Overview of Enron Scandal: Accountability of Public Officers

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ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS Public office is a public trust.

Public officers and employees must, at all times, be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency; act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives. The President, the VicePresident, the Members of the upreme !ourt, the Members of the !onstitutional !ommissions, and the "mbudsman may be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, culpable violation of the !onstitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal of public trust. #ll other public officers and employees may be removed from office as provided by law, but not by impeachment.

Overview of Enron Scandal

http !!www"corporatenarc"co#!enron$candaloverview"php

$nron !orporation is an energy trading, natural gas, and electric utilities company based in %ouston , Te&as that employed around '(,))) people by mid-'))(, before it went ban*rupt. +raudulent accounting techni,ues allowed it to be listed as the seventh largest company in the -nited tates , and it was e&pected to dominate the trading it had virtually invented in communications, power, and weather securities. .nstead, it became the largest corporate scandal in history, and became emblematic of institutionali/ed and well-planned corporate fraud. $nron cynically and *nowingly created the phony !alifornia electricity crisis of '))) and '))(. There was never a shortage of power in !alifornia . -sing tape recordings of $nron traders on the phone with !alifornia power plants, the film chillingly overhears them as*ing plant managers to 0get a little creative0 in shutting down plants for 0repairs.0 1etween 2) percent and 3) percent of !alifornia4s energy industry was shut down by $nron a great deal of the time, and up to 56 percent at one point, as the company drove the price of electricity higher by nine times. .ts $uropean operations filed for ban*ruptcy on 7ovember 2), '))(, and it sought !hapter (( protection in the -. . on 8ecember '.

$nron4s global reputation was undermined, by persistent rumors of bribery and political pressure to secure contracts in !entral and outh #merica, in #frica, and in the Philippines . $specially controversial was its 92) billion contract with the Maharashtra tate $lectricity 1oard in .ndia , where it is alleged that $nron officials used political connections within the !linton and 1ush administrations to e&ert pressure on the board. "n :anuary ;, '))', the -nited tates 8epartment of :ustice announced it was going to pursue a criminal investigation of the $nron scandal and !ongressional hearings began on :anuary '<. #fter a series of scandals involving irregular accounting procedures bordering on fraud involving $nron and its accounting firm #rthur #ndersen, it stood at the verge of undergoing the largest ban*ruptcy in history by mid-7ovember '))(. # white *night rescue attempt by a similar, smaller energy company, 8ynegy, was not viable. 8uring '))(, $nron shares fell from - 9=3 to - 9).2). #s $nron was considered a blue chip stoc*, this was an unprecedented and disastrous event in the financial world. $nron4s plunge occurred after it was revealed that many of its profits and revenue were the result of deals with special purpose entities. The result of this accounting scandal was that many of the losses that $nron encountered were not reported in its financial statements. +ollowing the '))( ban*ruptcy filing, $nron has been attempting to restructure in order to compensate as many creditors as possible. $nron4s innovative core energy trading business was sold early in the ban*ruptcy proceedings to Merrill >ynch and !ompany. # last-ditch survival attempt was made in '))' through a planned merger with arch-rival 8ynegy !orporation. 8ynegy bac*ed out during merger tal*s, ac,uiring control of $nron4s original, predecessor company7orthern 7atural ?as- in the process. $nron is currently pursuing legal action against 8ynegy over the ta*eover of 7orthern 7atural ?as, which has since been sold by 8ynegy to Mid#merican $nergy %oldings !ompany. $nron4s final ban*ruptcy plan provides for the creation of three new businesses to be spun off from $nron as independent, debt-free companies. The reorgani/ation process commenced in '))2, with the forma

indi%eno&$ people

There does not seem to be one definitive definition of indigenous people, but generally indigenous people are those that have historically belonged to a particular region or country, before its coloni/ation or transformation into a nation state, and may have different@often uni,ue@cultural, linguistic, traditional, and other characteristics to those of the dominant culture of that region or state

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