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Name: Monica Angela HANSEN (ENG 6)


1. Find a few sho !"!o"#edi$# %en&!h !e'!s (a few pa a& aphs) in En&%ish on !he sa#e s$*+e,! in one ,o$n! -. .hoose a /a ie!- of so$ ,es s$,h as !a*%oids0 se io$s newspape s and *%o& ,o##en!s. Fo e'a#p%e1 e%a!ions *e!ween -o$n& #en and wo#en2 -o$!h e#p%o-#en!2 ,o $p!ion in spo !2 pop$%a #$si,2 ,e%e* i!- *eha/io$ . a) E'a#ine how !he !e'!s des, i*e !he si!$a!ion f o# diffe en! pe spe,!i/es. A e !he- o*+e,!i/e0 s$*+e,!i/e0 *a%an,ed0 *iased0 ne$! a%0 pa !isan0 offensi/e0 dis#issi/e3 *) .hoose wo ds and e'p essions in !he !e'! !ha! ,o##$ni,a!e !hese app oa,hes0 a!!i!$des and ideas.

PRO4E.T 5.A.A.R.P. " so#e diffe en! pe spe,!i/es "

Project H.A.A.R.P. is an issue widely debated by many authors in a wide range of articles; originating from journalistic perspectives as well as from more or less authorized personal views, this topic is presented and toughly discussed by whole means of mass media, namely the !, radio, web broadcasts and newspapers a.s.o. H.A.A.R.P. or High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a hi"tech military program developed near #a$ona, Alas$a, on %& territory and it has generated lot of controversy since it is $ept as a secret by the %& military defence and only few generic information could slip out to the public in the last years. However, the conse'uences that occur from using such technology are serious and with huge negative repercussions over the people(s physical, mental and emotional state. )onse'uently *(ve pic$ed up just a few comments related to H.A.A.R.P., allegations that might be pro or contra, or they can be more or less offensive or dismissive etc + in general * couldn(t really find neutral assertions referring to this blazing topic. Anyway, in the article ,H.A.A.R.P.- .eather )ontrol + *s HAARP Project a .eather )ontrol .eapon/0 written by 1red 2ur$s 3former language interpreter for Presidents 2ush and )linton4 for PEERS and WANT TO NOW!in"o, he mentions something about 5r. 6astlund who was one of the well $nown scientists that participated amongst the others at the creation and development of H.A.A.R.P. project. 6ven author 1. 2ur$s dedicates the present article to the numerous victims who suffered and died in the calamities provo$ed by the weather change and the controlling of electromagnetic waves as conse'uence of H.A.A.R.P. 3'uote- , This
essay is #e#icate# $ith caring an# com%assion to the many $ho su""ere# an# #ie# in the massive earthqua&es in 'a%an an# Haiti( an# in the )n#onesian tsunami an# Hurricane atrina!04, on the other side he presents, however, wi!h a *a%an,ed /iew, some

facts about 5r. 6astlund(s wor$ and statements.

According to 5r. 6astlund(s patent named ,*etho#s an# a%%aratus "or altering a region in the earth+s atmos%here( ionos%here( an#,or magnetos%here 0" 1red 2ur$s ma$es the following important references + and * 'uote)n this %atent( $hich sets the stage "or H!A!A!R!P!( -r! Eastlun# ma&es a o" "ascinating statements $hich clearly contra#ict the claim that H!A!A!R!P! is only .eing use# "or research an# not "or military %ur%oses or such %ur%oses as $eather control! Here are a "e$ o" &ey statements ta&en ver.atim "rom the %atent/ 0The1 tem%erature o" the ionos%here has .een raise# .y hun#re#s o" #egrees in these e2%eriments! A means an# metho# is %rovi#e# to cause inter"erence $ith or even total #isru%tion o" communications over a very large %ortion o" the earth! This invention coul# .e em%loye# to #isru%t not only lan# .ase# communications( .oth civilian an# military( .ut also air.orne communications an# sea communications! This $oul# have signi"icant military im%lications! )t is %ossi.le!!! to ta&e a#vantage o" one or more such .eams to carry out a communications net$or& even though the rest o" the $orl#3s communications are #isru%te#! 0This invention1 can .e use# to an a#vantage "or %ositive communication an# eaves#ro%%ing %ur%oses! E2cee#ingly large amounts o" %o$er can .e very e""iciently %ro#uce# an# transmitte#! This invention has a %henomenal variety o" !!! %otential "uture #evelo%ments! 4arge regions o" the atmos%here coul# .e li"te# to an une2%ecte#ly high altitu#e so that missiles encounter une2%ecte# an# un%lanne# #rag "orces $ith resultant #estruction or #e"lection! Weather mo#i"ication is %ossi.le .y( "or e2am%le( altering u%%er atmos%here $in# %atterns or altering solar a.sor%tion %atterns .y constructing one or more %lumes o" atmos%heric %articles $hich $ill act as a lens or "ocusing #evice! O5one( nitrogen( etc! concentrations in the atmos%here coul# .e arti"icially increase#! Electromagnetic %ulse #e"enses are also %ossi.le! The earth3s magnetic "iel# coul# .e #ecrease# or #isru%te# at a%%ro%riate altitu#es to mo#i"y or eliminate the magnetic "iel#! For those $ith any .ac&groun# in science( you might "in# it quite revealing to e2%lore this %atent in more #etail! An# that since the time o" this %atent( in $hich Alas&a is mentione# several times as the i#eal location( the government "ully ac&no$le#ges that it has .uilt a massive array o" antennas in Alas&a $ith the ca%a.ility o" the ionos%here e2actly as #escri.e# in Eastlun#3s %atent!

As we can well notice, 1red 2ur$s adopts *a%an,ed easonin& as a new and uni'ue approach to critical thin$ing that centres on the practice of e7amination, namely the critical in'uiry, rather than only the criti'ue and evaluation of arguments. 2y its focus on the practice of in'uiry, 1red 2ur$s succeeds to influence and challenge reader(s mind, offering the person who reads ,new0 s$ills to ma$ing reasoned judgments. *n another article titled ,*ntroduction to H.A.A.R.P.0 and published on under category ,.hat(s going on in Alas$a(s wilderness0, the author 5an 6den begins with a *iased des, ip!ion of H.A.A.R.P. technology, whi,h does no! see# !o *e w i!!en f o# a s$*+e,!i/e poin! of /iew0 *$! #os!%- wi!h an in6$isi!i/e #anne 0 i.e. by a 6$es!ionin& and an in/es!i&a!i/e !one. He begins with a pretty detailed ne$! a% introduction of 5r. 2ernard 6astlund + 'uote-

6ernar# Eastlun#3s #iscoveries are innovative a%%lications o" the $or& o" Tesla an# Fara#ay! His %lans to %rovi#e %o$er on any s%ot on the %lanet( to mo#i"y $eather an# eliminate #rought( "loo#s an# hurricanes $as usur%e# .y the 7S military to ma&e a #eath ray! 6ernar# Eastlun# is a very %rivate man an# a %hysicist $ith a small com%any in Houston! )n the mi#89:3s( Eastlun# invente# an# %atente# a technology that $ill resha%e our lives( "or .etter or "or $orse( $hether $e li&e it or not!

hen he continues with s! on&%- *iased0 pa !ia%%- e#a 7s to emphasize the serious character of the topic, i.e. H.A.A.R.P. military hi"technology which has a severe impact on the earth, on the population(s health and on the weatherThe %hotogra%h $as eventually .elieve# to .e an E4F ;an acronym "or E2tremely 4o$ Frequency< antenna installation( #esigne# "or su.marine communication! There is one almost i#entical to the %hotogra%h in *ichigan! Since our anonymous in"ormants seeme# to .e so &no$le#gea.le( $e $ere curious a.out their claims o" a =#eath ray= installation locate# some$here in Alas&a! Our in"ormants #irecte# our attention to something calle# HAARP ;High Frequency Active Aurora )onos%heric Research Program<! HAARP is a military %ro>ect .ase# on Eastlun#3s #iscoveries! )t is a #i""icult %rogram to #iscuss technically $ith non8scientists an#( as such( it has elu#e# the s%otlight o" the %o%ular %ress! 6ut "or years no$( cons%iracy $e. sites an# some cre#i.le scienti"ic %u.lications have questione# $hat3s going on an# ho$ messing $ith the ionos%here coul# .e hurting the environment! To ma&e matters $orse( HAARP has .een maintaine# %artially as a clan#estine %ro>ect( o%erate# .y the 7S Navy! The in"ormation that is ma#e availa.le to the %u.lic is care"ully $or#e# to ma&e HAARP a%%ear as a .lan#( harmless( unclassi"ie#( atmos%heric research "acility! This %u.lic image is maintaine#( in %art( through a $ ;Note/ )t a%%ears they have ta&en the $e. site =o""8line= also?<( com%lete $ith a reassuring( u%#ate#( #igital %hotogra%h( sho$ing #o5ens o" motionless aluminum #i%ole antennae at their remote Alas&an .ase! Pu.lic statements s%ea& a.out =.etter un#erstan#ing the ionos%here(= a layer o" Earth3s atmos%here a.out @:8A: m! high! They are %olite $hen questione#( .ut stic& to their =harmless research= stories( #es%ite contra#ictions in the %ress an# in %u.licly availa.le #ocuments! )n %re%aration "or this article( Bie$Cone contacte# HAARP! Not only #i# they #eny that the "acility $as #oing military $or&( .ut they also #iminishe# the $or& o" -r! Eastlun#( im%lying that he &ne$ very little a.out his o$n #iscovery! ;)n contrast to no$ a#mitting that they #o -ARPA $or&!<

*n the end of his article 5an 6den ma$es a full educational production presented from an objective point of view + this part of article intends to e7plain and clarify to whom may be concerned and in a very good manner about the H.A.A.R.P. project, namely what e7actly is H.A.A.R.P., for e7ample + 'uotingWave length/ e2%laine#
When $e s%ea& o" =short= $aves or =e2tremely short= $aves( $e are s%ea&ing a.out the #istance that a ra#io signal must travel to %ro#uce one com%lete ;o"ten calle# =sign $ave=< %ositive an# negative cycle! Electrons travel at the s%ee# o" light( a constant velocity in the universe( estimate# to .e D::(:::(::: meters %er secon#! The "requency o" a ra#io signal is the o" com%lete =%ositive8negative= cycles that occur in a secon# ;calle# =hert5=<! A "requency o" EF(:::(::: ;or EF million hert5< means that the electrical energy is changing "rom %ositive to negative at the rate o" EF8million times a secon#!

To #etermine the =length= o" this "requency( or =$avelength(= $e sim%ly #ivi#e the velocity o" light( D::(:::(::: meters %er secon#( .y the "requency( say EF(:::(::: cycles %er secon#( to arrive at a #istance in meters! Thus( EF *H5 $oul# equal G: meters! The length o" a ra#io antenna is #etermine# .y the "requency that it is #esigne# to transmit or receive! )n the case a.ove ;EF *H5<( the i#eal length o" a long $ire antenna $oul# .e G: meters! Ho$ever( this is not al$ays %ractical! Engineers have "oun# that they can success"ully #ivi#e the length in hal"( or in a quarter o" the "ull $avelength( an# still maintain .oth transmission an# rece%tion o" the %rescri.e# signal "requency! )" one uses this "ormula to #etermine the $avelength o" E4F signals( $hich range "rom D: to D::: hert5( one can easily see $hy e2tremely long antennae are nee#e#( as %icture# in Bie$5one3s 7nusual Photogra%h!

*n the end * present a comment in a very offensi/e and pa !isan #anne made by a blogger on )rac$ where the author seems to be8 anonymus 9uoting'ust The Facts
E! it $as create# in EAAH( .ac& $hen $arming #i#n3t e2ist( an# no.o#y gave a "uc& a.out the environment! A tra#ition $e &ee% to this #ay! G! There are only t$o "acts here! D! ID: million has .een investe# into the %ro>ect since itstarte#! That3s D .illion E% s$eets! Which $oul# you rather haveJ

The %ro.lem $ith us humans( is that no matter $hat $e create( it3ll eventually .e use# "or one o" t$o thingsK $ar( or .oning! 7n"ortunately the $eather %rovi#es no se2ual stimulation( so this leaves the "ormer!

The science .ehin# it

Pro>ect HAARP L High8"requency Active Auroral Research

The name o" this 3research3 is a .ullshit name %rotecting it3s %otential to .e $orse than a nuclear .om.! )t can .e use# to create a sci8"i ty%e $orl# $ar( thus %retty much en#ing the human race as $e &no$ it!

Ho$ coul# this .e #oneJ

6y ra%ing the s&y $ith energy rays "rom large amounts o" antennas %lace# at HAARP3s location in Alas&a! These rays o" energy coul# then %otentially .e re"lecte# .ac& into the Earth3s ionos%here on an e2tremely lo$ "requency( calle# E4F $aves( $hich $ill seriously "uc& u% your shit! This can change the E4F $aves to an e2tremely #angerous $ea%on!


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