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Field Name: Description:

Project Number: Number used for tracking project

P/N: Part number of assembly / component dwg. # and level if available
Plan Originator: Who originated the plan (Product Engr.'s name)
Plan Approval: Person responsible for reviewing and approving the DVP.
Report Approval Person responsible for reviewing and approving the DV test results.
Dept: Which department is funding the testing
Test ID: The number or letter used to identify the test.
Specification & Test Method: Specification governing test & test method used, if applicable (sometimes method is within the specification)
Test Description: Provide a brief description of each test.
Acceptance Criteria: Specify test targets and/or pass/not pass criteria, (e.g. cycles, miles, volts, min. value, no breakage. etc.). If none, enter Evaluation
Test Stage: ED = Engineering Development
DV = Design Verification
PV = Production Validation
CCT = Continued Compliance Testing
Target Requirements: State required probability or reliability and confidence of meeting acceptance criteria (e.g. R90/C90, All must pass, or Evaluation
Test Responsibility: Who is responsible for the test and location if applicable (e.g. WNC, Supplier)
Timing, Estimated Start: Estimated start date of test.
Timing, Estimated Completion: Estimated completion date of test.
Sample Quantity: Number samples planned to be tested.
Sample Type: Describe the samples to be tested.
Timing, Actual Completion: The actual date of test completion
Sample Number: Number assigned to the sample for which results are being reported.
Sample Level: A = Prototype(Handmade). Parts may be modifications of existing products or built from scratch. Mock-ups are not necessarily
capable of performing to full design intent levels.
- Current Rear frame with hand built brackets
- Prototype Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with hand placed components
B = Prototype (Tooled) Samples released for design verification, made from prototype tools, and are Design-intent.
- Laser cut stampings
- Hand-welded assemblies
Instructions for The DVP&R Form

The Design Validation Plan and Report (DVP&R) is a form used for test planning and reporting purposes.

Note: The DVP&R may include Customer designated symbols or terminology.

Customer drawings, specifications and/or warranty issues are used as inputs to DVP.
Customer Part Approval (PPAP) functional requirements are listed as PV test requirements.

The Product Engineer is responsible for developing the Design Validation Plan (DVP). The Director of Product Engineering is responsible to approve the DVP
prior to the start of the testing

The Product Engineer is responsible for changes to the DVP caused by scope changes. The Director of Product Engineering is responsible for approving
DVP changes.

Test Lab personnel are responsible for conducting physical tests and the documentation of results on the DVP&R form.

The Product Engineer is responsible for the integrity of the test and report. The Director of Product Engineering is responsible for approving the DVP&R upon
completion of DV testing.

- Decisions to suspend DV testing without compliance must be documented in the "Notes" section of the DVP&R form.

Validation testing fits into four categories: Engineering Development (ED), Design Verification (DV), Product Validation (PV), Continuous Compliance Tests
The test category (i.e. ED, DV, PV or CCT) is noted in the Test Stage column of the DVP&R.

ED - The purpose of ED is to demonstrate design feasibility. ED testing includes physical tests of surrogate or hand worked parts, and calculations or Finite
Element Analysis (FEA).

DV - The purpose of DV is to validate product design meets established requirements. DV testing is the physical testing of pre-production or production parts.

PV - The purpose of PV is to verify the products produced from production processes and tools meet requirements. PV testing is the physical testing of
production parts.

CCT The purpose of CCT is to periodically verify the product meets requirements. The frequency and test specifications are established with Customer

DVP&R status / root cause / corrective actions / engineering analyses is reviewed CMT meetings.

Commercialization - Wabash National
QMS-F-0612 Rev 1
Form Printed
- Hand-staked heatstakes
- Production PCB with hand modifications
C = Production Tool (Not Process)
- Released for Production and are production intent; they are made from production tools but not the production process.
For some tests and/or some customers, these samples qualify for customer submission and count as meeting PV
requirements (if applicable).
- Stampings that are stamped in the production die but carried from station to station
- Shots from the production mold made from the production material
- Samples molded from unapproved colors
- Production released PCB from non-production supplier
D = Production Tool and Process
-Released for Production and are built using production materials, tools, and processes.
-These parts qualify to meet customer submission requirements.
Pass / Not Pass: Whether or not the sample passed the test or not. Evaluation Only for tests without acceptance criteria.
Actual Results: List results in terms or reliability or probability as appropriate.
Notes: Comments about the test samples, results, etc.
Italics =required information
Commercialization - Wabash National
QMS-F-0612 Rev 1
Form Printed
Supplier Name Part Number Revision Part Description
Specification & Method Test Description Acceptance Criteria Test Stage Target Requirements Sample Type Sample Level Actual Results Additional Notes
Specification Provide a brief desription Specify test targets and/or ED = Engineering Devel't Testing State required probability Describe the A = Prototype (Handmade) List results in terms Describe or
governing test of each test. pass/not pass criteria. DV = Design Verification or reliability and confidence sample to be B = Prototype (Tooled) of reliability or elaborate on
& test method used Include SC/CC/KPC Symbol e.g. cycles, miles, volts, PV = Production Validation of meeting acceptance tested (see C = Production Tool (Not Process) probability as appropriate sub-phases
(if applicable). List the Customer or minimum value, no CCT = Continued Compliance Testing criteria, e.g. R90 C90, or sample level) D = Production Tool and Process
designated symbol breakage, etc. All must pass.
if applic., e.g. KPC
Test Report
Test Specification Acceptance Test Target Test Timing Est. Sample Timing Sample Pass/ Actual Additional
ID & Test Method Criteria Stage Requirements Responsibility Start Comp. Qty Type Act. Comp. No Level Not Pass Results Notes
I affirm that the samples used for verification testing are representative of our parts, and I authorize the use of the design.
Date Title
Verification Report Authorization
Test Description
Test Plan
Supplier Authorized Signature
Rev. 1
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Form Printed

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