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- 4 May 2, 2014- The Event

A , b u s y d ay al~J F J B
C o m m u ni ty d ay o f s ~rvice
B y Vi cki e Wags taf f , seatas aBoeingO'l'Xllobemaster
. It was abusy day at the J oint III landed, which is alarge mili-
Forces Training Base Saturday, tary transport aircraftdeveloped
'April 26. ' for the United States Air Force
'" . The base was host to a,In- . fromthe 1980stothe early 1990s.
"'~:ri'ior-soredrill, c<fntp~tition, Maj. ' ,
r ";CN.S-;-::Army Reserve drills and Soto, the reservist assigned to
~',J ~l!inte~rs joining in a state- assist them.went over-and-above
", ':.coQlJ ;rlUnityday of ser~vice. .. .. . his assigned duties when he
",proxfWCiteIy 140 people. par- , " P.hotos by Vickie Wags taff asked the Ci7 pilot if some of the
, 'tiGrpated<in~J heservice projects, RetManne Sgt. M~rk Schaf~r .volunteers could tou,rthe plane.
.wIth volunteers' joining from. o f Bue~a Park.paints K-Ralls , Ret Army Master Sgt. Woody
~amtIrenaeus Catholic Church alo ngs ld ':. o ther volun~e~rs . Harrington and Ret Marine Sgt
. iri Cypress,Western HighSchool at th~J omt Forc~s Trai ni ng Mark Schafer. both LDS volun-
baseball team from' Anaheim, -eas e In Lo s A lam i to s . teers fromBuenaPark, said they
:wnimey:~apd"Gahr-Key-Clubs, enjoyed their time serving on
,fromCerritos, andlocal members - the base.
.'- of The Church of J esus Christ of "I'malready looking forward to
" Latter-day Saints.. ' . next year" said Schafer.
Maj. Aaron Schilleci greeted .'When asked why they volun-
the volunteers and.briefed them teered, Harringtonsaid.v'This
on work assignments which in~. is aservice project and it makes
.eluded removing debris fromthe me feel good.todo something for
flight line, painting K-Rails and someone else."
weed clearance. 'Mem b ers o f the Whi tney .The First Aid Station at J FfB
'The activities may not seem' Hi gh Scho o l Key C lu b f ro m ,was manned' by Rich'Olson and
'very important," said Schilleci, Cerrltos parti ci pate i n a Kory Mikesell who delivered
"but they provide- much-needed s~ate-wid,: d ay o f com~u~ water tothevolunteers. They also
help to abase that Is s taffed nlty servrce 'at the J Oi nt participated in apractice activity
,~I?ost1y'hy~ee]{end reservists.rj' F:f>i"C~STrai~ing B as e inLos with Fountain Valley, calling in
"";"Teams,c(ifiy'olunteers were led A J am lto s . Pi ctu red f ro m lef t .statistics the J FfB, event.,
:i"by aNa'tiQ'i!af: Guard Reservi~f "~~ A;qeel, ~ti, Sheli a Kri s h, ',There "werefive Ham radio
~'tvo'a~'s}sf'!d them in .their ait<E:!iza~~m~:CtJ ~plogo and 'J o,- operators, which 'amounted to .
,s,igned'areas: ..~\ . s eph C rls o lo 99 nearly one radio per each tearn,
"1bis:wasn'tt1i~dit:sttimeonthe Approximaiely 1,800 cadets that maintained contact with
base fotm~y of the volunteers. weie,;QQ.",tUeflight 'Uae:.practic- Olson, regarding their location
Lasty~~olunteers didsimilar ing Wi
tt'ite:in:S,e1Tmlttg":fromas .and needs. They treated one vol-
<de,cw~p'-' J e,cts! .~u~\Y:h~!,.~et farai1ay,:as$,:~< <~,'c ~Guarnto untee~f~r ~~derate bleeding at'
;;".. . p ce participate. <.; " ..,th~ pamting SIteand another was'
," er Alongwith of the ~tr..a!lSP'orted:l!(impulling.weeds
se :dtlll~, helicopte ',~ ped up. to the ~r~t aide station for heat
.'P" . 'C'.'."" .'" '..ta k f exhaustion. -
.1earns aSSlgfJ e" I' e so'. .
,'. d b""ff'l';~":th 'fi(iit By the end of the day, 560vol-
removing . e I1~~.:,!t!l)..';:e . g. unteer hours were donated '
line were treated to' afront row .

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