Shaaban . Presidential Election On Time Syrian Army in Raqqa Soon

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Opposition unites

2014/3/4 -NO. (406)

Phone numbers
for Jihad!
Foreign Ministry.
Ban Ki-moon not
ISIL leader
Jarba in Kuwait..
Shaaban . Presidential
election on time Syrian
Army in Raqqa soon
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (406) 2014/3/4
Opposition unites
Phone numbers for Jihad!
New operation room in Qalamoun faraway
Damascus countryside
Northern Storm brigade
joined Islamic fronts al-
Tawhid brigade ,provide
that the frst should change
its name into al-Tawhid bri-
gade and stop infghting at
Bab-Salama border crossing.
In a related context, Islamic
Caliphate Dawn battalions
joined al-Nusra provided they
should fght only in Andan
in Aleppo countryside.The
armed groups seek through
Saudi sheikh Abdullah Ma-
hiseny called all fghters
leaders to support Sheikh
Najar front, he also appealed
to all Muslim merchants to
fund Jihad, warning that Syr-
ian Army will dominate on
24 battalions in Qalamoun
formed Qalamoun operation
room which is isolated from
al-Nusra operation room and
other armed groups, trying to
impose its decisions on other
battalions, sources reported.
Six citizens were killed by
an airstrike at Zakia town in
Damascus countryside, Op-
position stressed.While Syr-
ian Army is advancing in
Aqaba region, Yabrud fght-
ers killed three Syrian Army
soldiers.Syrian Army am-
bushed fghters in Eastern Gh-
outa, killing all of them and
seizing a vehicle full of quali-
tative weapons , military
source reported On the other
hand, ferce battles erupted
between Syrian Army and
opposition fghters in Jobar
and Yarmouk Refugee Camp.
Opposition claimed that Syri-
an warplanes bombed Douma
and al-Zabadani towns.
these military alliances to re-
structure armed groups and
launch negotiations aiming
to integrate the Islamic Front
into FSA, sources mentioned.
The Islamic Front denied that
it will stop its military opera-
tions against ISIL fghters and
won`t accept full interpreta-
tion for Islamic low.Media
sources talked about a mass
grave in Meyer after ISIL
fghters retreat. Subsidiary
ammunition warehouses for
al-Nusra were exploded in
Kafar town, according to op-
position sources.
Eastern Aleppo regions, op-
position reported.He allocat-
ed a phone number through
whats up to join fghters,
in addition to phone num-
bers to collect denotations for
Save Aleppo battle.
Page NO.3 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (406) 2014/3/4
ISIL leader killed Shaaban . Presiden-
tial election on time
Syrian Army in
Raqqa soon
Shells fred at Hama, Aleppo and Damascus
Jarba in Kuwait..
ISIL leader Khatib al-Ema-
raty was killed by clashes be-
tween units of Kurdish People
Protection in Hasakah coun-
tryside, opposition sources
stressed.Islamic Front domi-
nated on one of ISIL headquar-
ter between Hasakah and Deir
Mortars hit several areas in
Damascus and its country-
side killing fve citizens.A
mortar shell was fred at al-
Khalidia neighborhood in
Aleppo, resulting in two
killed.In Hama, a rocket
propelled grenade killed a
female civilian.
Syrian Coalition head -Ah-
mad Jarba will be Syria rep-
resentative in Arab League
in next Kuwaits summit
which will be held in next
March, adding that Haitham
al-Maleh will be coalition
permanent representative,
National Syrian Coalition of-
fce head in Egypt Qasim al-
Khatib says.
Presidential elections will
be held as scheduled, oppo-
nents can run the elections ac-
cording to Syria constitution,
that the process will be object,
honest and transparent; we do
not accept an international
observance , Political and
media adviser to the Presi-
dent of Syria Dr. Bouthaina
Shaaban stressed.We do not
have to postpone elections;
life goes well in Syria, unless
emergency events stand out
she said in an interview with
al-Mayadeen TV.It is expect-
ed that Syrian Army will ad-
vance toward Raqqa during
two months, she announced.
We make every effort pos-
sible to stop bloodshed in
Syria, so we decide to attend
Genve again, she stressed.
Ezzor, opposition claimed,
adding that many Hasakah
tribes decided to drive out
ISIL fghters in the wake of
suicidal operations by them.
In Raqqah, ferce clashes
erupted between ISIL fghters
and Islamic Front.
Page NO.4 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (406) 2014/3/4
Foreign Ministry.Ban Ki-moon not neutral
Al-Assad Congratulates Aleppos students
Precautionary seize on MTN assets
UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon statements
on Syria are not acceptable;
he should implement UN
decisions related to terror-
ism combating, instead of
his subjectivity, Foreign
and Expatriates Ministry
The Syrian president
Bashar al-Assad surpris-
ingly showed upwhiletop
students were honored,
giving them warm con-
gratulations for their re-
markable excellence . Stu-
dents who achieved full
marks in the Basic Edu-
cation Certifcate exams
in Aleppo were attending
a ceremony under the pa-
tronage of the First Lady
Asma al-Assad.
The Ministry of Com- munication and Tech-
nology asked the com- petent government
authorities to inform the Syrian company of
communications about any dues, possessions,
transferable and non- transferable assets of
MTN Company in or- der to bemarkedto en-
sure the collection of the public funds.The
request came after a resolution sentence by
Administrative Judi- ciary Court in Damas-
cus has been issued about the precaution-
ary seize on MTN as- sets. The sentence aims
to ensure 12,148,045 Syrian pounds and it is
associated with execu- tive measures.

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