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From: soepracticum <soepracticum@drake.

Subject: methods nal evaluation
Date: January 3, 2013 3:02:31 PM CST
To: Kathleen Diedrich <>
urake SLudenL's name Kathleen Diedrich
Crade Level Third
SemesLer Fall 2012
1oLal number of Pours compleLed ln your classroom for Lhls pracLlcum 30+
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL follows esLabllshed pollcles and procedures. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL acLs respecLfully Lowards oLhers. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL evldences compeLenL and professlonal verbal skllls. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL demonsLraLes compeLenL and professlonal wrlLlng skllls. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL dlsplays approprlaLe cognlLlve knowledge and skllls. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL demonsLraLes an open mlnd and wllllngness Lo Lry new Lhlngs. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL develops lesson plans LhaL accommodaLe dlfferenL ways of
learnlng. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL plans learnlng acLlvlLles and assessmenLs Lo supporL academlc,
soclal, emoLlonal, and physlcal growLh of all sLudenLs. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL Lakes lnlLlaLlve Lo work wlLh sLudenLs and collaboraLe wlLh
educaLors and peers. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL malnLalns professlonal boundarles wlLh sLudenLs and educaLlonal
sLakeholders. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL faclllLaLes a learnlng envlronmenL Lo supporL Lhe safeLy, dlgnlLy,
and equlLy of all sLudenLs. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL demonsLraLes a commlLmenL Lo Leachlng and learnlng. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL malnLalns a poslLlve aLLlLude. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL parLlclpaLes ln LhoughLful reflecLlons, conversaLlons, and/or
wrlLlng wlLh sLudenLs, peers, and educaLors. 4
1he urake racLlcum sLudenL lncorporaLes feedback lnLo producLs and performance. 4
1oLal olnLs 60
1oLal olnLs osslble 60
Miss Diedrich surpassed all of my
expectations of a practicum
student. From the very beginning,
Kathleen took initiative and was
willing to help in any way I saw fit.
During her time with me, Kathleen
took over basic routines, like
morning check-in, grading student
work, conducting weekly running
records, and providing small group
interventions in both math and
reading. Miss Diedrich also taught
a whole group lesson and
participated in weekly PLC
meetings with my grade-level
colleagues. I knew I could count
on Kathleen to be prepared and
on-time each week. I really
appreciated the assistance
Kathleen provided me and my
students. It was a pleasure to
work with such a high-calliber
AddlLlonal CommenLs student.
1eacher's name Molly Boyle
-LlkerL scale: 4=SLrongly Agree, 3=Agree, 2=ulsagree, 1=SLrongly ulsagree, blank=noL Cbserved/nA

Allcla Ldwards
CoordlnaLor of lleld lacemenL
School of LducaLlon, urake unlverslLy

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