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UNC: Greensboro

Welcome! Welcome to the The University of North Carolina at Greensboro booth! Please introduce yourself and ask any questions you may have. Madison Meadows My name is Madison. I have a quick question. Rep Nita Engel Hi Madison! Madison Meadows Hello! albert leach Thank you in advanced of my questions Madison Meadows What kind of scholarships does UNCG offer? albert leach I wanted to ask about campus life vs say some of the other University of North Carolina Campuses. How does is compare? Rep Nita Engel @Madison - UNCG offers scholarships based on need and merit. An entire list of scholarships can be found here: Madison Meadows I've been to UNCG myself. The campus is amazing. It's large enough that you wouldn't feel clustered, yet small enough that to find your classes easily. Rep Nita Engel @Albert - We have a very engaged and active student body. With over 200 clubs and organizations, the average student is involved in 2-5 outside of class time , so they keep very busy! We also have a strong sense of community and school spirit. I would invite you to come for a campus tour! Madison Meadows Thank you, Ms. Engel. albert leach Does UNCG use the SAT 2 subject tests? Rep Nita Engel You are welcome! Rep Nita Engel @Albert - they are not required for admission, but you can submit your scores for evaluation and possibly receive college credit based on your scores. Madison Meadows Is there any major crimes on,and off, the campus? Madison Meadows I mean within reason. Crime is everywhere,just wanting a general idea. Rep Nita Engel

@Madison - We our own police department on campus, as well as support from the Greensboro PD. We have many efforts in place to help students feel safe, including a campus-wide emergency response system. Being the 3rd largest city in NC, we ask students to take all of the precautions as they would at home. Madison Meadows Phew. Thank you. My parents,especially my dad, worry most about safety. It's good to know that so much is being done! Trevon Solivan what is the gpa you need to get in also the sat and act scores? Rep Nita Engel Here is the profile of UNCG's average admitted freshman (Fall 2013)*: Average high school GPA: 3.74 SAT middle 50 percent ranges: 480-580 (critical reading), 490-580 (math), and 460-560 (writing) Average ACT: 24 albert leach Is there limit on the amount of AP Classes you can get credit for? Rep Nita Engel @Albert - the amount of credit is determined by the score on your final AP exam, there is not limit. Michaela Morris I won't be able to get down to North Carolina for a campus tour this summer, so could you please tell me about the weather and general environment of the campus? Rep Nita Engel @Michaela - We are generally pretty mild climate, while still being seasonal. We've had a rough winter this year, which is abnormal. It's generally pretty warm in the spring, summer is the hottest, and we might see a few snow-falls in the winter. Rep Nita Engel We have a beautiful campus in the middle of Greensboro, just a mile from downtown. albert leach Can you tell me how admissions handles transcripts with different grading scales. Do you convert them to a similar format or leave as is with the high school transcript Rep Nita Engel @Albert - Yes, we will convert them to a 4.0 weighted grading scale. Bridget DeMaria How would you compare your performing arts program to others in your area? Michaela Morris Do you experience hurricane weather? albert leach Nita, what would say if the three most competitive majors? albert leach what would you say is the three most competitve majors? Rep Nita Engel @Bridget - UNCG is very well known for performing arts, offering Music, Theatre, and Dance. We have internationally recognized faculty in all areas. I invite you to check out the school's website:

Rep Nita Engel

@Albert - As far as competition, our performing arts and nursing program are highly competitive as they admit students based on performance/talent and academic success. Michaela Morris What are your general admission requirements? Rep Nita Engel Here is the profile of UNCG's average admitted freshman (Fall 2013): Average high school GPA: 3.74 SAT middle 50 percent ranges: 480-580 (critical reading), 490-580 (math), and 460-560 (writing) Average ACT: 24 Michaela Morris Do you require certain classes to be taken in high school in order to be admitted? Rep Nita Engel @Michaela - Yes, and great question. The UNC system requires these courses from high school: albert leach Could you tell us about how many students transfer to other University of North Carolina branches albert leach Does this happen often? Rep Nita Engel 4 units of English, 4 units of math (including Alg 1, Geom, Alg 2, and 1 advanced math such as Precal), 3 units of science, 2 units of social science, and 2 units of the same foreign language. albert leach Nina the profile you listed is there a different profile for out of state applicants? Rep Nita Engel @Albert - we really don't have those statistics. The UNC system schools are all separate, and there is no automatic transfer to another school. Michaela Morris If I take AP Statistics, does that count as an advanced math? Rep Nita Engel @Albert - the same profile is for in state and out of state students. Rep Nita Engel @Michaela - Yes, it is considered advanced. Michaela Morris And world history and american history is considered two social sciences? Rep Nita Engel @Michaela - Yep! Michaela Morris Awesome! What about student life at UNCG? Are the dorms considered nice in general? And the campus as well? Rep Nita Engel @Michaela - Yes! Campus is wonderful, with many different residential options, You can check them out here: Rep Nita Engel

Our students area also very active and engaged members of the community. With over 200 organizations for students, there is much to choose from! Anastasia Slavutsky Hi Ms. Engel. What kind of merit/ grades- associated scholarships do you have available? Rep Nita Engel @Anastasia - The current requirements area: 1200 SAT (critical reading and math sections) or 27 ACT, and minimum 3.5 weighted GPA. Kaylah Wright Hello! Rep Nita Engel @Kaylah - Welcome! Michaela Morris Do you have any full scholarships available? Anastasia Slavutsky And if you meet those requirements, what does that mean? Kaylah Wright I see that UNCG offers Sociology major with a Criminolog concentration, can you tell me the difference between a major and a concentration.? Rep Nita Engel @Michaela - Yes, there are full ride scholarships through our merit-based UNCG Scholars competition. Michaela Morris Can you tell me the requirements for that? Rep Nita Engel @Kaylah - The major is the actual degree in which you will be awarded. The concentration refers to a certain cluster of courses that offer more specialty study in that area. Rep Nita Engel @Michaela - The current requirements area: 1200 SAT (critical reading and math sections) or 27 ACT, and minimum 3.5 weighted GPA. Kaylah Wright Thank you for the clarification, I was also wondering if UNCG offers a Forensic Science major> Rep Nita Engel We are currently restructuring our UNCG Scholars program, so I would encourage you to check back in the fall for an update. Michaela Morris And if I meet these requirements, am I likely going to get the scholarship? Kaylah Wright Thank you so much!! Rep Nita Engel @Kaylah - It is not specifically offered as a major. Kaylah Wright Would it be a minor? Rep Nita Engel

@Michaela - The merit-based scholarship competition is highly competitive. This year, the average SAT was over a 1400, ACT was 31, and GPA was 4.3. Kaylah Wright or what field would be closely related to Forensic Science> Rep Nita Engel @Kaylah - To discover more about our health related programs, you can visit this website: Kaylah Wright Thank you Amani McCoy How many students attend UNCG? Anastasia Slavutsky Do you have to write essays and go for an interview to get the merit-based scholarship? Rep Nita Engel UNCG's enrollment is more than 17,000 and growing. Students come from 40 states and more than 70 countries. UNCG typically enrolls approximately 2,500 freshmen and 1,500 transfer students each fall. Minority enrollment is about 34 percent. Rep Nita Engel @Anastasia - Currently, yes. But, please check back in the fall for updates about the UNCG Scholars Program as the application process is changing. Anastasia Slavutsky Okay thank you Kaliyah Faison Do many of your students find jobs in their field once they graduate? Rep Nita Engel @Kaliyah - Most departments will keep their own stats on the job rates of their graduates. Through programs like internships, study abroad, and research, we see that our students are competitive in their field. We also have a wonderful career services center that helps with resume writing and mock interviews. Alexandra Hujar any way Kaliyah Faison I'm deciding between majoring in Nursing and Human Development and Family Studies. Will the jobs of the two be similar in any way? Rep Nita Engel @ Alexandra - We would just need to verify that you meet the UNC system required courses in high school: 4 units of English, 4 units of math (including Alg 1, Geom, Alg 2, and 1 advanced math such as Precal), 3 units of science, 2 units of social science, and 2 units of the same foreign language. Kaliyah Faison are there any hands on activities in the HDFS classes? Rep Nita Engel @Kaliyah - These two studies, while having similarities, would prepare you for very different career paths.

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