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1stMay 2014
PSI20:Closed DAX30:Closed FTSE100: Closed S&P500: -0.01% NIKKEI225: +1.27%
Today, the Prime Minister of Portugal, Pedro Passos Coelho, said to the media that the country is able to exit the rescue program by their own means after the departure of the adjustment program on May 17. Coelho also acknowledged the efforts of the Portuguese people to overcome the difficulties. More >> Tourism trips of residents in Portugal decreased by 3.6% in the fourth quarter of 2013 when compared to the same period of the previous year. On the other hand, the movements of residents increased by 7.4% in the last three months of the last year when compared to the third quarter of 2013. More >>

Manufacturing activity in the U.K. in April expanded at a faster rate than expected, boosting optimism over the countrys economic outlook. Market research group Markit said that its U.K. manufacturing PMI rose to a seasonally adjusted 57.3 last month from a reading of 55.8 in March. More >> British house prices rose much faster than expected last month to record their biggest annual rise since the start of the financial crisis, data from mortgage lender Nationwide showed on Thursday. House prices rose 1.2% last month alone, Nationwide said, up from an upwardly revised 0.5% in March. More >>

U.S. stocks fluctuated on Thursday, a day after the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose to a record finish, as investors took a cautious approach a day before the April nonfarm payrolls report. More >> The Institute for Supply Management said its index of purchasing managers rose to 54.9 last month from a reading of 53.7 in March. Analysts had expected the manufacturing PMI to increase to 54.3. More >> Jobless claims rose by 14,000 to 344,000 in the period ended April 26, the highest level since Feb. 22.The median forecast in a Bloomberg survey of economists called for 320,000. More >>

Japans Topix index rose to a three-week high, after capping a four-month decline, as the Federal Reserve said the U.S. economy is gaining momentum and investors weighed earnings. More >> Chinas manufacturing grew less than analysts estimated in April, highlighting weakness in the economy from exports to construction that could force extra government measures to support growth. More >> Activity in Australia's manufacturing sector contracted at its fastest monthly pace since mid-2013 in April, as a resurgent Australian dollar stiffened headwinds for exporters. More >>

OIL(WTI: $99.33/bl, -0.40%; BRENT: $107.72/bl, -0.44%): Oil headed for a second weekly decline as crude inventories at a record high expanded further in the U.S., the worlds biggest oil user. More >> NATURAL GAS($4.730/MmBtu, -1.36%): Natural gas prices dropped on Thursday after data revealed U.S. inventories rose more than markets were expecting last week. More >> GOLD ($1284.00/oz t , -0.60%): Gold prices edged lower on Thursday after data revealed consumer spending and personal incomes rose more than expected in March. More >>

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