Honest Questions

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Honest Questions/Answers

Why this Campaign?

! ! Why the money theme? ! ! ! Are we turning into one of those prosperity churches?! !

We understand how difcult it can be to practice the discipline of giving. This is why we want to do this as a church. While many of our church members are faithful givers, this campaign seeks to help those who need the extra encouragement to begin giving faithfully.!

Money reminds us of our resources. We spend much of our lives working and nding ways to save it. Nevertheless, our hope is to remind our people that our hope isnt in our resources. Rather, its in the God who richly provides it. If you have the skills and strength to earn a living, you have it because God has given it. Giving God His tithe keeps us from robbing God, and blesses us so that we can continue to produce for our families. ! Malachi 3:8-9! 8"Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, How are we robbing you? In tithes and offerings. 9"You are under a curseyour whole nationbecause you are robbing me. !

While some have distorted the message of prosperity, the fact is that God wants us to prosper. We cant just throw out the baby with the bath water. Certainly our message is not changing. Were not going to chase after money, we will continue to seek after Jesus. However, we are challenging you to take God at his word. Jesus himself said, Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And Galatians 6:6-7 says, Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches. 7!Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Paul perceives the relationship between the learner and the teacher in a form of partnership, especially in the area of material possessions. Although pagan priests often received fees for their sacricial services, Paul prefers to train his converts in voluntary liberality as distinguished from payments received from performing sacricial rites. This is also a concrete manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit in kindness and goodness. Our church faithfully teaches Gods truth, therefore we have a responsibility to share all good things with her. How could we receive the nurture, the care, the support, and love from our church, yet allow it to struggle as we enjoy good things to ourselves?!

! Id like to participate, but our family is really struggling financially, can I be excused?! ! ! What am I supposed to do with this card? ! ! What is a Tithe or Tithing? ! ! What if my spouse disagrees with Tithing? !

Poverty should never limit your generosity, especially when it comes to Gods work. The Bible teaches on two stories that address this particular issue. First, the widow would only gave two mites. Jesus said she gave more than the rest because she gave all she had. Obviously, this woman trusted that God could return her gift. The second story is that of the church in Macedonia, which the Bible says gave above and beyond what they could give. This church gave out of their poverty. We cannot out-give God. He pays all his debts. Whatever you give to God will truly be returned to you. This Biblical principle is true throughout all of scripture. Trusting God with our resources, is more about God trusting us with His. (Matthew 25:14-30)!

Simply ll out the card with your family name and turn it in at the time of offering. This will help you commit to Giving, Serving and Faithfulness. On our part, we will pray for your family throughout this month.!

The practice of giving a tenth of ones income or property as an offering to God. The custom of paying a tithe is a timeless practice established as a part of believing worship. The rst recorded instance of tithing in the Bible occurs in Genesis 14:17-20. The practice of giving a tenth of income or property was a part of the Mosaic Law (Lev. 27:20). Jacob also, long before the Law of Moses, promised that he would give to the Lord a tenth of all he received (Gen. 28:22).!

In God's order, the husband and the wife are one (Mark 10:8). If there is a disagreement about giving any offering to God, you should continue to pray for your spouse that he/ she would come to a place of conviction on this matter, while maintaining an attitude of humility in this regard. Your faithfulness will bring a blessing and the grace to stand in faith. God has a way of getting things done, and we can condently stand still and watch without taking it upon ourselves to right what we see as wrong.

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