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DRAMA (4 practices) PRACTICE 1 Read the extract from the drama Gulp a d Gasp !

elo" a d a s"er the #uestio s that follo"$ %&RD 'EPTIC( It)s *ust li+e that i,ht ma - -ears a,o$ I stood ri,ht here as m- father tied %ad- Gats!- to the same trac+$ 'he "as the richest "ido" i to" $ .e tric+ed her to meet him o this statio o e dar+ i,ht$ CR&/C.( 0iller trai s must ru i -our famil-1 sir2 %&RD 'EPTIC( %ad- Gats!- came here "ith her !a!- i o e arm a d the Gats!- Gold i the other$ 3ut someho" she hid it !efore "e ,ot our ha ds o it$ CR&/C.( 4ou "a ted to ,et the !a!-5 %&RD 'EPTIC( 6o1 the ,old1 -ou fool$ It)s "orth a fortu e$ 7e tied her to this trac+ to ma+e her tell us "here she)d hidde it$ a$ 7h- "as %ad- Gats!- at the statio 5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 !$ 7hat did %ad- Gats!- do !efore her death5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 !$ 7h- "as the Gats!- Gold ot fou d5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 d$ Explai i -our o" "ords "hat is mea t !- crouch "he he said 9+iller trai s)$ 888888888888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Practice : Read the extract from the drama Gulp a d Gasp !elo" a d a s"er the #uestio s that follo"$ R& ' E( 6ot si ce the fire at the match factor-$ PERC4( %ord 'eptic)s match factor-5 R&'E( 4es$ I used to pac+ the match !oxes$ 3i, match !oxes$ ;ull of !i, matches$ PERC4( 7as )t there a !i, stri+e at the match factor-5 R&'E( 4es$ %ord 'eptic did )t pa- us$ .e did )t +eep the matches safe !ecause it "ould cost him mo e-$ There "as a fire a d ma - "or+ers "ere +illed$ I "as luc+-$ 3ut the flames hurt m- e-es$ I ca )t see a - more$ PERC4( 7hat a rotter that ma is2 The-)<e *ust ,o e o stri+e at a other o e of his factories$ The- all "a t a shorter "or+i , "ic+$ R&'E( =%au,hi ,> I thi + -ou mea 7EE0$ The- "a t a shorter "or+i , 7EE0$ PERC4( 6o ? it)s a ca dle factor-$ I sa-1 -ou loo+ so prett- "he -ou smile$ 7hat)s -our ame5

a$ 7h- "as Rose at the match factor-5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 !$ I "hat "a- "as %ord 'eptic respo si!le for the fire5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 c$ 7h- is there a stri+e at o e of %ord 'eptic)s factories5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 d$ 7hat "ould !e a importa t <alue portra-ed i the drama5 Pro<ide a reaso for -our a s"er$ 888888888888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Practice @ Read the extract from the drama Gulp a d Gasp !elo" a d a s"er the #uestio s that follo"$ CR&/C.( A d -ou al"a-s "a t "hat -ou ,et1 sir$ %&RD 'EPTIC( 6o1 Crouch$ I al"a-s ,et "hat I "a t$ At last1 I o" this statio $ 'oo I "ill o" all the statio s from here to 0i ,)s Cross$ A d "he I do 8 do -ou + o" "hat I)ll !e5 CR&/C.( E<e more ,reed-1 sir5 %&RD 'EPTIC( I)ll !e the richest ma i the la d$ A d do -ou + o" "h-5 CR&/C.( 3ecause -ou)ll o" the !i,,est trai set e<er$ %&RD 'EPTIC( 3ecause I "ill fi d the Gats!- Gold$ It)s hidde some"here alo , this li e$ I)ll di, up the trac+$ I)ll loo+ u der e<er- sleeper$ I)ll search e<er- statio $ & e da-1 it "ill !e mi e$ All mi e$ At last $ $ $ A d othi , "ill ,et i m- "a-$ =.e trips o<er Crouch> Get out of m- "a-1 -ou fool$ CR&/C.( Most sorr-1 sir$ Aer- sorr-1 sir$ Reall- sorr-1 sir$ %&RD 'EPTIC( I)ll o" ,o up to m- office to plot more pla s$ I "ill ,et more ideas o !ei , rich$ ;ilth- rich$ Thic+1 !lac+ a d oil-$ That)s ho" rich2 I)m ,oi , upstairs$ a$ 7hat is a sleeper5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 !$ 7hat does %ord 'eptic hope to fi d u der the sleepers5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 c$ 7hat are %ord 'eptic)s pla s5 888888888888888888888888888888888888 d$ 7hat is -our impressio of Crouch5 Explai $ 888888888888888888888888888888888888

Practice 4 Read the extract from the drama Gulp a d Gasp !elo" a d a s"er the #uestio s that follo"$ %&RD 'EPTIC ( 4es1 Clora ? m- "ife$ Clora 'eptic$ 'he a,s for a li<i ,$ I o lmarried her for her arms$ CR&/C. ( Are the- ice to hu,5 %&RD 'EPTIC ( 6ot those arms$ 'he o" s a ,u factor-$ 7e ma+e "eapo s$ 7e ma+e !om!s$ & e da- "e "ill arm the "orld$ 7e "a t a ,ood "ar$ 'he)s *ust made a ta + that ca +ill from a mile i o e !urst$ Bust li+e her2 It)s called the 'eptic Ta +$ CR&/C. ( I !et that)ll cause a !it of a sti +1 sir2 %&RD 'EPTIC ( Crouch1 I do )t + o" "h- I +eep -ou as m- porter$ 4ou are dim1 daft1 dope-1 doCe- a d dipp-$ 7hat)s more -ou a o- me$ I)m ot ice "he I)m cross$ CR&/C. ( 6o1 sir$ a$ 7hat is the mea i , of the "ord 9arms)5 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888 !$ 7h- did %ord 'eptic marr- Clora5 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888 c$ 7hat is the ame of the ta + that Clora has made5 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888 d$ Explai "h- %ord 'eptic called Crouch 9dim1 daft1 dope-1 doCe- a d dipp-) 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888

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