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1. Making of two varieties of a cattle breed like Red Dane which have no common ancestors on either sides of their pedigree up to 4 6 generations is an example for !1" #nbreeding !$" %ross breeding !&" 'ut crossing !4" #nter(specific h)bridi*ation Ans: (3) #nbreeding involves mating of males and females of the same breeds closel) related to each other. %ross breeding involves mating of males and females of two different breeds. #nter( specific h)bridi*ation mating of males and females of two different species. $. #dentif) the hormones+ ,-.+ ,/. and ,%. that are labelled in the given flow chart0 !1" -( 1nR2+ / ( #%32+ % 432 !$" -( 12+ / ( 432+ % 52

!&" -( 1nR2+ / ( 6R5+ % #%32 !4" -( 1nR2+ / ( 432+ % 52


Ans: (4)

/ ';-R9 ';:M

% 7<37#3 -8DR'1<83


Statement (A): 6hotorespiration decreases photos)nthetic output. Statement (B): #n photorespirator) pathwa)+ neither -76 nor 8-D62 is produced. !1" /oth the statements - and / are correct !$" /oth the statements - and / are wrong !&" 3tatement !-" is correct and statement !/" is wrong !4" 3tatement !/" is correct and statement !-" is wrong Ans: (1) 6hotorespiration light dependent reaction in %(& plants where ox)gen is consumed and carbon dioxide is reduced. 4. #dentif) the incorrect statement from the following0 !1" 7he reservoir pool for phosphorus c)cle is earth.s crust whereas atmosphere is the reservoir pool for carbon c)cle. !$" During carbon c)cle and 6hosphorus c)cle+ there is ver) little respirator) release of carbon and phosphorus respectivel) !&" -tmospheric inputs of phosphorus throughout rainfall are much smaller than carbon inputs. !4" 1aseous exchanges of phosphorus between organism and environment are negligible. Ans: (2)
=. 7he result of the following reaction> experiment carried out b) -ver) et. -l. on Streptococcus pneumoniac has proved conclusivel) that D8- is the genetic material? !1" 5ive ,R. strain @ D8- from ,3. strain @ D8-ase !$" 2eat killed ,R. strain @ D8- from ,3. strain @ D8-ase !&" 5ive ,R. strain @ D8- from ,3. strain @ R8-ase !4" 5ive ,R. strain @ Denatured D8- of ,3. strain @ protease Ans: (1) 5ive ,R. strain @ D8- from ,3. strain @ D8-ase ( ,3. strain is not formed Match the storage products listed under %olumn # with the organisms given under %olumn ##? choose the appropriate option from the given choices. Column I (A) (B) (C) (D) 1l)cogen 6)renoids 5aminarin and mannitol 4loridean starch (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) !1" !-" !$" !-" !&" !-" !4" !-" Ans: (3) B. !r"? !/" !s"? !%" !p"? !D" !t" !s"? !/" !r"? !%" !t"? !D" !A" !t"? !/" !s"? !%" !p"? !D" !r" !A"? !/" !p"? !%" !s"? !D" !r" Column II Sargassum Nostoc Polysiphonia Spirogyra Agaricus


#dentif) the desirable characteristics for a plasmid used in rD8- technolog) from the following0 -. -bilit) to multipl) and express outside the host in a bioreactor /. - highl) active promoter %. - site at which replication can be initiated D. 'ne or more identifiable marker genes <. 'ne or more uniAue restriction sites !1" -+ % and < onl) !$" /+ % and < onl) !&" -+ %+ D and < onl) !4" /+ %+ D and < onl) Ans: (4) C. Dhich compounds were used b) Miller in his experiment for obtaining amino acids and other organic substancesE !1" %arbon dioxide+ water vapour and methane !$" Methane+ ammonia+ water vapour and h)drogen c)anide !&" -mmonia+ methane+ h)drogen and water vapour !4" -mmonia+ methane and carbon dioxide Ans: (3) 3timulated reducing atmosphere is maintained b) Miller and ox)gen is not used in the experiment.
F. Dhich of the following is true for eutrophicated water bod)E !1" 2igh mineral content !$" 2igh ox)gen content !$" Rich species diversit) !4" 5ow organic content Ans: (1) 8utrient enrichment of water bod) is called eutrophication. 1G. #:Ds which are used b) females !1" act as spermicidal Hellies !$" block the entr) of sperms into vagina !&" are implanted under the skin and the) release progestogen and estrogen !4" release copper ions in the uterus that increase phagoc)tosis of sperms Ans: (4) #nert intrauterine devices release copper ion in the uterus that increases phagoc)tosis of sperms 11. Dhich of the following hormones are secreted in large Auantities during pregnanc) in womenE !1" h%1+ progesterone+ estradiol and 432 !$" h%1+ h65+ progesterone+ estrogen and 52 !&" 52+ estrogen and estradiol !4" h%1 and h65 Ans: (4) 432 and 52 secreted b) anterior pituitar)+ during pregnanc) progesterone inhibits secretion of 1nR2. 1$. 7he kind of coelom represented in the diagram given below is characteristic of 0 !1" !$" !&" !4" <arthworm %ockroach Round worm 7ape worm

Ans: (3) Round worms are pseudocoelomates belong to the ph)lum -schelmenthes. 1&. Dith respect to angiosperms+ identif) the incorrect pair from the following 0 !1" -ntipodals $n !$" ;egetative cell of male gametoph)te n !&" 6rimar) endosperm nucleus &n !4" %ells of nucellus of ovule $n Ans: (1) -ntipodals of embr)o sac are haploid in nature. 14. Statement A: 4or a particular character in an individual+ each gamete gets onl) one allele. Statement B: %hromatids of a chromosome split !separate" and move towards opposite pole during anaphase of mitosis. !1" /oth the statements are correct and / is the reason for -. !$" /oth the statements are correct and / is not the reason for -. !&" 3tatement !-" is correct and statement !/" is wrong !4" 3tatement !/" is correct and statement !-" is wrong
Ans: (2) 3eparation of factors takes place during gamete formation and during gametogenesis meiosis takes place. 1=. #nternal bleeding+ muscular pain+ blockage of the intestinal passage and anemia are some of the s)mptoms caused due to infection b) !1" Wuchereria !$" Trichophyton !&" Ascaris !4" Plasmodium Ans: (3) Ascaris infects intestine. Wuchereria causes filariasis. Trichophyton causes ringworm. Plasmodium causes malaria. 16. R8- interference which is emplo)ed in making tobacco plant resistant to Meloidegyne incognita is essentiall) involved in !1" preventing the process of translation of mR8!$" preventing the process of transcription !&" preventing the process of replication of D8!4" preventing the process of splicing of hnR8Ans: (1) /iological process in which R8- molecules inhibit gene expression b) causing destruction of mR8-. 1B. 7he success of mammals on earth is largel) because ? !1" 7he) can conform to the changes in the environment. !$" 7he) can reduce metabolic activit) and go into a state of dormanc) during unfavourable conditions in the environment. !&" 7he) have the abilit) to maintain constant bod) temperature. !4" 7he) can take care of their )oung ones as the) have mammar) glands to suckle them. Ans: (4) 1C. Dhich one of the following hormones also produces ant(inflammator) reactions in man and suppresses the immune response in addition to its primar) functionsE !1" %ortisol !$" 7h)mosin !&" 7h)rocalcitonin !4" <r)thropoietin Ans: (1) #t is glucocorticoid secreted b) *ona fasciculata of adrenal cortex. 1F. Match the microbial products listed under %olumn(# with the related miscrobes given under %olumn ##? choose the appropriate option from the given choices. Column I (A) (B) (C) (D) %itric acid %)closporin 3tatin 1obar gas (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) Column II Methanobacterium Monascus purpureus Aspergillus niger Trichoderma polysporum Clostridium butylicum

!1" !-" !r"? !/" !s"? !%" !A"? !D" !p" !$" !-" !t"? !/" !A"? !%" !s"? !D" !r" !&" !-" !A"? !/" !s"? !%" !t"? !D" !r" !4" !-" !r"? !/" !s"? !%" !A"? !D" !t" Ans: (1)
$G. Marchantia is considered as a heterothallic plant because it is !1" 2eterogametic !$" /isexual !&" Monoecious !4" Dioecious Ans: (4) Marchantia is dioecious where the male plant bears -ntheriodiophore+ female plants bears -rchegoniophore. $1. #dentif) the set of characteristics related to plants belonging to famil) 4abaceae from the following 0 !1" -ctinomorphic flower+ s)ncarpous ovar) and marginal placentation !$" 6ersistent cal)x+ epipetalous stamens and leguminous fruit !&" 6apilionaceous corolla+ axile placentation and leguminous fruit !4" vexillar) aestivation of corolla+ diadelphous stamens and monocarpellar)+ unilocular ovar) Ans: (4) 6lants belonging to the famil) 4abaceae shows descending imbricate aestivation of corolla+ stamens 1G !!F" @ 1 condition" and marginal placentation. $$. 'ne of the following statements is incorrect with reference to biodiversit). #dentif) it. !1" /iodiversit) increases with higher altitudes to lower altitudes !$" Depletion in genetic diversit) of crop plants is mainl) due to the introduction of better varieties with high )ield+ disease resistance+ etc. !&" 7he richest reservoirs of animal and plant life !species richness" with few or no threatened species are called Ibiodiversit) hotspotsJ. !4" /iodiversit) decreases from the eAuator to polar regions. Ans: (1) $&. #n castor and mai*e plants+ KKKK !1" autogam) is prevented but not geitonogam) !$" both autogom) and geitonogam) are prevented !&" male and female flowers are borne b) different plants !4" the anthers and stigma are placed at different positions to encourage cross pollination Ans: (1) #n mai*e and castor flowers are unisexual. -utogam) and geitonogam) are prevented in Carica papaya $4. #n garden pea+ round shape of seeds is dominant over wrinkled shape. - pea plant hetero*)gous for round shape of seed is selfed and 16GG seeds produced during the cross are subseAuentl) geminated. 2ow man) seedlings would have the parental phenot)peE !1" 16GG !$" CGG !&" 4GG !4" 1$GG Ans: (1) #n 4$ generation total number of plants produced are 16GG !both dominant and recessive individuals" $=. Dhich of the following events would occur in ,5ac(operon. of <. coli when the growth medium has high concentration of lactoseE !1" 7he structural genes fail to produce pol)cistronic mR8-. !$" 7he repressor protein binds to R8- pol)merase and prevents translation. !&" 7he repressor protein attaches to the promoter seAuence and derepresses the operator. !4" 7he inducer molecule binds to repressor protein and R8- pol)merase binds to promoter seAuence. Ans: (4) #nducer !lactose" binds to repressor proteins brings about conformational changes of repressor protein.
$6. 7he mature infective stages of malarial parasite which are transferred from mosAuito to man are KKK.. . !1" 3poro*oites !$" Mero*oites !&" 7ropho*oites !4" 1ametoc)tes Ans: (1) #t is found from *)gote b) multiple fusion are found in the salivar) glands of mosAuito. $B. 'ne of the following refers to -llen.s rule0 !1" #f the stressful conditions are locali*ed or remain onl) for a short duration+ an organism either migrates or suspends itself. !$" Mammals from colder climates have shorter ears and limbs to minimi*e heat loss. !&" -n organism can move form a stressful habitat to a more hospitable area and return when the stressful period is over. !4" 5ow atmospheric pressure in higher altitudes results in altitude sickness. Ans: (2) $C. #dentif) the D8- segment which is not a palindromic seAuence0 !1" =. 1--77% &. &. %77--1 =. !$" =. %%%111 =. &. 111%%% &. !&" =. 11-7%% &. &. 117-%% =. !4" =. 1%11%%1% &. &. %1%%11%1 =. Ans: (3) 3eAuence of nitrogen bases that reads same in =L to &L and &L to =L of complementar) strand of double helix. $F. During somatic h)bridi*ation in plants+ KKKK . !1" somaclones are produced in large numbers !$" the apical meristems are cultured to get virus(free plants !&" the cell walls and the middle lamella are digested before fusing the cells !4" crop plants with higher levels of vitamins+ proteins and minerals are h)bridised Ans: (3) #n somatic h)bridi*ation plant protoplast are used. 7he) are obtained b) treating the plant cells with cellulase and pectinase. &G. Statement A: 7he secretion of collaterial gland forms the egg case in cockroach. Statement B: 7he development in cockroach in hemimetabolous. !1" /oth the statements - and / are correct and / is the reason for -. !$" /oth the statements - and / are correct and / is not the reason for -. !&" 3tatement - is correct and statement / is wrong. !4" 3tatement / is correct and statement - is wrong. Ans: (2) %ollaterial gland present between the third and fourth abdominal segment of female cockroach that forms egg case. 2emimetabolous t)pe of development is incomplete metamorphosis in which )oung does not resemble the adult. 5ife c)cles includes three stages namel) egg+ n)mph and adults. &1. #f a plant produces flowers when exposed onl) to alternating periods of = hours light and & hours dark in a $4 hour c)cle+ then the plant should be a KKK. . !1" 3hort da) plant !$" 5ong da) plant !&" 3hort(long da) plant !4" Da) neutral plant
Ans: (2) 5ong da) plants have photoperiod more than 1$ hours per da). &$. #f there was no carbon dioxide in the earth.s atmosphere+ the temperature of the earth.s surface would be KKK. . !1" same as the present level !$" more than the present level !&" less than the present level !4" dependent on the ox)gen content in the atmosphere Ans: (3) %arbon dioxide is the maHor green house gas trapping heat on earth surface. &&. 'ne of the following is incorrect about cancer cells0 !1" 7he) exhibit the propert) of contact inhibition. !$" 7he) are metastatic. !&" 7he) exhibit mass proliferation. !4" 7he) are produced when cellular oncogenes of normal cells are activated. Ans: (1) 7he cancerous cells have no contact inhibition. 7he) spread from one part of bod) to other. 2ere proto(oncogene is activated into oncogene and tumour suppressor gene is inactivated b) mutations. &4. 7he centrosome duplicates during the KKK. . !1" 3 phase of cell c)cle !$" 11 phase of cell c)cle !4" 6rophase of cell c)cle !&" 1$ phase of cell c)cle Ans: (1) 7his is in the phase of D8- s)nthesis. &=. Match the items listed under %olumn # with those given under %olumn ##? %hoose the appropriate option form the given choices. Column I Residula ;olume !R;" #nspirator) Reserve ;olume !#R;" ;ital %apacit) !;%" <xpirator) Reserve ;olume !<R;" #nspirator) %apacit) !#%" Column II 4GGG ml 46GG 11GG ml 1$GG 1GGG ml 11GG &GGG ml &=GG $=GG ml &GGG

-. /. %. D. <.

6. M. R. 3. 7.

ml ml ml ml ml

!1" - M? / R? % 3? D 7? < 6. !&" - 7? / M? % 3? D R? < 6. Ans: (4)

!$" - R? / 7? % 6? D M? < 3. !4" - M? / 7? % 6? D R? < 3.

&6. Dhich of the following statements is correctE !1" <laioplasts store starch whereas aleuroplasts store proteins. !$" -crocentric chromosomes have onl) one arm. !&" 7he core of cilium or flagellum is the basal bod). !4" Membranous extensions into the c)toplasm in c)anobacteria which contain pigments are called chromatophores. Ans: (3) %illia and flagella originate from basal bod). %hromatophores are pigment(containing and light(reflecting organelles in cells of wide range of animals.
&B. 3ickle cell anaemia is caused due to the substitution of KKK. . !1" ;aline at the 6th position of alpha globin chain b) glutamic acid !$" 1lutamic acid at the 6th position of beta globin chain b) valine !&" ;aline at the 6th position of beta globin chain b) glutamine !4" 1l)cine at the 6th position of alpha globin chain b) glutamic acid Ans: (2) &C. Statement A: 7he primar) transcript produced in eukar)otes is translated without undergoing an) modification or processing. Statement B: 7he hnR8- in humans has exons and introns. !1" /oth the statements - and / are correct !$" /oth the statements - and / are wrong. !&" 3tatement / is correct and statement - is wrong. !4" 3tatement - is correct and statement / is wrong. Ans: (3) 7he primar) transcript undergoes splicing+ capping and tailing in eukar)otes. &F. Nnee Hoint is an example for KKKKK . !1" /all and socket Hoint !$" 2inge Hoint !&" 6ivot Hoint !4" 1liding Hoint Ans: (2) !1" is between humerus and pectoral girdle. !&"is between atlas and axis !4" is present between carpals. 4G. %arefull) read the following reactions carried out b) nitrogen fixing bacteria. #dentif) the statement about these eAuations which is not true0
@ $2@ @ $2$' KKK.. !-" $82& @ &'$ $ NO2 @ '$ $ NO3 KKK. !/" $ NO2

!1" 3tep !-" is carried out b) Nitrosomonas or Nitrococcus. !$" 3tep !/" is carried out b) Nitrobacter. !&" /oth the steps !-" and !/" can be called nitrification. !4" /oth the steps occur onl) in photoautotrophs. Ans: (3) 7hese bacteria convert the ammonia into nitrite. 41. Match the vegetative propagules listed under %olumn(# with the plants given under %olumn(##? choose the appropriate option from the given choices. Column I / % D Rhi*ome 'ffset 3ucker 5eaf buds p A r s t !1" - r+ / s+ % p+ D A !&" - r+ / t+ % s+ D A Ans: (3) Column II Agave Bryophyllum 1inger Chrysanthemum Eichhornia !$" - s+ / t+ % A+ D r !4" - A+ / p+ % t+ D s
4$. 'ne of the following causes population explosion0 !1" Decrease in death rate+ maternal mortalit) rate and infant mortalit) rate !$" Decrease in death rate and increase in maternal mortalit) rate !&" Decrease in infant mortalit) rate and increase in death rate !4" Decrease in infant mortalit) rate and decrease in the number of people in reproductive age. Ans: (1) 4&. are the most abundant proteins in the living worls. !1" Ribo*)me of plants and collagen of animals !$" Ru/is%' of plants and collagen of animals !&" 6<6 case of plants and keratin of animals !4" -lcohol deh)drogenase of plants and melanin of animals Ans: (2) 44. 'ne of the chief reasons among the following for the depletion in the number of species making it endangered is !1" 1reenhouse effect !$" 2abitat destruction !&" 'ver(hunting and poaching !4" %ompetition and predation Ans: (2) 2abitat destruction and habitat fragmentation are the maHor reasons are depletion of species diversit). 4=. #n humans+ what is the ratio of number of gametes produced from one male primar) sex cell to the number of gametes produced from one female primar) sex cellE !1" 1 0 1 !$" 1 0 & !&" 1 0 4 !4" 4 0 1 Ans: (4) 4our sperms are formed from one primar) spermatoc)te but onl) one egg is formed from primar) ooc)te. 46. #dentif) the incorrect statement from the following0 !1" 6)ramid of energ) is mostl) upright+ but sometimes it ma) be inverted !$" 6)ramids of number and biomass ma) be either upright or inverted !&" 6)ramid of biomass in sea is generall) inverted as the biomass of fish far exceeds that of ph)toplanktons !4" 4ood chains are generall) short with few trophic levels as onl) 1GO of the energ) is transferred to each trophic level from the lower trophic level. Ans: (1) 7his is due to ## law of thermod)namics. 4B. Match the organic compounds listed under %olumn( # with the explanation given under %olumn(##? choose the appropriate option from the given choices. Column I / % D 6hosphoenol p)ruvate !6<6" Ribulose biphosphate !Ru/6" 'xaloacetic acid !'--" -cet)l co(en*)me p A r s t Column II 6 carbon compound $ carbon compound 4 carbon compound = carbon compound & carbon compound
!1" - r+ / s+ % t+ D p !&" - t+ / s+ % r+ D A Ans: (3) !$" - A+ / r+ % s+ D t !4" - t+ / p+ % A+ D r

4C. Down.s s)ndrome is an example for !1" -neuploid) of sex chromosome !$" -neuploid) of autosome !&" 3)ndrome caused due to gene mutation !4" 5oss of one sex chromosome from the diploid set Ans: (2) 2ere+ there is extra $1st chromosome. 4F. 7he interaction between the organisms of one of the following pairs is an example for commensalism0 !1" Dasps and fig tree !$" %uckoo and crow !&" %attle or sheep and grass !4" 'rchid and mango tree Ans: (4) 2ere 'rchid gets support but mango is neither harmed nor benefitted. =G. 7he germ pores in the pollen grain are the regions !1" 7hat can withstand high temperature and strong acids and alkalies !$" 7hrough which sperms are released into the female gametoph)te !&" Dhich are made up of lignin and suberin !4" Dhich lack sporopollenin Ans: (4) 7his is the region without exine. =1. 2eroin is !1" - cannabinoid !$" Diacet)lmorphine !chemicall)" !&" %ommonl) called ,coke. or ,crack. !4" :sed to treat mental illnesses like depression and insomnia Ans: (2) #t is s)nthesi*e from diac)t)lation of morphine =$. 7horns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita are examples for !1" %onvergent evolution !$" Divergent evolution !&" -daptive radiation !4" %o(evolution Ans: (2) 7he) are homologous. =&. 3ome of the steps of D8- fingerprinting are given below. #dentif) the correct seAuence from the options given0 -. <lectrophoresis of D8- fragments /. 2)bridisation with D8- probe %. Digestion of D8- b) R<8s D. -utoradiograph) <. /lotting of D8- fragments to nitrocellulose membrane !1" % - < / ( D !$" - % < D / !&" % - / < D !4" - < % / D Ans: (1)
=4. ,4locks. is !1" 7he primar) sludge produced in sewage treatment !$" - t)pe of biofortified food !&" - mesh(like structure formed b) the association of bacteria and fungal filaments in sewage treatment !4" 7he effluent in primar) treatment tank obtained during sewage treatment Ans: (3) ==. -D- deficienc) results in !1" #ncreased risk of infertilit) !$" #nabilit) of the immune s)stem to function normall) !&" %hromosomal disorders !4" Decrease in the )ield of crop plants Ans: (2) #t is called 3%#D !3evere %ombined #mmuno Deficienc) Disease" =6. 6arbhani kranti+ a variet) of bhindi !lad).s finger"+ is resistant to !1" /acterial blight !$" )ellow mosaic virus !&" /lack rot !4" 5eaf curl Ans: (2) =B. 7he globular head of m)osin contains !1" %alcium ions in large Auantities !$" 7roponin !&" -76ase en*)me !4" -76 Ans: (3) M)osin head has actin binding site and -76 binding site. =C. <coR# is !1" a restriction en*)me !$" a plasmid !&" used to Hoin two D8- fragments !4" the abbreviation for bacterium Escherichia coli Ans: (2) =F. ,RoAuefort cheese. is ripened b) using a !1" 7)pe of )east !$" 4ungus Ans: (2)

!&" /acterium

!4" %)anobacteria

6G. #n this diagram showing the 5.3. of an embr)o of grass+ identif) the answer having the correct combination of alphabets with the right part0 !1" - Root cap+ / %oleoptile+ % 3cutellum+ D %oleorhi*a+ < <piblast+ 4 3hoot apex !$" - 3hoot apex+ / <piblast+ % %oleorhi*a+ D 3cutellum+ < %oleoptile+ < Radicle !&" - <piblast+ / 3cutellum+ % %oleoptile+ D Radicle+ < %oleorhi*a+ 4 3hoot apex !4" - <piblast+ / Radicle+ % %oleoptile+ D 3cutellum+ < %oleorhi*a+ 4 3hoot apex Ans: (4)


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