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NOPIANTO (12011126)
RENI AGUSTINA (12011150)

STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru



Praise to God all praise belongs to Allah SWT. Which has provided a healthy favor and
had the grace and blessings we could finish the paper that had the title HISTORY OF PUBLIC
Through this paper, we hope readers can learn the history of public health. On this
occasion, we are also grateful to:
1. H. M. Harris Kampay, S.Pd, M.Pd. as a lecture of english.
2. All those who have helped us in writing of completion this paper.
Such expressions, Tak ada gading yang tak retak, as well as writing a paper that's very
far from perfect. We welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism from readers to
improve the quality of this paper. we hope this paper can be useful and add to the knowledge of
all those in need.



INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Formulation ..................................................................................... 1
1.3 Destination ..................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ..................................................................................... 2
2.1 History of Public Health ............................................................................... 2
2.2 The Development of Public Health ............................................................... 2
CHAPTER III ClOSSING ......................................................................................... 5
3.1 Knot ............................................................................................................... 5
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 6




1.1 Background
Society of healthy in indonesia begin dutch public since 16 century. Society of health in
indonesia begin some efforts to eradication of pustular skin eruption and cholera which society
feel afraid. Cholera come to indonesia since 1927 and 1937 that happen of cholera eltor. Then
pultular skin come to indonesian since 1984.
In 19th century, society of health develop by carrefuly, society of health mean that effort of
integration beetwen sanitation science and medic science. Where as medic science means that
integration of biology science and social science. Because society as object to apply medic
science and sanitation has social economi aspect and culture which very complex. Finally society
of health mean that combination of aplication beetween medic science, sanitation, and social
science to prohibit some disease that can happen in society.
In guide line, diciplin of science which proph up health science, or always call as pillar
principal society of health, there are epidemilogy, biostatistic, circles of health, education of
health, behavior science, society of health administration, nutrient of society and work of health.
Society of health problem is multicausal science then the solution must be multidicipline.
Then society of health as art or practic has wide spread.

1.2 Problem Formulation
Related to the background of the study, there are some problems that may arise. The
writer identifies the problems as follows :
1. How the history of public health ?

1.3 Destination
In this paper aims to know about the history of public health



2.1 History of Public Health
Talking about public health can not be separated from the two figures, namely Asclepius
and Higeia. Based on the Greek myth, Asclepius was a physician first, while it Higeia was an
assistant who then told the wife also had health efforts. The difference between Asclepius with
Higeia in approach or treatment health problems was Asclepius approached or treatment of
disease. While higeia taught his followers to approach the problem through a balanced life ",
avoid eating or drinking poison, eating nutritious foods and exercising.
From Greek myth story, Asclepius and Higeia, finally emerged approach in handling the
problem of health. The first group tended to wait for the occurrence of disease or after illness, and then
referred as the curative approach (treatment), This group is generally consists of doctors, dentists,
psychiatrists, nurses, and medical personnel. While the second group as higeia approach disease
prevention efforts and improving health (promotion) before the illness occur. In this group to include
community health workers or public health institutions. In a further development then arises as if the
dividing line between the two groups curative health care and preventive health services.

2.2 The Development Of Public Health
History development of society, not only assessed when the advent of science, but both
were assessed before the development of modern science.
a. Period before science.
From the most extensive culture such as Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Rome have
noted that humans have made effort to tackle the problem of public health and diseases. At this
age also acquired a notes that has built public latrines, although the reason of of made by the
latrin is not because of health. Similarly, public made the well at that time for the reason that the
drinking water flowing river that was dirty it feels uncomfortable, not because the river water can
cause disease.
Then at the beginning of the 1st century to the 7th century, public health was more
important, because many disease began to attack the majority of the population that has became
epidemic in some areas have became endemic. Cholera disease has been recorded since the 7th

century spread in Asia, especially the Middle East and South Asia to Africa. India was mentioned since
the 7th century has been the center of endemic cholera disease, lepra has also spread from Egypt to small
asia and europe by the emigrants.
On 14th century began the most devastating Pes plague in china and india. In 1340 recorded 13
million people died of Pes plague, and in India, egypt and gaza reported that 13,000 people died every
day because of the plague Pes.
From such records can be seen that the public health problems, especially the spread of
communicable disease was so widespread and terrible, public health prevention efforts as a whole has not
been done by the people of his time.
a. Period science
The rise of science in the late 18th century and early 19th century had a broad impact on all
aspects of human life, including health.
Besides, in this century, science began find a variety of vaccines as a causes of disease and
disease prevention, such as Louis pasteur succesfully to find a vaccine to prevent smallpox, Joseph Lister
found carbolic acid to sterilize operating rooms, and William Marton found ether as an anesthetic when
Investigation and public health efforts scientifically began in 1832 in England. at that time the
majority of British people infected cholera epidemics, mainly in people who live in the urban poor. Edwin
chadwich is a social expert as chairman of the committee finally reported the results of his investigations
as follows: public living in a condition of poor sanitation, population wells adjacent to the flow of dirty
water and human waste disposal, waste water flowing open irregular, food sold in many markets
surrounded flies and cockroaches.
In terms of public health services in 1855, the American government has established health
departermen the first time. it was function departermen organizes health services to people, including
repair and monitoring environmental sanitation, sanitary workplaces, factories, and etc., in 1848 John
Simon was appointed by the British government to address the issue of population health.
At late 19th century and early 20th century began developed education for professional
health workers. In 1893 John Hopkins, a merchant of baltimuro American whiskey spearheaded
the founding of the university, and in which there are schools (faculties) medicine. and Started
medical school in 1908 began to spread to Europe, Canada, and etc..
In terms of public health services, in 1855 the U.S. government has established health department
first. it departments function keehatan organizing health services for the public.


c. The Development Of Public Health In Indonesia
the history of health development in Indonesia since the Dutch government began the 16th
century . Public health in Indonesiaaz at that time began with the effort to eradicate smallpox and cholera
were afraid public at that time, the dutch govermenth did effort of public health
However, in other areas of public health, in 1807 when the governor general rule Deandels, has
done training traditional midwives in the practice of labor. This work is done in order to decrease the
infant mortality rate is high at that time.
In 1851, the javanese doctor school has founded by dr. Bosch, head of the civilian and military
health care and dr. Bleeker in Indonesia. Then, it school then known as STOVIA. After that in 1913 was
founded the second doctoc school in Surabaya, namely as NIAS, in 1927 STOVIA changed to medical
school and finally since Indonesia university was founded in 1947 changed to Indonesian university
medical faculties.
In 1992 the bubonic plague to Indonesia and in 1933, 1934, 1935 pes eradication program done
by DDT on people's homes and also mass vaccination.
At the time of independence, one of the important milestones in the development of public health
was introduction of the concept of Bandung (Bandung plan) in 1951 by Dr. Y. mena and dr.patah. in this
concept that was introduced in the public health services, curative and preventive aspects can not be
separated. This implies significant in developing the health care system in Indonesia these two aspects can
not be separated either in hospitals or clinics.



3.1 Knot
Talking about public health can not be separated from the two figures, namely Asclepius
and Higeia. Based on the Greek myth, Asclepius was a physician first, while it Higeia was an
assistant who then told the wife also had health efforts. The difference between Asclepius with
Higeia in approach or treatment health problems was Asclepius approached or treatment of
disease. While higeia taught his followers to approach the problem through a balanced life ",
avoid eating or drinking poison, eating nutritious foods and exercising.
History development of society, not only assessed when the advent of science, but both
were assessed before the development of modern science. When period before sciences At this
age also acquired a notes that has built public latrines, although the reason of of made by the
latrin is not because of health. Similarly, public made the well at that time for the reason that the
drinking water flowing river that was dirty it feels uncomfortable, not because the river water can
cause disease.
In this period the development of science, exactly the late 18th and early 19th century,
the greatest impact on the health problems especially diseases. at this time there are 4 important
events that have influenced the development of public health. Such as In this period, a variety
cause of disease, and vaccines as disease prevention, Investigation and public health efforts made
in 1832 in England. This is due to the cholera outbreak. For that the British Parliament created a
commission of inquiry, In the late 19th century and early 20th century began to develop health
education, In 1855, the U.S. government established the Ministry of Health. Its function is
organized for public health services, including the supervision of environmental sanitation.



Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2007. Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Ilmu Seni. Jakarta : RINEKA CIPTA.

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