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Deflection of a Simple Supported Beam

1) To observe the deflection of a simple supported beam with variable loads. 2) To find the relationship between the deflection of a simple supported beam and the variable length of the beam.

A beam is a length of material supported at its two ends, in such a wa so as to bear loads. The load perpendicular to its longitudinal a!is will result in bending and, in most cases, transverse shearing. "n the simplest of situations, the beam is ta#en to have a rectangular cross$section and the loads and supporting reactions act in the vertical plane containing the longitudinal a!is. The loads and the reactions at the supports are considered e!ternal forces and the must be in e%uilibrium for the entire beam to be in e%uilibrium. To stud the strength of the beam, it is necessar to #now how these e!ternal forces affect it. As in the theor appendi!, the mathematical approach is to assume that an imaginar transverse section cuts the beam into two parts, and then to e!amine the e%uilibrium of each part. To maintain the e%uilibrium, certain forces must be introduced at the point of cut. &hen the cut is not present, these forces must continue to e!ist internall in the material of the beam. Before the slope or the displacement at a point on a beam 'or shaft) is determined, it is often helpful to s#etch the deflected shape of the beam when it is loaded, in order to (visuali)e* an computed result and thereb partiall chec# these results. The deflection diagram of the longitudinal a!is that passes through the centroid of each cross$sectional area of the beam is called the elastic curve. +or most beams the elastic curve can be s#etched without much difficult . &hen doing so, however, it is necessar to #now how the slope or displacement is restricted at various t pes of supports. "n general, supports that resist a force, such as a fi!ed wall, restrict displacement, and those that resist a moment, such as a fi!ed wall, restrict rotation or slope. Due to the nature characteristic of the materials, when a force acting on a long beam, the force will cause the beam to bend. "f the force is acting downwards, the moments at the two ends will act upwards and same for the opposite wa .

"n this e!periment, we will e!amine the deflection of a simpl beam sub,ected to an increasing point load. &e will also var the beam length b changing the distance between the supports. This means we can find out the relationship between the deflection and the length of the beam.

+rom the figure 1, we have1

- y


"f the material is homogeneous and behaves in a linear$elastic manner, then . / 0. Also, since the fle!ure formula applies, . $ 1 /2. 3ombining these e%uations and substituting into e%uation '1), we have, 1 = M (2) EI &here, . the radius of curvature at a specific point on the elastic curve '1/ is 4eferred to as the curvature) 1 . the internal moment in the beam at the point where is to be determined 0 . the material5s modulus of elasticit " . the beam5s moment of inertia computed about the neutral a!is

The elastic curve for a beam can be e!pressed mathematicall as v . f(x). To obtain this e%uation, we must first represent the curvature '1/p) in terms of v and x. "n most calculate boo#s, it is shown that this relationship is 1 = d2v/dx2 [1 + (dv/dx)2]3/2 (3)

substituting e%uation '2) into e%uation '6), we get

d2v/dx2 [1 + (dv/dx)2]3/2



The above e%uation gives a non$linear second$order differential e%uation. "ts solution, which is called the elastic, gives the e!act shape of the elastic curve, assuming, of course, that beam deflections occur onl due to bending. "n order to solve most of the deflection problems, e%uation '7) can be modified b written as d2v = M (5) 2 dx EI

8 A 8/2 B 8/2

Figure 2 - The apparatus in this e!periment

! 1 8/2 Figure 3 : Segment AB

9 1 . : , +rom e%uation <,

1 ; 8!/2 1 0" d2v/d!2 0" dv/d!


. . . . .

: 8!/2 1 8!/2 8!2 / 7 9 31

EI v

Px3 / 12 + C1x + C2


The constant of integration are obtained b appl ing the boundar condition v . : at ! . :, and the s mmetr condition that dv/d! . : at ! . 2/2. This leads to 31 . 822 / 1= Substitutes inside e%uation '=), >ence, 0" v . 8!6 / 12 9 822! / 1= and 32 . :

The ma!imum deflection happened at ! . 2/2, we have 0"v 0"v EIv . . = 8'2/2)6 / 12 822'2/2) / 1= 826 / ?= 826 / 62 PL3 / 48

( )

1odif ing e%uation '@) that $a!is is positive downwards, and 8 . & in this e!periment, 0"v v where & 2 0 " . . . . . = &26 / 7A !L3 48 EI (8)

2oad 'B)C Distance between the two support 'm)C Doung5s modulus for cantilever material 'Bm$2)C Second moment of area of the cantilever 'm7)

"n this e!periment, I = "d3 / 12 where, b d . . width 'm) depth 'm)

1. TE Deflection of Beams 2. 3antilevers 6. Aluminium beam 7. Steel beam <. Brass beam =. Fernier gauge @. Gnife$edge A. Digital dial test indicator ?. Fariable loads


Part 1

Figure 3: Simply supported beam set-up and schematic (fixed beam with variable load) 1. A vernier gauge is used to measure the width and the depth of the mild steel test beam. The values are recorded ne!t to the results table and the are used to calculate the second moment of the area, " b using the formula given in the theor above. 2. An clamps from the bac#board are removed. The length 2 is set to 7:: mm, and the beam is set up as shown in figure 6. 6. The digital dial test indicator is slide into position on the beam and is loc#ed b using the thumbnut at the rear.
7. A #nife$edge hanger is slide to the position shown. The frame is tapped lightl . The digital

dial test indicator is set to )ero b using the Horigin5 button.

<. 1asses are applied to the #nife$edge hanger in the increments from : to <:: g. =. The frame is tapped lightl each time, and the digital dial test indicator readings are recorded for each increment of mass. Theoretical deflection is computed too. @. All the readings are recorded into a table. A. A graph of Deflection versus Applied 1ass for a simpl supported beam is plotted according to the readings from the tables. ?. The procedures of 1 ; A are repeated b substituted the brass test beam for mild steel test beam. Part 2

Figure 4 : Simply supported beam set-up and schematic (fixed beam load with variable length) 1. The beam is set up with the length 'that is, distance between #nife$edge supports) at 2:: mm. The digital dial test indicator and load hanger is ensured that still central to the beam, as shown in figure 7.

2. The frame is tapped lightl and the digital dial test indicator is set to be )ero using the Horigin5 button. A <:: g mass is applied and the deflections are recorded.

6. The procedure is repeated for each increment of beam length. All the readings are recorded into a table. 7. A graph Deflection versus length, 26 is plotted. <. The procedures of 1 ; 7 are repeated b substituted the brass test beam for mild steel test beam.

Part 1

1odulus of 0lasticit , 0 &idth b Depth d . 2# $%&-2

. '1A.?91?.:91A.?) / 3 mm . 18'(3 && . . . . '3.<93.793.<) / 6 mm 3 '4 && m7 6'5( x 1#-11 &4 Actual deflection 'mm) 1 : :.:A :.21 :.67 :.7= :.<? Actual deflection 'mm) 2 : :.1: :.22 :.67 :.7= :.<A Actual deflection 'mm) Average : :.:?: :.21< :.67: :.7=: :.<A< Theoretical deflection 'mm) : :.:?= :.1?1 :.2AA :.6A7 :.7@?


1ass 'g)

: 1:: 2:: 6:: 7:: <::

Graph of Deflection (mm) Versus Applied Mass (g)

0.8 Deflection (mm) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Applied Mass (g)

+rom the graph deflection versus applied mass, Iradient, #S . ':.<A< ; :.67:) / '<:: ; 6::) . 1'225 x 1#-3 &&/-

1odulus of 0lasticit , 0 &idth b . . Depth d . . " . . . 1#5 $%&-2

'1?.291?.291?.2) / 6 mm 1('2 && '6.296.696.6) / 6 mm 3'2 && m7 5'5(x 1#-11 &4

1ass 'g)

: 1:: 2:: 6:: 7:: <::

Actual deflection 'mm) 1 : :.2= :.<< :.@? 1.:< 1.6:

Actual deflection 'mm) 2 : :.2< :.7@ :.@< 1.:< 1.2?

Actual deflection 'mm) Average : :.2<< :.<1: :.@@: 1.:<: 1.2?<

Theoretical deflection 'mm) : :.226 :.77= :.==? :.A?1 1.117

Graph of Deflection (mm) Versus Applied Mass (g)

Deflection (mm) 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 200 400 600

Applied Mass (g)

+rom the graph deflection versus applied mass, Iradient, #Br . '1.2?< ; :.<1:) / '<:: ; 2::) . 2'62 x 1#-3 &&/-


Part 2 Steel
& . :.< ?.A1 . 4'(#5 % 2ength,2 'mm) 2:: 2<: 6:: 6<: 7:: 7<: <:: 26 '!1:$6m6) A.:: 1<.=6 2@.:: 72.AA =7.:: ?1.16 12<.:: Actual Deflection, 'mm) :.:? :.1@ :.2A :.76 :.<A :.?6 1.61 Theoretical Deflection, 'mm) :.:= :.12 :.2: :.62 :.7A :.=A :.?7

Graph of Deflection (mm) Versus Length of Beam (mm)

Deflection (mm) 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 200 400 600 Length of Beam (mm)

+rom the graph deflection versus length of beam, Iradient, #S . ':.?6 ; :.1@) / '7<: ; 2<:) . 3'8# x 1#-3


& . :.< ?.A1 . 4'(#5 % 2ength,2 'mm) 2:: 2<: 6:: 6<: 7:: 7<: <:: 26 '!1:$6m6) A.:: 1<.=6 2@.:: 72.AA =7.:: ?1.16 12<.:: Actual Deflection, 'mm) :.1< :.6: :.<@ :.?2 1.2? 1.AA 2.=7 Theoretical Deflection, 'mm) :.17 :.2@ :.7@ :.@< 1.11 1.<? 2.1A

Graph of Deflection (mm) Versus Length of Beam (mm)

deflection (mm) 3 2 1 0 -1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Length of Beam (mm)

+rom the graph deflection versus length of beam, Iradient, #S . '1.AA ; :.6:) / '7<: ; 2<:) . '(# x 1#-3


F"r #art 11 from the results above, we can conclude that the deflection increased as the applied mass increased for all the beams 'aluminium beam, brass beam and steel beam) . But, the values we gained from the e!periment 'actual deflection) were different from the theoretical calculations 'theoretical deflection). F"r #art 21 there is logical that when the length of the beam is increasing, the deflection of the beam will increase too. "t means that the longer length of the beam will cause the greater of the deflection of the beam.

The value for actual deflection and theoretical deflection are different b a small value. The factors that would cause the errors above are as below 1' T+&2+./*3.+' Temperature is one of the main factor that cause the errors because high temperature would cause the specimen to e!pand, and soften the specimen. "n most of the factor , the theoretical Doung5s modulus is obtained on 2A3 e!perimentall . 2' Ox4d/*456 ,/y+. 56 *7+ "+/&08 03.9/:+' The second factor is the o!idation la er on the beams5 surface that might harden the specimens. +or e!ample, Aluminium o!ide is harder than Aluminium. The la er might affect the deflection too. So the accuratec of the e!periment is not ver high. 3' T7+ ,+;+, 59 *7+ "+/&0' The third factor is the level of the beams. "f the beam is imbalance. The reactions occurred on the two supports is different. So, the moment on the segment will be affected. Therefore, the e%uation can not applied under this circumstance. 4' T7+ 4&23.4*y 59 *7+ :/6*4,+;+.0' The forth factor is the impurit of the cantilevers that ma cause the change of the Doung5s modulus. The bigger or smaller substance, or holes inside the cantilever ma soften or harden it. Then, the deflection ma also affected too. 5' L+6-*7 59 *7+ :/6*4,+;+.0' The fifth factor is the length of the cantilever."f the length of the cantilever is too long and the the distance between the two supports is short, the end of the beam will react


on the endwise because of the force applied b the weight of the beam. The e!tract forces might affect the deflection.

T$e a##aratu! %a& 'e (")i*ie) t" "'tai& a 'etter re!ult!: +

1. The weight for each mass is too small. "f there is a small error occurred on each mass, there will become a big error when the are gathered. So, to solve the problem, larger weight of mass'1::g J 2::g each) should be used. 2. A level should added to the bac#board and the bac#board is movable so that we can ad,ust the two supports so that the are at the same level before starting the e!periment. 6. Two more supports should added to the bac#board to balance the weight occurred on the endwise of the beam.

"n real life, the stud of deflection is ver useful. "n some cases, this t pe of bending is desirable. +or e!amples, in constructing bridges and buildings. A beam is used as a supporter in building a bridge. The beams are bent upwards before it used to build bridges. The beam can support more loads on the curve surface. The deflection of beam is also used in weighing heav loads such as heav vehicles. The stress occurred on the beam is converted to weight. "n sports, there are a lot of activities which using the characteristic of deflection. +or e!amples, in diving. The diver uses the characteristic of elastic of the diving board to rebound. And in g mnasium, a participant uses the characteristic of deflection of the beam so that he can turn 6=: for few rounds. "n the design of vehicles, beams suspend the wheels of vehicles so that the wheels are movable up and down. "n some cases, the deflection of beams is undesirable. +or e!amples, in rotating beams such as the shaft of the engine. The deflection of the beam is highl deniable. The deflection of the beam ma cause the beam rotates out of its a!is and cause the rotation unstable.


+rom the e!periment, we can conclude that the deflection of aluminium , brass , and steel beams are proportional to the applied mass. But the deflection value for aluminium is biggest than the value for brass and steel. "n the other words, the deflection increases as the applied mass increased. Deflection, ; M where, 1 . mass

The deflection of beam is proportion to the power of three of length. The deflection increases as the length increased. Deflection, ; L3 where, 2 . length

1. 4ussell 3. >ibbeler, '1??@). <M+:7/64:0 59 M/*+.4/,08' 8rentice >all "nternational, "nc. 2. &illiam D 3allister, K4.'1???). <M/*+.4/,0 ):4+6:+ /6d E6-46++.46- /6 I6*.5d3:*45681 4*7 +d4*456. Kohn &ille L Sons, "nc.


Iraph 1 - Iraph Deflection versus 1ass Applied for aluminium Iraph 2 - Iraph Deflection versus Applied 1ass for brass. Iraph 6 - Iraph Deflection versus Applied 1ass for steel. Iraph 7 - Iraph Deflection versus Beam 2ength for aluminium. Iraph < - Iraph Deflection versus Beam 2ength for brass. Iraph = - Iraph Deflection versus Beam 2ength for steel.


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