Bali Bible

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2005 Edition

Photo Taken By: Dutchbird Wybe 2004

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Thank you Tear-eema Car-see Terima Kasih Goodbye Selamat Tinggal Response to Salamat datang (thank you) Matur suksimu. Good morning (to about 10am) Salamat pagee Between 10 to 2 Salamat siang Good afternoon 2 to 6 Salamat soree Good night Salamat malam Goodbye Salamat tingaal Bye bye (informal) Salamat jalan How are you? Apa kabar Thanks for the gift. It's very kind of you.Terima kasih atas hadiah anda. Anda baik hati sekali. Excuse me for being late. Excuse me for interrupting. Ma'afkan, saya terlambat. Ma'afkan, saya mengganggu. Excuse me for a moment. May I be excused? Ma'afkan saya sebentar. Bolehkah saya tidak ikut serta? I beg your pardon. Saya mohon ma'af. or Ma'afkan saya. Excuse me, what did you say? Ma'af, apa yang anda katakan? I'm sorry, I can't help you. Ma'af, saya tidak dapat menolong anda. Insults When pigs fly Nantikan kuar bertelur I wasnt born yesterday Saya bukan anak kemarin You wish Enak aja Yes/no etc Good Bagus yes ya (Dutch spelling and pronunciation) no tidak (with an adjective or verb) or bukan (with a noun) I do not have... Saya tidak punya... There is... There is not... Ada... Tidak ada... Yes, you're right. Ya, anda benar. It seems wrong. It's not necessary. Rupanya salah. Ini tidak penting. In my opinion. That's right. Saya rasa or saya kira or menurut saya. Itu betul or Itu benar. You're wrong. Anda salah. It's possible. It's not possible. To be able. Mungkin. Tidak mungkin. Bisa or dapat (may) or boleh I'm glad to hear it. Saya senang mendengarnya. How much Barapa Hargi Too expensive terlalu mahal Me I 'm tired/hungry/thirsty. I want... Do you want...? I'm looking for.. Saya lelah/lapar/haus. Saya mau. . . Anda mau. . .? Saya mencari... I'm interested (in) . . . to like. Saya tertarik... ....... I need. . . I like. . . I hope so. Saya perlu....... Saya suka....... Saya harap begitu. I want to borrow... Do you have...? Saya mau pinjam... Anda punya...? Don't. . . I don't like that. . . I don't want.. Jangan. . . Saya tidak suka itu. .. Saya

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3 tidak mau... I like Indonesia. Fine, okay. Saya suka Indonesia. Baik. I know. I don't know. Saya tahu. Saya tidak tahu. I think so. I don't think so. Saya kira begitu. Saya kira tidak begitu. I have... Of course. Saya punya... Tentu saja. an expression of surprise or pain Aduh! in the future... in that manner... in this manner... pada masa yang akan datang... begitu... begini... AT THE RESTAURANT/MARKET I'm hungry. Where's a good restuarant? Can we stop for lunch/dinner? Saya lapar. Restoran mana yang balk? Dapatkah kita berhenti untuk makan siang/makan malam. Let's have lunch. Who'll join me? Mari kita makan siang. Siapa ikut saya? This is the best foodstall here. Ini warung yang terbaik disini. I want Indonesian food. Saya mau makanan Indonesia. What time is breakfast? It's served at 7. Jam berapa waktu makan pagi? Makan pagi dihidangkan pada pukul tujuh. Waiter! I want a table for five people. Pelayan! Saya ingin meja untuk ilma orang. Give me tea instead of coffee. Berilah saya teh untuk gantinya kopi. Is this water drinkable? No, it's not drinkable Apa air ini bisa diminum? Tidak itu tak bisa diminum. I'm thirsty. Please get me a glass of ice water. Saya haus. Tolong ambil segelas air es. Please give me some hot water. I want boiled Tolong beri saya air panas. Saya minta air matang water (for drinking). (untuk minum). May I see the menu? What's the specialty in this Boleh saya lihat daftar makanan? Apa restaurant? keistimewaan rumah makan ml? Were in a hurry, please bring our orders quickly. Kami terburu-buru, tolong cepatkan pesanan kami. When will it be ready? Whaf's the price? Kapan siapnya? Berapa harganya? That's too expensive. Have you got Indonesian Itu terlalu mahal. Apakah anda menyajikan dishes? makanan Indonesia? Let's have some sate. Don't make it too spicy! Mari kita makan sate. Jangan terlalu pedas! What is that/this? I'd like another helping. Is Apa itu/ini? Saya mau tambah lagi. Ada lagi? there more? Please bring us some hot chili sauce. Bring me Bawakan lah kami sambal. Bawakan untuk saya coffee. kopi Bring me another glass. What do you have for Ambilkan untuk saya gelas yang lain. Apa yang dessert? anda punyai untuk makanan pencuci mulut? I have had enough. I want a banana. Saya sudah kenyang. Saya ingin pisang. I want to wash my hands. Where's the toilet? Saya mau cuci tangan. Dimana kamar kecil? Good. Waiter, please bring me the bill. Bagus. Bung, saya minta nota. Can you change a 10,000 rupiah bill? Bisakah anda menukar sepuluh dbu rupiah uang kertas? cold/hot (temperature)/hot (spicy) dingin/panas/pedas plastic bag/bottled drinking water tas plastik/botol air minum fork/spoon/knife/glass/plate/bowl/cup garpu/sendok/pisau/gelas/pidng/mangkok/cangkir rice (after cooking)/rice noodles/sticky white rice nasi/bakmi/ketan soup/noodle soup/curried chicken/fried rice sup/mie kuah/ayam kan/nasi goreng/mie goreng /fried noodles fish/prawns/squid/crab/carp/lobster/eel ikan/udang/cumi/kepiting/ikan mas/udang karang/belut meat/liver/heart/beefsteak/water buffalo daging/hati/jantung/bistik/daging kerbau/kaki /frog legs kodok beef/chicken/lamb/mutton/pork daging sapi/daging ayam/daging domba/daging kambing/daging babi vegetables/tomato/onion/cabbage/corn sayur/tomat/bawang/kol/jagung/kentang/ubi

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4 /potato/sweet potato/carrots/avocado /wortel/apokat salt/ginger/chili/cinnamon/pepper/clovesgaram/jahe/cabe/kayu/manis / garlic/lemon /merica/cengkeh/bawang putih/jeruk beer/rice wine/water/cordial/ice/orange juice /soda water bread/toast/cake/cracker/spring rolls butter/cheese/cream/milk/ice cream
egg/fried egg/omelette/boiled egg/soft-boiled egg

bir/tuak/air/sirop/es/air jeruk/air soda roti/roti bakar/kue/biskuit/lumpia mentega/keju/kepala susu/susu/es krim telur/telur mata sapi/telur dadar/telur/rebus/telur setengah matang makanan kecil/kacang tanah/gula-gula/krupuk udang Dimana saya bisa beli buah-buahan? Pasar dimana? apel/kelapaijeruklpapaya/nanas/pisang goreng Tolong jangan bumbu masak

snacks/peanuts/candy/shrimp chips Where can I buy fruit? Where's the market? apple/coconut/citrus fruit/papaya/pineapple /banana fritters Please dont use cooking spice (MSG) Bakso Sapi Sate Ayam or Sate Kambing Soto Babat - (Offal Soup) Martabak telur Sop Kaki Kambing Nasi Goreng Komplit Mie Kocok Lontong Opor Tahu Ketupat Karedok Cah Kangkung Nasi Campur Es Campur Es Kelapa muda Cendol TRANSPORTATION

(Noodle soup with beef balls) (Chicken or Goat satay) (A savoury omelette .....delicious) (Leg of lamb soup) (Fried rice with the lot, and a fried egg on top!) (Fried noodles with vegetables) (Rice Cake with chicken curry) (Beancurd and vegetables) (Vegetables with peanut sauce) (Spicy mixed vegetables with spinach) (A mixed rice dish, a Balinese speciality) (Mixed fruit drink) (young coconut milk with coconut flesh) (A dessert or drink made from coconut milk, palm sugar and rice flour)

What are the tourist places I should visit? Apa nama tempat pariwisata yang harus saya kunjungi? There are two caves near the hot springs. Ada dua gua dekat sumber air panas. Is it safe to swim here? Aman berenang disini? Where do you want to go? Anda mau pergi ke mana? I want to go to Yogyakarta. Saya mau pergi ke Yogyakarta. When are you leaving? Kapan anda berangkat? I depart tommorrow/today. Saya berangkat besok/hari ini. not sure/not certain belum tentu/belum pasti I'm worn out. Saya agak capal. How far is it from here? Is it near? Berapa jauh dad sini. Dekat? Far from here. This way/that way. Which way? Jauh dad sini. Kesini/kesana. Kemana? Turn left at the corner. Belok ke kiri di prapatan. Go straight ahead and then turn to the left/right. Jalan terus dan kemudian belok kekiri/kekanan. Go back to the intersection, then follow the sign. Kemball kepersimpangan jalan, lalu ikuti tanda\ arah. My address is... /I live on Melati Street. Alamat saya... /Saya tinggal di Jalan Melati. Straight ahead. On the right. On the left. Terus. Disebelah kanan. Disebelah kin. Cross here. Wait here. Stop here. Di sini menyeberang. Tunggulah disini. Berhenti disini. to back up or go backwards/to go forward or mundur/maju advance To search for. Where can I find a post office? Mencari. Kantor POS dimana?

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5 Please show me the way to the highway. Tolong tunjukkan kejalan raya. I want to find this address. I am lost. Saya mau mendapat alamat ml. Saya tersesat. Please show me on this map. Tolong tunjukkan dipeta ini. What is the name of this street? Apa nama jalan ini? What town does this road lead to? Jalan ini menuju kekota apa? Where can I catch a...? Where can I rent a...? Dimana saya akan ....... ? Dimana bisa menyewa...? How many kilometers is it to Rantepao? Berapa kilometer ke Rantepao? What's the best route to follow? Jalan mana yang terbaik? This road is under repair. Jalan ini sedang diperbaiki. This road is very slippery. Look out. Jalan ini sangat licin. Hati-hati. My car has broken down. Where can I find a mechanic? Mobil saya mogok. Dimana saya bisa dapat seorang montir? I have a flat tire. Will you please repair the tire? Ban saya kempis. Harap perbaiki pompa itu? What's wrong with the engine? Switch off the engine. Apa yang rusakpada mesin ml? Berhentikan mesin. The engine won't start. Is there enough gasoline? Mesin ini mogok. Apakah bensinnya cukup? Fill it up please. Check the oil. Tolong diisi penuh. Periksa olinya. at the bus/train station. di stasiun bis/stasiun kereta api. Where is the ticket window?Dimana ada loket? How long does it take from here to Bogor? Berapa lama perjalanan dari sini ke Bogor? Where's the airport? Dimana lapangan terbang? How much does a taxi to the airport cost? Berapa tarip taxi ke pelabuhan udara? Please help me with my luggage. Bung, tolong bawakan barang-barang saya. There are three pieces. Semuanya ada tiga barang. Where is the passport and customs checkpoint? Dimana tempat pemeriksaan paspor dan barang? Which gate do I go to for the plane for Singapore? Saya harus pergi kepintu mana untuk naik pesawat ke Singapura? When is the next flight? Jam berapa ada penerbangan berikutnya? When is the next flight to Jambi? Kapan ada penerbangan lagi ke Jambi? At what time does the plane for Ambon leave? Jam berapa pesawat terbang ke Ambon berangkat? Is there a nonstop flight between Jakarta and Samarinda? Apakah ada pesawat langsung antara Jakarta dan Samarinda? What's the fare to Solo? Berapa ongkosnya ke Solo? I want a single/return ticket. Saya mau beli karcis sejalan/pulang pergi. Stewardess, are we near Kupang? Pramugari, apakah kita sudah dekat dengan Kupang? Where is the railway station? Dimana stasiun kereta api? Where is the railway information desk? Dimana tempat bertanya? Where is the baggage room? Dimana kamar bagasi? I want a ticket to Bandung. What's the fare? Saya mau beli karcis ke Bandung. Berapa ongkosnya? Which class do you want? First class or second class? Kelas berapa yang anda mau? Kelas satu atau kelas dua? How much is a first class round trip ticket to Bogor? Berapa harga karcis kelas satu pulangpergi ke Bogor? Is it half price for a child? Apakah anak-anak setengah harga? I want to reserve two seats to Bandung on Monday. Saya mau pesan dua kursi untuk ke Bandung pada hari Senin. What time is the first train for Banyuwangi? Jam berapa kereta-api pertama menuju Banyuwangi? Is this seat taken? Sorry, already full. Apakah kursi ini kosong? Ma'af, sudah ada orang. There's room for one more. Take a seat, please. Ada tempat untuk satu orang lagi. Sllahkan duduk. How long does the train stop here? Berapa lama kereta-api berhenti disini? What time does the train arrive? Jam berapa kereta api datang? Does this train go to. . Apakah kereta api inii ke...? We will arrive in Cilacap at around noon. Kita akan sampai di Cilacap kira-kira tengah hari. time of arrival waktu kedatangan or jam datang What time will the ship be sailing? Jam berapa kapan ini akan berangkat? Where do I get the boat to Balikpapan? Dari manakah dapat saya naik kapal ke Balikpapan?

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6 Perhaps on Monday. Which class are you traveling? First class (or cabin)/Economy class It's time to go on board. to take a becak/call a becak turn to the right/left What is the becak fare there? Don't pay more than 1500 rupiah. Barangkali hari senin. Perjalanan anda di kelas berapa? Kelas satu/kelas ekonomi Sekarang ini waktu untuk naik ke kapal. naik becak or berbecak/panggil becak belok ke kanan/kiri Berapa ongkos becak ke sana? Jangan bayar lebih dari seribu lima ratus rupiah. Driver, take me to Losmen Matahari. Bung, bawa saya ke Losmen Matahari. Two thousand! How is it possible nowadays, sir! Dua ribu! Mana bisa sekarang ini, Pak! All right, make it one thousand. Ayo, satu ribu saja. What time will the bus leave? Let's get on the bus. Jam berapa bis ini akan berangkat? Mari kita naik bis. Are there buses that go there? How long from here to there?Apa ada bis yang ke sana? Berapa lama dari sini kesana? Which bus will take us downtown? Bis yang mana yang akan ke kota? Does this bus go directly to Bukittinggi? Apakah bis ini pergi langsung ke Bukittinggi? Are there any empty seats? No standing room! Ada tempat duduk yang kosong? Tak ada tempat untuk berdiri! Where shall we get off? Let's get off the bus here! Dimana kita akan turun? Kita turun disini! At the next stop, please let me off. Saya akan berhenti dipemberhentian berikut. Do we need to take a taxi? We have to take a taxi. Perlu kita naik taksi? Kita harus naik taksi. call a taxi/please get me a taxi panggil taksi/tolong panggilkan saya taksi Where is the taxi stand? Is this taxi taken? Dimana tempat taksi? Apakah taksi ini ada yang pakai? How much is this taxi per hour? That taxi has a meter. Berapa sewa taksi ini perjam? Taksi itu pakai meter. Taxi! To the airport!/Drive me to... Taksi! ke lapangan terbang!/Antar saya ke... Take me to a cheap/expensive hotel. Antarkan saya ke hotel yang murah/mahal. I want to see the city. Please drive me around for sightseeing. Saya ingin melihat kota. Tolong antar saya berkelilig lihat-lihat kota. Drive a bit faster. I'm in a hurry. Cepat sedikit Saya buru-buru. Please slow down. Please drive more slowly. Kurangi kecepatan. Jalan pelan-pelan saja. Stop here. What's the fare, driver? Berhenti disini. Berapa ongkosnya, Bung? I want to buy... Where can I buy...? Saya mau beli.... Dimana saya bisa beli...? Where's the shopping center in this town? How do I get there? Dimanakah pusat pertokoan di kota ini? Naik apa saya pergi kesana? Do you sell arts and crafts here? May I see some batik? Tuan ada menjual barang kesenian dan kerajinan tangan di sini? Boleh saya lihat batik? I'd like to buy silver crafts. Saya mau membeli barang-barang kerajinan perak. I'm just looking around. Saya hanya melihat-lihat I'd like to look at blouses. Which one (do you) want? Saya ingin melihat-lihat bus. Mau yang mana? Do you have many kinds? I only want this one. Punya banyak macam? Saya hanya mau yang ini. Do you have it in other colors? Apakah ini ada warna yang lain? I prefer something of better quality. These are better. Saya lebih suka kwalitas yang lebih baik. ini lebih baik. I want one which is new. Can you show me something else? Saya mau yang baru. Tolong tunjukkan yang lainnya? May I try on this dress? Where is the fitting room? Boleh saya mencoba rok? Dimana kamar pasnya? Will it fade/shrink? Where are these goods made? Ini bisa luntur/menyusut? Barang-barang ini dibuat dimana? Those are bad. Same or difterent? Is there enough? Itu jelek. Sama atau beda? Apakah cukup? What is the price of this? May I bargain? Ini berapa harganya? Boleh ditawar? That's too expensive. Do you have a cheaper one?Itu telalu mahal. Ada yang lebih murah? Can you come down in price? No, the price is fixed. Bisa saudara kurangkan harganya? Tidak, ini harga pasti. When will it be ready? Can you deliver it to my hotel? Kapan selesaiya? Bisa anda antarkan kehotel saya? I'll take it with me. Saya akan membawanya sendiri. How much is it altogether? May I have a receipt, please? Berapa jumlah semuanya? Boleh saya minta tanda

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7 terimanya? Please wrap this with thick paper. Tolong bungkuskan dengan kertas yang tebal. Let's go to the market. Mari, kita pergi ke pasar. What is this? What are you making? Apakah ini? Sedang bikin apa disini? Do you sell mosquito nets? Yes (there is), sir. Jual kelambu? Ada, Tuan. How much is this mosquito net? Berapa harga kelambu ini? Six thousand-five hundred rupiah, sir. Enam ribu lima ratus rupiah, Tuan. Don't give me a crazy price! I've seen some that are cheaper. Jangan beri harga gila! Saya pernah lihat ada yang lebih murah. I'll come back later. Saya akan kembali lagi I can only pay five and a half thousand. Saya hanya bisa bayar lima ribu lima ratus rupiah. If you want it for five thousand rupiah, just take it. Kalau Tuan mau lima ribu rupiah, ambil saja. Last price. It's up to you. Harga akhir. Terserah Tuan. Here is four and a half thousand rupiah. Is it enough? Ini empat ribu lima ratus rupiah. Cukup? Please wrap it up for me. Please make a very strong package. Tolong bungkuskan. Tolong bungkuskan yang kuat sekali. for sale/to pick out/to point out untuk dijual/memilih/menunjukkan cheap/expensive/to make a profit murah/mahal/membuat untung to pay/to pay cash membayar/membayar kontan there is/there is not/as much again ada/tidak ada/sekali lagi big and little/little (not much)/same besar dan kecil/sedikit/sama on top of/in front of diatas/dimuka or didepan maker or doer/merchant or shopkeeper/antique dealer tukang/pedagang, penjual/pedagang antik TROUBLES, DIFFICULTIES, HASSLES Indonesia is not a violent environment and you very seldom hear of muggings, rapes, or fights. But due to its huge population base, there is an element of the population who are ill-bred and rude (kasar in Indonesian). If anyone is ever bothering you or touching you indecently, it's usually enough to say 'Jangan begitu, ftu tidak baik" ("Don't act like that, it's not nice"). This is sufficiently firm, yet polite, and will cover most unpleasant situations. Other situations: Please help me for a moment. I've missed the train. Tolonglah saya sebentar. Saya ketmggalan kereta api. I've been robbed. I've been held up. What a pity! Saya baw dirampok. Saya baru di todong. Kasihan! My money has been stolen. Our bags are missing. Uang saya dicud orang. Barang-barang kami hilang. I've lost my passport. All my IDs are gone. Paspor saya hilang. Semua pengenalan saya hilang. Where's the police station? Please call the police. Dimana kantorpoilsi? Tolong panggilkan poilsi. Can I speak with the manager? I am angry. Bisakah saya bicara dengan pengurus? Saya marah. Let's talk over the problem with... Madlah, kita bicarakan persoalan mi dengan... Is there anybody here who speaks English? Ada yang bisa berbahasa lnggeds disini? Is there a translator here? Ada pente4emah disini? Where's the information desk? Where's the moneychanger? Dimana 'information desk?" Dimana tempat menukar uang? Don't be angry with me. Don't be ill-mannered. Janganlah marah kepada saya. Jangan kurang ajar. Don't do that. Absolutely not! Jangan bikin itu. Sama sekall tidak! Don't talk nonsense! Don't bother me! Jangan omong kosong! Jangan ganggu saya! Excuse me, I must be going now. Ma'af, saya harus pergi sekarang. I want to go away from here. Saya ingin pergi dad sini. Will you please leave me alone? Please go away. Go away! Sudikah anda membiarkan saya sendid? Pergilah. Pergil Be patient, please! Don't disturb me. Leave her alone. Sabariah sebentari Jangan ganggu saya. Jangan ganggu dia. What's the matter? Be careful of him. Ada apa? Hati-hati sama dia. His manners are very vulgar. He's ill-mannered (impolite/rude). Dia tidak sopan. Dia kurang ajar. Never mind. That's all right. Forget it! Tidak ape-ape. ltu tak mengapa. Lupakan saja!

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8 FOOD/WATER Resteraunt Review from Sammyjoe in the Bali Forum 26/01/05 Like most of you, we can't help but compare the prices we pay in Bali to the prices we pay in Australia. We always said It's a lot cheaper compared to Australia, not it's expensive by Bali's standard. Somehow we feel we will have a great holidays thinking that way! Having Indonesian/Asian dishes all the time in our house and a mother who is an excellent Indonesian cook doesn't help when we go to Bali to sample their food. Our Balinese friends own their restaurant in Jalan Melasti (Gosha), so they also have an opinion as to which restaurant has the best Indonesian/ Balinese food. Below are list of restaurants we visited during our two weeks stay in Bali. UBUD 1. INDUS It is a walking distance from our hotel (Kori Ubud Spa & Resort), Most of you would know that Janet De Neefe owns this restaurant. We went for lunch and dinner. As I have mentioned last year their non dairy ice cream of coconut and jack fruit is a must, Peter(husband) agreed on this. We had gado gado, spiced fish, opor ayam, beef rendang, paella. Prices and food are reasonable. The restaurant is huge, the view overlooks the gorge and Campuhan ridge probably means it is better for lunch than dinner. 2. CASALUNA Also owns by Janet. Very popular with tourists, we've been here several times before, had lunch one afternoon and we could smell something bad, depending on the breeze. When we mentioned this to our Balinese friends, they laughed and said it was the smell of the pigs sty in the field behind?? 3. TERAZZO, near the Ubud Palace. The place was empty when we had lunch, we had Lemak Laksa, daughter had chicken and chips. Food was ok,price reasonable, the portions were huge. 4. BEBEK BENGIL (Dirty Ducks) Always make time to visit this place, in fact the three of us had their crispy duck, price hasn't changed at all, still Rp 48,500 each, it comes with Lawar,sambal, rice and of course the tasty crispy duck! 5. MOSAIC,almost next door to our hotel. Friends suggested we visit this restaurant and compare it to Ku De Ta. This restaurant was fully booked the night we wanted to go, so we went the next day instead. The garden section of the restaurant was closed due to the wet season. Tables are slighly crowded, service was ordinary, food was ok. Appetizer costs around Rp 80,000. Main starts from Rp 120,000 to Rp 240,000. They also have Chef's tasting menu, 6 courses for Rp350,000 ++ and wine pairing for Rp 250,000 ++. This menu allows you to choose one appetizer, one fisf, one foie gras, one meat, one cheese or fruit soup and one desert. Our appetizers were raw beef and tuna salad which were nice, but I must have ordered the wrong main (soft shell crab) as it wasn't nice at all. Poor daughet ordered the same as they don't have children's menu. Peter had the Bedugul rabbit, which was also ordinary.They charge 10% for service and 10% for tax. We had high expectation of this restaurant, but it is no comparison to Ku De Ta. 6. NAUGHTY NURI (Opposite NEKA Art Museum) What a change from Mosaic, we loved this place. It's hard to describe it, communal table setting, a dog underneath the table, they bbq your food practically as you enter the restaurant. The place was full, mainly expats. We had spare ribs and chilli con carne, The ribs were huge, came with either rice or chips, for Rp45, was worth it. I must mention the Neka Art Museum as Peter raves about it. Rp 20,000 entrance fee, lots of original Balinese paintings by Arie Smith, Rudolf Bonnet, Theo Meier,Suteja Neka and others. SEMINYAK Never stayed in this area before, what a mistake as there are so many restaurants to choose from! 1. LA LUCCIOLA We've been here before for dinner only.

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9 It's certainly worth coming for lunch, for the view and watching the locals building a small shrine on the beach typically casual or serious at the same time, now and then a group of locals would come and make some offerings and then wander back to the shade for a chat. The place was half full of tourists and expats. Had pizza, salmon spaghetti, caesar salad,1 sprite, 1 lychee lime granita, 2 small bintangs, 2 New York fries, bills came to Rp 290,000( Very cheap by Australian standard with a beach view)!!! 2. TRATTORIA, Jalan Laksmana Cheap Italian food, always full, tables are close to each other..great place to meet strangers if you know what I mean. Good value, and the way the waiter/waitress explaining the subtitles of the Italian menu to Aussies was interesting! 3.KHAIMA, Moroccan Rest, Jalan Laksmana. We had a choice to go to Mykonos or here. Have read mixed reviews of Mykonos, so we chose Khaima. We had Lamb Tangine with veges, chicken kebab,chicken with couscous, one onion and raisin dish, 1 carafe of red wine, the bill was Rp 266,800 (Incl tax)....Will come again for sure...the food was so delicious. 4. GADO GADO The restaurant has been renovated and it looks great at night. We were sitting outside, no beach sellers, it has probably 50 people, mostly tourists....including a Russian Couple...we wondered sometimes if they ever go out from their Nusa Dua Hotel? As soon as it was obvious that the rain had stopped, they set the tables outside and moved everybody who wanted to sit by the beach. We had two entrees each as we couldn't have main (still too full from lunch). They have children's menu as well here...Food always good here, but ambience has improved, staff very helpful,friendly, efficient... Lloyd, you should be proud, well done Gado Gado. (What happened to Blackie, the dog)? 5. KU DE TA Peter's friend always celebrates her birthday here, so we had the best table! Nothing much to say about this place, we still think it;s the best restaurant in Bali, everything is first class, including the price TUBAN/KUTA 1. Local food court at the New Discovery Mall-Top Floor (Lunch for working locals) Had lunch three times here. Gado gado (Rp 11,000), was the best one I had in Bali. Chicken & noodles soup, and Padang food. There are so many varieties of food here,Padang,Manadonese,Sundanese,Balinese,Chinese,sandwiches,crepes, Korean at very cheap price. With an ocean view for your scenery, why wouldn't you come here?? The system is you order your food,they give you a docket and you pay at a cashier. They will bring your food to your table...You have to know which table you are going to sit...(each table has a number). 2. KUTA PLAZA Restaurant at jalan Bakungsari It's our fav. chinese food to have chilli crabs and buttered fried frog legs. 3. BUBBA GUMPS at Jalan Kartika Plaza As Eva has already mentioned, prices have been reduced, we had Cajun Shrimp Rp 35,000, Fried Shrimp and chips Rp 70,000, two lemonade drinks Rp 50,000, with service/tax 15% our bill was Rp 183,645..not bad. One visit for us is enough. 4. MADE'S Warung near Bemo's corner. I was by myself, and had gado gado ( Rp 20,000), ice lemon tea (Rp10,000) tax..was a pleasant lunch. 5. CAFE WATAN (will check the name later) next to the New Discovery Mall. The place was full of people when we had dinner, prices are reasonable, portion rather small, service wasn't that good as food arrived over 15 minutes period. Daughter's dinner came as all of us were finishing ours. Food was just ok. 6. GREEN GARDEN HOTEL, Tuban Had lunch here, satay ayam was nice and cheap.

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10 7. IKAN BAKAR CIANJUR, Jalan Cok Agung Trisna, Denpasar. On our last day, our Balinese friends took us to this place(Sundanese food specialities). Lots of fish (grilled/fried)varieties, no English translation on the menu, but they have pictures of their food. There were 9 of us, the bill came to Rp 295,000. Very good value in a nice big air conditioned restaurant, service was really quick..will definitelycome back. .Food was really good by the way, the sambal..yum yum yum. NUSA DUA/TANJUNG BENOA Bumbu Bali, Tanjung Benoa Now that the galleria is closed, this is the only good restaurant that we know apart from the hotel. We come to Bumbu Bali every year. Food and service were good. They pick up and deliver guests from local hotels. EIGHT DEGREES SOUTH, Conrad Hotel,Tanjung Benoa There were 5 of us, had lovely tables by the beach. We had pizza, 3 paellas, chicken nugget, 6 ice cream, 1 chocolate brownies, softdrinks, 1 bottle of wog shiraz, bill came to Rp 1,173,700 (Incl 21% tax),cheap by Australian Standard!..Ambience, food, service were fantastic. The restaurant was empty, we believe their pricier restaurants Suku and Spice were also empty when we were there. IKAN, at The Westin in Nusa Dua. Not the restaurant it was, rumour has it that the newish French chef is settling in with a little staff disruption. After having dinner here, Peter had his Bali belly, he thinks it was the beef carpachio(spelling?) Grand Hyatt has a nice buffet set up in the evenings. Permanent small village at food stalls. Each stall has different choises of great local food. Lobster, prawns, soto ayam,babi guling,bebek betutu,etc etc... Don't eat all day beforehand and visit your friendly ATM. Superb buffet plus excellent Legong or Kecak Dance at Rp 325,000 ++. Wine has become more common in Bali over the years and wine by the glass or house carafes are available most places at Aussies prices. Locally bottled wine of the God is certainly very drinkable. If you bothered to bring Aussies wines, many restaurants will accept byo. Don't forget Aerogard for most of these restaurants in the evening! Hope I haven't bored you all, there are many restaurants that we didn't have time to visit such as rumours, Ma trip. Happy reading and Australia's Day. Adhi Dharma (good)

2004 (part of the hotel); Jl Legian no 155, Kuta. Excellent satays and nasi goreng although rice servings smaller than at other places. Agung Pub & Restuarant, (good)

Sanur. Excellent seafood. Albion Sarat House (cheap)

Albion Satay House. Rp12,000 breakfast. A$2.00! All Stars Caf (good)

2004 - All Stars Surf Caf Jl KartikaPlaza Tuban/Kuta Kuta Central Sumo wrestling??? and Limbo dancing. Surf crowd OK. All Star surf cafe also good and cheap. At Tuban. Good for breakky. Decent breakfast as well with great smoothies and milkshakes. Very nice surfing themed restaurant situated on JL Kartika Plaza, between the Bintang Hotel and Kuta Square. The restaurant cant be missed as it sits on the first floor of a building between McDonalds and Pizza Hut ( Look for the golden arches on LJ Kartika Plaza and near there you will find the blue external stair case leading to the All Star surf

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11 Cafe on the 1st floor.) Although it is slightly dearer than what you may pay elsewhere, the food is fantastic. At nights from 8pm, they have psuedo Sumo Wrestling where restaurant patrons don big cushioned suit's and prepare to bounce the other out of the Sumo ring. They also have a guy that demonstrates his skill at making cocktails similar to the way they were made in the movie by the same name featuring Bryan Brown and Tom Cruise and they also have Limbo dancing. Kids are welcomed to have a go at the wrestling so long as they can get into the suits and stand up. The ones that are too small to do this usually are the ones that win the Limbo dancing...think about it!! 2001 - All Stars Cafe at Kuta is a good night out for a family with Sumo wrestling & out the front you can get a photo with animals.Went down the road & enjoyed a meal for 1/5 of price it would of cost. All Stars Surf Cafe ,enjoyed meal ,atmosphere, sumo wrestling & all the surfboards signed by surf pros from around the world. All Stars - the boys loved the sumo wrestling and watching the band - great terriyaki burgers. Not as cheap as some places but still cheap enough. My youngest son spent most of the night downstairs with the huge python wrapped around his neck - loved it. Ankerbar, Ubud (good)

but the Ankerbar specializing in pasta has the coldest beer in town and it's cheap. Try brem with ice and lime, refreshing and local. Apa Kabar (good)

Sanur Excellent food service a bit slow. Apertite Restaurant (expensive)

Appertite Restaurant Jl Kartika Plaza south of Ramada Bintang. Nice setting. Good food. Good wine list Margaret River wines Rp95,000 A$17 !!! Arak Alcoholic Drink (careful) Be careful of this drink as it sneaks up on you and can give you an awful headache. It is the local alchohol. Aromas Caf on legian St (good) Great for brekky. Great coffee and cakes. Vegetarian nice. Aromas as our favourites. 2004 - Aromas Caf. Nice cappuccino Filling Meals, good value. Aromas Caf, Jl Legian. Coffee, cakes, pastries. Fabulous baguettes & iced coffee. Nice setting. Arys, Ubud (good)

Behind soccer field on Monkey Forest Rd. Highly recommended as having great food at cheap prices. In Jalan Raya (main street) not far west of Monkey Forest Rd. Busy place, v good food, reasonable prices. Interesting menu, moderate price, excellent service Would just like to add that Ary's is also great for people watching while enjoying their Bali Kopi (coffee) and cake, any time of the day. And my favourite drink is their Mango Smoothie, the best I've had just about anywhere. Aquarius Bar & Restaurant (good)

Jl Legian. Good for evening meal. Wide selection. Great satays. Babi Guling, Sanur (good)

Crispy skin and pieces of grilled suckling pig. Speciality of town of Gianyar. Visit Babi Guling Gianyar on bypass near splash bakery between 5pm and 7pm. Cost is about 3,500 4,500 Rp per portion. Ususally sold out by 7pm. Sometimes need to order it a day in advance.

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Bagus Pub (bad)

The Bagus Pub is not bagus! Bagus Pub. Good food but the waiters want to be gossipy and sell you trips and stuff. Bali Aget

Bali Aget, also in Jl Bakung Sari. Good food and prices. Happy hour 5-8. Bali Asi (good)

2004 - Bali Asi Poppies Lane 1. (Good food, friendly staff. Cheap. Bar is nice for a drink or two. Great atmosphere) Bali Aussie (caution) No good. For breakfast. Yet in late July were sdaying the food was great and every Friday they have a BBQ. The footy is on the aussie channel. Always full of people Bali Aussie: Great breakfast for R10K. Did not have dinner there. 2004 - Bali Aussie Jl Melasti (discount White water rafting tickets 180.000rp) Mixed reports about food quality. Few reports about bags disappearing. Bali Aussi - going downhill? Surly staff? V cheap b/fast, Rp7500 all u can eat. Bali Aussie for breakfast Rp9,500. A$1.90 !!! 2004 - Went to the Bali Aussie for dinner located on Jl. Melasti. Hadnt planned on going there but Gosha where we had wanted to go was closed because of their holiday. We ordered garlic bread as a starter which came out with melted cheddar cheese all over it, might seem a little picky but if we wanted cheese on toast I would have asked for it. We sent that back and they eventually brought out bread with garlic on it, imagine that. The food was ordinary and the service by Bali standards was poor. Perhaps they have gone a little far with the Aussie theme and not only provide an Aussie atmosphere but Aussie food and service as well. Bali Aussie Rating 5/10. Bali Bagia, Bakungsari St, Kuta (good) Very good and cheap. If go, between 5-8pm, as soft drinks are sold at 1200rp, small beers 2,900Rp. Free transport to and from nearby hotels if you call hem. Bali Bagus Pub (good) Located Poppies 2. Awlways busy and play latest release movies. Bali Bintang, Lovina (good) We had lunch at the Bali Bintang Restaurant" on the main beach road in Lovina, heading towards the dolphin statue at the end of the road where you will also find a "Mini Market" which contains about 10 little stalls. Pizza's were 9,500 rp for a base topped with tomato, cheese and oregano ( Usually called a Margherita ) and extra's including ham (3,500 rp) Pineapple (1,500) etc. They also had a good selection of Indonesian/Balinese meals and Western meals including steak, fish "N" chips and club sandwich Their fruit juices were only 2,500rp and freshly squeezed and were fantastic according to Koala. The rest rooms were very clean and have western toilets. Bali Brazil (good) Bali Brazil. Jl Benesari. Kuta. Good, cheap. Bali Budha (good) 2004 - Bali Buddha caf in Jalan Jembawan really colourful place with great coffee and tucker (cinnamon rolls to die for). Great Buddha paintings too for sale if that way inclined. Id forgotten about this little oasis that Id been to last trip- glad to have found it again. Bali Caf, Jimbaran (good) At airport end of area. Great food etc. Bali Cyber cafe in Rum Jungle road (good) Somone ate there for 2 wks and never had any Bali belly trouble. Bali Deli, Legian (good)

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13 2004 - Election day, and many businesses closed until lunch. My husband could hardly wait to get to Bali Deli and his coffee fix - he maintained that they served the best coffee in Bali - also wonderful pastries. We had lunch on several occasions here, nice atmosphere and good food. Bali Gelato Company (good) Try their great coconut icecream served chilled in half a coconut. Bali Kupu, Lovinia (good) 2004 - I ended up dining at Bali Kupu in the main street leading down to dolphin statue on the beach for dinner, after walking along the beach and getting mobbed by hawkers ( I tend not to buy off the beaches as I find it opens up an avalache!). Dinner ended up a very good seafood basket (prawns, fish, calamari chips salad and bintang for 35,000R), and the place was full of dinners which is usually a good sign of a great place to eat. Bak Mie Jakarta Restaurant, Kuta (good)

Services great yum cha at about 4500Rp per basket. Really give it a go!! Everyone on the forum says it is worthwhile and very good value. Bali Seafood, Kuta (expensive) a little expensive Bali Too Restaurant, Melasti St, Kuta (good) Brekky buffet for 7500 Rp each. Brekky is great for about 8,500. All you can eat noodles, rice, fruit, toast eggs, pancakes etc. For dinner. Great meals and friendly people. On Jl Melasti St right next to bali Aussie. As much as you can eat for 10,500 Rp in July 2000 pancakes, toast, eggs, noodles, rice, fruit salad, tea/coffee, fruit juices. On jalan Melasti more Legian area. Cheap $20 for the family Bali Too, Jl Melasti. (Partic. breakfast, Rp10,000). Bali Too breakfast Rp10,000. Bamboo Corner, Poppies Lane 1 (good) Food good and plentiful. Beer dirt cheap. How to get to poppies lane get a cab to Bemo corner and walk down poppies lane 50 metres. 2004 - Bamboo Corner Poppies lane 1. (Plain, really cheap. Always busy. Large Nasi Goreng 7.000. Good for breakfast. ) Bambu Bali, Benoa (expensive) OK. But 100-150,000 Rp/person. Great Indonesian food. Great Balinese cuisine. Batan Waru, Ubud (??) 60-70,000Rp for dinner for 2 with beer. Bebek Bengil, Ubud (good) Great local food. Avoid dry crispy duck. Bennys (good) 2004 - Bennys. Near Jayakata Residence. On beach. 300mtr north of Bali Niksoma. Breakfast- plate fruit, homemade bread, fruit smoothie =$3 Bintang Beer (large) Happy hour 8,000 in cafe - 20,000 in hotel. Local beer in rests between 7-60,000Rp plus 21% tax. Could also try Arak a sugarless colourless spirit made from rice, cocnut milk etc. Whole bottle costs 8,oooRp. Served as is or with lemon or orange juice and honey. the price of bintangs 5000rp in kuta/legian Small bintang at supermarkets is 4000Rp and at restauarants for 5-6,000 Rp. Bintang Lima (good) Another place to experience local i.e. Balinese and East Javanese cuisine is the tiny Puri Seafood BINTANG LIMA, Jalan Lasmana No. 5A (the beginning of the Oberoi Road). There are just 5 tables (four of them very low without chairs and you have to sit on the floor), and nearly all guests are residents (up to now). The menu lists many exotic delicacies such as curries from banana flowers, palm hearts, tofu and bean sprouts, etc., as well as glass noodles with

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14 vegetables and many other vegetarian dishes such as fried buttered mushrooms. There are fish, squid, prawn, and chicken dishes, but no pork, lamb or beef. The drinks are great: many different Arak Cocktails try the "My Bali" with mango juice, brem, arak vanilla, and grenadine, or the Ginseng Arak, Lemon Grass Arak, or Vanilla Arak. My favorite with the after dinner coffee is the "Arabian Night" Arak with star anise, cinnamon, and other spices. There is a great choice of teas which are good for your blood pressure, your liver, or help against hypertension etc. Prices for most dishes and drinks are around 8,000 Rupiah. Beggars Bugs, Ubud (good) Good restaurant. Recommended on forum. Billys Bar and Restaurant (good) 2004 - Billys Bar & Restaurant. Jl Sahadewa. (0361) 763373. Staff friendly, Quick service. Cheap. 2004 - Went to Billys for dinner located on Jl. Sahadewa which runs between Jl. Padma and Jl. Melasti. This place was great, relaxed friendly atmosphere, great food and good drink prices. Billys Rating 9/10. If you go there say hello to Ketut (or Jack as everyone calls him) from Lynn and Ian. Blackies Intan, Jimbaran Bay (good) Blackies Intan at Jimbaran Bay is worth the trip. Great seafood on the beach. They will also provide a pick up and drop back service. Great to sit and watch the sunset. Blue Ocean (good) 2004 -Blue Ocean Next door to Bennys. Club sandwich = juice =$3 Good view Bonsai Caf (good) We ate most of our breakfasts at Bonsai Caf a great little place with really good American and pancake breakfasts, and drinkable coffee!! We paid around Rp 8 000 for pancakes, which are my absolute favourite breakfast, while the American breakfast cost Rp 22 000. The bonsai trees grow in proliferation and are worth a look! Bonsai, Sanur (good) Great brekky. $3. Brazil Caf. Near the bungy jump. Good food and very cheap. Bridge Caf, Ubud (good) Try the Bridge Cafe, at the bridge, naturally enough; not as expensive or as crowded as nearby Murny's, but equally good food. Cafe Dian (good) Good food. Caf Etnik (good)

Jl Legian No 355, Kuta Good cheap satay (16,000) and nasi (12,500) Cafe Gayatri, Ubud (good)

Good too. Caf Intan, Jumbaran (good)

Excellent food but scales are doubtful and inaccurate. Lobster, 4 huge prawns, salad, potatoes, vegies, & 3 dipping sauces was $US40 for 2. with beer. Caf Lembong, Ubud (good) On opposite ends of the soccer field on Monkey Forest Road. All these are in the medium price range, less than US$10 for a complete meal with beers. They have daily specials

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15 Cafe Lotus, Ubud (expensive) Good food. 120-200,000 Rp for 4. Not cheap. Some say it is disappointing and service is not good. Pricier that Casa Luna. Cafe Lotus, Legian (good) 2004 - Caf Lotus- Stall behind S&S bar. Nasi Goreng 5,000. Caf Moccha, Jl Legian breakfast, french pastries. Caf Warisan (expensive) Caf Warisan, Kerobokan (just Nth Seminyak) Not cheap. French style. Kafe Warisan, Seminyak. Phone and book to ask for a 2nd Fl. table overlooking rice fields. 731175 Not cheap but ***** 3 courses for 2 + drinks A$60 Cafe Wayan, Ubud (good) Forum person not impressed with cafe. Keep walking past then decide where to sit. Duck and chicken curry is very good. Huge choice of foods. Went there for the Sunday Buffet and it was without a doubt the best food I had in Bali during my three week vist. but really enjoyed the authentic Balinese Lawar and Betutu at Cafe Wayan. One of the family sat with us for about an hour and we really enjoyed the atmosphere, service and food Caf Wayung, Sanur (good) Nice Asian and Mediterranean food. After 4pm you can get interesting Tapas. Caf Yogya, Legian/Seminyak (good) 2004 - Caf Yogya Jl Padma Utara cheap, good juice Canang Caf, Kenonganan Beach (good)

Recommended. Carts The scene was amazing. Several small trolleys each serving an array of different local food or drinks were parked in no particular order in an area under the street lantern. There were many local people chatting and laughing while eating from these food vendors. It was just like an outdoor bistro. Like a huge party. Dony told me the food vendors are called "kaki lima". They specialize in serving the local community. My, what the hotel guests are missing out on. The aroma of the food was indescribable. I couldn't help myself, I had to try a bit of everything. Bakso Sapi - (Noodle soup with beef balls) Sate Ayam or Sate Kambing - (Chicken or Goat satay) Soto Babat - (Offal Soup) Martabak telur - (A savoury omelette .....delicious) Sop Kaki Kambing - (Leg of lamb soup) Nasi Goreng Komplit - (Fried rice with the lot, and a fried egg on top!) Mie Kocok - (Fried noodles with vegetables) Lontong Opor - (Rice Cake with chicken curry) Tahu Ketupat - (Beancurd and vegetables) Karedok - (Vegetables with peanut sauce) Cah Kangkung - (Spicy mixed vegetables with spinach) Nasi Campur - (A mixed rice dish, a Balinese speciality) Well all this was simply delicious, but what a thirst I had......... Es Campur - (Mixed fruit drink) Es Kelapa muda - (young coconut milk with coconut flesh) And for dessert........ Cendol - (A dessert or drink made from coconut milk, palm sugar and rice flour) What a feast! And the cost of this feast! Less than a dollar a where did I put the ENO? Casa Luna, Ubud (mixed)

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16 Someone on forum thought it was good. 3 storey restauarnt - great food and decor - again forum recommends. Someone else on forum said disappointing. Known for pasta and desserts.Dishes can be disappointing. Walk downstairs for great Balinese paella, fetta calzone and papaya and lime meringue pie. Entrees, mains, dessert, cocktails, bintangs $25 for 2. Always busy, excellent value for money,day or night The Casa Luna, associated with a great bakery, is the standout. A diverse menu for all meals, good hygiene, but somewhat indifferent service, unexpected from such a large wait staff.Casa Luna - the grilled tuna and lime tart were unbeatable. Ubud is full of great restaurants though- we wanted to stay to try them all out. Chi Chi, Tuban (good??) Cheap and delicious. Chi Chis. Upstairs near Waterbom Park. Free Internet while youre there. 2004 - Chi Chis Jl Kartika Plaza 752-304 Mexican Free internet. Toilets disgusting Club Med (good) For US$25 per person can enjo lunch buffet and unlimited wine and beer and then enjoy all theit sports facilities. Day guests leave at 5.30pm or buy another ticket for the evening buffet, disco etc. Coconut Wharf (??) Coconut Wharf Ramada Bintang Resort.Tye Kartika (?) above the supermarket by the Santika entry. All-you-can-eat dinner and show Rp50,000 Coffee The Bali coffee is about the best I've tasted - in fact I brought about 4kg home last time !!! Just make sure you always ask for "Bali Coffee" otherwise they might try to serve you Nescafe !!! There are a lot of small coffee shops around the place, but if you are anywhere near Kuta/Tuban look for the Koffe Pot in Kuta Square, it is just great!! Coke etc Take own supermarket drinks on tours. Cans of coke at tourist sites cost 5,000 Rp. But price at supermarkets. Take a small chill bag. Some will try and sell it to you for 10,000Rp but this is about 8 times the going rate in Bali. Coke (cans) 3,200 rp Water (Bottle 500ml) 3,200 rp Copa (good) Copa and Daddy's right across the road. I think Daddy's has the best menu, but the kids loved the big screen TV with Cartoon Network at the Copa . Kids eh !!! Copa near Dynasty.Cheap. $20 for family Crusoes, Seminyak (was good) Visit it at least for a drink. It has a fantasy deserted island setting. theme of Robinson Crusoe all hand made out of timber, happy hour 5-7 pm two large bintangs for 15,000 rp. Large selection of food, seafood, western, mexican, russian & Indo, snacks for kids, try corn on cob 3,000rp & spring rolls for entree. Daddys (good)2004 - Daddys Jl Kartika Plaza Tuban (Good for breakfast (sausages delicious) Prices good.) At Tuban good for breakfast. Copa and Daddy's right across the road. I think Daddy's has the best menu, but the kids loved the big screen TV with Cartoon Network at the Copa . Kids eh !!!. Jl Kartika Plaza opposite the Dynasty - had one brekkie here - terrific, included vegemite for the Ozzies and peanut butter for the Yanks! A little disappointed with a dinner there though. Kakap a la Berse @ 25,000R and Chicken a la Daddys @ 28,000R. Just came back from Bali and wanted to recommend Daddies Cafe on JL Kartika, just opposite Santika hotel in Tuban. Great food, great prices and great service! They are open for B, L & Dayu1 (good) Dayu 1 next to Nagasari in Kuta. Also good happy hour. DDs Bar

2004 - Jl Legian No 99, Kuta. Best Arak Attacks at 15,000 each and very friendly staff. Delight Caf (good) Rum Jungle Rd. Legian. Lamb. Rp5,000/main course. Dirty Duck Diner, Ubud (small servings)

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17 Great. Very good. Nice setting. Avoid crispy duck which is dry. But the portions are extremely small and you will still be hungry.The Dirty Duck, at the opposite end of Ubud, has a great setting, particularly the back tables over the rice paddies, and great food, as well. Dolphin Caf, Jimbaran or Legian (good) Red Snapper 65,000rp/kilo Snapper 45,000 Rp/k Squid 45,000 Rp/k Lobster 180,000 Rp/k Crab 45,000 Rp/k Prawns 140,000 Rp/k dolphins Legian. Next to Dolphins leather. Good breakfast/snacks. 2004 - Dolphin Caf. Garlic Lane Seminyak Breakfasts good, cheap. (Nice meal, friendly staff). Dolphin Malasti street Dolphin Bar & Rest. Legian. Happy hour 5.30 8.30 nightly. Drinks Bottle of coke (small) 3,500RP. Almost all bars rests etc use fake alchohol. Do not drink.Only buy sealed bottled water. I did not even drink their juice. Bought bottled water anywhere and bought big bottles for our room for tea and coffee instead of using mini bar. Also took my own coffee and tea and bought long life milk from the supermarket. bought water at the shops across the street. 2000rp ($0.20) for a 1.5 liter bottle is the local price, although they thought they could get 5000rp from me. I kept walking, and was able to get 2 for 5000rp a little further down the street.2004 - 8,000 small Bintangs; 4,000 soft drinks, water Dulang Restaurant (expensive) We had fantastic king prawns at the Dulang Restaurant Rp72 000. EMA Restaurant, near Nusa Dua (expensive) Best bargain - a/c and very comfortably furnished. Services choice of Chinese or Thai set menus *8-12 courses) for US$6-10 per person. YUM CHA: Emmas, Galleria Kuta behind round-a-bout. (Recommended by Chinese nationals.) Mataharis Food Hall. Fat Yogis (bad) Fat Yogis Kuta. Forget it unless you only want pizza. Some of the worst food weve been served. How can you destroy noodles? Is this chicken soup or chicken st? Indifferent service. Flora Hotel (good`roast) Flora Hotel Roast Nite is fabulous. Food - General This is just an opinion - fruit for breakfast and a cheesy pisa and chop choy or gado-gado for lunch may be the way to go - and of course, seafood and Bintang for dinner! Food stalls or warungs offer meals for about 4-5,oooRp. Top restauarnts etc charge 15-80,000 Rp in best places and beers are 8-20,000Rp. 10% service charge usually added to bill as well as tax.Tiny food stalls or warungs offer 1-2 specially prepared local specialities but primitve surroundings can spoilt the experience for visitors. Avoid small green chillies or sambal. For down to earth experience of Indonesian food visit night markets or food halls in or adjacent to shopping centres eg Tiara Dewata in Denpasar. For $1 or so can try Bakso - different sate and balinese sate lilit which is different minced seafood etc.Wear long pants and socks at most restauarants as mozzies live under the tables. Ask restaurants to light coils while you are there. Generally, suggest eating main meal as early in the day as you can as food is fresher.Do NOT eat grapes as they are the most handled of foods. They will make you very sick. Avoid eating any fruits that you cant peel. Avoid traditional smoked duck as it can also make you sick. Lots of restaurants like you to pay in foreighn currency and will give you very good rates. Ask for spices to be left off kids food. Rahayu are covered peanuts (often with coconut etc.) Good eating.Dont eat Bali chocolate as it tastes terrible. They dont use fresh milk in its production.Try emping crackers look lite potato chips but are better. Supermarkets have nibbles. Taro Snacks and Good Time cookies are good and cheap. Fruit 2004 - On the way back, Nyoman stopped at a local supermarket and we brought mangosteens and mangos for me to take back to my room. (About 10,000R for 1 kilo mangosteens and 2 mangos from memory).2004 - 5,000 pineapples, bunches of bananas, 10,000 coconut

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18 Fruit Juices Hi there, the secret about the Bali Belly is fruit acid. Western stomachs are not used to it, if you arrive here, try not to drink to many fruit juices, it's healthy but you're not used to it. Gado Gado Is a charcoal grilled skewer with small pieces of chicken, beef, pork, pr prawns served with peanut sauce. Also a nice restaurant just opened in Seminyak. Gajah Gajah (good) Excellent for Indian food. Gajah Gajah. Rum Jungle Road, Legian St end. Indian. Vegetable samoosas! Garden View (good) seafood?? Garden View Hotel in Legion great smorgasboard meals and very cheap, different theme each night eg. Mexican, roast, seafood. Gayatra Cafe - on Monkey Rd Forest (??) Good place to take a child. Upstairs they had big couches around low tables and plenty of cushions. Very comfy! Gazebo Restaurant (great/seafood) 2004 - A big favourite was also the Gazebo Restaurant every night they had a fire going and grilled seafood as required. We ate wonderful snapper for Rp13 000 for this princely sum you get a good piece of snapper, potatoes from the fire, some wonderful chili sauce and a coleslaw salad on the side! The tuna was Rp 23 000, grilled calamari Rp 16 000. We also had great seafood sate sticks and Nasi and Mee Goreng. Not being a big drinker I didnt focus on Bintang prices too much, but they ranged from Rp 7000 for a small Bintang up to Rp 10 000. I love the fresh fruit juices and drank copious quantities of watermelon, papaya, banana and mixed fruit juices. I also love snake fruit and ate plenty of that chill it in the fridge and take it to the beach yummm!! Goa 2001 in Seminyak (good) Japanese open till 1am but could be sold out. Also serves Indian, Indonesian, Thai etc. Open air. Excellent music and drinks. Quiet and pleasant during dinner. Goes Art (great brekky) Found two good places to have breakfast, "Goes Art" turn left when you come onto Jl Legian from the gang, down about 5 mins walk, clean and good value, 17000rp each for a full American Bkf, $3.40 Aust. Goes Art Bar & Restaurant, Jl Legian. Good for breakfast. Glory Restaurant, legian 2004 - We had dinner at Glory. I was very annoyed because I had to eat white rice and nothing else. The juices were the BEST we had anywhere, the mango and bannana chocolate juices were SUPURB. The prices were okay, 40,000rp for satays and Kate refused to eat them. The food was satisfactory, quite plain. Prawns cost 75,000rp and they have very fresh seafood. What really made the evening was the delicious mango mouse for dessert. It was actually a homemade mango sorbet with vanilla ice cream and fresh mango strips (BLISS). The staff there are great, Jai entertained us with his amazing magic for ages. There is also a lovely garden setting. Check this place out, its a lot of fun. You can get jugs of cocktails for 50,000rp too! :We can also recommend "Glory Restaurant" in Legian Street, Legian. Very cheap and great food. It is almost due East of Melasti Beach in Legian Street. Golden Lotus (??) The GOLDEN LOTUS inside the Bali Dynasty Resort (operated by Shangri-La Hotels) in Tuban is well-known for a wide range of good Chinese dishes and 'Dim Sum' (during lunch on Sundays) which are served in comfortable hotel surroundings. The unpretentious but air-conditioned B.M.J. (Bak Mie Jakarta) restaurant, Jalan Raya Kuta No. 22 on the main road between Kuta and the airport, does serve a tasty version of the fried noodles (Bakmie) which it was named after, but I used to enjoy also their 'Dim Sum' (also called 'Yum Cha') -- a variety of small dumplings, steamed buns and other mini delights served in rattan baskets. Inside the baskets you find steamed dumplings filled with prawns and pork ('Siu Mai' and 'Har Gau'), or shark fin ('Yu Chi Gau'), crisp-fried rolls with prawns, and 'Char Siu Bau', rather filling barbecued pork buns. The prawns and other ingredients were always fresh, and the prices are about Rupiah 4,500 per basket (a fraction of what you would pay in Hong Kong or Taipei). Recently, however, the portions have become smaller, and the quality has gone down, too.

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19 Gosha Bar, Kuta/Legian (expensive??)

Just up from Balitoo. Dinner for 4 - seafood platter - $30. For tea. Seemed overpriced to some people and drinks were expensive.We were rushed from the moment we went in till the moment we left and did not have time to relax even when we told the staff we were not ready to order on a number of occasions. Someone thought Gosha was good. 2004 - Gosha on Jl. Melasti was our dinner destination, was very busy, probably around 150 people there. The food and service was good. Gosha Rating 8.5/10. Grand Caf Tropicana (good) Our favourite was Grand Caf Tropicana. Its owned by Dutch people who own the Puri Mas resort. They have a really good menu, and a fantastic band. They play almost every request you ask for, and have great personalities. We got to know the staff quite well and really enjoyed our meals there. They do fantastic pizzas if you get a longing for cheese prices range from Rp32 000 upwards, depending on size and toppings. Theyre really worth the price. I had a wonderful snapper, and great nasi goring. We had cocktails which were also around Rp45 000, Bintangs from Rp 7500 up and fresh fruit juices. They were having a special on buffet evenings Asian and International buffet nights for Rp 30 000 which includes coffee/tea or orange juice. Judging from the huge plates of food which passed us they were really worth it if you needed to stock up after a long day on the beach! Green Garden Restaurant, near Dynasty (good) Great for fresh fruit juice and lunchs. At Tuban. Good. Serves spring rolls, garlic prawns and saut sticks and give free massages while you wait. Green Garden - just down from Dynasty - very popular restaurant, turned away one night, too busy, next night had a nice meal, not fantastic but cheap and enjoyable. About $20 for the four of us. Complimentary hand, shoulder and neck massages while you wait for your meal. walk out dynasty gate, turn left theres laundromat, kodak shop then supermarket and then green garden Griya Santrian at Besakih (good) Good food and great brekky. Right near the beach with beach/ocean view. Griya Barbecue, Ubud (good) Further west on Jl Raya from Ary's, on opposite side of road. Food is great, prices reasonable, nice ambience The Hann, Nusa Dua (no) The Hann Rest. Jl Pantai Mengiat 88 , BUALU, NUSA DUA. Walking distance from Hilton Hotel. Not a happy experience for us in 2000. We will probably frequent the numerous cafes along the main road to Benoa in future. Lotus Garden Nusa Dua, Ubud, and Monkey Forest,Tuban, etc. Hard Rock Caf (no)

Rip off very expensive. Avoid why buy hamburgers when in bali? Had a very nice dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. The place was packed and although it's quite expensive by Balinese standards, it's much cheaper than the Melbourne Hard Rock cafe. Hard Rock Hotel, Legian - Expensive - and you have to ask for your change!2004 - Of to the Hard Rock Caf for dinner, we found that the food was very good and at reasonable prices however the drinks compared to other places were a little expensive. It was somebodys birthday to which they put on a little show which was a nice touch. Hard Rock Caf - Rating 7/10. Hueys (good)

Seemed good.Hueys - breakfast <Rp10,000. (Peanuts Disco - traffic lights - left - half-minute walk.) Run by Felix. For
teenagers and a bit above. Ice Ice is delivered most mornings from a plant that makes it from distilled water but you can ask first to be sure. Most Balinese in Ubud were careful of their water themselves. Indo National (great) 2004 good. Indonational for dinner which Sharon had booked for 6.30pm. Milton quickly rearranged a table once we realized our missing BTF were a no show for dinner as well, and we settled in for a great dinner after using the ice cold towels to refresh ourselves. My grilled seafood calamari, fish and prawns with garlic sauce, plus salad and chips was one of the better meals I had during my 3 week trip.All for 40,000R plus 2 arak and orange juices (50,000R). veryones meals looked pretty good and the place was absolutely packed. No wonder I had trouble getting in again for dinner as

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20 its very popular.2004 - Indo-National Bar and Restaurant. (Gonnas- Milton and Kerry) Jl Sahadewa (Garlic Lane) Legian. Chilli Crab $6.50. Most meals good. Very busy. Had dinner at Indo National - fantastic food, great service and would love to recommend this place to ANYONE!. Mainly relaxed and drank heaps of bintang. Indus, Ubud (varied reports) I was very disappointed in Indus, which I had heard was so good. I would never go back to Indus Owned by Casa Luna, more upmarket all round, serious contender for my "Best restaurant in Ubud" award. Our all time favorite was Indus for atmosphere, service,quality of the food and reasonable price. Intan Bar, Jimbaran (yes) Lobster etc sold by weight. Lobster 150,000Rp/kilo, prawns 140,000Rp, snapper 40,000. BBQd and includes salad, rice, spices and fruit. 100,000 for beer & 1 kilo red snapper. Jakz Place, Sanur (good) Friendly cafe with good food and prices - had breakky there almost every day. Recommended on forum. JD's Cafe on Padma Street. (good) Good and cheap.2004 - For dinner we went to JDs. Kate had satays every night, wherever we went and she maintains that they have the best. The food was great and very cheap. We ate all indonesian and shared dishes again. The only reason JDs doesn't do as well as some of the other restaurants is that its lacking atmosphere. The music, lighting etc wasn't beckoning and the staff were very sweet but not dynamic. 2004 - BEST nasi goreng ever (16,000) and excellent satays (18,000), snapper (30,000) and the crinkle-cut chips are sensational (8,000 a plate) for a snack. Excellent juices and cheapest at 5,000 each. Jensens (good) Jensens in Jl Bakung Sari. Clean restaurant and v. good toilets. Karaoke entertainment. Happy hour midday 8pm. Jimbaran Bay Sharkys (good) Caf Jukung came recommended. Humble hut with a few seats but the prices are cheap and the sertvice flawless. Has a really nice beach with white sand. Waves not too high for swimming, wind surfing and sailing. Great for watching famous sunsets.Get there about 5.40pm before sunset at 6.10pm. The earlier you get there the better your choice of seafood. Have a bintang as the sun sets. End of the beach nearest the airport is cheaper and it suffers from less build up of smoke from the fires.Rp100,000 for lobster/kilo, BBQd including accompaniments of potatoes, some rice and some salad and fruits. More recent prices on Forum are Snapper with vegies, salad, rice, potatoes, sauces, sambals 35,oooRp/kilo. Grilled prawns 90,000; lobster 150,000; large bottle of beer only 1000Rp.The lobster was 3kg, 6 prawns 1.5kg and the schnapper was 2kg. Including 3 beers the cost was 180000 rh. The lobster was beautifully sweet - being large it did not dry out in the cooking nor did the prawns. We were in the middle of the restuarants and there was a toilet facility for this restaurant.Plan to arrive around 4.30pm for the sunset. Take your binoculars to watch the planes. DON'T FORGET THE AEROGUARD (aka personal insect repellent) The flies disappear at sunset however the sand flies can be a bit savage.Travel as far south as you can as some new ones have appeared. You will find a group of 10 warongs on the beach ,they appear to have a common roof but you will see diferent names on the roof and at the moment Yomans is the best,dont forget to haggle about the price per/Kg. In our experience the restaurants closest to the Inter-Continental i.e. to the South (away from the airport) are the most pleasant.Just make sure that the lobster you buy is ALIVE! There is nothing worse for PSP than crustaceans that have gone "off".5-6 restaurants closest to Keraton Hotel near airport are the best near north side. 1 kilo prawns there 80,000Rp and beer 8,000Rp.Take 1 litre of water in a bottle to test their scales. They are always wrong ie they will want to charge you 1.6 kilos for a 1 kilo lobster. Jonis in Jalan Padma (good) Comes recommended. Jonis in Jl Padma. Nice setting around the pool. The night we went they had traditional dancing , which was a nice visual experience. Food was good and prices reasonable. Missed happy hour and did'nt keep details of prices, but think they were about average. Judis Restaurant/Caf (good) If you get the chance you have to get a cappucino at Judi's down the lane by the Dwira Hotel ( which is basically just up the street towards Padma and on the other side of the road). Jukungs caf (good) I was reading through this forum and noticed a couple of people had written about Jukungs Cafe in Jimbaran Bay. I too would like to compliment on this Cafe. My husband and I walked along the beach looking for some where to eat. We didnt know where to eat and we were tired of walking so we just picked any cafe, this being Jukungs Cafe. We were then seated by Putu the waiter, a very friendly man he is. My husband had hesitations in eating at this cafe

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21 because it was only a small cafe, but after the meals my husband was completely satisfied and said 'thats the best meal i have had in a long time'. I would reccommend this cafe to everyone who is going to Bali. The food is terrific and reasonably priced and the service is great and the people are very friendly. This small cafe proves that big isnt always better!!! Kalamantan Restaurant, Sanur (good) One of the cheapest rests in this area. Great for brekky and other meals. Karina Restaurant, lovina (NO) Disgusting restaurant. The worst meal we had on Bali by far. Food was very poor and he buffet looked appalling. Kartika Restauarant (good) Lunch dinner for 2 is $8.50. Buffet breakfast 30,000Rp with toast, crooisants, breads, sausages, juices, fruits, bacon and eggs. Great brekky on top of a supermarket near the Dynasty.Kartika - Upstairs above the supermarket just outside the entry to the Santika. One brekkie . Their Easy Breakfast - very good. We also went to their dinner-show their Wednesday night all-you-can-eat baked dinner with a cultural dance performance - all for 50,00R each - excellent value Kedins Caf (good) 2004 - Kedins Caf. Poppies 1. Cheap, good food, movies playing. Ketaput Restaurant (good) Traditional Indonesian food. At jalan legian 109. Great. Great food and seafood. Haute cuisine Indonesian style. Not cheap but in range 60-90,000Rp. Great for Indonesian. Good eats. Kin Khao Thai, Seminyak (good) 2004 - Kin Khao (Thai) Jl Raya Seminyak 732-153. Good service, cheap .Lots of good but lacking a bit of Thai spcie so get them to add spice to it. Most dishes 10-15,oooRp. Thai food is served in the air-conditioned KIN KHAO Thai Restaurant, Jalan Raya Seminyak No. 37. However, their "Thom Yam Gung", Fried Fish Cakes, Green Papaya Salad, Spring Rolls, a Green Chicken Curry, and "Hormok" (steamed mixed seafood) are recently lacking the spiciness of real Thai food -- although you can specify when ordering how you'd like your food. Most dishes are 20,000 to 30,000 Rupiah. The same owners opened in Summer 1997 a larger, more luxurious new branch in Jalan Kartika Plaza. The food there is equally "touristy", and the prices are about 50% higher than in Seminyak. Kin Khao - Thai restaurant opposite Dynasty. Fantastic meal - beautiful Thai Beef Salad, spring rolls and red curry - very reasonable prices and the staff were great. Kin Khao Kuta (Thai food excellent).Kin Khao, Thai. Jl Raya Seminyak #37, Kuta. 732 153 High on our list. OK Kecak Bali, benoa (good)

Ketupat (good) 2004 - Ketupat Jl raya Kuta Authentic indo. Excellent. Good value. 2004 - Ketupat 109 Jl Legian. Indo great food and setting. Opposite Kopi Pot. Kokis, Jalan Bypass, Sanur (good but expensive) German Food. 20-60,000Rp for meal. Can play billiards or watch a movie. Open for food till midnight. Kopi Pot. Not only coffee but lemon meringue pie! Koris, Poppies Lane 2 (good) Recommended on forum. Also went ot Kori on Poppies 2 a bit dearer but excellent food, and great Brownies with ice-cream, pasts, garlic bread etc With the restaurants, the list of Ian & Cathy just about sums it up. I would add the Kori in Poppies 2 ( If you can get to it). KORI Restaurant & Bar, hidden away in nearby Poppies II Lane, offers comfortable open-air seating in pleasant surroundings (tropical garden with several ponds, nice decoration and atmosphere). Service is attentive, and the menu lists specialties from many countries such as Indonesian Satays, Thai beef salad, Thom Yam, and Green Chicken Curry, Singapore Chilli Crab, Australian beef steaks, tuna steaks, beef burgers, pork chops, Caesar salad, and Italian pasta. There is a good choice of desserts (from Balinese Black Rice Pudding to Bavarian Vanilla Cheese Cake), and they have several kinds of delicious home-baked breads with a

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22 crunchy crust. Good food, nice presentation, large portions, and very reasonable prices also for wine. They offer to park your car a few hundred meters away as you cannot leave it in the narrow, often congested lane.Koris Restaurant Poppies lane 2 1st class food excellent atmosphere. Reasonable price. Kori Restaurant down Poppies Lane 1 diagonally opposite to Tubes- excellent cuisine in a gorgeous setting. Kori Rest. Poppies Lane 2 - (absolutely the best place I have eaten at. says Nell.)2004 great restaurant.Koris, Kuta. Poppies Lane 2. 758 605 Not cheap but nice. Another favourite. Kubuku (good) Kubuku- Poppies 2. Cheap, good. Kuta Seafood (no) A big tacky restaurant with an awful dance performance. Kuta Seaview (part of Seaview Hotel) a wide miss. Ku de ta - in Seminyak (good) Good restaurant.2004 - Jl laksmana no 9,Seminyak or just walk up the beach from Legian (approx 30 minutes) and enter from there.Very funky with DJ playing at lunch. Appears to now be a place for the beautiful people to be seen, mainly Europeans. To give you an example, we saw a girl strutting around in knee high leather boots despite the 30 + temperature. They have day rave parties (dress code: less is more) and fashion shows, art house movies. The cigar bar has closed but you can still buy cigars and smoke them in the new bar area. Food was sensational as were juices. A must at least once just to experience it. Make sure you visit the toilets individual hand towels! Lakeview Rest, Kintamani (??) Buffet expensive at $6US and not very good. Some are saying it was only $5 and quite qood. La Lucciola (expensive) Awesome setting. Well presented nice food. Pricey for Bali. Location out of the way. Italian food sometimes nice but not reliable. Dinner 375,000Rp. Always full of people . LA Lucciola - the best we went to. Bit pricy but good. You can take wine and corkage is 50000rp. Watch the rats in the palm trees at dusk -yummy! 2004 - on the beach. Seminyak. La Lucciola, Seminyak. $$$ On the bch. Talk to Denise French about Bali Street Animal Rescue.2004 - Oberoi Road, Kay Aya Beach. Just up from Ku De Ta if you walk along the beach. Sensational as always best view and a bit more relaxed than Ku De Ta. Try the fruit granitas. La Porchetta (good) Went to La Porchetta for dinner, very reasonable with excellent food and service.Its on Jl Legian just south of Melasti st. This is near Peanuts for everything ranging from pizza to spicy Thai seafood. La Monde Padma Utara street, above Loji Supermarket. More western than Asian. Pizzas, spaghetti, sweets etc. Interesting outlook. La Tabu (great) 2004 - La Tabu Jl Petitenget, Seminyak. Around corner from La Luciola. Opposite Petitenget temple. Cheap. 9.000 Mie Goreng (with chunks of chicken). Nice cake and iced tea. La Teras (good) Ok food. Nice setting. Not as expensive as La Lucciola. Complimentary bread basket, best mushroom rigattonni, great pizzas. Most dishes between 20-30,000Rp. Lazer Sports Bar (no) Dinner at Lazer sports bar across road, not far from Gazebo - good place for watching sport on big screen TVs, but there's better food elsewhere. The Legend (ok)

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23 2004 - The Legend- Jl Sahadewa, Legian. 755376 ( Great food, reasonable price. (Entertainment, music, dance party, (9.30-). Balinese dance (Tue, Th, Sat) Too many staff who tend to hover a bit too much. ) The Legend all-you-can-eat b/fast Rp10,000. Legian Snacks (great)

I would also recommend Legian Snacks for a cheap meal .2004 - Good restaurants CHEAP lunch - definitely Legian Snacks - Ultra cheap and great indonesian food noodles etc - can get western food as well. Legian Snacks? This may be a bit cryptic because i don't know the street name - but Jl Padma has only three streets that run off it. The top end is Jl Legian then as you head down Jl Padma towards the beach the first street on the left is Garlic Lane, where the Indo National is, then the next on the right is the street Legian Snacks is. You go up this street about 50 metres and it is on your right - there is also a great DVD shop next door. is in Jalan Padma Utara near Garden View Cottages, Loji Supermarket and La Monde restaurant. There pancakes are superb if you have a sweet tooth. Legian Gardens (great)

2004 Great. For dinner we went to Taman Legian Garden Restauarant (Legian Garden). #* Legian Garden (Taman Legian) Jl Melasti. Ph 751-544Good prices, friendly staff. Breakfast buffet 12.500. Happy hour at dinner (cheap cocktails). On Malasti street. It is called the Legian Garden. It serves cheap breakfasts all you can eat for 12000rps. ($2aus or $1 us) the people here are extremely friendly and make everyone feel welcome.The Legian Garden is a very cheap clean place to eat where the staff are friendly. it is situated in Melasti Street Legian bording Kuta diagonally across the road from the Bali Aussi Restuarant. A place where we often eat is called Legian Garden Restaurant in Jalan Melasti - the food is very good, cheap, the staff are great and most importantly the beer is very cold. Breakfast is all you can eat for 12,000rp. Legian Garden is not far from the Intan - head up Jalan Melasti and it's on the right hand side, opposite Garlic Lane.2004 - We still think the Legian Garden in Melasti St is still unbeatable for breakfast and ate there a couple of times. Legian Gardens, Melasti St. Breakfast eat all you want A$2. Le Monde (good) 2004 - What a lovely setting, on the airy balcony (we were actually cold). We got there at 8:45 and they said it would take an hour!! Get there at 6pm or dont bother. La Monde - ate their heaps upstairs as you got a really nice breeze nice pizzas, pastas, nasi goreng Lemongrass (good) 2004 - Jl Raya Seminyak 37, Seminyak. We eat Thai every Friday night in Melbourne and this place was sensational. Its indoors which is also quite a nice change easy to drop in at lunch but book if you want to eat in the evening as it only seats 50 people. Cant rave enough about how good the food is here. Lennys (yes) a great restaurant and not expensive: "lenny's" near the hard rock hotel. great fresh seafood! staff is very friendly LG Restaurant, Kuta (probably not) Indian specialities. But no air/c and surroundings are not attractive. Cost 150,000 Rp for 4-6 people. Most dishes 20,000Rp. Lotus Caf, Ubud (expensive) has a spectacular setting, Also the Lotus Chain of Rests. are good and clean, a little more expensive but a good feed. Lotus Pond, Ubud (good) Food is good and pond near tables is fabulous, cooling and refreshing. Lotus Resto (bad) Terrible. Expensive and no lotus flowers. Food not good. Made Warung, Kuta (good) Full of tourists. Food is good and inexpensive. Recommended by a few people on forum.Excellent place. Good asian food. Everyone recommends. Closes at midnight. Mades Warung I (Kuta) & II (Seminyak). Regular good reports. Mades Homestay (good)

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24 - also in Jl Tamblingan opposite the entry into the Besakih - One dinner fantastic! We each had 2 sprites, 2 araks, shrimp cocktails and gado-gados. - Total 51,000R. Great. Mama Lucia (good Italian)Mama Lucias Legian Street (fantastic Italian food).2004 - Went to Mama Lucia on Jl. Legian just down from the hotel for dinner, met a guy called Wayan there who was trying to teach us some Balinese with maybe just a little success. We both had a Bolognese which to our surprise was very nice; the drinks were also reasonably priced. Mama Lucia Rating 8.5/10.

Mango Caf, Sanur (good) Great spot for lunch. Brekky is cheap for about $3. Markets, Kuta Dont buy local produce as you will pay 20% higher and quality will be inferior. The markets at the top end of Melasti have just been closed and are under renovation,expected to take a few months.A new car park is planned to be included as well. Try a beers and burger at hueys over the road from there,really good!! Some are saying that the Legian Art market is open though. Two different markets? Massimo. Sanur (good) 2004 great restaurant. Matahari Food Stall (great) 2004 - Emas Galleria Kuta, Matahari food hall. Yum Cha Metro 77X (great) Places to Eat - recommend Metro 77X just down from Bintang. Chicken Satay with rice 15,000rp ($3 Aus). opposite Gocarts. Highly recommended. Minis Restaurant (good) Across the road from Novotel. Great value. 2004 - Minis Bar- Jl Legian. Seafood good. Miro's Garden Restaurant (good) Excellent food in a beautiful garden setting. Highly recommended. When in ubud we when to Miro's Restaurant and also another restaurant on Monkey Forest Road next door to the bakery, Murnis Warung, Ubud (good) Someone on forum thought it was good. Recommended again. Should try Bebek Betutu here - duck speciality slowly baked in banana leaves with different herbs and spices. To try the above dish suggest booking day in advance. Lovely design and setting. Go before it gets dark.The best thin about Murni's is the general manager, an Aussie named Peter, who is one of our best memories about Bali. If you go to Murni's Warung at the Campuhan Bridge.Located right at the Suspension Bridge at the Tjampuhan end of town. Has grown dramatically over the years and now covers 3 levels overlooking the River. Food is v good and prices very reasonable. They do about the best Gado Gado in Bali! Nasi Campur, Ubud (good) Recommended. Naughty Nuris Up the road towards Kedewatan (where the fancy Ayung Gorge Hotels are) further up the road from the Museum Neka. Doesn't look much, but food is excellent and staff are great. Nusa Indah (good) Nusa Indah Bar & Restaurant Poppies I opposite Masa Inn. Clean, good selection, always hot and good staff. Nyomans (good) Comes recommended. Orchid Garden Rest (good) Great. Orchid in Melasti st comes recommended.Orchid Garden near Hotel Jayakarta. Part of Puri Anggrek Hotel. near Hotel Jayakarta. Went here the first morning at Jayakarta and used it 5 times in total. Unpretentious place, but food

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25 was pretty good at a good price.-Orchid Garden in Jalan Melasti is very cheap with good food and nice staff.I am sure there are plenty more places that I haven't written happy holidays!! Tia Padma Restaurant (good) Not the hotel was good for seafood especially the shrimp cocktails .Padma Club Not recommended. Pantai (great) 2004 - Pantai Restaurant (Filo favourite) Jl Wana Segara, Tuban Ph 753-196 Between Dynasty and Patra Jasa. Walk through Ramada Bintang hotel. On beach, great, cheap. (meals we had were very ordinary) Pantai Restaurant., beachfront, Jl Wana Segara, Tuban. 753 196. Sunset dinner or breakfast. Our most favourite. Unbeatable location as the sun goes down on the beach and the fishing boats light up. Fransiskus Ruben, Manager. Renovated 2000. Pity the toilets are just 6/10. Onion soup, Seafood Cocktails, seafood, Indo, burgers etc. etc. The resident dog is named Tata. Owned by one of the staff and tolerated by all he is a sleepy 7 year old trickster who will love your breakfast bacon. Papas (good) Papas. Jl Pantai, Kuta. Great coffee good meals. 2004 - Jl Pantai Kuta (near Legian Beach Hotel end) Pizza and pasta as close to Lygon Street standard as we have found in Bali. Generous serving and free herb bread rolls and sticks which was nice touch. The Italians from our hotel ate there regularly which is a good example of how good it is. Owner is from West Australia and has a caf there too apparently. Happy hour Bali Moon cocktails from 6 7pm. Pisang Goreng (good) 4 pieces for 1000Rp in Java but in Bali 5000Rp for 1 piece!?\ Pita Maha, Ubud (good) Food is good, service excellent, prices fair, but you will NEVER forget the location PJs (good) At the 4 seasons have great pizza. Poco Loco (OK) Great menu, lots of variety. Mexican. Nice setting. Pay a bit more. Open for dinner from 6pm till midnight Always full of people. great atmosphere and great Mexican - average main cost 30000 rp -small beer 10000rp. July 01 - We had a meal at POCO LOCO. DONT BOTHER hardly any body there and the chimchguas(sp) were ordinary and beans and rice were barely warm.2004 good Poco Loco. Went to Poco Loco and it was really busy - but compared to TJ's in Poppies Lane it was not up to scratch - alot more expensive and the music was sooo loud you had to shout across the table just to be heard - service was a bit slow too. # Poco Loco, Legian. (A little pricey for what it is.Food OK. Nice toilets.) Poco Loco, Legian. Generally good reports but claims of whole parties suffering food poisoning mid 01. Strongly supported by others at the same time!? Toilets 10/10. Poppies 2004 - Poppies. Poppies 1. 751059 (Lovely home made apple pie and iced coffee- 32.000). Puri Ayung (good) Puri Ayung Ubud. On the side of a forest valley. Nice people, good food when the chef is 'IN'. Pura Bali Indah Pura Bali Indah, great Chinese and seafood. Just by Legian Beach Hotel. Frequented by oriental tourists! Extensive menu. Rainbow Caf (good) 2004 - Rainbow Caf. Opposite Bounty. Bfast (2 pax) Nasi Goreng and/or pancakes,and juice/coffee- 50,000. "Rainbow Cafe" down Poppies11, about 10 mins walk, here you can get an Aussie breakfast, with Baked Beans hidden under your fried egg, nice touch,eh! price around the same, clean and good value. Rajas Cafe Got ready for dinner and went down to Kuta Square for dinner at Rajas Caf, good food, good prices. Rajas Rating 8/10. Raja Hotel Happy Hour (good)

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26 2004 - Rajas Near New Bounty. Cheap, huge servings .The hotel has a happy hour from 6.30 7.30 with delicious peanuts with crunchy coatings with canaps and cocktails. Local drinks are price but anything with OJ etc isnt as fruit juices arent local. Rajas Caf is great. Rajas Kuta Square.The evening finished up with dinner at RAJA's cafe in Kuta Square - nice foods at reasonable prices.Raja's is a good cheap restaurant in the centre of kuta. good clean food. no belly aches.supermarket is very cheap. Rama Bridge Kuta (??) Rama Bridge Kuta (opposite market) good & clean toilets. Prices increased in 99 for some reason. 2004 - Taxi back to Tuban and went to Rama Restaurant for dinner (part of Ramayana Hotel) cant really give any praise to this place unfortunately, maybe caught them on a bad night. Best part of the meal was cutting up the leftovers of which there was a lot and feeding the chicken to 3 small kittens than were playing in the corner near our table. Ratu (ok) 2004 - Ratu Restaurant and Bar. Jl Legian 56 62-0361-762069 -behind corner of Poppies 2- next to Sari site (New. Cheap. Great food. Friendly staff. Happy hour 3-6pm. 2 people x 2 courses each + 3 drinks = 94.000) Restaurant Bareclona (good) 2004 - wandered up the lane from Rambutan and tried out an omelets as Restaurant Barcelona, as my gut was now sending me a warning about too much spicy tucker which I wasn't game to ignore! Ill spare you the details! Excellent breakfast with fresh mixed juice for all of 18,000R. Restaurants General

Avoid tourist trap restaurants near or on way to tourist attractions as they were expensive and were unwell afterwards. In some smaller rests can eat main course for $1-$2. Rests in Bali are dark - take a flashlight. Dont eat at hotel rests. Can feed family of 4 a 3 course meal with drinks for 75,000Rp. Best places are lanes off main streets. Dont eat from vendor stalls. Ask them to light coils at dusk. Romas Caf at Jimbaran (good)

Great seafood variety. Ask for table close to water to avoid smoke and ask for spices to be left off kids meals. Ryoshi Restaurants (Sanur and Kuta) (good) Good sushi and a/c. Recommended on forum. If you go after 8.30pm most of the fish will be gone. Japanese chain of rests open until midnight. Can have sushi or sashimi. Low prices. Rum Jungle Road Restaurant (good) Average food, but plenty of it. Very cheap. Looked a bit ord. as we were the only customers at that time of the day (7am)...we didnt realize that all was too early for Bali. WEnt back there for dinner one night, totally different atmosphere and GREAT food. The kids loved all the fish in the tanks. So cheap about $12 to feed all of us Rum Jungle out the main gate and just up Rum Jungle road we had most of our breakfasts there. The food was great, the price ranged from 50,000-95,000 (depending how many pancakes the kids had ) for 2 Adults & 3 kids and the toilets were clean. SA Caf, Jl Segara (good) Cheap, wonderful and friendly. Ate there of the time. SA Cafe, Tuban. Just great. Always reliable. Try an icy Bintang here on a hot afternoon.2004 - S.A. Caf- Jl Wana Segara Tuban (Filo 2nd favourite) 754- 551. Indo and vege food, good prices. SA Caf, Jl Wana Segara, #31 Tuban. 754 551 Our second favourite. Try to get the raised bale with the tiled floor. Good food, great value. Pity about the toilets, 4/10. Sanur Beach Market (good) It is at the end of Jl Segara and serves from noon to 9-10pm a choice of Indonesian, Chinese and Balinese dishes with an emphasis on seafood. Great location, good food in an unpretentious setting and reasonable prices. Sea Breeze, Restaurant, Lovina (good) After a quiet night at our hotel we headed off to the Sea Breeze Restaurant as mentioned by Ringo on this Forum. We weren't disappointed as the food was excellent and very reasonably priced with bacon and eggs at 9,500rp and open ham, cheese and tomato sandwich on wholemeal pita bread for 12,000rp (it was a huge meal). The restaurant is situated right on the beach with great views along the beach to the mountains. With its black volcanic sand, Lovina

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27 Beach is certainly a different look from Kuta or Sanur Beach. There are heaps of restaurants, cyber cafe's and bars to chose from.This is an absolute MUST. The Sea Breeze is a Beach Bar/Restaurant which is located in Lovina center, directly at the beach near the hugh Dolphin Statue. It is made of only natural materials like wood, bamboo and natural rock and it breathes a tropical atmosphere. And there is always life music at night (guitars, bongos and singing), and I may say of a very high quality! Cant understand that these guys havent recorded an album yet.And the food! Incredibly delicious. Home made bread and marmelade, sandwitches the best Ive ever had, home made pies and cakes (lemon, chocolate, apple crumble, if you have no self discipline youll just keep ordering them), beef imported from Australia, wow! And the service is sublime. Theres only about 12 tables but they have a staff of 26 in two shifts of 13, so theres no long waiting till youre served. Seafood, In exchange they introduced us to Wayan of the Georgia Cafe on the beach at JB. We paid 120,000 rp/kg for 1kg of king prawns (3!) and 25,000 rp/kg for 1.2 kg of red snapper, Wayan then threw in an extra king prawn and a free beer. These along with rice and a delicious chili sauce fed Jill and I, although I must admit we got the torches out to ensure we hadn't missed any fish. Altogether 7 of us dined at the Georgia Cafe that night on worldclass seafood. This Cafe is at the Airport end of JB and the Cafe immediately before this one is just as good, yet they starve for custom because tourists believe that the best food will only be near the best hotels!Great seafood on the corner of Padma and Sahadewa Street Seafood Markets Bali Seafood Markets and Kuta Seafood in Kuta offer variety of fresh seafood. Secret Garden (good) FIND OF THE TRIP:- Secret Garden, set back off Poppies One,been open since march?,great. Owned/operated by Alvin,(English-great guy). Good food, very reasonable prices,band most nights, large beers 7700 all day-all night, a must place to check out, highly recommended, try and you will return, we did-several times, even to the extent of intending to eat there, few drinks then off to finish at the Bounty or wherever, couple of times we never did make it to the Bounty!!!.(no I am not on commission!)2004 - Secret Garden. Poppies 1. (Cheap, good food. Nice Garden area. Lit up at night.) Segara Village (good) Tables are under candlelight. Not expensive. Bill for dinner $10-20. Great brekky for 11,000Rp and full brekky for 17,500Rp. Swiss Restaurant (no) Not a great restaurant. Food average, dog sleeping on fllor. Sunset Caf Tuban (no) Sunset Cafe Tuban (Beach) Did not seem as popular in 2000. Supermarkets Matahari shopping centre, Kuta Square excellent for grocery shopping and low priced beer. Surfer Bar, Jalan Legian (no) Scotch is undrinkable. Even if you dont drink it they charge for it. Taman Gardens (good) Taman Gardens (Taman Legian?) , Jl Melasti, Rp10,000 breakfast. 2004 - Jl Melasti (opposite Bali Aussie) Very Australian food nothing to write home about but adequate and good value. Taman Legian (Kuta) (?????????????) 2004 - A little note of warning re Taman Garden Restaurant in Melasti St. We enjoyed our meal there and the atmosphere was great, however the next day we all had diarrhoea! Don't know if this was where we got it from but think it may be. Two other friends since then have also had an upset tummy after eating there, so be careful. Has a wonderful atmosphere tho! I found the best thing for upset tummy was taking the local remedy, ie. going to a chemist and getting their own brand of tablets for upset stomach, of which there are manyLots of people got sick at Taman Garden restaurant.Good quality and inexpensive. Best place to eat. Alll you can eat breakfast (eggs, noodles, rice, juice, pancakes, jaffles, tea and coffee) for 8,500 Rp. Huge dinners and safe salads for $5. Address is JL Melasti Kuta.

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28 Jumped in a cab and for about 5000Rp ($1AUS) had breakfast here. Can east as nuch as you like eggs, fresh fruit, toast, pancakes, juices, noodles, coffee, tes etc for 8500Rp each. Service and food is great.Always full of people. Taman Legian Gardens -watch for Joe Cool in his police uniform. Taman Garden Resturant in Melasti St, Legion (near Kuta). Drivers will be able to take you there. Great for snacks or anything. Happy Hours from 6-8 (we think) GREAT and friendly staff. Please go there early in your trip as you will go back frequently. There are numerous other rest. just look inside for regulars. Taman Legain gardens was also great, all you could eat for breakfast for 8500 Rp and only a small taxi fare from Jayakarta. For dinner our favourites were Gajah Gajah (Indian) this was probably the best meal we had, Lo's Warung 123,000rp for 5, Rum Jungle and theThai restaurant (Meal was lovely but restaurant was very dark and we had to sit on cushions at low tables which is alright unless you have long legs) These are all in walking distance out the main entrance of the hotel and up Rum Jungle Rd..2004 - We ate at the Taman restaurant good value for money, but they use copious quantities of garlic on everything (good for the mosquitoes I guess!) We went to Club Papaya for drinks they had a fairly good acoustic band playing. Taman Sari (good) 2004 - Taman Sari- Good food, service slow. Poppies 2? Tanayas (good??) 2004 - Jl Legian (up from La Porchetta towards Kuta) Lobster & Beef tepnayaki 120,000 Sensational although they ran out of lobster on one night :-) Seafood 165,000 Chefs are very entertaining and tepanyak price includes miso soup, fried rice and banana flambee which are also done on the grill. Tanjung Sari (no) Nice but 250 300,000 Rp. Very expensive. Tasman (no) Saw more people in this resturant than any other but we were disappointed with the meal as it was very bland. Tebu (good) Good for coffee croissants and cakes. Telaga Naga, Sanur (no) Expensive. US $60 - $80 per person. Thai Rest, Maino Rd, Ubud (good) Good food. 120-200,000 for 3-4 people. Taman Gardens(good) Taman Gardens Rest., Malesti street, Legian. Breakfast or Happy Hour. Is this the same as the Taman Legian Garden Rest?? All-you-can-eat breakfast Rp15,000 per person. Pancakes, rice, eggs fruit, etc, etc. Thaman Thai (good) Authentic thai food. On Jalan Camplung Mas. Service is excellent and atmosphere relaxed. Dont get much business as the location is hard to find. The Pub Legian (no) The Pub Legian (dont waste your time!) Tina at Siki Bali, Kimbaran (good) Ate great seafood. Forum. TJs Mexican Restaurant, Kuta (good) 2004 - Went to Poco Loco and it was really busy - but compared to TJ's in Poppies Lane it was not up to scratch - alot more expensive and the music was sooo loud you had to shout across the table just to be heard - service was a bit slow too. Good food and dacquiris.Quality and price is great. 12 chicken skewers with sate sauce with bed of rice , 2 cokes, bottle of mineral water and bintang = 79,000Rp. In poppies lane. 25000Rp for a main course as they are large.The Sol Beer and frozen marguerites were pure heaven.The difference is the Kuta one is strictly Mexican whereas, the one in Candi serves a variety of meals! In fact the one in Candi only has 1 or 2 mexican items on the

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29 menu. The cakes also vary although you can find the TJ's wicked chocolate cake at both !!!! Bigger and better cocktails in Kuta too ! CheersTJ's - Mexican Poppies Lane KUTA - watch out for the chilli!TJs - Poppies Lane - terrific Mexican lunch! Try their "tropical fruit soothies"!!T.Js., Kuta. Poppies Lane Kuta. 751 093 A favourite. Great Mexican. Toilets 3/10 after weve had a drink or two! Treehouse (good) 2004 - Treehouse- Poppies 1 (beach end). (0361) 762755 (Cheap, good food. Great for lunch. Yummy spring rools 7.000). Tropical View Rest, Kintamani (good) Spectacular view. Lunch is $1-2. Tropik (no) 2004 - TROPIK was that lucky place. The prices weren't bad, not excellent by Bali standards but the helpings were small. The food presentation was nice as was the food, and it is a quiet and relaxing restaurant. We were there at 7pm and there weren't many people inside, so the 45 minute wait was a bit too long. It ended up costing 175,000rp for 4 people (Kate didn't eat) with no alcoholic drinks. Tuam Is a palm acohol wine and it too will blow your head off. Tutmak, Ubud (ok) 60-70,000Rp for 2 dinners with beer. Twice Restaurant (good) Best Nasi Goreng. Rp6000. Cheap drinks too. On poppies 2. Uncle Norms Bistro, Kuta/Legian (good) Brekky $1. Main courses at night $2-$3.2004 - We went to Uncle Norms for lunch (Well, we only had beer, milkshakes and iced coffee - all good) but the staff were soooooo grumpy. I don't know if they were just having a bad day but I have never seen such depressed and grumpy staff anywhere!? 2004 - Uncle Norms Jl Melasti, Legian (nice food, staff friendly, cheap) Uncle Norms Malasti street (great seafood basket) Unos, Nusa Dua (good) Ate brekky there. Good value and excellent food and service. Uns Paradiso, Kuta (ok) Swedish and Italian. 50-90,000 Rp per person.2004 - Uns Just off Poppies 1. ( Nice place. Good atmosphere. Good prices for quality, designer meals ie nice presentation, small) Meals 30.000-50.000. Veranda Veranda, Seminyak. In side lane not far from Gado Gado Road. Steaks, Lamb, seafood. Balivillas Staff recommendation. The Wayan Caf, Ubud (good) is a delight.. It doesn't look like much from the street but then you go into the gardens where you choose your favorite dining pavilion.. Food is excellent. Local warungs are fine. Warisan Cafe, Seminyak (ok) Got a good response on forum. Caf Warisun is good for western food. Warung Bali Corner and Warung 96 (good) 2004 - close to each other and very cheap. Warung Brasil (good) Restaurant - our favourite which we returned to often was Warung Brasil - great food at excellent prices - try their lemon juice, very refreshing.2004 - Warung Brasil Bali- Jl Benasari (cnr Benasari Lane). Good choice of food. Mains approx 15.000. Excellent.

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30 Warung ketut (??) And you must eat at Warung Ketut also up nearer the Padma st corner. Say hi to Julie and the girls form us - they are great and found the food equally great.. Near Melasti.2004 - Warung Ketut. Jl Padma Utara (mixed reports) Combo seafood for 2 150,000 Nasi Campur 23,000 Happy hour 5.30-8.30 Warung Kopi, Jalan Legian 427 (??) Cheap but boring Indian foods. No real spices etc. The food is absolutely first-class and I would recommend it without hesitation. Great indian restaurant. Warung 96 (good) Warong 96 is located in an alley off Poppies 11. Directly opposite the Barong hotel and about 10 metre down on the right hand side. They make the best pizza at the cheapest price. 2004 - Warung 96 Jl Benasari off Poppies 11 Cheap, woodfired pizza, burgers, indo food. Bfast 7,000-toast, eggs, juice, fruit, coffee. Warung 96, Poppies II. Lunch & dinner. Very popular. At night patrons queue to enter. Cheap and quick service. Am. Or Indo. B/f Rp 6,000, Great pizzas & Nasi Goreng under Rp10,000. Highly recommended. (Down popes gang 2 the first lane on the right from Jalan Legian end. Not a bad restaurant. Warung Man Is (good) - Warung Man-Nis in Sahadewa Street (Garlic lane). Found this great place late in the piece. Really enjoyed it. Went there a number of times. Nice touch was that they give you a cool hand towel to cool down/clean up with and a complimentary fruit drink when you first arrive. Good happy hour prices. Large bintang 8000R, Long drinks 14950R and cocktails 12500R. Food was very good and prices reasonable. They had a buffet breakfast at 10000R for all you could eat. Didn't try it. God knows why, cos at that price it would have been worth the taxi fare from the Jayakarta. Just did not get around to it. Wayung Mendra, Sanur (good) Great open air location and great satay which arrives on the table on its own little hot coal rack. Warung Nasi Three Brothers St near Sri Ratu Hotel. Owned by Agung Ketut. Nasi Campur !!! Rp4,500. Warung Nyoman (good) Oppositre Besakih is small restaurant with great rijstafel about $6-7. Warung Padma (good) Warung Padma Indah (near MBR) Indonesian buffet excellent. \Warung Yogya near Garden View hotel. Lontong Cap Gomeh Rp7,000/bowl full! Water

Always drink bottled water. Dont drink or wash teeth in their water. Even suggest washing hair in the bottled water to avoid it getting into your mouth or ears can cause ear infections. Check that water used or provided in restaurants has been boiled or else done in spring water. Ensure ice cubes in drinks have also come from boiled/spring water. Dont gargle in the shower or with water from the handbasin. Wayan and Friends (good)

2004 - Lunch was at WAYAN AND FRIENDS. I have to say we were dissapointed. The juices were OK. The meals were nice as usual. What upset us was that we had dishes in the middle and a plate each so we could share, and these empty plates were quite dirty. Maybe their hygiene standards have slipped? #* Wayan and Friends Bar and Restaurant Jl Padma Ph 761-024( Whole snapper Delicious. Reasonably cheap. Meals 25.000-40.000. Has been extended. Wayan & Friends. Jl Padma Legian. Good steaks not big but good. Rp40,000. Wayan and Friends in Jalan Padma rught next door to Da Hui Sur shop- really freindly and great food!- I love their chicken and coleslaw rolls. Sometimes you just get cravings for home food!2004 - Wayan and Friends one night - by chance - absolutely beautiful meals there but always quite busy would nearly need to book. Wayan & Friends, Jl Padma. "Jody". Filet mignon +, Rp30,000. Also chicken breast. OK if your outlook is under 30s. Bacon imported from Oz. 2004 - Jl Legian Raya. Small meals and not much menu variety had live band which was rather sweet though.

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31 Wina Rest. Cheap best spring rolls and sweet/sour chicken in Bali! Yum Cha (good) Ema's (Galleria Kuta, Matahari's Food Hall, Kuta) Perhaps the only Yum Cha in Bali. Comes recommended by Chinese nationals, and one would expect they know what they are talking about. Excellent value. Zanzibar (good) 2004 - Zanzibar - fantastic cafe on legian beach - beautiful food Zoo Caf, Sanur (good) 2004 - Found the best breakfast in Sanur at last! A few metres to the left of the Lazer sports bar is The Zoo cafe. It's an enclosed shop, glass front and air-conditioned. They have a blackboard outside stating English breakfast 25,000, but the place is set back a bit & is easy to miss. We had walked past it several times and only noticed it when we stopped to wait for housebounds to get past the watch seller & catch up! The said English brekky has 2 eggs, bacon, ham AND sausage, 4 pieces of toast, fried potatoes, tomato, tea or coffee (big cup and Nescafe as well as Bali kopi), fruit juice, fruit platter, and the most amazing pineapple jam (and grape jam too, which we think is really blackberry).

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From Lloydy Baliforum 2005 I should of passed this on a long time ago. That Plaza where the Duty free, Matahari and Planet Hollywood is. (Not sure what its called) There is 2 Salons that have what they call a Creambath. 15000rp for 45 min head massage and if you want your Back done for 1 hour after that only 25000. I get the head, back and shoulder and Foot massage for 40000 The place i go to is Johnnie Andrees. The other place is fine as well but i like Johnnies better.

Somtimes i tip more than my bill. They are better than the beach ladies and no sand. Lloydy
NOTE: Take a sarong with you when sightseeing as you are required to wear one in palaces, temples etc. This will avoid you needing to buy or hire one. General Take a Bemo (small 4 wheel drive, 6 or up to 8 small people, for longer trips) - Try Wayan Suka Ph 411965. Tanah Lot (1/2 day) Kinatmani Volcano White Water Rafting Bali Hai Cruise - Day or Sunset Ubud (excellent watches) & Monkey Forest Uluwau (temple on cliff) & excellent monkeys Elephant Temple Hot and Cold Springs Git Git Water fall Waterbom park was fantastic. Also, find a cockfight on the side of a road. Go to a full moon ceremony (if there during a full moon of course). Shop til you drop at all of the many markets. Go to Dreamland and Padang Bai beaches. Monkey Forests are a must see. Don't go to turtle island, the butterfly park(tabanan) or kintamani. But have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amed

Off to Tulumben and then Amed for snorkling. Really great. Some weeks ago I have been for snorkeling in Amed,and I have never seen on any place in Asia(Phuket,Vietnam,Malaysia)so many and different fish like there.Also most of the coralls seemed to be intact.2004 - Ahmerd is about 3.5 hours from Kuta. Things to do....relax, swim, snorkel, look at the scenery, take photos, sightsee..chill. My friend and I paid about 150,000 for the 2 of us. He has been to Bali many times. Remember that the driver has to go all the way back to Kuta, probably with no passengers. 2004 - Ahmed - Hi the water is clear the sand is black there is no surf the diving and snorkling is fantastic only nusa lembongan surpasses it for beauty the people of amed are really frendly and are great hosts you will not go wrong going there Bali Barat Best diving is off Menjangan Island. Lots of trails on island and protected deer herds. Bali Bird Park Taman Burung bird park with 1,000 different birds and a small Komodo dragon in the nearby reptile park in Singapuda 20 mins south of Denpasar.Entrance fee $6US. Or 51,000 Rp. 100,000Rp for bird park and reptile park. Later information on the Internet suggests the entrance fee is US$35 for 4. Best to check.Good selection of macaws, hornbills and birds of paradise. Can go early and enjoy breakfast with the birds for $10US extra. But this is not available at the gate and only through agents. Opens from 8am to 6pm.The restaurant is great to eat at. Go -it is good. Bali Bird Park - we were both very impressed and enjoyed seeing the many strange birds. Expensive though at 57,000rp. Reptile Park (right next to bird park see the 2 together)

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33 We all went to the reptile park and having 3 boys found it to be a great place. Many snakes, Iguanas that you can hold and lizards that are very friendly.2004 - First stop was the Bali Zoo Park, cost was 150,000 Rp for the two of us, this was perhaps a bit of a disappointment as far as Zoos go. To us there seemed to be a lot of birds, for that sort of thing perhaps better of going to the Bird Park. We didnt like the condition of the Tiger, Lion and Orang-utan enclosures, cages with concrete floors, matter of fact most of the enclosures were ordinary. Still, even though it wasnt quite as good as we had expected was still worth the visit. Bali Butterfly Park We had planned to then go to the Bali Butterfly Park but time was against us because of the long trip to get to the Elephant Park so we decided not to bother and got Ketut to drop us of at the Kuta Galleria.There are mixed reports about the park. Bali Festival Park Combination of culture, entertainment and wildlife. New. Reptile and bird park with over 150 crocs, 500 birds, rides such as the Water Swinger, the Stimulator, Wet and wild log flume ride, a timezone complex, zero gravity roller coaster. There is also a Bali Splash Balis largest pool and waterpark. Price includes entry and all rides. Banjar Hot Pools That the entrance fee is next to nothing. ( A few Aussie Dollars,)There is a nice little restaurant there also with a lovely view , that looks down on the pools.Try the Hot Springs of Banjar, close to Lovina.I think entree fees are around Rp. 2,000. Banjar hot pools are absolutely fantastic. We always make a point of visiting there whenever we are in Bali. I am meeting up with visitors from Singapore in a few weeks and this is one place I have put on my must see list for them. The surrounding countryside is lovly also well. This place is well worth a visit Batubulan Dancing there not worth going too - too hot and dancers etc bored. Look at hotel dancers etc instead. Cost 20,000Rp each.Out of Denpasar on road to Ubud.ots of stone carvers here.5 times a week at 10am they perform dances. Least favorite outing: anything involving driving through Batubalan and Gyanyar. Traffic was horrendous and the stench from the fuel emissions is really bad. Beach Crossed flags mean the beach is unsafe and closed.Beaches between Singaraja and Serit - Low dark sea makes this uninspiring beaches. Beach Cruise Take the beach cruise and not the reef cruise. The glass bottom boat of the reef cruise was worthless and the snorkel area was small and choppy and the banana boat rides were OK but the slide didnt hold much interest. On the beach cruise, kids can stay on the pontoon to do the scuba diving. Kids can also play on the island with snorkelling and banana boat rides etc, kayaking and the sub. Great day.Although the beach cruise is cheaper it is actually better, especially with children. Lots of activities, wonderful snorkelling, banana boat rides, glass bottom board tide, great BBQ lunch etc. Bedugal beautiful temple in a serene mountain area.A colourful little market at Bukit Mungan offers a wide selection of produce including exotic orchids, roses and colourful birds. At lake Beratan there are canoes and motor boatds for hire. Bedugul Tour: After a stop in Sangeh to visit its holy forest inhabited by wild monkeys, drive up into the mountains to Lake Bratan (1,200 meters above sea level) and the picturesque water temple Ulun Danu. Visit the busy flower, fruit and spice market in Candikuning where most of Bali's vegetables come from. Drive back through small country roads, villages and rice fields, with a stop in an artisan village specializing in gold threaded textiles (Ikat) worn during important ceremonies. Besakih

2004 - the Mother Temple at Besikah but was concerne d about the hawkers and the guide scamming being reported to the travel forums. has rubbish around it. Is a complex of 30 temples with a large shrine in the courtyard. The "Mother Temple" and East Bali Tour: Drive to Besakih through various villages visiting on the way a weaving factory, see the famous painted ceiling at the old "Palace of Justice" in Klungkung, and visit the school of painting in Kamasan. The "Mother Temple" in Besakih is Bali's most holy and Indonesia's biggest Hindu temple. It was build in the 11th. Century in an altitude of 1,000 meters (3,000 feet) on the slopes of Mount Agung. You pass picturesque rice terraces on the way to the walled "Bali Aga" village of Tenganan, and continue to Candi Dasa on the East coast. On

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34 the way back it's recommended to stop at the famous Bat Cave "Goa Lawah" with thousands of bats hanging from the walls. Bike Riding 18 speed bikes. 10,000 Rp per day. Bird Market Take a walk through the bird market at Denpasar near the north end pf Jalan Veteran - lots of tropical birds, fish, cats, dogs, monkeys etc. Bounty to Lombok Dinner Cruise The Bounty goes to Lombok every day,it takes two hours and fifteen minutes to the Gilli Islands and about another thirty minutes to Lombok.I think it costs about US$30,very similar to the air fare but a lot better(includes a nice breakfast).The dinner cruise is on three nights a week,leaves at six oclock and returns at nine oclock.It is a great trip with very good entertaiment and terrific food,i think the cost is about the same as the Lombok cruise ,it is probably the best value in Bali at the moment.Hoping this is of some help to you.The Bounty dinner cruises are on Sun/Wed/Friday I think.The dinner cruise does not go to Lombok it does not go far out of the harbour.I have purchased my tickets at the Bali Rock Cafe in Melasti St,you can get them at any travel agents or the Bounty Hotel.When buying any tickets for cruises or tours always get a lot of prices as they vary anything up to 50%. Bungy Bungy Jumping: A. J. Hackett in Double Six, Legian is the island's only beach bungy with a lift. US$50. With the "Sling Shot" at the "Adrenalin Park" in Kuta you can get shot 52 metres into the air in just over one second, and they have an overhanging climbing wall, too. For bookings and information call 703-060. Butterfly Park THE BUTTERFLY PARK NORTH OF TABANAN IS A MUST SEE. ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR. NO WHERE IN AUSTRALIA HAVE I SEEN SUCH AN ASSORTMENT OF BUTTERFLIES. I WAS QUITE SUPRISED AT THE NUMBER OF SPECIES IN THE PARK. GREAT DAY OUT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY.Don't forget the Butterfly Park either .Taman Kupu Kupu -in the village of Wanasari, north of Tabanan. May I suggest an excellent tour guide. He can take you anywhere. Lovina Beach, Singaraja, Tanah Lot, Elephant Cave, Bird Park, Butterfly Park, Uluwatu, Jimbaran Beach and heaps more - he is a very reliable man, when we come to Bali Tasman shows us around. His name is Tasman, tour office address is Genta Jaya, Jalan Sahadewa, Legian - give him a ring and he will come to you, his phone number is 0361751922 Camel Rides Camel rides on the beach are offered at Hotel Nikko Bali in Nusa Dua. Canggu Beach Near Kuta. Dumpy with solid undertow and rips. Cant even snorkel. Cinema One in Denpasar costs 10,000Rp and plays latest movies with Indonesian subtitles.try Wisata 21 Cineplex at Thamrin Street Denpasar (Just ask the taxi driver). The one next to Planet Hollywood is still under construction. Maybe next year it will be ready. Cruises Bali hai cruises. 2 are offered. Cruise A goes to Lembongan Island, reef cruise. Fullk day including snorkellying, banana boat rides, village excursion, semi submersible sub, coral viewing. Includes lunch adult $105 and child $53.Lembongan snorkelling is great. Can go organised or head to Sanur and hire a little boat for the day with driver and he takes you to better places at lembongan.The lunch was great. But try to get in first.Much cheaper with bali hai than the Waka which was $60Us. The Bali Hai cruises are run by aussies.Lembongan trip can be disappointing if the swells are high as everyone will get sea sick. The beach visited by Tour B is pleasant with shelters, nice grounds and an attractive pool. You can do everything on Tour B that you can do on Tour A. Except for the semi sub ride and the snorkelling wasnt that great.Tour B is cheaper and the better option.Not worth paying for the full monty to come back on the luxury catamaran.Not worth the extra.Cruise B is to Lembongan island and beach club cruise. Cost pp including lunch is $78 adult and child $39. Cruise to the club for the day at a private bay. People on the internet advise that the cheaper cruise seemed just as good? Wakalouka Cruise luxury 23 ft cat sails from benoa Harbour to Reef Club on Nusa Lembongan. Sumptous BBQ and buffet lunch at reef club and cocktail at sunset. Adults $130 and child $65. Goes to Waka Nusa Resort after crossing Badung Straight. Drive through quant village and visit seaweed farm.

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35 2004 - the Lembogan Beach Club cruise in $105Adult or $50 4-16 or $280 for 2A 3C Dancing and Puppets Barong Dance (opposing forces) Legong Dance (young girls - difficult and intricate) Kecak Dance (bare chested male singers) Fire Dance (girls dancing on hot coals) Ramayana Dance (?) One evening we hired a driver to take us to Ula Watu for the Ketut(fire Dance,Wednesdays and Saturdays(bring sarong)at sunset.It was $25000rp for the show but well worth it.Get there around 5 to look at the temples and the show starts at sunset.When this was over he took us to Jimbaran Bay for fresh seafood,we went to Melasti Cafe and had great meals(prawns and lobster are expensive,Snapper and calamari were great) our driver waited for us and brought us back to our hotel,he was with us for 4 hours and we only were charged 80000rp($8 us).We gave him a big tip. We hired another driver who was great,his name is David Watan Kulit classic puppet show. Dance performances at Palace, Ubud 15,000Rp each. Kecak Fire Dancing at Padang Tegal, Jalan Raya 15,000Rp. Cultural performances at Ubud 15-20,000Rp. The Legong Dance at the Royal palace in Ubud on Monday night was good. The Sunday night versuon was perfdormed by children and wasnt as good. Was a medley of short dances and new performers so kept the interest up. The Ramayana was boring and too long. Dancing at Ubud 15,000Rp. Ramayan Dance at Palace, Ubud 15,000 Rp per person. Fire Dance is very good spectacle. Buffet and ketcheck dance at bali Cliff Hotel is great but the buffet excludes drinks. Really good value.On Monday nights there is a dance at the Uluwata Temple very striking 15,000 Rp each. Performed by local boys and men from the village.Galleria Nusa Dua shopping centre features different dance performances each night. Legong dance is most interesting dance as it changes frequently and maintains interest. Usually at Rpyal palace in Ubud. Get there early for good seats. The Ramayan is too long and boring. Denpasar (Bali Museum) Jalan Cajah Mada is central artery with shops, banks and restauarants. Visit Bali Museum. The Art Centre at Abian Kapas organises dances etc. Avoid Denpasar at all times and at all costs. Bali market was horrible. Every women in there follows you around trying to be your agent which meana they try and stear you to certain stalls and charge you much higher prices to get a commission). We started for the Bali national museum, got there and a Canadian couple said not to bother, the moths had eaten everything and it was dank inside. Unlike the rest of Bali, after you'd agreed a price with someone, they'd try and screw you for more saying that is what you agreed. The air is also thick with car exhaust fumes, the place is filthy and the people downright unfriendly. Denpasar Shopping

2004 - to start with the Denpasar Market is actually three adjacent markets. Badung,Kumbasari and another one(the name escapes me) across the river.If you've been to the market in Ubud, then, this is the extra large version of it with an emaphasis on household goods and textiles. There's a small informal market selling items for offerings and vegetables in the evenings in the car park. The streets around the markets especially Jalan Sulewesi and Gajah Mada is the textile clearing house of the region.You could find cloth being sold by the piece, metre and kilogram.Everything from handloomed fabrics to Solonese silk batik. Of particular interest are the "Djaya" coffee co. shop which roast, grind and sell their own coffee powder and "Dewi Mas" which has got an excellent selection of Indonesian fabrics. Both are on Jalan Gajah Mada and their owners speak English. There is large-ish jamu shop on the same road. There is of course a LOT of goldsmiths on the corner of Jalan Hassanudin and Jalan Sulawesi. 2004 - I do not know of any other night markets in Kuta, but have been to the Kereneng Bemo Station night market in Denpasar. It is a bemo station by day, but at about 4.00pm it transforms into a wonderful market, sells everything, food, clothes, jewellery anything you could imagine. It is aimed at locals, not tourists and priced accordingly. Any taxi driver will know of it. 2004 - Yep they do exist. From Bemo Corner gho toward the bridge then yurn right as if you are going to the airport. About 500 metres or so on the left hand side down a short lane you will find the night markets. I haven't eaten there

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36 for some years now but have been told that they have been done up, no more dirt floors, metal drums on the floor full of live seafood etc etc. The more well to do locals eat at night markets as the food is cheap and very good. I think there is another small one in a gang that runs off Jalan Legian near the old Matahari store. Just as an aside there used to be night markets at Legian as well, on the corner of Jalan Legian & Jalan Melasti from memory.It is called the Denparsar markets. The best way to get there is via cab and from kuta this should be around 15000rps. Ask cab driver to place meter on. There is two sections to these markets. One is the spice side which is extremely smelly and can make you sick if you go into these markets but if you look across the river (which is a canel) you will see a 3 story building which is a good market. I am a keen lover of Art and can often buy really cheap pictures from here. These pictures are from modern (australian stuff like flowers etc to baliesse art) for very cheap prices eg $4 for a 1m by 50cm painting. The funny part is if you want it framed then you can pay 10 -20 dollars aus. However these are alot cheaper than Kuta. Also the bed spreads which you see in every shop in Kuta you can buy a large bed spread queen for around 100 000rps if you are good a bartering. they also have alot of wood carvings which go extremely cheap. As they see little tourist you can play one stall up against the other. I also always buy my copy watches from the sells out the front of the markets which are the hawkers. They sell them cheaper than Kuta around 20000rps and i still have 4 from when i went there in January which are still working. Dinner Cruise On the brochure the maps shows that you go right arround the bay, that seems like it would be great !!! This is not correct . The boat leaves the wharf and just goes round and round in circles in and out of the harbour. I was a bit disapointed - though it would be too dark to see anyway . Save the money and go on the all day cruise or the ocean rafting these are suppose to be great. -If you are in Australia you can book and pay here - its a lot cheaper than in Bali Diving Dive off Pulau Menjangan off the Bali Barat National Park - regarded as the best in Bali. Boats will take divers to the island which is uninhabited. Dolphin Ride 2004 - Lovinia renowned for dolphin watching, for a very reasonable 30,000R with a 6 am start but I decided to do that on the Sunday. 5.45 am and it was still dark! We never did see any of those dolphins (bashful critters) but it sure was nice and peaceful chugging around up and down the coast looking for them anyhow. Near Lovina can go for a dolphin ride.Lovina was gorgeous. the dolphin trips were excellent and the snorkeling was ok except for the tiny jellyfish which stung us all over. we also went to hot springs there...i don't recommend it. its lukewarm water and the sulfur turns you yellow.4 hour drive to Lovina and although snorkelling was OK it wasnt worth the drive there and back.Dolphin trips cost 30,000Rp and they pick you up around 6am and you go out on a little boat for a few hours, it well worth. (2001 info) Dolphin Watching Can do this off Lovina. Get up early one morning and hire a boat to watch hundreds of dolphins. Can go out with fishermens boats at about 6am for 20,000Rp. Experience consisted of 20-30 boats racing after some dolphins with engines roaring, trying to get close. Mostly just saw their backs.If you go out with local boats at about 6am fixed price is 15000Rpeach. You can book from the hotel or direct with a boatman. Dont see much though. Lovina didnt impress very many people recently. Rp. 25,000 p.p. total duration 2 hours Every morning at dawn many dolphins visit the north coast of Bali to feed themselves with small fish. We sail around 06:30 with the traditional Balinese junkung just a few km out of the coast to meet these wonderful creatures. We return at approx. 08:30 to enjoy breakfast at the terrace of the hotel. Elephant Jungle Trek 2004 - For the entry to park and ride, the cost was 420,000R (roughly $65 AUS). The park was extremely clean and tidy, and is owned by an Australian company. The restaurant offered a buffet or you could order a meal (I ordered a gado-gado and bintang, about 20,000R). Enjoy jungle treks on top of Sumatran elephants starting from Taro - a village north of Ubud. Note clothes etc are more expensive at Ubud generally than they are at kuta. Used them for both White Water Rafting and Elephant Safari. We went on the late afternoon rafting trip as we were not interested in having lunch included. Despite them being about an hour late in collecting us from our hotel it was a very enjoyable experience. We used the lateness of our pick-up to negotiate a further discount on the elephant safari. The elephant safari was pleasant but not as exciting as the rafting. Would definately recommend the rafting. If you want to do several of their trips don't accept the price in their brochure it is always possible to negotiate a discount. Have a good time.

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37 We went white water rafting with the Bali Adventure Company, it was great fun, quite safe, and went through some lovely gorges and landscapes. We went on the late afternoon run, which was interesting and different because of the number of people that were in the river at the end of the day. Whole families were at the river edge washing themselves and clothes. Most were quite amused by us floating by and as with most Balinese, smiled and waved. We also went on the elephant safari, but was quite tame after the rafting. If you decide to go on any of these types of trips, they are always open to bargaining for multiple trips.My kid loves the Elephant Trekking, North of Ubud, in the Mts. - a bit cooler up there too.Elephant treking is up near Ubud, we got it from a pamplet at the hotel, they pick you up and take you there, the jungle trek is only about half hour then they have a swim, cost was $63 aussie, was great fun and to me worth every cent, I have noticed on the forum that some people just go up there and barter for the elelphant treking but I did'nt realise you could do this so I just paid the set price. We went with Sobek white water rafting, have done this a couple of times now, this is the best fun, again we just paid the set price, about $85 aussie,both were very safe and really enjoyable. Hope this helps anything else just ask.Elephant trekking is at Taro, north of Ubud.It cost us $AUD90 for two adults, kids are free. That was for a short ride (20 mins) longer rides are available. It is well worth the trip. You have plenty of time with the elephants and the mahouts. By now there should be a good amenities block in place. They take Visa (thankfuly!) They also can arrange pickup from your accom, but we found a driver and paid about 50,000 Rp for that plus the rest of the day driving around.My wife and son went on the Elephant safari whilst my daughter and I went rafting. My wife didn't really feel that a 45 minute ride on the elefant was worth 1 1/2 hour drive each way. Just one point of view... We have just returned from Bali, we went on a elephant trek for 30 - 45mins for $53 US per adult including transport to & from your Hotel, thru Bali Adventure tours.Elephant Safari Park (transfers, lunch, insurance and entrance to park and elephant ride) $US56.2004 - Next stop was the Elephant Safari Park run by Adventure Tours, this was a totally different story, cost was $132.00 Approx. Aust Dollars for entry and rides for the two of us. This included lots of photos with the elephants, sitting on their knees and so on, also got a lot of photos taken while on the ride by another elephant driver. Our driver for the ride was called Wayan, the elephant was a 35 yr old 2 tonne female, her name was Eva. The ride lasted around 30-40 minutes around the park which ended up in her walking through a large pond and throwing water around with her trunk. After the ride we went and had lunch at the restaurant there, food was very good. Entrance Fees

Never more than 2,000Rp per person, cameras 1,000Rp and camcorders 2,500Rp. Driver paid all car parking and petrol charges. Fishing in Bali For those that have asked about fishing in Bali while I was in Benoa, I found out that if you go to Tanjung Benoa, app 15 mins from Kuta, you can easily hire a small boat and captain/driver, for local fishing or take an ocean going vessel for deep sea fishing ( mainly Tuna ) I don't know what the charge is but you can barter with the local fishermen in Tanjung Benoa if its just a bit of fishing you would like to do in and around Benoa Harbour and Peninsula. If you are taking a taxi, make sure he takes you to the village of "Tanjung Banoa" and not Banoa Harbour as Tanjung Benoa is on the peninsula protecting Benoa Harbour from the surf and in a different direction from Kuta than the Harbour. ( Tanjung Banoa is close to Nusa Dua ).I always try the fishermen infront of the Melia Benoa. A good mornings fishing will cost about US$40. I have used them several times with varing results. In April I Caught a 37kg Tuna with them (the photos will be on show next week when I return for a few days). There is almost allways a good show of Dolphin and Porpoise as well, and last November there was also several Whales, species unknown, in the same area. All in all an excellant mornings sport.Game Fishing: A number of companies offer yachts and fishing boats with guides for charter. The catch includes Tuna, Wahoo, Mai-Mai, Mackerel, or Marlin - and Snapper, Cod and Coral Trout to be caught reef fishing should you so desire. From US$40 per hour for a small boat, US$500 per day (US$250 half-day) for a 30-foot catamaran with satellite navigation, top-of-the range fish finder and sonar as well as Brownie diving equipment, and US$660 per day for a state-of-the-art BLACK WATCH game fishing vessel with experienced crew, full insurance, and all electronics and safety gear. For bookings and charter information call 703-060. Gagar Beach Near Nusa Dua.Number of warongs there - favourite was Trxis Warong - sun liunges were free and could get fully cooked lunch from chicken soup to Satay to club snadwich.Temple overlooks the sea. Waters are protected by a sand bar.Very peaceful. Git Git Waterfall Dont bother. Too many hawkers and stalls.A long way from the road to the waterfall and the path is littered with shops from start to finish. It is interesting! Worth a visit. Quite beautiful.Bedugal, and git git waterfalls, for those

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38 whom are not in any kind of physical shape I do not recommend this as the falls are at least 1 mile down which is no problem its going up in 90 plus weather and 90plus humidity that will make even the most fit of people sweat off 5lbs, very beautiful and well worth the walk though, on this tour we viewed numerous temples, learning about there culture, offerings, and festivals which one was going on at the time we were there and lots of woman were bringing food and flowers up to the temples for the gods. from bedugal on to Lovina, by the water, there we had a nice seafood lunch with our driver and conversed with the locals and the restaurant workers, had a great lunch, travel time from Sanur to lovina was roughly 3 hours or 115 km, a nice jaunt, coming back we were pointed out some of the finer parts of Bali, seeing some of the most beautiful sights, stopping along the side roads for a soda just to chat with the locals, almost everyone we met was very friendly and were interested in us as much as we were interested in them. Finally arriving back to our hotel roughly about 5pm after a wonderful and interesting day we were ready for dinner or something like that, so upstairs for a shower and off to jimbaran bay, there at the beach there are some great seafood restaurants, and it was hard to choose were to eat so we went to the one that looked like the seafood was the freshest which was almost impossible since most of it was alive and you choose which you like and they prepare it for you right there and then grill it, real tasty, full 7 course meal at the beach ran roughly 50,000 rupiah or 5 american, such a deal, almost a crime to pay so little, Glass Bottom Boat Dont go at Nusa Dua to the turtle island and coral watch with the glass bottom boat as it was expensive at US$15 for an hour. And not that good. Goa Gajah (The Elephant Cave) Ancient Buddhist hermitage from 9th to 12th century. Nearby are Budhist monuments and statues and royal bathing pavilion. Elephant cave has carvings on outside. Avoid guides as many of them speak poor English and they will offer no service at a high price. Villagers will try to tell you it is closed unless they guide you (for money although they won't say that until the end) Just wave your ticket and march on saying you will ask the policeman about it.. Goa Lawa - The Bat Caves Situated in grounds of an ancient temple courtyard, the Bat Caves are inhabited by hundreds of screeching bats. Dont go there as the hawkers are bad. Go-Kart Racing This is a short distance from Warterbom Park.Open from 10 to 10. US$17 for 15 minutes. 30 minutes of hard driving at the track. Go Kart Track:-Located on JL Kartika Plaza it's a small track but a heap of fun if there are a few of you. Scott is aged 5 and we hired a double cart for 65,000 for 15 mins. We loved it so much we went for another 15 mins. If I recall correctly, the price in April 2001 was 60,000 for ten minutes Golf Pali Handara Golf Course rated in world top 30. Nusa Duas Bali Golf and Country Club is also good. Nirvana Bali Golf Club at tanah Lot also good.Nirwana Golf Club recommended. Near Tana Lot temple. About $90US. Gong Foundry Between Gianyar and Blahbatuh to south is gong foundry. Very interesting. Gyanyar Least favorite outing: anything involving driving through Batubalan and Gyanyar. Traffic was horrendous and the stench from the fuel emissions is really bad. Gym Hey guys, there's a great gym in Kuta. Every time I go there I always train there and love it. I am what you would call an amateur/ natural bodybuilder and the equipment there more than meets my needs. If I can recall correctly it costs 15000rp per workout. Don't know the name of the street but it is the street that is off Legian St just south of Melasti St. If you were at the corner of Melasti and Legian you would walk down Legian St towards Matahari's and turn left on the first street you come to. There is a fancy leather shop on this corner. You walk up this street about 200 metres and it is on the right. Enjoy! Hairdresser 2004 - More shopping next day at Matahari Galleria, and a session at one of the Hairdressers there - very good and very cheap by our standards.

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39 Horseback Riding umalas stables i think near seminyak, go through the rice fields. US$20 to $40 per person per hour.There is a horse riding tour with ER Tours that lasts 6 hours, costs US$45 per person and takes in rice fields, the beach and then to a waterfall, a sea-salt harvesting area, a lake, a temple set on cliffs, a bat-cave and a natural rock headland. Then enjoy a well deserved lunch. The tour operates 2 x daily starting at 8.30am and 2.30pm. They have a home page at : just scroll down on this page to "horse riding". For more infor you can email : Hot Springs 2004 - I had arranged with Richard Rambutan from Rambutan Cottages to send down a driver for 10 am, and we were to go to Lovinia via Munduk- Banjar Hot Springs- Buddhist Monastery. 250,000R as I decided that Id make a full day of it, and do some exploring along theway. Next stop- Banjar Hot Spring near Seririt. By now it was about 2 pm and pretty warm. I had to pay the usual 3000R and run the gauntlet of store holders and hawkers at the front of the Hot Springs but thankfully they are not allowed to enter the landscaped grounds. There are two main pools fed by hot springs, looking very green and murky this afternoon, with another pool of cold water as well. The water is fed into the pools by carved stone serpents into the polls midst beautifully landscaped grounds and restaurant. It was a real oasis but the water too warm for me to indulge.There are hot springs along the North Coast near Lovina. Not too bad for a dip, we went towards the end of the day when it's a bit cooler, although this meant there were a lot of locals (not a problem), but all men (as I was with my boyfriend, I felt okay, though a bit under the spotlight!). There are also quite a few waterfalls up along the north coast and also cold fresh water springs at Air Sanih which are great to swim in.Near Lovina there is a special hot spring?Also Ubud. - Benjar Hot Springs.Beware as pools are slippery. Near Lake Batur - original village hot springs and the whole village still goes down there to bathe. Tourists are allowed to use the springs but I wouldn't recommend immersing your head. Nearby a large hotel development has been completed but has suffered from the downturn in trade. In conjunction with this hotel a hot spring fed pool and spa attraction has been built on the site of the old tourist springs. Entry is $5 US although you can negotiate up to 3 entries for this price. HOT SPRINGS OF BANJAR Rp. 60,000 p.p. total duration half day tour - (from Lovina) Traditional Balinese junkung we sail for about one hour along the jungle rimmed coast of Bali to Banjar. Once we have arrived there we will take you by car to the famous hot springs. Its sulfuric water has the agreeable temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and is renown for its healing capabilities against rheum. You may stay and swim there for as long as you whish. Entry fees included, meals and drinks in the Banjar restaurant not included. Jet Ski etc In resort this was US$15 for 15 minutes. For safety and reliability stick with hotel services. By memory I think we paid for 15 mins jet-skiing RP70 - 80,000 (something like that) but he ended up having more than 20 mins. When he did the jet-skiing & para-sailing together it was quite reasonable - about RP 140,000 for both activities wth extra time again for jet-skiing.2004 Sanur - Did Parasailing after boat, USD 10. 2004 - us$10 for one round, their normal price is us$20, or you could have package, parasailing, jet-skiing 15 minutes, banana-boat 15 minutes for us$30. To get this price, you may call my best friend in bali, gede 0818359079 Jimbaran Small sail boats, catamarans and boards for wind surfing available for rent along Jimbaran Beach. Get there at about 4.340 before sunset and get dropped off at the pier where fishing boats are. Some say go at 4pm and then also go and see the fish market. Order dinner around 5pm as it gets very dark and you wont be able to see what you are eating. Take a flashlight.. JUNGLE TREKKING Rp. 225,000 p.p. total duration half day

Vi scenic routes we drive you in about half an hour to the twin lakes Buyan and Tambligan. On the way you will enjoy the beauty of magnificent views on green rice terraces and jungles. After arriving at Tambligan you will enter the over 1000 years old jungle with a special jungle guide, who will take you down to the beautiful lake. Then we walk along the grassy banks of the lake to the small Desa of Wana Giri where just a few farmers live who grow corn, not for consumption, but especially for offering to their gods in the Pura of the desa. Total duration of the trekking round trip through the jungle will be about one and a half hours and can easily be done. Lunch and drinks in the restaurant, where the car will be parked, are not included. Kintamani

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40 Hot springs temple and best looking rice terraces in Bali. Hot springs are near lake front. Rises 1500 metres above sea level, mountaineous village.Every third day is market day with fruit and vegetables for sale.Nearby is the volcanic lake Lake Batur.Dont eat at restaurant at the top as the buffet is lousy and food overpriced. Forum said this a few times. Volcano here was clear and smoking. Very interesting experience. Hard sometimes to get out of the taxi because of the hawkers.Lakeview hotel told us it would be 70,000 for the driver and an additional 50,000 per person admission. We bargained for awhile and got it down to 150,000 total including admission for 4 (we knew it was still too much, but decided we were too bored to refuse it). We were taken to the hot springs at the base of the volcano and absolutely horrified. There are two "springs" that are actually more like boiling dirty jacuzzis. There was an olympic sized pool with only about a foot of dirty brown water in it. As for admission there was no admission fee. The driver then showed us to the "natural" hot spring. This was no more than a mud hole with some water in it and some locals bathing and washing clothes!!!! We were so mad at this point that we just had him drive us back. See my other post on the Lakeview Hotel itself - it gets even worse... Kintamani Volcano Tour: The first stop is often in the village of Batubulan to watch a performance of the Barong and Kris Dance. Afterwards you visit the villages of Celuk (silver jewelry) and Mas (wood carving) to see Balinese artisans at work. Ubud, Bali's cultural center, has grown to a busy town with numerous Balinese art galleries and shops. A scenic drive over small roads overlooking beautiful rice terraces brings you to the mountain village of Kintamani (about 5,000 feet above the sea) which offers spectacular views of Lake Batur and the volcano. You can cross the crater lake below the still active Mount Batur and visit the "Bali Aga" village of Trunyan. Return through traditional villages with stops in Tampaksiring to visit the temple of Tirta Empul, and to visit the Elephant Cave "Goa Gajah", a hermitage from the 11th. century used by both Buddhists and Hindus. 2004 - Picked up at 2:00am by Bali Budaya Tours again and was taken on a long trip to the base of Mt. Batur in the Kintamani region, on the way stopped and picked up two people from Ubud. Was dropped off and met our guide who was there to guide us up the mountain. The trek started fairly easily on a slight incline over soft sandy soil until about 1/3 of the way up where it turned what felt like a vertical climb. Over rocks and rough tracks all by torch light with a few breather breaks along the way. Finally reached the top after around about 1.5hrs perhaps ?!?! Something like that. We would consider ourselves to be reasonably fit as we walk quite a bit at home but this is by no means an easy stroll in the park, it was damn hard work getting to the top ! The whole point of leaving at that time of morning was to watch the sunrise from the top of an active volcano (Mt. Batur), and we got to see it. Cant really describe the view apart from to say it was spectacular seeing the sun coming up with Ganung Abang and Ganung Agung is the background. One thing I should mention is that when people think of Bali they think of hot, sunny weather and of course you dress appropriately. We were wearing shorts and t-shirts, Mt. Batur is around 1700meters high and it was freezing cold !!!!! We then had breakfast which consisted of hard boiled eggs and jam sandwiches, cooking facilities limited up there I guess. The guide took us to some steam holes which had warm steam coming out, then into a cave where we broke off some crystals to bring back. Mt. Batur is made up of two craters which we walked around the very edge of both, along the way near one of the craters we came across a lot more steam vents which were to hot to put your hand right inside. We then started the decent to the bottom which after the climb felt nearly as hard to get back down. Once down again got picked up right on time and taken back to our hotel at 12:30pm. Klungkung

Antique shops (Main Street) fabric and clothing markets behind antique shops to the south. And large general market very non touristy should get good prices.Hawkers are a problem here. Koris In poppies 2. seems ok. Kuta/Legian Avoid walking along Legian Street - hawkers are rough here. Also pick pckets here. Avoid Kuta centre at night. If you have any business in Legian Street go by day pr take a cab. Awful, noisy - avoid. Lake Batur/Penelokan Near Kintamani. Penelokan is perched high above the lake. Great place.Can see smoking peak of Mt Batur volcanoe.

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41 Tours to Mt Batur to see the sunrise are available from Kuta and Ubud at an advertised cost of approx $50 - $60 US. Travellers notices posted at Ubud warn of climbing from Segara (?) owing to the presence of "Mafiosi" who will not let tourists onto the mountain unless they hire a local guide at an extra cost of $50 US on top of what you have already paid to your own driver/guide. Warnings apparently also appear in the Lonely Planet guide about this village. Happily we had no such problems when climbing from Toyabunkah on the shores of Lake Batur. Lake Beratan Canoes and motor bikes for hire. Lake Bratan Pura Ulu Danau very beautiful. Lake Bunyan Cool fresh climate is reviving after heat of lowlands. Lombok

Lombok is recommended. Less developed, quiet, locals friendlier, scenery stunning, lots of culture. Lombok is the neighbouring island that people are discovering. Ferries, hydrofoils and shuttle flights fly back and forth daily. Lovina Eerveyone says that Lovina was no good and the restaurant there was disgusting. Too far and very empty. And persistant hawkers. Lovina is a tranquil, protected cove. Sand is grey but it is quiet and peaceful. Dolphins play in the waters here. Black sand. Lots of hawkers. We have only taken guided tours on 2 or 3 occassions. Twice we went in a minivan, once alone, once with another couple. It is probably better to take a guided tour if you are going up to the hot springs at banjar, Lovina, git git waterfalls, bedugul, lake bratan etc. That is a very long trip and it was good because we had a driver and a guide with us. On the way to Lovina we went through a village and the guide was telling us that there had been a lot of violence and some deaths recently there because 2 villages were feuding, running around cutting everyone up with machetes. As you can imagine, we didn't stop there! Had we just taken a taxi on our own, our We spent a couple of days touring around the mountains around lovina and the singaraja area. Lovina which is a two and a hour drive from Kuta, we decided to hire Wayan Merta (as read about on this forum ) for the day and also take in some sight seeing on the way. Wayan speaks excellent english, has a nice Toyota 4 door Jeep type vehicle he maintains in great clean condition. Wayan took us through some backroads so we could enjoy the countryside. On the way to Lovina:We were surprised to find some monkeys by the side of the road. Scotty loved it and I am sure its a regular thing as in the middle of nowhere on a road through the jungle are these monkeys with hawkers selling peanuts and banana's to the tourists to feed the monkeys. We also took in Gitgit falls, which were in fine flowing form after the rain over the past 2 nights. The narrow path leading to the falls is lined with hawkers stands and although we didnt enter into any bartering, they were eager for our business offering T-Shirts and Sarongs for 5000 Rp 1/3 of the price offered in Kuta. It's obvious the Balinese shop owners / hawkers in the countryside are hurting with only one other car load of people at the falls there was a total of 8 tourists and about 50 stalls. Even with this low number of tourists, they didn't hassle you much other than invite you into their shop. Once you said no, they left you alone. Gitgit Falls, on road towards Lovina. CHEAP shops. Long climb back. Day Trip to Lovina Hired an Air Conditioned Bus for the day with Driver and Guide, the bus was a fourteen seater and there was 10 of us, so ample room for all. Cost for the day was 300,000 which is more than the norm but this was a large bus. We left around 8.30 and drove first to Taman Ayun Temple near Mengwi then on up the mountains to Bedugal, I have to mention that this trip was done two days before Nyepi so we seen so many Ogoh Ogoh lining the steets ready for the parade we lost count in the end. We stopped at the lake in Bedugal, the gardens are as beautiful as I remember from my last visit, while we were there we were lucky enough to see a Melasti Parade Ceremony, these ceremonies were happening everywhere leading up to Nyepi, by the end of this day we must have passed at least 10. Next stop was the Monkeys, the ladies selling the bananas were truly fierce and had no concept of the meaning of No, no matter how many times you said it or how loud they continued to shove bananas in your face, absolutely impossible to take photos, even after buying some they keep going. Left there and drove through Singaraja, the wider streets and

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42 cleanliness is remarkable, not a tourist to be seen though. Onto Lovina where we stopped at the Aditya Beach Bungalows for a buffet lunch, extremely clean restaurant overlooking Lovina Beach, had a look around the grounds of the hotel and they were very nice, would definitely stay there if I was going up to Lovina Overnight. After lunch we went onto Banjar to the hot water springs, it was a stinking hot day this day so going to the Hot Springs was probably not a great choice, we had been before but our friends hadn't so they enjoyed it. Obviously by this time it was around 3 pm to time to head home. Had a great day out, although long, seen so much, and was lovely to escape the hustle and bustle of Kuta for the day. Makro Makro We usually visit as soon as we arrive and stock up on eats & drinks. They have nice cold meat. We usually have the kids with us so buy up on snack food, cheese and of course the Bintang for us. Lots of the grocery lines are sold in bulk (usually 3 or more) but you can by in single issue. You can get frozen food, fruit & Veg, grocery lines, cleaning product etc. To the right when you walk in they have a large white good/electrical items/cooking items etc. They also sell basic clothing and quiet an array of stationary items which the kids always seem to enjoy. My hubby gets lost in the isles were there are car accessories, tool items etc. They also sell crockery, linen, alcohol and just about everything. They also have a website They don't take all cards (credit) so best to take cash or make sure they accept your card. 2004 the way to describe this place would be to say they have something of almost everything. Very much like a large supermarket and department store where things can be purchased in small quantities or in bulk, they also have a range of electrical items, furniture, clothes, bedding and the list goes on. It was a Saturday and there were children in there even though the forklifts were busy lifting pallets down from the racks. We purchased what we required for a few days supplies, water, chips, chocolate all the essentials and headed to the checkout with our trolley loaded. As the person at the checkout unloaded the trolley and scanned the items they then went back onto another trolley which from what we realised later was supposed to be checked as you leave and then pack, we just put everything into some bags we took and walked out, the guards said nothing. We were allowed to wear our bum bags inside but had to leave another shopping bag with the people at the front who give you a ticket to pick it up on the way out. You also pay 5000 Rp to be able to shop there. Markets, Jimbaran As you will be near Jimbaran, I'd suggest you visit the early morning market at Jimbaran. You'll see everyone there buying their groceries for the day. Be there at 6:00 a.m. (don't laugh)'s worth it. This is'll take loads of pictures and you'll see real Bali people in their natural habitat Markets MOST INTERESTING: Sulawesi Street and Kombarasi Market in Dempasar. Could have spent hours wandering around this rabbit warren of shops, selling everything from food, spices, materials,handicrafts,ceremonial sarongs etc. Be prepared to bargain very hard here though. Also the bird market was interesting with monkeys as well as birdss etc I bought heaps from markets near Dynasty - sequined shoes, boardies, t-shirts, heaps of wooden articles (love my father christmas statues), bowls, bags, paper flowers, etc etc etc. 2004 - There is Paul Frank and Louis Vitton stuff EVERWHERE 2004 - Took a taxi to Denpasar where we went to Tiara Dewata Night Market on Jl. Peng B. Sudirman, walked through some back alleys kind of following a map through to Jl. Diponegoro where we ended up at Kertha Wijaya Shopping Centre and Pekambingon Night Market. Interesting places and well worth a visit. Had kids rides and so on inside Tiara Dewata which we couldnt resist and had to go on the dodgem cars and run into a few little Balinese kids, they thought it was great. The dodgems cost 2000Rp per ride 30-40cents, kinda better than the Royal Show $5 !! We also came across a tandem bike in Kertha WIjaya which worked out to be $330.00 Aust. Dollars, very cheap, a little big to bring back though but tempting. Massages/Beauty Treatments

So cheap. Should consider. Go to Milanos, Ubud for couple of hrs massage and pampering. All in all I think that Milanos wins for consistency but if in Ubud I'd go to Maria's. Comparative prices are Milano Maria Facial 50,000 (1hr) 40,000 (1.5hr) Pedicure 30-40,000 20,000 Manicure 30-40,000 20,000 Massage 50,000 35,000

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43 Mandi lulur 60,000 45,000 Mandi susu 60,000 50,000 The at work that they seem to do is pretty much the same design throughout the island, flowers. But you can pick your own colours (depending on what they have) and you should pay no more than 50,000Rp for full manicure and painting. Some prices elsewhere 2,500Rp for 1.5 hr massage. Manicure M had her nails done by Mandy on the beach in front of the Besakih. 35,000R. We last stayed in Sanur and the girls on the beach had it fixed priced at 35,000rp ( about Aus $7) for hair and the same for nails Markets and Denpasar The markets or night markets here are well worth seeing. Mult-level market is great but smelly. You dont need a guide. Melasti Beach Resort

There are lots of great value places nearby. When we were there last October we really enjoyed La Monde above the supermarket back towards JL Padma and the Tanjing Sari opposite Adikasari down towards Poco Loco. Legian Snacks was great value but vry basic Suites were big. They are divided into 2 sections with a sliding door between them so the kids were separated from us. The bed in the main section was huge. The hotel is divided into 3 storey buildings, with 6 rooms in each, and everyone had a balcony with a couple of chairs outside. It has a nice pool, probably not as big as Kartika Plaza or Holiday Inn, but it certainly wasn't small. The kids loved jumping of the little bridge. We were very pleased with the hotel, and it was quite a lot cheaper than the others I mentioned, the breakfasts are also included. When we were there, there was only one restaurant, but it was pleasant and was just about on the beach. The location is also good, just a very short walk to restaurants and shopping and also a supermarket for soft drinks, water etc. We had just returned with 5 days at Melasti, Legian. Fantastic! They also allowed us to check out at 8.00 pm for no charge, rather than 6.00 pm. This was very convenient. They weren't very busy however, and this may vary. huge rooms with ensuite and balcony, and a seperate lounge area at the front of the room which can be used as an extra bedroom....these rooms all adjoin the second style of room...the twin room...exactly the same size, and with plenty of space to sleep 4 adults in 3/4 sized beds...all these suite rooms are located in bungalows...two near the pool are 3 storey walk up..all the rest are 2 storey.. has been affected by the new road to the extent that......the sunset bar on the sand/paved area is gone...the steps that went from the restaurant to the lower concrete deck and then onto the beach now stop about 2.0 meters short of the edge of the roadway....and the grassed area that was being established under the trees is now cut back in area to almost where the cars used to turn around...just about 5 meters from the pizza oven.....there is a new deck area built in the corner just near the entrance to the main part of the restaurant, but you would have to lop a few trees to see the sunset on the beach clearly.....the road is now white limestone, quite driveable and will probably be asphalted in a few weeks...or maybe a few months..!!There are a lot of motorbikes and the odd few cars using it today, and the local people are parking along the verges and going to the beach, or just enjoying the shade.. most of the hotels are building new fences along the beach front, but these are more of a bamboo "safety fence" rather than a full wall, and so, the privacy has gone in many cases...and the sellers would now be able to stand up on the "bank" and see directly into the resort areas...... was pretty nice - not luxurious, but more than adequate, and it was clean. The staff were very friendly and the grounds were nice. Good pool area, decent breakfast (it was included in the price). It is call : Melasti Bch Resort it is good for your honeymoon. the price : Suite Room : SGL/DBL Usd 75,00/night. It was pretty nice - not luxurious, but more than adequate, and it was clean. The staff were very friendly and the grounds were nice. Good pool area, decent breakfast (it was included in the price). We would definitely recommend getting one of the larger bungalow rooms. Gardens are impressive. Restaurant has great view of the beach. New road has not had a great impact on the resort. If you go down the beach outside Legian Beach Hotel to the right of the lifeguard tower you will meet 2 wonderful locals Sammie and Suzie for ice cold bintangs at 5,000Rp. Tell them you were sent and say HI. The biggest problem there is the water in the sea, because you have to swim in rubbish. But taking a taxi to beautiful beaches is very cheap. For example Padang Padang beach about 3 US$. Very nice if you're not going in July or August. Enjoyed the property because it wasn't overcrowded, more "medium sized". Staff friendly and not pushy. Nice/adequate breakfast included. Pretty gardens and good pool. Can recommend the suite rooms - spacious even for two adults and two children. Location - between the Jayakarta and Padma on Jalan Padma Utara. Summary- probably

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44 not quite up to the appointments as the Hotel you stayed at in Sanur but definately good value for money. Quiet location suit your walk to Kuta.Several small and moderately priced restaurants and warungs nearby. Close to Poco Loco Mexican Restaurant. It takes about a 20 min walk to get to kuta along the beach. This resort was very clean and also offered breakfast included everyday in the package. They are divided into 2 sections with a sliding door between them so the kids were separated from us. The bed in the main section was huge. The hotel is divided into 3 storey buildings, with 6 rooms in each, and everyone had a balcony with a couple of chairs outside. We were lucky enough to get one close to the pool, so we could sit and watch the kids swimming. It's a nice pool, probably not as big as Kartika Plaza or Holiday Inn, but it certainly wasn't small. The kids loved jumping of the little bridge. We were very pleased with the hotel, and it was quite a lot cheaper than the others I mentioned, the breakfasts are also included. When we were there, there was only one restaurant, but it was pleasant and was just about on the beach. The location is also good, just a very short walk to restaurants and shopping and also a supermarket for soft drinks, water etc. The hotel and grounds are very quiet and peaceful, but plenty of shopping and restaurants outside. They are also plenty of hawkers on the beach, but the're not allowed into the hotel grounds. There was also a lovely lady which gave massages, either round the pool or in the room if you preferred. I have heard that in other hotels, the masseurs pressure you, and even wait outside your rooms, I was not approached once. I didn't have one as I thought it would be expensive, I wish I had - apparently it was only A$3. We made sure we were down at breakfast at starting time to get the best pick-they have a small selection of fruits,toast,eggs,bacon & cereals. A beachfront hotel, large pool in the middle, restaurant on the beach, and HUGE rooms. They have just completed smaller rooms overlooking the pool, so if you book here be sure to request the Suite Rooms. They have a large bedroom with an extra sitting area. Breakfasts were included in our package and were amble, selection of fruit, bacon, sausages, rice, eggs cooked what ever way you like them, fruit juice little cakes, toast white & brown even vegemite. Coffee if you don't like bali coffee ask for nescafe, you get a pot of hot water and sachets of nescafe.The pool lounges like everywhere get reserved early but you soon learn the ropes. The 3 balinese ladies that do the massages (25,000rp), manicures & hair plaits are get very reasonable and its worth it just to be pampered. It is better to eat outside for your other meals as the lunches and dinners as not crash hot. Menjagen Island Spice Dive do day and I think these transport, equipment Snorkelling! trips cost etc) to Menjagen Island about $30AUS for Menjagen Island for everything has snorkelling (food, fantastic

Monkey Forest They now have a treehouse cafe which sells the best banana smoothies that you will ever taste. We spent about an hour and a half just sitting up in the treehouse talking to the cafe girls and taking in the great views. There is also a rope bridge that takes you from the treehouse to a small landing. even though a little dangerous the kids had a great time on it. Beware monkeys - they can bite. (don't make the same mistake, don't buy bananas or peanuts to feed the monkeys because they can get violent around food) Take oranges/mandarins to the Monkey Forest instead of buying peanuts. Dont go too early as the monkeys are a bit eager until they have had some good feeds. If you feed them they will climb all over you. Can buy bananas on the way. Watch hats, glasses and cameras as they love to run away with them. Can hire bikes to ride through the forest - 10,000 day. Monkeys at Ubud are less agressive than in other areas. Dont buy food from hawkers as the monkeys will rip at your pockets and may bite you. Whether this will be of any interest or not, I don't know, but for anyone visiting the gorgeous Ulu Watu temple, seriously heed the warnings about the monkeys. Fortunately, our tour guide called over a young man (who evidently is at the temple just for this reason) who was carrying a bag of fruit. He threw the monkey some fruit, the monkey promptly forgot about my glasses, and the young man retrieved them for me (although they were slightly mangled). As per our tour guide's instructions, I tipped the young man 1000 rupiah. So anyone nearsighted venturing to Ulu Watu, wear contacts.(I lost a hair tie later that trip to another stupid monkey). Other than the nasty simians, the view there is gorgeous and well worth the trip. Very close to both Jimbaran and Nusa Dua.

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45 Mt Agung Climb Mount Agung if youre fit. 4 hours up. Striking dawns from the top looking towards Gunung Rinjani in Lombok with the lights of the villages in the mists below you. 4 hours down. Mt. Batur: Huge live volcavno with a great all around view...about 5,000+ elevation. Museum, Denpasar Museum - went to the main museum in Denpasar (10,000rp by taxi), it wasnt the best museum Ive seen but it has a lovely setting and temple feel and costs only 1,500rp. Nails Had my fingernails and toenails painted for 20 000 The kids paid 10,000 rup for finger nail painting and 20,000 for hair braiding on the beach and became great friends of the locals. 2004 - Annie at the Gazebo Hotel does the best hair-braiding in Bali. Our 17 year old (KT) paid 80,000, but she has waist length very thick hair & 12 year old paid 60,000. Annie is well worth it - even the beach ladies commented "good plaiting" when our girls walked past them. Annie is by the large pool every day at the Gazebo - tell her Katie & Phoebe say hello. She also does manicures & pedicures - 20,000 for each and does a great job of that too. 2004 - hair plaiting from 75 - 100,000, hair extensions are 350,000 Nusa Lembongan Boat Trip Favorite outing: we went snorkelling with Island Expedition. Went to Nusa Lembongan. Wonderful day-trip. about $US50, and half the price of Bali Hai. I`m sure Bali Hai is probably fantastic but we had no complaints with Island Expedition. Very good value. Trip takes about 1.5 hours on power boat, you then snorket or go to the beach for an hour or two, have lunch (barbeque with variety of meats) on the ship, do more snorkelling, visit the village (very interesting) and return. Would wear a t-shirt while snorkelling next time, as I got a mean sunburn on my back! Koala and Scotty went on the Beach Club cruise on the Bali Hai II to Nusa Lembongan Island while I caught the ocean raft to the island. The raft is powered by 3 x 225 Hp engines and is 14 Metres long. It was used by the media and judges on the last (not 2000) America's Cup race in New Zealand. The Bali Hai II is an Ocean going catamaran three stories tall and features 3 sun decks and 2 very large and comfortable indoor lounge areas. On the mid level they have an outside bar area with a 3 piece band playing.( not bad either).The raft tour took you out to Hole Rock (big rock standing in the ocean with a hole in it where the surf pounds through), snorkelling and lunch at a small fishing village then onto Nusa Lembongan Island for more snorkelling.The Bali Hai cruise takes you directly to Lembongan Island where you disembark at the floating pontoon. Here you can have free unlimited usage of the waterslide,underwater observatory, banana boat rides, snorkelling, change rooms and showers. They also have parasailing at an extra charge and there is a Bar on the Pontoon as well. You can also take free ferry boats to the island for a swim in the pool, complementary lunch, village and underground house tours. Shar^kie arrived at the pontoon on the Ocean Raft but after the last boat to the island had Ocean Rafting Going ocean rafting tomorrow and if we survive will post and explain. Padang Bai Secluded harbour where ferries depart for Lombok. Small cottages and chalets are available to stay and some beautiful beaches around. Padang Padang stopping at Padang Padang for surf/swim.(Beautiful area),temple etc. Went Parasailing Our son went parasailing off Sanur and paid Rp70 000 for his flight. He was airborne for about 10 mins which seemed to be pretty good value.2004 - First of was something we saw in a brochure for called Fly Fish, best way to describe this would be to say imagine 3 banana boats joined together only a little shorter, ridden the same way only at high speed. Once you are going into the wind the whole thing comes out of the water and starts to fly. Excellent ride, a lot of fun, hard to hold on!Next was Jet Scooter time, we decided not to get one each and did it tandem which was a lot of fun with two people onboard, did that for 30 minutes.Next was parasailing, had a great view of the whole area from up there, no problems with take off or landing for either of us.Lastly went tandem on the Jet Scooter again for another 30 minutes.Took lots of photos with a disposable waterproof camera which turned out really well considering it was covered with water. Had drinks and laid around a little between each item and a guy called Hendric who was a guest relations person was more than happy to help with anything we asked. The whole time there including drinks, events

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46 and transport for the two of us cost about $180.00 Aust. Dollars. Got dropped of back at the hotel and changed for lunch. Patra Jasa Hotel High cost for meals/service etc. Long walk to main shopping area. Very high quality and large rooms for families 2 separate rooms and 2 TVs and inhouse movies. 3 swimming pools and bars etc. Has air conditioning, mini bars, fridge, tea/coffee facilities, kids playground, 3 restauarnts, tennis courts, health club, water sports etc. For breakfast walk down the beach and past the Holiday Inn and down the road. Royal Bathing Pools, Tirtagangga Built by the local raja. Swimming pool and ornamental ponds set in a garden. Then we went to Tirttaganga a beautiful place where we stayed at the waterpalace with free use of the pools. But we want to see the see and i've heard about Good Karma near Selang. And thats for real a good place to stay. Nice bungalows near the see where you can snorkel. Tirtagangga is another water palace south of Amlapura, based on spring fed pools and fountains built in 1948. The spring itself appears to almost gush out of a huge banyan tree, and is believed to have healing powers. There is also numerous fountains and a pool with stepping-stones set amongst beautiful statues. Here you can also have a swim, or just walk around the property, which is still home to some of the royal family ( ? son of the last raja?) Sanur

Beach is not even worth going on. Some say it is very white and better than other areas of Bali. But by aussie standards not great.Beyond the hotel there is a busy village, friendly markets and bars and restauarants. Great for evening walks, browsing through shops and markets. For a small fee you can sail in a traditional Prahu fishing boat along the fringes of the lagoon and watch a sunset.Markets are limited, although clothing is cheap, but there is nothing that you cant get at home. Sanur is a much quieter beach with equally good shopping but fewer hassles.2004 - Nice beach no sellers around.. Did snorkeling by boat 1hr, (USD 10 each), Did Parasailing after boat, USD 10. Did Wakeboarding 20min. USD 25. Sanur was perfect, quiet and Nice beach. Sari Club Open air and crowded. Good for dancing. Seawalker 2004 -people who rafted with us showed us a brochure about Seawalker. Its in Sanur (cant remember the name of the place) and essentially you put on big bubble helmets and walk on the bottom of the sea, feeding the fish etc. It looked great and we were really sorry that we hadnt found out about it sooner has anyone done this? Snorkelling, Lovina

Rp. 20,000 p.p. total duration 2 hours With the traditional Balinese junkung we sail you to the nearest reef, which will be reached in about half an hour. Once there you will enjoy the beautiful colors of the reef and the great variety of fish that live there. After one hour of snorkeling we take you back to the hotel. Add up another Rp. 10,000 for each additional hour of snorkeling SNORKELING AT NIGHTTIME Rp. 50,000 p.p. total duration 3 hours A very special attraction is to go snorkeling at nighttime. Using a special under water lamp you will not only be able to enjoy the beauty of the fish during nighttime, but also to catch your own fish with a hand spear gun. We sail for about 15 minutes, followed by one hour of snorkeling and shooting.Any fish you catch will be prepared and BBQ-ed on the beach as soon as we have returned. Together with your captain you will enjoy the delicious taste of BBQ-ed fish in the romantic atmosphere of the tropical beach during nighttime (drinks not included). If you decide not to shoot fish, or did not succeed in catching any fish, you pay only half price. 2004 - Sanur - Did snorkeling by boat 1hr, (USD 10 each), . Snorkelling, particularly at the Blue Lagoon, about 30 min by boat from Candi Dasa. Best coral and fish including reef sharks (harmless). Rp 150,000 for boat and snorkel gear. Warm water. Sukawati

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47 Temple umbrellas made here. Sell for 230,00Rp at Keris Gallery but could buy one for 60,000Rp here. West of main road is village of Pauya where Wayang Kulit (shadow puppets) and Topeng masks are made. Sulawesi and Nusa Tengara Islands Also easily accessible from Bali with boats and planes. Surfing Hire surfboards at Kuta for 50,000Rp for 2 hrs. Tagalalang Small village just north of Ubud. Pass through it on way to Kintamani. Lots of woodcarving shops here cheaper than Kuta. Taman Festival Now has closed down.Jalan Pantai Padang Galak near the beach a few miles nth of Sanur Several restauarants, ponds with crocodiles and turtles, many tropical birds, large swimming pool, roller coaster, water slide, laser light show, video games and movie theatre ride. $15US adults and $US7 for kids. Very small and not much to do. Laser and light snow and volcano at 7pm. Aviary closes at 5pm. Outdoor amphitheathre last shoew at 5pm. Good for kids.Offshore rock carved by tides, wind and rain. Supports a small picturesque sea temple.Most popular - also at sunset when everyone arrives to enjoy the last rays of sunshine. But can get a bit crowded so try seeing it from the lobby of the Le Meridien Nirvana Resort. Temple is worth seeing.Lots of hawkers but great to see. Temple Festivals See the Bali Post newspaper and Friday edition of Jakarta Post for details of festivals. Tenganan Dances here and special dyed cloth. Outside the village in the car park is a fabulous fabric market. Good place to visit.Small donation at entrance. Weave double ikat here. Different culture in this village.the Bali Aga village of Tenganon, Great place. Timezone Just got back from Bali, Husband took kids to Timezone while I shopped in Matahari, it is on the ground Floor of Matahari next to Mcdonalds in Jalan Legian, Legian. Tokens are 2000 rupiah each (approx. 40 cents) and all games are only one token. Tirta Gangga North of Karangasem on slopes leading to Mount Agung. Water playground with exotic pools and water fountains. Tirta Ganga. Have small change and a few notes in one pocket when facing sellers and tour guides. Keep wealth out of sight or prices skyrocket. Tirtha Empul (Tampaksaring) Worthwhile visit. Tirta Empul (the water temple), Great place to visit. After having lunch at Kintamani, Agung offered to take us to either Tirta Empul (Sping temple) or Besakih. We choose Tirta Empul as we had a touch of Bali Belly and didn't feel like too much walking! Tirta Empul was very beautiful and Agung certainly gave us a good, informative tour of the temple. Thoroughly enjoyed. Tours Stick with licensed tour guides as if have accident you have to pay etc. Can be up to US $1000. Village Walk Tour. Casual walk through agri land and outlying villages. Visit artists family compund and see traditional kitchen, rice farm, garden and family temple. Tour ends near Ayung River.Hired a driver 200,000Rp for the day at Ubud and visted Kintamani. Hawkers were bad there. Lake Batur, the mother of all temples, at Besakih, some out of the way villages and the very lovely Neka Art Museum outside Ubud. The museum is set in vbeautiful grounds and shows the art of Balinese art. Great except the roads were shocking and after a while all the villages looked the same. Panorama/Gray Lines run excellent package with 3 full days and 2 half day tours for $69. Day trip to Lembongan Island with Lembongan express. Great for $29 pp.

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48 296,000Rp air conditioned bus to Monkey Forest, Tanah Lot, Lake Bunyan, Mengawi Reptile Park, Crocodile Park, Pura Luhur Batukau temple, Pura Ulun Danu Baratan temple. Paid 130,000Rp for driver for day and saw honeymoon temple, went to Celuk, volcano, temple at volcano lookout, rice paddie etc. WakaLouka Land Cruises. Travel by landrover and see farms, crops, stone quarry, hot springs, mountains and daily life. Drive through lush hinterland, terraced rice fields to rainforest camp in mountains for lunch. Includes transfers, lunch, with soft drinks, wine and beer. Hired a driver for $40 incouding petrol. Went to see bali bird park; bali reptile park and bail butterfly parl. Entrance fee was about $5 each with a discount fort the 2. All were mind blowing and quite extensive. Well worth the effort and a highlight of the trip. Can see the famous Komodo dragons here also. Tours

Tour B was less expensive and better. Dont hire the more expensive catamaran to get back it snt worth it. Tour to Monkey Forest, Tahan Lot, Lake Bunyan, Mengwi Reptile and Crocodile Park, Pura Luhur Batukau Teplme and Pura Ulun Danu Baratan Temple - cost 296,000 Rp for 2 Temples are all the same - just see one. US$20 for half day tours to Ubud or Sangeh.. Most tours are US$30-$40 per person for an 8-10 hour day, and US$20-$25 for half a day. These include mulit-lingual guide and entrance fees, but no meals. Cheap drivers are no good as they take you to shops where they get commission. $us30 for full day trip to Kintamani or Besakih. Includes barong dance at Batubulan and stops at shops or temples. Guide in their car will cost $US50 - $80. Some people hired one all day for 200,000Rp for 8 hours. Good tour is Kintamani Volcano Tour - see Batubulan, Celuk, Mas, Ubud, Kintamani, Lake Batur and the colcanoe, Mount Batur, Bali Aga village of Tranyan. Elephant cave. Jungles of Lemuki looks like good tour from Lovina. Start at offices of Kutilang at the Jalan Laviana in Lovina. With vcar go to starting point at Lamukih. On way stop to look at Pura Dalem in Jagaraga and next in Sawan at gamelan factory. had a look in a gamelan factory. Kintamani tour - Most of the hawkers hang around the large restaurants in Penelokan, and a little to the West: they are waiting for the tour buses. There are many places to park your private car along the road discreetly (better go with your own driver). There are also many small restaurants between Penelokan and Kintamani, located on the cliffside of the road, where you can have a bite to eat, and enjoy the spectacular scenery without being disturbed (hawkers are NOT allowed in the restaurants, no matter what). I would suggest you then drive down the caldera, through the "lunar" landscape of the lava flows, and along the lake, to Toya Bungkah and beyond. There are no hawkers there, and few tourists, if any. The locals there are, for the most part, not friendly, but neither are they agressive and they wont bother you. (2004) Then continue on foot in jungle along small walking tracks opening to rice terraces. Cross jungle stream. 2004 cycling tour is highly recommended. Picked up at hotel at 7:00am by Bali Budaya Tours which we had booked before we left for their Eco/Edu Cycling Tour. Was taken to Kintamani for breakfast overlooking Mt. Batur and Lake Batur before driving to the base of Mt. Batur where we told about the volcano and its history. Next we were on the bikes starting the 31klm ride (mostly downhill). Winding through traditional villages along the way we made many stops which included the following: Traditional Balinese Compound; Rice Fields; Plants (Jungle); Trees; Temple; Weaving At each stop we were all told in detail about Balinese religion, how they survive and make a living. We then ended up at our lunch destination where we were served a large array of Balinese dishes. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone. The cost was 320,000 Rp per person which included, transport, meals, bike hire, ummm everything. Bali Budaya Tours Jl. Raya Pengosekan Ubud, Bali Ph. 0361 975557 Email. Run by an Aussie guy Steven Toya Bungkah Grubby town. Avoid. Ubud Near padi fields with lots of artists and armers and dancers.

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49 Quaint thatched cottages exist. Take a tour of the rice paddies. Glad we didn't stay in Ubud. It's an easy drive and there is no reason to give up the beach and amenities for four days. We weren't impressed with Ubud, though it's worth a day trip. The hotel arranged a driver for about US$20. Ulun Danu Bratan Temple on shore of Lake Bratan. Most favoured temple of someone on forum. At Lake Bratan you must see Ulun Bratan temple. Its well worth. Uluwata Here at sunset will see spectacular temple with monkeys and fabulous view. Small temple perched on edge of towering cliffs. Renowned for sunsets and inhabited by aggressive monkeys. You do not need a guide here but will be pressured. If you are nervous about monkeys wave a stick and they will take off. Sit an Waung and watch surf at sunset. Went to Ulawatu late one afternoon, which we had never been to before. This is where all the Surfers go for the great waves. Went along some very bad tracks to get to one place. Walked down a number of steps and stopped for a drink in a Warung and just looked at the great view. The surfers have a large cliff they need to walk down before they get to the beach. We also then went to the Temple that was close by and watched the sunset before returning to Kuta again. is strikingly beautiful but the villagers there are dreadful. They will try to tell you the temple is closed unless they guide you (for money although they won't say that until the end) Just wave your ticket and march on saying you will ask the policeman about it.. Ulawatu: This is a beautiful temple atop a sheer 850 foot cliff monkeys all around and the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen. Village Temple Festival Best way to see traditional dances, wayang kuilt and gamelan orchestras is to attend one of these. Usually daily somewhere on island. Volcano near Ubud Dewa did a day trip there for 200,000Rp. 2004 - I have to urge anyone going to Bali to do this !! It made my trip!. I have been to Bali before and decided this time was going to be different and totally out of the ordinary. The most amazing driver Buddi, a wonderful guide, a cold drink seller and I left at 4:00am to climb the volcano, to summit - to see the sun rise! Words can not describe the climb, the laughs, the conversation :->> :breath in, breath out: and the summit, the sunrise and the banana sandwiches, the monkeys, the crater, the steam vents, the views, Batu lake, Uluwatu, the layer of clouds beneath us... I can go on and on...This is a must. It took us about 2 hours - leaving at 4:00 in the morning and - with a lot of photo and breathing stops!! - arriving at +- 6:30. You can then climb further - to the crater etc.My wonderful driver - who has a degree in English Literature! - is Wayan Budiarta or Budi and his mobile is 081 2390 5344. His cousin - also called Wayan (meaning first born - Made means 2nd born, Ketut 3rd ) is also available and is great for tours to Ubud, Celuk etc - his mobile is 081 3386 31322. Waterbom Park

Was good and a must if you have young kids. Lunch wqs fine and reasonably priced. Grounds green. Do high quality hair braiding US$12 but takes 2 hours. Massages and manicures US$6. Hair braiding on Beach outside Patrajasa Hotel see Norma - 50,000 for foils and very small plaits Opposite Kartika Plaza HotelGo in the morning and have breakfast there as it is combined with the entry ticket and is virtually free.Much nicer in the morning than in the afternoon when it is too crowded.It has 8 slides, 3 kids slides, 3.5 hectares of gardens, badminton, table tennis, sand and water volleyball, 2 restaurants, large sunbatjing area, pleasure pool with swim up bar.Cost per adult is 110,000Rp. Open from 8.30am - 6pm.Get there early to get lounge seat. you can buy at the gate or on the net, we buy our tickets at matahari's in kuta, there is a small tour/ticket office just in front of the supermarket, about 15% cheaper than the gate price.enjoy!!!We also went to Waterbom Park and got discounted tickets through Daddy's Caf of 20%, so we ended up paying approx $100 aud for 3 Adults and 2 kids. Was a great day and the BBQ corn was excellent. Waterbom again was worth doing and thanks to forum info to buy tickets at Daddys Cafe. Saved alot although I felt like I was doing a drug deal.So here's Mum's report: She says that the food and food prices were crap. Your bags were searched on the way in and they confiscated all food and drinks, even water bottles!? A bit extreme if you ask me, its not like they dont make enough money. The food service was the worst, as you had to order each item of food at a separate place (ie burger, pizza, milkshake), then line up again

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50 to pay, then line up again somewhere else to receive your order. Mum was convinced that she spent 2 hours queuing for everyone! On the plus side, there weren't big lines for the rides and the gardens there are beautiful. There was plenty of shade and chairs. A family pass (2 adults, 2 kids - under 12) cost $50US and 5 minutes on the Aero bungy ride cost 60,000rp. They spent 6 hours there, and Natasha thought it was boring after a while and a waste of time (as did Mum) but Kate and her friend loved it.2004 - Started off in the lazy river then moved onto the slides. Did all the slides which are a lot of fun, my favourite would probably be Racetrack or Smashdown and Lynns was Macaroni Tube Ride. After a lounge around in the sun next to the pool for a while decided to have some lunch. Started to feel a little ill, maybe from the twists and turns of the slides, unsure, but grabbed some photos and headed back to the hotel for a little afternoon sleep. Wakeboarding 2004 Sanur - Did Wakeboarding 20min. USD 25. Water Palace Ponds here fed from crystal clear spring water. At Tirtagangga. Great. Complex of pools built by the local Rajah in 1947. White Water Rafting And try our white water sister company The action Plus. Location at Telaga Waja river 2 hrs on the river at the end of your adventure great view can be seen, Natural village and expectacular rice fields view in front of our restaurant only USD 48 all included, transportation, buffet lunch, insuance coverage up to USD 50,000. Chose your trip: morning or afternoon trip Book Now and we will glad to serve you. We also can arange all your tour needed,hotel, transfer, etc. recommend you bali adventure rafting, you can book from kuta and they will pick you up from your hotel. You have to travel out of Ubud to raft but many offer transport. Bali Safari Rafting was fantastic, see my report in Just Back.We used an outfit called Bali Safari Rafting . Very professional outfit with well trained guides. The rafting was exhilarating and fun, but the surprise was the country through which we passed - Eden-like. I was overwhelmed by its opulent and quiet beauty. At the end we scaled some steep stairs to the restaurant pavilion Bali Safari runs where a lady greeted us with flowery drinks. Our dry clothes were there so we could shower, and change before we ate the wonderful buffet lunch. As a parting touch they gave each of us a bouquet of flowers as we left. A quality outfit and worth the $48 the half day cost including the lunch and all. Discounts everywhere. I chose to book through Bali Aussie 215000Rp inc transport and lunch. Lunch very average shower and change rooms primative. I guess you get what you pay for. Ask me for details. were affiliated with Gray Line tours while we were in Bali. They booked white water rafting trips through a company which I cannot remember, but we had a great time. It cost $39 USD per person, which is considerably less than the going rate of $60 US. Gray Line's phone number is 726800. The tour was on the Telaga Waja river, and was great. I have been rafting in Canada and New Zealand, and I have never seen scenery like this before. The river wasn't wild, but with the spectacular views it did not really matter. Lunch was excellent, and the view from the restaurant was unbeatable. I believe the lunch stop was at Bakit Jambul. Telaga waja river situeted at Karangasem east Bali is about 2 hrs by car from Kuta. You may contact us at 233427 for better price than grey lines. We handle client within 7 years old til 60 years old.Don't worry about your child, we can handle professioanly.Try our white water rafting Alindo Dewata Tours is General sales Agent for white water rafting - The Action Plus our sister company. River location at Telaga Waja river east Bali. Forget Ayung river, and try Telaga waja river only 2 hrs from Nusa Dua, Kuta, and Sanur. Booked through us only USD 48 normally USD 65) for adult, USD 25 for children and USD 125 for familly (2 ADL + 2 CHD) the price included; transportation, buffet lunch,private shower, and all toilet facilities, insurance coverage up to USD 50,000.All our river guide are professional trained. Try us or booking directly to . Visit our site at I went rafting with SOBEK, and got a better rate when booking from my hotel. It was normally 68$us, and I paid 50$us. Remember that when it comes to rafting, price is NOT everything! I found that SOBEK were VERY professional. Great guides, a good choice of river strip, superb organization etc! One place goes under/through a waterfall. Sell Coke and Bintang at end for 20000rp. And had to buy some for the guide.The buffet lunch was at a lean too on the beach. They had bad bellies from that day on! It was very expensive as it was in US dollars.2004 - I had organized to go white water rafting via sobek tours at the ayung river. wow it was really really fun. i would thoroughly recommend this to anyone. if anyone has every been to australias wonderland its like riding the snowy river rampage. only in a boat and you have to paddle. They booked with bali Adventure Tours direct and got a 10% discount. Pm departure didnt provide a meal. While the restauarant was attractive the smorgasboard didnt appear especially appealing or good value.

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51 It was very safe. BAT and Sobek fish at the same place but BAT starts at least 5 minutes up stream so you get a longewr run. Food with BAT a bit better. Served as a buffet in their restaurant once climbed back up. Both have towels, change rooms etc but BAT dont give you a towel till you are at finish point at top of stairs. Sobek give you a towel to dry off as soon as you get out of raft. Both are excellent. Bali Adventure Tours were great too. us$60 for the day incuding transfers and lunch. Grade 2 -3 rapids and at times the water is low and it mau not be worth going. Risky as rescue services and water doubtful. Avoid perhaps. Someone on forum booked from Ubud for $42AUD each. Went with Sobek. Can do this in Agung River near Ubud. Go to Teddys Hair Studio and ask for Harry who got a good deal at $20 less than the brochure. Trip itself takes 1.5 2 hrs. Covered several kilometres with lots of stops for photos and swimming. Water proof bags were provided for cameras, wallets etc.Nice lunch is usually provided with chicken, pork, rice all eaten in restaurant with views of river, trees and rice paddies. Cost was $50AUS. Sobek is recommended as one of the best companies to do this through. Travel through rainforest and water carved gorges of Ayung River. Suitable for beginners. Price includes hotel transfers, lunch, life jackets, helmets, waterproof camera bags and insurance. Price quoted varies some say as high as $94 adult. Need to check. have done rafting with both Sobek and Bali Adventure, they are both excellent operators. There are other company's but i would stick with either of these, the others are sort of back-yard types. We used Bali Adventure for white water rafting. Absolutely fabulous. Cost us $45US which was a discounted price. Run by an Australian. Most of them are around the same price, however I did see advertisements stuck up around Kuta which offered a much cheaper service for US$20. Try and bargain a little bit (they won't budge much!) especially if there is a group of you. We got ours down about US$10 from the price. Shop around, there is some variation. Went with Ayung River Rafting. 8 kms long about 2 hours on the river. Going rate was $62US but negotiated $50US. With Bali International the price was $60US per adult including lunch. The river that they go on is higher than Ayung and the rapids are rougher. But it was great. No bali belly from the lunch. Pick up a flyer from the restaurant and ask for a special price. Sobek was $60US but fun. Wayang Kulit Puppet Performances in Ubud. The longest running show is at Oka Kartini's Bungalows on Jalan Raya Ubud across the street from Bank BCA every Wednesday and Sunday night. There is a smaller performance at Kertha Accomodation on Monkey Forest Road near Milano Salon several times a week. The Dalang here throws some English into the program and will likely crack the kids up. Tickets to this show are 20,000 a head. Windsurfing

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52 We walked down Jln 66. I maintain that this is a nice place to do your market jewellery shopping - you get hassled WAY less for some reason. They don't have clothing market stalls though. They also have a slightly better range than in Kuta. On Jln 66 we found a fantastic bag shop (we actually went in there last year as well, and I remembered it). Its called La Vania and it just looks like any other small bag shop, its closer to Jln Legian than the beach road. They have an excellent range of unique quality beaded denim bags - very different to what you see in the markets. 3 bags later we were on our way!We then walked along Jln Legian into Seminyak. The best shop we found here was Mario Silver. All prices are in US dollars and absolutely fixed, but they are still good compared to Aus prices and they have a beautiful range. I bought the most stunning ring I have EVER seen and Dad bought Mum a silver chain and pendant that is really beautiful. There are some nice clothing boutiques in this area. I bought a few things. The shop assistants were often surprised with the father-daughter friendship exhibited between myself and my shopping partner. I love shopping with Dad because hes easy going, and although he doesn't like shopping he loves walking and he doesn't mind waiting for me to try on things. Even better, (within reason) he'll let me buy anything. He doesn't get grumpy like Mum does either. Soon we stopped at a small fruit shop and bought delicious fresh mangos for 8000rp per kilo. YUM TIPS Airport

No problems through customs..despite extra jack daniels in our suitcases, found taxi window on right hand side after you exit the customs hall. 23000 to Legian, got voucher and away we went. Through Tuban up through Kuta square (same familiar smells and sounds) to the Legian village hotel. Can get ticket at booth near where you exit the terminal and buy a numbered ticket for chosen desitination. Destination prices are clearly shown on the board. Go to the rank and driver who has been allocated your number collects you. Thr pricing structure is based on distance plus 9,000Rp for empty taxi. Your ticket may even give you a free soft-drink at the Bird Park. The taxis arent big and if there are more than 2 of you and luggage may need 2. If more than 2 adults can get 2 cars as is still cheap.For Australian dollars or travllers cheques at least the echange rates at the airport were reasonable. Consider changing enough for a day or to as the exchange rates are better in the general Kuta area. When you get through immigration make sure you get part of the card back and dont lose it or it will cost you heaps.Airport departure tax is now 100,000 (2004) Dont let guys with trolley collect bags - they will charge a lot. Lug bags from carousel to customs department and then 45 metres to bus/taxi.Water at airport is turned off at midnight so not good to go to loos after that.Take your own tissues as they run out of loo paper also. Say no thanks to porters as they charge a fortune. Can contract with the hotel to pick you up. Carry your own bags. Porters will want up to $20. Aussie dollars and credit card.We either use the atm at the airport near the baggage carousels or exchange money usually at the last window on the right before you exit the airport as he usually has the best rates. We don't change a lot there but enough to get us into town and buy some dinner. Take loo paper or tissues in your bag when you go out.Dont lose the of the immigration form they give back to you as it will take a long time and a lot of money to correct when you are trying to leave.Take a fixed fee taxi paid for inside the terminal to take you to your hotel.Exchange rates are low so only take enough $ to get you to Kuta where exchange rate is best.Another approach is when you collect your luggage and have passed through customs via the right hand terminal exist door as you face the roadway: Go past all the money changers on your way (last one usually has the best rates) you can outside and make an immediate left turn, still hugging the exterior of the building wall. Along that wall is a taxi pre-paid agents window. Here you will pay for a voucher (Kuta was 20,000Rp and Jimbaran bay about the same). Metered taxis are cheaper but may be hard to get around the airport. Once you purchase a voucher they will call a cab for you and it will arrive about 20 yards from that window. Turn around 180 degrees and walk straight to the road and wait. One other plane landed around the same time. After making hubby practically run to VOA, we were 2nd in line. Flew through as we had money ready. Then to customs. On the plane they had run out of forms for declaring, so when asked if we had alcohol, he sent us looking for the forms. No worries, finally found them and staff filled out for us and took us through priority, didn't matter though, we were the only ones left anyway. In total only took 45mins Bags

Bags - 15000rp. 2004 - Paul Frank bags 20,000 > 25,000rp. Leather bags $15Leather wallets 30,000 (2004) 9/01 - Went to the Dempasar markets and bought 2 hand bags 75,000 the shops in Legian had a starting price of 400,000 on these.

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53 Paul Frank bag 20 000, backpack 25 000 beaded bags ranging from 15 000 to 30 000 2004 -Assorted beaded bags $30.00 Bali Belly

Imodium is a common clinical remedy (A$2.00app; take 2 tablets straight away and 1 next morning). Some say this is only a stop gap (is that a good choice of words?) for situations where you must travel as it can interfere with the bodily functions and inhibit the flushing out the bacteria and toxins. These antagonists would say that Pepto-bismol is a better way to go. Another remedy is Norrit, little black tablets available at Matahari Supermarkets in Bali for Rp5500. Some travellers swear by lots of charcoal tablets from a local Apotic (chemist or drugstore). A recent recommendation with solid (no pun intended) support is Raspberry juice cordial with at least 30%, preferably more, real juice in the cordial. Mix it strong 25% cordial: 75% bottled water. Some people have a neat swig every morning before breakfast. In Oz, Coles stock Sunraysia Premium Raspberry Delight 80% - A$7.99 for 375 ml. Also available from most supermarkets in Bali.Met some wonderful people over there and I cracked up when I met a lovely woman who was telling me all about the red cordial. Every morning she would give the kids a shot of red cordial and never once, in all the years theyve been going to Bali, did any of them get sick. Personally I forgot to pack the red cordial myself but I had every other medication under the sun which did come in handy. I refuse to do Bali without charcoal tablets and again it was my savour. Bargaining Some people never pay more than of the original asking price. Often start at 80,000 Rp for everything to get down to 15-25,000 for T-shirts, sarongs etc takes a long time. Paid 30,000Rp for something starting at 200,000Rp. Take 4-5 items and put $ in their hands with take it or leave it. Dont do in front of tourists as they may turn you down.Cost price is usually a third of asking price. Start under that but never go higher than half. Cant recall any place where they paid any more than of the original asking price. Just say what is you "serious cheap price" and use this as a starting point. Start bargaining at 50-60% lower than the asking price. Do not expect to achieve instant results. If you walk away from the shop, you will almost certainly be followed, with a lower offer. If the salesperson agrees to your price, you should really feel obliged to purchase - it is considered very ill mannered to agree on a price and then not buy the article. Bathers you can buy quality cozzies at all of the surf shops along Jalan Legian and in Kuta Square - same brands and quality as in Australia (e.g. Billabong, Rip Curl, Quiksilver, Voodoo Dolls, etc etc etc) Because they are legit. brand names, they are sort of expensive by Bali standards, but still definitely cheaper than home. There is also a Seafolly shop in Kuta, not far from Bemo Corner, selling a large range of Seafolly stuff, sorry but I cannot remember which street it is on...possibly Bakungsari? It's in that area anyway. 2004 - Bathers 150,000 - 200,000 rp Bedding There is a new shop in 66 St. called Betty Bu which sells satin and gold embroidered bedspreads to die for; plus cushion covers and imported Indian saris which were indescribably beautiful. With two days notice they will make up bedspreads to fit queen/kingsize beds. Too bad I found this place on second last day. Double Six Street in Legian(not it's real name but colloquially known because the road leads to where the Double Six Nightclub is on the beachfront) runs off Legian Road to the beach. It is between Rum Jungle Road (runs from Jalan Legian to the Jayakarta Hotel) and Gado Gado Street in Seminyak (also not it's real name). All the taxi drivers know the streets by their colloquial names so if you ask to go to Double Six (not Sixty Six!) Street they will know. Belts Belts $6 2004 - Leather belt 15,000 rp. Leather belt 15.000. Shell belts - around 20,000rp leather belts - 20,000rp Bowls 2004 - Wooden Bowls 5,000 rp 15,000 rp. Shell bowl 35.000, platter to match 27.000

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54 Boxes 2004 - Jeweler boxes 5,000 rp. Boxes sequined for 4 000 (med) 5000 (large) Bulldozer Shop Thefts have been occurring around this shop. Camera and Photos 2004 - Photo prints (digital) 1,000 1,500 rp. CF Card to disk 25,000 rp. Photos onto a CDR Rp 25,000 Photos reprints 1000Rp each From Digital Camera 1500Rp each Whole roll developing 31 000Rp also called into Legian Cyber Caf in Jalan Sahadewa and paid 25,000R to get my digital pics downloaded onto a CD. This was a very good Internet caf; recommend it to anyone needing to download DVD or digital cameras. 2004 - Dropped of film and memory stick to Fuji Pantai on Jl. Legian 204 where they printed the photos and made CD while we waited, very good service. Then went to DDs for breakfast which was close by, meal was excellent. Caps 2004 Caps 15,000rp. Caps 3 for 20K Caps $1 hats 10 CDs 2004 (apparently for Caps they 15,000 buy (on rp. CapsRp15,000 them for 5K) the beach)


2004 - We went into a DVD shop to look at their CDs, as Mum wanted Bob Marley. The CDs were clearly pirated even though the covers were better quality than usual. I asked the guy how much, and he replied "75,000rp". I laughed, and he tried to convince me that they were real. A warning: just because they say they are real doesn't mean they are. I finally got the CD for 10,000rp (they cost this everywhere). If you encounter an annoying man who won't give you the going prices, I advise you to just go elsewhere 2004 - if you walk towards kuta beach in the kuta arts market you will see a guy selling dvds for 10.000 rph for one. this is where me and my boyf bought all of our dvds. he also went out of his way to get other dvds that we wanted and he didnt have. i have no prob. recommending him. and since the dvds were so cheap i didnt bother bargaining with him. he had newer titles as well. we bought titles such as new york minute, 13 going on 30, dodgeball, garfield etc from him. we spent these last 2 days just relaxing. it was sooo fun. His C.D's where as cheap as in Matahari in Kuta so we got all ours off him. Paid on average about 70,000.RH for chart c.d's,$8-12$ for music CDs. 60,000Rp good quality. PC games can get CDs for 35,000Rp each full of programs and they all work. Buy from Platinum in Bali Mall or Men at Work in Kuta around the corner from Kuta Square. Music CDs are cheaper in specialty music stores rather than Department stores. CDs 60,000Rp or 85,000Rp for the latest not cheap enough for a major spree. CD'S 60-85K The Softcomp Center has 2 outlets, in Poppies 2 and Jl Legion near cnr of Jl Padma. If you email, Bastion will email you a list of available PC items (games, software, MP3, VCD and DVD) with instructions on ordering from o'seas. There is around 26 pages of list, so you should find something you want. I paid around 50.000Rp for video editing programs that retail AUD3000. 2004 - last week we bought 46 dvd's from the top floor of the Ramayana in Denpasar as recommended on this forum, and they all work fantastic. They gave me their card and said they will still charge only 1500 rp each and US$5 per kilo freight(to melbourne), they can send them with or without the covers to reduce the weight. Their e-mail is sakura_groups@yahoo , add the at the end as for some reason it won't go thru We will definately be ordering more. 2004 Sakura bought CDs for 10,000. CD's - 60,000rp ($12) - 85,000rp 2004 - I have brought back quite a few dvd's and all have been excellent. I buy them from Dede Zacharias, he has a shop in Garlic Lane, off Melasti Street. You can email Dede and put your order in and he will have them ready for you when you go to pick them up. If anyone wants Dede's email address feel free to ask. 2004 Contact Helgi, his email is : mcshop@hotmail He charges 10,000 depending on how many you order (we ordered over 100), and even delivers them to your hotel where you are staying. dvds Most places sell them for 15,000 RP (about $2.50!) and then have deals such as buy 10 get two free, buy 20 get three free, buy 100 get 40 free, etc. You'll also find some places that sell them for 10,000 Rp, but these places generally don't have deals. In Kuta there was a good shop we went to next to the Kuta Paradiso hotel and across the road from the Rama Bride restaurant, it had a great range of dvds, and the staff were really nice

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55 and helpful! But there are so many places and as long as you check the dvd to make sure it works and the sound is right, you'll be fine! bought back some under 2 months ago, and no i had no problems, all dvds are good pitcher quality, you can bring back 15 per person before being classified as an importer, you can check the quality before you buy them. i found the kids dvds the best quality. The dvds in Bali are region 0 so that can play in all players . came back about three weeks ago and brought back just over a 100 dvds still in their cases in my bag. I was really worried coming through customs but I dont think they really care. The xray macine picks them up a little but they are more worried about wood and other illegal things than to confiscate everyones dvds! So shop up! 2004 - i brought back 50 dvd's from a shop in poppies lane 2 where when u brought 10 say, u got 2 for free, etc. etc. so i got 10 for free. anyway, u could preview them b4 u brought. this took me about 1 hr only, the lady was quick as. bang, dvd in, look, out. i found the movies that have been out for a while in the usa at least are ok, 2004 - went to STAR DISC to pick up the list of 120 DVDs I had dropped off. My advice is: DO NOT USE THEM, THEY SUCK. I would advise you to go instead to either SOFTCOMP or MULTI DISC on Jln Padma Utara. These shops both had the best range, a good range of CDs, Softcomp has a huge range of CD Roms and the service was excellent. Never again Star Disc! 2004 - DVDs are 10,000rp everywhere, which is great. Just back from Bali and bought many kinds of cd,Ps2 for 20.000,Dvd for Rp 110.000,Cd-rom for 35.000, PS games for only 4.000 rupiah. DVD 15,000 (2004) contact helgi at give your list order and he will prepare it for you and deliver it to your hotel for free!or contact his mobile 08123914134 Computer software (pirate) $10/disc. 13. pcMac, Jl Iman Bonjol 266 D/1, Denpasar, 489 747. Mainli Apple programs. Full discs Rp150,000. Might contain 26 programs depending on size. Fax order from hotel for credibility 24 hours before. UNRELIABLE. DONT EVEN THINK OF USING. 14. Platinum Jl Teuku Umar #242A, 231 664, E-mail & your order will be waiting. Generally Rp35,000/single disc program. THE BEST ALSO IN LEGIAN STREET 15. Harrys Jl Teuku Umar #226 773,, Try Oskar, he might reply. HOPELESSLY OVERPRICED 16. Dragon Bali Computers, Jl Iman Bonjol #336G Hunt for cheap software in a big cardboard box! ALL OUT OF DATE AND MANY DONT WORK 17. Engineering software Softcomp Center. Two shops in kuta Jl Legion Kelod No 408C and Poppies II. E-mail for list of titles. TOO EXPENSIVE AND MANY DONT WORK 2004 - Cds 10,000 rp. CD 10.000 (no cover). Music CDS 15,000 each Ceramics Sites Pottery and Leather. On Legian just past turn off to Melasti on the left going north. Casserole dish $8 worth 10 times that at home.

Coffee need your own gear - recommend you make Matahari Kuta Square you first stop to buy either and immerser which they had run out of in November OR better still pick up one of the small elctric jugs which they sell for about $A4 or $A5 and your worries are over - they are made of a hard plasticky material and worked like a charm for us - we are taking it back with us on 10th April - as advised elsewhere there is a usable power outlet in each room. Buy the immersion element in Bali as they have the local power connections already on them and you will not need an adapter as you would if you buy it here Cooking Classes

Last year the cost for the Casa Luna cooking school was 100,000rps. Didn't actually do it so can't say what it was like, but there's a ball-park figure for you. I think the other cooking schools around which are run by big hotels etc are much more expensive. Crafts

Nusa Dua Galleria and Keris Gallery - have good carvings etc seems better than Matahari for quality and price. Tasteful pottery and ceramic wares available in studio shops in Sanur and Kuta. Near Bintang Ramada - shop at Art Market. Taxi there should be 2500Rp.

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56 Wood carvings. Best is Tantra in Mas. For barong mask marked US$222 and paid US$100. Good buys at Tegalalang near Ubud. Or better get up the rd from Kutas main street in Seminyak . Seminyak was absolutely dead in early Auguts. No-one anywhere. Wooden wind chimes. Need to check that thet are not full of bugs and that they are lacquered. Dont buy any wooden items not lacquered not worth the risk. Customs wll charge a lot to fumigate or ask for them back. Cushion

2004 - Cushion covers 15.000 Got cushion covers (30-35k). great cushion covers 30-35,000 each, Department Stores

Dept stores worth looking at are Matahari, MA, Tragia, Ramayana, Tiara Dewarta. Went to Denpasar yesterday to go shopping at Tiara Dewata and Ramanyana.These are both in walking distance to each other and both worth a look. Tiara is smaller however we were the only foreigners there and the prices were a little cheaper, but did not have the bid range as Ramanyana. The Mata Hari malls (Kuta and Denpasar) are worth visiting. The supermarkets have good selections of the giftwares you mention. We check out what they have and prices, but keep our purchases from them for the end of the trip. I recommend you just note down some of the prices in the supermarket, to get an idea of the price range for bartering, then head to the village markets and factories, where you can barter and see a wider range. Melasti at Denpasar was very cheap and very busy. 2004 - Makro shop is just out of Kuta heading to Sanur. You can buy anything from groceries to clothes to electrical goods and it is cheaper than mata Haris. Beer can be bought by the crate here and you get 500Rp for empties. Ask locals how to get to the shop. Changed some money again and headed of to Ramayana in Denpasar. Ramayana is very much like a Matahari, similar lines of products and just as big if not bigger. We then walked to Robinsons (which is directly opposite Matahari Denpasar) where we had a quick lunch at McDonalds which is right next door. You could tell it wasnt a school day the place was packed with kids; I did say a quick lunch but by no means was it a quiet one!! After wandering around Robinsons for a while we then went on to Rimo Computer Centre. Probably 60% of the shops were closed because of their Gulung holiday but we found that as far as computer components go they are probably 6-12 months behind in technology. So keeping that in mind their new technology which at the same time in Australia (6-12months ago) would have been considered well priced then actually compared to todays prices for the same equipment was rather expensive (hope that makes sense). We then went to Millenia which was mainly a clothing store, didnt think much of it. Walked around Denpasar some more before grabbing a taxi back to Kuta Square.2004 - The Kuta Galleria is a fairly new shopping area which is only maybe a 15 minute walk from our hotel. It is only about 1/3 full and the shops there are all proper name brand outlets, no markets. There is also an Ace Hardware shop there which is well worth a look if you havent seen it before. We had a quick snack and coffee at Cherrys Caf there before deciding to walk back to the hotel. We took a wrong turn (my fault) and ended up having walk a lot further than needed even though I knew the right way I thought this might be a little different, different yes!! 2004 - After lunch went back to Tuban to the Bali Mal Galleria (not to be confused with the Kuta Galleria as even some taxi drivers in Bali get the two confused) Better of saying Galleria near Planet Hollywood if you want to go there, no confusion then. We quite liked this place for shopping in again what we will call proper shops, also a Matahari, small Marks and Spencers. Getting off the subject sort of, there are 3 Matahari stores in the main tourist area, supermarket on Jl. Legian, supermarket / department store in Kuta Square and also supermarket / department store in the Bali Mal Galleria. Back to hotel via taxi. Dresses

Shirts, shorts and dresses 30-40,000Rp each. Batic Dresses 40-60K 2004 - Dresses (summer) 25,000 - 40,000 rp childrens sun dresses 12,000 15,000 2004 - STREET SHOPPING Found some gorgeous clothing shops (fixed price):SKIN Post Atomic WearJl Raya Seminyak 16A Jl Double Six 58 Predominantly linen and natural fabrics and has gorgeous skirts, shirts, dresses all approx $25 - $30 AUD. I have seen similar stuff at Country Road and would have happily pay up to $180 there for the same stuff!! Beautifully tailored and not at all what I expected to see in Bali as I usually confine my clothes shopping to Lindy-Lou at the beach. Mens shirts, trousers also very well cut true Italian style! Ku De Ta were having a fashion-ista parade of their clothing, thats how good it is.

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57 PURAVIDA Jl Pantai Kuta 29a AND Jl Legian Kaja 38b Seminyak Puravida has some really colourful and funky stuff, much the same prices but nothing like stuff in Melbourne. You can also get a small selection of SKIN and PURAVIDA at Sandpiper on Jl Legian heading towards Kuta just before the old Paddys site. Another excellent store was Luna: Jl Raya Seminyak 38a (next to Puravida) and Attitude which was on Jl Legian approximately 100m past La Porchetta (same side of the road). Drivers

David reckons that Ketut Sulatra comes highly recommendedin the forum on 081 239 4159. Another driver was Nyoman Nepoyana on phone 361-081-2391-2012. He was asked to joint ehm for lunch and charged $35US for one day of 8 hrs. He tells you where to eat to avoid Bali Belly. Whatever you do make sure you get an englush speaking driver or you will regret it as you cant have a friendly chat. 175-200,000Rp for 10 hrs. Use Wayan NAMA. Good river is Dewa Adiwisma (near Legian). 0361975704 business, 0361975140 home. Full day was 250,000Rp. Rate is 120-220,000 Rp. Teddys Hair Studio guide and ddriver are good. 150,000 Rp and drove to Ubud, Kintamani and Lake Batur. Wayan Sueta is good. Another good driver can be found by calling 018 23908577 who charges 200,000Rp for driving from 10-6. Driver 1/2 day 80K -these prices are very negotiable depending on time and distance you want to travel. Don't pay more than 200K for a full day with a licenced guide. Made Arnawa who lives not far from the airport in Denpasar. I had him drive me all over Bali. His rate was $30 (US) for the day and I bought his lunch . He has a mobile phone so he is easy to contact while in Bali. The mobile # is 081 23981932 Dewa Made Adiwisma from Ubud. His fee for the day including gas was 250,000 repiah (approx.50.00 Candian). Most courteous, and knowledge driver, english speaking. This fee didnt include a tip and yes, we bought him lunch. You can contact Dewa at: 0361-975140 or his mobile phone is 0812- 3913 992. His fax is 62-361-975188 or e- mail at dewa adiwisma Made. He usually sits right out in front of the Melasti and just waits for anyone to come up to him that needs a driver. He has a maroon four door car with a Billabong sticker on the back window. 2004 - daytrip to Ubud, Private driver 200.000rp for Driver, booked by hotel... 2004 - If you go to S&S ask Sammy to introduce you to his brother Ketut. He is fantastic as a driver and very funny with a great knowledge of Bali and the culture. Took us to his own village and had a meal with the family. Tell Sammy or Ketut that Tony sent you he will look after you TAXI FARES RUPIAH Taxi All day 200,000 350,000 Tuban - Kuta 6,000 8,000 rp Kuta -Legian 6,000 8,000 rp Legian - Seminyak 6,000 8,000 rp Tuban Nusa Dua 35,000 - 40,000 rp Kuta Tanah Lot 60,000 rp Kuta - Uluwatu 80,000 90,000 rp DVD

2004 - You can bring back as many as you want, as long as you don't bring back multiple copies (2 or 3 copies for friends are okay). We brought back close to 300 DVD's without any problems. The best places to buy are Star Disc in Legian and Sakura in Kuta, also SoftComp Centre in Kuta for Xbox and PC software. Avoid buying from the little shops or from the single guys approaching you on the street. 2004 - Went down to Sakura DVD shop which was great, I think we left with 148 DVDs and had no drams at customs brining these back although we were careful to divide them between 3 bags. Now that Im home Ive checked out about 50 so far and out of that, only one doesnt work. The picture is crystal clear but there is no sound and

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58 considering its a music DVD, I would prefer the reverse affect but care factor is zero. For $2.00 a Next stop was Sakura. They didn't have a big range of CD Roms on site, but I did manage to find a 10 in 1 DVD Rom that would satisfy most of my computing needs. It cost 70,000rp and we also bought some CDs for 10,000rp. you can buy it in softcomp center (in front of "bagus pub"), popies 2 lane (in front of paddy's pub), legian street. they got better quality of dvd and the important thing is that you can try it to see the quality, not like other places. try outside mataharis in kuta........also most places in kuta square have good ones. Original DVDs have a sticker on them that says 'original', and these are more expensive than in Australia. Copies are about 25 000R ($5), so it depends on the quality you want. The ones that play on Australian machines are 'zone 4' and they sell them in the Hartahari supermarket! The difference between DVD's and VCD's is that VCD's are of lesser quality, and each movie is usually on 2 separate disks, where with a DVD, you generally only get one disk per movie and the quality is second to none. Anyway, you can get DVD's in bali, but they are generally the same price as getting them here. AU$30.00. The VCD's in Bali are really cheep, and you get the latest release movies. Even movies that haven't been released to the cinemas yet in Australia. Only trouble is, they are not very good quality. Most are filmed by a video camera in a cinema on a tripod, so you can hear people laughing etc. But for $3.00 AU, you really can't complain. 2004 - All or most of new ones and ones that are not released yet but the quality does vary enormously. Shreik 2 is excellent. The guys in the shops are fairly honest with you and will tell you which are good copies and which are not, then its up to you which you bring home. Spiderman 2 is available. the only one that was a tad echoey was Troy but very watchable. 2004 - Bought DVDs from Bali gong in garlic lane at about $1.20 each. All good quality. 2004 - Legian Music centre is great for dvd, have no problems with 60 bought home. dvd 10000 each and one free for every 10. very honest staff and you can check before you buy. on Jl Legian.Can also order via email from Aus n with postage/handling about $8 ea. 2004 - Hi, today myself and a couple of mates went and got our dvd's we got about 400 odd. they where 10,000 each. 1 free with every 10 you buy.we said nar... and got each one for 8,000 per dvd ($1.29 ish) 2004 - always use the same shop as I know I can trust the Dvd's to work. And the staff are friendly and honest. GLOENCEH SHOP Jl Padma Ultra in Legian. It is near The Puri Raja hotel 2004 - Yes, DVD's are available everywhere, BUT DO NOT BUY THEM EVERYWHERE. If you buy from the little shops or street vendors, who are everywhere, you will get some crap copies, especially new releases. But if you buy from the larger, recommended shops, you'll get good copies, including new releases. We bought new releases in June, eg. Shrek 2, Harry Potter, The Stefford Wives, etc. and they were all excellent. And we bought Troy from a small shop on our last day, and it's absolutely crap. 2004 - I highly recommend (in order): 1. Star Disc in Legian, especially for movies (also PS2). They tell you straight away which copies are good, and which new releases aren't that great yet, and you can check right away for yourself on their TV. They don't sell any theatre copies, and all their new releases range from good to excellent. 2. Sakura in Kuta, especially for music DVD's (also PS2). 3. SoftComp Centre in Kuta for Xbox and PC software. 2004 - My experience last week was that Sakura were misleading saying that dvds were 10000rp each with buy 10 get 5 free, but they charge you 15000each for 10 & give 5 free. Small shop opposite Green Garden Rest in Tuban charge 10000 each & give 2 free which equates to 8333rec each. they test them 4 you while you watch. Very helpful staff. 2004 - Most od our dvds were purchased from Sonny. He visits the Indo National restaurent each night between 7.30 and 10 pm. He is not supposed to sell there- but as Kerry and Milton say- he has to make a living too. He has to crouch down around the tables so that the police cant see him. Kerry and Milton said that if anything is faulty that Sonny must replace them. That is the condition that they "allow" him to sell to their customers. Sonny sells the dvds and music cds for 10,000 rph each. And you dont have to worry about the bulky cases as they all come in celaphone bags. 2004 got dvds at Sakura (street end of markets) and paid 15,000 each with a buy 10 get 3 free deal. Dinner at the Pantai restaurant (on the beach, "Pantai" means beach) great avocado seafood cocktails there and a top spot for Kuta sunsets. 2004 - DVDs 10,000 each, 2004 - Dvds 10,000 - 15,000 rp Buy 10 - 2 free. in seminyak there are a lot of vendors who will come up to restaurants and try to sell you dvds, they will usually go and get any dvds that you want from the shop, pay about 15000 for them.. 2004 - DVD 12.000. DVD Rp 12000 buy 10 get 1 free. They are now 10 000 15 000Rp everywhere. The cheapest place I found was across from the Green Garden Hotel. They were 10 000Rp with 1 free for every 5 you buy. Electrical Gear/Phones etc

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59 with our purchases at Makros. We bought all the usual toiletreis, bathroom floor mats, etc etc. BUT we also bought the buy of the year, two answering machines for 60,000 rps each. They are excellent! We also bought a 2.4 megaherts cordless phone for 270,000 (apprx.) now that's what I consider unusual bali shopping. Have fun! We usually visit as soon as we arrive and stock up on eats & drinks. They have nice cold meat. We usually have the kids with us so buy up on snack food, cheese and of course the Bintang for us. Lots of the grocery lines are sold in bulk (usually 3 or more) but you can by in single issue. You can get frozen food, fruit & Veg, grocery lines, cleaning product etc. To the right when you walk in they have a large white good/electrical items/cooking items etc. They also sell basic clothing and quiet an array of stationary items which the kids always seem to enjoy. My hubby gets lost in the isles were there are car accessories, tool items etc. They also sell crockery, linen, alcohol and just about everything. They also have a website They don't take all cards (credit) so best to take cash or make sure they accept your card. Excess Baggage

2004 - Aust Airlines let us go with 28kg extra & didn't bat an eyelid, but I was concerned before we got the airport! 2004 - BOOK BAGS IN EARLY to minimnise risk of excess baggae charges!!!! 2004 - last September i was hauled off to the office and they got very cross.I told them i had no money left and no credit card (i had hidden that) and it wasn't until the big boss got off the phone and told me not to do it again, that i got let off.I had 32 kilos but 5 kilos of that was a boxed rice cooker..... Braddles had the same thing happen on her trip prior to that also. If you say no money and no credit card i doubt they would do anything, i rambled on about always helping their ecconomy etc etc. One lady on my flight didn't get hassled at all and she had 44 kilos, so i can't work it out. 2004 - We were 60 kilos, they allow 25 each before they start to charge. So we were up for 10 kilos over. @ US$10 PER kilo: 100 US. My husband slipped the guy Rp. 100,000 and off we went. Friends behind did the same and they were up for 15 kilos over. 2004 - Other friends were 70 kilos over for 4 of them and got away with paying $240 Ozzie to GarudaWe got slugged $200 for excess , From memory it was for 15 to 20 kilo and no amount of bribes, tears or pleading helped. I think he was the original Mr Garuda . it was the First time in 5 trips and we always have excess Fabric, Tailors

Wiras Fabric. Turn right off Jl Raya Kuta when coming from the airport (not near Bemo Corner in Kuta). Best range of fabrics silks, cotton, furnishing fabric, sheeting, netting, ikats sarongs kabayas (upper female garment), scarves. Milos, Kuta Sq., entrance to markets - SILK. There are stalls and stalls of fabrics beside the Dempasar Market. Just ask your driver to take you. Don't know the name of the street, but on the other side of the street was the market. Eni Tailor, Jl Wana Segara, Tuban. Our favourite. Ask for Yo Yan. Good range of micro fibre cloth and linen. Take your own stiffenings, interfacings, etc that may not be common in tropical clothing manufacture, and zips if youre fussy about their quality. Bali zips are often poor, particularly in heavy leather types. Get fittings done in your cool hotel room if it is hot and youre a bit sweaty and swollen. 11. Rhamadan Tailors, James, Poppies II. 12. Marrenda Tailor, Kartika Plaza St, Tuban. 13. Bali Sun, tailor, Jl Legian north of Melasti. 14. Lindas Tailors, middle of Melasti Street. Jacket, pants and skirt (their microfibre material) A$80. Take your own material if you want something particular. This applies to all tailors. 15. Tidy Tailor, 759 403, near Waterbom Park opposite Dynasty. 16. Tailor, next to Hotel Intan lane by Kodak Sarah. 17. TopJas Tailors. Lane off Kartika Plaza opp Bakung Beach Cottages Tuban. Past other tailors. Aus$28/pr slacks incl material. 18. Exclusive Tailors under All Stars Caf Kartika Plaza. Perfect Ball Gown Aus$50. 19. Franks in Padma Street. 20. Not Goanna Tailor, close to Ramayana. 2004 - they seem to have a lot more cottons here than in Denpasar but haven,t seen any stretch type fabrics.I bought my own over and am having several sunfrocks made.Costing 130,000rph for 2 about $20A.X-rate today is 6440. BEST TAILOR : Top Jas in Tuban, opposite Bagungs Beach Cottages.Sumadra Lane I had 2 shirts, and one jacket made. Took my own material and a sample. They cost approx $9 each. 2004 - go to kuta square and there a dozen of tailers asking for business

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60 9/01 - Had an Armani suit copied at Linda's tailor in Melasti Street (about the middle of the street between the beach and Legian Rd. It is perfect - did an excellent job. As I only wanted plain black I selected one of their fabrics which is a heavy micro-fibre. Jacket, Pants and Skirt cost about $80 all up. Go to Sulawesi St in Denpasar to see biggest range of fabric shops - everything you could think of will be there including exquisite indian silks beware of very pushy women trying to get you away from the shops into the market. Jl. Sulawesi, Jl. Kartini, etc are the places to go.. I went to Linda Fashion and Tailor Jl Melasti, Kuta It is about half way along Melasti Steet between Legian St and the Beach - on the Kuta side of the street. Eni Tailor, Jl Wana Segara, Tuban. Our favourite. Ask for Yo Yan. Good range of micro fibre cloth and linen. Take your own stiffenings, interfacings, etc that may not be common in tropical clothing manufacture, and zips if youre fussy about their quality. Bali zips are often poor, particularly in heavy leather types. Get fittings done in your cool hotel room if it is hot and youre a bit sweaty and swollen. Lindas Tailors, middle of Melasti Street. Jacket, pants and skirt (their microfibre material) A$80. Take your own material if you want something particular. This applies to all tailors. TopJas Tailors. Lane off Kartika Plaza opp Bakung Beach Cottages Tuban. Past other tailors. Aus$28/pr slacks incl material. Exclusive Tailors under All Stars Caf Kartika Plaza. Perfect Ball Gown Aus$50. Not Goanna Tailor, close to Ramayana. I was really pleased - it is an excellent copy of an Armani pants suit - also had skirt made to match - it was just over $80 Australian all up including the material. Wont be buying the real thing again. If see any special material before you go that you would like for dresses, would suggest taking it with you - the range for anything other than suits can be a bit limite, but it just depends on what you are looking for! If you're staying in Kuta/Legian area go to Linda's tailor on Melasti St and ask to see Johnny. Will be perfect and good price. Tell him Helen and Kevin from Perth sent you. Good Luck Lorraine had a Leather Jacket ($105), Suit ($102) & formal chinese dress ($40) all tailor made which were really excellent, she was rapped. 2004 - I try to decide which piece of batik silk fabric to buy. I've decided one would make a lovely wall hanging for my dining room & end up buying two (LOL) for 100,000 each Fairy Costume 2004 - Fairy costume 25,000rp Favorite things 1)Sit at one of the the outdoor cafes on the bluff at Tanah Lot and watch the sunset 2) Take a horseback ride on the beach at sunset in Permuteran 3) Adopt a turtle at "Reef Seen" in Permuteran. Take it down to the beach and release it back into the sea. 4) Watch the childrens dance performances at Reef Seen, Permuteran. 5) Take a white water rafting trip down the Ayung River - have a seafood dinner on the beach at Jimbaran watching the sun set - go on a walk through rice paddies in Ubud - take a day trip to Bedugul - visit the flower market at CandiKuning and Pura Ulu Danau Bratan (lakeside temple) -get a pedicure on the beach (anywhere!) and chat & laugh with the 'massage mafia' - see sunset and Kecak dance at Ulu Watu Fishing and fishing gear

if you want a great day's fishing contact 'Alantis' based in Sanur, inbetween sanur beach Hotel & Puri Santrian Hotel. Very professional, British run, Bertram design boat-fabulous. Good price compared to similar boats available [of which there is very few.] Phone no. bali 283 676. I went twice I had such a great time - also do a good family day out, fishing snorkeling etc, with big discounts for kids. Price for 6 hours US$120 but discount if 4 or more. Fishing gear. Anything & everything at all qualities naturally, but I just wanted cheap-but reasonable, gear, throw in the boot and forget but it's there if wanted. Telescopic 2m rods- 65,000 / tele: 3m- 95,000. mates have used them and they are good, took a shopping list this time!, rod/tackle bags- 20&25,000 / 4 bearing reels 60&70,000 / squid jags(fabric coated) Fishing tackle shops close to Ramayana, Denp. Downstairs in Mataharis, Denp..

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61 Also Sulawesi Street and No 1 Imam Bonjol at Denpasar end. UD. Sumber Laut, Jl Sulawesi No 54, Denpasar. Ph (0361) 224 501 Fax (0361) 222 671. Open 8-4 except Sunday. Pancing shop, between No 359 and 245Jl Raya Sesetan opposite Government offices (Departemen Pertanian). Shop is on the right coming from Benoa heading Big Game Fishing. Atlantis", Jalan Tamblingan #188 Sanur between Sanur Beach Hotel & Puri Santrian. Very professional, British organisation. Keith. Ph/fax 283 676. US$120 for 6 hours. Discount for 4+. Football

However, Bali Rock will give you your rugby fix. We watched Frames and Paintings

These are available almost everywhere - I purchased one, got them to remove the painting from the frame - roll it up, then I chose a frame and they dismantled it and packed it and I was able to take both back to Australia as luggage. I then took it to a frame place in Australia and they put it all together for me. The wood will need to be checked at customs - otherwise no problem 2004 - Painting - Got it for 200,000r its about 32 inches wide and 60 inches long mind you is costing me $100 to have framed!!!! Gameboy Games

I brought some back a week ago from the Bali Mall in Denpasar, there are two shops on the top floor of there that sell them. I paid 225,000IDR for one that had 52 games including all the Pokemon games on it and 150,000IDR for one that had 32 games on it. They are quite readily available over there now, jsut some places are cheaper than others and alot of them are not in english. Mataharis was bedlam - people everywhere - and the service is non-existant, don't you hate how they have to fill in a docket for every item before you go to the checkout. I got the boys a gameboy game (20 games in one) from upstairs which were AUD$40 and were great. and for any of you who have Gameboy Advances, you can get cartridges with 80,90, 100 etc games on them for around 200,000 and 250,000rp - which is less than the price of one game here in Aus and no chipping required!! Gifts for Locals

Any and all things are appreciated. We usually bring 'girly' things for women, RE: hair wraps, lipstick, polish, creams, nice soaps, etc. Kids are very easy to please; toys, books (coloring books and crayons are fun), bubbles, candy! Coloured pens and pencils. Old books. Old clothes, Macdonalds toys etc. Exercise books, crayons, erasers and pencil sharpeners. All great for kids. School pens, pencils, exercise books etc We took a suit case full of old toys & kids clothes and gave them to the local beach hawkers before we left, it was a bit like a feeding frenzy , as we started to take the items out, so I suggest you give them seperately to all. Glasses

Can get glasses at Optik at Legian, Denpasar and Nusa Dua. Paid $38 for glasses including eye test, frames and lens. They had expensive designer frames also.I was there last Xmas and priced Globes for my hubby and they were actually a couple of Dollars cheaper here in Australia. Sun Glasses are roughly $15 a pair cheaper in bali....Fake Oakleys are really crappy and not worth buying. There are a few Sun Glasses shops about in Kuta which stock all the top brands.We have had no problems with our glasses since returning and they give you a special card with your testing results on it. They are called Optik Melawai and the phone number on the card is (021) 532 1111 for customer care and service. Sorry no email address on it. It was still cheaper getting them there although we are in a fund in Australia. I am usually about $70 out of pocket here. Optikseis at Ramayana SC, Dps 2004 - My Contact lenses cost 218,00rp for 2 packs of 6. The optomitrist was Optik Seis in Kuta Sqaure..

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62 Gold

Lead to gold shop in Sukawati (above main market on second floor). Gram is 90,000Rp. Haanudin St Denpaasar is a good gold shop. Prices are way below Aussie. Every trip back I buy another piece of Gold Jewellry and have yet to get a bad buy. All pieces have been valued here in Oz at up to 7 times more than I have paid. Recommend the row of Gold shops on Jalan Hasanudin in Denpasar. Some stores are better than others in their range but overall carry a great variety from your very Asian pieces to European designs. But first the gold shop information i promised. The place to go is AMIR GOLD SHOP Hasanudin St NO 71 223690 fax 223690.The interesting thing about buying gold is that they dont pressure you to buy anything its all really casual.Gold is purchased by the gram. From memory about A$15.00.The gold is all 18 or 22 carat and bright yellow goldie colour not the brassy type gold colour. Like the 9ct that most people buy at the michael hill type of shops here.Julie bought some braclets and earings.They cost about half of what we would of paid in Australial.tip TIP ASK FOR A 10% and you will get it. Visit several shops (they're all in Jalan Hasanudin in Denpasar). Avoid Celuk as not cheap. 2004 - Jeff, an Aussie ex pat, is at S & S most afternoons. He organises gold buying trips to Denpasar. He is a wealth of knowledge & really knows the prices etc. Heaps of gold shop at Jl. Hasanudin Dempasar. These shop are all in a row. I like shop no. 33, DEWI SHINTA, their quality seems to be better than some of the others. You can't use visa so take lots of rupiah. Some of the gold shops in Jl Hasanudin do take credit cards, but be careful if you use one. My card was 'skimmed' to the tune of USD$1000 and this was the only time I used it! (Fortunately I didn't have to pay). Grand Mirage

Southern peninsula of island. Nice beach. Shallow water. No high waves. Water sports. 18 hole golf course. 5 star. On Nusa Dua beach. Rooms have wooden floors and panels. A/c. Coliur Tv with satellite and in house movies. Personal safe. Marble bathroom. Shower and bath separate. Wooden shutters sperate bedroom. Tennis courts, pool, fitness centre, fun pub, shopping arcades, spa, beach massage. Bamboo kids playground, garden darts, table tennis, chess, board gaes, billiards, beach volley ball etc. Hair

20,000 for hair braiding on the beach and became great friends of the locals. Hawkers.

Relax, smile and laugh eith them and dont overly avpoid them glide rather than bolt past. They tend to stir up those who clench their teeth and get tight about it. When they get really persistent go into a shop or bar or talk to someone. Alternatively wave your arms around imperiously.Dont look at them - if you show the slightest interest they will follow you for 100 metres. (just don't hold any of the items in your hand, you will have a hard time giving it back) If interested in something deal with one guy only and watch your bum bag and hold on to it. As a Westerner,I find the best way to solve the problem, (that is if your not interested) is to say "Sorry I dont understand". When they ask you, What you speak? or Where you come? Just say "Japan". They tilt instanly,they laugh,then they all laugh and you walk on peacfully with the Pleasant sound of laughing, jokeing, happy Balinese Hawkers behind you.. Tidak Teri Makasih - means No Thank you. you will have to repeat it in firm tones and keep walking. If you stop to look be it on your own head. These hawkers are trying to earn a living without the benefit of an education. Greet them in own language, say no thank you and say sorry. With child hawkers give them little trinkets etc eg pens, cards, foil stickers etc.. To get rid of hawkers say "Saya dida junya wan" (I already spent all my money) and avoid Tegalalang except to drive through it because the hawkers are vicious there - we had to call a policeman just to get to the car! To get rid of widow gropers say "Jangan sentu saya" (Get your paws off me, you jerk).

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63 Holiday Timing Avoid high season July - September. And peak season December - January. April through June is nice. Hospital We have no idea how or when she acquired it. Besakih brought in the on call' doctor for us who, after a couple of days, referred us to the Sari Dharma Hospital in Denpasar. While the physical facilities were, to our eyes, somewhat primitive, we have nothing but praise for the care, time and attention offered by the two doctors (Dr. Yuli and Dr. Dwi) involved. Their diagnosis and treatment were correct and appropriate as confirmed by our family doctor after our return home. Importing

Well our shipment of treasures has arrived.Six weeks almost to the day as promised. Well done Pt.Twin Mandala Indocargo email or contact Dewa Parwita He took us to this company and recommended them.They are in Seminiac area. Dewa has excellent English and is well educated. He was a big help to us and his cousins carvings are wonderfull! For anyone looking to bring cargo back to Australia - Perth in my case, count on the landed costs being around the same price as you spend on the items in Bali. eg.Our goods cost us around Au $1200.00 Landed costs including duty were $985.00. Jet Ski

offerd two jet skis for 15 minutes on Sanur beach 3 weeks ago for 150,000rps That was four a family of two adults two kids. this was infront of GBB hotel. In Sanur we went around the beachfront and the bottom price appeared to be 120,000 Rupiah for 15 minutes. Jewellery

2004 - We stopped at a market stall where there were some nice earrings. We bought 5 pairs and payed 10,000rp for each. Definately too much, but the guy wouldn't come down and I was so glad we got them, because I didn't see the same ones anywhere else and that's unusual because usually market stalls all stock the same stuff. 2004 - Earings 5,000 rp. Necklaces Under 10,000 rp. Hematite bracelet 2 for 10.000. Bead necklaces- From Rp5,000. Earrings - 5000rp or less Necklaces / bracelets - 5000rp or less - more for the big shell ones. Some of the shell necklaces are dearer, like the big shell pendant ones etc. From memory, they were around Rp15,000 each at that shop Coin jewellery is everywhere. bracelet $10 Mens bracelet $15 Matahari Department Store (Denpasar & Kuta). - Also the jewellery store on the acute corner opposite the entrance to the Kuta Marahari store is well worth a look. Dont be put off by the expensive look. 2004 - We bought shell necklaces for 5000rp each. You can get those beaded necklaces with the large shell pendant for between 5000rp > 10,000rp. Although, Natasha paid 20,000rp for hers! here. I saw the chunky shell with wood backing bangles here at a surf shop for $24.95, and the "bone" ones with wood buttons between, for $A29.95! I paid 10-12,500rp and 10,000rp respectively in Bali. Also the shell/bead necklaces retail here for between $15-25, and the silver chokers with shell pendants $45-65. Bali prices 5-10,000rp for the former, and around 75-100,000rp for the latter! Sometimes the market stalls sell them at a cheaper price, but I bet many teenagers just pay the inflated "surf" label prices .2004 - here. I saw the chunky shell with wood backing bangles here at a surf shop for $24.95, and the "bone" ones with wood buttons between, for $A29.95! I paid 10-12,500rp and 10,000rp respectively in Bali. Also the shell/bead necklaces retail here for between $15-25, and the silver chokers with shell pendants $45-65. Bali prices 5-10,000rp for the former, and around 75-100,000rp for the latter! Sometimes the market stalls sell them at a cheaper price, but I bet many teenagers just pay the inflated "surf" label prices.2004 - 15,000 wooden bracelets; necklaces with shells Jeans

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64 2004 - from Versace Jeans Couture in Kuta Square. They cost me AUD $33 as well as 10,000 rph to have the legs shortened. They are by far the best fitting jeans that I have ever worn. I have had so many comments from people.I bought a pair of Versace and 1 pair of Ice jeans. They wash up beautifully. I had met a lady at the pool at MBR who has been buying jeans from this shop for 5 years and reccomended them. I am glad that I took her advice and this will be my first stop on my next visit- only next time i will buy at least 6 pairs. Credit cards are accepted at this shop. Cold water is handed to everyone who enters the store.Please visit this shop if you are a jeans wearer. Imitation levis - 70,000 Rp. On streets. Armani jeans in Kuta square - 175,000 halfprice. Factory outlet for jeans also in main street in Kuta called they think P-Mart. Sells Lvis, Lee and Dockers etc for about 100,000r. They are genuine but may be slightly imperfect. Our friends bought some from a stall near Un's... just on the little laneway that runs off Poppies I at the Jl Legian end. Genuine fake Levis. First price was Rp150,000. She was happy with that but ended up paying Rp100,000. Good for me -good for you! ..are available all along the street..better array at night it seems..we bought Levis 501 there last trip..(april and also July)...and paid 60,000 price was 45,000 in January this year..but seem to have gone up a tad...took a pair to "Jeans West" shop here in Aussie..sales staff could not pick any obvious, not too bad..also, we use them as work jeans...trucks and earthmoving..and they wash well and wear well too...just double check the sizes, as some are marked incorrectly... we bought levi's for 70000rp from some stalls in old garlic lane opposite dolphin restaurant. We don.t know if they are imitations or not because the quality is excellent. Dolce and Gabana jeans $40 at Matakari Store in Kuta. We bought jeans at a stall on Legain street for 80,000 the were levis. 2004 - Thought that I may as well mention that the versace jeans that I bought at Versace Jeans Couture in Kuta Square have washed up well- I have worn them many times and washed them heaps in just 3 weeks since our return. Wished I had bought more. 2004 - Levi's 501 75,000 rp Kids Shops

There are heaps of these all along JL Legian (legian end). Can also buy games from the Matahari Dept stores for 9000 Rp. At the top floor there is also a toy store at kuta Square and Legian (JL Legian). Childrens clothes - try tulus shop for cotton and rayon kids clothes. Bought 20 dresses for 9,000 Rp per garment. At 119 Legian St Kuta. Kiddies clothes - 10000rp to 20000rp T-shirts and shorts 15 20,000 Rp a piece at Kuta Beach Markets. There is one on the corner of Jl Melasti and Jl Legian I think that looked quite good. You will pay more at specialty shops than the markets. Make sure you take an empty suitcase there are kids clothes galore! Kimono 2004 - Examples: kimonos from 45-55,000 (depending on length & material); Bought satin type kimono 3 for 140 000Rp at Git Git waterfall I have a feeling I could have got these heaps cheaper in Kuta but it was an impulse buy Lasers Lasers around 30000. (Didn't bother buying one). 2004 - nLaser lights 10 000 each, Laundry 2004 - First we decided to drop our garbage ball full of laundrey off somewhere. Mum hated the idea of pouring our underwear onto the floor to be sorted through, but its worth it! The huge, bursting bag full cost 70,000rp. We went to Padma Laundrey off Jln Padma. Its part of a leather shop. We picked it up the next morning and it was all clean, nicely ironed and folded. We were very impressed. There is a lane just the Waterbom side of Lily Chinese Restaurant which is opposite the Kartika Plaza Hotel. I know of two local laundries in this lane and from memory there is a sign on the pole at the start of the lane, with the names on it. My choice would be the second one in on the right hand side, but both have been reliable in the past. You may also

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65 be pleasantly surprised at how white your whites are returned. It is cheap but I cannot quote you exact prices and the money stays in the local community. Heidi I just came back from staying at Tuban next to Kuta and I did my laundry at the laundry shop outside of the Bali Dynasty. Nice large clean shop and got two loads done for 12 dollars aus. Used them a few times. They are fine but don't expect your whites to turn out as white as you get them at home. :) Leather

Dolphins Leather also shoes. Our favourite. Menuh Street, between Melasti & Padma Streets, Legian. 755 278. They dont use goatskins. They do use good quality thread, zips etc. Regular recommendations. French Leatherwear, Jl Sahadews #4 off Melasti. Mat, not cheap. Padma leather, Suede jacket A$50. Nickels Leather not good. Top end of Legian. Avoid R & A Leather bad measure/fit. Soldig Leather. Small side street off Legian road. Suede jacket copied from photo A$180 original $2000. Their standard designs are cheaper. 2004 - i can recommend Rizky Leather in Poppies 11. Roni made us beautiful coats and bags. Very good design, price and quality. He's a nice guy too. He will design for you. 2004 - Leather Jackets 500,000 - 700,000 rp Short Style. Leather wrist bands: 12,000 for 4 pack Beware of goat skins, poor thread quality - generally you only find out about this later - and poor zips. You can get VERY cheap leather wear but you only ever get what you paid for! Leather handbags $20 - $30 or up to $100+ for brand names. Elephant Temple (excellent buys and goods) In the Kuta Market and up the street from Kuta Market Leather Jackets - approximately $A120 Dolphins - Melasti Street Legian (next district to Kuta) Always quality gear. Handbags for $20. Leather handbag 50000 Little beaded bags 12000 2004 - On Jln Sahadewa there is a bag shop. It is easy to find, its on the left if you are walking towards Jln Melasti and it isnt a leather shop, its just chocka block full of immitation bags and purses. They had a great range, no real leather but that's not what we were looking for. I found 2 really cool wallets I wanted, one medium sized one and one large one. I bargained to 50,000rp for the medium one and then the guy gave me 50,000rp for the large one too. Not bad. We made friends with him, he was really nice and doesn't hassle you. 2004 - GF bought a mid-size LV pocket and a small LV bag for 150.000rp 2004 - Louis Vuitton and Burberry handbags 55-70,000 for small ones, 2004 - Louis Vuitton bags 180,000 - 200,000 rp Overnight bags. Sequin bags 25 000rp. 120,000 300,000 rp Handbags Beach Bag woven 28,000 rp Highly recommended for made to measure skirts, coats, shoes etc. Good but not as expensive as some others. Leather jacket can be made at Brown Sugar Hign shop for around 700,000Rp. Suggest bringing a photo of a leather jacket that you want copied. This price is for lambskin from NZ.

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66 Brown Sugar on Melasti Rd is very good. Quality is good but not cheap. Priced the jacket from Brown Sugar ($150Aus/700,000Rp) with a similar one in Oz. Coat in Oz was $495. Coat is ready in 3 days. Dedes leather shop in Rum Jungle is good at 2/3 the price of some others. Tommys leather shop in Padma St was no good. Expensive and jackets were not good. Leather shop in Jln Menuh between Melasti street and Padma street is good. Next to Dolphin Restaurant. Lights

2004 - a hanging lightshade(well actually its for a tea lite candle) for 60,000rph. My hubby is an electrician and is going to convert it to a light. This lamp retails(in BAli shops here) for $135.00. Makeup

Makeup is cheap in the Dept store at Kuta. Revlon makeup in Mataharis was cheap. 2004 - Revlon is really cheap there, Natasha bought some eyeliner for $7 that would cost lots more here. Maybelline is also a bit cheaper than here, not as much as Revlon. 2004 - revlon mascara 70 000, lipstick 45 000 which at the exchange rate cost $7.06 in oz it costs $23.. Market

Same road as Waterbom park in Kuta. Down from Kuta Square opposite Jalan Bakung Sari. - The night market at Gianyar operates every night. Real carnival atmosphere. - Klungkung fabric market is behind the shops on the main east-west road through the town. - Ubud market has a good range, but are very tourist-wise The biggest, jam packed market we've ever seen, of wooden carvings, kites, puppets, pens, baskets, placemats, sarongs,etc., spilling out into the surrounding streets, is at Batabulan, on the main Ubud/Denpasar road. Just tell any driver you want to go to Pasar Batabulan. There is so much competition between the stall holders, you can get things for practically nothing - but bear in mind that they do have to make a living. 2004 - Placemats material 5.000. Wood placemats 12.000. Woven placemats 4.900 . Cane placemats with wooden insert 11.900. Markets especially art market near Kuta Central are cheapest places. Sanur Beach market is also good. Sulawati Market on the way to Ubud for clothes and handicrafts. Legian Markets, (better than Kuta). 2004 - Plan of attack was Sukawarti markets in the am, with trip to Elephant Park in the pm I had found this place on my 2nd trip to Bali and after seeing the bargains and a painting at another forumites home that she picked up from here I was determined to go back.

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67 Shopping - found Melasti Markets cheaper than the Kuta Art Markets and absolutely hated Mataharis (too much like Grace Brothers) The Denpasar Markets are not to be missed! A guide will try to attach herself to you and demand money when you leave. They get commission from shopkeepers if you buy something which means that you have paid extra. Umble-umbles, or Penjor, the tall slim flags flown on bamboo poles are available on the top floor. Cost approx Rp30,000. Massages

40,000Rp massages. Nails 30,000Rp. Massage -around 50-70k for 1 hr basic massage at salon Medical Clinic

24 hr medical clinic at Ubud. Antiobitics there 220,000Rp. (we made use of a cocktail of two Imodium, one Noroxcin and two pepto bismal) which struck a few in our family. It stopped the runs and fever overnight The new Bali Medical Centres telephone 761263. Very expensive, but worth it if it is something serious. Make sure you have travel insurance. Cash or credit card at the centre. Hotel doctors are great so is the Kuta medical centre (next to the natour hotel) they do call outs as well. As she states that she attended a "Bali Medical Center" in Kuta. BIMC is not in Kuta, but in Tuban, and is called "The Bali International Medical Center". Since the clinics inception a series of copycat clinics have risen, i.e.BIMA, BIMS, BMC, etc, etc. There is only one BIMC and it is situated on the Bypass, at the roundabout opposite the Matahari Tuban Plaza. Good place to go. BIMC Ph 761263 easiest way to get good medical attention is to go to one of the larger resorts where they generally have doctor who have trained in the western world i.e. Europe, the USA or Australia, to tend to minor injuries. With respect to Bali Belly, don't worry about a doctor. Make sure you take Imodium tablets with you. At the first sign of diarrhoea, take 2 tabs with bottled water. For the next 8-10 hours don't eat or drink anything other than weak black tea or flat, warm lemonade. This fasting helps to kill the bug. If you eat anything it helps to propagate the germ. No more problem!! Go as soon as possible to Bali International Medical Clinic - it is at the big round-a-bout on the way to Denpassar Maybe road is called Denpasar Bypass. Taxi driver - or driver from hotel will know where to go. They will help you out - especially worried re son who can't keep anything down - he will be dehydrated - go now. You can pay via credit card and claim every cent on your travel insurance (that's if you have it). You will also be able to claim the medication they prescribe. Also concerned about your son-- Bali International Medical Centre details ------Open 8.00am-12 midnight(7 days) Ph:761263 at Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai No 100x. Dont delay and risk ruining your holiday. Youve got insurance use it. 2. PHONE NUMBERS * Police 110 * Fire 113 * Ambulance 118 * Search & Rescue 111 / 115 / 151 3. Bali International Medical Center. On the airport By Pass road opposite Matahari Tuban Plaza in Tuban (not Kuta). Ph 761 263. Only 5 mins by taxi from Kuta BMIC employs expatriate western staff from around the world. Only local doctors are allowed to practise in Indonesia. BIMC has full emergency/ambulance & diagnostic equipment, radiology department and on-line medical consultation services via video conferencing. International Travel Insurance policies accept BMIC. . 4. International SOS Medika Klinik Bali, (764 515), Jl By Pass Ngurah Rai 24X, KUTA. Almost directly across from BMIC (see above). Ph764 556. 24 hour alarm centre, Ph756 768. Global HQ is in Singapore. They have a branch in Sydney (Aust) at 4 Martin Place, Ph9372 2400. 5. Ubud Clinic (24 hour service) Jl Raya Ubud No 36, Camphuan. 974 911. 6. Bali Blood Bank. Run by Red Cross. Severe shortages of negative blood as Indonesians are virtually all positive. Help yourself and other tourists. DONATE! Ph 227224 or 247 739 in Bali. Mobile service comes to you! Be a devil donate by the pool. Supported by Bali Rotary clubs. Only sterile, disposable needles are used. 7. Doctor Dr Coney, Gp, Jl Bypass Sanur. 288 128.

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68 8. Dentist Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No 81, Nusa Dua. 771 324. 9. Chiropractor Dr J Taylor, Jl Kajeng No35, Ubud. 974 393. 10. Paediatrician Dr Sugita, Jl Tuban, Kuta. 751 301. 11. CONSULATES: Australia, Canada & New Zealand. Jl Prof Yamin No 4, Renon, Denpasar. Ph (62-361) 235 092, Fax (62-361) 231 990. E-Mail British Jl Mertassi N0 2 Sanur. Ph 235 092. Dutch Jl H R Resuna Said Kav, S-3, 12950 Kuningan, Jakarta. Ph (021) 525 1515. French Bypass Road No 35X, Sanur. 285 485. German Jl Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur. 288 535. Japan Jl Raya Puputan, Renon. 227 628. Swiss & Austria Jl Pura Bagus Teruna, Legian. 751 735. Sweden & Finland Jl Segara Ayu, Sanur. 288 407. USA Jl Hayam Waruk No 188, Denpasar. 233 605. Mini-Bars in Hotels

Strongly suggest that you take everything out of your fridge and go to the supermarket and buy all your drinks there. At Kuta Supermarket etc can get Aqua Water 600 mls for 950Rp, Gatorade 2650Rp, Chips 4150 Rp, Diet Coke 2950Rp, Bintang 3750Rp, Cans of coke/fanta etc 2650Rp. Compare the prices. Large bintang 8,000 (2004) Mobiles

Fish mobiles 20,000 Rp. Moisturiser

I bought up big on Nivea and Ponds from downstairs in supermarket, facial wash AUD$2, Eyelift, Night Repair about AUD$5 and even stocked up on deodorants, shampoo etc etc much cheaper than Perth. Money Exchange

Kodak shop straight across the road on the corner of Poppies11, for money changing, he`s straight up, all big bills, no BS.. go and see norman at bali aroma(across the road from kartika plaza hotel)show him your passport once then leave it in your hotel safe for the rest of your holiday. he is a straight up no bull**** honest bloke.give him a cheque and he will lay the money out for you in 100 000 notes (no tricks)the rate changes daily and he will match just about any.ive changed near on $5000 with him the last couple of years and will so again this year.its handy to know an honest money changer. We took AU$ in large, clean notes. We avoided small operators and exchanged at places like P.T. Central in Kuta, near the Mata Hari Store or at Kodak shops, without problems. The money is quite overwhelming at first. We're not used to the fistful of Rupiah or the large denominations. It would be very easy to get ripped off, so we were happy to take a slightly lower exchange rate with reputable dealers. We were getting around Rp 4500 for the Au Dollar. We wished later that we had kept some smaller notes to use on our last day. We got low on Rp but didn't want to crack another $100. A $20 would have tided us over nicely. Money - You will get the best exchange rate only for crisp, new $100 bills that have no bank stamps or initials on them. Two of my notes had small stamps I had never noticed and they were useless to me. Inspect each bill at the bank before you accept them. If you can buy a few 10,000 or 5,000 rupiah before you leave home will help you to get through until you find a good money changer near your hotel. I find the last thing I want to do when I get off the plane is go to the airport money changer. Take only 100$ bills for the best rate. Compare the rates (they are all printed outside) and insist on that rate and check if they also print "no commission" outside. Check first how many rupees you have to get. Not all calculators of money changers work as yours! Never go alone, 4 eyes see more than two, they often drop money. Be the last one to count the money and do not give it out of your hands anymore. When you know that game it's the cheapest way to change, traveller cheques and credit card is more expensive. You will need your passport when you are changing travellers cheques. mid July rate is going up 9450rp = 1usd 5575rp = 1 aud.I was talking to a banker from hongkong this morning, he thinks the rate will continue to go up as the American dollars gets even stronger worldwide.

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69 None! Banks close around 4pm. but if you need a little cash to get around, the money changers are open at the airport, however the rate is not good so only get what you need. Plenty of money changers in all the main areas until around 9pm or use an ATM anytime. Avoid $100,000 rupiah notes. Some are counterfeit. Money Changers - we took cash and were warned about fake money. Mainly changed money at banks. Lower rate but were guaranteed real money, not being ripped off and got a receipt. hotel rates were shocking. Just be very careful of seedy money changers on the street. Take a few $100 notes Australian as you get a cgood rate of return. Strongly suggest carrying 10,000Rp in 1000 Rp notes for taxis etc and 1000Rp in 100Rp notes. Hotel rates are lower than streets. Count money as many times as you want to. Hotel can break down your notes. Carry 10,000 Rp in 1,000 Rp notes and 1,000 Rp in 100Rp notes for taxis etc. Good exchange is PT Central Kuta which is everywhere. Also branch in Matahari in Kuta, airport, melasti, padma, nusa dua, ubud, seminyak and poppies lane. In Nov 98 - 4.600, 5500, 5100. Varies every day. Matahari stores have good exchange rates. People will try to give you the wrong change. They will count up bunches of 100,000Rp and then make sure they dont touch it again - as they will take some of it. Another trick is to offer you 803 400 insttead of 83400 for US$100. Dont use airport or hotels - the return is poor. Money changers at airport are liars. Also avoid little family shops with lots of family - as they may give you small notes and scam you. Get a small amount of $100 worth of notes from an Aust changer to get you past the first day. later in the afternoon the prices generally rise with the smaller traders offering better rates than the banks. Take visa and cash - as get worst exchange rate for travellers cheques. If shops use the olkd clack clak machines, insist that they tear up the carbon paper in front of you. Get some rupiah before you leave ie $20 or 120,000Rp will go a long way. Bring US$ in cash to pay for accommodation although larger resorts will take travellers cheques. Count $ yourself before handing them over. Women moneychangers generally dont cheat. Only change at places that have no commission. Exchange rate is better with big bills. Stick to Kodak Express stores. If anyone pulls out 5,000Rp notes they are going to try to rip you off. Keep going. If they use 50,000Rp notes they are generally OK. Can use PT Central in Legian Street or Matahari Square Centres rates are slightly less but they are honest. Best rates are definitely at Kuta. The money changer at Nusa Dua Galleria is good. Photo shop right out front of the Bali Dynasty is also good. All money changers try to rip you off. Only use $US100. Only change money with shops that have 50,000Rp. Always be the last to count and hold the money. Only pay once you have the money counted and in your hands. If the rate is higher than the banks then they are thieves. Always ask if they apply a commission. If so leave. 2004 - As to using your atm card in bali, it's not a problem so long as you have the Cirrus logo on your card. If not and you dont want to take travellers cheques of any amount, then take CASH!!! Yes it is safe but carry it with you on the plane and once you have checked into your hotel, put it in the safety deposit box you can get at your hotel...along with passport, airline ticked and any other valuables... AUD $100 and $50 notes are best, but take maybe a couple of $20 notes for your last day in case you dont want to change larger denominations of money. Make sure you have your VOA money in US dollars $25 per person unless you are travelling on a longer stay tourist visa [more than 30 day stay], which you will already have????. Keep 100,000 rupiah for your departure tax when you leave bali Nails

We are just back from Bali and there is an acrylic nail shop in Bumisari Street in Kuta which is off Bakungsari Street. This street has been renamed but everyone knows it by the old street name. The shop is a new shop and very clean. I did not ask any prices while we were there. I hope this helps. Bye

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70 2004 - Rp 25000 for nails, feet and hands done. , full set acrylics are 200,000 2004 - 50,000 manicure and pedicure with nail art; 25,000 foot scrub; 20,000 husbands pedicure 50,000 tattoos (husband usually allergic to creams, etc but this was fine; have heard horror stories of mixing the henna with petrol but Kims tattoos are safe) Nike Nike runners 30K for low quality 70K for really good ones. All the name brands are available in the sports stores (genuine - I think!) but we found the prices to be the same as home (Perth Fake Nike sandals 15,000 Rp. Nike' Socks pack of 12 pair -40K Reeboks/Nike shoes beware Reboks/Nikee. $8 2004 - Sneakers 40,000 60,000 Fake or orig. Sandals 25,000 - 40,000 rp. Glitter/sequined Thongs Rp 20,000 30000.2004 - bought some genuine nikes from the footlocker when in bali in june. they are the real thing. had never bought nikes before in australia as they are too dear here. had my shop-a-holic daughter with me this time who only ever buys the best nikes. she knew her prices and resassured me what a bargain they were. they were about half price. i shall be sure to stock up when next in bali. i often walk 12 kilometres a day, and have a foot ailment that plays up when i don't have good shoes on, and they have stood up to the test extremely well.\\ saw some kids nike runners today (made in indonesia) of course they were $80 so hopefully would be good to get them at a saving in Bali 2004 - After an afternoon of shopping which included a hunt from shop to shop for a pair of Nike joggers I saw in the Nike Shop in Tuban we eventually ended up back there and they said that Surabaya had some and they would post them to Bali for me (my size). They are a pair Blue with Red trim Nike Shox which cost 825,000 Rp which is pretty good value considering they would be more than $200 here (and yes they are real not good fakes). Packing - food Cereals Instant noodles Baked beans/spaghetti Chips Take back empty suitcase filled with clothes Calculator Stuff for brekky for Jimbaran Bay Bring own tea and coffee if you like good quality berages as the stuff they provide in the hotels is awful and has whitener included in it! Yuk! Torch Chips Mosquitto Repellant Nibbles Power bars Antibacterial hand cleaner Wet ones and wash hands after each meal etc and handling something. cup size immersion heaters are readily available for a few dollars at Mataharis or Tragia dept. stores, or you can pick one up before you go at any travel store. These will boil a cup of water in a minute or 2 (still recommend you use bottled water for this though) I took colored pen, little notebooks, colorful pipe cleaners, bubble kits and other giveaways for ablinese children. Old childrens books for the kids! Something I found good for bali belly was a tablet called 'entrostop' available at most circle k stores over there. Packing things/Health

Stolen Bags - I saw 2 ladies have their bags cut off their shoulders by motor bike riders. I had a bum bag and had no problems. Just be careful. Take cheap umbrella Hip flask Wet Ones. Anti-bac wipes. Check supermarkets, sometimes Injections etc Hep A long term. Booster for Typhoid, Diptheria and polio recommended. Tea tree oil for bites. Ear drops for ear infections. Immodium etc for diarrhoea. Clears up runs but not cramps, nausea etc. SG Tabs from Bali supermarkets are great. Malaria tablets not necessary if only staying in Bali.

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71 Stingose for bites. Antibiotics - Lots of people get ear infections. Take antibiotic ear drops. Gripe water - eases tummy cramps Maxillon - stops nausea, vomiting and upset tummies. Dont use any fake tattoos as they can make you very sick. Dont get an injection unless you can see the sealed needle first. If you get Bali belly can get a jab in the but for US$125 and will feel better. Can claim it from medical insurance. They recorded all this info (including my measles/rubella/mumps vaccinations needed for school enrollment) onto a International Certificate of Vaccination form from the World Health Assoc. (It fits nicely in my passport.) Her recommendation was that I use an insect repellent with 30-40% DEET and be sure to use it during the day and also before going to bed at night Two other friends since then have also had an upset tummy after eating there, so be careful. Has a wonderful atmosphere tho! I found the best thing for upset tummy was taking the local remedy, ie. going to a chemist and getting their own brand of tablets for upset stomach, of which there are many Bumbag - Need this for money. Calculator - Bring one and take it everywhere. Clothes - take minimum amt of cold clothes - just some for plane trip. Take underwear and bathers but not much else. Film Flashlight - restaurants are dark so need light Mosquito Screen - Take some mosquito screen and pins for open windows. Repellant - Take lots of mosquito repellant. Sarong - Bring a sarong everywhere - so that when you go to a temple you dont have to borrow one and make a donation. Skin moisturiser Toothpaste Umbrella or Raincoat - Rainy season especially. Hair conditioner not available in Bali. Tissues for emergencies. Antispectic handwipes. Sunscreen was expensive. Take torch. Avoid high heel shoes as the pavements are really bad. Lots of casual dresses, shorts and tops. Toilet paper Always take tissues. The toilets are awful. Passports etc Need passport valid for 6 months after arrival. Must have proof of onward tickets. No visas needed for Australians. Pearls Lombok pearls are worth searching for. Various sizes & colours, pink, coffee, green, blue, silver, black. Cheapest on the Gillis, Rp 40-60,000 for bracelets, necklaces and anklets of small size pearls. Value in Sengiggi but 5-10 times the price in Kuta. A$25 for set of necklace bracelet and anklet from Novian the massage man at Puri Tanah Lot Hotel on Camplung Mas Lane off Melasti St, Legian. Also sellers at Legian Beach end of Jl Double 6 outside the beach cafes such as Bennys, Zanzibar etc. Also Lalu Samani Ph (361) 757 170, Rp50,000 for large strands of large coloured pearls. Perfume Perfume - be wary. Dont buy from street hawkers as it is fake. Pickpockets Be wary of people if you have a bumbag or wallet/handbag. Someone will hold a newspaper or book in front of you above the bumbag etc while another person is undoing the zipper. Also watch out when people try to distract both of you at once as they may be trying to pickpocket or separate the two of you. Poppies Lanes

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72 2004 - hi, poppies 1 is my fave but both connect to jalan legian and pantai kuta ... there not marked or anything. poppies 1 from pantai kuta is on the corner of mcdonalds.. were you will see all the cars go. poppies 2 from jalan legian is virtually opposite the paddy's site and memorial, there is a kodak shop on the corner. good luck, i hope this helps Pottery Try Sita pottery at 373 Legian Street in Kuta. I thought their prices were very good and they will pack and deliver to your hotel. They can also organise containers for large orders. i have ound them to be very good. Playstation/XBox the ps2 anyday over the gamecube and my son agrees. There are plenty of ps2 games in Bali. Just remember that you will need to get it chipped before you can play the Bali games. We didn't look this time but 6 months ago I got some in Matahari's but a better range was available for about the same price at a gaming shop in Melasti st.It was about 1/2 way down on the left as you are walking from Jalan Legian towards the beach. For interest sake they also had steering wheels ,eye toys & other accessories for PS2 available at very good prices. Don't bother trying to get PS2 games up in Ubud because they were a hell of a lot dearer.Almost the same price as we pay in Oz ! Bought at Matahari's in Kuta,worked fine - can't remember price but was good.Son at school so can't ask him.Lot cheaper than home.Also saw reasonable selection in game shop on Melasti st about 1/2 way between beach & Jalan Legian ,in the area opposite Bali Aussie .On side of road opposite the markets. DVDs/PS2 games. Bought at fixed price store 15000 rupiah around the corner from Kuta Square. We only ended up buying one DVD (we aren't the type to rewatch things and we're picky about the quality!!) and some PS2 games and one Xbox game. The Xbox games were 40,000 rupiah. Customs doesn't care about counterfeit stuff, just your food and any items which may contain bugs! Games are about 15,000rp for PS2, so if you consider buying 2 new release games, the chipping is well worth it. You can also buy games via email from Bali, costs about AU$10/game posted. 2004 - PS2 or Xbox games 15,000 - 35,000 rp. PS1 games -Rp4,000 Ps2 games -Rp15,000. Also their X box games were 10 000Rp cheaper than what I saw anywhere else PS1, still a very good range but not available at all shops - 5,000rp PS2, massive range and available at most shops (ask for specific games if you don't see them) - 15,000rp if you buy 10 you will get one free, buy 20 get 2 free etc XBOX, fairly small range and not available at all shops - 40,000rp and iirc buy 5 get 1 free Just got back and found a great CD place in Poppies Lane 2 with CDs for 10,000Rp each. Incredible range, high quality copies (also have originals 70,000Rp), great quality artwork/sleeves, and good cases. If you turn into Poppies 2 off Jl Legian, it is about 150 metres in, on the right hand side, one of about three glass-front shops up about six steps that are as wide as the three or so stores. They also have good range and quality of DVDs (15,000Rp each and buy 50 get 10 free), software, PS2 (15,000Rp each), Xbox, and also sell Game Consoles with Mod-chips already installed. Pay about 20,000 rupiah for PS2 and PS. Anymore is too much. 2004 - PS2 and Xbox games must have your console chipped. 15,000 each. Great computer software from large dept stores. Also Platinum, JL Teuka Umar, denpasra; Harrys computer college at JL Teuka Umar, denpasar; About $10 aus for a CD. The software vendor outside Mataharis at Kuta has stuff for $615US. Yes you can get Computer software in Bali. Prices range from about 35,000rp per cd from Platinum software at the top floor of the Ramanyana department store in Denpasar to 100,000 elsewhere Ask the software shop to check it before you buy it. But if you buy the software at CD/playstation shop, they don't have a computer. You can bring to the internet cafe and try there. Lot of tourist come to my place at Legian Cyber bring a computer software and game just for check it. I welcome you to come here if you want. I never ask a payment for that or gratis. We are located at Jl. Sahadewa no. 21. Do you Padma Street? Our place down there. There a small road from Padma street down to Melasti that name Sahadewa street. Our place there with name Legian Cyber. For connection cost is 6,000 rup per 15 minutes. The going rate was 35 000RP to75 000Rp depending on programme. Games were, from memory, about 35 000Rp Shop sells playstation games is opposite the Hard Rock Hotel just down from Kuta Square. Also games from the top floor of Ramayana in denpasar. Chip = $50 to install in Australia. Cant run Bali copy games unless you buy a chip in Australia. Do NOT buy them in bali as they will NOT work. The chip will need to run both PAL and NTSC games. These are readily available. Ramayanas is the best place for playstation games.

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73 Go to the Ramayana Shopping centre in Denpasar and on the top level you will find a playstation shop which sells games for RP 10,000 each about AUS $2 You can also buy a converter from them to play copied games on your PSX that was the best place we found Games 10-15,000Rp. Some go as low as 8,500Rp. Playstation 2 games - Yes I saw some for 25000rph in a Music Store called Lotus in Legian. The guy said you need a chip for PX2 games to work infact they are 9,000Rp at the top floor of kuta square matahari store. A shop way between Kuta Paradiso and Kartika Plaza on the opposite side of the road (in Tuban ie South Kuta). If you see McDonalds you are close. Look NE down the driveway and it is 30m down the Road. This shop lets you try the games on a Playstation before you buy them. Can also buy games from the Matahari Dept stores for 9000 Rp. At the top floor there is also a toy store at kuta Square and Legian (JL Legian). Cost of games here is 12,000Rp on the top floor where they have the best variety. More games on Matahari Grd floor for 10,000Rp better range and latest releases. Outside Matahari in street stalls they are 15,000Rp good range. General street stalls drop to as low as 10000Rp. 15 block memory cards are $7-9. Just back from Bali and bought many kinds of cd,Ps2 for 20.000,Dvd for Rp 110.000,Cd-rom for 35.000, PS games for only 4.000 rupiah. contact helgi at give your list order and he will prepare it for you and deliver it to your hotel for free!or contact his mobile 08123914134 Playstation 10,000rp ($2) Postcards Postcards - 1000Rp. Prizes NEVER fill in surveys or go to collect prizesyou have supposedly won. They are all time share lures and will just waste valuable time in your holidays. Almost everyone gets caught by this scam. Everyone will tell you you have won first prize. Ramayana, Denpasar If you are at Ramayana there is aDepartment Store Diagonally opposite called Tragia. We found it to be quite good. It'd about 400m from Ramayana, out of the exit near Pizza Hut. ANy of the locals will point you to it. Happy Shopping Good quality clothes, computer CDs ($35k) , music CDs ($60k), playstation games ($5), VCDs ($35k), MP3 disks ec on the top floor. Ramanyanas ( see previous Kuta report ) for shirts, vcds and playstation games, Koala and Scott headed into Denpasar to check out Ramanyana's Department Store. It was 10,000 rp taxi fare to the store from Kuta and the store offers similar merchandise to Mataharis. Upstairs (3rd floor) there is a playstation shop where these games are all an incredible 5,000rp each(just over $1AUS). Next door to that is Platinum Computer store which has software at 35,000rp a cd. Both these are cheaper than in Kuta. Scott had a great time spending money at both these stores and for those with children that are Pokemon fans,Scott bought some Pokemon VCDS for 20,000 rp at a little stall near the escalators on the 3rd floor. Whilst on the subject of Pokemon, there is some merchandise available. T shirts and shorts at Matahari..vcds..and Scott got a kewl Pikachu watch with leather band from Ramanyanas for around $15 aus. ( not copy There are also Pokemon cups,clocks and other paraphanalia in Mataharis as well as Tulips - a store in the Ramanyana complex. His favourite Pokemon toy is the good sized Pikachu we got from a special offer at Wendy's on the bottom floor of Ramanyana's building. If you buy a combo meal there, you can buy the Pikachu so for two combo meals (one a child's) and the Pikachu, it cost me 36,000rp..under $8 Australian at the time. Scott and I were both happy. I bought them in Ramayanas on the top floor, address is Jl. Diponegoro, Denpasar. Bought a big bag full and every one works fine. They cost 5,000 rupiah in March. If you ask a taxi driver to take you there they will find it cost us 10,000 rupiah for metered taxi from Kuta. Salon

The cheapest is SELMA. Located when you get to the end of Jln Kartika Plaza, turn left and keep walking. Get a taxi there as all drivers know it. Cheapest in the area. Wash and blowdry Rp 2000. ask for cuci dan blow. Facials 10,000. Sammy and Susie Out the front of the Legian Beach Hotel across the unmade road on the sand is an orange lifeguard tower that needs a paint job.

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74 If you stand in front of that, facing the water & then look to the right you will find Sammi & Susie situated in front of a clump of trees. They have two cooler boxes, one is orange with a couple of footy stickers & the other is grey. Also they usually wear blue caps with their names in gold on them. Sandstone Carvings Today is my lucky day as it turns out, I find the sandstone tiles in wooden frames & don't barter very hard to get 3 for Rp 180,000. Could've probably got them for that price but the way I look at is that I got 3 for what 1 would've cost me at home. Head on down the road & also find the perfect work handbag. Authentic Gucci of course & a steal at Rp 80,000. Not 10 minutes later I am almost skipping with joy out the door of Modula Gallery in Pantai Kuta, having found the sandstone elephant carvings I'd been coveting at the place in Perth. Couldn't have been happier - got 2 for Rp 140,000 (A$22) instead of A$110 each as they were at home. celebrate the purchase of my 2 five kilo elephants (how I got them home is another story in itself!). Sarongs

2004 - a dragonfly sarong for 20,000r (teenager besotted with dragonflies as my shopping list will testify to by the time Im finished) Sarongs 10-30k Large sarong - 15-20,000RP NZ. Small sarong 10,000Rp NZ. Sarongs 10,000Rp. The girls found the best place to buy Sarongs was in the street (Double 6) near Caf 66, they got 10 for 100000 September/01 10,000 to 20,000 sarongs; sarongs - 2 long and 2 short - 40,000rp (on the beach) 2004- short (skirt) sarongs 15-20,000; long sarongs 20-25, Sarongs 10,000 - 15,000 rp. Sarongs: 10,000 - 25,000 depending on which type. Sarongs. We bought from the girls on the beach in front of the Ramada. After them starting at some ridiculously high amount, they were finally obtained at 5 for 100,000R. can't beat Double Six Street for sarongs - no haggling 12,000 rp. each for what is sold on the beach for 25-30,000 rp 2004 - Sarongs $25.00 Scarves Also purchased beautiful embroidered silk scarves for 30,000 - only saw these in one shop and they were 350,000 fixed-price Shipping 2004 - When purchasing furniture and shipping to Melbourne, you basically double the price! Its not only the cost of shipping, it's the tax's and cargo fees this end which add up the cost. Smaller items fit into draws etc, and there is no tax on other items. We have used two different shippers and both times it was about the same result, and once was with an importer who was a friend. Hope this gives you an idea. If you go with another shipper, have the name ready and Mitha will give the information to the shop or outlet you purchase from and they will know who to expect to pick the items up. Mitha will quide you with this. Regina. Mitha. pronounced "Meeta" Hand Phone: 081 2390 1294 within Bali Fax:From outside Indonesia 0011 62 361 7711281 E-mail : Shirts

2004 - Paul Frank shirts 20 000, Roxy tops 20 000,volcom shirts 20000. On the last day when I was there some Independent ,Zero and Etnies shirts had just hit the streets. Anyone who is into skating would know how expensive these shirts are in oz about $50,over there because they were the only ones selling them they wouldn't take under 100 000 rupiah for them which was about $18 but unfortunately i was nearly out of money and the guys who were selling them were arse holes so i didn't buy one but they looked really good quality.

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75 Collared Shirts 20,000 rp 2004 - Collared shirts - 20 000Rp Singlets (adults) - 15000rp Shirts (mens) - 25000rp Shoes - 30000rp Nike shirts - 40,000rp singlet tops 15,000 ($3) Last minute walk around Matahari's and we found some great ladies shirts on special at between 12,000 and 17,000 Rp each. At Tootsies thet sell sports shirts with collars for around 6-7$aus and they last well. Copy shirts for 25,000Rp. Rest for 180,000Rp. Shirts - good quality (Mike, ONeill, Calvin Klein) cost 1000,000Rp for 5. Was paying 50,000 Rp and then 40,000 Rp for each but could get cheaper by 5-10,000 Rp. Hawaiin type shirts for 125,000 Rp. Shirts good quality (Nike, ONeil, Calvin Klein) cost 100,000Rp for 5. Initially paid 50,000Rp for good quality polo shirts but then paid 40,000Rp there is a chance you can get them cheaper if you barter hard Soccer Shirts - Last december there was a shop close to Matari in Legianstreet, towards Semeniak that sold soccershirts. Not sure of mcfc ( Man-United?). Price was Rp 50.000 (about 3 pond). Shirts 30-40,000 Rp each, 2004 - Paul Frank tops (teenage girls understand!) 20-25,000; crochet net cardigans 30,000. Gathered top for my daughter 15000Rp hawiian shirts,large, got a couple at 20,000, then more at 15,000, offered more at 10!!!, didn't buy at the time but later I got a couple more- at 15,000, silly I know but what the hells a $?, $3 a shirt is cheap cheap- so are the shirts but they do the job while there, wear 'em round the block a few time then throw 'em Shoes

2004 - Black beaded sandals 50,000R (made my first donation to the Balinese economy here- by end of trip the going rate was 25,000 to 30,000r but I was OK with the price so it didnt really matter!) Ubud 2004 - 22 500,thongs with shells, beads and sequins on them ranging in price from 10 000 to 30 000 rupiah, , Thong shoes 15000 Nike joggers 30,000 (2004) Surf sandals 15,000 (2004) 2004 - Next stop, Matahari. I loved some of the shoes there, I found the cutest sneakers I have EVER seen but they didn't have my size Then I found some other really cool shoes but they also didn't have my size. So I got the same shoes in an ugly colour, but for au$10 on sale who cares!? Mum found a pair of really comfy leather slip ons for $18. 2004 - I bought beaded thongs at a market stall for 25,000rp. 2004 - a shoe shop I had found the day before. It was on Jln Padma Utara and is called R2U (Ready 2 Use). It's one of those shops in an actual building. They have a small room with stacks of shoes in plastic everywhere, and its very squashy and hot inside but worth a look. No mens shoes (sorry guys). They have the type of shoes you can buy at the markets but some different designs and all leather, and good quality. Its fixed price. I bought a nice pair of leather thongs for 55,000rp. Kate bought some foam/rubber thongs for 20,000rp > 25,000rp with beaded flowers on them. had black leather boots made for $40 and was thrilled with the result at French leather Leather sandals $9 Womens shoes coloured $4 Womens shoes embroidered 7 There are a strip of shoe shops in Denpasar opposite Ramiana Dept store - tricky traffic to cross if you havent done so before - that same street has shoe shopps dotted all along - I usually get my driver to drive and park as we go. Dolphins at JL Melasti price $10-25 Aus. Ask for special Monday AM price a good joke. About 20 aus but take copy of shoe. Matahari at kuta had strappy evening shoes for size 8 or under $20-30 aus. Also some street shops outside the store.

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76 Casey has a business in Melasti St (behind Bali Intan Hotel) called Douglas shooes. She copies any shoes out of the catalogues and the prices are $20-25 aus. It takes 2-3 days to make and the leather and the suede is excellent. Mens imitation reeboks - 50,000Rp. NZ. Kids imitation nike and reebok - 30,000 RP NZ. Leather shoes - 35,000 ($7) Kids reboks - 35,000 ($7) Tootsies in Sanur has excellent shoes and socks. Tootsies also sells clothing as follows: T-shirts kids 12-15,000Rp, T-shirts adukts 20-30,000rp, nice kids beach sandals 12,000Rp, Kids short arongs 10,000Rp, Sequinned kids shows 18,000Rp, kites, salad servers, place mats etc. Tootsies is at Sindhu markets NOT Sanur Beach Markets. Take taxi to beach end of Sindhu Rd, Sanur and walk along the path approx 500m to the south. Dont ask taxi to wait. There is always heaps of transport. T-shirts Billabong, Quicksilver, Nike, Oneil, Ripcurl - $4 - $6. can get these brands in belts, hats, watches, wallets, boardshorts and bali pants. Tootsies has all the brand name gear Tshirsts, shorts, shoes, etc etc. On our third day we decided to go to Tootsies at Sindhu Beach Market in Sanur. We had been there a few times last year and when we arrived there they actually remembered us and greeted us warmly. When we get there we just sit down and ask them for certain items, e.g. t-shirts, shoes, etc. They pick out our size and show us what designs and colours are available. You just say 'yes, that ones fine, just add it to the pile on the floor'. After a relaxing 1/2 hour or more and you have finished buying they just add up the bill and you pay. No bargaining as these prices are fixed and are actually cheaper than what you can bargain for outside in the stalls. There is also a shoemaker down from the Novotel who makes shoes (leather) for 100,000Rp a pair in 2 days. Best to take a photo or sample of what you want. Sandals 40-80,000Rp. 12 Nike socks - 40,000rp ($8) Glitzy beaded sandals are all the go in Bali at the moment girls and bought lots of pairs for the coming Australian summer. Found an excellent outlet in Jalan Padma Utara (the road to the Jayakarta)in a newly completed white multistorey building. Don't know the name of it but only a couple of the shops are tenanted at present and there is a CD shop next door. 40,000 rupiah set price for most sandals. (Au$8.40 on current exch.rate) All my friends are delighted with them. Also sell reasonably priced beaded handbags; lovely evening pashminas; satin cushion covers etc. Worth a look - best value I saw during this latest trip. 2004 - beaded sandles $30.00 Shopping

Early Nov 2001 That folks is about it, just the every report stuff left, watches-mens all metal-35/40,000, womens no more than 30,000, less?, this is how tight things are getting for them- hawiian shirts,large, got a couple at 20,000, then more at 15,000, offered more at 10!!!, didn't buy at the time but later I got a couple more- at 15,000, silly I know but what the hells a $?, $3 a shirt is cheap cheap- so are the shirts but they do the job while there, wear 'em round the block a few time then throw 'em. One final price list not normally mentioned- to those of us interested maybe, From Kuta to tragia in denpasar should cost about 10000 rp I suggest you to go to Matahari department store, more complete things. They are in Denpasar (Dewi Sartika St, Kuta Square, Legian St and the new one at Mal Bali Galeria, Kuta). Makro,Alpha,Libby,matahari,ramayana,tragia,Tiara Dewata,Tiara grosir. 2 Mataharis in kuta. 1in Kuta Square and 1 in Legian St. Other Dept Stores in Denpasar Ramayana,Tragia,Matahari etc) Used to be a Ramayana in Kuta but is gone now. Also back in Kuta dont forget Super Nova who now have a large and very good internet room upstairs. Market shopping T-Shirts 25000 Shorts 20000 Watches 25000 30000 (2004) Sunglasses 15000 (25,000 30,000 2004) 2004 - If it is copies that you are after, they are all available. Last week I bought copy Luis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci etc for about 10,000 to 15,000rph each. (Exchange rate 6,500 = $1.50 to $2.30). Long pants 20000 Singlet tops 15000 Thong shoes 15000 Nike joggers 30,000 (2004) Surf sandals 15,000 (2004) 2004 - Wrap pants 30.000. Pants 25 000Rp Board shorts - 20000rp

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77 T-shirts (adults)- 15000rp to 20000rp Bags - 15000rp Singlets (adults) - 15000rp Shirts (mens) - 25000rp Shoes - 30000rp Kiddies clothes - 10000rp to 20000rp Shopping Tips/Warnings

Never let them take your goods to the back of the shop and out them in a bag. They will swap it for a faulty item. Always hold onto it and put it in a bag yourself. Avoid duty free shopppers outlets as all items are ridiculously priced. To get benchmarks for pricing go to Mata Haris and look at gods, quality and prices. Markets will be about . Heard a rumour about Sanur shopping - white bag - sucker; black and white striped - good profit; and black bargained hard. Best buys are probably leather, simple cotton ladies garments and T shirts. Morning price is better - Balinese superstitious and think best sales are after their first customer. Some basic rules: Never express any "excitement" about how beautiful an item is or how much you want it. Keep your emotions in check. Before discussing price you should tell the vendor that you have been to Bali before and that you will not pay some ridiculous high price, but only a fair price. Ask for "morning price". This expression has importance to the Balinese because it is considered "bad luck" for a vendor to lose a first sale of the day. The vendor will still quote you a very high price, but perhaps it will be less than what would otherwise be the "first price". Then offer NO MORE THAN ONE-THIRD of the first price. The vendor will say "Bankrupt" ( meaning that she will lose money at that price, but that is probably not true ). Then tell the vendor that the price she is asking is ridiculous. She will say, "How much you pay". Try to force the price down BEFORE YOU MAKE ANOTHER OFFER. Have some idea about how much you are willing to pay. If you want more than 1 of an item you will be able to bargain for a multi-item discount, i.e., 1 for 35,000 rupiah, "How about 2 for 60,000 rupiah"? Personally, I will come up a little from the 1/3 I originally offered but never to more than about 40 to 45 percent. I rarely finalize a deal involving more than 100,000 Rupiah without first walking out of the shop and explaining that I will look elsewhere and maybe come back. Immediately the vendor will drop the price from whatever the last price was. Then from outside the shop you can counter, and see what happens. Whatever price you offer the vendor will still say "Bankrupt" (meaning that she will lose money on the deal). But this is rarely true. At this point you can agree to buy the item(s), or take another stop toward the next shop and the vendor will usually drop the price even further. I rarely feel embarassed about offering a very low price. After all, the vendor tried to extract an unfair price from me with her first (ridiculous) price ! Also Remember: Most items are sold elsewhere so it is no big deal if you don't purchase the item from the first vendor. 1/3 of started price, but we have found many shops now that will offer fixed prices once you have brought from them. We sent many $100's of dollars in business to a lovely lady in Tuban. She is happy to haggle but if you ask her what is your best price she gives it and it is about 1/3 of what she started with. again all depends what you want to buy and of course if you are happy with the price then you have got a bargin. Not like my friends from WA who paid $30 for a pair of sunnys, but they thought it was a bargin as he thought they where real and would pay $100 plus on Oz, silly first timer but we have all been there. Shorts and Pants

2004 - rupiah,Body and Soul shorts 2004 - board shorts 30 000 Shorts 20000 Bad Girl Shorts -20K Shorts $4 Shorts between 20000 & 35000 Long pants 20000 Board shorts - 20000rp Shorts - paid 20,000 Rp for good quality football shorts . T-shirts and shorts for kids at Kuta Beach Markets 15000 - 2000 a piece Button up floral shorts $35,000 Rp. Mens imitation shorts 20,000. Ladies floral shorts 20,000 Rp. Shirts, shorts and dresses 30-40,000Rp each. Shorts 20,000Rp for good quality football shorts. Shorts 30,000Rp.

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78 Singlet tops 15000 Silver

silver rings - 5 for 60,000rp 2004 - Then Natasha and I both bought silver chockers and pendants. We payed 140,000rp altogether, ie 70,000rp for a large choker and pendant. They are so nice and we wore them every day after that. You can change the pendants too. After that we bought individual pendants for between 30,000rp and 35,000rp. They are all real silver. 2004 - grabbed another silver bracelet (50,000R) and white sarong (20,000R) in meslasti street (e.g. dangly earrings 25,000), The second great shop we found was Citra Silver on Jln Melasti (No 34 A). They had a really nice range of rings, I bought 2 and Natasha found one. The prices are in US dollars but SO cheap and they still gave us a discount, and of course you pay in rp. The rings ended up costing about au$7 each, so cheap for here. Best shop is Ratu Silver, 373 JL legian, between Melasti and Padma Streets on the left as you head north. Rajawali in kuta is also recommended. Another favorite is Bujangga Silver on Jalan Tuban in Kuta. But it is not in the main part of kuta. Jalan Tuban is the street that runs to the airport. It is on the RHS heading to the airport next to a fancy restaurant. Jewellery village but as there is no hallmark, for gold or silver, hard to be sure what the value is. Main shops in Celuk not worth it. Ubud - Celuk Sukawati silver (upstairs in market) Rp85,000/gram (not Rp105,000). Can buy good silver by the gram - 3000RP per gram, and 3500 Rp for pieces with gem stones in them. Eg amber. Good shop is family business in Celuk called Metro Silver. Dont buy silver items from hawkers as they are almost always copper covered with a thin layer of silver. Not worth the risk. At Singapadu Gallery near Ubud can get nice silver jewellery. Aim to pay about 60% off marked prices. Mario s Silver on Melasti. His jewelry is contemporary and less ornate than many of the other shops and the prices seemed pretty good to me. Pithecan Thropus was next door to Marios and had some interesting designs. I found a good shop for silver not far from where I stayed at the Puri Raja in Legian. It was fixed price & quite cheap:Bintang Silver Collection Jl Padma Utara, Legian Snacks So here's the tip: Instead of expensive pool lunches for the little ones, why not buy cup noodles for 3000rp at a mini mart. You could add flavour or no flavour, and all cups came with a plastic fork and an extra chilli sachet. Another thing Kate liked were chocolate milk box drinks. Filling and refreshing Software Ramayana Department Store (Denpasar) - Platinum Multimedia (within store) for computer software CD's at about $10 per Cd for programs such as Windows 98, MS Office Premium, Macaffee virus programs and so on. Most common PC programs are available but the range for Macintosh is limited - try pc_Mac at Jalan (street) Imam Bonjol 266, Denpasar. They will make up multi programe discs for you. Try to check the discs file in a computer. Ive had two (in more that 40) that were not true to the outside label. Tough at $10 each, eh!? E-mail for lists before you go. PC's - 50,000rp ($10) Spices

Stock up on expensive spices in bali. No problems with customs re these. Spices are very cheap in bali. Stubby Holders 2004 - Stubby holders- Rp4,000 Sunglasses 2004 - Sunglasses 15,000 > 20,000rp Sunglasses 15000 (25,000 30,000 2004) 2004 - If it is copies that you are after, they are all available. Last week I bought copy Luis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci etc for about 10,000 to 15,000rph each. (Exchange rate 6,500 = $1.50 to $2.30).

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79 2004 - Sunglasses 15,000 - 25,000 rp. Sunglasses- Rp15,000-25,000 buy). Sunglasses paid 15 000Rp each no matter what the type or where the shop 2004 - oakleys which are hidden under the counter for 25 000 rupiah,billabong and quicksilver which is also hidden for 30 000,you have to pay more for them but they are good copies. Sunglasses $4 My husband bought approximately 10 or 15 pairs of thin metal frame Oakleys (Copies that is) from various markets around Kuta and Legian approx. 15,000 rupiah. I bought many pairs that look very real and which have lasted for ever don't pay more than 2000 - 4000 rupiah for a pair 2004 - 15,000 sunglasses, fake Ray Bans and Arnettes not great UV protection but did the job for walking around without the worry of getting good sunglasses scratched). Surveys NEVER fill in surveys or go to collect prized you have supposedly won. They are all time share lures and will just waste valuable time in your holidays. Almost everyone gets caught by this scam. Everyone will tell you you have won first prize. Taxis Taxi from Tuban to Legian Rp40,000. Look also at Legian/Seminyak (next section) as the boundaries are not clear between these districts. We got a voucher from the Airport 11000 rp for our transfer to the hotel. We used light blue cabs elsewhere. We used Blue Taxis where we could. They have meters and are relatively cheap. Where we were forced to negotiate a price with other taxis we often paid more due to our lack of knowledge about distances etc. Light blue have a meter and are friendly. White wont use their meters. Airport to beach markets 25,000Rp from airport from taxi rank window or 15,000Rp if use blue cab Airport to Kuta 4,500. 10,00Rp to Denpasar. 12,000Rp to Sanur/Nusa Dua and 34,000Rp to Ubud. Metered taxis are cheaper. Bargained from Nusa Dua to Kuta for 20,000Rp but metred cab was only 16,000Rp. Avoid white taxis as they try to not use their meter and over charge foreigners. Only use light blue coloured ones (Bali Taxi) and ensure it is meterered. 4 people from Legian to airport etc 20,000Rp. Private drivers will usually charge 203 times a taxi. Light blue are cheap eg less than us$10 before tip for 2 hr ride from Nusa Dua to Yoyah Bungkah. Flag fall is 2000Rp and lasts 1 km. 90Rp every extra 100 metres. At airport cant find light blue cabs but take fixed price dark blue ones. To get these go to booth outside arrivals areas where you pay in advance for fixed price ticket to hotel. Paid at cab booth is US$. But exchange rate was terrible ie if rate is worse than at airport - use airport in desperation. If the driver says meter is broken ensure you know the price before you leave. Taxis are air conditioned. Taxi fares from airport: 4500 Rp to Kuta; 10,000Rp to Denpasar; 12,00 Rp to Sanur/Nusa Dua; 34,000 Rp to Ubud. Blue taxi from Legian to Kuta 4-5,000. Bemos as high as 15-20,000. All taxis have meters. I driver says - 10,00 Rp or says how much you pay me - tell him to put meter on. If he puts cloth over it dont be fooled. Get out of his cab and get another.. If they start without meter - tell them to put it on and pay exactly what it says - and no more. If driver puts on meter tip him heavily. Dont ask taxis to wait for you as it will cost you a lot of money. You could offer them 5-10,000Rp to wait for you. Once the meter is off everything is negotiable. Any taxi ride (short) over 20,000Rp is over priced. As a guide a taxi from Kuta to Patra Jasa is $1. White taxis are OK. Green not sure. Blue taxi should only have 2,000Rp on the meter and not 2,900 etc. You will get a range of prices I paid anywhere between Rp15000 and Rp30000 for the trip between Sanur and Kuta Temple Umbrellas

Temple Umbrellas - buy at Sukawati - 60,000 Rp for one in 5 pieces - gold printed fabric, top spindle, umbrella and pole in 3 pieces.

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80 Theft

It was while bartering for the Indian Goods, I got into trouble. I was surrounded by kids ( not sure where they came from ) and when they left I was astounded when I discovered my bumbag had gone with them. Fortunately it only contained my mobile phone which was insured as I had my wallet in my hand ready to pay the guy. ( I NEVER shop with my passport on me ) So after 15 times to Bali I was finally hit with a theft and insurance claim :( The Indian shop is across the road and up a bit from Peanuts, so i headed straight there and was assisted by my good friend there nicknamed "Whisky". He gave me a lift to the Police where I filled a report ( as required by all insurance company's ) and gave them a "mandatory donation" of 10,000 Rp to assist in their search. Tipping

Tip room service guys 5,000Rp and they were happy. But tip 30,000Rp to caddies and they looked disappointed. Not generally expected in hotels. Can tip taxis a few 1,000Rp if metrered. Leave a few thousand when leave hotel room and 2,00Rp or so if have heavy luggage. Give drivers 5-10,000Rp if they delighted you in some way. TIP - barter hard and give yourself room to move up if needed. Stand your ground and they will usually give in. Best bartering is on the beach. Toothbrushes Toothbrushes are really cheap at only 50c each. Stock up on a whole lot while in Bali. Transport Could catch a local bemo. Could share it with duck, chickens etc. Dont use these for tours as they may stop half way through tour and ask for money. Not trustworthy and vehicles may be a bit dodgey. They will charge 25,000Rp for something a blue taxi will do for 4,000Rp. Also try a Dokar - local horse and carriage which carry 3-4 people. Usually around Denpasar and Singaraja. Motor Bikes are too dangerous. Touching Heads

Don't touch kids on the head - they are holy, the head their holiest spot and you are getting in the way of their relationship with god). Towels

2004 - Beach Towels 25,000 - 50,000 rp Tshirts T-Shirts 25000 2004 - Paul Frank t-shirts/singlets (good quality type with stripes) 20,000rp 2004 - Cheaper quality t-shirts 15,000rp (some still had Paul Frank) 2004 -XL Adults T-shirts 20,000rp XXL T Shirts 15-20K (some would not sell less than 20K even after walking out) For example, t-shirts which we had got for between Rp 20000- Rp 25000 on the streets were Rp 15000 at Tootsies. Collared 30,0000 not collared 20,000 (2004) 2004 - T Shirt printed with ganesha (100,000r at a fixed price store on main road leading towards Jalan Hanoman really unusual shirts there really good quality printing and beading and different from the normal bali t-shirts) 2004 - Good quality shirts - Most of the stalls are selling really good quality t-shirts now. You won't have any trouble finding them. They get them from under the counter. They are much more authentic although they do shrink so make sure you get a size larger than you need. They are about double the price of the older style ones. Well that's what I paid - I'm sure you could get better.... 2004 - Agree with Christine Phuket has better quality T-Shirts although the latest Bali Surf (market) T-Shirts are 90% of the way there 2004 - We were offered them just outside of the Oasis Hotel in the first couple of days (behind the counter stuff) and then when we walked around places we just asked at the market stalls if they had better ones than what they had on display. They all did. We were quite impressed with the quality - so different to the old style. 2004 - T-shirts 10,000 - 30,000 rp (Billabong, quicksilver, rip curl, nike). T-shirt- white 15.000 Levi 501s 75.000. Surf T-shirts 25.000. T-shirts: XL - 15-20,000 and bigger sizes 20-25,000 each (depends how many you 2004 - I bought loads of Billabong and Quicksilver t-shirts that were 'black market' type sales. They had them hidden

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81 under benches etc. We paid 35 000Rp 50 000Rp each for these t-shirts. Some are tagged XL were which harder to come by but definitely a better size. Surf shop clothes are cheap. Quicksilver Tshirts for $5 Problems at tootsies as all the hawkers in the markets were desperate and kept pulling at you. They only have clothes/shows at Tootsies. At Tootsies prices were, girls bad girl shorts 12000, long ones 17000, tops 12000, ladies tops 10000-15000, nike shoes 35000, caps (stussy, bad girl, etc) 8000. Also got a large dragon kite that Made's husband had made for 150000, he looks terrific hanging up under our patio here at home. Mens imitation T-shirts 20,000 to 30,000. . T-shirts and shorts for kids at Kuta Beach Markets 15000 - 2000 a piece T-shirts 30,000Rp T-shirts $4 Tea Shirts 20000 Singlets 15000 T-shirts (adults)- 15000rp to 20000rp tshirts 20,000. VCDs

Found the best place for selection and quality was top floor of Ramayana dept store(at the stalls) in Denpasar. when I last went to bali, in july, vcd's cost between Rp25,000 and Rp70,000 around about. If you want ones that are good quality, get the dearer ones as the cheaper ones are video taped from the movies and aren't very good quality. The best place to get good ones from are matahari VCD 25000 all worked, varying quality. VIP Lounge, Bali airport

There is a VIP lounge there. Walk past liunge and may be invited in. If you pay say $5AUS you can go in and eat and drink as much as you want. Not big but comfortable. Someone else was charged 50,000 Rp - all you can eat and drink. They were there for 3 hrs. Watches Watches coloured approx $7 Dive Watches $10 John Farnam" - watches - front of Kartika Beach Hotel, TUBAN. watches - 25,000rp - 30,000rp (on the beach). Baby G watches - 25,000rp each ($5) Gucci and CK copy watches were about $7-8 - you can get them cheaper if you buy a few - I got them down to $5.50 ea in markets.We were not going to buy many watches this time but couldn't help ourselves. Between Rob, David & myself we bought about 25 averaging between 30000 & 40000rup. The Rolex's with date were a bit more. I bought 6 at 60000rup each. Around the Kuta area for the usual nicknack`s, watches, top shelf, 50,000 to 60,000rps,Brietling and Rolex,(Rolex with date)others, two for 60,000rps 2004 - I am still wearing the "TAG" watch I bought in Sept 2001. Have replaced the battery three times. I also have a Billabong watch with leather strap that I bought in 1998 that still works, have changed battery 5 or 6 times. I find if you buy a number of watches then "turn off" or take battery out of the ones you are not wearing they last fine. in the trip and set the time. 2004 - If they don't keep time I take them back. I bought 20 last trip (for people at work). 3 stopped in the first week all the rest were great. I got spare batteries and gave everyone a spare battery. Batteries are only 5.000 for 8. Make sure you get some because batteries here are $7. I paid 25.000 for most. I even got a waterproof mans watch for 25.000. I haven't put it in water but a guy at the hotel bought one and had it in the pool. He said it was great. Copy watches. TAG/Rolex/Cartier. Around $7-8 AUS. Check watches carefully when you buy them as they may remove the pin. Rolex 60,000RP NZ. 50,000 60,000Rp for watches generally. 20-0K -the matal ones are the dearer. 2004 - Watches varied in price the Rip Curl/Billabong watches started out at Rp 100 000 but on average we were getting watches for anything from Rp 35 000 to Rp 75 000 (a tip for watch lovers like myself the Petaling Market in KL has an amazing

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82 2004 - Watches 15,000 25,000 rp. Watches 25.000- 30.000. Watches- Rp30,000-35,000. Watches paid 25 000Rp for all watches except couldn't get Billabong man's watch for less that 30 000Rp Early Nov 2001 That folks is about it, just the every report stuff left, watches-mens all metal-35/40,000, womens no more than 30,000, less?, Watches 25000 30000 (2004) and a Paul Frank watch 40 000,it cost a little more than most ladies watches because i bought it at Bagus Watches at Matahari's., 2004 - PRices for fake rolexs are from 30.000 rupiah to 80.000 rupiah for bali rolex or any names. You will find a lot in kuta area, they are very happy to help you to buy, they will shout at you, "shopping 2004 - 150,000 Rolex perpetual (automatic requiring no batteries) EXCELLENT copy has the second had running smoothly around rather than ticking as per the original Rolexs). Wanted 300,000 and would not budge for the first two weeks. Winners Parties/Competition Be wary if you win T-shirt or accommodation - it is only a scam for timeshare. Wood 2004 - Wood Elephants large size 2 for 60 000Rp. Wood Elephants small 2 for 30 000Rp 2004 - I was able to get my ganesha (about 12 16 inches high out of wood) for about 200,000R after carefully checking many out for woodborers. Had to reject a few before finding one that looked OK (customs agreed thank goodness! I did spray with pea beau thoroughly in my hotel room before coming home just to be on the safe side). 2004 - Bamboo Wind chimes: Small 10-15,000 and Medium 15-20,000. Yo Yo Yo yo's 15000rp. Broke after 2 days.

Make UP You may or may not be aware that you can purchase Revlon makeup at a very cheap price in Bali. You can get Liquid foundation for 65,000 rp, lipsticks & nail polishes for 45,000 rp, mascara and eyeshadows for around 65,000 rp. I priced these items prior to leaving Australia, and in Adelaide the foundation was around the $24 mark. So you can save yourself heaps. Don't be afraid to purchase more than you need as they store very well. You can get the makeup at any Revlon counter in the cosmetics section of Matahari and Discovery Mall. includes all other brands. Regards, Nelson. Bali Forum 2005 This

Charaties to support: are supporters of the charities below you support to help them would be much appreciated as the help the people who are out of reach of help and fundings. The Tip People.

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83 Tuesday February 1, 02:23 PM British Investor To Build Rubbish Processing Project In Bali DENPASAR, Feb 1 Asia Pulse - A British investor is interested in investing US$20 million in the building of an integrated rubbish processing project (IPST) in Bali province. The project which would be managed by PT Navigat Organic Energy Indonesia (NOEI) is expected to cover Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan districts by applying a landfill technology system, a provincial official, I Made Sumer, told reporters here over the weekend. ADVERTISEMENT He said that in the first stage, the plant which has a capacity for processing 500 tons or 3,000 cubic meters of rubbish is expected to produce about five to 8 megawattd of power. According to I Made Sumer, the building of the plant on the six hectares of land is to be started in February and scheduled to be ready for operation by the end of 2005. He said that the local administration has received a Forestry Minister's approval for benefitting six hectares of the 10-hectare available mangrove forest for building the project. Under a 20-year cooperation, the povincial administration is estimated to receive at least US$1,000 per megawatts from the stateowned electricity company PT PLN which will be using the energy, he said. (ANTARA) This will hopefully provide some employment for the villagers that have lived on the Tip for such a long time. If not it will at least relieve the pressure on the rapidly decaying enviroment of the island. It will also hopefully slow down the pollution of the ground water and the surrounding Mangroves. Thanx Wybe , we will follow these developements with interest. Paul

As you have read the current cash budget we have in hand is going towards the "essentials" text books, water well, toilet and a coat of paint. Then we will need mats or large carpets for each of the classroom so that the children can sit, play or read. We hope to set a library in the near future - so ANY kind of books in Indonesian and English. The school also needs supplies of paint & brushes, poster paper or butcher paper, crepe paper, scissors, glue, staplers, aper cutters. Simple games like jacks, twister, skipping ropes or any other games that do not require English as the learning language. Some simple sports equipment, hoops, badmiton set, volleyball. We have a team of teachers ( thanks to Rosemary here at Dyatmika School Bali) who are ready to donate a Saturday once a month to go up to the school and teach the children, English, Art, Sports or anything else that is fun and different from what the teachers in the village school can provide. I'm sure that they could also use things like a world globe, atlas, science learning aids - ANYTHING AT ALL - that allows school to be a great learning experience. I cannot tell you how happy the school teachers are to just have the text books ( for the very first time!) and to have a toilet and water. Anything else they receive would just seem so unreal!

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