SSR American Literature

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SSR American Fiction Project

As we read different types of American literature in class, you will read a self-selected fiction book that
takes place in America outside of class time. The SSR Book Reading Proect pro!ides you with the
freedom to e"plore a piece of American literature that is interesting to you# $ou will work on this
proect at your own pace o!er the ne"t few weeks. Take this opportunity to e"plore a new, challenging
The SSR Book Reading Project is divided into four parts:
READ the entire book within the four-week time limit, keeping track of your reading on your
daily reading log.
WRTE !and type"# a detai$ed ana$ysis of your book by answering the %uestions listed below
using &'A format guidelines (double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 margins).
%REATE a poster ad!ertising your book and PART%PATE in a class-wide ga$$ery &a$k with
your fellow classmates#
PART : B''( SE)E%T'* A*D READ*+:
&ake sure you !isit the (ountain )alley *igh School library and you will ha!e time to select a
fiction book of your choice. &ake sure your book is an appropriate length and that it is about an
appropriate subect
+hoose a book that appeals to you. Read the back co!er,skim a chapter,read about the
author. +arefully pre!iew your options and choose a book that best suites you#
*ow do you get the reading done- Take ad!antage of BAT# n addition, you are responsib$e
for bringing your book to this c$ass on a dai$y basis- .ccasionally, / will gi!e you time to
read in class. Also, read your book at home, at a coffee house, at the local library, or your
fa!orite %uiet place.
Record your reading on your reading log. $ou are e"pected to complete a minimum of two
entries per week. Stop and reflect on your reading after you read appro"imately 01 pages. By
doing the math, you can see that / am e"pecting you to read about 12 pages a week. &ake it
happen, scholars#
PART : A*A).SS /0EST'*S !A*SWER * %'1P)ETE SE*TE*%ES, '2 %'0RSE"#:
3hat is the title of your book and who is the author- 3hat is their background-
3hat is the setting of your no!el and how does the setting affect the no!el4s mood- Pro!ide an
e"ample. 3hat does the setting show about America-
+hoose two main characters in your no!el and describe three of their personality traits. Pro!ide
e!idence 5at least one e"ample for each trait6 to pro!e how each personality trait applies to these
characters. 3hat kind of !iew of Americans do these character portray-
3hat is the main conflict in the no!el- *ow is this conflict resol!ed- Be sure to discuss
specific plot details and character in!ol!ement. *ow is this conflict American-
3hat is the theme5s6 of the no!el- 7"plain the connection to other American literature.
.!erall, how does this no!el portray America and Americans- 8se e!idence to support your
Continue on the bac
+reate a poster to supplement your re!iew of the no!el. The !isual must be 9 : ; " <<;
5minimum6 and include the tit$e and author of your no!el
The poster must include pictures 5drawings, symbols, computer graphics, maga=ine cut-outs,
etc.6, which highlight important concepts from the no!el 5setting, mood, conflict, theme6.
The poster should include three or more of the following>
o A list of characters and their role in the no!el and how they are a reflection of Americans
o /mportant %uotes 5and page numbers6 that e"plain a !iewpoint of America
o A list of conflicts in the no!el and what they show about America
o The no!el4s theme5s6 and connection to other American literature
The purpose of the poster is to explain the view of American your author portrays in the novel.
All posters will be viewed and assessed by your classmates during a class-wide gallery walk!
The poster must be co$orfu$ and neat. Posters done in pencil will not be accepted.
1rs- Taireh3s Reading )og %heck444- Every Tuesday"
2inish reading book by---444444-- 5555555555555555555555555
SSR Book Reading Project due44--4--5555555555555555555555555

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