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Introduction to Literature – Hybrid class

Spring 2008

Instructor: Terrie Byrne Classroom: 311, Congress Bldg.

Office: Room 514, Congress Bldg Class day: Tuesday
Phone: 312/344-8125 Class time: 3:30 – 4:50pm
Email: Online Discussion Page:
(Allow 24 hours for a response)
Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 2-3pm

Required Materials:
• Literature: A Pocket Anthology (3rd ed) by R.S. Gwynn
• A notebook for in-class writing assignments and lectures
• Reliable, consistent Internet access (available in any campus computer lab)

General Intended Student Learning Outcomes for Introduction to Literature:

This course will teach you how to

Writing Assignments
In this course you will be posting detailed answers to questions on various reading assignments, as well as
completing three papers. All writing assignments must be turned in on time. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE

Writing Center 
Even though attending the Writing Center is not a requirement for this class, I highly recommend using the
center for help on any reading or writing assignments You can sign up for free weekly tutoring, or you can
drop in for help as you need it (Fridays are generally the best time to drop in for an unscheduled tutoring

Attendance is mandatory. If you miss a class you will lose points for your participation grade, and lose points
for any in-class assignments covered on that day, and any homework or papers that are due that day. If you
miss four classes, your final semester grade is lowered by 5 points. If you miss five classes, your
final semester grade is lowered by 10 points. If you miss more than five classes, for any reason, you
will fail this course

NOTE: Every 15 minutes of missed class counts as ½ an absence. ARRIVE ON TIME!

If you do miss a class, you are responsible for finding out what we covered in class and what you
need to do to prepare for the next class. Read your syllabus for the deadlines for your papers, and call
or email a classmate to find out what additional assignments were given. Absence is not an excuse for being
unprepared or for not turning in an assignment on time.  If you must be absent on the day a writing
assignment is due, you can e-mail the assignment to me before the beginning of class. Your
assignment will be "on time" as long as you send the attachment before class begins.
Participation and Preparation
In this class everyone is expected to participate in in-class writings, class discussions, and small group work.
Even if you consider yourself quiet or shy, you need to push yourself to speak up in this class since you will
receive a grade for your participation in and preparation for these activities. Coming to class unprepared will
lower your participation and preparation grade. Note: The classroom is a place for learning and everyone
must contribute to an open, respectful environment. Any student who is discourteous to another will be
asked to leave and will fail the course.

To pass this course, you must complete all of the assigned work. Final grades will be calculated from the
following points:

Semester Grade
A = 94 -100pts
Assignments Assignment Points A - = 90 - 93 pts
Homework and quizzes 10 points B+ = 87 - 89 pts
On-line work (such as forums) 25 points B = 83 - 86 pts
In-class discussion participation 10 points B - = 80 - 82 pts
Paper #1 (Fiction) 15 points C+ = 77 - 79 pts
Paper #2 (Poetry) 20 points C = 73 - 76 pts
Paper #3 (Drama) 15 points C- = 70 - 72 pts
Final Project 5 points D = 65 - 69 pts
F = 64 pts or less
Total Possible points: 100 points

Course Calendar

WEEK 1 1/29 General Introduction/Lecture on fiction terms/practice with online forums

Read “Reading and Analyzing Short Fiction” (12-17)
Read “A&P” by John Updike (266), “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver (272),
and “Happy Endings” by Margaret Atwood (302)
Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on fiction terms and reading assignments.

WEEK 2 2/5 Plot

Quiz at beginning of class. Discussion of “A&P,” “Cathedral” and “Happy Endings.”
Discussion of “second readings” vs “first readings” and critical analysis.

Read “Characterization” and “Point of View” (17-20)
Read “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe (38), “The Story of an Hour” by
Kate Chopin (59), “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway (165),
and “Orientation” by Daniel Orozco (377)
Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.

WEEK 3 2/12 Characterization/Point of View

Quiz at beginning of class. Discussion of character and point of view in “Hills like
White Elephants,” “The Story of an Hour,” “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “Orientation”

Read “Theme” and “Setting” (21-23)
Read “A Party Down at the Square” by Ralph Ellison (207), “The Lottery” by
Shirley Jackson (213), “Reunion” by John Cheever (191) and “Reunion” by
Richard Ford (handout)
Complete online discussion questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.

WEEK 4 2/19 Theme/Setting

Discussion of theme and setting in “A Party Down at the Square,” “The Lottery,”
“Reunion” by John Cheever and “Reunion” by Richard Ford (handout)

Read “Style, Tone and Symbolism” (23-25), and Appendix A: “Writing about
Literature” (1299-1304)
Read “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (240),
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” (286) by Joyce Carol
Oates, and “The Red Convertible” by Louise Erdrich (354)
Complete online discussion questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.
Begin drafting Fiction Paper according to handout instructions.

WEEK 5 2/26 Symbolism

Discussion of symbolism in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,” “Where Are
You Going, Where Have You Been?” and “The Red Convertible.” Discussion of
progress on your Fiction Paper assignment.

Read “The Language of Poetry” (395-412), “My Pappa’s Waltz” (610), “Those
Winter Sundays” (616)
Complete online discussion questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.

Fiction Paper due at the beginning of class next Tuesday

WEEK 6 3/4 Turn in Fiction Paper. Quiz on and discussion of “The Language of Poetry,” “Those
Winter Sundays” and “My Pappa’s Waltz”

Read “Dulce Et Decorum Est” (593), “Occupation” (774), and “September
Twelfth, 2001” (674)
Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.
WEEK 7 3/11 Quiz on and discussion of “Dulce Et Decorum Est,” “Occupation” and “September
Twelfth, 2001”

Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday, including posting
suggestions for 4-5 poems to read for Week 9 (4/1).
Read “The Writer” (636), “Subterfuge” (650) and “Asked for a Happy Memory of
Father, She Recalls Wrigley Field” (776)
Study for quiz on reading assignments.

WEEK 8 3/18 Quiz on and discussion of “The Writer,” “Subterfuge”, “Asked for a Happy Memory”
and discussion of Poetry Paper Assignment.

Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on fiction terms and reading assignments.
Read (poetry reading assignment selected by the class)
Begin drafting Poetry Paper according to handout instructions.

-- Spring Break --

WEEK 9 4/1 Quiz on and discussion of reading assignments and progress on your Poetry Paper

Read “Aristotle on Tragedy” (783-790)
Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on drama terms.
Poetry Paper due at the beginning of class next Tuesday

WEEK 10 4/8 Turn in poetry paper. Quiz and lecture on drama terms. Screening and discussion
of the documentary “Protagonist.”

Read first half of How I Learned to Drive (1238-1261)
Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.

WEEK 11 4/15 Quiz on and discussion of the first half of How I Learned to Drive

Read the rest of How I Learned to Drive (1262-1288)
Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.

WEEK 12 4/22 Quiz on and discussion of the conclusion of How I Learned to Drive

Read Trifles (1031)
Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.

WEEK 13 4/29 Quiz on and discussion of Trifles

Read Time Flies (1226) and Anything for You (1289)
Begin drafting Fiction Paper according to handout instructions
Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Study for quiz on reading assignments.

WEEK 14 5/5 Quiz on and discussion of Time Flies and Anything for You. Discussion of progress
on Drama Paper assignment, and ideas for final project

Complete online Forum questions before 3pm next Tuesday.
Prepare final project for presentation on 5/13.
Drama Paper due at the beginning of class Tuesday, 5/13

WEEK 15 5/13 Turn in Drama Paper. Presentation of Final projects

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