Nora in Her Fantasy Land

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Nora in her fantasy land Characters: 1. Nora 2. Mr. Rabbit 3. Baby Tiger 4. Mother Willow 5. Dr. S !irrel ".

#$gelic %ily &. %io$ Sce$e 1 Story li$e: This is a story abo!t a girl $a'e Nora. She is 1( years ol). She has got a *ery i'agi$ati*e 'i$) a$) lo*es to +a$tasi,e abo!t al'ost e*erythi$g. She li*es i$ a s'all tow$ b!t yet *ery a'bitio!s. Nora o+te$ s-e$)s her ti'e i$ the +orest at the bac. o+ her *illage. Nora )oes $ot ha*e 'a$y +rie$)s. She e$/oys bei$g i$ her ow$ worl). She +i$)s -leas!re i$ si$gi$g her heart o!t i$ the +orest Nora0s -rese$ce was always welco'e) by all the a$i'als a$) the $at!re. Bir)s chir-e) aro!$) her a$) the trees swaye) with /oy alo$g her /o!r$ey. Nora e$/oye) e*ery 'o'e$t bei$g i$ the +orest a$) o+te$ sa$g to e$tertai$ the a$i'als. So$g: 1. 1$tro so$g o+ the +orest2 *e$ga boys 2. Nora0s so$g2 3o! are 'y s!$shi$e4'y o$ly s!$shi$e.. 3o! 'a.e 'e ha--y e*ery 'o'e$t o+ 'y li+e.. 5h )ear tree6 why )oes$0t a$yo$e !$)ersta$)s 'e4.. 1 wish 1 was /!st li.e yo! sta$)i$g high i$ the s.y.. 3. Mother willow2 5h little chil) why ! loo. so gloo'y7 3o!0*e co'e to o!r la$) +orget all worries.. Co'e little chil) lets si$g together4.. 4. #ll si$g a so$g2 the start o+ so'ethi$g $ew

1 .$ow that so'ethi$g has cha$ge) Ne*er +elt this way4 #$) right here to$ight 1t0s a start o+ so'ethi$g $ew4 1t0s +eel so right to be here with yo!4oh.. #$) $ow loo.i$g i$ yo!r eyes4 1 +eel i$ 'y heart the start o+ so'ethi$g $ew... Sce$e 2 Nora was wo$)eri$g aro!$) the /!$gle6 $ot .$owi$g where to go a$) who to as.. #s she was wal.i$g6 she hear) so'eo$e cryi$g. She loo.e) aro!$) searchi$g +or the *oice. Nora : Why are yo! cryi$g7 Baby tiger : 1 a' so sa). 1 'iss 'y '!'. Nora : Where is yo!r '!'7 Baby tiger : 1 )o$0t .$ow. 10' lost. Nora : Do$0t cry 'y +rie$). 1 will hel- yo! to +i$) where yo!r 'other is. Co'e a$) +ollow 'e. So6 Nora a$) baby tiger starts wal.i$g6 tryi$g to +i$) where 'other tiger will be. The$ they hear) a *oice as.i$g +or hel-. #$gelic %ily Baby tiger Nora #$gelic %ily Nora #$gelic lily Nora4 Nora +rie$). : 8el-4hel-4 : Nora4loo.s at that si)e. %oo.4 : 5h4'y lily4what ha--e$ to yo!7 : 1 a' so sa). So'eo$e has ta.e$ away 'y +rie$). : 3o!r6 what7 : My +rie$). We ha*e bee$ together si$ce we were bor$. 8el- 'e : Co'e a$) +ollow baby tiger a$) 'e to go a$) search +or yo!r

Nora6 baby tiger a$) #$gelic %ily wal. a$) wal. till they 'et Dr. S !irrel. Dr. S !irrel Nora Baby tiger #$gelic %ily Dr. S !irrel Baby tiger : 5h4hi there7 Where are yo! all goi$g to7 : 1 a' +i$)i$g 'y way bac.. : 1 a' lost a$) 1 wa$t to +i$) 'y 'other. : 1 wa$t to +i$) 'y +rie$). : 8''4let 'e see what 1 ca$ hel- yo! all7 : 5h4tha$. yo!.

Nora : Dr S !irrel6 )o yo! .$ow where is 9g. Bar!7 1 li*e) there. Dr S !irrel : 5h.. 1 we$t there 3 )ays ago. 1t0s terrible. :eo-le throw r!bbish e*erywhere. The -lace is s'elly a$) )!sty. 8ow ca$ yo! li*e there7 Nora : 14 1 )o$0t .$ow. So6 yo! ca$ show the way to 'y -lace7 Mr Rabbit : 5h4 10' late. 10' late. Dr S !irrel : 8i there Mr Rabbit. Where are yo! goi$g7 Mr Rabbit : 10' goi$g +or a -arty i$ the gar)e$ o+ +lower. Charis'a carol i$*ite) 'e #$gelia %ily : 5h4'y +rie$)0s $a'e. 3o! .$ow her Mr Rabbit7 Mr Rabbit : 1 )o$0t .$ow. 5h4. 10' late. ;r!$< #$gelic %ily : Mr Rabbit4 Mr Rabbit4 10' goi$g to +ollow hi'. Baby tiger : Wait4 8ow abo!t 'e7 Nora : Co'e baby tiger lets +ollow her. #$gelic %ily6 Baby tiger a$) Nora r!$ a+ter Mr Rabbit. They ra$ a$) ra$ till they reache) to a gar)e$ +!ll o+ +lowers. Witho!t waiti$g +or lo$g6 they e$tere) the gar)e$. They )o $ot $otice the sig$ boar) =No >$try?. #s they are e$teri$g the 'ai$ gate6 e*erythi$g see's to be *ery !iet. 1t0s so cal' a$) -eace+!l b!t the +eeli$g is scary. They co!l) $ot hear a$) so!$) or breathi$g. They o$ly ca$ hear their +ootste-s. Baby tiger a$) #$gelic lily co'e close to Nora. Nora ca$ +eel that tho!sa$) o+ eyes are loo.i$g at the' b!t she see $o o$e. Nora s!))e$ly sto-s. Nora : Where is e*erybo)y7 Baby tiger : 8ello4a$ybo)y ho'e7 Nora : Sssshhh4 !iet. So'ethi$g 'ay ha*e ha--e$ here. #$gelic lily : Where is 'y +rie$)7 Baby tiger : Ssshh4. #$gelic lily : ;the $a'e o+ +rie$)< ;sho!t< Baby tiger: 1 sai) !iet. ;sho!t< Nora : 3o! two4 be !iet. %iste$. 8owe*er they co!l) $ot hear a$ythi$g. #$y so!$)s. Not e*e$ the wi$). >*erythi$g see's to be +ree,i$g. S!))e$ly they saw Mr. Rabbit. R!$$i$g a$) hol)i$g a -a-er. They trie) to call hi' b!t he co!l) $ot hear the'. Baby tiger: What are we goi$g to )o $ow7 Nora: 1 )o$0t .$ow4let0s go a$) +i$) Mr. Rabbit. S!))e$ly they hear) a lio$0s roar. They were *ery ha--y. %io$: Well4well who e$tere) the @No >$try0 ,o$e7 Baby tiger : 584 A$cle %io$. Where is 'y 'other7

1g$ori$g the baby tiger !estio$6 he loo.s )ee- i$to Nora0s eye. The a$ger +ro' his eyes was bla,i$g li.e a +ire. %io$ : 3o!4h!'a$. What are yo! )oi$g here7 Do yo! wa$t to .ill 'y -eo-le agai$7 >$o!ghB Baby tiger4. #$gelic %ily4. Co'e here. 3o!r +rie$) a$) 'other are here. Co'e..6this h!'a$ 'ight .ill yo!. Baby tiger: 10' sorry Nora41 wa$t to go to 'y 'other. Co'e let0s go %ily. Nora : Wait41 will $ot .ill yo!. 1 lo*e a$i'al a$) +rie$)s.3o! are 'y +rie$)s. %io$ : 5h4 1 )o$0t care. Baby tiger6 #$gelic %ily )o$0t liste$ to her. 3o! h!'a$6 yo! .ill 'y a$i'als6 c!t )ow$ the trees. Do b!il)i$g o$ 'y la$). #$) $ow we ha*e $o -lace to go. 8ow )are yo! h!'a$7 #$gelic %ily: 8ow )are yo! h!'a$7 Baby tiger4co'e o$. Nora is a h!'a$ a$) she 'ight has bee$ lyi$g to yo!. #$) at the e$) o+ the )ay4she 'ight .ill yo!. Nora : B!t6 it0s $ot 'y +a!lt. 10' sorry. Baby tiger a$) #$gelic %ily r!$ towar)s lio$. Nora is still as.i$g +or +orgi*e$ess howe*erC lio$ )oes $ot wa$t to hear a$y reaso$s +ro' Nora. 8e grabs Nora0s ha$) a$) -!lle) her $ear hi'. Nora screa's +or hel- b!t her *oice ca$$ot be hear). %io$ : 8a..ha4ha.. Nobo)y ca$ hear yo!. This is what yo! recei*e a+ter )oi$g all the @ba)0 thi$gs to o!r e$*iro$'e$t. Nora : No4 it0s $ot 'e. %io$ : B!t4. 1t0s yo!r .i$). So6 yo!0re g!ilty too. Nora : No4 S!))e$ly6 Nora sli-s -ot +ro' the lio$0s ha$). Whe$ Nora has this cha$ce6 she r!$s +or her li+e. She r!$s a$) r!$s !$til she reaches a big tree. Mother Willow : My chil)6 what ha--e$e)7 Nora : 5h.. 8el- 'e Mother Willow. 1 )o$0t .$ow that we6 h!'a$ are )estroyi$g the e$*iro$'e$t. 10' sorry6 1 )o$0t .$ow. Mother Willow : ;si$g<.. %iste$ with yo!r heart. 3o! will !$)ersta$) ;colors o+ the wi$) so$g< Nora : 1 !$)ersta$). 10ll start to cha$ge the worl) by hel-i$g to .ee- o!r $atio$ clea$. T8> >ND

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