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Day wise Training Schedule of Basics of Computers

Day 1
Opening Address by Tally Academy (TIPL, Bangalore) 1. Computers - An overview of computer and systems
a. Elements of Computer System, 1. Monitor, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), LED (Light Emitting Diode) 2. Keyboard, 3. Mouse 4. CPU (Central Processing Unit) Hardware & Software 1. Any Touchable and tangible parts called Hardware (Exp. Key, Mouse, HDD, MB.) 1. Application Software (an application is a computer program designed to help people perform an activity (Examples- accounting software, enterprise software, graphics software, media players, and office suites ..) 2. System Software - is the basic software needed for a computer to operate (Operating System Windows XP, Windows 7..) b. IPO Cycle - Input/ Output and Processing devices 1. Input Device Keyboard, Mouse, Touch Screen, Scanner 2. Processing Device CPU 3. Output Device Monitor, Speaker, Printer, 2. Elements of Central Processing Unit 1. MB Mother Board (Main Board) 2. Ram - Random Access Memory (Primary Memory/ Temporary Memory) 3. HDD Hard Disk Drive (Secondary Memory / Permanent Memory) (Storage Devise) 4. Processor 5. CD / DVD Rom (Compact Disc / Digital Versatile Disc) Read Only Memory 6. SMPS - Switch Mode Power Supply 7. Cabinet c. UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) d. USB (Universal Serial Bus) Drives (Pen Drives) 2. Software (Software can be grouped into a few categories )

: :

15 Minutes 45 Minutes

Basics of Computers


Day 2
2. Mouse and Keyboard Functions b. Mouse Pointer and Cursor c. Function of keyboard and their use a. Number Keys 0 to 9 b. Alphabet Keys a to z c. Symbol (Special Characters) d. Function Keys F1 to F12 e. Numerical Lock (Num Lock) f. Direction Keys g. Logo Keys h. Shortcut Keys i. j. l. Editing Keys Page View Keys Other Keys 10 Keys 26 Keys 11 Keys (+ Number Keys) 12 Keys 17 Keys 04 Keys (Up, Down, Right and Left) 02 Keys (Win. Logo Key, Popup Key) 02 Keys (Ctrl, Alt) 03 Keys (Back Space, Delete, Insert) 02 Keys (Pg up, Pg Down) 03 Keys (Home, End and Tab) 08 Keys (Esc, Caps, PS., SL, Pause, Shift, Enter, Space) : 1 Hours a. Using a mouse (single, double and triple click use and scroll button and their functions)

k. Cursor Jump Keys

Day 3
3. MS Windows - Operating System
a. Start, Shutdown and Restart to Computer b. Desktop (Wallpaper/ Background, Icons (Shortcut Desktop), Taskbar Start Button, Changing date and time) c. Recycle Bin Permanently Delete (Empty Recycle bin )and Restore Files d. My Computer Hard Disk Partitions and CD/DVD Rom e. My Documents Save files Storage f. Minimizing, Maximizing, Resizing and Closing Windows (Use and Shortcut Keys) 1. Title Bar, Menu Bar, Tools Bar, Working Area, Horizontal Scroll Bar, Vertical Scroll Bar and Status bar : 1 Hours

Day 4
g. Units of Computer (Bit, Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB & Peta byte) h. Capacity of CD (700MB or 80Min )& DVD (4.7GB or 120 Min) i. j. Data, Files, folders and drives Coping / moving files between folders and drives : 1Hours

k. Renaming, Deleting files and folders l. Searching, Finding files and folders

Day 5
: 1Hours

Basics of Computers


Day 6
4. Microsoft Word 2007
a. Creating a new word document b. Opening an existing document and Saving a document c. typing a text, cut, copying and moving text, deleting, finding and replacing : 1 Hours

Day 7
PRITICAL Assignment - 1
: 1Hours

Day 8
d. Alignment Right, Center, Left and Justifying texts

1 Hours

e. Bold, Italics, Underline, Strike, Double Strike, Text Highlight Color and Coloring text f. Selecting Font and Change Font Sizes g. Printing of a documents, Using Print Preview, Set - margins, page size, portrait and landscape

Day 9
PRITICAL Assignment - 2
: 1Hours

Day 10
h. Inserting Symbol, shapes, picture, Clipart, Word art i. j. Using Bullet Lists, Using Header and footer, Inserting Page number Shapes Style, Fill Color, Outline Color, Shadow Effect, Text Wrapping and Rotate Shapes : 1 Hours

Day 11
PRITICAL Assignment - 3
: 1Hours

Day 12
a. Using and manipulating tables, draw and erase table b. Inserting & Deleting of rows and columns, Shading & Line Color c. Split Cell, Merge Cell and Split Table d. Alignment, Change Text Direction, Shorting Data, Border, Line Style & Weight

1 Hours

Day 13
PRITICAL Assignment 4 or Assignment - 5
: 1Hours

Basics of Computers


Day 14
5. Microsoft Excel 2007 a. Cell, Row and Colum (Name Define) b. Creating, Renaming, Inserting and Deleting worksheets in a workbook c. Formulas (Sum, Maximize, Minimize, Average, Count, Today, Now, Days, If, Roman, Round, Rank, Percentage, Upper, Lower, Proper and more) : 1 Hours

Day 15
: 1Hours

Day 16
d. Manipulation of a cell, row and column 1. (deleting, inserting, finding, replacing, copying and moving) e. Justifying in a cell, Merging cells and columns, Wrap text f. Using and manipulating tables, inserting / deleting of rows and columns g. Short and filter : 1 Hours

Day 17
: 1Hours

Day 18
h. Sorting Columns i. j. Using Header and footer, Inserting Page number Border and Shading of cells, rows and columns : 1 Hours

k. Formatting page, margins, page size, portrait and landscape

Day 19
: 1Hours

Day 20
l. Selecting area for printing, 1. Printing of a worksheet and workbooks, Using print preview m. Copy / moving text between two different worksheets and workbooks n. Shortcuts for various activities in MS Excel : 1 Hours

Day 21
: 1Hours

Basics of Computers


Day 22
6. MS PowerPoint
a. Creating a new presentation b. Opening an existing presentation c. Editing and saving a presentation d. Formatting Presentation Slide layout, Slide Design, Slide background : 1 Hours

Day 23
: 1Hours

Day 24
e. Inserting symbols, chart, tables, pictures, videos and audios f. Inserting page number, date and time g. Different types of views h. Preparing for a slide show animation schemes i. Printing slides, handout and notes pages : 1 Hours

Day 25
: 1Hours

Day 26
7. Question Answer Session 8. Assessment and Feedback 9. Closing remarks by Academy Student : 15 Minutes : 35 Minutes : 10 Minutes

Basics of Computers


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