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BOOK, BAKE AND GARAGE SALE The following are some reminders for the sale.

Book donations should be at the church by 10:00 a.m. on Friday morning. If you bring them in during the week, they can be put on the stage in the ban uet hall. Those setting up garage sale tables can do so between 10:00 a.m. and !:00 p.m. or ":#0 p.m. and $:00 p.m. on Friday. %e would like to ha&e baking in by ':00 p.m. on Friday afternoon so we can get it packaged and priced. %e will take baking between ":#0 p.m. and (:#0 p.m. in the e&ening for those of you who are working and can)t get there in the afternoon. *lease label your baking as to its kind. e.g +atmeal raisin cookies, Banana muffins. ,Be sure to label if nuts are included in your baking item.-Thank you for your support of the sale. MANNA DAY - A Child in Our Hands .e&. /inda 0shfield is a minister at 1no2 *resbyterian, %aterloo. 3he will be the feature speaker for a 4anna 5ay happening at 6rieff 7ills .etreat and 6onference 6entre ,near 8uelph- from 10:#0 to # *4 on Thursday, 4ay 19. The theme of the day is :0 6hild in +ur 7ands;. 7ow do we pass on our 6hristian faith from generation to generation< %hether a parent, grandparent, relati&e, friend or congregational member, 8od has placed a child in our hands. The cost is ='0 which includes lunch. It is important to register in ad&ance. Brochures are a&ailable in the narthe2. If you are interested, please speak with 4ark 8edcke. TRIBUTE TO BRIAN Music came from his soul.. An evening celebrating a dear friend and the music he made. When: 3aturday, 4ay 10, '01! Time: (:00 p.m. Where: 3t. 4arys *resbyterian 6hurch 1!( %idder 3treet, >ast Freewill +ffering goes towards a 4usic 3cholarship in Brian)s name.

Minister: .e&. 4ark 8edcke 91?@9(9@$$1( or by email at Director o M!sic: 3uBanne 3trahan O ice A"ministr#tor: 1athy Baker Tre#s!rer: 3hannon 0rcher O ice: $%&-'(%-)*(* O++I,E -OURS &#m- %.m T!es"#/ thro!0h +ri"#/

KNO1 2RESBYTERIAN ,-UR,A.ri3 '(, ')%4 %%:)) #m 8uest 4inister: .e&. 1aren 7orst 4usic 5irector C 3uBanne 3trahan

PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP @ *rayer, 4editation and Disiting PRELUDE: Eour Fame C *. Baloche, 8. *acklam, arr. 5. 8albraith %hen I Think of Eou C 4ichael %. 3mith, arr. G. 7aschek 10000 .easons C 4. .edman, G. 4yrin, arr. 5. 8albraith,
B. 7enderson

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ,ALL TO WORS-I2: /eader: 7ere is the place to sing our praises to you. 2eo.3e: No5 is the time to re6oice #n" 0i7e th#n8s9 /eader: %here&er and whene&er we seek your abiding presence, 2eo.3e: 5e in" the s#cre"ness o /o!r cherishin0 3o7e9 O2ENING -YMN: H(?? 8od is 7ereI 0s we your people meet 2RAYER O+ ADORATION AND ,ON+ESSION ANT-EM: 7allowed Is This 5welling C Gohn 4c6reary

2ASSING O+ T-E 2EA,E: /eader: The *eace of 6hrist be with you Congrega ion: And also !i h "ou. ,-ILDREN:S -YMN: Build Eour 1ingdom ,insert,-ILDREN:S TIME S,RI2TURE READING: >2odus 1":1@$ Gohn '0:11@1$ SERMON: The Times They 0re 0 6hanging

-YMN: 0 Few 7alleluJah ,insertO++ERING


+ur 8od C 6. Tomlin, G. .ee&es, G. 4yrin, 4. .edman, arr. .. 4auldin

O++ERTORY 2RAISE: H""1 %e gi&e thee but thine own ,&. 1K'2RAYER O+ DEDI,ATION ,together3pirit of the li&ing 8od, we gi&e thanks for the many blessings we are able to gi&e and recei&e. Inspire us to celebrate the mission and ministry we support in our own community and around the world by being a congregation of the *resbyterian 6hurch in 6anada. To you, be all the praise and the glory. 0men 2RAYERS O+ T-E 2EO2LE AND T-E LORD:S 2RAYER +ur Father in hea&en, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in hea&en. 8i&e us today our daily bread. Forgi&e us our sins as we forgi&e those who sin against us. 3a&e us from the time of trial and deli&er us from e&il. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and fore&er. 0men ,LOSING -YMN: H'!( 6hrist the /ord is .isen Today BENEDI,TION 2OSTLUDE: 7ighland 6athedral C .oe&er K 1arb, arr. G. %etherald

,h!rch O.enin0 To"#/: Tim *auli ,h!rch O.enin0 Ne;t Wee8: Tim *auli Ushers this 5ee8: .ichard Bast, 4ike K 6athy Bachner, Gohn %aldie Ushers ne;t 5ee8: .ichard Bast, 4ike K 6athy Bachner, Gohn %aldie Greeters this 5ee8: 8erry K 5ale Games Greeters ne;t 5ee8: Gack 8ibson K 4arlene 6oulthard ,o ee this 5ee8: 3hirley %eitBel ,ONGREGATIONAL RETREAT *lease mark on your calendars our 6ongregational .etreat happening on 3aturdayL3unday, Gune '1L'' at 6amp 1intail. %e share this retreat time with 3t. 4arys *resbyterian 6hurch. +ur worship ser&ice will be at 6amp 1intail, starting at 10:!9 am. 4ore details, including the .etreat Form, are coming soon.

BUILD YOUR KINGDOM -ERE .end 6ollecti&e >2periment 6ome set Eour rule and reign in our hearts again. Increase in us, we pray. Mn&eil why we)re made. 6ome set our hearts ablaBe with hope like wildfire in our &ery souls. 7oly 3pirit, come in&ade us now. %e are Eour church. %e need Eour pow)r in us. %e seek Eour kingdom first. %e hunger and we thirst. .efuse to waste our li&es for Eou)re our Joy and priBe. To see the capti&e hearts released, the hurt, the sick, the poor at peace. %e lay down our li&es for hea&en)s cause. %e are Eour church. %e pray re&i&e this earth. ,-ORUS Build Eour kingdom here. /et the darkness fear. 3how Eour mighty hand, heal our streets and land. 3et Eour church on fire. %in this nation back. 6hange the atmosphere. Build Eour kingdom here, we prayI Mnleash Eour kingdom)s pow)r reaching the near and far. Fo force of hell can stop Eour beauty changing hearts. Eou made us for much more than this, awake the kingdom seed in us. Fill us with the strength and lo&e of 6hrist. %e are Eour church. %e are the hope on earth. ,-ORUS IF3T.M4>FT0/ ,-ORUS

A NEW -ALLELU<A5ebbie 3mith, 4ichael %. 3mith, *aul Baloche, arr. by 5an 8albraith 6an you hear< There)s a new song Breaking out from the children of freedom. >&)ry race and e&)ry nation, 3ing it out, sing the new halleluJahI /et us sing lo&e to the nations, Bringing hope of the grace that has freed us. 4ake it known and make 7im famous, 3ing it out, sing the new halleluJahI ,-ORUS 0riseI /et the church arise. /et lo&e reach to the other side. 0li&e, come ali&eI /et the song arise. 0frica sings a new song, .eaching out with a new halleluJahI >&)ry son and e&)ry daughter, >&)ryone sing a new halleluJahI ,-ORUS /et the song ariseI ,+h- Eeah, ,yeah/et the song ariseI ,+h,-ORUS >&)ryone, sing a new halleluJahI >&)ryone, sing a new halleluJahI

2RESBYTERIANS S-ARING= is our opportunity to Join with o&er ?00 *resbyterian congregations to share in ministry in 6anada and with partners in different places in the world. 0s part of your offering, let us support *resbyterians 3haring and reach our goal for '01! of =$,900. 7ere are a couple of stories of how we are making a difference: -e3.in0 S/ri#n Re !0ees Resett3e in ,#n#"# The crisis in 3yria has resulted in one of the largest refugee mo&ements in modern times C o&er two million 3yrians ha&e sought refuge outside their borders. The 6anadian go&ernment announced in '01# it would resettle 1,#00 3yrian refugees from Gordan and /ebanon with the assistance of official sponsorship agreement holders. The *resbyterian 6hurch in 6anada C with the assistance of *resbyterian congregations C is able to help sponsor ten people to resettle in 6anada. 4eanwhile, 0ction .NfugiOs 4ontrOal ,with support from *%3K5, 6anadian 4inistries and the 0nglican 5iocese of 4ontreal- is helping the 3yrian community in Puebec to sponsor those in greatest need. *%3K5 responds to refugees ,h#n0in0 3i7es thro!0h Yo!th in Mission In '01#, a Eouth in 4ission team of nine young people tra&elled to 4alawi where they spent three weeks &isiting *66 and *%3K5 partners and proJects in 4ulanJe and Blantyre. *articipant 1atie 7ubley from Few 8lasgow, F3, shares, :This trip was easily the most life@changing e&ent I ha&e e&er e2perienced and I thank 8od e&ery day for the opportunity to ser&e 7im. I am so thankful for what I)&e learned from our brothers and sisters in 4alawi C their warm welcome, their lo&e of worship, their contentment and their willingness to praise 8od and e2perience true Joy in less than perfect circumstances.; Presbyterians Sharing supports the Eouth in 4ission program, enabling young people to learn first@hand about The *resbyterian 6hurch in 6anada)s mission and ministry around the world. *resbyterians 3haring changes li&es

2WSDe7e3o.ments The <o!rne/ -ome Between Guly and 5ecember '01#, nine women were successfully reunited with their families. It)s a truly Joyful day for 4adam *oanyuug. 3he is finally being reunited with her family after spending 1? years li&ing in the 8ambaga +utcast 7ome in northern 8hana. +ne of the oldest women li&ing in the camp, she fled to 8ambaga after being accused of bewitching her own son. :4y son got a swollen eye and mentioned that he saw me in his dream, using a knife to pull out his eye. %hen he accused me of being the one responsible, the community supported him and I was banished.; 0fter staying 1# years at 8ambaga, %udama 5agang is also eager to go home. 5escribing how she came to li&e at 8ambaga, %udama says, :4y nephew said he saw me shoot him with a gun in a dream. The following morning I was called before the elders of my &illage and told to go to 8ambaga to pro&e my innocence. I belie&e the boy was influenced by his mother, who ne&er liked me.; The 8ambaga +utcast 7ome is a place of refuge for women who ha&e been branded witches by their family and community. The camp is meant to be a temporary stop on their Journey towards greater acceptance, and e&entually home. In partnership with *resbyterian %orld 3er&ice K 5e&elopment, the 8ambaga 8o 7ome proJect is working to pre&ent future allegations of witchcraft and reintegrate accused women, like *oanyuug and %udama, back into their communities. In order to foster acceptance and pa&e the way for their return, the proJect sensitiBes communities about human rights, mental illness, disabilities and other health issues that are often mistakenly attributed to witchcraft.

#in ail on he Road $%&'

%e are looking forward to 1intail on the .oad which will be happening at our church 4onday to Friday, Guly (@11. If you know of children who would be interested in being part of this program, please contact the church office by email or phone. %e also need &olunteers. Eou are also welcome to learn more by speaking with 4ark 8edcke, 6hantale *itts or 4ary 5ougall. SESSION RE2ORT The 0pril 3ession meeting was delayed, because of >aster, until last 4onday e&ening. .oll 6lerk, 5iane *arker, led the discussion regarding the updating of the 1no2 6hurch roll and the >lder .outes. There will be some changes to the routes but if you now ha&e an >lder or you ha&e a new >lder you will be contacted by your >lder with this information. If you do not hear within the ne2t two weeks please contact me. The report from the Board of 4anagers indicated a deficit so far this year of =19,000. This is a serious shortfall. *lease consider how you can help. 0 fundraising committee is being formed and if you are willing to assistQif e&en Just to suggest possible proJectsQplease talk with 3hirley %eitBel or with me. The 1no2 yearly retreat with the 3t. 4ary)s congregation in Gune was discussed. 3unday ser&ice Gune '' will be at 6amp 1intail at 10:!9 a.m. followed by a potluck lunch. Information re carpooling for those able to attend Just the 3unday ser&ice will be a&ailable closer to the date. The 6ommunications Team is in&estigating the purchase of e uipment to record our 3unday ser&ice. The 65)s produced would be a&ailable for those unable to attend the ser&ice. This is being done in response to many re uests from shut@ins. 0 team from *resbytery will be &isiting 1no2 soon. They will be re&iewing life at 1no2 o&er the past two years. They will be inter&iewing .e&. 8edcke, 3ession and the Board of 4anagers. There will be a special time when they will hear from members of the congregation. Times will be announced. 4argaret /upton 6lerk of 3ession

SATURDAY, MAY %), ')%4 &:)) A9M9 > %:)) 29M9

We Need:
Volunteers for Friday setup and Saturday sale Donations of baking and books The support of the whole congregation to make this sale a success

You can purchase a table to sell your treasures !"# for one table or !"$ for two tables%

&roceeds from the sale will go to church missions

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