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My Philosophy on Education

My beliefs about the educational system and how I will affect it as an educator are built
on the grounds that knowledge and learning are one of the most fascinating and essential aspects
of human history. Starting from the ancient world and spanning too today, recorded knowledge
that has been built upon for thousands of years is one of the greatest accomplishments of
Mankind. I believe, first and foremost, in purpose. Without purpose, there is no meaning in the
things that we do. The purpose of education should be for the advancement of society and the
understanding of Gods creation. With these two mindsets as the motivation behind education,
we as a society can better the generations to come.
The roles of the teacher as well as the student are intertwined. A student should embody
humility in the pursuit for understanding. This aspect should also influence the educator. As an
educator, I mean to continue as a student in the search for understanding. With this mindset,
there is no limit to the understanding that I can obtain and in turn pass on to my students. There
are two main reasons that I desire to teach. The first is the joy that comes from helping student
gain interest and understanding in their studies. Giving students the motivation to better
themselves and their situation is a feeling of bliss as an educator as well as a mentor and a human
being. Watching myself change from a disinterested teenager to a motivated college student was
a joyful turning point in my life. To be able to duplicate that in other individuals is more
rewarding than a high paying job. The second reason that I desire to be an educator is for
knowledge and self understanding. A lot of times, its only when I explain something to a student
that I bring it to the surface and understand it fully myself. When I break down math problems
and explain them to others then I have a better understanding myself. This is a facet of
knowledge that I have come to realize with my time as a math tutor.
As most students of the 21
century in America, I have a desire for equality and diversity
both in the classroom and in society. One of the main reasons that this nation has started to
overcome segregation and inequality is largely due to having diversity in schools. Students who
grow up learning side by side with all minorities and disabled people as well produce tolerance
and acceptance. To work with children of all minorities and backgrounds is an opportunity for
me to see things from different viewpoints.
As an educator, I plan on using different teaching styles and techniques. I am a firm
believer in learning by doing and will always encourage students to work independently and
with groups outside of the classroom. I am also a fan of the tried and true method of lecture. I
believe with my understanding of mathematics that I can reach students and help them
understand the material. By way of comparison, logic and similarity, I can best explain the
material to my students. With my methods, I believe students can achieve the highest rate of
understanding and retention.

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