Decision Making Assignment

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Report on Market Research for the Computer Hardware Plc.

Submitted To
Mr. Dan Sookun (Lecturer)
Icon College of Technology and Management
Submitted By
Mashukur ahman
Id. !"#$
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 1 of 26
For a business to be successful, it is vital to know the market and customers profile. This
can be done by an intensive research through various methods of data collection which
will help to making decision about a new venture. Market research can help create a
business plan, launch a new product or service, fine tune existing products and services,
expand into new markets etc. It can be used to determine which portion of the population
will purchase the product/service, based on variables like age, gender, location and
income level. It can be found out what market characteristics your target market has. ith
market research companies can learn more about current and potential customers. The
purpose of market research is to help companies make better business decisions about
the development and marketing of new products. Market research may also aid to the
marketers to understand the customer and customer behaviour and also help to know how
and which type of product has been satisfies the customers.
!ccording to Kotler and et al "#$$%&'"(g')))&,*Marketing research is the
systematic design, collection, analyse and reporting of data relevant to a specific
marketing situation facing on organisation.+
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 2 of 26
Primary Data
(rimary data is specific information that is collected directly by the person who analyse the
data and information also doing research. (rimary data are collected for the first time. This
data has not been published before collection.
!ccording to Avasarikar et al "#$$,&'"(g').%& *It is the data collected for a
specific purpose or for a particular ob-ectives. It is customised according the
re.uirements of the researcher. It exclusively focuses on current research problem.+
!s per Kotler and et al "#$$%&'"(g'))/&, *(rimary data is a information collected for
the specific purpose at hand.+
Purpose and advantages of Primary data
Basic and specific information
0y using primary data marketers can get basic and specific information about the
(rimary data is more accurate because it is directly collected from the population.
Update information
0y using primary data researcher may get the latest and up'to'date information
about the product and services and also its environment.
Unbiased data
(rimary data collected and processing by researcher. Therefore, the information
might be unbiased.
Secondary data
1econdary data is data that is already collected, processed and published by other person
for the particular reason. It is less expensive than the primary data. This data also can be
collected .uickly and be collected from T.2, radio, maga3ine, books, literature review etc.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. of 26
!s per Avasarikar and et al "#$$,&'"(age').%& stated that, *1econdary is collected
earlier for some purpose other than the purpose of the present research study.+
They also said that, *1econdary data as a matter of fact, provides fundamental and
rich insights into research study.+
!s per Kotler and et al "#$$%&'"(g'))/&, *1econdary data is a information that
already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose.+
Sources of primary data
!s a researcher and observer all primary data were collected by muself. For collecting the
primary data used two methods'
4uestionnaire is one of the important observing, analysing and research instrument for
use the market research. 5enerally, .uestionnaire is a series of .uestion in a paper, which
makes for the getting information from respondent that means collect the information from
potential customers about the product and product related environment.
!s per Brown "#$$6&"(age'$7&, *4uestionnaires are many written instruments that
present respondent with a series of .uestions or statements to which they are to
react either by writing out their answers or selecting form among existing answers.+
It one of the important medium for the market research. 0y this method,
marketer/researcher directly conduct with the customers. !nd he takes the short interview
about the product and .uickly gets the information from the potential customers. Interview
may be face to face or by telephone or may be postal interview. Face to face interview is
the better than the other interview methods.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 4 of 26
*8ustomer interviews is a discussion with customers and uses of pro-ects
deliverables to determine re.uirements and needs...
Interviews are techni.ues for one'on'one uses needs assessments.+
Kendrick (2000) The Project Management.2000 Edition. (Page-40)
In this research, applied face'to'face interview method and 6$$ people were interviewed
on the streets of 9ondon as well as near :niversities and computer stores.
utcome of interviews
!ustomer profile "#o$%&' based on age
In total 6$$ people were interviewed, their age range are given following by table;
<ange of age 8ustomer "fre.uency&
6= to #= #=
#= to )= )$
)= to /= #$
/= to above #=
Total 6$$
(able) %&
The following chart shows the how customer profile based on age appear on a
column chart;

!*art no) %&
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. ! of 26
The column chart represents the total 6$$ people were interviewed. !mong the 6$$
people, #= people were interviewed their age range is 6= to #=. !nd )= people were
interviewed they are #= to )= years old. !ge range of )= to /= years old, the
number of customer were #$. !t last #= people were interviewed their age range
was /= to above.
!ustomer profile "#o$%+' based on ,ender
!mong the 6$$ interviewees, == people were male and rest of the people were
female. Those are following by graphically;
!*art no) %+
The pie chart shows the == male were participating in the interviewed and /=
female also participate in the interview.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 6 of 26
!ustomer profile "#o$%-' based on ccupation
8ustomer profile based on occupation presents graphically in following;
!*art no$%-
The pie chart provides that students are the highest participants among the other
participants, which is )= percent. )$ percent participants are office staffs that are
also participate in the interview. !nd rest of the people are households and others
people whose are also participating in the interview and their proportion was #=, 6$
percent respectively.
Finally, after analyse the all customer profile it is clear that, among the all
participants most of the participants are young "#=')=& aged. !nd also male
interviewees are slightly more than the female interviewee. 1tudents are highest
participants among the other participants. 1o, it also is clear that young man those
are students that people were more enthusiastic about participating in my interview.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. " of 26
Data Analysis
Question no ) %& Do you *ave an own computer."Desktop or /aptop'"Appendi0 #o) %&'
!*art no$%1
The column chart represents that, ,$ percent respondents have own desktop or
laptop. !nd )$ percent respondent have no either desktop or laptop. 1ince, most of
the people have an own computer. 1o, there are huge opportunities for Computer
Hardware Plc to establish a computer hardware store in 9ondon market.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 8 of 26
$ 6$ #$ )$ /$ =$ 7$ ,$ %$
@wn 8om'
?umber of respondent
Question number) %+ 2%- "Appendi0 %+ and %-'
Aata analysis based on customer profile number'$)
!*art no$%3
This column chart shows the more than 7, percent office staffs have been use own
printers and scanners. Then the second highest category is students. More than 6,
percent students have a own printers and scanners and rest of the students have
no any printer or scanner. !nd 6# percent respondent who are households they are
also used own printer and scanner. !t last, in other category, B$ percent interviewee
said that, they have no own printer and scanner. Finally, it is clear that office staff is
the highest proportion that are use the printer and scanner. 1o, office staff should
be the target customer for 8omputer Cardware (lc for increasing sales volume of
printer and scanner.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 9 of 26
1tudents Couseholds @ffice 1taffs @thers
7, 6,D
), 6#D
#$, 7,D
6, 6$D
#B, %)D
##, %%D
6$, ))D
B, B$D
@wn (rinter E 1can'
8ategory of Interviewee


Question number) %1 4ow muc* money *ave you spend annually on computer
*ardware. "Appendi0 %1'
Aata analysis based on customer profile number'$)
8ategory Students 4ouse*olds ffice Staff t*ers
(ercentage "D& %$D of )= "#%& ,=D of #= "6B& %=D of )$ "#7& ,$D of 6$ ",&
"!pprox. amount&
F=$ to F6$$ F6$$ to F6=$ F6=$ to F#$$ F6$$ to F6=$
(able) %+
"?.0. In this table, consider only highest proportion of every customer category.&
This table represents that, office staffs are spend the more money for purchase the
computer hardware which is F6=$ to F#$$ annually "approx. figure&. Couseholds
and others category were also spend the money yearly between F6$$ and F6=$ for
buy the computer hardware. !t last, student who is the category those are spend
comparatively less money then the other category, which figure is F=$ to F6$$ per
Question number) %3 2 %5 6ould you like cordless keyboard 2 mouse.
"Appendi0 %3 2 %5'
Aata analysis based on customer profile number'$6
#har$ no.06
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 10 of 26
6='#= #=')= )='/= /='above
#), B#D
6%, 7$D
7, )$D
6%, ,#D
#, %D
6#, /$D
6/, ,$D
,, #%D
8ordless Geyboard E
<ange of !ge


This column chart represents that, most of the respondent "B#D&, those are 6= to #=
years aged, they are preferred the cordless keyboard and mouse. @ver aged
people "/= over& those people also preferred the cordless keyboard and mouse,
which is ,# percents. ,$ percents respondents those are )= to /= years old, they
have no interest about the cordless keyboard and mouse. !nd among the #= to )=
years aged interviewees, 7$ percents like the cordless keyboard and mouse and /$
percents are like to avoid the cordless keyboard and mouse.
Question number) %7 4ave you use your monitor as a television. "Appendi0 %7'
"6ould you like t*e (8 !ard.'
Aata analysis based on customer profile number'$#
(8 !ard
!*art no$%7 !*art no$%9
The two pie charts represent that, among the all male respondent, 7$ percents were
dislike the T2 card, and /$ percents were preferred that they like to use the monitor
as a television. here as most of the female "%BD& were like to use the monitor as
a television. !nd few proportion of female "66D& were dislike the T2 8ard.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 11 of 26
Question number) %9 4ow often do you c*ange your computer. "Appendi0 %9'
Aata analysis based on customer profile number'$#
!*art no$%: !*art no$&%
The two pie charts show that, most of the male and female were used the computer
two or less then two years, which is /= percents and =$ percents respectively. !lso
same proportion of man and woman who have been used the computer only one or
no more then then one year, which is )$ percents. !nd #= percents male
respondents who have been use the computer three or no more then three years.
@n the other hand, #$ percents female were used the computer three or less then
three years.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 12 of 26
!ccording to Bharat Book Bureau, estimated or forecasted market demand of computer
hardware in :G is F6#.#B billion at end user prices in #$$,. !nd it is increased by #.6D
within the one year. Therefore, it is very clear that in :GHs market demand of computer
hardware is expanding day by day. 1o, it is a very good prospect/chance for Computer
Hardare P!c. to enter in the 9ondon hardware market.
!s a market analyst I think that, before penetrate in the market !omputer 4ardware Plc$
should research the external environment of 9ondon computer hardware market. Cence,
for the research of external environment I applied the (I1T9I analysis method which is
discussed following;
P;S(/; Analysis
(I1T9I analysis is a one of the analytical techni.ue which is use for analyse the external
environment. The external environment is also called macro'environment and it refers to
aspects in the environment over which the firm has no control over.
P;S(/; stands for'
( J (olitical Invironment
I J Iconomic Invironment
1 J 1ocial Invironment
T J Technological Invironment
9 J 9egal Invironment
I J Icological Invironment
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 1 of 26

<acro ;nvironment of Business
Political ;nvironment
This refers that what is happening politically in the environment in which government runs
the country including areas such as tax policy, employment laws, attitude of government
officials, types of government in power, environmental regulations, trade restrictions and
reform, tariffs and political stability.
*Marketing decision are strongly affected by developments in political environment.
This environment is composed of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups
that influence and limit various organi3ation and industries. 1ometimes these laws
create new opportunities for businesses. For example, mandatory recycling laws
have given the recycling industry a ma-or boost and spurred the creation of do3ens
of new companies making new products from recycled materials.+
Kot!er" P.(2000) Marketing Management.
The Mi!!ennium Edition.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 14 of 26
The :GHs government promots the computer learning at schools and others educational
institutions, which is the very good opportunity for Computer Hardware Plc. to penetrate
into the london hardware market.
;conomic ;nvironment
This refers what is happening within the economy, for exampleK economic growth/ decline,
interest rates, demand, exchange rates and inflation rate, wage rates, minimum wage,
working hours, unemployment "local and national&, credit availability, cost of living, etc.
Social ;nvironment
1ocial environment refers that what is occurring socially in the markets, cultural norms and
expectations, health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career
attitudes, emphasis on safety, global warming, language, education levels etc.
The information literacy rate in 9ondon is nearly 6$$ percents. It is a great opportunity for
Computer Hardware Plc to exploit and to give the better products at competitive prices.
(ec*nological ;nvironment
!ccording to /ancaster and et al (2002)" #Technology has a ma-or environmental
influence upon the marketing firm. It affects not only the firmLs operations and
products but also consumersL lifestyles and consumption patterns. Management
must be aware of the impact of technological changes.+
:G is the first world country in this universe. !nd 9ondon is the capital city of :G.
Therefore, 9ondon city is very advanced in technology that is very good external
opportunity for the Computer Hardware Plc.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 1! of 26
/egal ;nvironment
This relates to the laws of the governs and societies in which the firms operates and it
includes a consideration in the following factors;
Imployment laws "Minimum wages, working ages etc&
Investment laws
Cealth and safety laws etc.
In :GHs there are no legal constraints to enter in the market. 1o, The Computer Hardware
P!c. can easily starts the business in the 9ondon.
!s per Kotler "#$$)&, *Marketing decision are strongly affected by developments in
legal environment. This environment is composed of different types or laws,
government agencies, pressure groups that influence and limit various firms and
individuals. 1ometimes these laws also create new opportunities for business.+
;cological ;nvironment
(eople and society as a whole are becoming increasingly concerned with natural "ecology&
environment and business firms are now expected to consider in their plans how to
preserve the environment. 1o, before start the business, The 8omputer Cardware
(lc.should to consider this issue.
The Computer Hardware Plc. will target that get the 6$ percents market share in the first
operation as well as leading to an increase at 6# percents annually. It could be achieve
through and extensive promotion campaign through the media specialist computer
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 16 of 26
Products launc*ing
Timing for launching the products is represents by 5antt chart in following;
M (roposed date; Nanuary #$6$O
Months >
=ul>%: Aug>%: Sep>%: ct>%: #ov>%: Dec>%:
Sorting results
4ire outlets
?ecruitment 2
!*art no$&&
This gantt chart shows that, The Computer Hardware Plc. was started the market
research from middle of -uly #$$B to mid'august #$$B. !nd also sorting the result in
second part of month of !ugust #$$B. Then in september #$$B 8omputer Cardware (lc.
was busy for the hired outlets. !fter hiring the outlets 8omputer Cardware (lc. spend the
one and half months for recruitment and provided training which is 6
october #$$B to
middle of november #$$B. For promoting the products 8omputer Cardware (lc taking time
from middle of ?ovember to middle of Aecember. !nd finally products are launching after
middle of Aecember.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 1" of 26
Demand forecast for The Computer Hardware Plc.
Istimated demand of several products for the next 7 months
Months >

Jan-2010 Feb-2010 Mar-2010 Apr-2010 May-2010 Jun-2010 Total
In units
Monitor 290 29! 00 00 0! 10 1800
Printer 2!0 2!! 2!! 260 26! 2"0 1555
ard dri!e 80 8 8! 8! 90 9! 518
"canner 110 112 11! 118 118 120 #$%
&eyboard 1!0 1!! 1!! 160 162 16! $'(
Total 880 $00 $10 $2% $'0 $#0 551%
(able) %-
The line chart shows the monthly forecasted sales;
!*art no$&+
The line chart represents that, estimated sales figure of The Computer Hardware Plc. for
Nanuary #$6$ to Nune #$6$. The Computer Hardware Plc. expected that in -anuary #$6$
the sales figure will be total %%$ units. Then the next sixth months it will be gradually
increases by more than 6# percents annually.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 18 of 26
Nan Feb Mar !pr May Nun
Istimated Ae'

;stimated Sales ?evenue and ;0penditure for The computer Hardware
Plc. "@rom =an>+%&% to =une>+%&%'
(able) %1
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 19 of 26
<ont *s =an>+%&% @eb>+%&% <ar>+%&% Apr>+%&% <ay>+%&% =un>+%&% (otal
Sales ?evenue
A-3B%%% A-:B%%% A-+B%%% A1+B%%% A11B%%% A13B%%% A+-7B%%%
8ost of sales 'F6#, $$$ 'F6), 6$$ 'F6#, =$$ 'F6), ,$$ 'F67, $$$ 'F67, %$$>A91B &%%
@perating 8ost 'F7,$$$ 'F7,$=$ 'F=,%$$ 'F7,6$$ 'F7,#$$ 'F7,#=$ >A-5B 1%%
!dminist rative Ixp. 'F=,$$$ 'F/,%$$ 'F/,B=$ 'F=,$$$ 'F=,#$$ 'F=,6=$ >A-%B &%%
!dvertisi ng Ixpenses 'F#,$$$ 'F),$$$ 'F6,/$$ 'F),#$$ 'F),)$$ 'F),=$$ >A&5B 1%%
8ost of (romoti on 'F#,=$$ 'F#,7$$ 'F6,B$$ 'F#,,$$ 'F#,,=$ 'F#,B=$ >A&3B 1%%
@ther Ixpenses 'F6,#$$ 'F6,$$$ 'F6,6$$ 'F6,#=$ 'F6,)$$ 'F6,)=$ >A7B+%%
Interest and Tax 'F6,/$$ 'F6,=$$ 'F6,==$ 'F6,7$$ 'F6,=,= 'F6,7#$ >A:B+13
(ot al
>A-%B &%% >A-+B %3% >A+:B +%% >A--B 33% >A-5B -+3 >A-7B 5+%>A&:9B913
(rofits A1B:%% A5B:3% A+B9%% A9B13% A7B573 A7B-9% A-9B&33
Istimated profits of 8omputer Cardware (lc. from Nanuary'#$6$ to Nune'#$6$ appear on
the graph;
!*art no$&-
This line chart represents that, The Computer Hardware Plc. expect that in Nanuary'#$6$
profit will be nearly five thousands pounds. From Nanuary to February it will be increases
gradually. 0ut from February to March The Computer Hardware Plc. expected that profits
will be steadily decreases by more than four thousands pounds. Then, from March to !pril
The Computer Hardware Plc. expected that profits will be dramatically grows up which is
more than eight thousands pounds. Then the next two months profits will not be great
increases or decreases that means it will be gradually up and down.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 20 of 26
!orrelation !oefficient
Analysis of !oefficient of !orrelation between Sales ?evenue and Advertising !ost
!dvertising cost is denoted by HxH
and 1ales <evenue is denoted by HyH
?ow, as a business analyst I have to find out that is there any relationship have or not
between x and y. That are following below;
(a*%e: 0!
8oefficient of 8orrelation is denoted by HrH.



Formula of H r HP

[ N


x 2][ N


y 2]

6668900000 16400 2"000


[ 64840000 16400 2][6949!000000 2"000 2]
1o, r P $.B, ":sing 8alculator&
1ince, r P $.B,. That means when variable x is increase that time variable y also
increases. Therefore, there are strongly positive correlation between two variables
"!dvertising cost and 1ales <evenue&.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 21 of 26
=an>+%&% #$$$ )=$$$ /$$$$$$ 6##=$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$
@eb>+%&% )$$$ )B$$$ B$$$$$$ 6=#6$$$$$$ 66,$$$$$$
<ar>+%&% 6/$$ )#$$$ 6B7$$$$ 6$#/$$$$$$ //%$$$$$
Apr>+%&% )#$$ /#$$$ 6$#/$$$$ 6,7/$$$$$$ 6)//$$$$$
<ay>+%&% ))$$ //$$$ 6$%B$$$$ 6B)7$$$$$$ 6/=#$$$$$
=un>+%&% )=$$ /=$$$ 6##=$$$$ #$#=$$$$$$ 6=,=$$$$$
? P 7





y2 xy
In following correlation between !dvertising cost and 1ales <evenue are shown by
!*art no$&1
The !ine o$ %e&t $it also represents that the two variables are strongly positive correlated.
This line chart also shows that when advertising cost decreases that time sales revenue
also decreases. !nd when advertising cost increases that time sales revenue also
increases. 1o, The Computer Hardware Plc. should not be worried about advertising
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 22 of 26
6$$$ 6=$$ #$$$ #=$$ )$$$ )=$$ /$$$
9ine of 0est Fit

!as* Budget
8ash budget is a one of the important business planning mechanism or tool which aid to
the managers anticipate the expected cash inflows that means cash receipts and outflows
that mean cash payments for a budget period. 8ash budget ensure and makes the
provision for minimum cash balance has to be maintained all time.
!ccording to 4orne et al "+%%9' "Pg>&9%'C ! cash budget is arrived at through a
pro-ection of future cash receipts and cash disbursements of the firm over various
intervals of time. It reveals the timing and amount of expected cash inflows and
outflows over the period studied.+
Benefits and significance of !as* Budget
Planning tool
8ash budget is a planning tool. The ma-or benefit of the statement of cash flows is
that users may get the reasonably detailed picture of a companyHs operating,
investing and financing transactions involving cash.
@orecasting t*e @uture needs
8ash budget forecasts the future needs of funds, its time and the amount well in
advance. It, thus, helps planning for raising the funds through the most profitable
sources at reasonable terms and costs.
<aintenance of cas* Balance
8ash is the basis of li.uidity of the enterprise. 8ash budget helps in maintaining the
li.uidity. It suggests sufficient cash balance for expected re.uirements and a fair
margin for the contingencies.
!ontrolling !as* ;0penditure
8ash budget acts as a controlling device. The expenses of various departments in
the firm can best be controlled so as not to exceed the budgeted limit.
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 2 of 26
;valuation of Performance
8ash budget acts as a standard for evaluating the financial performance.
Bank Purpose
The management demonstrate of the ability of company its working capital ability.
Its also represents the lifeblood of a company. Many lenders and or creditors lend
the money to the company after reviewing the companyHs cash budget. 1o, to
getting loan company should be prepared and maintain the cash budget statement
ProDected !as* @low Statement
The Computer Hardware Plc.
"@rom =anuary>+%&% to =une>+%&%'
=an>+%&% @eb>+%&% <ar>+%&% Apr>+%&% <ay>+%&% =un>+%&%
!as* ?eceive)
<eceipts from 8ash 1ales A-&B3%% A-1B-+% A+:B11% A-5B&+% A-9B+9% A-9B+3%
(urchase F67,$$$ F6#,$$$ F6),$$$ F6/,$$$ F6),,$$ F##,$$$
(urchase Fixed !ssets F7,$$$ ''''' F6$,$$$ '''' '''' ''''
1taff 1alary F),$$$ F#,%$$ F),6$$ F#,=$$ F#,,$$ F),#$$
!ll other overheads F/,#$$ F),=$$ F),%$$ F),=$$ F/,6$$ F/,=$$
Tax '''' '''' '''' F#,=$$ '''' ''''
Total "A+:+%%' "A&9B-%%' "A+:B:%%' "A++B3%%' "A+%B3%%' "A+:B7%%'
Surplus "Deficits' A+B-%% A&5B%+% "A15%' A&-B5+% A&7B79% A33%
8ash in 0ank "F%,$$$& "F=,$$& F6$)#$ F%B7$ F#)/%$ F/6#7$
!losing Balance "A37%%' A&%-+% A9:5% A+-19% A1&+5% A1&9&%

Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 24 of 26
!vasarikar, A.(. and Ar.8hordiya, 1.0."#$$,& Marketing <esearch. 6
"(age' ).%&
Corne, N. and achowic3, N. "#$$%&, Fundamentals of Financial Management. 6)
Idition "(g'6%$&,(earson Iducation 9imited.
Gendrick"#$$$& The (ro-ect Management. #$$$ Idition."(age'/$&
Gotler, (. !mstrong, 5. ong, 2 and 1aunders, N."#$$%& (rinciples of Marketing. =
Iuropean Idition."(age')))&
Gotler, (. !mstrong, 5. ong, 2 and 1aunders, N."#$$%& (rinciples of Marketing. =
Iuropean Idition."(age'))/&
Gotler, (."#$$$& Marketing Management. The Millennium Idition.
Gotler, (."#$$)& Marketing Management. 66
9ancaster, 5 and Massingham, 9 and !shford, <."#$$#& Issential of Marketing. /
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 2! of 26
6. Ao you have an own computerQ "Aesktop or 9aptop& >es ?o
#. Ao you have a printerQ >es ?o
). Ao you use a scannerQ >es ?o
4. Cow much money have you spend annually on computer F=$'F6$$ F6$$'F6=$ F6=$'F#$$
=. ould you like cordless keyboardQ >es ?o
7. ould you like cordless mouseQ >es ?o
,. Cave you use your monitor as a televisionQ >es ?o
"ould you like the T2 8ardQ&
8. Cow often do you change your computerQ R 6 year R # years R ) years
B. ould you like laptop with a webcamQ >es ?o
6$. Ao you like optical mouse and optical keyboardQ >es ?o
66. ould you like combined printer and scannerQ >es ?o
Mashukur Rahman Id: 4098 Business Decision Making Page no. 26 of 26

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