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We are dedicated to providing open-pollinated, untreated, correctly identified,

recent, viable and vigorous seeds, as well as accurate information on the

preferred germination and growth habits of these plants. This dedication is
supported by our good reputation as herbalists and seeds people, and the fact
that we are growers of all the plants in this catalog. The seeds are:
OG: Organically Grown Certified organic by a third party certification
agency, or
OP: Open-pollinated, untreated and not genetically engineered. The seeds are
recent, pure and correctly identified.
erb !eeds - - "conite through #utcher$s #room
% %
"conite, &hinese '(u-)i*
Aconitum carmichaeli
!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.85
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"conite, /on-shood
Aconitum napellus TO01& The entire plant, including root, herb and seed, is a deadly
poison if taen in sufficient dosage.
One of the #a$or %drugs of anti&uity,% bright blue, "ith hood'shaped flo"ers protecting
profusely producti(e nectaries.)bsolutely stunning*
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $+.,5
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.uantity Checout !o"
Sesbania grandiflora
Orna#ental shade, reforestation and #edicinal tree, nurse crop and co#panion plant.
-edicinal attributes are legion, fro# headache and stuffy nose to nyctalopia .night'
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 00
Price: $+.,5
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Agrimonia eupatoria
1andso#e, classic herb is a #ust'ha(e for serious herb gardeners. )gri#ony tea
soothes infla##ation of the urinary tract.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 25
Price: $2.35
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Smymium olisatrum
4pring (egetable and fortifying tonic, a significant and stately historical herb.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $+.,5
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Medicago sativa
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 500
Price: $2.35
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"l-anet, True
Alkanna tinctoria
The roots i#part a bright red color and a #ared antiseptic and preser(ati(e property to
alcoholic or oily preparations.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $+.,5
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"loe, &ape
Aloe ferox
-ost highly estee#ed of all #edicinal aloes, #aing a great houseplant* The leaf
#ucilage has a cooling and healing influence.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $+.,5
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"lum 3oot
Huechera richardsonii
Pretty edging plant "ith bell'shaped, "hite flo"ers. )stringent po"der for treating cuts
and scrapes or for #aing a healing #outh"ash.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 500
Price: $2.35
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"nchusa, ")ure
Anchusa azurea
This species is noted for its intense, royal purple flo"ers, as big as &uarters. 1ighly,
highly reco##ended.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $2.35
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"nchusa, Official
Anchusa oficinalis
5ery fast gro"ing plant bearing bright neon deep purple scorpioid inflorescences,
loaded "ith nectar.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.35
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"ngelica !et '4 p-t*
6ndi(idual pacets of 2iant Purple )ngelica, )ngelica Official and 7ong'&uai.
Price sho"n is at a discount. !o substitutions, please.
Price: $8.95
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"ngelica, Giant Purple
Angelica atropurpurea
The giant lea(es, purple ste#s and enor#ous "hite flo"ering u#bels are absolutely
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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"ngelica, Official
Angelica archangelica
-edicinal gardens cra(e the presence of this, the official species. :itter aro#atic,
anti#icrobial and car#inati(e.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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"nil del /uerto
Verbesina encelioides
4triing, profuse yello" #ini'sunflo"ers "ith gray'green foliage. The herb is #ade
into an anti'infla##atory sal(e.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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"nise, Official
Pimpinella anisum
The s"eet and spicy seed is a uni(ersal fla(oring agent, e##enagogue and
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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"rchangel '5ead 6ettle, Purple*
amium atropurpureum
The plant does "ell in borders as a lo"'lying bedding plant; bloo#s handso#ely early
in the spring. The cold infusion is used as a douche for treating (aginal bacterial
infections or candidiasis.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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"rnica chamissonis
Arnica chamissonis
)rnica is a treasure. <ields "ell fro# #ultiple flo"er stals, easier to gro" and
spreads #ore (irulently than ). #ontana; #edicinally interchangeable
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.35
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"rnica montana
Arnica montana
This is the official )rnica that pro(ides the basis for ho#eopathic re#edies, oil
infusions, co#presses and sal(es.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $+.,5
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"rticho-e, Globe
!ynara scolymus
)rtichoe is a pleasant tasting (egetable bearing a bitter leaf "hich pro(ides an
e=cellent digesti(e tea. )lso used to treat indigestion, li(er disease, arteriosclerosis,
gallstones and obesity.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: +0
Price: $2.35
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"rugula '3o7uette*
"ruca sativa
!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 200
Price: $2.85
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Checout !o"
#erula assa$foetida syn. #erula foetida
.>ood of the 2ods, 7e(il?s 7ung/
@are and co#pletely a"eso#e; a giant steeped in tradition. @oots yield an oleo'gu#'
resin that is an acti(e e=pectorant, antispas#odic and spice.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $5.,5
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%ithania somnifera
Aasy to gro", unusual and useful, also increasingly popular herb for selling. 7ried root
is a 2inseng'lie tonic of the )yur(edics.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $+.,5
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Asphodelus ramosus
)ncient plant, "ith aloe'lie lea(es and an acrid root that "as once used #edicinally
and as glue.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $+.,5
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"stragalus, &hinese membranaceus 'uang .i, 8ellow 9eader*
Astragalus membranaceus
Bing of Chinese tonic herbs, increasingly popular for ho#e use or #aret. 6t is
particularly good to use during recuperation fro# debilitating illness and for protecting
the body against side effects of che#otherapy.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.35
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Atractylodes macrocephala
The plant bears large, scaled, egg'shaped buds that open in the fall to re(eal #agenta
blosso#s, rese#bling e#ergent sea ane#ones. The rhiCo#e is used in Chinese
#edicine as an aro#atic tonic in treat#ent of chronic gastroenteritis and as a chi tonic
to pro#ote the adrenals and help resurrect flagging se=uality.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $+.,5
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&eum urbanum
1andso#e blue'green plant "ith yello" flo"ers. )stringent tea is used as a s"ish to
treat sore gu#s, oral ulcers.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#alloonflower ':ie Geng*
Platycodon grandiflorum
The unopened flo"er is striing blue'purple balloon. The bitters"eet, 2inseng'lie
root helps thin and eli#inates phleg#.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 200
Price: $2.35
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#alsam, &hinese
Impatiens balsamina
The fleshy ste#s bear #asses of highly decorati(e pin, purple and la(ender flo"ers
"hich re#ain co#ely throughout the su##er. The entire plant is loaded "ith healing
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#alsamroot, "rrowleaf
'alsamorrhiza sagittata
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.35
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.Auropean :arberry, Co##on :arberry/
'erberis vulgaris
1edge plant and "indbrea, loaded "ith berberine.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.35
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#asil !et ';; varieties*
6ndi(idual pacets of )frican :asil, Cinna#on :asil, 2ree :asil, 2eno(ese :asil,
1oly :asil, Bha Prao :asil, Bili#an$aro :asil, Oriental :asil, 4ia#ese :asil, 4"eet
Dettuce Deaf :asil and Thai :asil
. Price sho"n is at a discount. !o substitutions, please.
Price: $2+.95
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#asil, "frican
(cimum canum
@are, #inty'tasting )frican :asil sporting decorati(e plunging race#es. Tea against
persistent headache, #igraine, fe(er, "or#s and rheu#atis#, incense to "elco#e the
ne"born, and to dri(e a"ay e(il spirits.
More Info
!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#asil, &innamon
(cimum gratissimum
A=cellent choice for nurseries. )ro#a of cinna#on.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#asil, Genovese
(cimum basilicum
!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.85
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#asil, Gree-
(cimum minimum
) tiny hu##oc of a plant, rese#bling a Dilliputian Oa tree, but redolent "ith the
finest of :asil aro#a.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#asil, oly '<rishna tulsi*
(cimum sanctum
:est 1oly :asil for te#perate gardens. 2reen ste##ed. >rost'hardy. 1ighly aro#atic
plant of the )yur(edic tradition. )ntifungal and antibacterial.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#asil, <ha Prao
(cimum sanctum
Purple'ste##ed (ersion of holy basil. This (ariety so#eti#es preferred by )yur(edic
!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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Checout !o"
#asil, <iliman=aro
(cimum kilimandscharicum
Tropical perennial bush basil gro"n as an annual in te#perate areas. :eautiful and rare
species fro# Aast )frica. Plant gro"s to 9 feet or taller, and spreads to a dia#eter of +
feet. Esed as a digesti(e condi#ent and #edicinal tea.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $+.,5
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#asil, Oriental
'asil) (riental
!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.85
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#asil, !iamese
(cimum basilicum
1ighly (igorous, purple'flo"ered (ariation on the Thai type; lea(es s#all, te=ture
delicate, aro#a and taste unco##only good, "ith licorice undertones.
!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#asil, !weet 9ettuce 9eaf
(cimum basilicum
Prolific producer. 2ood #aret basil. Darge, thic lea(es. :est for pesto.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#asil, Thai
(cimum basilicum
This is a sho"y, globe'shaped plant "ith #ediu#'siCed, lance'shaped lea(es, green at
base of plant and purple to"ard the ape=, flo"ers purple to bronCe. 4picy (ariety
preferred for Thai cooing.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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.Fa='-yrtle, Candleberry/ Myrica cerifera
%-yrtle "a=% #aes e=cellent candles "hich e#it a pleasant, balsa#ic odor "hen
burned. The root bar, "hen dried and pounded fro# the roots, is #ade into a tea or
tincture, a (aluable sti#ulating astringent e#ployed for treating diarrhea and
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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Polymnia uvedalia
The ste#s bear opposite, +'lobed lea(es that rese#ble the foot print of a bear, flo"ers
birght yello" and blac. The resinous root is a traditional specific re#edy for
enlarge#ent of the li(er and spleen.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $+.,5
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Checout !o"
Atropa belladonna TO01& "ll parts of the plant are potentially to2ic.
!odding, dar, bell' shaped flo"ers gi(e "ay to large, soft, shining blac berries, a
(ery char#ing but insidious plant. 7ry leaf contains atropine and scopala#ine "hich
are narcotic and antispas#odic.
More Info
!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $+.,5
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#ergamot !et '4 varieties*
6ndi(idual pacets of Da(ender :erga#ot, De#on :erga#ot, and @ed :erga#ot.
Price sho"n is at a discount. !o substitutions, please.
Price: $8.95
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Checout !o"
#ergamot, 9avender
Monarda fistulosa
-aes tight clusters of la(ender, long'tubed flo"ers that attract hu##ingbirds and
children to nibble. >antastic fresh cut flo"er and tasty tea herb.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#ergamot, 9emon
Monarda citriodora
.De#on -int, Purple 1orse -int/
The flo"ers and decorati(e bracts are colored outrageously purple, bloo#ing -ay to
)ugust, occurring in #ultiple dense "horls on the s&uare ste#s, attracting butterflies,
hu##ingbirds and herbalists to the garden. The lea(es are deliciously le#on'scented.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 200
Price: $2.35
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#ergamot, 3ed
Monarda didyma
.:ee :al#, Os"ego Tea/
@are. The red'flo"ered :erga#ot, highly aro#atic and decorati(e, is surely one of the
#ost striing of !ati(e )#erican "ild plants, "ith a long history of use in #edicine.
The tea or tincture of the plant is delightfully tasty, a general car#inati(e and digesti(e,
also useful for treating the co##on cold.
More Info
!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $9.,5
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#ilberry '>uropean #lueberry, Whortleberry, #illberry*
Vaccinium myrtillus
The tannin and anthocyanin'rich berries of this plant are both astringent and
antibacterial, #aing the# a preferred treat#ent for all types of diarrhea, also for
i#pro(ing eyesight .especially night (ision/ and (ascular health. 6ndelible purple dye.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $+.,5
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#ishop$s (lower
Ammi ma*us
4hade tolerant plant bears heady "hite u#bels. The seed is an aro#atic tonic to the
digestion, also e#ployed to treat an unusual disease no"n as (itiligo, "here the sin
loses its pig#entation in patches. see also Bhella.
More Info
!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: +00
Price: $2.35
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Polygonum bistorta
!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: +0
Price: $+.,5
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Checout !o"
Solanum dulcamara 6ot for sale to W" state.
The red berries are sho"y but poisonous. Do" dosage of tincture or tea of dried ste#s
is used for treating sluggish li(er, obesity and #aladies of the sin related to poor
assi#ilation of fats.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#lac- &ohosh
!imicifuga racemosa
4triing foliage and tall "hite race#es. The tincture of fresh root is antidepressant,
pain relie(ing, sedati(e, peripheral (asodilating, antispas#odic and anti'infla##atory,
specific for treating tinnitus .ringing in the ears/, and is custo#arily used to control the
infa#ous %hot flashes% of #enopause.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $+.,5
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#lac- !eed '#lac- &umin*
+igella sativa 9arge doses not to be used during pregnancy.
The ethereal, blue and "hite flo"ers rest in a cloud of ferny, green leaf. 4#all a#ounts
of the seeds are eaten as a condi#ent; also used for treating indigestion, appetite loss,
parasites, "ater retention and fe(er.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#lessed Thistle
!nicus benedictus
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.35
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#loodflower 'Wild 1pecac*
Asclepias curassavica
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.35
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Sanguinaria canadensis
)(ailable Gune to )ugust.
,hese seeds are fresh) short$lived) cool$stored and available for immediate delivery
during the months of -une through August only. (rders received outside these months
/ill be backordered and delivered as soon as the ne/ seed is harvested. 'ackordered
items /ill not incur additional shipping charges. !redit cards /ill not be billed until
the seeds are delivered. #or best results) so/ seeds immediately upon receipt.
:loodroot is a delicate and beautiful "oodland plant of the Poppy fa#ily. The sap of
the plant, especially abundant in the rhiCo#e .the root/, is bright red and loaded "ith
the alaloid sanguinarine; an e=pectorant and anti'cancer.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $,.,5
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#lue &ohosh
!aulophyllum thalictroides
:eautiful three'lobed, light'green lea(es and purple berries. Co#bined "ith other
fe#ale tonics, the root ser(es to prepare the uterus for birth, but should only be used at
the end of the last tri#ester.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $8.,5
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#lue (lag, Official
Iris versicolor TO01&
Fater'lo(ing nati(e to s"a#ps and lo"lands of the southern and eastern E.4.. :rilliant
(iolet'blue blosso#s (ariegated "ith yello" and "hite, interspersed "ith purple (eins.
:lue >lag rhiCo#e is used in #inute dosage to sti#ulate the ly#phatic flo", to clear
the sin, to treat #enstrual proble#s, fullness of the thyroid, rheu#atis# and herpes.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $+.,5
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"upatorium perfoliatum
Darge and sho"y, bearing #asses of long'li(ed, "hite flo"ers. 7ried leaf and
flo"ering tops #ay be #ade into a tea or tincture to treat colds and flu.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: +00
Price: $2.35
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#orage !et '? varieties*
6ndi(idual pacets of True )lanet, )Cure )nchusa, Official )nchusa, :orage,
1ound?s Tongue HO@ !oI, and 5iper?s :ugloss.
Price sho"n is at a discount. !o substitutions, please.
Price: $09.95
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'orago officinalis
Children lo(e to eat the nodding, blue and purple flo"ers that gladden the heart.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $2.35
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#ryony, White
'ryonia dioica TO01& 6ot to be used during pregnancy.
4triing dioecious (ine nati(e to 4outhern :ritain. @oot rese#bles -andrae, acrid
and cathartic, used in ho#eopathic re#edies or in lo" dosage for treat#ent of
rheu#atis#, gout, cough, influenCa, pneu#onia or sciatica.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: +0
Price: $+.,5
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#uc-thorn, &ommon
0hamnus catharticus
The blac berries are an ingredient in the fa#ous 1o=sey anti'cancer for#ula.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $2.35
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#uc-thorn, !ea
Hippophae rhamnoides
The tree, e(en "hen young and bush'lie, is e=cellent in hedgero"s and
shelterbelts.The fruit $uice is loaded "ith (ita#ins, a#ino acids and antio=idants;
i#pro(es i##une response. Oil of seeds is an effecti(e sunbloc.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 20
Price: $+.,5
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#ugle '!ic-lewort*
A*uga reptans
) pretty creeper, flo"ering in "horls and (ery decorati(e as an edging plant. The
"hole herb is used, dried and #ade into an aro#atic, bitter and #ildly narcotic tea.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: +0
Price: $2.35
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ycopus americanus
2ro"s in and around shallo" "ater. :ugle"eed is used to treat hyperthyroidis# and
2ra(e?s disease. see also 2ipsy"ort
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#undle (lower
1esmanthus illinoensis
2ood dryland nitrogen fi=er and erosion control plant "ith decorati(e seedpods.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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'upleurum falcatum
4lender, branching ste#s bear pretty, yello" flo"ers. The pale'red, bitter root is
official to the Chinese Phar#acopoeia, prescribed as a treat#ent for #enstrual
proble#s and as a febrifuge against #alaria and blac"ater fe(er.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#urdoc-, Gobo
Arctium lappa
1ar(est this highly nutriti(e, blood cleansing and alterati(e root during the first
gro"ing season or at latest in the dor#ant period after first season of gro"th.
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!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#urnet, !alad
Sanguisorba minor syn. Poterium sanguisorba
.4#all :urnet/
4#all :urnet #aes a basal rosette of deeply di(ided lea(es, sending up thi#ble'
shaped flo"ers on long ste#s. 6n ancient ti#es the lea(es "ere infused in "ine or
(inegar and used as a heart tonic and astringent.
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!ource: OP
+ seeds,p-t: 000
Price: $2.35
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#urning #ush
1ictamnus albus
4lo" gro"ing plant produces le#on'scented flo"ers in handso#e, pyra#idal spies
that e#it fla##able puffs of essential oil on hot su##er e(enings. The dried root bar
or lea(es are used to produce a cordial infusion for cal#ing the sto#ach.
More Info
!ource: O2
+ seeds,p-t: 50
Price: $+.,5
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#utcher$s #room
0uscus aculeatus
!ource: OP
Price: $5.,5
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Paper &atalog,Growing Guide
2Sent to you right a/ay via #irst !lass Mail or packed /ith your seed order3
The entire seed selection is a(ailable through the on'line catalog. The paper catalog J
gro"ing guide is reco##ended for those interested in #aintaining a paper reference,
for those purchasing bul &uantities of seed or for those interested in our selection of
#edicinal herb plants and li(e rootstoc.
Price: $2.00 plus shipping
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