Y4 Eng Revision 100Q

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Year 4( ) English Revision 1

1. Franny ______ personal hygiene.
a. practices b. practice
2. go to be! ______.
a. every b. early
". #here$re t%o ____ in the &iel!.
a. chil! b. chil!ren
4. Everyone !rin's eight ____ o& %ater.
a. glass b. glasses
(. #hey eat &o)r ____ o& brea!.
a. loa&s b. loaves
*. #here$re t%o ____ o& cereal on the
a. bo+es b. bo+
,. #hey br)sh their ___ every !ay.
a. teeth b. tooth
-. li'e to eat ___ an! vegetables.
a. &r)its b. &r)it
.. /e b)ys ten ___ o& mil'.
a. bottles b. bottle
10. #here$re many _____ in the bo+.
a. matches b. match
11. #hey eat a tray o& _____.
a. eggs b. egg
12. #here are many ____ on the hill.
a. sheep b. man
1". 1he %ashes a &e% ____ in the sin'.
a. !ishes b. !ish
14. sa% a ____ b)t he sa% t%o ____.
a. !eer2 !eers b. !eer2 !eer
1(. 3all t%o ____ on the phone.
a. %oman b. %omen
1*.#he ____ are crying lo)!ly.
a. baby b. babies
1,. 4y ____ is very pain.
a. &eet b. &oot
1-. help a blin! ___ to cross the roa!.
a. man b. men
1.. Fry a ____ or t%o ____ in a pan.
a. &ish2 &ish b. &ishes2 &ishes
20. 4any people ran &or their _____.
a. li&e b. lives
21. 1)e ___ her time %isely yester!ay.
a. spen!s b. spent
22. 1he ___ brea'&ast at , o$cloc' 5)st
a. eats b. ate
2". /e ____ some maga6ines last night.
a. rea!s b. rea!
Year 4( ) English Revision 2
24. 4ary practice! _____ the piano.
a. plays b. playing
2(. %aite! &or the b)s at a __ to one.
a. 7)arter b. 7)ater
2*. Fr)it ___ vegetables taste goo!.
a. b)t b. an!
2,. ___ the right &oo! 'eeps me
a. Eat b. Eating
2-. /ealthy &oo! ____ me energy.
a. give b. gives
2.. /e ____ chess last 4on!ay.
a. plays b. playe!
"0. ____ a scrapboo' last night.
a. ma'e b. ma!e
"1. 1ya&i' ____ stamps last year.
a. collects b. collecte!
"2. #hey ____ hopscotch every
a. playe! b. play
"". 4imi __ to complete her home%or'.
a. %ant b. %ants
"4. /e gr)mbles that he __ no time.
a. has b. have
"(. 4ian 8ie ____ a note to her co)sins
a. %rites b. %rote
"*. 1he ____ her co)sin that they
spent their time %ell.
a. tells b. tol!
",. 4y &rien!s ___ b)sy last 1at)r!ay.
a. are b. %ere
"-. _____ a 'ite this morning.
a. &ly b. &le%
".. 9hat !i! yo) ___ last %ee':
a. !o b. !oes
40. 4imi tol! me yo) ___ very %ell in
yo)r test.
a. !o b. !i!
41. ___ the %or' that ___ important.
a. !o b. !i!
42. ;ag ___ to !o his home%or' to!ay.
a. &orgets b. &orget
4". Yester!ay2 8ohn ___ his &inger.
a. c)t b. c)ts
44. Roy _______ reg)larly.
a. e+ercise b. e+ercises
4(. 1he ___ a balance! !iet.
a. eat b. eats
4*. go ____ in the par'.
a. 5ogs b. 5ogging
4,. <!am ____ every !ay.
a. bathe b. bathes
4-. <na _____ her han!s.
a. %ash b. %ashes
4.. 9e collect clothes ___ the victims.
a. to b. &or
(0. 1ophie=s coins are ____.
a. her b. hers
(1. E!%in=s clothes are ____.
a. his b. him
(2. /e ____ )se! clothes &rom his
a. collects b. gives
(". /e ____ an! p)ts the clothes into a
a. &ol!s b. %ashes
(4. /e ____ the )se! clothes home.
a. !rives b. ta'es
((. #he orphans %ere happy to ____
the boo's.
a. receive b. receive!
(*. #hese shoes are belong to <!am.
#hey are _________.
a. hers b. his
(,. #his te!!y bear belongs to yo). t
is ______.
a. yo)r b. yo)rs
(-. #hese coins belong to me. #hey are
a. me b. mine
(.. #his co)ntry belongs to )s. t is __.
a. )s b. o)rs
*0.#)rn right ___ 8alan mpian.
a. to b. into
*1. >o ____ the bri!ge.
a. over b. along
*2. love to ri!e ___ a car.
a. on b. in
*". love to cycle ___ to%n.
a. in b. on
*4. #en ____ travel in a boat to %or'.
a. %oman b. %omen
*(. Nine men ri!e their ____ to %or'.
a. bicycle b. bicycles
**. ?ina has to %or' at night b)t she
!oes not _______.
a. complain b. complains
*,. 1he _____ the orphans to se%.
a. teach b. teaches
Year 4( ) English Revision 4
*-. #he %or' %as !i&&ic)lt b)t she
never ____ )p.
a. gives b. gave
*.. 4y &ather %or's as a gar!ener &or
a &e% _______.
a. &amily b. &amilies
,0. starte! playing ban!minton %hen
____ seven years ol!.
a. am b. %as
,1. #he &armer %as poor ____ he %as
a. an! b. b)t
,2. /e ______ to ma'e a !i&&erence.
a. try b. tries
,". 1ang @ancil ____ that 1ang
/arima) %ante! to eat him.
a. 'no%s b. 'ne%
,4. /e ____ behin! the tree 5)st no%.
a. hi!es b. hi!
,(. #hey gr)mble! lo)!ly b)t they
__ not get the roc' o)t o& the %ay.
a. !o b. !i!
,*. Amat ____ a strong branch an!
place! it at the bottom o& the roc'.
a. &in!s b. &o)n!
,,. #he s)ltan ____ very please! %ith
the yo)ngest son.
a. %as b. %ere
,-. #he boo' is _____ by Bi C)n Y)n.
a. %rote b. %ritten
,.. >ala) %ante! to &in! a ne% chie&
_____ he %as getting ol!.
a. b)t b. beca)se
-0. /e _____ beca)se he trippe! over
a stone.
a. &alls b. &ell
3ircle the stresse! syllables.
e+ercise stranger nternet
mysel& open helmet
&amily ha%'er tro)ble
!iet pilot a!!ress
happily collector imme!iately
&ootball re&)se permission
optician &lorist in5)re
!entist acci!ent photograph
&ishmonger mechanic greengrocer
engineer another parents

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