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ser Training - emento V6.

This Business Application handles the full sales workflow (from lead to invoice). rom the Sales menu !ou can launch !our sales activities and easil! keep track of them. "ustomer and Supplier #elationship $anagement ("#$)

The "#$ module re%uires configuration for !ou to &e a&le to define leads'opportunities'meetings' ( )se the "onfiguration *i+ard to easil! select features !ou want to use.

goal, The -pen.#/ "#$ application allows !ou to efficientl! track !our sales activities. rom the first contact &! email or we&site form up to the sales order fulfilment0 -pen.#/ allows salesmen to concentrate on their deals and manage the full sales flow (lead %ualification -1 opportunit! tracking -1 %uotation -1 sales order) while keeping a glo&al vision of each stage. Terminolog! 2ead, A lead represents a prospect (potential customer) or a future sales opportunit!. A lead usuall! is not %ualified and not assigned to a sales person for follow-up. .3ample, a &usiness card0 a data&ase of potential customers. -pportunit!, a sales opportunit! represents a potential contract. .ach opportunit! must &e followed up &! a salesperson spending time to make a %uotation or cancel the opportunit!. .3ample of flow, 4 "reate 2ead, record a first contact with a potential prospect 4 "lick "onvert to -pportunit!, after %ualification of an opportunit! 5 "reate new partner 5 "lick "reate -pportunit! (do not forget to click Save) 4 "lick Schedule "all 4 "lick 6e3t Stage, to record the sales ' negotiation stages 4 "lick "onvert to Sale, to send a %uotation for the opportunit! 5 Add /roducts 4 /rint Sales 7uotation Tips and Tricks, 4 )se #ules to get the most out of !our "#$. 8efine !our ke! criteria to automate actions (Sales 1 "onfiguration 1 Automated Actions 1 Automated Actions) 5 Attri&ute a case to someone else after a num&er of da!s 5 Set case status to urgent for ke! partners .3tra, 4 *ant to check !our appointments on !our mo&ile phone9 )se our "A28AV feature to displa! !our "#$ meetings: 4 Thunder&ird ' -utlook integration 4 "laims management 4 #erun the wi+ard to add e3tra functionalities (Administration 1 "onfiguration 1 "onfiguration *i+ards 1 Start "onfiguration) Sales $anagement goal, -pen.#/ Sales $anagement allows !ou to manage !our sales goals in an effective ; efficient manner. 8!namic dash&oards will help !ou keep track of all sales activities. -pen.#/ handles products0 services and consuma&les in such a wa! that a sales order can trigger tasks0 manufacturing orders0 purchases0 etc. <t supports several invoicing methods according to !our configuration, from the sales order0 from the picking... Terminolog! /artner, An! ph!sical or moral person !ou do &usiness with =e.g. prospect0 supplier0 customer0 emplo!ee>. /artners ma! have various addresses and contact persons. 7uotation, An estimate of costs su&mitted to a (prospective) customer. The %uotation will evolve to a sales order once confirmed. steps, 4 4 4 4 8efine partner categories (Sales 1 "onfiguration 1 Address Book 1 /artner "ategories) 8efine partners (Sales 1 Address Book 1 "ustomers) 8efine product categories (Sales 1 "onfiguration 1 /roduct 1 /roduct "ategories) 8efine products (Sales 1 /roducts 1 /roducts) of flow, "reate 7uotation with some products /rint 7uotation "lick 8eliver! "osts, to compute costs (if module deliver! installed) "onfirm 7uotation to create a Sales -rder /rint Sales -rder "onfirm 8raft <nvoice (created automaticall!)

.3ample 4 4 4 4 4 4

Tips and Tricks, 4 )se anal!tic accounting to invoice from time sheets or pro?ect tasks (see also /ro?ect $anagement ' @uman #esources) 5 Timesheet Aournal0 Anal!tical Sales Aournal

5 Anal!tical account0 e.g. "ustomer /ro?ect .3tra, 4 4 4 4 4 Add e3tra dates to sales order with the saleBorderBdates module. /oint of sale features to %uickl! create sales orders and invoices (we will dedicate a topic to this) 2ook at !our sales margins according to invoices (saleBmargin) /rint deliver! orders (saleBdeliver!Breport) ind out !our product margins &ased on sales and purchases (productBmargin)

/rice 2ists
goal, /rice lists allow !ou to efficientl! manage promotions0 customers special prices0 segmentations of customer or supplier contracts0 etc. <t ena&leso either set fi3ed prices or to work &! rules to auto-compute prices according to the cost0 the date0 the currenc!0 the product categor!0 etc.

A single price list can have several price list versions0 onl! one of which ma! &e active, e3ample CDED0 CDEE0 Summer Sale0 ...

steps, 4 8efine product categories (Sales 1 "onfiguration 1 /roduct 1 /roduct "ategories) 4 8efine products (Sales 1 /roducts 1 /roducts) 5 Aunior "onsultant0 Senior "onsultant 4 8efine price list (Sales 1 "onfiguration 1 /roduct 1 /ricelists 1 /ricelists) 4 8efine price list versions (Sales 1 "onfiguration 1 /roduct 1 /ricelists 1 /ricelist Versions) 4 Attach a price list to a customer from the Sales ; /urchases ta& in the "ustomer form Tips and Tricks, /rice list versions allow !ou to easil! adapt prices for suppliers and customers. Fou could use a version to prepare new price lists for the ne3t !ear. .ver! version has its starting and ending date.

-pen.#/ is preconfigured with two price lists &! default (one for customers0 one for suppliers). These price lists simpl! return the price provided on the product form. "ompanies that have ver! &asic needs do not have to use price lists0 the! can ?ust record prices on product forms.

goal, -pen.#/Hs Gnowledge $anagement is uni%ue and totall! innovative in its integrated approach. <ts complete integration and s!nchroni+ation with the compan!Hs management s!stem solves most of the pro&lems that are encountered when !ou use independent document management s!stems. All documents produced &! -pen.#/ are automaticall! inde3ed and classified for ma3imum efficienc!. There is an ultra-rapid access to documents0 which are directl! availa&le from !our email client or the compan! management software. The user access rights are managed ?ust the same wa! as those that are availa&le in the compan! management s!stem. Automatic assignment of meta-information comes directl! from information contained in !our -pen.#/ login registration. To &e completed. .3ample of use and configuration.

@uman #esources
)se the @# "onfiguration *i+ard to easil! select features !ou want to use.

goal, -pen.#/ offers a fle3i&le and eas!-to-use solution for small to mid-si+ed companies. B! providing modules for personnel information management0 leave0 time tracking ; attendanceI e3penses0 pa!roll0 periodic evaluations and recruitment0 companies are a&le to manage the crucial organisation asset, people. Terminolog! .mplo!ee, A person who works in !our compan! (linked to an address for his personnel data and to a product if !ou want to invoice his work) )ser, A ph!sical person who is given access to the compan!Hs s!stem.0 i.e. a person who is a&le to log on to -pen.#/. steps, 4 4 4 4 8efine emplo!ees (@uman #esources 1 .mplo!ees) 8efine anal!tic accounts for use with timesheets (Accounting 1 "onfiguration 1 Anal!tic Accounting 1 Accounts 1 Anal!tic Accounts) 8efine product categories (Sales 1 "onfiguration 1 /roduct 1 /roduct "ategories), @uman #esources 8efine two products (Sales 1 /roducts 1 /roducts) 5 Senior 8eveloper (service0 produce)

5 "onsultant (service0 produce)

2ink -pen.#/ )ser to an .mplo!ee0 to an Anal!tical Aournal and a /roduct if !ou want to invoice from timesheet lines.

.3ample 4 4 4

of Timesheet flow, .nter !our timesheet (draft) <f oka!0 confirm timesheet $anager validates timesheet

.3ample of .3pense flow, 4 .nter !our e3penses(draft) and link them to customer pro?ects 4 At the end of the month confirm !our sheet containing several e3penses 4 $anager validates e3penses sheet 4 The accountant validates the e3penses sheet to generate accounting entries for the charges 4 The accountant reim&urses the emplo!ee for his personnel costs .3ample of 2eaves $anagement, 4 To &e completed .3ample of /eriodic .valuation, 4 To &e completed .3ample of #ecruitment, 4 To &e completed Tips and Tricks, 4 hrBtimesheetBsheet com&ines two modules (hrBattendance and hrBtimesheet). <t is a different wa! of displa!ing !our timesheets. *ith hrBtimesheetBsheet0 !ou will see &oth Sign in'Sign out and !our timesheet lines in one screen.

/ro?ect $anagement
The J accountBanal!ticBanal!sis K module sets the financial pro?ect management menu

goal , -pen.#/Hs pro?ect management tools handle pro?ects related to Services or Support0 /roduction or 8evelopment - it is a universal module for all enterprise needs. These tools allow an operational pro?ect management to organise !our activities into tasks and plan the work !ou need to get the tasks completed. The s!stem handles an efficient allocation of resources0 short and long term pro?ect planning0 scheduling and automatic email communication to get !our partners informed on the pro?ectLs progress status. Mantt diagrams give !ou graphical representations of !our pro?ect plans0 as well as resourcesL availa&ilit! and workload. *ith the "aldav functionalit! !ou can get access to scheduling information on a remote server. steps, 4 8efine pro?ects or pro?ect templates (/ro?ect 1 /ro?ect $anagement 1 /ro?ects) 4 "reate tasks (/ro?ects 1 /ro?ect $anagement 1 Tasks) 4 #ecord task work (log) on tasks

2ink -pen.#/ )ser to an .mplo!ee0 to an Anal!tical Aournal and a /roduct if !ou want to invoice from pro?ect tasks or timesheet lines. 8onLt forget to set the invoicing method on anal!tic account if !ou installed hrBtimesheetBinvoice.

Tips and Tricks, 4 or each pro?ect0 -pen.#/ automaticall! creates a new anal!tic account. All !ou have to do is decide whether !ou want to add it to a parent pro?ect to &uild a hierarchical structure. 4 Add the task work done automaticall! to !our timesheet (pro?ectBtimesheet). .3tra, 4 rom a sales order0 the s!stem can automaticall! create pro?ect tasks to easil! invoice services (pro?ectBmrp) 4 Fou can also use retro planning to have !our tasks deadline follow the pro?ect deadline (pro?ectBretroBplanning) 4 /lan !our pro?ects with 2ong Term /lanning. 2ink tasks to !our planning to have a great view of who will do what at a specific time (pro?ectBlongBterm). Fou need to define a working schedule and leaves since the pro?ect scheduler will use these to calculate the pro?ect dates. 4 Scrum, to &e completed 4 /ro?ectBgtd, to &e completed

inancial $anagement
4 4 )se the inancial $anagement "onfiguration *i+ard to easil! select features !ou want to use. 4 4 oa , The accounting modules ena&le !ou not onl! to manage !our operations clearl! &ut also to use efficient tools for financial anal!sis &ased on real-time data. Fou can configure !our accounting structure from A to N0 defining automated recurring actions as well as pa!ment and &udget follow-up. 8rive !our strategic enterprise decisions with the anal!tic (or cost) accounting modules. Fou can work with one or multiple anal!tic plans. -pen.#/ handles &atch work or lot handling for grouped transactions. As all tools are integrated0 it gives !ou full control of !our compan!. erminolog iscal /eriod, determines in which financial !ear entries will &e posted0 and not the date of the entr!. 2edger, A ledger keeps accounting entries &! accounts. <t contains financial information from ?ournals (de&its and credits)0 and shows the current &alances &! account. An account is part of the ledger0 and ever! de&it and credit transaction is stored in it. Aournal, A ?ournal is used to record transactions from one account to another in chronological order. A ?ournal groups entries &! nature0 i.e. purchase0 sales. #econciliation, links entries in an account that cancel each other out Anal!tic Accounting, Anal!tic accounts are useful for !our da!-to-da! operations. Thanks to a hierarchical structure of !our anal!tic accounts0 !ou will &e a&le to easil! control !our costs at multiple levels. ips and Trick , A ?ournal is num&ered in two wa!s. .ntr! se%uence determines the automatic num&ering for accounting entries0 i.e. it provides the num&ering for moves. )se invoice se%uences to define !our own num&ers for purchase ' sales invoices (Account invoice out for sales0 account invoice in for purchases) (Administration 1 "onfiguration 1 Se%uences 1 Se%uences) )se fiscal positions to create a mapping for intra-communal or e3port ta3es ' accounts. 3ample of an invoice flow (to &e completed "reate a customer invoice (Accounting 1 #eceiva&les 1 "ustomer <nvoice) with some products and confirm it. 2aunch reminders (follow-up) #ecord the &ank statements #econcile the invoice and the pa!ment 5 -ption E, reconcile the invoice and the pa!ment directl! from the &ank statement -ption C, reconcile the invoice and the pa!ment from Accounting 1 /eriodical /rocessing 1 #econciliation 1 Automatic or $anual #econciliation

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

/urchase $anagement
4 oa , /urchase management ena&les !ou to track !our suppliersH price %uotations and convert them into /urchase -rders as !ou re%uire. -pen.#/ has several methods of monitoring invoices and tracking the receipt of ordered goods. Fou can handle partial deliveries in -pen.#/0 so !ou can keep track of items that are still to &e delivered on !our orders0 and !ou can issue reminders automaticall!. -pen.#/Hs replenishment management rules ena&le the s!stem to generate draft purchase orders automaticall!0 or !ou can configure it to run a lean process driven entirel! &! current production needs. erminolog 7uotation, An estimate of costs su&mitted to a supplier. /urchase -rder, a confirmed %uotation sent to a supplier to order products. /urchase #e%uisition, Fou can create several supplier price re%uests for a single suppl! re%uirement. 3ample of /urchase flow .nter re%uest for %uotation <f oka!0 confirm purchase %uotation Approve purchase order according to supplier Mo to *arehouse 1 *arehouse $anagement 1 <ncoming Shipments to confirm that !ou received the products "heck the products list view to see the stock level. )se the menu Accounting 1 /a!a&les 1 Vendor <nvoices to match the purchase invoice. ips and Trick , *hen !ou install the purchase module from the &asic set-up0 -pen.#/ will displa! a "onfiguration *i+ard allowing !ou to add e3tra modules. -f course0 !ou can alwa!s install e3tra modules through Administration 1 $odules $anagement 1 $odules.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 3tr , 4 The s!stem can also manage /urchase #e%uisitions0 allowing !ou to easil! keep track of all !our purchase orders (purchaseBre%uisitions)

4 oa , The inventor! management is &ased on hierarchical location structure0 from warehouses to storage &ins. The dou&le entr! inventor! s!stem allows !ou to manage customers0 suppliers and manufacturing inventories as well. -pen.#/ has the capacit! to manage lots and serial num&ers ensuring compliance with the tracea&ilit! re%uirements imposed &! the ma?orit! of industries.

4 4 erminolog 4 Virtual 2ocation, used as a counterpart (cfr. dou&le entr! s!stem) for various operations , E) procurement =when !ou do not know the source !et, supplier or production>0 C) production =receipt of raw material and sending finished products>0 O) inventor! =to correct stock levels>. 4 /h!sical location, defines where !our stock is ph!sicall! stored and represents the warehouses and their hierarchical structure. 4 /artner location, represents the customer and supplier stocks. $a! &e ver! generic (customer ' supplier) or detailed (a partner location per customer ' supplier0 e.g. for consigned stock). 4 View 2ocation, represents an organi+ational node for the hierarchical structure. <t cannot &e involved in stock moves. 4 *arehouse, A warehouse represents places of ph!sical stock. <t alwa!s contains an input location0 a stock location and an output location for sold products. 4 #eal Stock, 7uantit! of products ph!sicall! present in the warehouse. 4 Virtual Stock, 7uantit! of products that can actuall! &e sold. Virtual stock is calculated as follows, real stock - outgoing products P incoming products. 4 4 tep , 4 8efine minimum stock rules (*arehouse 1 Automatic /rocurements 1 $inimum Stock #ules) 4 #un the Scheduler to generate draft purchase orders &ased on rules. (the scheduler is launched automaticall! ever! night) 4 8efine stock ?ournals for real-time accounting valuation (*arehouse 1 "onfiguration 1 *arehouse $anagement 1 Stock Aournals) 4 4 ips and Trick , 4 A warehouse is the link &etween !our input0 output and stock location. 4 A shop is linked to a warehouse and a compan!.

4 oa , The manufacturing module allows !ou to cover planning0 ordering0 stocks and the manufacturing or assem&l! of products from raw materials and components. <t handles consumption and production of products according to Bills of $aterial0 and the necessar! operations on machiner!0 tools or human resources according to #outings. 4 <t supports several methods to automate productions or purchases propositions, $TS'$T-0 $aster /roduction Schedule0 $inimum Stock #ules. 4 4 erminolog 4 "ustomer 2ead Time, lead time for deliver! at the customerLs0 e3pressed in num&er of da!s &etween the order and the deliver! to the customer. 4 $anufacturing 2ead Time, lead time0 in da!s0 &etween a production order and the end of production of the finished product 4 Bill of $aterial (B-$), list of raw materials used to make a finished product. 4 $ake to Stock, customers are supplied from availa&le stock. Fou procure a set %uantit! of each product when its stock is too low. 4 $ake to -rder, when a customer order is confirmed0 it then procures or manufactures the products concerned. 4 #outing, /roduction method of determining the se%uence of manufacturing steps necessar! to complete a product. #outing is determined &! the t!pe of product and its associated production process. 4 tep , 4 8efine product categories (Sales 1 "onfiguration 1 /roduct 1 /roduct "ategories) 4 8efine products (Sales 1 /roducts 1 /roducts) 4 8efine &ills of material (Bo$) Q .3ample, R2 -range Auice S OGg -ranges plus T.R2 of water. 4 "reate production order 4 4 ips and Trick , 4 /rocurement orders are launched when !ou run the procurement scheduler. To have !our procurement orders created Aust in Time0 install the mrpB?it module. Then all procurement orders are immediatel! processed (this ma! have a slight impact on performance). 4 <nstall mrpBrepair module to have ensured complete repair management. 4 4 Sections, To &e completed 4 Tools 4 $arketing

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