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Attempt all question

1. Trisect an angle of 75 . [5]

2. Find the approximate length of the circumference of the circle with radius
30mm. [5]
3. Construct an ellipse haing a ma!or axis and minor axis 110mm and 70mm
respectiel" [5]
#. $raw the pictorial pro!ection of a plane perpendicular to %.&. and inclined to
&.&. and '.&. [5]
5. $raw three plane pro!ections
(top iew) front iew and
profile iew* in an" angle
with dimensions of a +loc,
model which is gien
+elow. [10]
-. . hexagonal p"ramid +ase 30mm side and axis -5mm long is resting on its
+ase on the '.&. with 2 edges parallel to %.&. /t is cut +" a sectional plane
perpendicular to the %.&.) inclined at #5 to the '.&. and intersecting the axis
at the point 25mm a+oe the +ase. $raw the front iew) sectional top)
sectional side iew and true shape of the section. [10]
7. Construct an .rchemedian spiral for one complete reolution when the
greater radius is e0ual to 50mm. [5]
1. . line .2 50mm long is inclined at an angle of 30 with the '.&. and parallel
to the %.&.. $raw the pro!ections and determine its trace when the end . is
15mm infront of the %.&. and 10 mm a+oe the '.&. [5]
Attempt all question
1. Trisect an angle of 75
2. Find the
approximate length of
the circumference of the circle
with radius 30mm.

3. Construct an ellipse haing a ma!or axis and minor axis 110mm and 70mm
respectiel" [5]
#. $raw the pictorial pro!ection of a plane perpendicular to %.&. and inclined to
&.&. and '.&. [5]
5. $raw three plane pro!ections (top iew) front iew and profile iew* in an"
angle with dimensions of a +loc, model which is gien +elow. [10]
LEVEL: B.Arch. B!ch"#$r %& Arch%'"c'(r")
SUB*ECT: +,AFTIN- .I F(## M!r/0: 50
TIME: 3300 hrs. P!00 M!r/0: 20
LEVEL: B.Arch. B!ch"#$r %& Arch%'"c'(r")
SUB*ECT: +,AFTIN- .I F(## M!r/0: 50
TIME: 3300 hrs. P!00 M!r/0: 20
-. . hexagonal p"ramid +ase 30mm side and axis -5mm long is resting on its
+ase on the '.&. with 2 edges parallel to %.&. /t is cut +" a sectional plane
perpendicular to the %.&.) inclined at #5 to the '.&. and intersecting the axis
at the point 25mm a+oe the +ase. $raw the front iew) sectional top)
sectional side iew and true shape of the section. [10]
7. Construct an .rchemedian spiral for one complete reolution when the
greater radius is e0ual to 50mm. [5]
1. . line .2 50mm long is inclined at an angle of 30 with the '.&. and parallel
to the %.&.. $raw the pro!ections and determine its trace when the end . is
15mm infront of the %.&. and 10 mm a+oe the '.&. [5]

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