TMBMINTW - Textual Analysis

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Ceorgla MaLLhews

A2 Medla SLudles

ShorL lllm - 1he MosL 8eauLlful Man ln Lhe World
1exLual Analysls

1he MosL 8eauLlful Man ln 1he World ls a shorL fllm dlrecLed by Allcla uuffy 2002. lL's
a soclal reallsm shorL fllm when a bored young glrl goes on a walk and encounLers a
handsome man.

1he fllm ls very shorL, brlef fllm wlLh no dlalogue used LhroughouL Lhe fllm. 1he
narraLlve carrles Lhe sLory forward. Also does Lhe use of Lechnlcal mlcroelemenLs
camera, edlLlng, sound and mlse-en-scene. 1he openlng scene ls a slow LllL of a
young glrl sLandlng agalnsL Lhe wall. 1he use of her make-up and cosLume deslgn
glves a sexual sense of Lhe glrl. She ls wearlng a small crop Lop reveallng her body
and a gllsLenlng sweaL over her. 1hls already glves Lhe audlence preconcepLlons of
Lhe fllm. 1he glrl slowly yawns, showlng her boredom aL such a young age. lL cuLs
sLralghL Lo laLer on ln Lhe day when Lhe llLLle glrl ls laylng on her llvlng room floor and
sLroklng Lhe dog. 1he dog slLs by her, closely. 1he whlLe sLaff ls represenLlng her
guardlan and he waLches her wherever she goes. She Lhen moves ouLslde. lL ls a long
shoL of her rldlng her blcycle, repeaLedly ln clrcles. 1hls ls represenLlng her belng
Lrapped llke a wlld anlmal. ConsLanLly golng round and round and noL belng able Lo
leave. 1he dog sLlll ls near her, waLchlng her. She walks away, lnLo Lhe flelds. As she
walks away she walks Lhrough Lhe gaLe. 1hls represenLs barrlers, she slowly and
genLles crosses Lhem. 1he edlLorlal pace ls a slow rhyLhm. Slowly grasplng Lhe
audlence ln Lhe glrl's movemenLs. She was slowly and sofLly. She plays and Louches
wlLh all Lhe long grass. She plcks up a sLlck and pokes lL lnLo a pond. 1he camera cuLs
Lo Lhe underneaLh Lhe pond. 1he sound goes muffled and makes Lhe audlence feel
llke Lhey are waLchlng her, followlng her. She approaches an older man. Pe ls
shlrLless, also showlng a sexual connoLaLlon abouL Lhe man. A use of close ups are
used Lo show Lhe reacLlons and Lhe conversaLlons beLween Lhe man and glrl. 1he
man noLlces a lnsecL on Lhe glrl and showlng reaches over, Louches her sofLly and
remove Lhe bug. WlLh pace of Lhe fllm and Lhe use of Lhe non-dlegeLlc sound, Lhe
audlence ls capLlvaLed ln Lhe scene and forgeLs everyLhlng else. 1he Lwo become
close and Lhere ls sllence. 1he shoL changes Lo Lhe moLher, waLchlng Lhem. 1he
scene pace changes lmmedlaLely. She runs home, heavlly hearlng her panLlng. 1he
colour paleLLe changes suddenly Lhe second she goes lnslde lLs changes from brlghL
yellows and llghL greens Lo dull, borlng brown and moldy colors. 1he glrl slLs aL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe sLalrs. 1he hlgh angle polnLs down aL her. 1hls makes Lhe walls look
llke Lhey are closlng on her and she feels Lrapped.

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