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2014/3/26 -NO.

to be protected
Mother Belajaa
expresses gratitude
New battles
in Aleppo
Coordination body.. Turkish intervention adds insult to injury
Anfal battle
controls Point 45
Victory in the Coast to be continued
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (428) 2014/3/26
Anfal battle controls Point 45
Opposition: civilians to be protected
Battles between Syrian army
and opposition fghters are
still going on in Latakia coun-
tryside, where opposition
fghters have taken control
on 45 military observation
station after bombing Syrian
army headquarters. Offcial
source said Syrian Army re-
pelled armed groups attack on
area 45 and cont controlled
all surrounding sites.
Anfal battle issued a state-
ment stressing its commit-
ment to protect all civilians
who did not shed blood, ex-
plaining that protecting Syr-
ian people is one of its pri-
orities. The statement also
stressed the militants com-
mitment in respect to inter-
national law, avoiding all
civilian sectors, including
schools , hospitals and wor-
ship houses, expressing their
willingness to allow the ac-
cess of humanitarian aids.
Page NO.3 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (428) 2014/3/26
Victory in the Coast to be continued
New battles in Aleppo
Clashes in Qunaitira and Hama.
Aleppo council won`t
join Shariah board
Blast in Deir al-Zour
Several opposition battalions
announced the start of Coast
Victory battle in Jsr Al Shg-
hour, Idleb countryside in or-
der to lessen pressure on in-
Aleppo council denied carrying
out consultation to join Shariah
board, stressing that the coun-
cil is an independent entity, as
it doesnt have any plan to go
under any organization.
A car bomb exploded in Dier
al-Zour killing a number of
insurgents while preparing the
rigged car, according to offcial
sources. On another context,
deadly clashes took place be-
tween Syrian army and opposi-
tion militants around the mili-
tary airport and brigade 137.
surgents in the Syrian coast,
saying that Jsr Al Shghour is
now a military zone, and call-
ing on civilians to evacuate the
city within forty-eight hours .
Fighting between Syrian
army and opposition mili-
tants increased around Air
Force Intelligence HQ, where
unoffcial media sources said
that Syrian army held an ur-
gent meeting after opposi-
tion militants control over all
army points in Aziza village.
In another context, a recent-
ly-circulated video shows
Fierce smashes erupted be-
tween opposition fghters and
Syrian army in Quneitra coun-
militants executing two Sau-
di men on charge of fghting
alongside ISIL.
tryside, where Syrian army
killed militants while trying to
infltrate from Dawea town to
Ein Basha in Quneitra coun-
tryside. In Hama countryside,
FSA controlled on al-Samman
checkpoint, coinciding with
heavy fghts between FSA and
Syrian Army on the outskirts of
Mork city and al-Dajen check-
Page NO.4 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (428) 2014/3/26
Coordination body.. Turkish intervention adds insult to injury
Mother Belajaa expresses gratitude
National coordination body
issued a statement condemn-
ing Anfal battle and the
Turkish intervention in the
battle taking place on the
Syrian coast saying, For the
Mother Belajaa , head of St.
Thecla monastery in Maalou-
la, explained during contact
with Asharq Alawsat News-
paper that the nuns are now
leading a normal life and
waiting for the appropriate
ffth day, militants continue
attacking civilians , taking
advantage of Turkish forces
logistic support, what we
consider a clear violation of
U.N. international law.
circumstances to return to
the monastery in Maloula.
Mother Belajia pointed out
that all that she said before
the exchange process came at
a request from a Lebanese se-
curity offcer , who asked her
to pass thanks to Syrian Pres-
ident Bashar al-Assad ,Qatari
Emir Tamim Bin Khalifa Al-
Thani and Lebanese offcer
Abbas Ibrahim , believing
that this comes in coordina-
tion with Syrian authorities.

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