IJIRET Latha S Math A Dual Framework and Algorithms For Targeted Online Data Delivery

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A Dual Framework and Algorithms for Targeted Online Data Delivery

Lata S Math Dept of Computer Science and Engineering BTL Institute of Technology Bangalore, India mathlata123@gmail.com


We present an alternative and more

flexible approach that maximizes user profile, all users utilize minimum resource. It does this while minimizing the usage of system resources. We develop an adaptive monitoring solution for Satisfy User Profiles (SUPs). Through formal analysis, we identify sufficient optimality conditions for SUP. Using real (RSS feeds) and synthetic traces, we empirically analyze the behavior of SUP under different conditions. Our experiments show that we can achieve a high degree of satisfaction of user utility when the estimations of SUP closely estimate the real event stream, and has the potential to save a significant amount of system resources. We further show that SUP can exploit feedback to improve user utility with only a moderate increase in resource utilization.

task of targeted data delivery. Users may have specific requirements for data delivery, e.g., how frequently or under what conditions they wish to be alerted about update events or their tolerance to delays or stale information. The challenge is to deliver relevant data to client at the desired time, while conserving system resources. We consider architecture of a proxy server that is managing a set of user profiles. Push, pull, and hybrid protocols have been used to solve a variety o f data delivery p r o b l e m s . Push-based technologies include BlackBerry a n d JMS messaging, pushbased policies for static Web content and pushbased consistency in the context of caching dynamic Web content. Push is typically not scalable, and reaching a large number of potentially transient clients is expensive.


The proposed framework aims at providing a scalable online data delivery solution. We identify three types of entities, namely servers, clients, and brokers. A server is any entity that manages resources and can provide services for querying them by means of pull or push (e.g., registration to an alerting service in digital libraries). Each server has a set of capabilities for data delivery (e.g., periodical push of notifications).

Index TermsDistributed databases, online information services, client/server multitier systems, online data delivery.

The diversity of data sources and Web services currently available on the Internet and the computational Grid, as well as the diversity of clients and application requirements, poses significant infrastructure challenges. In this paper, we address the ISSN: XXXX-XXXX Volume X, Issue X, Month Year

International Journal of Innovatory research in Engineering and Technology - IJIRET

2.1.2 Proposed system

In this paper, we address the task of targeted data delivery. Users may have specific requirements for data delivery, e.g., how frequently or under what conditions they wish to be alerted update events or update values, or their tolerance to delays or stale information. The challenge is to deliver relevant data to a client at the desired time, while conserving system resources.


Figure 1.1: Framework architecture

Given client requirements and server capabilities, a broker is Responsible to match the client with suitable servers, and provide the client with the desired information of interest specified in the client profile. To do so, the broker may register to servers and as needed augment server notifications with pull actions. Each broker can further act as both server and client of other brokers, formatting a brokerage network as illustrated in Figure 1.1.

Decreasing of probing leads to decreasing their load. Probing cost is low. Performance is high. No limitations with user profiles.


The following are the system implementation modules

3.1. Collecting User Profiles

Profiles are declarative user specifications for data delivery. A profile should be easy to specify and sufficiently rich to capture client requirements. A profile should have clear semantics and be simple to implement.


All projects are feasible given unrestrained resources and inestimable time. The analysis and design involve different module.

3.2. Notify user needs

Clients use notification rules to describe their data needs and express the utility they assign with data delivery. A notification rule extends the EventCondition-Action (ECA) structure in active databases and can be modified dynamically by the user.

2.1.1 Existing system A variety of emerging online data delivery applications challenge existing techniques for data delivery to human users, applications that are accessing data from multiple autonomous servers. The first approach is maximizes user utility under the strict setting of meeting a priori constraints on the usage of system resources. Disadvantage A Grid performance monitor tracks computational resources and notifies users of changes in system load and availability.

3.3 Execution Intervals and Monitoring

Once an event, specified in the trigger part of the notification rule, occurs, the trigger condition is immediately evaluated and if it is true, the notification is said to be executable.

3.4. Schedules and the Utility of Probing

In each execution interval, every resource referenced by s query Q is probed at least once. It is worth noting that each execution interval E () is associated with some (either update or periodical) event, and therefore, a schedule that satisfies the notification rule actually needs to capture every event required in . Examples of strict utility functions i nclude uniform (where utility is independent of delay)


Volume X, Issue X, Month Year


International Journal of Innovatory research in Engineering and Technology - IJIRET

and sliding window .Examples of nonstrict utility functions are linear and nonlinear decay functions.

3.5. Sup optimality

Probing at the last possible chronon ensures an optimal usage of system resources (probes) while still satisfying user profiles.

3.6. Identify best by Sup algorithm

We identify the best candidate chronons by delaying the probes of execution intervals to the last possible chronon in which the utility is still positive.

3)Model Management: This component contains two sub components that run in parallel, the Tracker and Modeler.Both run in the background and together are responsible for keeping the resources metadata knowledge baseup to date. The Tracker tracks resources in the metadata knowledge base and creates a history, i.e., a log of update events occurring at the server. 4) Schedule Management: The ProMo scheduler goes through the following process: The scheduler reacts to update events generated by the Event Manager; On an update event, the scheduler identifies a set of server capabilities that best covers the client notification rule.


Dual Framework used to address maximization of the probing, Minimizing the number of probes to sources is important for pull-based applications to conserve resources and improve scalability. Solutions that can adapt to changes in source behavior are also important due to the difficulty of predicting when updates occur. We believe that the main impact of this work will be in what is now known as the Internet of things, where sensor data are collected, analyzed, and utilized in many differentways, based on users needs. With the Internet of things,user profiles, and their satisfaction dictate the way data are utilized, and monitoring sensor data fficiently is a mandatory prerequisite to the creation of any information system that is based on such data.

Figure 4: Promo Framework Overview

Figure 4 describes the four main components of ProMo; they are the network layer, profile management, model management and schedule management. 1) Network Layer: All interactions between the ProMo proxy and clients or servers are done via TCP/IP connections.Both clients and servers submit their profiles to the ProMo proxy. 2) Profile Management: This component is responsible for registering client or server profiles in the proxy profilebase (PB). The profiles are then parsed and validated against the ProMo profile language specification.

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International Journal of Innovatory research in Engineering and Technology - IJIRET

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Volume X, Issue X, Month Year


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