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POLLUTION LESS ENGINE (STERLING ENGINE) A dissertation thesis submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

award of degree of Bachelor/Master of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) (Session !"#"$!"#%)

Super&ised By Mr' Man(eet Bohat (Asst' )rof)

Submitted By *Ashwin +ada&, -oll .o' $ !/#"//0

University Institute of Engineering and Technology uru!shetra University" uru!shetra # $%&$$'



12 Ashwin Yadav2 a student of Bachelor of Technology ( Mechanical Engineering)2 in the 3epartment of Mechhanical Engineering2 4ni&ersity 1nstitute of Engineering and Technology2 5uru6shetra 4ni&ersity2 5uru6shetra2 under class -oll .o'!/#"//02 for the session !"#"$!"#%2 hereby2 declare that the dissertation entitled 7STE-81.9 E.91.E has been completed by me in :th semester' 1 hereby declare2 on behalf of myself2 that i' The matter embodied in this 3issertation is an original wor6 and has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to the best of my 6nowledge and belief' Moreo&er2 the 3issertation does not breach any e;isting copyright or any other third party rights' ii' The 3issertation contains no such material that may be illegal and offensi&e' I here)y agree to inde*nify UIET and its Teaching Staff against any and all losses incurred in connection +ith any clai* or ,roceeding assert ,lagiaris* and-or co,yright infringe*ent if the investigation carried out to deter*ines that *y +or! is the , or infringing +or!/

(Ashwin Yadav)


University Institute of Engineering 0 Technology uru!shetra University" uru!shetra

1r/ 1an2eet 3ohat 4sst/ Prof/ 5ertificate 1t is certified that Mr' Ashwin +ada&2 a student of Master of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)2 under class -oll .o' !/#"//0 for the session !"#"$ !"#%2 has completed the dissertation entitled STERLING ENGINE under my super&ision' The report is2 in my opinion2 worthy for consideration for the award of Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering in accordance with the rules and regulations of 4ni&ersity 1nstitute of Engineering and Technology2 5uru6shetra 4ni&ersity' 1 wish him/her all success in his/her all endea&ors'

1r/ 1an2eet 3ohat



I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my revered Guide Mr. Manjeet Bo at !or is guidance" constructive criticism and inspiring attitude resulting in t e success!ul completion o! my #roject. I am also t ank!ul to t e w ole Mec anical $ngg. %epartment !or t eir support. I wis to acknowledge t e sincere co-operation and moral support rendered to me &y '(% )ir. (Mr. ASHWIN YADAV)


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