and my visit with him in Morocco few weeks ago. U.S. policy toward the Western Sahara has remained consistent. The United States has made clear that Morocco's autonomy plan is serious, realistic, and credible, and that it represents a potential approach that could satisfy the aspirations of the people in the Western Sahara to run their own affairs in peace and dignity. So we'll continue to support the negotiations carried out by the United Nations, including the work of the UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy Ambassador Christopher Ross. We'll urge the parties to work toward a resolution, and we will make sure that discussions about the importance of human rights in Western Sahara will continue to be an important part of our Strategic Dialogue with the Moroccan government.

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n an Editorial under the headline noted above, FPA (FrontPageAfricaonline, April 28, 2014) writes that Adelaide Gardiners rants (about criticisms of her alleged fraudulent, corrupt contract with the LNP), Liberia Telecommunications Authoritys assault on the Media, clearly suggest that those advising President Sirleaf are determined to ensure that she (President Sirleaf) ranks right up there with the likes of Samuel Doe, Charles Taylor and Robert Mugabe. Continuing, the FPA says: 1. This is why we are, particularly, concerned over the manner in which President Sirleaf is allowing her so-called friends to wreak havoc on what she took 40 years to build, a life and the world at her feet. 2. Sadly, the Presidents lack of political will is giving reason for the world to lose confidence in her leadership and donors to lose faith and trust in her ability to lead a nation emerging from war.

perhaps, education played a critical role. President Robert Mugabe, given the African political tradition, has managed to hold on to political power with age. President at 80 or thereabout and still going strong, it is reasonable to expect that he will die as president and plunge his nation into ethnic/ tribal conflict. Now back to President Sirleaf and her kitchen cabinet advisors - close and extended family members, close friends and associates, childhood, socio-economic and political associates in a political setting. Although a socio-psychological phenomenon known as fear of the unknown, the President should and must be treat this condition with tact and diplomacy within her elected politicians in-group family, friends and political associates for obvious reasons. Again, education, training and experience, national/international exposures are and will be the critical, deciding elements.

PERSPECTIVE, Contributing Writer

Bai M. Gbala,Sr.

Public Policy. Economics. Politics. Decentralization. Dual Citizenship

3. This has been bolstered by actions and age and common socio-cultural, ethnic groups with statements by many of the Presidents close friends no education, relevant training, experience and no responsibility to anyone, but their inordinate greed and associates. for money. 4. The latest involves Ms. Adelaide Gardiner who used her weekly talk-show with Mr. Charles Mr. Charles M. Taylor was or is something else. Snetter to take aim at the media and advocate for His addiction to money, money, and power, with government to shut down radio stations in the his characteristic flamboyance and the desire for center-stage drove Charlie (Charlie and Bai, country. as we knew and, hopefully, will know each other) Indeed, as former policy advisor (not a kitchen cabinet to abhor objective advice as bad tiding. Taylor advisor) to several public administrations, I, too, am wanted to and, to some degree, played high-stakes deeply concerned and troubled not only about the international, power politics; played powerful, image and legacy of the current President, but also wealthy nations against one another and got caught about the national/international image of our nation. in their unseen but effective claws. To Charlie, no Moreover, I am, also, worried about the implications kitchen cabinet advisor mattered, unless there is of those (the Presidents close and extended family money, and lots of it, his way and jungle justice. members, close friends and associates) advising President Sirleaf and determined to ensure that she Parenthetically, on the day that the International ranks right up there with the likes of Samuel Doe, Court of Justice, The Hague, delivered the final Charles Taylor and Robert Mugabe, and the four- decision on his appeal, I watched the video. There he was, ex-President Charles Taylor, the combative, point statement above. flamboyant, confident and international politician. Elsewhere, I observed that Liberian history shows There he sat, elegantly tailored, alert, but dejected, that all of our previous regimes are guilty of some serene, a questioning and wondering countenance levels of omission/commission in general terms. of loneliness, no one to turn to, at the end of the Doe and Taylor are no exceptions; Mrs. Ellen rope, with 50 years to spend in a small, prison cell. Tears beclouded my vision, because I felt and feel Johnson-Sirleaf will, also, be no exception. deeply sorry for Charlie. But he did not listen!! Apparently, Mr. Charles Taylor, a committed, Mr. Samuel K. Doe was lured to capture, mutilated rebellious revolutionary, knew or knows not that while alive and tortured to an untimely death, mainly in a rebellion, as in a novel, the most difficult part because of and due to kitchen cabinet advisors to invent is the end (Alexis de Tocqueville, French, close and extended family members, close friends, Political Philosopher). For Mr. Taylor and Mr. Doe,

Elsewhere we, commended the President recently (The Analyst, December 5, 2013) when she intervened and lifted what has come to be known as the Gag Order, placed by a court of law on press reporting of tape-recordings involving individuals indicted, while the case was or is in court. In all of the confusion arising from publication of tape recordings, the President took the decision to lift the court order, apparently, to preserve and protect the image of the nation, informed on the relative impact of publication and the court order, and the fact, moreover, that those involved, directly, in the publication of the tapes are the very individuals who stand to benefit from the court order. We commended the President for the courage to stand tall and to call the shots, realizing that the bucks stop at her desk, in the final analysis. Indeed, we observed that it takes training and experience, varied background & exposure on the national/ international stage, and age to gain the wisdom necessary to navigate, successfully, the political minefields of delicate, competing interests and the will to make rational, informed decisions. This president has all of the above. And finally we held that during these days of interdependence of peoples and nations, relative youthful, inexperienced, rushto-judgment decision-making is archaic, out-dated and invalid public policy approach in rational, informed decision-making. We hope that the President will bring to bear, in the resolution of these delicate problems and issues arising, this hopeful fact of This President has all of the above.



ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) .S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday he would pause and reassess what might be possible after failing to meet his April 29 goal for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, saying both sides still wanted to try to negotiate. In his first public comments since the deadline passed, Kerry appeared to push back against descriptions of his talks as fruitless, saying important progress was made during the nine- month effort. "Both parties still indicate that they feel it's important to negotiate and want to find a way to negotiate," Kerry said during a trip to Ethiopia. "So we believe the best thing to do right now is pause, take a hard look at these things and find out what is possible and what is not possible in the days ahead."


n explosion Wednesday night ripped through a Florida Panhandle jail's booking facility, killing two inmates and injuring up to 150 inmates and guards. The explosion occurred around 11:30 p.m. local time Wednesday in Escambia County jail's booking facility and caused the building to partially collapse, Kathleen Castro, the county's public information manager, said. "The explosion shook us so hard it was like we were in an earthquake," Monique Barnes, an inmate who said she was knocked off her fourth-floor bunk, told The Associated Press by phone. "It was like a movie, a horrible, horrible movie."

ver two weeks ago, 234 kidnapped schoolgirls from Nigeria were taken by the Boko Haram terrorist group, leaving loved ones anxiously wondering what happened to them. Once alleged developments were brought to light, it was determined the kidnapped schoolgirls were forced to take part in a massive marriage ceremony. After that, each unwilling bride was sold for the paltry sum of 2,000 naira, or the equivalent of 12 dollars. Samson Dawah was one of the people who fought hard to get information about the kidnapped schoolgirls. After uncovering the details, he specifically asked that elderly people not attend his announcement, fearing they could not tolerate the disturbing details he had to reveal. Reportedly, news about the kidnapped schoolgirls became available when local villagers went to forests located in the northeast of the country and got information from border towns in Cameroon. Dawah mentioned that the schoolgirls were either taken into Chad or Cameroon, and said multiple sources had confirmed that fact. However, those claims about the kidnapped



Friday, May 2, 2014


schoolgirls have not been verified by some American news sources such as the Washington Post, nor the Nigerian defense ministry. Despite that lack of confirmation, it is known that members of Boko Haram have been responsible for killing at least 2,300 people since 2010. Unfortunately, although these latest revelations offer chilling possibilities, so much about the fate of the kidnapped schoolgirls is still unknown, and families are understandably starting to become frustrated. Initially, there were uncertainties about the number of schoolgirls who were kidnapped, and false reports that most of the kidnapped victims had been released. Many relatives of the schoolgirls also assert that the government is not doing as much as it could to find the kidnapped youths. All we want from the government is to help us bring our children back, said one father as he wept. The kidnapped schoolgirls mostly range between 16 and 18 years of age. They were rounded up at gunpoint after the militant group overpowered guards who were posted to keep watch. In a desperate effort to find those who were kidnapped, relatives of the schoolgirls have boldly ventured into an area called the Sambisa Forest. It was once a game reserve, but now is believed to function as a home base for the Boko Haram group. These latest alleged developments about what has happened to the kidnapped schoolgirls come from a group of male relatives who collaborate every morning to go into the forest and search for the victims. A village leader also believes the government may actually be working with the terrorists rather than trying to free the kidnapped schoolgirls. Since so many questions remain, the only thing that seems certain is this situation has caused the lives of many loved ones to be sent into turmoil as they wait for answers.


The Istanbul governor's office said it had received advanced information that "illegal terror organizations and their extensions" would resort to violence to stoke unrest. On the fringes of a massive security cordon around the square, pockets of protesters played cat and mouse with police in tear gas-shrouded side streets. Demonstrators in surrounding neighborhoods repeatedly tried to breach police lines blocking the way to Taksim, a normally teeming shopping and tourism district which lay virtually deserted and ringed by security checkpoints. Bemused tourists, their hotels lining the square, picked their way nervously through police lines, some shepherded by bell boys, their luggage in tow. The Istanbul governor's office said 90 people were injured, 19 of them police officers, and 142 detained in the unrest, much of which took place early in the day with calm largely returning by the evening. It said police had found eight home-made bombs. In the working class Okmeydani district, members of leftist groups threw fire bombs and fireworks at security forces, who responded with rubber pellets. Similar clashes erupted in March at the funeral of teenager Berkin Elvan, who had lain in a coma after being wounded in last year's unrest. Elvan's image was displayed on a giant poster on Thursday as some of the protesters chanted "Berkin's murderer" at police. "This is a day of struggle. We're not trying to reach Taksim to celebrate but to resist," said Caglar, 37, a teacher and leftist activist, clutching a scarf to protect against the gas. Police also used water cannon and gas to disperse more than a thousand demonstrators in the capital Ankara, where the center of the city was on lockdown, with a heavy security presence and police helicopters buzzing overhead. UNIONS DEFIANT After Erdogan's warning against trying to march on Taksim, the government suggested instead that the May Day gathering should take place at a venue on the outskirts of the city. The unions rejected that idea. "We will be in Taksim despite the irrational and illegal ban. All roads will lead to Taksim on May Day, and our struggle for labor,


TORONTO (Reuters) oronto's deputy mayor started running the city on Thursday, a day after Mayor Rob Ford said he would take a leave of absence from his job and his re-election campaign to seek treatment for an alcohol problem. Ford's move came after months of denials that he has a substance abuse problem and nearly a year after media reports surfaced he had been caught in a video smoking crack cocaine. His departure followed a Globe and Mail report on Wednesday that it had seen a video shot last week that showed Ford using what appeared to be drugs.

ISTANBUL (Reuters) urkish police fired tear gas, water cannon and rubber pellets on Thursday to stop May Day protesters, some armed with fire bombs, from defying Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and reaching Istanbul's central Taksim square. Citing security fears, authorities shut parts of the city's public transport system, erected steel barricades and deployed thousands of riot police to block access to Taksim, a traditional union rallying point and the focus

of weeks of anti-government protests last summer. Erdogan, who warned last week he would not let labor unions march on Taksim, has cast both last year's street protests and a corruption scandal dogging his government since December as part of a plot to undermine him. While it was the unions who called for demonstrations to press workers' rights and express broad opposition to Erdogan's government, some of those who clashed more violently with police were from marginal leftist groups.

equality, freedom, justice and peace will continue," the main unions said in a statement ahead of the day of protest. On the main Istiklal shopping street leading to Taksim, hundreds of police, some in plain clothes, others in riot gear, sat outside shuttered shops. Tourists were searched by police as they tried to enter the area, normally one of the busiest in the city of 15 million people. "This is supposed to be a friendly place for tourists. This is a terrible way to treat visitors," said Mustafa, from Cairo. The authorities issued a similar ban last year, leading to thousands of anti-government protesters fighting with police as they tried to breach barricades around the huge square, which in previous years was a focal point for labor demonstrations. That violence was followed by mass protests that spread across Turkey late last May, in one of the biggest challenges to Erdogan's rule since his AK Party came to power in 2002. "Give up your hope of Taksim," Erdogan said at a meeting of his ruling AK Party lawmakers in parliament last week.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Monrovia: he Head Coach of Bong Mines Old-Timers Sports Association has expressed that his team triumph in the 2014 Naomi Chapter #12 Oder of Easting Star tournament is a big boost for the team after they failed to win any trophy in the 2013/2014 Liberia OldTimers National Association (LONA) league season. Coach David Papa Gayflor team on Sunday won the tournament trophy after drawing 0-0 with Bame Old-Timers and defeated Chocolate City Old-Timers 5-1 in best out of three grand finale of the competition played at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) in Monrovia. Bame Ole-Timers beat Chocolate City Old-Timers 3-1 in the opening match of the best out of three but lost 5-1 to the champions Bong Mines Old-Timers while Chocolate City Old-Timers failed to win against any of their two opponents. Coach Gayflor continued that his side triumph in the one day tournament proved that his players are together just as they were during the just ended LONA league season even though they did not win any award. The coach added that his team was founded three years ago and he has been the head


Bong Mines Old-TimersHead Coach Gayflor
A. Macaulay Sombai, 0777217428



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harles Barkley expressed disappointment with Magic Johnson over his gleeful reaction to the news that Mike D'Antoni would resign as the coach of the Lakers.. Magic Johnson is bigger than that. Mike DAntoni is a good coach. They didnt give him a lot to work with," Barkley said on TNT, via Mark Medina of the LA Daily News. The Lakers werent to win with Phil Jackson either. They dont have good players. We know Phil Jackson is arguably the greatest coach ever. The Lakers dont have players. Theyre not a good team. I dont even know if Phil Jackson wanted that job. The Lakers stink and theyre going to stink."


coach and that they all have been working together to keep the team on the right path with other old-timersteams which they did before registering for the just ended season. The just ended LONA 2013/2014 League season was my team first time to participate in such a major competition and we finished the league far away from relegation and just after that league we were able to capture the Naomi Chapter #12 Oder of Easting Star tournament trophy from among some of the old hands in the LONA league and this proved that we are going to be one of the strong forces in the coming 2014/2015 LONA league season. Coach Gayflor said his team will resume training for the 2014/2015 LONA league season just after the final closing of the just ended LIONA league season and that he is urging other players to come and join their association and to also justify their inclusion on the team. The coach said he has already informed officials, members and

players of his association that they shouldput their houses in order by carrying on early preparation for the coming LONA league season because he thinks early preparation brings good results for any association that prepares for the challenges ahead. He indicated that the Bong Mines Old -Timers Sports Association is for every former footballer that is above the age of 35 and not only former players from Bong Mines. Coach Gayfloris urging football enthusiasts to be part of the association for the promotion of the game and their beloved association. Coach Gayflor congratulated his players and the entire team for capturing the Naomi Chapter #12 Oder of Easting Star tournament and said he hopes that they will perform better in the coming LONA league season surpassing the performance in the ended league season.
Mourinho chose to line up with six defenders for the return leg in London. After Adrian Lopez cancelled out Fernando Torres's opener, Mourinho reacted by bringing on striker Samuel Eto'o. It was Eto'o who then conceded the penalty converted by Diego Costa, with Arda Turan wrapping up the tie with a third for the Spaniards. "There was a team in better condition, handled the pressure well, showed their composure even when they were losing and it was a big thing for Chelsea to handle," added 47-year-old Zola, who scored 80 goals in 312 games for the Blues. "I was surprised how good Atletico were. I was expecting Atletico to be a little bit more shy, but they were really good. They were the best team." Chelsea remain in contention to win the Premier League, but need both Manchester City and Liverpool to drop points if they are to have a chance of winning the title. "It's not over yet," said former Italy international Zola. "I


ose Mourinho's tactics were not to blame for Chelsea's Champions League defeat by Atletico Madrid, says former Blues forward Gianfranco Zola.

Atletico came back from a goal down to beat Chelsea 3-1 in the second leg of the semi-final at Stamford Bridge. "Jose has always brought results," Zola told BBC London. "Unfortunately it didn't work

out. "Sometimes you have to accept that the better team on the day won. I wouldn't put it down to the tactics." Chelsea had secured a 0-0 draw in the first leg in Madrid but

wouldn't be surprised if you see something changing again. "I wouldn't be writing off Chelsea yet, but it's been a difficult season. The competition now is tough, even in England. We'll see what happens at the end of the season." The Italian, who was twice named Chelsea player of the year in seven seasons with the club, expects Mourinho to improve his squad over the summer for a concerted title bid next season. "Jose is clever," said Zola. "He's gone to Italy and won the title, he's gone to Spain and won the title, and in England too. If he needs to adjust he will adjust. "He will know what to do and will be competitive, there's no doubt about this." Asked whether he expected to be back in management in the near future, former West Ham and Watford boss Zola added: "Yes, I've no doubt about it. Hopefully next year I'm going to be there. "I have to find a team yet but we'll see. The priority is in England but we'll see what happens."


panish police arrested the man who racially insulted Barcelona defender Dani Alves by throwing a banana at him, with reports on Wednesday claiming the perpetrator worked for Villarreal. Police confirmed 26-year-old David Campayo Lleo was arrested, with Spanish media reporting he was fired from his role on the coaching staff of one of the club's youth teams. Villarreal would not confirm nor deny the reports about Campayo Lleo's role with the club when questioned about their authenticity by The Associated Press. Campayo Lleo faces from one to three years in prison if found guilty of charges related to racist provocation.

LOS ANGELES (AP) f Donald Sterling is compelled to sell the Los Angeles Clippers, the list of potential buyers has more stars than their roster. Oprah Winfrey is contemplating a bid. Sean Combs is a Knicks fan, but he wants in. Floyd Mayweather Jr. wants the whole team. Matt Damon wants a tiny piece. Billionaires, entertainers and athletes alike announced their intentions to pursue the Clippers with varying degrees of seriousness Wednesday, proving the longtime losers will be quite a prize if the NBA is able to wrest control of the team away from Sterling after his lifetime ban for racist remarks.



Bong Mines Old-Timers Head Coach Gayflor

VOL 8 NO.586

FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014




Residents of slum Community in Fiamah celebrate new modern latrine


Spot News

Monrovia: I am happy today that we have been relief of our problem especially us as women. We normally use the plastic bag as toilet and wait for night hours to throw them in the swamp so as I stand before you today I am happy that our representative has constructed for us a modern pit latrine though we live in mat structures, no more flying airplane for us, Dorothy Reeves a resident of a slum community in FiamahSinkor said while celebrating the construction of a pit latrine in her community. Access to latrine both private and public is a problem in communities in and around Liberias Capital Monrovia. Residents of communities use nearby waterways and dumpsites as latrines as such facility is not available in their communities. This results in huge pollution as wastes such a feces, urine are visible in communities. According to international surveys thousands of Liberians do not have access to public toilet facilities making communities susceptible to diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, amongst others. Dudu community, a slum community located in Fiamah Airfield community has a population of over three thousand residents with all living in homes constructed using zinc having no such facility as pit latrine. Most residents of the area use the nearby swamps as latrine because they lack have access to private or public latrines; something Dorothy says has reduced the self esteem of mostly women who have no alternative but to also use plastic bags to throw feces. On Monday residents of the area including Dorothy were joyful as they received a six room modern latrine constructed by their lawmaker, Representative Munah Pelham Youngblood. According to Dorothy she is a widow with five children and could not find anywhere to live so she had to move into that slum community. Dorothy says she earns her livelihood through petty trading. Like Dorothy, Mr. JameGbartu is another resident of the community, an official of the local area, serving as Secretary General to the community leadership.

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