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Which of the following resources are located on the academic advising center Web site?

B.Instructions for creating a long-range plan

Answer Key: B
Question 2 of 25

4.0 Points

Why should you be involved in student and professional development activities offered by Texas State and McCoy College? D.All of the above

Answer Key: D
Question 3 of 25

4.0 Points

You can connect with the McCoy College of Business Academic Advising center through which of the following social media?

A.Twitter B.A blog C.Facebook D.LinkedIn E.All of the above

Answer Key: E
Question 4 of 25

4.0 Points

Where can you find information on opportunities for involvement in McCoy College? B.The McCoy Experience tab on the academic advising center Web site

Answer Key: B
Question 5 of 25

4.0 Points

Where should you go for information concerning how you can earn course credit for an internship?

D.All of the above are correct

Answer Key: D
Question 6 of 25

4.0 Points

Which of the following must be completed before you enroll in a course?


Answer Key: B
Question 7 of 25

4.0 Points

Which of the following must be completed or registered for prior to enrolling in a course?


Answer Key: C
Question 8 of 25

4.0 Points

What percent of your business courses must be completed in the McCoy College?


Answer Key: D
Question 9 of 25

4.0 Points

Which of the following resources can be found on the advising center website that could help you decide which business major you would like to pursue?

C.Major and career videos

Answer Key: C
Question 10 of 25

4.0 Points

To fulfill your Texas State residency requirement, how many of your last 30 credit hours must be completed at Texas State? A.21 B.30. C.27 D.24

Answer Key: D
Question 11 of 25

4.0 Points

Which of the following should be the primary means of contact with an academic advisor? A.Phone conversations B.Scheduled in-person advising appointments C.Questions submitted via email D.All of the above

Answer Key: B
Question 12 of 25

4.0 Points

Degree plan checksheets that list the complete requirements for your degree may be downloaded from where? A.The student services section of CatsWeb B.The Undergraduate Admissions Web site C.The section of the online catalog labeled checksheets D.The academic advising center Web site under degree planning

Answer Key: D
Question 13 of 25

4.0 Points

In the BBA degree, the free elective component can be filled with which of the following? A.Any course that you haven't taken and for which you meet the prereqs that is not used to fill a requirement in the other components of your BBA degree B.Only courses specified on the free elective section in the Look Up Classes feature available CatsWeb. C.Courses highlighted in red on your degree audit under the open elective section at the bottom. D.Only a transfer course taken prior to enrolling in Texas State University.

Answer Key: A

Question 14 of 25

4.0 Points

Where can you locate information online regarding what support services are offered by Texas State? A.The McCoy Experience section of the academic advising center Web site B.The academic support page under the Student Resources tab on the academic advising center web site C.The central advising Web site for all majors at Texas State D.The help button on the CatsWeb student services menu

Answer Key: B
Question 15 of 25

4.0 Points

Julia is considering taking a course at her hometown community college over the summer. What must she do? A.Make sure she is in compliance with the policies on transferred junior college hours and Texas State residency B.Make sure she is in compliance with the policy on transferred business courses C.Check transferability using the transfer course equivalency guide on CatsWeb D.all of the above

Answer Key: D
Question 16 of 25

4.0 Points

To qualify for graduation, you must have a 2.25 major GPA which is known in McCoy College as your business GPA. What grades compose the business GPA? A.The grades you earned in all courses that fill business core and your department major requirements (including restricted electives) B.The grades you earned in all courses you completed listed in the ?Department Major? section of your checksheet

C.Only grades you earned in the business core courses D.All grades you earned in any upper-division business course

Answer Key: A
Question 17 of 25

4.0 Points

Which of the following information is contained in your degree audit report? A.How courses you have taken at Texas State are applied to your degree B.The grades earned in courses you have completed C.Progress requirements such as the number of writing intensive hours earned D.All of the above

Answer Key: D
Question 18 of 25

4.0 Points

When you repeat a course taken at Texas State, which of the following applies according to the course repeat policy? A.You must do so before you have earned 110 hours towards the completion of your degree and all repeats must be approved by your academic advisor. B.Your advisor will select the best grade to count in your TXST GPA calculation if the second grade is lower. C.The course must be repeated at Texas State and the grade earned when the course is repeated will replace the first grade earned even if it is lower. D.You may take an equivalent course at another college or university and all grades will be averaged with the first grade.

Answer Key: C
Question 19 of 25

4.0 Points

In Chang?s management class he has been given an assignment that requires he work in a group. He quickly discovers that the people in his group have varied characteristics and

different ideas about how to complete the assignment. Chang takes the time to listen to each person?s viewpoint without interrupting. Which of the following McCoy College values is he exhibiting? A.Excellence in all endeavors through reliance on self-evaluation and continuous improvement B.Responsiveness, accountability, and contribution to our community and region C.Teamwork to solve challenging situations that may face a business in a diverse and global environment D.Respect for others and a diverse culture, composed of individuals with varied characteristics, that creates community among students, faculty, and staff

Answer Key: D
Question 20 of 25

4.0 Points

Why should you follow the recommended course sequence on the back of the degree plan checksheet? A.Courses are only offered in the semesters that are depicted on the degree plan checksheet. B.It is the only way to know what courses to enroll in each semester. C.It is mandated by the McCoy College degree completion policy for all juniors and seniors. D.It will help ensure that prerequisites are being filled in order to smoothly move through the program.

Answer Key: D
Question 21 of 25

4.0 Points

Official transcripts of courses you have taken at other colleges and universities should be sent to which office? A.The McCoy College Dean?s Office B.The Registrar?s Office

C.The Office of Undergraduate Admissions. D.The McCoy College Academic Advising Center

Answer Key: C
Question 22 of 25

4.0 Points

Business Leadership Week involves which of the following? A.Guest speakers B.Mini case competition C.An etiquette dinner D.All of the above

Answer Key: D
Question 23 of 25

4.0 Points

Sarah continually attends events such as guest lectures and resume building workshops at McCoy College. Which of the following McCoy College values is she exhibiting? A.Commitment to personal and professional development B.Responsiveness, accountability, and contribution to our community and region C.Positive influence on those around us D.Integrity and adherence to professional an ethical standards

Answer Key: A
Question 24 of 25

4.0 Points

Which of the following choices correctly lists the four main components of the BBA degree found on the Degree Plan Checksheet? A.General education core curriculum, business core, department major courses, and free electives

B.Foreign language core, business core, department major courses, and electives C.General education core curriculum, business core, department major courses, and economics restricted elective D.General education core curriculum, business core, department major courses, and writing intensive electives

Answer Key: A
Question 25 of 25

4.0 Points

Maria always prints out her professor's PowerPoint slides from TRACS and reads the article assigned for the class discussion tje night before class. Which honor code value is Maria exhibiting? A."We are honest" B."We are respectful" C."We are conscientious" D.All of the above.

Answer Key: C Part 2 of 3 - Bonus Question 2.0 Points 2.0 Points

Question 1 of 1

Bonus - When should you apply for graduation? A.Between the end of your junior year and the semester before your intend to graduate B.The beginning of your senior year (if it lands in the summer then apply at the end of summer) C.The first day of classes for the semester that you intend to graduate (first day of summer 1 for summer graduation) D.none of the above are correct

Answer Key: C Part 3 of 3 - Survey - Optional 0.0 Points 0.0 Points

Question 1 of 3

The workshop content was easy to understand. A.Strongly Disagree B.Disagree C.Undecided D.Agree E.Strongly Agree
Question 2 of 3

0.0 Points

The workshop took more time than I expected to complete. A.Strongly Disagree B.Disagree C.Undecided D.Agree E.Strongly Agree
Question 3 of 3

0.0 Points

The topics covered in the workshop were useful to me. A.Strongly Disagree B.Disagree C.Undecided D.Agree

E.Strongly Agree

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