Yarmouk Between Al-Nusra and ISIL: Rockets at Latakia

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Rockets at Latakia

2014/3/10 -NO. (412)

Observatory illegal
Maaloula nuns..
al-Nusra good with us
ISIL leader threatens
America and Israel
Syria opposition at Arab League
Yarmouk between
al-Nusra and ISIL
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (412) 2014/3/10
Yarmouk between al-Nusra and ISIL
Rockets at Latakia
Poisonous gases in Jobar
Heavy clashes in Yarmouk
Refugee Camp between
Palestinian factions and op-
position fghters have erupt-
ed again, as well as food
aids intromission stopped ,
sources stressed. The sourc-
es added that al-Nusra as-
sassinated some of Pales-
tinian factions members
and arrested many persons ,
whereas ISIL stormed the
camp ,arrested about 30 per-
sons and executed 21 others.
6 rockets were launched at
some of Latakia neighbor-
hoods , injuring 16 civilians
. It worth mentioning that
the attack coincided with
chemical weapons transmis-
sion, chemical weapons
are safe, source stressed .
Five civilians in Jobar were suffocated by poisonous gases that used by Syrian Army,
activists claimed.
Page NO.3 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (412) 2014/3/10
Rima orchards recaptured
ISIL Emir killed
Aleppo massive grave
between opposition
including father Paulo
Syrian Observatory illegal
Opposition fghters failed
to reclaim Rima orchards
and retreated to their origi-
nal headquarters at orchards.
In another context, Truth
Sword Brigade joined Syria
revolutionaries front at al-Za-
wia mountain.
ISIL announced that its
military Emir Abu Makrama
al-Ansary was killed, in ad-
dition to his assistant Abo
Wahib in Syria
Civil Defense Members revealed a massive grave committed
by ISIL in Aleppo countryside, sources stressed.
Adjutant General of Ar-
Raqqah revolutionaries bri-
gade declared that they will
launch prisoners-exchange
with ISIL ,provided that the
last should release all civilian
and military kidnapped per-
sons and hand over corpses to
their families if they found. Fa-
ther Paulo is one of the kid-
napped ,source stressed.
Revolutionary Command
Council of Damascus and its
countryside stressed that Syr-
ian Observatory for Human
Rights is illegal foundation and
has worked for Syria govern-
ment interest , asking Syria
revolution forces to delegiti-
mize it.
Page NO.4 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (412) 2014/3/10
Female students forbidden from learning
FSA fragmented
Coalition condemns
Zara massacre
Syria opposition at Arab League
ISIL stormed scientific
institutions and dismissed
female students, that af-
ter ISIL ordered man-
agers not to teach female
Interim government s De-
fense Minister-Asaad Mus-
tafa admitted that some of
opposition fighters take
advantage of revolution,
the reason which pursued
Opponent coalition con-
demned Zara massacre which
took place in Homs country-
side and charged Syrian Army
and Hezbollah with, blaming
international community .
Arab League supplemented
procedure to hand over Syria
opposition , Secretary Gen-
eral Nabil al-Arabi stressed.
On the other hand, Syrian
Opposition Coalition Lead-
er-Ahmad Jarba called Arab
Foreign Ministries to sup-
press the so called Bashar
al-Assad aggression against
Syrians , demanding to list
Hezbollah, Abu Fadal al-
Abbas brigade and ISIL
on terrorism organizations.
some leaderships to aban-
don it. He said that Com-
mand Staffs reached Zero
stage at fields, justifying
chief-of-staff, Salim Idris
Page NO.5 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (412) 2014/3/10
ISIL leader threatens America and Israel
Maaloula nuns .. al-Nusra good with us
Supreme Council of Local Administration
ISIL leader threatened United States and Israel by suicidal persons and direct confronta-
Maaloula nuns were re-
leased according to prison-
ers-exchange, where Syria
State deal to release more
Supreme Council of Local ad-
ministration have formed in
Turkish Gaziantep. The coun-
cil announced for establish-
ment between National Co-
alition, interim government
than 150 prisoners. Mother
superion-Pelagia Sayaf said
that al-Nusra fghters treat-
ed them very well.
and Syrians and putting basic
ground of civil leadership in-
stead of military leadership,
whereas Local Administration
Ministry of Ahmad Taama op-
posed the council formation.

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