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Climate Change and the

Development Agenda
Renato Redentor Constantino Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities
Philippine Misereor Partnership, Inc. Roxas City, Capiz, 29 January 2014

We work on fair climate policy and sustainable energy We try to tackle problems sideways:
By incubating ideas. By innovating approaches. By implementing solutions

Great questions define us

How do we respond to the multiple crises confronting us? How do we respond to a crisis with actual deadlines? Still at the center: dignity and development.
Jose Enrique Soriano/iCSC

The conceit of our quarrels

December 5, 2013: USS Cowpens, a guided missile cruiser, and an amphibious ship of China, part of the flotilla of Chinas new aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, in near collision in the South China Sea.

Reading the situation

We are drowning in facts, we are intimidated by impacts. There is the global and the local and someone seems to have dismantled the bridge. How do we re-establish the conversation? We do not have the answer. But we have contributions.

Global and national context

Historical responsibility unaddressed in emissions reductions and delivery of finance Persistent development challenges (NSCB) Consistent ranking in disaster incidence and climate change vulnerability

Climate change magnifies the impact of wrong development decisions

Food Jobs Shelter Health Natural resources Inequality

Jose Enrique Soriano/iCSC

Climate finance is a plumbing job

Peoples Survival Fund law, or Republic Act 10174

Main authors: Sen. Pres. Juan Ponce Enrile, Sen. Loren Legarda and House Dep. Sp. Erin Taada Signed into law August 16, 2012. Amends R.A. 9729; operationalizes Climate Change Act of 2009 A rewards fund, NOT a superfund: Php 1 billion. Replenishable; sets a floor but w/o stipulating a ceiling.

Peoples Survival Fund law, or Republic Act 10174

Governance redesign: assigns DOF leadership role. PSF Board: minister-level officials from DOF (Chair), CCC (Secretariat), with DBM, NEDA, DILG, PCW + 1 voting rep each from private sector, academe, CSO. Finding the right balance: access and fiduciary standards Promotion of bottom-up adaptation, i.e. the more parochial, the better.

Recreate discourse Bring back story-telling, in our different tongues Talk about SOI

Jose Enrique Soriano/iCSC

Climate-friendly communities
Ejeepneys as icon Reimagine transport: employment, not boundary, women drivers, and the best mode of walking Re-charge Leyte: integration of solar with sustainable transport

Imagination is fundamental

Average grid cost

INCREMENTAL COST = support needed

Feed in Tariff premium Grid Parity

Feed-in Tariff premium defines incremental cost

The key is planning & quality questions

Appropriate technologies Sustainable energy is also about democratic control Against the dictatorship of consumption and accumulation
Jose Enrique Soriano/iCSC

Provincial empowerment agenda

Geography is fundamental to development, governance. Vital sectors share something in common: neglect due to the feckless dissipation of resources. Public is forced to choose between centralized, national, clumsy, cookie-cutter programs versus extreme fragmentation from below.

An investment agenda
Dont just run campaigns. Create space! Space for civil society to flourish. How much of what we do is mediated by memory? How much of what we think we can do, or CANT do, is mediated by history? How much of our sense of solidarity is informed by a living sense of the past?

Think about it
Economic systems do not overhaul themselves and in a democracy, majority support is a prerequisite for any significant societal shift. Politicians do not take risks if they dont think the electorate will support them. And civil society cannot function without a diverse supporter-base.
The Guardian, 13 December 2013

Campaign wisdom from ancient times

Were a small organization of 7 people. Lets search for answers together. Thank you for your time.

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